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E-mails for examination



Before writing Formal Letter/E-mail your are to consider-

  • Do I know the reader? Does the reader know me?

  • Would a personal contact or e-mail be more appropriate?

  • What do I want this letter to accomplish?

  • What question do I need to ask?

  • What would I like the reader to do for me?

  • Have I suggested a course of action?

  • Have I given the person enough background?

  • How would I feel if this letter were addressed to me?


  How to use formal English

.  •       Use the right tone or register) of language.

  • Avoid everyday, colloquial language; slangs or jargon.

  • Avoid contractions (I'm; it'// etc.)

  • Avoid emotive, subjective language (terrible, rubbished etc.)

  • Avoid vogue words such as nice, good, get etc.

  • Yon should always be polite and respectful, even if complaining.


The  length of   E-mail

      It should be short and precise.

  • Your address, but not your name, usually goes, in the top right hand corner

  • The name and address of the person you're writing


What do To, Cc, Bcc mean

  • Cc is carbon copy and is exactly the same as To. The only difference is the "status" of the message. Cc indicates that you are getting a copy but are not the primary addressee. For example use To for a company and Cc for the Better Business Bureau when sending a complaint to a company. Bcc is blind carbon copy and is hidden. It is used to send out a mailing without everyone knowing the other addresses. When you use Cc or Bcc you must also have a To address. With Bcc you usually put yourself in the From and Ts,.


Writing Informal letter and E-mails

Main differences between e-mail and letter


  • In general, people use e-mail to quickly exchange time-sensitive information

  • Formal email should initiate the structure of a formal letter.

  • The subject line : SHORT and to the point.

  • The greeting : Use a name of at least a title.

  • Body of message : Short paragraphs. No more than one or two brief sentences, to the main point of your message. A second paragraph might be necessary to reiterate or classify your main points. Be clear about priorities of Items that require immediate action.

  • Accuracy in language and grammar is essential.

  • Signature : That includes your name, official title, company name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and perhaps a hyperlink.





Suppose, you want to go a tour abroad on holidays. Now write an e-mail to the e-mail travel agency asking him to send you details of holidays abroad.                                                    



Bcc :-----------------------------------     

Sent: Wednesday, 20th March, 2021, 4pm

Subject : Seeking information about a tour abroad

Dear Sir,

I like to inform you that I want to make a outdoor tour during the coming summer vacation with your renowned travel agency. I will go to Kathmandu and stay there for five days. I would like to start my journey on 15 July 2013 and return before 23 July 2013.1 also like to visit most of the tourist spots there. So now I would like to know the details of such a package tour. It will be convenient for me if you send me an e-mail informing me of the details of such a tour.

Hope, you will reply me asap informing me of the details.


Thanking you

Shagupta Nasreen

Doulatpur Khulna

Cell phone-019xx xxxxxx





 (Your are advised to write subjects according to the questions) 

Write an email to your pen-friend Jane who lives in Australia about your life style.




My dear Jane,

           How are you? I hope you are quite hale & hearty. I could not write to you because I was awfully busy with my programme. In your recent email you have shown your keen interest regarding our life style. 

           Our country runs on an agro-based economy. People of our country mostly live on cultivation. We live in villages. There are many differences between our life and yours. You will be surprised to know that our house is made of clay with a tin-roof. Our men wear ‘longyi’ and ordinary shirts. Trousers and other western clothing are popular among the younger generation and business people. The majority of women wear ‘sari’ and short blouse. ‘Salwar kameez’, is the modern women’s alternative to the sari. The food we take usually for our meal is hot and spicy. Moreover, many seasonal home made cakes and sweetmeats are eaten in Bangladesh. We celebrate different types of cultural and religious festivals. The people of our country are plain and simple. They are very peace-loving. So we live in our motherland with harmony. No more today. With love.

Your friend,



Suppose you are in UK and doing a course in fashion technology. Now write an email to your friend about various features and your feelings.



My dear ‘A’,

           Your sweet note has anchored my heart. I am glad to know about your interest in my course. You know that I am in Nottingham. I have into an MA course in Fashion & Textiles at Nottingham Trent University for last six months. I realise here that doing a postgraduate degree in fashion enables me to design wonderfully creative clothes. The course also helps me about discovering my own potential. At every step my course has brought me closer to understanding my philosophy towards what I design and why. My strength of knowledge of the subject actually helps me create new boundaries for myself.

           Our course is structured in a way to ease everyone into the rigour that is required later in the MA phase. Initially short projects helped me to overcome the problems. At present group projects make us very interactive. Besides, I think one of the best things about being at Nottingham is the fact that there are so many different people from all over the world. Our unique situation enables us not only to experience each other’s culture vicariously but also be tolerant of our differences. Indeed it’s interesting to see how, consciously or subconsciously, we are bringing parts of our culture and heritage and intermingling them to suit the needs of the course. This is in brief all about various features of our course. I think this is enough to meet your curiosity. With love and best wishes.

Your friend,







Suppose you are given a chance to enjoy a free ride for half an hour by an air company. You can choose either a plane or a helicopter. Write an email to your friend saying which one you will choose and why?



My dear ‘A’,

              I am glad to receive your email. From your email I have come to know about your enjoying summer vacation. In our country now we are enjoying winter vacation. Today I will let you know about an interesting thing.  

              I am happy to inform you that a new air company has offered me a free air-ride for half an hour. I may fly by a chopper or a wide-bodied plane. The choice is mine. I think I would fly by a chopper. The speed of the chopper is slower than that of the wide-bodied plane. Besides, it can fly lower than the plane. These will give me better opportunity to observe the green trees and fields and rivers of our country from the air. But if I fly by a big plane, I will miss many of the beauties of Bangladesh. So I have made up my mind to fly by a helicopter. I hope you will agree with me on this point.

With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about a river journey you made and the reason of choosing a river journey.



Dear ‘A’,

            I received your email the day before yesterday. I shall give you a pen picture of the river journey that I have recently made. We were three in number. We made the journey from Mongla to Paikgachha.

            We hired a big boat. The boatman and the oarsmen were very nice people. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a. m. The sky was clear and the weather was fine. The river was calm. It was full to the brim. Our boatmen rowed for a while and then set sail. The boat began to move smoothly. There were small waves on the river. We enjoyed scenes on both sides of the river. We saw many boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Fishermen were catching fish. Women were seen taking water. We reached a market at 12 o’clock. The boatmen cast anchor. We got down. We had our lunch in the local restaurant. The boatmen took rest for a while. Then they raised anchor. Again we started our return journey. The boatmen tried to reach the destination before sunset. It was late afternoon. The sun was setting. We enjoyed the sunset. The boat moved slowly and we reached our destination. It was dark all around.

            A journey by boat gives a different feeling than the other types of journey. It gives one a chance to relax. This particular journey gave me immense pleasure. It will remain evergreen in my mind.

            This is all for today. Hope to hear from you more. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Suppose you are given an opportunity to buy a double dicker, bus, car, rickshaw or a scooter. Write an email to your friend explaining which one you will buy and why.



My dear ‘A’,

             Best wishes to you. I received your email yesterday. In your email you wanted to know how I am enjoying my life in this new town. Well, life in this town is a real fun; waking up early in the morning, going to school, roaming around with friends, having chat in the canteen and there are a lot more. But one problem is that it is hard to reach my school as it is five miles away from my residence. I usually go by bus but I am looking for a much more convenient method. So my father asked me to choose any vehicle I like for my convenience and he will buy that for me. I preferred a car. I have chosen it because it is faster and much more relaxing than sitting in a bus among a crowd of people.

              However, you please let me know about your life. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger brothers and sisters. Well, that’s all. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours ever,




Write an email to your friend telling him the experience of taking food in a restaurant. 



My dear ‘A’,

          It is many days since you wrote to me. Today I am going to tell you about my experience of taking food in a restaurant. You know our friend, ‘S’. He celebrated his birth anniversary the day before yesterday. On this day he arranged a party at a Chinese restaurant and we the local friends were all invited.

          You will be glad to know that this was totally a new experience for me to have the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant. In the evening we went to his residence by twos and threes. We wished him Happy Birthday. Then all of us together went to the Chinese restaurant which had already been fixed before. There was dim light in the room. As soon as we took our seats, a waiter in uniform came and handed menu to some of us. I was a greenhorn in this regard. So, I didn’t go ahead. Sohel consulted with some of us and placed order. There was no noise like the normal restaurants. Everybody talked in low voice. I kept looking around and listening to the fine music.

          The waiter gave a bowl of soup. We took this with some sauce and pepper extract. It tasted well. Cold drinks were served. Then came fried rice, prawn balls, vegetables and chicken fry. We took the food using fork and spoon. Flavour of food in the restaurant was different from that at home. Aroma was also different and crispy. Really, it was a very delicious dish. My mouth still waters at the thought of those delicious dishes. It was a very nice and enjoyable experience.

          This is all for today. Write to me soon.

Yours ever,



Suppose you are given a chance to enjoy a free ride for half an hour by an air company. You can choose either a plane or a helicopter. Write an email to your friend saying which one you will choose and why?



My dear ‘A’,

              I am glad to receive your email. From your email I have come to know about your enjoying summer vacation. In our country now we are enjoying winter vacation. Today I will let you know about an interesting thing.  

              I am happy to inform you that a new air company has offered me a free air-ride for half an hour. I may fly by a chopper or a wide-bodied plane. The choice is mine. I think I would fly by a chopper. The speed of the chopper is slower than that of the wide-bodied plane. Besides, it can fly lower than the plane. These will give me better opportunity to observe the green trees and fields and rivers of our country from the air. But if I fly by a big plane, I will miss many of the beauties of Bangladesh. So I have made up my mind to fly by a helicopter. I hope you will agree with me on this point.

With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother advising him to read newspaper daily.



My dear 'H',

       Take my very best regard and cordial love at the very beginning of the email. In his last email mother told me you are not interested to read newspaper. I am extremely sorry to know that. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.

     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. Now I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today.

     Convey my earnest respect to mom and dad.

Yours elder brother,



Write an email to your father about the interesting features of your English course.



My dear ‘H’,

            I have received your recent email. I came to know about your studies and other activities. You wanted to know about the system of our English course. It is good for you to know about it because you are going to face this next year.

            The syllabus of S.S.C. English has been fully changed. Traditional system is totally removed from the new plan. There was much opportunity of cramming lessons for the students. As they were addicted to cram, they were losing there originality. The students crammed more instead of learning. So they became weak in English. The authority observed it and planned for a new syllabus. This system of syllabus is called communicative system. According to this syllabus, students must learn the basic knowledge of English, as there is no opportunity of cramming. The main features of this syllabus is, ‘seen comprehension, unseen comprehension, multiple choice, true/false, completing passage, writing similar passage providing on the paper, and other creative and imaginative writings. If any student wants to make a good result, he must possess the basic knowledge, creativity, imaginative power. Different experiences are also necessary for doing well in the examination. As our country is not so much rich in English, it will sometimes bring bad effects for our students. For continuing this system, teachers must be well-trained. I think that the percentage of passing will become less, as most of our students are weak in English. So, I advise you to give more importance in English. 

            Hope you in sound health and joyful time. With love and best wishes.

Your son,



Write an email to your friend thanking him for his birthday present.



Dear ‘A’,

        My birthday passed off smoothly and happily yesterday. But we all missed you so much.

        I received your kind email and charming present just in time. I can realise how much you love me and why you could not come, though you tried your best to do so. Believe me, my dear friend, of all the presents I have got yours is the loveliest. The book you sent me is really praiseworthy. I have long been in need of this book and it has come from you. It would be really very useful to me.

       I heartily thank you for this charming present and I shall keep it as a token of your deep love for me. I shall tell you all about my birthday in my next email.

      With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend inviting him to spend the vacation at your village home.



Dear ‘A’,

            It has been quite a while sine I have heard from you last. I think this was because of the 1st term examination. I hope you have had a very good exam. Mine was not bad and I am looking forward for a good result.

            The school is closed for almost fifteen days due to the summer vacation. I think I need a few days rest after the hard work of the exam. I was thinking to go and spend a few a days in our village home.

            With the green fields and with the cool and calm shade of the trees our village stands on the bank of halda river. The name of our village is ‘Banigram’. About five thousand people live in our village. They live in peace and harmony. The villages are mostly farmers or labourers.  Some are potters, weavers, blacksmiths, fishermen and so on. There is a big market in our village. It is the heart of our village which throbs with the activities of the villagers. There are some brick-built buildings such as the mosque and primary and high school building. There are also a post office, a health-care centre and community centre. Our village has a good road, which links the village with the highway. The village is rich in cultural activities like Jatra, Jarigan, boat-race and bullock-race. Our village is also famous for cottage industries.

            Our village is as peaceful as heaven and it always help me to forget the monotony of the city life. I think it will help you to refresh your mind too. Why don’t you come and stay with me in our village home for a few days.

            I know you can’t say no to me. So, no more today; looking forward for your email to know when you are coming.

Your friend,



Write an email to your younger brother about the bad effects of smoking.



Dear ‘S’,

                Take my very best wishes in the beginning of the email. I was very glad to hear about your brilliant result in the annual examination but on the contrary I became very disappointed when I came to know that you have recently adopted a dangerous habit, you have been addicted to smoking.

                 Dear brother, you can’t even imagine how dangerous smoking is! It is no less harmful than poison. It contains nicotine which can cause lungs cancer, bronchitis, heart disease etc. it ruins the vitality of life and hastens death. It is a fact that smoking is like committing suicide. That is why; I would like to advise you to give up smoking without any more delay. I do believe you can easily give up this bed habit if you are determined enough.

                  No more today. Tender my best regards to parents. With love and best wishes,

Your elder brother



Write an email to your friend describing a train journey.



Dear A,

            Many thanks for your kind note of the 2nd instant. In this email, I am giving you an account of my journey from Chittagong to Dhaka by train. I hope it will give you much pleasure.

            It was Monday. I started for Dhaka from Chittagong Railway Station. Two friends of mine went with me.  We were passengers of the 1st Class compartment. So in the train I was at ease. The train started in time. In the twinkling of an eye it reached Laksam Junction. From Laksam the train started again for Dhaka. Trees, houses and way-side bridges seemed to fly away faster than the fairies or the witches. Soon the train reached Bhairab. Frankly speaking the bridge of Bhairab was a terror to me. The train was moving in a full speed. Mills and factories on both sides of the railway lines seemed to run behind. At 5 p.m. we reached Dhaka. Thus my long journey by train was over.

            This is all for today. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend telling him the experience of taking food in a restaurant. 




My dear ‘A’,

          It is many days since you wrote to me. Today I am going to tell you about my experience of taking food in a restaurant. You know our friend, ‘S’. He celebrated his birth anniversary the day before yesterday. On this day he arranged a party at a Chinese restaurant and we the local friends were all invited.

          You will be glad to know that this was totally a new experience for me to have the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant. In the evening we went to his residence by twos and threes. We wished him Happy Birthday. Then all of us together went to the Chinese restaurant which had already been fixed before. There was dim light in the room. As soon as we took our seats, a waiter in uniform came and handed menu to some of us. I was a greenhorn in this regard. So, I didn’t go ahead. Sohel consulted with some of us and placed order. There was no noise like the normal restaurants. Everybody talked in low voice. I kept looking around and listening to the fine music.

          The waiter gave a bowl of soup. We took this with some sauce and pepper extract. It tasted well. Cold drinks were served. Then came fried rice, prawn balls, vegetables and chicken fry. We took the food using fork and spoon. Flavour of food in the restaurant was different from that at home. Aroma was also different and crispy. Really, it was a very delicious dish. My mouth still waters at the thought of those delicious dishes. It was a very nice and enjoyable experience.

          This is all for today. Write to me soon.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend describing the sports day of your school.



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Write an email to your father about the improvement of your study.



Dear father,

          I received your email yesterday. I am much obliged for your affectionate email and the valuable advice it contains. I think you are anxious to know about my preparation for the ensuing S.S.C. Examination.

              You will be glad to know that I tried to follow your instructions about study for the last few months and I think I have started to get the fruit of my hard work. There has been certain improvement in my recent results. It is true that no one knows what questions will be set in the examination. I have consulted the teachers of the respective subject so that I might have an idea of the nature of questions. However, the rules of English Grammar elude me sometimes. So I feel the need of studying English more. In this regard, I am taking help from the English teachers. I hope to make up this deficiency in the remaining days before the commencement of the examination.

              You often tell me that for success, one must work hard at one’s books from the very beginning and I am glad that I have followed your advice accordingly. I am still working hard, for I do not want to leave anything to chance.

            Please be not anxious about my health. I am taking particular care of it.

With regards to you and mother.

Your elder son,



Write an email to your younger brother advising him to read newspaper daily.



My dear 'H',

       I am extremely sorry to know that you do not take interest to read newspaper. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.

     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. Now I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today.

    With love and best wishes.

Your elder brother,





Write an email to your friend about your favourite sports person.



My dear ‘H’,

            How are you? I hope well by the grace of Almighty. In your last email you have written to me about your favourite sportsman ‘Zidane’ and asked me to write about my favourite sportsman. Today I am writing you about it.

            Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite sportsman. It is said that talents are not created rather they are born. To me, Sachin is an example of that divine power. He is one player the name of whom will ever be written in golden words in the history of cricket. He is called the ‘Cricketing God’ or ‘Little Master’ for his unbelieving performance. He can bat well, he can field well, he can even bowl when the team requires. He is superb in his technique, timing and placement. His strokes are nothing but the reflection of his talent. He is the Highest run scorer in One Day International cricket. He is the highest centurian in both ODI and Test matches. He is the first ever batsman to score 10,000 runs in ODI history. But there are other reasons why he is my favourite sportsman. Despite of being in top of fame, he always remained as an icon of courtesy. He is well reputed for his modesty and well manner. I think he possess a lot of qualities which can be followed in my own life. That’s why, he is my favourite sportsman.        

            No more today, convey my reverence to your parents and take care




Write an email to your father about the profession you want to take and why.


To:  Subject:,


My dear father,

            Take my salam on the very beginning of the email. I have received your email of the 5th instant. You wanted to know what profession I would like to take after completing my academic career. Though this is really a tough matter to decide, even then I have an aim of my own as everyone should have. Here I am going to tell you about this. I have decided to become a computer engineer.

           The modern world is the world of computer. Age-old system of keeping record in files is gradually making way for computer based data processing. It is used in schools, colleges, offices, banks, airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries. Computer based telecommunication network sets up instant links with any part of the world at any time. Automation has replaced manual labour in factories. In the field of medical, computerised machines are doing wonders. Though Bangladesh is yet to develop in science and technology, she is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. In this situation, I think it would be a wise choice if I want to be a Computer Engineer. Let me know your opinion which would help me more.

            No more today. I am hale and hearty. Best regards to mother and brother.

Your elder son,



Write an email to your friend describing the sports day of your school.

To:  Subject:,

My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Write an email to your friend about a street boy of our country.



My dear ‘A’,

             I have received recent your email. Today I am giving you a brief idea a street boy from which you can guess the socio- economic condition of our country.

             Lutfur is the name of a boy who lives in a slum. He is 8 years old. He has

brother who works as a tempo helper. One year he came with his father, mother, brother and grandmother to Dhaka, the capital city in search of a living. His father works as a rickshaw puller and mother as a domestic worker. Lutfur collects polythene bags, scrap paper and other materials from different areas and sells them at a shop at a nominal cost. On an average he earns Tk. 20 to 50 a day which he gives to his mother. Their home is a tiny shelter with a sheet of polythene for a roof. They sleep on the dirt floor. Lutfur has his bath in a creek near their home. He usually has his meals at home but sometimes begs for food at restaurants. When he falls ill, he cannot afford to go to a doctor or buy medicine for himself. He once went to a free primary school but unfortunately he could not continue his studies. He had to leave school for earning livelihood. In this way he is passing his days in hardship. This is the condition of our average street boys. I think this description may somewhat fulfill your thirst.

             This is all for today. Hope you will write me soon.

Your friend,



Write an email to your pen-friend about a woman who changed her condition by taking loan from the Gameen Bank.



My dear ‘A’,

             Your recent email is to hand. Today I am going to let you know a story about a woman which I have recently learnt. I am sure it would encourage you.

             In the last summer vacation I went to my maternal uncle’s village. The greeneries of the village really gave me much pleasure. At the same time I became surprised to experience the economic condition of the villagers. Two years ago I visited the same village when I found the straitened condition of the villagers. But this time the scene was different. The happiness was prevailing in every family. The reason behind it I have tried to find and the answer was Grameen Bank. A village woman, named Feroza became a legend in this regard. She had to pass her hard-pressed days for about five years with a large family. One day she learnt that Grameen Bank, a micro-credit finance institution was ready to give loans to the poor in their village. Then she became a member of it. She took a small loan from the bank and started rice husking business. With the small profit she made from it, she repaid the entire loan money and borrowed a larger amount from the bank. With that money she started a stationery shop. She also studied in the adult literacy centre. She began to see happiness and solvency in her life. In this way Feroza changed her life. So I feel that the role of Grameen Bank to eradicate poverty in our country is significant.

This is all for today. Write to me soon. With best wishes.  

Your friend,



Write an email to your younger sister about your views about female education.



My dear ‘A’,

              In your email you mentioned that you are going to participate on a debate programme. I have been happy to learn that your subject is female education. The topic is really a demand of time. Okay, here is a brief idea about it.

              Education is the birth right of everybody. It makes a harmonious development of one’s mental faculties. So, facilities for education should be held open to everybody. In this respect, no discrimination should be made between man and woman. In fact, education must be universal.

    Half of the people of our country are women. No development can be brought about in our society without participation of half of its members. And development work cannot be carried out successfully with uneducated women. So our women should be educated at the earliest. It may be advisable to modify the old system of education for our girls.

              It is a good sign that there is a general awakening among the women. The women of our countries are also coming out of their domestic walls and working side by side with men in every walk of life. Our government is making all-out efforts to pave the way for female education in our country. We should remember that education is one of the fundamental rights of everybody ---- male or female.   

I think you have got my opinion about female education. This may help you in your debate.


This is all for today. Hope you are in sound health and joyful time. Regards to mother and father. With love and best wishes.

Your elder brother,



Write an email to your friend inviting him on your birthday party.



Dear ‘A’,

               I have a great pleasure to inform you that my fifteenth birthday comes off on Thursday next. This time my parents desire to celebrate my birthday in a grand and befitting manner. I cordially invite you to join the party. We have arranged a day-long programme including the birthday party. In it, there would be a cultural function in the evening. Some renowned artists have promised to take part in the function. So we hope to enjoy the party with mirth and merriment and your presence will certainly encourage us. I will be much pleased if you come and share this memorable moment of my life with me.

            No more now. More when we meet.

            With best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to a pen friend describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh




I am very glad to receive your email. You have wanted to know about the food habit of Bangladeshi people. People in Bangladesh generally take the same food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The villagers usually eat rice three times a day. They also take dal, meat and vegetables. The urban people usually take egg, bread made of wheat or flour along with fried vegetables or sweets and a cup of tea a breakfast. In lunch, they eat rice with curry of fish or meat and dal. They take rice, vegetables, curry, dal, etc. for dinner .Now-a-day some people in the rural areas eat bread to control their health. Some foods such as fast food like singara, samocha etc. Cold drinks , chips, burger, sand witches, chops, pizza, hamburger etc. are becoming  popular day by day in our country. The modes of eating are also different between the rural and urban people. The urban people have started eating some western items of food but the rural people are not familiar with them. In fact, people in our country, especially the young people are changing their attitude towards western items.

No more today .I am eagerly waiting for your next email.

Sincerely yours.


Write an email to your friend the experience of taking food in a restaurant.



My dear ‘A’,

          It is many days since you wrote to me. Today I am going to tell you about my experience of taking food in a restaurant. You know our friend, ‘S’. He celebrated his birth anniversary the day before yesterday. On this day he arranged a party at a Chinese restaurant and we the local friends were all invited.

          You will be glad to know that this was totally a new experience for me to have the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant. In the evening we went to his residence by twos and threes. We wished him Happy Birthday. Then all of us together went to the Chinese restaurant which had already been fixed before. There was dim light in the room. As soon as we took our seats, a waiter in uniform came and handed menu to some of us. I was a greenhorn in this regard. So, I didn’t go ahead. Sohel consulted with some of us and placed order. There was no noise like the normal restaurants. Everybody talked in low voice. I kept looking around and listening to the fine music.

          The waiter gave a bowl of soup. We took this with some sauce and pepper extract. It tasted well. Cold drinks were served. Then came fried rice, prawn balls, vegetables and chicken fry. We took the food using fork and spoon. Flavour of food in the restaurant was different from that at home. Aroma was also different and crispy. Really, it was a very delicious dish. My mouth still waters at the thought of those delicious dishes. It was a very nice and enjoyable experience.

          This is all for today. Write to me soon.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving day or ceremony of your school.




My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our prize giving ceremony. Okay, here it is.

The prize giving ceremony was held on last Sunday. It was a very special day for me because it was known to me that I would get a prize for being first in the last annual exam. That day I reached the school at 8.30 a.m. For this occasion our school auditorium was decorated in a very nice way. The function started at 10 am with the recitation of the holy Quran. The parliament member of our area presided over the ceremony and TNO (Thana Nirbahi Officer) was also present in that ceremony.

Our Headmaster read out his annual report. After this the TNO gave his speech. Then the TNO both gave away the prizes to the selected boys for their brilliant performance in the last annual exam, for other activities in the school. I got two prizes -- one for being first in the last annual exam and the other for regular attendance. Then an enjoyable cultural programme was staged by the students and teachers. In the end of the ceremony our headmaster thanked the respective guests, teachers and the students. This ceremony ended with national anthem. That day I returned home with joy. It’s a memorable day for me because that day I got two prizes and I participated in the cultural programme by singing a song which was my first participation in any cultural programme.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your mother describing the celebration of the 21st February in your school this year



My dear Mother,

                        My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how we celebrated the international mother language day. In this email I will write about our observation on that day of 21st February.

                        We observe this day in a very befitting manner because it enlivens our heart and soul. It inspires us to reach the acme of success.

 We usually observe the international mother language day in the month of February every year. The whole school as well as the whole surrounding of the school was embellished with colourful papers on the occasion. The whole playground looked festive. In the morning we all the students and teachers of our school gathered in the school premise at 5 o’clock in the morning. We made a garland of flowers. Then we brought out a colourful procession with due solemnity in order to pay homage to our noble language martyrs at “Shahid Minar” on Bare Foot. On the way sang the song ‘ amar bhaier rokte rangano ekhushe February……’. After that we came to our school.  A cultural function was arranged. The Chairman of the Chittagong Board inaugurated the function at 11 a.m. Many of students of our school participated in the cultural function. They sang, recited and participated in a painting competition on the aspects of 21st February. The honourable D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest. He made a little but vital speech on the significance of the day. The function came to an end with the distributions of prizes.


                          No more today. More when we shall meet. Catch you later.

Yours sincerely,



Write an email to your friend describing your school.



My dear friend X’

                Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our school . Okay, here it is.

                       Our school is one standing institutions. It was founded in 1845. The school is located in the heart of Chittagong. It is adjacent to ‘Y’ road. The school is five minutes walk from my residence. The school is a two-storied building. There are thirty class rooms. The rooms are spacious and airy.

Our  school sits in two shifts morning shift and day shift. There are about 1500 students and 35 teachers in our school. The Headmaster is an M.A. B. Ed. He is a capable administrator. The school sits at 10 a. m. and breaks up at 4.30. We get half an hour break after the 4th period. There are the ‘Headmaster’s room, teachers’ common room, the office room the library room, the prayer room and the hall room besides the classroom. A very big field lies inside the ground. We play football cricket, hockey, basketball, table-tennis and other games there after school hours. The school has a big common room. Ours is one of the leading schools in the country. It has been the training ground of many eminent men. I truly boast of being a student of such a highly esteemed institution.

                       No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,


Letter to a friend describing the annual sports recently held in your school



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Suppose you are an English scout named Becky. You’ve visited a Bangladeshi scout named Masum’s family. Now write an email to your mother about your feelings and experience after visiting Masum’s family.



Dear Mother,

                     Hope you are well. I am enjoying my visit to Bangladesh. After completing the scout camp. I want to visit a Bangladeshi friend named Masum’s house. I am going to tell you the experience and family after visiting his family.

                      I was introduced with Masum’s family. All the family members received me cordially. Masum’s grand parents, uncle, aunts lived with them. Their house made of clay with a tin roof and this surprised me very much. Each room detached from one another. I was entertained with Bangladeshi foods- vegetable curry, dal, fish, chop etc. at lunch. Though foods were spicy and but I enjoyed those. Foods were delicious. I was most surprised by the dress Masum’s mother were. It is called saree! a 16 fat long cloth. It looks really nice. I am planning to buy one for you. This sisters wore “solwar” and “Kamiz”. Sents wore “punjabi”, “lungi”. I liked thier cloths very much.

                      The family touched my heart. I shall remember them for a long time.

                      No more today. With best regards.

Your loving



Write an email to your younger brother saying him the bad effects of smoking.



Dear ‘S’,

                Take my very best wishes in the beginning of the email. I was very glad to hear about your brilliant result in the annual examination but on the contrary I became very disappointed when I came to know that you have recently adopted a dangerous habit, you have been addicted to smoking.

                 Dear brother, you can’t even imagine how dangerous smoking is! It is no less harmful than poison. It contains nicotine which can cause lungs cancer, bronchitis, heart disease etc. it ruins the vitality of life and hastens death. It is a fact that smoking is like committing suicide. That is why; I would like to advise you to give up smoking without any more delay. I do believe you can easily give up this bed habit if you are determined enough.

                  No more today. Tender my best regards to parents. With love and best wishes,

Your elder brother




Write an email to your mother about your experience and feeling after visiting a friend’s family.



My dear Mother,

              I received your email yesterday. You are anxious to know about my arrival from Raju’s village. Yes, I arrived yesterday. It was really a pleasant trip for me. My stay with them was extremely delightful. Raju’s mother prepared so delicious and special dishes for me. She is really an excellent cook! She was so nice to me. And Raju’s father also found time from his so busy schedule to take us on excursions and to cultural programmes in the evenings. I enjoyed every day, every hour, every moment of their hospitality. In fact I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so much and so thoroughly anywhere!

               It was really very nice of me to spend a week with them. I heartily appreciate Raju’s hospitality and affection of his parents for me. I wish I could visit again.

               How are you passing your days? Don’t worry about me. I am fine and going on with my regular life smoothly. Regards to father and you. Love to Ryan.

Your loving son,



Write an email to your uncle thanking him for your birthday present.



Dear ‘A’,

        My birthday passed off smoothly and happily yesterday. But we all missed you so much.

        I received your kind email and charming present just in time. I can realise how much you love me and why you could not come, though you tried your best to do so. Believe me, my dear uncle, of all the presents I have got yours is the loveliest. The book you sent me is really praiseworthy. I have long been in need of this book and it has come from you. It would be really very useful to me.

       I heartily thank you for this charming present and I shall keep it as a token of your deep love for me. I shall tell you all about my birthday in my next email.

      Convey my love and best wishes aunt and Kate. 

Yours ever,





You have a friend named Kamal who achieved GPA 5 in the SSC examination. Now write an email congratulating him on his brilliant success. 





Dear Kamal,

            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. I always knew in my heart that you will surely make a very good result and when I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A+’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of GPA 5. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

              You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.

 It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.

               With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the




Dear Kamal,

            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. I always knew in my heart that you will surely make a very good result and when I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A+’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of GPA 5. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

              You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.

               It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.

               With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your father saying how you have prepared for the upcoming exam.



Dear Dad,

              I received your email yesterday. I am much obliged for your affectionate email and the valuable advice it contains. You are anxious to know about my preparation in the ensuing examination.

             You will be glad to know that I always follow your instructions about study and health. What I can say is that I have made a fair progress in my preparation for the examination. No one knows what questions will be set in the examination. So I have consulted the teachers of the respective subject that I might have an idea of the nature of questions. However, some problems of Mathematics are still a problem to me. The rules of English Grammar also elude me. So I feel the need of some help in these papers. In this regard, I am taking help from the respective teachers. I hope to make up this deficiency in the remaining days before the commencement of the examination.

              You often tell me that for success, one must work hard at one’s books from the very beginning and I am glad that I have followed your advice accordingly. I am still working hard, for I do not want to leave anything to chance.

               Please be not anxious about my health. I am taking particular care of it. Convey my deepest affection to Hemal.

Your loving son,


Write an email to your friend about how you celebrated the Pahela Baishakh.




My dear ‘A’,

            Your email is just to hand. You wanted to know with what enthusiasm we have celebrated Pahela Baishakh. A day-long programme was there which included cultural function and other items. Well, here it is.  

            The function was arranged by our school authority. Some girls wearing white sari with red corner inaugurated the programme by singing a very melodious song. After that our honourable teacher, Mr. Hasan very beautifully narrated the primitive history of Bangla year. Then started the reciting competition composed by the young poets and based on ‘Pahela Baishakh’. Mr. Nasiruddin, the Headmaster of our school discussed on the importance of ‘Pahela Baishakh’ in the national life of Bangladesh. The second part of the programme was arranged by different songs composed by the established poets and lyricists. The full audience made the pin-drop silence as some famous new and old singers performed with superb melody. The third phase of the programme started with the declaration of our deep and inborn relationship with ‘Pahela Baishakh’. At the end some tasty food were distributed among all the guests. The deep impression the function left on me will continue living in my memory for many days.

           This is, in short, how we have observed the Pahela Baishakh up to a desired standard.     

           With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Suppose you are given a chance to enjoy a free ride for half an hour by an air company. You can choose either a plane or a helicopter. Write an email to your friend saying which one you will choose and why?



My dear ‘A’,

              I am glad to receive your email. From your email I have come to know about your enjoying summer vacation. In our country now we are enjoying winter vacation. Today I will let you know about an interesting thing.  

              I am happy to inform you that a new air company has offered me a free air-ride for half an hour. I may fly by a chopper or a wide-bodied plane. The choice is mine. I think I would fly by a chopper. The speed of the chopper is slower than that of the wide-bodied plane. Besides, it can fly lower than the plane. These will give me better opportunity to observe the green trees and fields and rivers of our country from the air. But if I fly by a big plane, I will miss many of the beauties of Bangladesh. So I have made up my mind to fly by a helicopter. I hope you will agree with me on this point.

With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Suppose your name is Karim. Write an email to Zahed who lives in Rangpur describing how you enjoyed the Eid Ul Fitr this year.



My dear Zahed,

            This is the end of the vacation of Eid. This time I along with our family have visited our village home and spent the festival there. We had reached the village two days before. My two cousins with their families also visited the village.

            On the eve of the Eid we passed the night in excitement, and made various preparations. Some of us used fireworks and decorated and illuminated our houses. As soon as the day dawned all rose from our beds. We had our bath. Then we dressed ourselves in the best clothes. This being over, we all proceeded towards the ‘maidan’ to offer prayers in congregation. It is really an imposing sight when thousands of devout heads bow down to the Almighty and rise again in unison. At the end, we embraced one another. Then we came back to our houses and we wished our grandmother, mothers and sisters.

            Meanwhile mother and aunts prepared ‘shemai’ and other kinds of sweets. Then all of us took sweets with great joy and merriment. Sweets were also distributed among the poor, friends and relatives. Poor people gathered at the lawn of the houses and my grandfather gave them money and clothes.

            In the evening we visited the houses of our relatives and passed our time in merry-making. Everywhere we were received with utmost cordiality and hospitality. Then we came back our home. Sumptuous dinner was held in our home. At night we all got together and had a gossip for a long time. There we sang songs, cut jokes etc. Thus the day passed through great excitement and bustle. We went to bed late at night. This is how we passed our Eid with joy. What about you? Let me know.

                        This is all for today. With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,



Suppose you are given an opportunity to buy a double dicker, bus, car, rickshaw or a scooter. Write an email to your friend explaining which one you will buy and why.



My dear ‘A’,

             Best wishes to you. I received your email yesterday. In your email you wanted to know how I am enjoying my life in this new town. Well, life in this town is a real fun; waking up early in the morning, going to school, roaming around with friends, having chat in the canteen and there are a lot more. But one problem is that it is hard to reach my school as it is five miles away from my residence. I usually go by bus but I am looking for a much more convenient method. So my father asked me to choose any vehicle I like for my convenience and he will buy that for me. I preferred a car. I have chosen it because it is faster and much more relaxing than sitting in a bus among a crowd of people.

              However, you please let me know about your life. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger brothers and sisters. Well, that’s all. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your younger brother Nuru informing him how to use internet.



My dear Nuru,

            In your last email you informed that you are going to take the connection of the Internet and you wanted to know about the use of it. Now I am going to tell you about how to use the Internet.

             You know that receiving and sending various types of information is the main function of the Internet. Communication of data and storage of data are the foremost facilities in Internet. So it is not difficult enough to use the internet

            I think you have known how to use a computer. Using the Internet takes nothing more than the ability to use a computer. The only difference is that you have to use particular software. Data move through Internet in packet form. The destination and address is involved with these packets, and accordingly, these packets reach the destination. By this time, these packets pass through mid level or regional network. If you click on the icon of browsing such as the Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Navigator you will automatically get logged on the Internet. Now you will find a space for writing the address of the web page you want to see. If you write the address you will get to see that page. You can also go to a search engine for finding a particular page or a piece of information. A search information is a system through which you can search for information on web pages containing information. Yahoo and Microsoft Network are such engines.

            Now I am sure you will be able to look for your desired information on the Internet. Let me know about your progress. With love.

Yours elder brother,


Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the SSC exam.




Dear Kamal,

            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. I always knew in my heart that you will surely make a very good result and when I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A+’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of GPA 5. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

              You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.

               It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.

               With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.

Special letters

Write an email to your friend describing him how to adjust with new place ands new food.




My dear ‘A’,

              I received your recent email two days ago. Going through the email I came to know about your academic course. It gave me much pleasure that your name topped the score list of the last test. You have also mentioned some troubles that you are confronted with. I feel very sorry for that.

             As I know, you have been in England for last six months. So, it could be easier for you to adjust yourself with the mode of life there. However, you have told that the food items you have to take do not taste well. This happens because they mostly prefer boiled food as it is nutritious. They do not like much spicy or fried food for the food loses its nutritive elements in this way. Moreover, they rely on fruit juice and different types of vegetables which are essential for our body. I can understand that you miss the regular ‘bhat’, ‘roti’ or fried fish. But don’t worry. In a few days you have been accustomed to it and you will be healthier than before. Besides, you have also mentioned about your new place. Most of the time it is too cold for you to bear. In this regard, I can suggest you that you should follow the other English people for your protection from cold. Moreover, the loneliness makes you sometimes bored, as I feel. In that case, you should go through different kinds of books. You can also have some sort of recreations which may delight you. Sometimes, you can try to write something creative. By following all these things you can try to adjust yourself with the life of your new place and food. I think this can give you comfort to some extent. This is all for today. Hoping to hear from you more.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend telling him about your aim in life.






My dear ‘A’,

            I have received your email of the 5th instant. You wanted to know what my aim in life is after completing my academic career. Though this is really a tough matter to decide, even then I have an aim of my own as everyone should have. Here I am going to tell you about this. I have decided to be a computer engineer.

           The modern world is the world of computer. Age-old system of keeping record in files is gradually making way for computer based data processing. It is used in schools, colleges, offices, banks, airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries. Computer based telecommunication network sets up instant links with any part of the world at any time. Automation has replaced manual labour in factories. In the field of medical, computerised machines are doing wonders. Though Bangladesh is yet to develop in science and technology, she is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. In this situation, I think it would be a wise choice if I want to be a Computer Engineer. Let me know your opinion which would help me more.

            No more today. I am hale and hearty. Best regards to uncle and aunt.

 Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the SSC exam.



Dear ‘K’,

            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. I always knew in my heart that you will surely make a very good result and when I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A+’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of GPA 5. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

              You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.

               It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.

               With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,





Write an email to your friend to join your birthday party.



Dear ‘A’,

            I have a great pleasure to inform you that my fifteenth birthday comes off on Thursday next. This time my parents desire to celebrate my birthday in a grand and befitting manner. I cordially invite you to join the party. We have arranged a day-long programme including the birthday party. In it, there would be a cultural function in the evening. Some renowned artists have promised to take part in the function. So we hope to enjoy the party with mirth and merriment and your presence will certainly encourage us. I will be much pleased if you come and share this memorable moment of my life with me.

            No more now. More when we meet.

            With best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend Salma about a river journey you made and the reason of choosing a river journey.



Dear Salma,

            I received your email the day before yesterday. I shall give you a pen picture of the river journey that I have recently made. We were three in number. We made the journey from Mongla to Paikgachha.

            We hired a big boat. The boatman and the oarsmen were very nice people. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a. m. The sky was clear and the weather was fine. The river was calm. It was full to the brim. Our boatmen rowed for a while and then set sail. The boat began to move smoothly. There were small waves on the river. We enjoyed scenes on both sides of the river. We saw many boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Fishermen were catching fish. Women were seen taking water. We reached a market at 12 o’clock. The boatmen cast anchor. We got down. We had our lunch in the local restaurant. The boatmen took rest for a while. Then they raised anchor. Again we started our return journey. The boatmen tried to reach the destination before sunset. It was late afternoon. The sun was setting. We enjoyed the sunset. The boat moved slowly and we reached our destination. It was dark all around.

            A journey by boat gives a different feeling than the other types of journey. It gives one a chance to relax. This particular journey gave me immense pleasure. It will remain evergreen in my mind.

            This is all for today. Hope to hear from you more. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,


Suppose you are given an opportunity to buy a double dicker, bus, car, rickshaw or a scooter. Write an email to your friend explaining which one you will buy and why.



My dear ‘A’,

             Best wishes to you. I received your email yesterday. In your email you wanted to know how I am enjoying my life in this new town. Well, life in this town is a real fun --- waking up early in the morning, going to school, roaming around with friends, having chat in the canteen and there are a lot more. But one problem is that it is hard to reach my school as it is five miles away from my residence. I usually go by bus but I am looking for a much more convenient method. So my father asked me to choose any vehicle I like for my convenience and he will buy that for me. I preferred a car. I have chosen it because it is faster and much more relaxing than sitting in a bus among a crowd of people.

              However, you please let me know about your life. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger brothers and sisters. Well, that’s all. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your younger brother about how to use internet.



My dear ‘H’,

            In your last email you informed that you are going to take the connection of the Internet and you wanted to know about the use of it. Now I am going to tell you about how to use the Internet.

             You know that receiving and sending various types of information is the main function of the Internet. Communication of data and storage of data are the foremost facilities in Internet. So it is not difficult enough to use the internet

            I think you have known how to use a computer. Using the Internet takes nothing more than the ability to use a computer. The only difference is that you have to use particular software. Data move through Internet in packet form. The destination and address is involved with these packets, and accordingly, these packets reach the destination. By this time, these packets pass through mid level or regional network. If you click on the icon of browsing such as the Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Navigator you will automatically get logged on the Internet. Now you will find a space for writing the address of the web page you want to see. If you write the address you will get to see that page. You can also go to a search engine for finding a particular page or a piece of information. A search information is a system through which you can search for information on web pages containing information. Yahoo and Microsoft Network are such engines.

            Now I am sure you will be able to look for your desired information on the Internet. Let me know about your progress. With love.



Write an email to your friend about the importance of reading newspaper.




My dear 'H',

       I am extremely sorry to know that you do not take interest to read newspaper. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.

     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. I think now you can understand the importance of reading newspaper. So, I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today, with love and best wishes.

Your elder brother,


Write an email to your friend about co-curricular activities of your school.



My dear ‘A’,

         Your sweet note has anchored the shore of my heart. In it you have mentioned about your school. I wish I could visit your school once. I feel very much delighted to tell you about my school. Well, here it is.

          Our school is situated in the centre of the city. The name of my school is -----------------. It is a boys’ school. I am fortunate enough to study in such a school. However, the teachers of our school are very friendly with us. We can depend on our teachers not only for study matters but also for matters related to our other interests. Some of them run activity clubs in school. Among these, debate club, musical club are remarkable. The recreational clubs also arrange musical programme, drama etc. Besides they regularly participate in different indoor and outdoor games. There are some other extra-curricular activities clubs, such as B.N.C.C, Girl’s Guide, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Most of the students join in all these clubs and can learn many other things which they don’t get in their text books.

          In short I can tell you that studying in this school is a great experience. Along with the regular study we can develop our other abilities as well. This is all for today. Please write to me soon. With best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about your school.



My dear ‘A’,

         Your sweet note has anchored the shore of my heart. In it you have mentioned about your school. I wish I could visit your school once. I feel very much delighted to tell you about my school. Well, here it is.

          Our school is situated in the centre of the city. The name of my school is -----------------. It is a boys’ school. I am fortunate enough to study in such a school because it is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our town. It has an area of 4 acres. There are three buildings and a large field in our school. I should say that we are lucky to have ample space both classes and at field. The buildings house the classrooms, the laboratories, the teachers’ lounge and the office. We also have a canteen in one building. In the field we have space for hide and seek and handball.

          Our school remains very busy all through the day. The morning shift begins at 8 in the morning and runs till 12 in the afternoon with a break at 10 o’clock. The day shift starts at 12.30 in the afternoon and continues till 4.30 with a break at 2.30. We have about two thousand and five hundred students in 25 sections of 10 classes. In class nine we have 8 periods everyday. The teachers of our school are very friendly with us. We can depend on our teachers not only for study matters but also for matters related to our other interests. Some of them run activity clubs in school. Among these, debate club, musical club are remarkable. The recreational clubs also arrange musical programme, drama etc. Besides they regularly participate in different indoor and outdoor games. There are some other extra-curricular activities clubs, such as B.N.C.C, Girl’s Guide, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Most of the students join in all these clubs and can learn many other things which they don’t get in their text books.

          In short I can tell you that studying in this school is a great experience. Along with the regular study we can develop our other abilities as well. This is all for today. Please write to me soon. With best wishes.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend describing a recent fair you visited.



Dear ‘A’

       This is many days since you wrote to me. I am highly eager to let you know about a visit to a fair in our village, which I have recently made. You know that the last few days were the vacation of autumn. So I went to visit my native village. There I along with my cousin went to a village fair. Indeed it was an amazing experience.

        The fair was full of din and bustle. Immense crowds were making their way towards the fair. The fair was held over the open space around the shrine of a Muslim saint.

There were long rows of booths with broad passages between. In these booths were displayed almost all sorts of things; toys, cosmetics, knives, whistles, earthen wares, brass wares, fruits and sweets. It seemed to be a kind of exhibition in miniature of cottage industries. The rural artisans and craftsmen brought their handmade articles to the fair.

        Different forms of amusements were also accommodated to provide a happy diversion to the rural people. ‘Travelling jatra parties’, ‘Nagar- dolas’ ‘Circus parties’ etc were showing their feats and performances. A magician too was found under a small tent ready to show his tricks to the people against small sum. But the largest crowd gathered around the place where jugglers exhibited their feats. After visiting the fair I realised that the fair really inspired the skilled hands of cottage industries and helped the farmers by building their economy. It was a means of recreation, change and social get-together of the village people.       

        The experience of visiting the fair is really engraved in my heart for long. That’s all for today. Hope to hear from you. With best wishes.     

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.



My dear ‘A’,

           How are you? I hope you are quite hale & hearty. It has been about a week I came back from your house. Those three days of my life are my sweetest memories. I can’t describe you in words how happy I was there. Your father was a real noble man. His calm face and gracious attitude makes him worthy of respect. Your mother is a kind hearted angel. I will never forget how kind she was to be.

            Your younger brother and sister were also very enthusiastic. I really enjoyed their company. I would indeed like to thank you for such hospitality. My mother told me to ask you to our house at this summer vacation. I am sure you can’t say no to me.

            No more today, I am looking forward for your email to know when you are coming. Convey my deepest regards to your parents and best wishes to your brother and sisters.

Your friend,





Suppose you are Priyanka. Write an email to your friend about the importance of games and sports.



My dear Jane,

           How are you? I hope you are quite hale & hearty. I was glad to hear about your brilliant success in the 1st terminal examination. But the word of your mother that you remain busy only in study and you have no interest in games and sports made me worried.

            Games and sports are useful to us in many ways. In ancient Greece games and sports were integral part of education. It the developed countries of the world, it is still a part of education. Games and sports are essential for our physical and mental refreshment. A healthy brain can only reside in a healthy body. Games and sports helps us to maintain good health. In every game there are certain rules and regulation so it helps us to be disciplined in our life. It develops our ability to take decisions and makes our mind firm.    

            I hope my words will be able to make you aware about the importance of games and sports. I thing you should spend some times in games and sports along side with your studies.

No more today, write me soon.

Your friend,



Suppose you are Arif. Write an email to your friend about your picnic in Kuakata.




My dear ‘A’,

           How are you? I hope you are quite hale & hearty. I could not write to you because I was awfully busy with my programme at Kuakata. I arrived in Chittagong yesterday and now am writing to you about my visit to Kuakata. I along with 50 other students of our school went there with three of our teachers.

            The beach of kuakata is different from all other sea-beaches of Bangladesh because it is the only place where you can watch the sun-rise. I can’t describe you how beautiful the scene of sunrise is.

            Though nature has blessed the place with all her gifts, the place still requires a great deal of care. The transportation system to go to Kuakata is not up to the mark. If it is taken proper care, Kuakata will surely become the greatest tourist attraction of the country.

No more today, write me soon.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother about your experience of visiting Dhaka city.



My Dear ‘A’

              Today I am going to write to you about my recent visit to Dhaka.   

              Dhaka is an old city. It is now the capital of Bangladesh and her principal city. Many things I learnt from books and from the talks of my parents and teachers. I felt a strong attraction for Dhaka and I had strange fancies about the name of Dhaka. But Dhaka remained an imaginary place to me so long because I could not see it with my own eyes. I had an opportunity, however, to see the capital of my dream when my uncle invited me to pay a visit to Dhaka and to be his guest. I availed myself of the opportunity and paid a visit to Dhaka during the last summer.

During my short stay at Dhaka, I moved from place to place by bus, rickshaw and baby taxi. When I passed through Nawabpur Road, I was struck by the dazzling sight of the big shops. I went to Gulistan, the D. I. T. Avenue, and Motijheel Commercial Area. The wide and spacious National Stadium, the Baitul Mokerram Mosque, the tall and big buildings of Motijheel Commercial Area, the G.P.O and the Bangladesh all impressed me very much.

Next morning I visited the Lalbag Killa, Bara Katara and Chhota Katara. These are the remnants of the Mughal rule. Here old touches and memories hover all around. At Lalbag we also saw the Tomb of Pari Bibi, the daughter of Shaistha Khan. On the way we saw the Dhakeswari Temple built by Ballal Sen.

             But the New Town, the Sher-e-Banglanagar, the latest extension of Dhaka and Tejgaon Industrial Area presented a different sight altogether. Everything about them is new and modern. The Medical College, the University, Salimullah Muslim Hall, the High Court, the Engineer’s Institute, the Secretariat, the Assembly House, Hotel Sheraton and Sonargaon are all designed according to modern taste. The Ramna Green, the Suhrawardy Udyan and the beautiful lawns attracted me much. I also visited the New Market, Azimpur Colony, the Gulshan Model town and derived much pleasure from their charming sights. I also went to Zia International Airport and saw planes taking off and coming down.

             My first visit to Dhaka was of great interest. It has widened my knowledge and experience. It has given me practical knowledge which books can never give and has brought past history in vivid form before my mind’s eyes. I think this description will tempt you to visit the city of Dhaka.  

            That’s all for today. Hope you are in sound health and joyful time.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your pen-friend about your hobby



My Dear ‘A’

            I hope you are heal and hearty by the grace of Almighty. I am so so, today I am going to write you about my hobby. My hobby is stamp -collecting. It keeps my mind happy and fresh. I collect stamps from many sources and keep them nicely in my album. I am very interested in collecting stamps of other countries of the world. We find in the stamps the pictures of important buildings, towers, mosques, beautiful gardens, national heroes, national flowers, birds and animals. It is very exciting to look at the stamps. The stamps are of different size, shapes, colours and price. So far as I have collected forty-nine different types of stamps of the countries like Great Britain, the U.S.A. Japan, France, India, Pakistan, Uganda, Saudi, Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. These stamps give me some knowledge of the history and geography of these countries. I also buy stamps from a stationery shop in the local market. My pen friend, a Japanese boy, also sends me stamps from Tokyo. Stamp -collecting is really a pleasant hobby and I am trying to collect more and more stamp.

            No more today, write me soon about your hobby.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about a memorable day of your life



My dear ‘A’,

            How are you? It has been quite a while since I heard you last. I hope everything is ok by the grace of Almighty.

            You would be delighted to know that during the last Autumn holidays we enjoyed a picnic at Sitakunda. For the purpose, subscriptions of all the friends were collected and we hired a bus. We did all the shopping of rice, meat, chickens, spices, bread, eggs, banana, cold drinks and so on. We also bought films for the cameras. On the scheduled morning we set out at 8 o’clock. It was a pleasant journey. We sang all the way to the spot, many of us cut jokes and we all burst out laughing. The spot was of scenic beauty surrounded by large trees with branches spreading to provide cool shade. We had our snacks. Some of us sat to prepare our dinner. There were lakes and hills. We ran up and down and it gave us immense pleasure. At midday our dinner was ready. We had a grand feast with different types of curry followed by sweets. Though the cooking was of no high order, yet our keen appetite made everything tasteful. After our lunch we sat together to enjoy a little function of fun. Before dusk we set off for home. It was a pleasant return journey. At last we reached home safe and sound. It was really a memorable day of my life.

            No more today, convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your friend,



Write an email to your friend about an exciting cricket match you have enjoyed. 



My dear ‘A’,

            I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. You will be delighted to know that Bangladesh cricket team was able to go to the second round of the World Cup Cricket 2007. It was possible only because of an outstanding performance of the team to outplay the Indian cricket team. I know you were busy and were unable to see the match. So, I am giving you a description of the match.

            You know India is a test playing country and has been playing cricket for years. Their batting line up is one of the strongest of the world. They were the clear favourite of the match. But it was our day. And form the very beginning our cricketers kept the Indian batting under pressure. ‘Mashrafi’ the ‘Norial express’ of Bangladesh was bowling like fire bolts. He provided the early break through Bangladesh needed.

            We thought spinners will give away the match as Indians have a reputation of playing spin bowling well. But our spinners showed some magic! They proved they were world class bowlers. India was all out only in 198 runs.

            But still it was a lost task to do. The task was made easy by a teen-star Tamim Iqbal with his blasted batting. He surely reminded ‘Tendulkar’ about his early days. Some quick wickets made us tensed but ‘Sakib-al-Hasan’ was there to ensure the victory. Bangladesh won the match comprehensively by 5 wickets.

            It was a boost of joy in Bangladesh. We all went out to the street at mid night dancing and singing to celebrate the victory. Really it was one of the greatest victory of Bangladesh cricket.

            No more today, take care of your health and write me soon.

Your friend,





Write an email to your friend inviting him to spend the vacation at your village home.



Dear ‘A’,

            It has been quite a while sine I have heard from you last. I think this was because of the 1st term examination. I hope you have had a very good exam. Mine was not bad and I am looking forward for a good result.

            The school is closed for almost fifteen days due to the summer vacation. I think I need a few days rest after the hard work of the exam. I was thinking to go and spend a few a days in our village home.

            With the green fields and with the cool and calm shade of the trees our village stands on the bank of halda river. The name of our village is ‘Banigram’. About five thousand people live in our village. They live in peace and harmony. The villages are mostly farmers or labourers.  Some are potters, weavers, blacksmiths, fishermen and so on. There is a big market in our village. It is the heart of our village which throbs with the activities of the villagers. There are some brick-built buildings such as the mosque and primary and high school building. There are also a post office, a health-care centre and community centre. Our village has a good road, which links the village with the highway. The village is rich in cultural activities like Jatra, Jarigan, boat-race and bullock-race. Our village is also famous for cottage industries.

            Our village is as peaceful as heaven and it always help me to forget the monotony of the city life. I think it will help you to refresh your mind too. Why don’t you come and stay with me in our village home for a few days.

            I know you can’t say no to me. So, no more today; looking forward for your email to know when you are coming.

Your friend,



Suppose you have a friend named Kamal who lives in Chittagong. Now write an email to your friend inviting him to your birthday party





Dear ‘A’,

            I have a great pleasure to inform you that my fourteenth birthday comes off on Thursday next. This time my parents desire to celebrate my birthday in a grand and befitting manner. I cordially invite you to join the party. We have arranged a day-long programme including the birthday party. In it, there would be a cultural function in the evening. Some renowned artists have promised to take part in the function. So we hope to enjoy the party with mirth and merriment and your presence will certainly encourage us. I will be much pleased if you come at least one day early.

No more now. More when we meet.

Take my best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother about the procedures of opening a bank




Dear ‘A’,

            It is 15th instant that I have got your email. In it I have come to know that you have got your scholarship money recently and with that money you want to open a bank account. Okay, it’s a good idea that you are not wasting your money lavishly. Now I am going to give you a brief description of opening a bank account. Well, here it is.

            Opening a bank account is quite easy. You have to make a contact with the nearest bank. There is a provision of an application form. First, you have to fill in the form. Secondly, you are to be introduced by someone who has an account with that particular bank. The introducer must put his signature and write his address and account number in the relevant part of the application. Next, there is a signature card on which you have to put your specimen signature and attach two passport size photographs. The photographs must be attested by the introducer. Then you are given a deposit book and a withdrawal book. At last you require a reasonable amount of money to deposit for opening the account. Thus you can easily open a bank account with the help of a bank manager or any other bank authority. I think this would serve your purpose.

              This is all for today. Hoping to hear from you.

              With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about the sports day of your school.



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Write an email to your friend describing a recent fair of your village



Dear ‘A’

       This is many days since you wrote to me. I am highly eager to let you know about a visit to a fair in our village, which I have recently made. You know that the last few days were the vacation of autumn. So I went to visit my native village. There I along with my cousin went to a village fair. Indeed it was an amazing experience.

        The fair was full of din and bustle. Immense crowds were making their way towards the fair. The fair was held over the open space around the shrine of a Muslim saint.

There were long rows of booths with broad passages between. In these booths were displayed almost all sorts of things ---- toys, cosmetics, knives, whistles, earthen wares, brass wares, fruits and sweets. It seemed to be a kind of exhibition in miniature of cottage industries. The rural artisans and craftsmen brought their handmade articles to the fair.

        Different forms of amusements were also accommodated to provide a happy diversion to the rural people. ‘Travelling jatra parties’, ‘Nagar- dolas’ ‘Circus parties’ etc were showing their feats and performances. A magician too was found under a small tent ready to show his tricks to the people against small sum. But the largest crowd gathered around the place where jugglers exhibited their feats. After visiting the fair I realised that the fair really inspired the skilled hands of cottage industries and helped the farmers by building their economy. It was a means of recreation, change and social get-together of the village people.       

        The experience of visiting the fair is really engraved in my heart for long. That’s all for today. Hope to hear from you. With best wishes.     

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about how to improve his English



My dear ‘A’,

             Your email is to my hand. Going through the email I came to know that you are now very much interested about learning English and you are facing some difficulties in learning the language. As a friend I think it is my duty to say a few words regarding the matter.     

             Many people, even students, think that English is a difficult language for them to learn. For this they become failure to some extent before they start learning the language. However, there is no reason of thinking that English is tough enough to learn. Again it is seen that many people do not know how to succeed in learning English by following some ways. Here I would like to mention some tips for the learners of English, like you. The success of learning English depends on reading, writing, speaking and hearing. A person who is able to read, write, speak and hear English well is an expert in English. A learner of English should first acquire knowledge of tense, sentence, part of speech, and preposition. Then he should learn words to enrich his English vocabulary. Then he should try to speak English. In this regard he should become fluent and should not care for whether he speaks correctly or wrongly. At this stage he should watch English news, read English newspapers, and any other writings in English. Thirdly he should try to write English correctly. And it may be believed that he would be able to write correct English. Finally he should give his try to hearing. And for this purpose, he should listen to English news channels such as, BBC, CNN as much as he can. If a learner follows this method, I believe, he must be successful in learning English well.

              Hope this will find you in a sound health and joyful time.

              With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,




Write an email to your friend about a picnic you have recently enjoyed.



Dear ‘S’,

            I have received your email of the 5th instant. In it you expressed your inability to join us in the picnic. You also wanted to know my experience in the picnic. Here is a short description of the same.

            We selected Sonargaon for the picnic spot. We were about thirty-five in number including one of our teachers. We reached there by bus at 9 a.m. with all necessary utensils and materials. After reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast by 9.30 a.m. We had a cook with us. He became busy with cooking. We helped him in different works. Some were cooking, some were singing, some were cutting jokes and others were playing different types of games.

            At about 2 p.m. the lunch was ready. By this time all of us became very hungry. All of us took our lunch with full appetite. After lunch we went out for sight seeing. You know Sonargaon is a place of historical interest. It was once the capital of Bengal. The museum of Sonargaon charmed us most. We started for home at 5 p.m. after taking our tea.

            We enjoyed the picnic most and the day will ever be remembered. What a pleasure it would have been if you had been in the midst of us! Really, we missed you very much. This is all for today. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother about not to adopt unfair means in the exam.



Dear ‘N’

            Your email is to hand. From your email I have come to know that your examination is knocking at the door. I do not know how you have prepared yourself for the ensuing examination. This examination is very important as your life will be moulded according to the results of this examination

            Examinations are nothing but evaluation of your knowledge, how well you have learnt your lessons. But some students take the examination in a different way. They want to secure good marks by adopting unfair means in the examination. The whole year they neglect their studies and are inattentive to the class lectures. At the time of examination, they depend on copying or asking answers from their friends in the examination hall. They think that they gain in this way. But they actually gain nothing. First of all, they do not attain any knowledge. They violate the discipline of the examination. They spoil the sanctity of an educational institution. They are looked down upon by all in the society.

            I know, ‘N’ that you are regular in your studies and will not be tempted to adopt any unfairmeans in the examination hall. No more today. Love to you.

Your elder brother,


Write an email to your father asking for money to buy some new books.



My dear Father,

            I received your email a few days back. I was very busy with my class tests that I could not reply you in time. Now I am very busy with my studies. I am trying to do a brilliant result in the ensuing examination. I have to buy a few books. I need some books, which will cost me take seven hundred. I need grammar books in English as well as in Bengali. I also require two other reference books on Science/Physics and Chemistry.

            Father, I am very sorry to annoy you. But without these books I cannot expect to obtain good marks in the ensuing examination. I am getting on well with my studies and health.

            Regards to you and mother, love to the youngers.

Your son,



Write an email to your friend about the annual sports day of your school.



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Write an email to your pen-friend about the food habit of the people of your country.




I am very glad to receive your email. You have wanted to know about the food habit of Bangladeshi people. People in Bangladesh generally take the same food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The villagers usually eat rice three times a day. They also take dal, meat and vegetables. The urban people usually take egg, bread made of wheat or flour along with fried vegetables or sweets and a cup of tea a breakfast. In lunch, they eat rice with curry of fish or meat and dal. They take rice, vegetables, curry, dal, etc. for dinner .Now-a-day some people in the rural areas eat bread to control their health. Some foods such as fast food like singara, samocha etc. Cold drinks , chips, burger, sand witches, chops, pizza, hamburger etc. are becoming  popular day by day in our country. The modes of eating are also different between the rural and urban people. The urban people have started eating some western items of food but the rural people are not familiar with them. In fact, people in our country, especially the young people are changing their attitude towards western items.

No more today .I am eagerly waiting for your next email.

Sincerely yours.



Write an email to your younger brother about how to adjust with new place and new food.




My dear brother ‘A’,

              I received your recent email two days ago. Going through the email I came to know about your academic course. It gave me much pleasure that your name topped the score list of the last test. You have also mentioned some troubles that you are confronted with. I feel very sorry for that.

             As I know, you have been in England for last six months. So, it could be easier for you to adjust yourself with the mode of life there if you follow my advice. However, you have told that the food items you have to take do not taste well. This happens because they mostly prefer boiled food as it is nutritious. They do not like much spicy or fried food for the food loses its nutritive elements in this way. Moreover, they rely on fruit juice and different types of vegetables which are essential for our body. I can understand that you miss the regular ‘bhat’, ‘roti’ or fried fish. But don’t worry. In a few days you have been accustomed to it and you will be healthier than before. Besides, you have also mentioned about your new place. Most of the time it is too cold for you to bear. In this regard, I can suggest you that you should follow the other English people for your protection from cold. Moreover, the loneliness makes you sometimes bored, as I feel. In that case, you should go through different kinds of books. You can also have some sort of recreations which may delight you. Sometimes, you can try to write something creative. By following all these things you can try to adjust yourself with the life of your new place and food. I think this can give you comfort to some extent. This is all for today. Hoping to hear from you more.

Your elder brother,


Write an email to your friend about an exciting cricket match you have enjoyed. 



My dear ‘A’,

            I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. You will be delighted to know that Bangladesh cricket team was able to go to the second round of the World Cup Cricket 2007. It was possible only because of an outstanding performance of the team to outplay the Indian cricket team. I know you were busy and were unable to see the match. So, I am giving you a description of the match.

            You know India is a test playing country and has been playing cricket for years. Their batting line up is one of the strongest of the world. They were the clear favourite of the match. But it was our day. And form the very beginning our cricketers kept the Indian batting under pressure. ‘Mashrafi’ the ‘Norial express’ of Bangladesh was bowling like fire bolts. He provided the early break through Bangladesh needed.

            We thought spinners will give away the match as Indians have a reputation of playing spin bowling well. But our spinners showed some magic! They proved they were world class bowlers. India was all out only in 198 runs.

            But still it was a lost task to do. The task was made easy by a teen-star Tamim Iqbal with his blasted batting. He surely reminded ‘Tendulkar’ about his early days. Some quick wickets made us tensed but ‘Sakib-al-Hasan’ was there to ensure the victory. Bangladesh won the match comprehensively by 5 wickets.

            It was a boost of joy in Bangladesh. We all went out to the street at mid night dancing and singing to celebrate the victory. Really it was one of the greatest victory of Bangladesh cricket.

            No more today, take care of your health and write me soon.

Your friend,



Write an email to you friend about your visit to a place of historic interest



My dear ‘A’,

              Your sweet note anchored my heart. I am getting on well with my studies. Today I am going to write to you about the excursion which we have recently made from our school. Our school authority has decided to make a short trip to Bagerhat. Accordingly we did it.

               It is a place of historical in Bangladesh. By train I reached Bagerhat. I hired a rickshaw and went to visit the Shat Gambuj Mosque. During our visit to that historical place, we have come to know about many interesting things. The mosque was built in 1440 by Khan Jahan Ali, a preacher of Islam. The area of Shat Gambuj Mosque is very big. The mosque is beautifully decorated with terracota flowers, foliage and plain architecture. It stands on sixty pillars. It was 77 domes instead of 60 domes. The inside walls are very thick and flowers are painted on it. It is a work of great art and engineering skill of the period. There is a prayer house which is beautifully decorated. I also visited the largest tanks known as Dargadighi and Ghoradighi near the mosque. I was wondered at the sight of all these activities of human beings in the days long past. I think this description will tempt you to pay a visit the place.

               No more today. Please write to me soon. With love.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother about your experience of visiting Dhaka city.



My Dear ‘A’

              Today I am going to write to you about my recent visit to Dhaka.   

              Dhaka is an old city. It is now the capital of Bangladesh and her principal city. Many things I learnt from books and from the talks of my parents and teachers. I felt a strong attraction for Dhaka and I had strange fancies about the name of Dhaka. But Dhaka remained an imaginary place to me so long because I could not see it with my own eyes. I had an opportunity, however, to see the capital of my dream when my uncle invited me to pay a visit to Dhaka and to be his guest. I availed myself of the opportunity and paid a visit to Dhaka during the last summer.

During my short stay at Dhaka, I moved from place to place by bus, rickshaw and baby taxi. When I passed through Nawabpur Road, I was struck by the dazzling sight of the big shops. I went to Gulistan, the D. I. T. Avenue, and Motijheel Commercial Area. The wide and spacious National Stadium, the Baitul Mokerram Mosque, the tall and big buildings of Motijheel Commercial Area, the G.P.O and the Bangladesh all impressed me very much.

Next morning I visited the Lalbag Killa, Bara Katara and Chhota Katara. These are the remnants of the Mughal rule. Here old touches and memories hover all around. At Lalbag we also saw the Tomb of Pari Bibi, the daughter of Shaistha Khan. On the way we saw the Dhakeswari Temple built by Ballal Sen.

             But the New Town, the Sher-e-Banglanagar, the latest extension of Dhaka and Tejgaon Industrial Area presented a different sight altogether. Everything about them is new and modern. The Medical College, the University, Salimullah Muslim Hall, the High Court, the Engineer’s Institute, the Secretariat, the Assembly House, Hotel Sheraton and Sonargaon are all designed according to modern taste. The Ramna Green, the Suhrawardy Udyan and the beautiful lawns attracted me much. I also visited the New Market, Azimpur Colony, the Gulshan Model town and derived much pleasure from their charming sights. I also went to Zia International Airport and saw planes taking off and coming down.

             My first visit to Dhaka was of great interest. It has widened my knowledge and experience. It has given me practical knowledge which books can never give and has brought past history in vivid form before my mind’s eyes. I think this description will tempt you to visit the city of Dhaka.  

            That’s all for today. Hope you are in sound health and joyful time.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your pen-friend about your hobby



My Dear ‘A’

            I hope you are heal and hearty by the grace of Almighty. I am so so, today I am going to write you about my hobby. My hobby is stamp -collecting. It keeps my mind happy and fresh. I collect stamps from many sources and keep them nicely in my album. I am very interested in collecting stamps of other countries of the world. We find in the stamps the pictures of important buildings, towers, mosques, beautiful gardens, national heroes, national flowers, birds and animals. It is very exciting to look at the stamps. The stamps are of different size, shapes, colours and price. So far as I have collected forty-nine different types of stamps of the countries like Great Britain, the U.S.A. Japan, France, India, Pakistan, Uganda, Saudi, Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. These stamps give me some knowledge of the history and geography of these countries. I also buy stamps from a stationery shop in the local market. My pen friend, a Japanese boy, also sends me stamps from Tokyo. Stamp -collecting is really a pleasant hobby and I am trying to collect more and more stamp.

            No more today, write me soon about your hobby.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about a memorable day of your life



My dear ‘A’,

            How are you? It has been quite a while since I heard you last. I hope everything is ok by the grace of Almighty.

            You would be delighted to know that during the last Autumn holidays we enjoyed a picnic at Sitakunda. For the purpose, subscriptions of all the friends were collected and we hired a bus. We did all the shopping of rice, meat, chickens, spices, bread, eggs, banana, cold drinks and so on. We also bought films for the cameras. On the scheduled morning we set out at 8 o’clock. It was a pleasant journey. We sang all the way to the spot, many of us cut jokes and we all burst out laughing. The spot was of scenic beauty surrounded by large trees with branches spreading to provide cool shade. We had our snacks. Some of us sat to prepare our dinner. There were lakes and hills. We ran up and down and it gave us immense pleasure. At midday our dinner was ready. We had a grand feast with different types of curry followed by sweets. Though the cooking was of no high order, yet our keen appetite made everything tasteful. After our lunch we sat together to enjoy a little function of fun. Before dusk we set off for home. It was a pleasant return journey. At last we reached home safe and sound. It was really a memorable day of my life.

            No more today, convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your friend,



Write an email to your friend about the last prize giving day of your school



My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our prize giving ceremony. Okay, here it is.

The prize giving ceremony was held on last Sunday. It was a very special day for me because it was known to me that I would get a prize for being first in the last annual exam. That day I reached the school at 8.30 a.m. For this occasion our school auditorium was decorated in a very nice way. The function started at 10 am with the recitation of the holy Quran. The parliament member of our area presided over the ceremony and TNO (Thana Nirbahi Officer) was also present in that ceremony.

Our Headmaster read out his annual report. After this the TNO gave his speech. Then the TNO both gave away the prizes to the selected boys for their brilliant performance in the last annual exam, for other activities in the school. I got two prizes -- one for being first in the last annual exam and the other for regular attendance. Then an enjoyable cultural programme was staged by the students and teachers. In the end of the ceremony our headmaster thanked the respective guests, teachers and the students. This ceremony ended with national anthem. That day I returned home with joy. It’s a memorable day for me because that day I got two prizes and I participated in the cultural programme by singing a song which was my first participation in any cultural programme.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.



My dear ‘A’,

            I have received your email of the 5th instant. You wanted to know what my aim in life is after completing my academic career. Though this is really a tough matter to decide, even then I have an aim of my own as everyone should have. Here I am going to tell you about this. I have decided to be a computer engineer.

           The modern world is the world of computer. Age-old system of keeping record in files is gradually making way for computer based data processing. It is used in schools, colleges, offices, banks, airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries. Computer based telecommunication network sets up instant links with any part of the world at any time. Automation has replaced manual labour in factories. In the field of medical, computerised machines are doing wonders. Though Bangladesh is yet to develop in science and technology, she is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. In this situation, I think it would be a wise choice if I want to be a Computer Engineer. Let me know your opinion which would help me more.

            No more today. I am hale and hearty. Best regards to uncle and aunt.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your mother about your preparation of the coming SSC exam .



Dear Mom and Dad,

              I received your email yesterday. I am much obliged for your affectionate email and the valuable advice it contains. You are anxious to know about my preparation in the ensuing SSC examination.

             You will be glad to know that I always follow your instructions about study and health. What I can say is that I have made a fair progress in my preparation for the examination. No one knows what questions will be set in the examination. So I have consulted the teachers of the respective subject that I might have an idea of the nature of questions. However, some problems of Mathematics are still a problem to me. The rules of English Grammar also elude me. So I feel the need of some help in these papers. In this regard, I am taking help from the respective teachers. I hope to make up this deficiency in the remaining days before the commencement of the examination.

              You often tell me that for success, one must work hard at one’s books from the very beginning and I am glad that I have followed your advice accordingly. I am still working hard, for I do not want to leave anything to chance.

               Please be not anxious about my health. I am taking particular care of it. Convey my deepest affection to Hemal.

Your loving son,



Write an email to your friend thanking him for your birthday present.




Dear ‘A’,

        My birthday passed off smoothly and happily yesterday. But we all missed you so much.

        I received your kind email and charming present just in time. I can realise how much you love me and why you could not come, though you tried your best to do so. Believe me, my dear friend, of all the presents I have got yours is the loveliest. The book you sent me is really praiseworthy. I have long been in need of this book and it has come from you. It would be really very useful to me.

       I heartily thank you for this charming present and I shall keep it as a token of your deep love for me. I shall tell you all about my birthday in my next email.

      With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your father telling him how have you prepared for the coming SSC examination.



My dear Father,

              I received your email yesterday. I am much obliged for your affectionate email and the valuable advice it contains. You are anxious to know about my preparation in the ensuing S.S.C. Examination.

              You will be glad to know that I always follow your instructions about study and health. What I can say is that I have made a fair progress in my preparation for the examination. No one knows what questions will be set in the examination. So I have consulted the teachers of the respective subject that I might have an idea of the nature of questions. However, some problems of Mathematics are still a problem to me. The rules of English Grammar also elude me. So I feel the need of some help in these papers. In this regard, I am taking help from the respective teachers. I hope to make up this deficiency in the remaining days before the commencement of the examination.

              You often tell me that for success, one must work hard at one’s books from the very beginning and I am glad that I have followed your advice accordingly. I am still working hard, for I do not want to leave anything to chance.

               Please be not anxious about my health. I am taking particular care of it.

               With regards to you and mother.

Your elder daughter,



Write an email to your friend describing a recent book fair held in your town.



Dear ‘A’

            How are you? Hope well by the grace of almighty Allah. I am okay. A few days ago I visited a book fair held in our town. Today I am going to tell you about this. The venue of the fair was the Public library premise. Many pavilions were set up. All sorts of books such as, fictions, text-books, dramas, children books, reference books etc were displayed. The stalls were decorated tastefully and thus the attraction of the customers was drawn. There were also food and drink stalls. Thousands of people came to the fair and bought books according to their choice. The place was fully packed at the evening when several writes visited the fair. I think this book fair has created a taste and eagerness for reading to many people of our town. It also bears the testimony of the refined taste and national culture of a country.

            No more today, convey my best regards to your parents.

Your friend,



Writing an email to your younger brother advising him how to improve his English



My dear brother,

             Your email is to my hand. Going through the email I came to know that you are now very much interested about learning English and you are facing some difficulties in learning the language.  

             Many people, even students, think that English is a difficult language for them to learn. For this they become failure to some extent before they start learning the language. However, there is no reason of thinking that English is tough enough to learn. Again it is seen that many people do not know how to succeed in learning English by following some ways. Here I would like to mention some tips for the learners of English, like you. The success of learning English depends on reading, writing, speaking and hearing. A person who is able to read, write, speak and hear English well is an expert in English. A learner of English should first acquire knowledge of tense, sentence, part of speech, and preposition. Then he should learn words to enrich his English vocabulary. Then he should try to speak English. In this regard he should become fluent and should not care for whether he speaks correctly or wrongly. At this stage he should watch English news, read English newspapers, and any other writings in English. Thirdly he should try to write English correctly. And it may be believed that he would be able to write correct English. Finally he should give his try to hearing. And for this purpose, he should listen to English news channels such as, BBC, CNN as much as he can. If a learner follows this method, I believe, he must be successful in learning English well.

              Hope this will find you in a sound health and joyful time.

              Give my salam to mother and father, do take care of yourself.

Your elder sister,




Write an email to your friend describing the picnic you have attended.



Dear ‘S’,

            I have received your email of the 5th instant. In it you expressed your inability to join us in the picnic. You also wanted to know my experience in the picnic. Here is a short description of the same.

            We selected Sonargaon for the picnic spot. We were about thirty-five in number including one of our teachers. We reached there by bus at 9 a.m. with all necessary utensils and materials. After reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast by 9.30 a.m. We had a cook with us. He became busy with cooking. We helped him in different works. Some were cooking, some were singing, some were cutting jokes and others were playing different types of games.

            At about 2 p.m. the lunch was ready. By this time all of us became very hungry. All of us took our lunch with full appetite. After lunch we went out for sight seeing. You know Sonargaon is a place of historical interest. It was once the capital of Bengal. The museum of Sonargaon charmed us most. We started for home at 5 p.m. after taking our tea.

            We enjoyed the picnic most and the day will ever be remembered. What a pleasure it would have been if you had been in the midst of us! Really, we missed you very much. This is all for today. With love and best wishes.


Yours ever,




Write an email to a pen friend describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh



I am very glad to receive your email. You have wanted to know about the food habit of Bangladeshi people. People in Bangladesh generally take the same food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The villagers usually eat rice three times a day. They also take dal, meat and vegetables. The urban people usually take egg, bread made of wheat or flour along with fried vegetables or sweets and a cup of tea a breakfast. In lunch, they eat rice with curry of fish or meat and dal. They take rice, vegetables, curry, dal, etc. for dinner .Now-a-day some people in the rural areas eat bread to control their health. Some foods such as fast food like singara, samocha etc. Cold drinks , chips, burger, sand witches, chops, pizza, hamburger etc. are becoming  popular day by day in our country. The modes of eating are also different between the rural and urban people. The urban people have started eating some western items of food but the rural people are not familiar with them. In fact, people in our country, especially the young people are changing their attitude towards western items.

No more today .I am eagerly waiting for your next email.

Sincerely yours.






Write an email to your friend informing him to join your birthday party.



Dear ‘A’,

            I have a great pleasure to inform you that my fifteenth birthday comes off on Thursday next. This time my parents desire to celebrate my birthday in a grand and befitting manner. I cordially invite you to join the party. We have arranged a day-long programme including the birthday party. In it, there would be a cultural function in the evening. Some renowned artists have promised to take part in the function. So we hope to enjoy the party with mirth and merriment and your presence will certainly encourage us. I will be much pleased if you come and share this memorable moment of my life with me.

            No more now. More when we meet.

            With best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.



My dear Arif,

            I have received your email of the 5th instant. You wanted to know what my aim in life is after completing my academic career. Though this is really a tough matter to decide, even then I have an aim of my own as everyone should have. Here I am going to tell you about this. I have decided to be a computer engineer.

           The modern world is the world of computer. Age-old system of keeping record in files is gradually making way for computer based data processing. It is used in schools, colleges, offices, banks, airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries. Computer based telecommunication network sets up instant links with any part of the world at any time. Automation has replaced manual labour in factories. In the field of medical, computerised machines are doing wonders. Though Bangladesh is yet to develop in science and technology, she is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. In this situation, I think it would be a wise choice if I want to be a Computer Engineer. Let me know your opinion which would help me more.

            No more today. I am hale and hearty. Best regards to uncle and aunt.

            With love.

 Yours ever,



Write an email to your younger brother instructing him to read newspaper regularly.



My dear 'H',


       Take my very best regard and cordial love at the very beginning of the email. In his last email mother told me you are not interested to read newspaper. I am extremely sorry to know that. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.

     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. Now I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today.

     Convey my earnest respect to mom and dad.

Yours affectionately,



Write an email to your father who lives in abroad describing what you are planning to do after your SSC examination is over. 




Dear A,

            Take my salam in the very beginning of the email. I hope you are well by the grace of almighty. In your email you asked me to write what I have decided to do after the SSC exam is over. I am sure you are waiting eagerly for my reply and that’s why today I am writing it to you.

            You know our aim of education is to flourish our life but education is not all about developing life standard only. There are some other aspects of education and one of them is to increase one’s ability of humanity and sense of social duty. So I would like to take up the duty to make the poor people of my village educated up to some extent.

             My aim is to set up a library in my village so that the poor people of my village can borrow books from that library and read books of different types which they generally can’t afford to buy. The library will increase the thirst of knowledge of the common people and thus help to spread intuitional education also.

             To make my dream true I’ll go to my native village and talk to the Chairman of the village and other capable persons also. I am sure they will help me in this matter. I will also donate all the books of my collection to the library. I believe that my plan won’t disappoint you and you will give me the permission to do the work. 

              No more today, please take care of yourself.




Write an email to your friend the experience of taking food in a restaurant.




My dear ‘A’,

          It is many days since you wrote to me. Today I am going to tell you about my experience of taking food in a restaurant. You know our friend, ‘S’. He celebrated his birth anniversary the day before yesterday. On this day he arranged a party at a Chinese restaurant and we the local friends were all invited.

          You will be glad to know that this was totally a new experience for me to have the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant. In the evening we went to his residence by twos and threes. We wished him Happy Birthday. Then all of us together went to the Chinese restaurant which had already been fixed before. There was dim light in the room. As soon as we took our seats, a waiter in uniform came and handed menu to some of us. I was a greenhorn in this regard. So, I didn’t go ahead. Sohel consulted with some of us and placed order. There was no noise like the normal restaurants. Everybody talked in low voice. I kept looking around and listening to the fine music.

          The waiter gave a bowl of soup. We took this with some sauce and pepper extract. It tasted well. Cold drinks were served. Then came fried rice, prawn balls, vegetables and chicken fry. We took the food using fork and spoon. Flavour of food in the restaurant was different from that at home. Aroma was also different and crispy. Really, it was a very delicious dish. My mouth still waters at the thought of those delicious dishes. It was a very nice and enjoyable experience.

          This is all for today. Write to me soon.

          With love.

Yours ever,




Write an email to your younger brother telling him how to do well in the examination



My dear ‘A’,

                  My best wishes to you. I hope you are heal and hearty by the grace of Almighty. But you know, I am very disappointed to know your poor result in the 1st term exam. Your result is a burning proof of your carelessness to studies during the first three-four mounts of the year or so.

                   I would like to mention you that it is not too late yet. If you follow my instruction properly, you are sure to success in the rest two terms. you should study regularly right from the beginning of the school term. Try to understand the lessons instead of cramming to develop their creativity and prepare your own notes which will help you avoid giving almost the same answers in scripts. You should revise your lessons frequently. It is important for you to check and double-check the dates and times of ensuing exams and be aware of carrying the necessary things along with to the examination hall. In the examination hall, students should go through the whole question paper before starting to write and take the mental preparation of attempting to answer all the questions. While having a glance at the question paper, it is better to underline the key words in the questions. Moreover, during answering ‘half way’ check is important to be in proper track. Care should be given to the hand writing so that it is legible to the examiner. By following aforesaid things, you can comfortably be successful.

                    No more today, convey my best regard to mom and dad and do study hard. 

Yours truly,




Write an email to your mother describing him about your hostel life.




My dear Mother,


My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how I am passing my hostel life.

Our hostel is a three storied building. The rooms of the ground floor are used as office room, TV room, waiting room, dining room etc. The first floor is for us and the second floor is for our seniors. Here I’ve got a very friendly atmosphere in the hostel. In my room, I have two more roommates. They are very sociable. Here, we have our hostel superintendent as our guardians. He always takes care of us and always very keen to fulfil our demands. The quality of food of the dining is not up to the mark but somehow tolerable. Here, we arrange a feast once in a month. We collect money from all the students and from our superintendent sir for the feast. It is really very enjoyable in the hostel. But load-shedding and lack of pure water hamper our daily life.

No more today, convey my regards to mother. I regret I miss all of you.


Your loving son,



Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving day or ceremony of your school.




My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our prize giving ceremony. Okay, here it is.

The prize giving ceremony was held on last Sunday. It was a very special day for me because it was known to me that I would get a prize for being first in the last annual exam. That day I reached the school at 8.30 a.m. For this occasion our school auditorium was decorated in a very nice way. The function started at 10 am with the recitation of the holy Quran. The parliament member of our area presided over the ceremony and TNO (Thana Nirbahi Officer) was also present in that ceremony.

Our Headmaster read out his annual report. After this the TNO gave his speech. Then the TNO both gave away the prizes to the selected boys for their brilliant performance in the last annual exam, for other activities in the school. I got two prizes -- one for being first in the last annual exam and the other for regular attendance. Then an enjoyable cultural programme was staged by the students and teachers. In the end of the ceremony our headmaster thanked the respective guests, teachers and the students. This ceremony ended with national anthem. That day I returned home with joy. It’s a memorable day for me because that day I got two prizes and I participated in the cultural programme by singing a song which was my first participation in any cultural programme.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,












Write an email to your mother describing the celebration of the 21st February in your school this year.



My dear Mother,


My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how we celebrated the international mother language day. In this email I will write about our observation on that day of 21st February. .


We observe this day in a very befitting manner because it enlivens our heart and soul. It inspires us to reach the acme of success.

 We usually observe the international mother language day in the month of February every year. The whole school as well as the whole surrounding of the school was embellished with colourful papers on the occasion. The whole playground looked festive. In the morning we all the students and teachers of our school gathered in the school premise at 5 o’clock in the morning. We made a garland of flowers. Then we brought out a colourful procession with due solemnity in order to pay homage to our noble language martyrs at “Shahid Minar” on Bare Foot. On the way sang the song ‘ amar bhaier rokte rangano ekhushe February……’. After that we came to our school.  A cultural function was arranged. The Chairman of the Chittagong Board inaugurated the function at 11 a.m. Many of students of our school participated in the cultural function. They sang, recited and participated in a painting competition on the aspects of 21st February. The honourable D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest. He made a little but vital speech on the significance of the day. The function came to an end with the distributions of prizes.


No more today. More when we shall meet. Catch you later.

Yours sincerely,



Write an email to your friend describing your school.





My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our school . Okay, here it is.


Our school is one standing institutions. It was founded in 1845. The school is located in the heart of Chittagong. It is adjacent to ‘Y’ road. The school is five minutes walk from my residence. The school is a two-storied building. There are thirty class rooms. The rooms are spacious and airy.

Our  school sits in two shifts morning shift and day shift. There are about 1500 students and 35 teachers in our school. The Headmaster is an M.A. B. Ed. He is a capable administrator. The school sits at 10 a. m. and breaks up at 4.30. We get half an hour break after the 4th period. There are the ‘Headmaster’s room, teachers’ common room, the office room the library room, the prayer room and the hall room besides the classroom. A very big field lies inside the ground. We play football cricket, hockey, basketball, table-tennis and other games there after school hours. The school has a big common room. Ours is one of the leading schools in the country. It has been the training ground of many eminent men. I truly boast of being a student of such a highly esteemed institution.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend advising him how to adjust to new place and food.





My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your pains and pathos of dormitory life in England. Here some words from my experience are attributed for you in order that you can overcome your difficulties.

This is human basic instinct that they are always afraid of new place and experience. When was in Delhi in 2001, I had to undergo same situation as yours. Then day by day I worked hard to overcome this problem. I read some books of ‘Shiv Khera’ And ‘Del Carnegie’. I followed some instruction to face such a condition. And I was successful at last.

That is very simple. First of all you have to have wide knowledge of British living. You must know about their gatherings, clothes and habits, interests and specially foods. You would know that they are fond of sight seeing, roaming in the museums and the places of historical importance. In their leisure they usually, spend their time in parks, some of tem spend time r at home enjoying music and movie. But the most common fact of British life is that most of them are fond of reading. A British spend more than 12 hours a week behind reading.

You will get every kinds of food taste of every parts of the world in England, in their cosmopolitan restaurant environment.

So, what you have to do is very simple, you please try to spend your leisure in exploring London. Visit their restaurants, museums, and countryside away from London. You can have Indian food items in Indian restaurants. Try to have some British accompany, follow their style of living. And finally after two or three months you will see that your are not detached from British living.


No more today. Hope you could mange your living and habitation in London. Convey my tender love to all friends. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,




Write an email to your mother describing him about your hostel life.





My dear Mother,

                    My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how I am passing my hostel life.

                    Our hostel is a three storied building. The rooms of the ground floor are used as office room, TV room, waiting room, dining room etc. The first floor is for us and the second floor is for our seniors. Here I’ve got a very friendly atmosphere in the hostel. In my room, I have two more roommates. They are very sociable. Here, we have our hostel superintendent as our guardians. He always takes care of us and always very keen to fulfil our demands. The quality of food of the dining is not up to the mark but somehow tolerable. Here, we arrange a feast once in a month. We collect money from all the students and from our superintendent sir for the feast. It is really very enjoyable in the hostel. But load-shedding and lack of pure water hamper our daily life.

No more today, convey my regards to mother. I regret I miss all of you.

Your loving son,



Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving day or ceremony of your school.





My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our prize giving ceremony. Okay, here it is.

The prize giving ceremony was held on last Sunday. It was a very special day for me because it was known to me that I would get a prize for being first in the last annual exam. That day I reached the school at 8.30 a.m. For this occasion our school auditorium was decorated in a very nice way. The function started at 10 am with the recitation of the holy Quran. The parliament member of our area presided over the ceremony and TNO (Thana Nirbahi Officer) was also present in that ceremony.

Our Headmaster read out his annual report. After this the TNO gave his speech. Then the TNO both gave away the prizes to the selected boys for their brilliant performance in the last annual exam, for other activities in the school. I got two prizes -- one for being first in the last annual exam and the other for regular attendance. Then an enjoyable cultural programme was staged by the students and teachers. In the end of the ceremony our headmaster thanked the respective guests, teachers and the students. This ceremony ended with national anthem. That day I returned home with joy. It’s a memorable day for me because that day I got two prizes and I participated in the cultural programme by singing a song which was my first participation in any cultural programme.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.

Yours ever,




Write an email to your mother describing the celebration of the 21st February in your school this year.





My dear Mother,

                        My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how we celebrated the international mother language day. In this email I will write about our observation on that day of 21st February.

                        We observe this day in a very befitting manner because it enlivens our heart and soul. It inspires us to reach the acme of success.

 We usually observe the international mother language day in the month of February every year. The whole school as well as the whole surrounding of the school was embellished with colourful papers on the occasion. The whole playground looked festive. In the morning we all the students and teachers of our school gathered in the school premise at 5 o’clock in the morning. We made a garland of flowers. Then we brought out a colourful procession with due solemnity in order to pay homage to our noble language martyrs at “Shahid Minar” on Bare Foot. On the way sang the song ‘ amar bhaier rokte rangano ekhushe February……’. After that we came to our school.  A cultural function was arranged. The Chairman of the Chittagong Board inaugurated the function at 11 a.m. Many of students of our school participated in the cultural function. They sang, recited and participated in a painting competition on the aspects of 21st February. The honourable D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest. He made a little but vital speech on the significance of the day. The function came to an end with the distributions of prizes.


                          No more today. More when we shall meet. Catch you later.

Yours sincerely,



Write an email to your friend describing your school.





My dear friend X’

                       Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our school . Okay, here it is.

                       Our school is one standing institutions. It was founded in 1845. The school is located in the heart of Chittagong. It is adjacent to ‘Y’ road. The school is five minutes walk from my residence. The school is a two-storied building. There are thirty class rooms. The rooms are spacious and airy.

Our  school sits in two shifts morning shift and day shift. There are about 1500 students and 35 teachers in our school. The Headmaster is an M.A. B. Ed. He is a capable administrator. The school sits at 10 a. m. and breaks up at 4.30. We get half an hour break after the 4th period. There are the ‘Headmaster’s room, teachers’ common room, the office room the library room, the prayer room and the hall room besides the classroom. A very big field lies inside the ground. We play football cricket, hockey, basketball, table-tennis and other games there after school hours. The school has a big common room. Ours is one of the leading schools in the country. It has been the training ground of many eminent men. I truly boast of being a student of such a highly esteemed institution.

                       No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,




Letter to a friend describing a journey you have recently made.





My Dear Arif,


          Your email has timely reached my hand. You have wanted to know about my recent journey by air. But Arif, you know how exciting the journey was! You know my paternal uncle had invited our family to Calcutta. He resides and works over there. My uncle had confirmed our air ticket before. So, it was easy for us to avail of the opportunity. Okay, here the description of journey is.


          On the scheduled day I along with my parents arrived at the airport in time. Then we were checked in and waited in the lounge. Next we were given boarding cards on which the number of our seat were written. After sometime the departure of the flight was announced. Then after, we boarded on the plane. When all the passengers were in, the door was closed. Next, we all the passengers had to fasten our seat belts. We were also informed what to do in case of an emergency. After that the plane took off smoothly. During the journey, the captain welcomed us and we were offered newspaper and different types of squash. We enjoyed all of these things. We also enjoyed the sight of whatever we could see around the plane. After about forty minutes the journey came to an end. Our plane landed down smoothly at the DumDum Airport. At the lounge we found my uncle waiting to receive me. Then we came outside of the airport and hired a taxi cab. Finally we reached the residence safely.  The journey really left a deep impression on my mind. It will never efface from my memory.


          Hope this will find you in sound health. So no more worry about me. Regards to father and you. 

Yours ever,









Write an email to your younger brother instructing him to read newspaper regularly.





My dear 'H',


       Take my very best regard and cordial love at the very beginning of the email. In his last email mother told me you are not interested to read newspaper. I am extremely sorry to know that. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.


     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. Now I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today.


     Convey my earnest respect to mom and dad.


Yours affectionately,





Write an email to your parents about your preparation for the Examination.






Dear Mom and Dad,


              I received your email yesterday. I am much obliged for your affectionate email and the valuable advice it contains. You are anxious to know about my preparation in the ensuing examination.


             You will be glad to know that I always follow your instructions about study and health. What I can say is that I have made a fair progress in my preparation for the examination. No one knows what questions will be set in the examination. So I have consulted the teachers of the respective subject that I might have an idea of the nature of questions. However, some problems of Mathematics are still a problem to me. The rules of English Grammar also elude me. So I feel the need of some help in these papers. In this regard, I am taking help from the respective teachers. I hope to make up this deficiency in the remaining days before the commencement of the examination.


              You often tell me that for success, one must work hard at one’s books from the very beginning and I am glad that I have followed your advice accordingly. I am still working hard, for I do not want to leave anything to chance.


               Please be not anxious about my health. I am taking particular care of it. Convey my deepest affection to Hemal.


Your loving son,



Write an email to a friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the S.S.C Examination.





Dear ‘S’,


            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. When I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of this result. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

            You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.


            It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.


            With love and best wishes.


Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend describing the experiences of your visit to a science    fair.



My dear ‘A’,


            Today I am going to write you about my recent visit to a science fair. My elder brother who studies in BUET invites me to pay a visit to their campus on the occasion of a science fair. Accordingly, I went there and enjoyed a lot.


             What I saw was a fantastic arrangement of exhibits of all kinds of scientific experiments done both by the students of BUET and by students of other science institutions.

The exhibition was being held in a 4-storeyed building. On the ground floor we saw many posters of great scientists of the world like Newton, Einstein, and Prof. Abdus Salam. Some of the wall papers contained memorable statements on the importance of science. The third floor had the most interesting practical exhibits to show. The students of BUET had arranged it. All their exhibitions were the result of their laboratory experiment. One object drew my attention. It was about the optical illusion. A small iron ball was shown to be travelling upward on a narrow plank of board, without any additional help. Later, I realised that the board was originally set with the upside end actually lower than the downside end, for which reason it gave the illusion that the ball was rolling upward, when actually it was gliding down. In the aviation room they put blown up pictures of Apollo 11 making its historic voyage to the moon. A short-film was also shown on the astronauts: Neil Armstrong who first set feet upon the face of the moon, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. I visited different stalls. I could only guess what tremendous development has been achieved in different branches of science. In the fair I gathered almost up-to-date information about the development of Physics, Chemistry, Medical Science and Technology. Indeed, the science fair increases our zeal about science facts. We feel that we must know more about the mysteries of nature.        


             A science fair has a great educative value. I spent full six hours visiting the science fair and learning and enjoying a world of new things. It has left a deep impression on my mind. That’s all for today. Hope you are in sound health and joyful time. With good wishes to you all.


Yours ever,    



Write an email to your friend about a serious accident that you have witnessed.





Dear M,

            I know that you are still in anxiety to learn whether I have reached the hostel. Yes, I have reached but with a heavy heart. On the way our bus met a serious accident. I am giving you the idea of the accident that I have witnessed. I cannot still forget the pathetic accident that took place the other day.


            Our bus full of passengers was crossing the Nawabpur Rood at a high speed when a truck came up from opposite direction. In the meantime the truck could not control the speed and knocked our bus and it was a head-on-collision. A shout of alarm was heard instantly. There was a hue and cry. The front of the bus was crushed. The accident was dangerous. Many passengers were injured and some of them were fatally wounded. I was fortunate enough not to have been injured even slightly. At once the place became the spot of great noise. Ambulance and pedestrians became active to render help to the injured. Many of the wounded passengers were sent to the hospital. I felt very much nervous and shocked to experience the accident. I have been mentally upset for a few hours on account of this. I cannot eat, sleep or rest from then. I think I can overcome the situation soon. Don’t worry about me. 


            This is all for today. Regards to you and father, love to Riya.


Your loving son,







Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.





My dear Arif,


            I have received your email of the 5th instant. You wanted to know about my aim after completing my academic career. Though this is really a tough matter to decide, even then I have an aim of my own as everyone should have. Here I am going to tell you about this. I have decided to be a computer engineer.


          The modern world is the world of computer. Age-old system of keeping record in files is gradually making way for computer based data processing. It is used in schools, colleges, offices, banks, airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries. Computer based telecommunication network sets up instant links with any part of the world at any time. Automation has replaced manual labour in factories. In the field of medical, computerised machines are doing wonders. Though Bangladesh is yet to develop in science and technology, she is trying to use computer science in solving different problems. In this situation, I think it would be a wise choice if I become  a Computer Engineer. Let me know your opinion regarding this matter.


            No more today. I am hale and hearty. Best regards to uncle and aunt.


Yours ever,




Write an email to your friend how you celebrated International Mother Language Day this year.




My Dear ‘M’,

          I have received your email timely. Today I am giving you a description of celebration of International Mother Language Day this year.

         This year the programme arranged by our school authority was a grand one. Early in the morning many of the students gathered in the school compound. We, organised by our teachers made a rally towards the Saheed Minar. There we offered wreathes and bouquets. Then we came back to school ground. Before we had a plan to arrange a cultural function and accordingly we started it. Some girls inaugurated the programme by singing the song ‘Amar bhaiyer rakte rangano Ekushe February ...’. After that our honourable teacher, Mr. Hasan very beautifully narrated the history of the Language Movement Day. He also let us know the efforts and ultimate declaration of the International Mother Language Day. Mr. Nasiruddin, the Headmaster of our school discussed on the importance of the International Mother Language Day in the national life of Bangladesh. Then started the reciting competition composed by the young poets. The second part of the programme was arranged by different songs composed by the established poets and lyricists. The full audience made the pin-drop silence as some famous new and old singers were performing with superb melody. The third phase of the programme started with a one-act play. At the end it was greeted by an applause. Indeed the day was celebrated with due solemnity.

         This is all for today. Best regards to you and father. 

Truly yours,



Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of planting trees.





My dear ‘N’,


 I was really shocked when I heard that you did not take part in the campaign in favour of ‘Plant more trees’. I also heard that you were rather against the programme. I could not understand why a student like you acted in this way. It is really sorrowful when I heard all these things. However, I at present want to make you realise about the importance of planting trees.

          Trees are the integral part of nature. Trees are very essential in a country to cause rains. It forms a natural beauty in a country. It plays a very important role for our existence. But for the development of human civilisation this valuable assets are damaged day by day. The people of our country cut down our trees at random. So, our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will turn into a desert. The country will bear the consequences of ‘Green House Effect’. To preserve our environment, we should plant more and more trees. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. They should be made aware that our economy is dependent upon trees. There is an ample scope for afforestation in Bangladesh. Sea beaches, low lying areas and fallow lands can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted in all sides of ponds and tanks in village. I think the above idea will help you understand about the importance of tree plantation. So, it is the duty of all of us to campaign for the plantation of trees for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival. This is all for today. With love and best wishes.




Write an email Letter to your younger sister advising her how to improve her English.




Dear ‘S’,

            Your sweet note is just to hand. I am really disappointed to hear that you have cut a very sorry figure in English in your annual examination.

            You know English is a foreign language to us. And our difficulty in learning this language is many and varied. Firstly, our mother tongue is Bengali and that mother tongue impedes the learning of a foreign language. Secondly, we read English merely because we want to pass the examinations. And, as such, we are not taught to study the language critically and carefully, Thirdly, the books that we follow are written by our local authors who are also not very well-up in this language. And there are also other reasons which will make a tale.

             But if you try harder you can definitely overcome all these difficulties. Trying to read English Newspapers and to watch the English News can be a wonderful idea to develop your English. 

             No more today, With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,




Write an email to your friend telling him how you spent the last winter vacation.





My dear ‘A’,

               Your email is just to hand. You have written to me after a long time. I hope that you will write to me in this way. You have desired to know how I have spent the last winter vacation. During the last vacation, I visited my native village. I had a long cherished dream to do something for the illiterate section of our village. This time I had the opportunity to start a programme of adult education.

               In our country most of the people are illiterate. Lack of education is a curse, because in its absence bigotry, fanaticism and superstition occupy the mind of an adult and he fails to see the truth of the matter. The illiterate people stand in the way of their children’s development. Illiterate fathers and husbands are particularly harsh on daughters and wives. Moreover, they are unaware of healthy and hygienic life, modern method of cultivation etc. All these things made me think for them. In the last vacation, I and some of my contemporaries together took the initiative to start an adult education programme. We took help from some of the school teachers who contributed their best. We got a positive respond from the villagers. They motivated by us eagerly participated in the programme. We taught them regarding alphabets, numbers, health, nutrition and sanitation. Thus our programme became successful. We hope that we will continue the programme in this way. I think you are also interested to participate in the programme next time.

               Hope to hear from you. That’s all for today. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,





Write an email to your friend describing the recent fair of your village.          




Dear ‘A’

       This is many days since you wrote to me. I am highly eager to let you know about a visit to a fair in our village, which I have recently made. You know that the last few days were the vacation of autumn. So I went to visit my native village. There I along with my cousin went to a village fair. Indeed it was an amazing experience.

        The fair was full of din and bustle. Immense crowds were making their way towards the fair. The fair was held over the open space around the shrine of a Muslim saint.

There were long rows of booths with broad passages between. In these booths were displayed almost all sorts of things ---- toys, cosmetics, knives, whistles, earthen wares, brass wares, fruits and sweets. It seemed to be a kind of exhibition in miniature of cottage industries. The rural artisans and craftsmen brought their handmade articles to the fair.

        Different forms of amusements were also accommodated to provide a happy diversion to the rural people. ‘Travelling jatra parties’, ‘Nagar- dolas’ ‘Circus parties’ etc were showing their feats and performances. A magician too was found under a small tent ready to show his tricks to the people against small sum. But the largest crowd gathered around the place where jugglers exhibited their feats. After visiting the fair I realised that the fair really inspired the skilled hands of cottage industries and helped the farmers by building their economy. It was a means of recreation, change and social get-together of the village people.       

        The experience of visiting the fair is really engraved in my heart for long. That’s all for today. Hope to hear from you. With best wishes.     

Yours ever,




Write an email to your friend describing a train journey you have recently made.




Dear A,

            Many thanks for your kind note of the 2nd instant. In this email, I am giving you an account of my journey from Chittagong to Dhaka by train. I hope it will give you much pleasure.

            It was Monday. I started for Dhaka from Chittagong Railway Station. Two friends of mine went with me.  We were passengers of the 1st Class compartment. So in the train I was at ease. The train started in time. In the twinkling of an eye it reached Laksam Junction. From Laksam the train started again for Dhaka. Trees, houses and way-side bridges seemed to fly away faster than the fairies or the witches. Soon the train reached Bhairab. Frankly speaking the bridge of Bhairab was a terror to me. The train was moving in a full speed. Mills and factories on both sides of the railway lines seemed to run behind. At 5 p.m. we reached Dhaka. Thus my long journey by train was over.

            This is all for today. With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your friend describing what you are planning to do after your SSC examination is over. 





Dear A,

            How are you? In your email you wrote me what you have decided to do after the SSC exam is over. I am sure you are keen to know my plan also and that’s why today I am writing it to you.

            You know our aim of education is to flourish our life but education is not all about developing life standard only. There are some other aspects of education and one of them is to increase one’s ability of humanity and sense of social duty. So I would like to take up the duty to make the poor people of my village educated up to some extent.

             My aim is to set up a library in my village so that the poor people of my village can borrow books from that library and read books of different types which they generally can’t afford to buy. The library will increase the thirst of knowledge of the common people and thus help to spread intuitional education also.

             To make my dream true I’ll go to my native village and talk to the Chairman of the village and other capable persons also. I am sure they will help me in this matter. I will also donate all the books of my collection to the library. My father has already given me his kind permission and acceptance about the matter.

              No more today, convey my best regard to your parents.







Letter to a friend describing the annual sports recently held in your school



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever




Write an email to your younger brother telling him about how to do well in the exam.





My dear ‘A’,

                 Your last email came to my hand timely. I came to know many things about your studies and daily life. I appreciate your concern regarding your ensuing examination. I should like to advise you especially in this matter. It might be helpful for your exam.

                 You know that every work needs a strategy to be followed. It has been said that about 50 percent of your chances of success relate to your examination skill rather than to your subject knowledge. So, to do well in the exam you have no other choice than to be skilful. You need to check and double-check your exam dates and times. You are to follow the restrictions about the things you can carry to the examination hall. In the examination hall you have to budget your time so that no answer can be missed. In this regard you are to avoid elaborating answers. Before attempting to answer it is safe to have a good idea all over the question. Sometimes you may find difficult questions. Don’t worry. Take it as they come. Give time to plan your answer for each question. Again, it is useful half way through writing the answer, to check back that you are doing what you should. Make your answer legible. This is the way through which you can perform well in the examination. I think you will follow my advice and will make a great result.

                  No more today. Hope this will find you in a sound health and joyful time. Write to me soon. With love and best wishes.

Yours affectionately,



Suppose one of your friends is in England for six months. She is having troubles with the new place and new food. Writer an email to your friend advising her on how to adjust to the new place and new food.




Dear X,

                     Hope you are will in Almighty’s blessings. I received your email few days ago. You wrote about your problems of food and place in England. I am also anxious like you and I think every problem has a solution. I am writing some words about your problems.

                      England is a wonderful country having its own culture, tastes values etc. Their food hobbit are different from us. It is very natural that it takes time to get accustomed to new environment. But time will help you to be used to such hobbits. England foods are rich in food value. I think after a period of time you will enjoy the foods.

                       Again you are facing some problems with the new place. As a new comer in England you have to adjust with the new society, weather, culture. Try to have some good friends who can advises / help you in all respects.

                        I hope you will overcome these problems soon. In course of time every thing will be under your control. No more today.

Sincerely yours





Suppose you are an English scout named Becky. You’ve visited a Bangladeshi scout named Masum’s family. Now write an email to your mother about your feelings and experience after visiting Masum’s family.




Dear Mother,

                     Hope you are well. I am enjoying my visit to Bangladesh. After completing the scout camp. I want to visit a Bangladeshi friend named Masum’s house. I am going to tell you the experience and family after visiting his family.

                      I was introduced with Masum’s family. All the family members received me cordially. Masum’s grand parents, uncle, aunts lived with them. Their house made of clay with a tin roof and this surprised me very much. Each room detached from one another. I was entertained with Bangladeshi foods- vegetable curry, dal, fish, chop etc. at lunch. Though foods were spicy and but I enjoyed those. Foods were delicious. I was most surprised by the dress Masum’s mother were. It is called saree! a 16 fat long cloth. It looks really nice. I am planning to buy one for you. This sisters wore “solwar” and “Kamiz”. Sents wore “punjabi”, “lungi”. I liked thier cloths very much.

                      The family touched my heart. I shall remember them for a long time.

                      No more today. With best regards.

Your loving




Imagine that you’ve a pen-friend in America. She wishes know about your school. Now write an email to her informing about various aspects of your school.





Dear X,

                    I am very glad to receive your email yesterday. You wanted to know about our school. Today I am writing to you about this.

                    The name of was school is Dr. Khastogir Girls High School. It is situated in the middle of the city. It is the most famous school of the city. It was founded in 1907. After the name of Dr. Khastogir the school was named. The school has an area of 3 acres. The L shaped three storied building has 30 rooms in it. Of them one is for the headmaster, two rooms for two assistant headmasters and one for the office. 20 rooms are used as classrooms. The classrooms are fairly large and well furnished with a wide veranda. There is a spacious room where the teachers sit and take rest and do other jobs during their off periods. It has also a library room with an adequate number of books on various subjects. Besides of these rooms, it has an auditorium and a science laboratory.

                     Our classes begin at 10.00 in the morning and breaks at 4.30 in the afternoon with a break at 1.00 pm. We have seven periods each day. There are about one thousand students in different classes. It is well staffed with an efficient and experienced headmaster. The school also offers us the facilities to take part in debates, music and other cultural activities. The school has a good reputation for its results.

I fact proud of being a student of this distinguished school.

Sincerely yours,





Imagine that you had a meal at a chinese restaurant for the first time. Now write an email to your friend describing the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant.




Dear ‘N’,

                       How are the things going with you? I have been trying to get hold of you for about two weeks but failed to get connected with you. Hope you are in the pink of health.


                       Anyway the day before yesterday I had a bit weird but pleasant experience of taking food in a restaurant. Honestly speaking, I never had the experience of taking food in a Chinese restaurant before. It was the first time. So quite usually I was a bit confused. I along with one of my friends went to the Nightingale restaurant. We took our seats. After sometime a waiter came with the menu. As I didn’t have the familiarity with these kinds of food, I was in a fix. My friend was experienced. He helped me to choose some of the items of the menu. We waited for about 20 minutes. Then the foods arrived. I took soup and French fry. The taste was a bit confusing. Possibly it was the first time. That’s why the taste was like that to me. But it is undeniably true that at the end I enjoyed the taste. After taking our meal we waited for about 10 minutes. The waiter delivered the bill. The foods were expensive. But the cool air, the romantic setting as well as the surrounding everything was pleasant to me.


                       The experience was peculiar but sweet to remember. Anyway, we didn’t forget to give tips to the waiter because of his gentle and meek conduct.


                       No more today. Catch you later. Let me conclude now.

 Yours loving friend




Letter to your friend describing your last day at school




My dear ‘A’,

        I have received your email in time. In it you have wanted to know about the impression of my last day at school.  Indeed it was a memorable day, the memory of that day still fills my mind with the feelings which are sweet and sad.

It was Monday and as it was our last day at school there were some preparations to bade us fare well. The hall room was decorated with flags and festoons. We, the S.S.C candidates went to school timely to attend the farewell function in the school auditorium. All the teachers and students of our school took part in the function and made it successful. The Headmaster presided over the function. The teachers addressed us and expressed their love and affection for us. They also gave us a lot of advice for the examination. Some of the students also delivered their speech. Then started the cultural programme which was a nice and enjoyed one. At last the Headmaster delivered his parting address to the students. Then the programme drew to a close. All the students of the school as well as the invited guests were treated with light refreshment when the function was over. The day shall remain ever fresh and evergreen in my memory. This is all for today.  Best regards to your parents.

Yours truly,



Write an email to your friend to join a picnic.





Dear ‘S’,

            How are you? I hope well by the grace of almighty Allah. How was your first term exam? Mine was not bad. You know, as the exam is over, I am thinking to go on a picnic.

            In our wearisome day to day life we are always busy in our daily routine work. But we need a rest after a long hard work. As our 1st term exam is over, I think we can go in a picnic to make our mind fresh and ready for more work in the coming days.

            Many places I thought to go on a picnic but finally I have decided to go to the ‘Safari park’. It is a beautiful place situated at ‘Banskhali’ Chittagong. I am sure that you have heard about the beauty of that place and will be very much eager to go with me.

            Please write to me soon whether you are going with me on not on the Friday after next.

           Convey my regards to your youngers and respect to your parents. No more today, much more when we meet.

Truly tours,


Write an email to your younger brother saying him the bad effects of smoking.



Dear ‘S’,

                Take my very best wishes in the beginning of the email. I was very glad to hear about your brilliant result in the annual examination but on the contrary I became very disappointed when I came to know that you have recently adopted a dangerous habit, you have been addicted to smoking.

                 Dear brother, you can’t even imagine how dangerous smoking is! It is no less harmful than poison. It contains nicotine which can cause lungs cancer, bronchitis, heart disease etc. it ruins the vitality of life and hastens death. It is a fact that smoking is like committing suicide. That is why; I would like to advise you to give up smoking without any more delay. I do believe you can easily give up this bed habit if you are determined enough.

                  No more today. Tender my best regards to parents. With love and best wishes,

Your elder brother


Write an email to your younger brother describing the benefits of learning English




My dear ‘A’,

Your email is just to hand. In it you have commented that people at present are running after foreign

language, especially English, avoiding Bengali. And this is morally harmful for us. But frankly speaking, I differ with you on this point.

             Actually learning English can be of great use because we can gain a great deal of benefit by learning English. English is an international language. It is spoken widely among all over the world. If we are fluent in English, we can communicate with people all over the world. Our foreign affairs cannot be done without English. By learning English we can read books and magazines in English for higher education. Really, our education remains incomplete without having knowledge in this language. You must admit that our cultural renaissance would not have been possible without English. Nowadays poor knowledge in English is the main reason of failure of the students in the competitive examinations. So, English is very much important to fulfil the demand of the time and one can be benefited by it in many ways.  I hope you will agree with my views. No more today; tender my respect to your parents.

             With love and best wishes.

Yours affectionately, 


Write an email to your friend telling him the importance of physical exercise.




My dear ‘A’,

               My best love to you. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am worried to know that you are recently not keeping in good health. Dear friend, I think you should take physical exercise to improve your health condition. Physical exercise is very important for everyone. It not only keeps a man fit and strong but also helps him to attain a sound mind. It gives us fresh energy and helps us to return to work with renewed vigour. If you want to do well in the examination you have to work hard and you can’t study hard unless your body is fit enough. So, physical exercise is important from that perspective also.

               I hope now you can understand the true value of physical exercise and would not hesitate any further to take regular physical exercise.

                That’s all for today. Convey my best regards to your parents.

Yours truly,


Write an email to a friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the S.S.C Examination.




Dear ‘S’,


            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. When I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of this result. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

            You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.


            It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.


            With love and best wishes.


Yours ever,


Letter to a friend describing the annual sports recently held in your school



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever




Letter to your cousin telling her the procedures to get admitted into the college.




I have received your email yesterday. You have wanted to know how to get admit into a college. First  of all you need to pass the S.S.C. examination successfully. After publishing the result you need to collect the admission form from the college. But getting a form is really depends upon one’s S.S.C. result. Then college authority declared a fixed date for the interview .The best student get the opportunity to admit according to their G.P.A.

Enough for today.

Tender my best compliments to your parents. I hope this email find you proper way to get admitted into a college,

Your loving brother




Write an email to your friend telling him / her about your visit to a historical mosque.





My dear ‘A’,

              Your sweet note anchored my heart. I am getting on well with my studies. Today I am going to write to you about the excursion which we have recently made from our school. Our school authority has decided to make a short trip to Bagerhat. Accordingly we did it.

               It is a place of historical in Bangladesh. By train I reached Bagerhat. I hired a rickshaw and went to visit the Shat Gambuj Mosque. During our visit to that historical place, we have come to know about many interesting things. The mosque was built in 1440 by Khan Jahan Ali, a preacher of Islam. The area of Shat Gambuj Mosque is very big. The mosque is beautifully decorated with terracota flowers, foliage and plain architecture. It stands on sixty pillars. It was 77 domes instead of 60 domes. The inside walls are very thick and flowers are painted on it. It is a work of great art and engineering skill of the period. There is a prayer house which is beautifully decorated. I also visited the largest tanks known as Dargadighi and Ghoradighi near the mosque. I was wondered at the sight of all these activities of human beings in the days long past. I think this description will tempt you to pay a visit the place.

               No more today. Please write to me soon. With love.

Sincerely yours,           




Write an email to a friend condoling him for his father’s untime death.





Dear ‘T’,

             Take my deepest compassion for the dreadful episode that has come to you. I was greatly shocked to hear that your father has departed two days ago. You can’t imagine how sorry I was to hear the sad news. The thought of your mental condition worried me and made me to write this email.

              I can still remember the lively person who used to greet me with a son like affection. He was a man of great heart and noble deeds. May his soul be rest in peace in the eternal shade of heaven. 

              Man is mortal, he is to die one day or the other but we can’t convince our mind to mourn in death if it is an untimed one. I know you are in a position where your heart is filled with sorrows but dear friend, you must remember that time moves on and it is time that heals all wound. As you are the eldest son of your father you have to get your self together very quickly because all the responsibility of your father now lies to you. Whenever you think you are in need of a good friend, do not hesitate to contact me.

Truly yours,




Write an email to a friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the S.S.C Examination.




Dear ‘S’,

            Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved success in the S.S.C. Examination. When I have come to know that you have passed the exam in ‘A’ grade, my joys knows no bound. You are really worthy of this result. We expected of you such a performance and the result has fulfilled our expectations.

            You see, life is earnest and life is struggle. You worked hard and your efforts are crowned with success. My parents are also very glad to know of your success.

            It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well.

            With love and best wishes.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your mother about your experience and feeling after visiting a friend’s family.





My dear Mother,

              I received your email yesterday. You are anxious to know about my arrival from Raju’s village. Yes, I arrived yesterday. It was really a pleasant trip for me. My stay with them was extremely delightful. Raju’s mother prepared so delicious and special dishes for me. She is really an excellent cook! She was so nice to me. And Raju’s father also found time from his so busy schedule to take us on excursions and to cultural programmes in the evenings. I enjoyed every day, every hour, every moment of their hospitality. In fact I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so much and so thoroughly anywhere!

               It was really very nice of me to spend a week with them. I heartily appreciate Raju’s hospitality and affection of his parents for me. I wish I could visit again.

               How are you passing your days? Don’t worry about me. I am fine and going on with my regular life smoothly. Regards to father and you. Love to Ryan.

Your loving son,




Write an email to your younger brother instructing him to about the benefit of reading newspaper regularly.



My dear 'H',

       I am extremely sorry to know that you do not take interest to read newspaper. Now you are a citizen of an independent state. You should remain in touch with the outside world. You should go through journals, magazine and novels, especially you should read newspaper daily.

     Newspaper is a store-house of knowledge. It makes our mind fresh. It gives us scope to learn the living language spoken by the civilized people. It helps us to express our views in a simple idiomatic style. On the whole newspapers are the fountains of knowledge and source of pleasures. Now I tell you to read newspaper daily. I hope you will carry out what I have told you to do. Take care of your health. No more today.

    With love and best wishes.

Yours affectionately,



Write an email to a pen friend describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh



I am very glad to receive your email. You have wanted to know about the food habit of Bangladeshi people. People in Bangladesh generally take the same food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The villagers usually eat rice three times a day. They also take dal, meat and vegetables. The urban people usually take egg, bread made of wheat or flour along with fried vegetables or sweets and a cup of tea a breakfast. In lunch, they eat rice with curry of fish or meat and dal. They take rice, vegetables, curry, dal, etc. for dinner .Now-a-day some people in the rural areas eat bread to control their health. Some foods such as fast food like singara, samocha etc. Cold drinks , chips, burger, sand witches, chops, pizza, hamburger etc. are becoming  popular day by day in our country. The modes of eating are also different between the rural and urban people. The urban people have started eating some western items of food but the rural people are not familiar with them. In fact, people in our country, especially the young people are changing their attitude towards western items.

No more today .I am eagerly waiting for your next email.

Sincerely yours.


Write an email to your friend the experience of taking food in a restaurant.






My dear ‘A’,

          It is many days since you wrote to me. Today I am going to tell you about my experience of taking food in a restaurant. You know our friend, ‘S’. He celebrated his birth anniversary the day before yesterday. On this day he arranged a party at a Chinese restaurant and we the local friends were all invited.

          You will be glad to know that this was totally a new experience for me to have the experience of having food in a Chinese restaurant. In the evening we went to his residence by twos and threes. We wished him Happy Birthday. Then all of us together went to the Chinese restaurant which had already been fixed before. There was dim light in the room. As soon as we took our seats, a waiter in uniform came and handed menu to some of us. I was a greenhorn in this regard. So, I didn’t go ahead. Sohel consulted with some of us and placed order. There was no noise like the normal restaurants. Everybody talked in low voice. I kept looking around and listening to the fine music.

          The waiter gave a bowl of soup. We took this with some sauce and pepper extract. It tasted well. Cold drinks were served. Then came fried rice, prawn balls, vegetables and chicken fry. We took the food using fork and spoon. Flavour of food in the restaurant was different from that at home. Aroma was also different and crispy. Really, it was a very delicious dish. My mouth still waters at the thought of those delicious dishes. It was a very nice and enjoyable experience.

          This is all for today. Write to me soon.

          With love.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving day or ceremony of your school.





My dear friend X’

Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our prize giving ceremony. Okay, here it is.

The prize giving ceremony was held on last Sunday. It was a very special day for me because it was known to me that I would get a prize for being first in the last annual exam. That day I reached the school at 8.30 a.m. For this occasion our school auditorium was decorated in a very nice way. The function started at 10 am with the recitation of the holy Quran. The parliament member of our area presided over the ceremony and TNO (Thana Nirbahi Officer) was also present in that ceremony.

Our Headmaster read out his annual report. After this the TNO gave his speech. Then the TNO both gave away the prizes to the selected boys for their brilliant performance in the last annual exam, for other activities in the school. I got two prizes -- one for being first in the last annual exam and the other for regular attendance. Then an enjoyable cultural programme was staged by the students and teachers. In the end of the ceremony our headmaster thanked the respective guests, teachers and the students. This ceremony ended with national anthem. That day I returned home with joy. It’s a memorable day for me because that day I got two prizes and I participated in the cultural programme by singing a song which was my first participation in any cultural programme.

No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.

Yours ever,



Write an email to your mother describing the celebration of the 21st February in your school this year



My dear Mother,

                        My best regards to you. I hope all of you are keeping in good health

 by the grace of Allah. I am in receipt of your kind email of the 26th February. In your email you wanted to know how we celebrated the international mother language day. In this email I will write about our observation on that day of 21st February.

                        We observe this day in a very befitting manner because it enlivens our heart and soul. It inspires us to reach the acme of success.

 We usually observe the international mother language day in the month of February every year. The whole school as well as the whole surrounding of the school was embellished with colourful papers on the occasion. The whole playground looked festive. In the morning we all the students and teachers of our school gathered in the school premise at 5 o’clock in the morning. We made a garland of flowers. Then we brought out a colourful procession with due solemnity in order to pay homage to our noble language martyrs at “Shahid Minar” on Bare Foot. On the way sang the song ‘ amar bhaier rokte rangano ekhushe February……’. After that we came to our school.  A cultural function was arranged. The Chairman of the Chittagong Board inaugurated the function at 11 a.m. Many of students of our school participated in the cultural function. They sang, recited and participated in a painting competition on the aspects of 21st February. The honourable D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest. He made a little but vital speech on the significance of the day. The function came to an end with the distributions of prizes.


 No more today. More when we shall meet. Catch you later.

Yours sincerely,



Write an email to your friend describing your school.




My dear friend X’

                Yesterday I received your email and read your description about your school’s prize giving ceremony. And, you wanted to know in the email about our school . Okay, here it is.

                       Our school is one standing institutions. It was founded in 1845. The school is located in the heart of Chittagong. It is adjacent to ‘Y’ road. The school is five minutes walk from my residence. The school is a two-storied building. There are thirty class rooms. The rooms are spacious and airy.

Our  school sits in two shifts morning shift and day shift. There are about 1500 students and 35 teachers in our school. The Headmaster is an M.A. B. Ed. He is a capable administrator. The school sits at 10 a. m. and breaks up at 4.30. We get half an hour break after the 4th period. There are the ‘Headmaster’s room, teachers’ common room, the office room the library room, the prayer room and the hall room besides the classroom. A very big field lies inside the ground. We play football cricket, hockey, basketball, table-tennis and other games there after school hours. The school has a big common room. Ours is one of the leading schools in the country. It has been the training ground of many eminent men. I truly boast of being a student of such a highly esteemed institution.

                       No more today. Tender my respect to your parents and elders. And, love to all youngers. Please write to me regularly as before.


Yours ever,



Letter to a friend describing the annual sports recently held in your school



My dear ‘A’,

Your email gave me much delight.You will be glad to know that we observed the annual sports of our school on January 31.On this ceremony our school campus and the surroundings of the play  ground were decorated with colourful papers , flowers and festoons.The chairman of Chittagong board in inaugurated the programe at 8 A.M.

There were at least thirty events including many races.The first event was  100 metres race.Among the events  sack race and three-legged race were interesting.The tug of war between the students and teachers was the last event and it gave us the gratest entertainment.

The Hon’ble D.C. of Chittagong was the chief guest .After giving a short speech he gave away the prizes among the winners.With the distributions of prizes the function came to and end. I got two prizes.It was indeed, a happy occasion for me.

No more, today.With love and good wishes.

Yours ever



Suppose you are an English scout named Becky. You’ve visited a Bangladeshi scout named Masum’s family. Now write an email to your mother about your feelings and experience after visiting Masum’s family.




Dear Mother,

                     Hope you are well. I am enjoying my visit to Bangladesh. After completing the scout camp. I want to visit a Bangladeshi friend named Masum’s house. I am going to tell you the experience and family after visiting his family.

                      I was introduced with Masum’s family. All the family members received me cordially. Masum’s grand parents, uncle, aunts lived with them. Their house made of clay with a tin roof and this surprised me very much. Each room detached from one another. I was entertained with Bangladeshi foods- vegetable curry, dal, fish, chop etc. at lunch. Though foods were spicy and but I enjoyed those. Foods were delicious. I was most surprised by the dress Masum’s mother were. It is called saree! a 16 fat long cloth. It looks really nice. I am planning to buy one for you. This sisters wore “solwar” and “Kamiz”. Sents wore “punjabi”, “lungi”. I liked their cloths very much.

                      The family touched my heart. I shall remember them for a long time.

                      No more today. With best regards.

Your loving




Write an email to your younger brother saying him the bad effects of smoking.



Dear ‘S’,

                Take my very best wishes in the beginning of the email. I was very glad to hear about your brilliant result in the annual examination but on the contrary I became very disappointed when I came to know that you have recently adopted a dangerous habit, you have been addicted to smoking.

                 Dear brother, you can’t even imagine how dangerous smoking is! It is no less harmful than poison. It contains nicotine which can cause lungs cancer, bronchitis, heart disease etc. it ruins the vitality of life and hastens death. It is a fact that smoking is like committing suicide. That is why; I would like to advise you to give up smoking without any more delay. I do believe you can easily give up this bed habit if you are determined enough.

                  No more today. Tender my best regards to parents. With love and best wishes,

Your elder brother




Write an email to your mother about your experience and feeling after visiting a friend’s family.



My dear Mother,

              I received your email yesterday. You are anxious to know about my arrival from Raju’s village. Yes, I arrived yesterday. It was really a pleasant trip for me. My stay with them was extremely delightful. Raju’s mother prepared so delicious and special dishes for me. She is really an excellent cook! She was so nice to me. And Raju’s father also found time from his so busy schedule to take us on excursions and to cultural programmes in the evenings. I enjoyed every day, every hour, every moment of their hospitality. In fact I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so much and so thoroughly anywhere!

               It was really very nice of me to spend a week with them. I heartily appreciate Raju’s hospitality and affection of his parents for me. I wish I could visit again.

               How are you passing your days? Don’t worry about me. I am fine and going on with my regular life smoothly. Regards to father and you. Love to Ryan.

Your loving son,


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