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A dialogue between two friends while coming out of the hall after the examination / A Dialogue between two friends about after coming out Examination Hall

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Dialogue between Reena and Sheela while coming out of the hall after the examination:

Reena: Hi Sheela! I've been looking for you. How did you do in the exam?

Sheela: I couldn’t do well. The questions were not what I expected.

Reena: I don’t agree with you. I know how much you prepared, and I’m sure you did better than you think. Maybe it didn’t go as planned, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t do well. How about your Part-A questions?

Sheela: I answered all the questions, even though the passage wasn’t familiar. I believe I’ll get fair marks for that. How about you?

Reena: My performance wasn’t bad either, though the passage wasn’t familiar for me too. But I’m happy with how I did in Part-B. I have high hopes for Part-C, but unfortunately, I didn’t do as well as I expected. How did you find those parts?

Sheela: I did well in Part-B, and even better in Part-C. Overall, I’m not feeling disappointed.

Reena: Let’s forget about it now. Neither of us did poorly in the English first paper. Now, let’s go home and start preparing for the next one.

Sheela: I know you’re much better prepared for the second paper.

Reena: Not as much as it might seem to you, but I feel confident. Don’t you feel confident to do even better in the second paper?

Sheela: Let’s wait and see. Bye for now!

Reena: Bye-bye!

Write a Dialogue between two friends about after coming out Examination Hall


Monisha: Hello, Ohana. How have you done in today's paper? 


Ohana: It's cool. But you look excited. What happened to you?


Monisha: Oh! I have had a horrible experience this day. The questions frightened me from the very beginning. It was my effort that I could save me somehow. 


Ohana: But I have answered all the questions. To speak the truth, all the questions were somewhat hard and stiff. But I could carry on rather with ease.


Monisha: The questions no 2 and 4 were not common to me. Overall questions seemed very hard to me. 


Ohana: I don't think so. It seemed very hard to you as you did not study well owning to your illness.


Monisha: Your idea may be wrong or right. I do not know. But it is true that you are a bright student. So, your case is different. 


Ohana: Still the paper as a whole is not so hard to carry 50% marks.


Monisha: I am speaking of the average students. 


Ohana: I did not see any student depressed.


Monisha: What are you saying? For ordinary students like me the questions were definitely difficult. 


Ohana: The questions on grammar were very easy. Besides, the students have been asked to write an essay on such a subject that is very common.


Monisha: Do not forget that you are one of the good boys in our class. By the way, I wonder if our examiners ever feel for us. 


Ohana: They are all sensible men. The point is that we neglect our work and so we suffer in the long run.


Monisha: In this case I agree with you. However, I am happy to see that you are very optimistic. 


Ohana: Let's hope for the best and be serious from now on. 



Write a Dialogue between two friends about after coming out Examination Hall


Monisha: Greetings, Ohana. How did you fare in today's examination?

Ohana: It went decently for me. However, you seem quite elated. What's the cause for your enthusiasm?

Monisha: Oh, I've had a rather dreadful experience today. The questions were intimidating right from the start. I had to muster all my effort to salvage the situation.

Ohana: I managed to tackle all the questions myself. To be honest, they were rather challenging and demanding. Nevertheless, I navigated through them quite smoothly.

Monisha: Questions 2 and 4 were unfamiliar territory for me. In general, the entire set of questions appeared exceedingly daunting.

Ohana: I beg to differ. It probably felt that way because you weren't adequately prepared due to your recent illness.

Monisha: Your assessment may hold some truth or not, I can't say for sure. What is undeniable is your academic prowess, which sets you apart.

Ohana: Nonetheless, the overall paper wasn't too formidable to secure at least 50% marks.

Monisha: I'm referring to the average students, mind you.

Ohana: I didn't observe any students appearing despondent.

Monisha: How can you say that? For students like me, the questions were undeniably challenging.

Ohana: The questions on grammar were quite straightforward. Additionally, the essay topic was quite commonplace.

Monisha: Don't forget that you are one of the top students in our class. By the way, I wonder if our examiners ever empathize with us.

Ohana: They are all reasonable individuals. The crux of the matter is that we sometimes neglect our studies, and that's why we face difficulties in the long run.

Monisha: I concur in this regard. Nevertheless, it's heartening to see your optimism.

Ohana: Let's remain hopeful and commit to a more diligent approach from now on.








A dialogue between two students coming out of examination centre

Qamar Hello, Rizwan! How are you?


Rizwan : I am not fine today.


Qamar : Why?


Rizwan : I could not solve my paper properly.


Qamar : But question paper was very easy.


Rizwan : No really the examination is a great curse.


Qamar : Don't tell me! You should prepare for the examination in time. Look, I am very happy and my paper is correct more than eighty percent. But I am sorry, I could not solve a question due to the shortage of time. But my performance in examination is very fine. Please tell me about your paper.


Rizwan : The story ''The Thirsty Crow'' was very easy which have ten marks. I wrote it perfect. There would be no mistake.


Qamar : It means that you can get nine marks in it. How did you write the letter?


Rizwan : The letter was also easy but I have mistakes of spellings in it.


Qamar : It means that you will obtain seven marks only in letter. Which essay was written by you?


Rizwan : I wrote on ''The football match.''


Qamar : How did you write it?


Rizwan : It is quite all right.


Qamar How many marks can you get in it?


Rizwan : I can easily get six marks from fifteen.


Qamar : How is your translation in English?


Rizwan : It is fifty percent correct and this translation will exactly give five marks from ten.


Qamar : How is your translation in Urdu.


Rizwan : I left it because it was out of my approach.


Qamar : How are your sentences?


Rizwan : Only two sentences are right out of four.


Qamar : It means that you can get thirty one marks from seventy five. And you will pass in English paper.


Rizwan : Yes, I can pass but I am not satisfied on this small success.




Dialogue Between you and your friend After Coming Out Examination Hall

Sujon: Hello, Rakib. How have you done in today's paper?


Rakib: It's cool. But you look excited. What happened to you?


Sujon: Oh! I have had a horrible experience this day. The questions frightened me from the very beginning. It was my effort that I could save me somehow.

Rakib: But I have answered all the questions. To speak the truth, all the questions were somewhat hard and stiff. But I could carry on rather with ease.


Sujon: The questions no 2 and 4 were not common to me. Overall questions seemed very hard to me.


Rakib: I don't think so. It seemed very hard to you as you did not study well owning to your illness.


Sujon: Your idea may be wrong or right. I do not know. But it is true that you are a bright student. So, your case is different.

Rakib: Still the paper as a whole is not so hard to carry 50% marks.


Sujon: I am speaking of the average students.


Rakib: I did not see any student depressed.


Sujon: What are you saying? For ordinary students like me the questions were definitely difficult.


Rakib: The questions on grammar were very easy. Besides, the students have been asked to write an essay on such a subject that is very common.


Sujon: Do not forget that you are one of the good boys in our class. By the way, I wonder if our examiners ever feel for us.

Rakib: They are all sensible men. The point is that we neglect our work and so we suffer in the long run.


Sujon: In this case I agree with you. However, I am happy to see that you are very optimistic.


Rakib: Let's hope for the best and be serious from now on.  


Dialogue between Reena and Sheela while coming out of the hall after the examination:

Reena: Hi Sheela! I was hoping to bump into you. How did it go for you? How was the exam?

Sheela: Oh, Reena, I don't know how to feel about it. It didn’t go as I hoped. The questions were nothing like what I practiced.

Reena: Oh no, that's frustrating! But don’t be too hard on yourself. I know you prepared really well. Even if it didn’t feel right, I’m sure you did better than you think. What about Part-A? Were you able to handle that section?

Sheela: Part-A was tricky. The passage was unfamiliar, but I think I answered most of the questions correctly. So, I’m hoping I’ll get a decent score there. What about you?

Reena: Well, Part-A was a bit challenging for me as well. I knew the questions, but the passage didn’t seem familiar at all. Still, I’m feeling okay about it. As for Part-B, I did well there. I think my answers are strong. What about Part-B for you?

Sheela: I struggled a bit with Part-B too, but I think I managed to do alright. The questions were definitely harder than I expected, but I’m confident I didn’t make any major mistakes. I guess it’s just the feeling of being unprepared that’s bothering me. What about Part-C for you?

Reena: Ah, Part-C! I was really looking forward to it, but it didn’t go as I planned. I expected to write a lot more, but I didn’t get the chance to include everything I had prepared. Still, I think I’ll get a decent mark. How did Part-C go for you?

Sheela: Surprisingly, Part-C went quite well for me. I was able to elaborate on the points, and the passage wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I actually feel quite confident about it. So, overall, it wasn’t a disaster.

Reena: I’m glad to hear that! So, all things considered, we’ve done our best, haven’t we? Even if the exam didn’t go perfectly, it’s over now. Let’s not stress about it too much. We’ll have to work hard for the next one, though.

Sheela: You’re right. I think I’m just overthinking things. But after hearing you talk, I feel a lot better. We can still improve in the next paper.

Reena: Absolutely. There’s no point in worrying too much. Let’s focus on preparing for the next one now. Have you started your revision for the second paper?

Sheela: I’ve looked at a few topics, but I’m planning to do a more thorough review tonight. How about you?

Reena: Same here. I’ve got a few chapters to go through, and I’ll make sure to focus on my weak points. We’ll nail it together. Let’s not stress.

Sheela: Agreed. Thanks for the encouragement, Reena. I feel much better now.

Reena: Anytime, Sheela! We’ve got this. Let’s go home and get ready for the next challenge.

Sheela: Yes, let’s do it! Bye for now!

Reena: Bye! See you tomorrow for more revision!

Dialogue between Reena and Sheela while coming out of the hall after the examination:

Reena: Hi Sheela! I was hoping to bump into you. How did it go for you? How was the exam?

রীনা: হাই শীলা! আমি তোমার সাথে দেখা করার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছিলাম। কীভাবে হয়েছে তোমার? পরীক্ষা কেমন ছিল?

Sheela: Oh, Reena, I don't know how to feel about it. It didn’t go as I hoped. The questions were nothing like what I practiced.

শীলা: ওহ, রীনা, আমি জানি না কীভাবে অনুভব করব। এটা যেমন আশা করেছিলাম, তেমন হয়নি। প্রশ্নগুলো আমি যা প্র্যাকটিস করেছি, তার কিছুই ছিল না।

Reena: Oh no, that's frustrating! But don’t be too hard on yourself. I know you prepared really well. Even if it didn’t feel right, I’m sure you did better than you think. What about Part-A? Were you able to handle that section?

রীনা: ওহ, এটা হতাশাজনক! কিন্তু নিজেকে খুব কঠিন ভাবে নও। আমি জানি তুমি ভালোভাবে প্রস্তুতি নিয়েছিলে। যদিও তা ভালো না লাগলেও, আমি নিশ্চিত তুমি যা ভাবছো তার চেয়ে ভালো করেছো। পার্ট-A কীভাবে ছিল? তুমি কি সে অংশটা ভালোভাবে করতে পেরেছো?

Sheela: Part-A was tricky. The passage was unfamiliar, but I think I answered most of the questions correctly. So, I’m hoping I’ll get a decent score there. What about you?

শীলা: পার্ট-A একটু কঠিন ছিল। প্যাসেজটা অপরিচিত ছিল, কিন্তু মনে হয় বেশিরভাগ প্রশ্নের সঠিক উত্তর দিয়েছি। তাই আমি আশা করছি সেখানে ভাল স্কোর পাবো। তুমি কেমন করেছো?

Reena: Well, Part-A was a bit challenging for me as well. I knew the questions, but the passage didn’t seem familiar at all. Still, I’m feeling okay about it. As for Part-B, I did well there. I think my answers are strong. What about Part-B for you?

রীনা: আচ্ছা, পার্ট-A আমার জন্যও একটু চ্যালেঞ্জিং ছিল। আমি প্রশ্নগুলো জানতাম, কিন্তু প্যাসেজটা একদম অপরিচিত ছিল। তবুও, আমি এটার জন্য মোটামুটি ভালো অনুভব করছি। পার্ট-B কীভাবে ছিল তোমার?

Sheela: I struggled a bit with Part-B too, but I think I managed to do alright. The questions were definitely harder than I expected, but I’m confident I didn’t make any major mistakes. I guess it’s just the feeling of being unprepared that’s bothering me. What about Part-B for you?

শীলা: পার্ট-B এর সাথেও একটু সমস্যা হয়েছিল, কিন্তু মনে হয় আমি মোটামুটি করতে পেরেছি। প্রশ্নগুলো অনেক কঠিন ছিল, যেভাবে আমি ভাবছিলাম তার চেয়ে, তবে আমি নিশ্চিত যে আমি কোন বড় ভুল করিনি। মনে হয়, শুধু প্রস্তুতি না থাকাটা আমার মনকে চিন্তিত করছে। তুমি পার্ট-B তে কীভাবে করেছো?

Reena: Well, Part-C! I was really looking forward to it, but it didn’t go as I planned. I expected to write a lot more, but I didn’t get the chance to include everything I had prepared. Still, I think I’ll get a decent mark. How did Part-C go for you?

রীনা: আচ্ছা, পার্ট-C! আমি সত্যিই আশা করছিলাম, কিন্তু পরিকল্পনা মতো হয়নি। আমি অনেক কিছু লেখার আশা করেছিলাম, কিন্তু প্রস্তুত করা সবকিছু অন্তর্ভুক্ত করার সুযোগ পাইনি। তবুও, আমি মনে করি আমি ভাল নম্বর পাবো। পার্ট-C তোমার কীভাবে ছিল?

Sheela: Surprisingly, Part-C went quite well for me. I was able to elaborate on the points, and the passage wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I actually feel quite confident about it. So, overall, it wasn’t a disaster.

শীলা: অবাক হয়ে বলছি, পার্ট-C আমার জন্য বেশ ভালো হয়েছে। আমি পয়েন্টগুলো বিস্তারিতভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করতে পেরেছি, এবং প্যাসেজটি যেমন ভাবছিলাম তেমন কঠিন ছিল না। আমি আসলে এতে বেশ আত্মবিশ্বাসী। সুতরাং, মোটের ওপর, এটা বিপর্যয় ছিল না।

Reena: I’m glad to hear that! So, all things considered, we’ve done our best, haven’t we? Even if the exam didn’t go perfectly, it’s over now. Let’s not stress about it too much. We’ll have to work hard for the next one, though.

রীনা: এটা শুনে ভালো লাগলো! তো, সবকিছু মিলিয়ে, আমরা আমাদের সেরা দিয়েছি, তাই না? যদিও পরীক্ষা পুরোপুরি ভালো না হয়েছে, এখন তো এটা শেষ। আমরা এতে বেশি চিন্তা না করে পরবর্তী পরীক্ষার জন্য কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতে হবে।

Sheela: You’re right. I think I’m just overthinking things. But after hearing you talk, I feel a lot better. We can still improve in the next paper.

শীলা: তুমি ঠিক বলেছো। মনে হয় আমি অতিরিক্ত চিন্তা করছি। কিন্তু তোমার কথা শোনার পর, আমি অনেক ভালো অনুভব করছি। আমরা পরবর্তী পেপারে আরও ভালো করতে পারি।

Reena: Absolutely. There’s no point in worrying too much. Let’s focus on preparing for the next one now. Have you started your revision for the second paper?

রীনা: একদম। অতিরিক্ত চিন্তা করার কোন মানে নেই। এখন আমাদের পরবর্তী পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির দিকে মনোযোগ দিতে হবে। তুমি কি দ্বিতীয় পেপারের জন্য প্রস্তুতি শুরু করেছো?

Sheela: I’ve looked at a few topics, but I’m planning to do a more thorough review tonight. How about you?

শীলা: আমি কিছু টপিক দেখেছি, কিন্তু আজ রাতে আরো ভালোভাবে রিভিশন করার পরিকল্পনা করছি। তুমি কীভাবে?

Reena: Same here. I’ve got a few chapters to go through, and I’ll make sure to focus on my weak points. We’ll nail it together. Let’s not stress.

রীনা: আমিও এমনই। আমার কিছু অধ্যায় যেতে হবে, এবং আমি আমার দুর্বল বিষয়গুলোর ওপর মনোযোগ দেব। আমরা একসাথে এটি পার করবো। বেশি চিন্তা না করে চলুন।

Sheela: Agreed. Thanks for the encouragement, Reena. I feel much better now.

শীলা: একমত। রীনা, উৎসাহ দেওয়ার জন্য ধন্যবাদ। এখন আমি অনেক ভালো অনুভব করছি।

Reena: Anytime, Sheela! We’ve got this. Let’s go home and get ready for the next challenge.

রীনা: যেকোনো সময়, শীলা! আমরা এটা পারব। চল, বাড়ি চলে যাই এবং পরবর্তী চ্যালেঞ্জের জন্য প্রস্তুত হই।

Sheela: Yes, let’s do it! Bye for now!

শীলা: হ্যাঁ, চল করবো! এখন বিদায়!

Reena: Bye! See you tomorrow for more revision!

রীনা: বিদায়! কাল আরো রিভিশনের জন্য দেখা হবে!

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