Suppose, you read in class XI. Your college has just brought out its annual magazine. You have given a copy of the magazine to your mother. Now, write a dialogue between you and your mother about college magazine. A dialogue between myself and my mother about college magazine
Mother: What do you have in your hand, Juena?
Juena: It's our college's annual magazine, Mom. It just came out of the press today. I’ve brought a copy for you. I thought you’d enjoy reading it.
Mother: Oh, how lovely! It looks interesting. What kind of content does it have?
Juena: It’s packed with a variety of writings. There are short stories, essays, poems, a one-act play, and even a few jokes. It’s quite a mixed collection.
Mother: That sounds wonderful! Is all of it written by the students?
Juena: Yes, most of it is by the students, but there are also contributions from a few of the teachers.
Mother: How exciting! Have you contributed anything yourself?
Juena: Yes, I’ve written a short story for the magazine. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it, Mom.
Mother: Oh, I’m sure I will, dear. But tell me, how is the college magazine published each year? Who manages it?
Juena: Well, every year, a special Magazine Committee is formed. The Headmistress is the Chief Patron, and our Bengali teacher serves as the Chairperson. A number of senior students are chosen as members, and one student is assigned the role of secretary. It’s a pretty well-organized process.
Mother: That’s good to know. How do they collect all the articles for the magazine? And who decides which ones get included?
Juena: The Magazine Committee posts a notice on the bulletin board, asking students to submit their articles. Once the submissions are collected, the committee members select the best ones to include in the magazine.
Mother: I see. And where does the funding for the magazine come from?
Juena: The funds are primarily raised through the magazine fee that’s collected from the students. Additionally, the committee sells advertisement spaces to local businesses. If there’s any shortfall, the college’s general fund covers the rest.
Mother: That sounds like a well-thought-out plan. I agree with you, a college magazine is very important. It provides students with a platform to express themselves creatively and develop their literary skills.
Juena: Exactly, Mom! A college magazine nurtures the literary talents of students. Our magazine even inspired us to set up a literary forum, where literary competitions are held. The best contributions are then chosen to be published in the magazine.
Mother: That’s truly motivating! It’s great to see that students are encouraged to explore their talents like this. Now, I’m excited to read the magazine.
Juena: Sure, Mom. Take your time and enjoy it. I’ll check back with you once you’ve finished reading.
A Dialogue about Annual Magazine.
Amina: Hey, I see you’re holding the new college magazine! How’s it looking this year?
Maya: Oh, it’s amazing! It just came out today. I thought you’d like to check it out too. This year, it’s full of really cool content—short stories, poems, essays, and even some funny cartoons.
Amina: That sounds great! Is it mostly student contributions?
Maya: Yeah, almost all of it is written by students. There are also a few contributions from the teachers, though. But the student pieces are really impressive this time.
Amina: Oh, nice! Did you contribute anything to the magazine?
Maya: Actually, yes! I wrote a poem for it. It’s about how college life can be challenging but also rewarding. I’m really excited to see it in print!
Amina: That’s awesome! I can’t wait to read it. But how do they decide what goes into the magazine?
Maya: Well, the Magazine Committee is in charge. They put out a notice inviting submissions from students, and then they go through everything to pick the best pieces. The committee is made up of teachers and some senior students, and there’s even a student secretary.
Amina: That’s cool. So, how do they manage to fund the magazine?
Maya: The magazine fee we pay every year is the main source of funding. They also sell some advertising space to local businesses. If there’s any shortfall, the college covers the rest with its funds.
Amina: That sounds like a good system. A college magazine really helps in showcasing the talents of students and encourages them to be creative.
Maya: Exactly! It gives everyone a chance to express themselves. Our magazine has even helped us start a creative writing club, and they sometimes hold writing competitions for us. It’s pretty motivating!
Amina: Wow, that’s amazing! I’m really glad the magazine is so supportive of students. I’ll definitely take a look at your poem now!
Maya: I hope you like it! Let me know what you think once you’ve read it.
A Dialogue about Annual Magazine.
Amina: Hey, I see you’re holding the new college magazine! How’s it looking this year?
আমিনা: হে, আমি দেখছি তুমি নতুন কলেজ ম্যাগাজিনটা ধরেছো! এ বছরটা কেমন দেখাচ্ছে?
Maya: Oh, it’s amazing! It just came out today. I thought you’d like to check it out too. This year, it’s full of really cool content—short stories, poems, essays, and even some funny cartoons.
মায়া: ওহ, এটা দারুণ! আজই বের হয়েছে। আমি ভাবলাম তুমি এটাও দেখতে চাইবে। এ বছর, এতে অনেক চমৎকার কনটেন্ট আছে—ছোট গল্প, কবিতা, প্রবন্ধ, এবং কিছু মজার কার্টুনও।
Amina: That sounds great! Is it mostly student contributions?
আমিনা: সেটা বেশ ভালো শোনাচ্ছে! এটা কি মূলত ছাত্রদের লেখা?
Maya: Yeah, almost all of it is written by students. There are also a few contributions from the teachers, though. But the student pieces are really impressive this time.
মায়া: হ্যাঁ, প্রায় সবটাই ছাত্রদের লেখা। তবে কিছু লেখায় শিক্ষকদেরও অবদান আছে। তবে, ছাত্রদের লেখা এই বার খুবই চমৎকার হয়েছে।
Amina: Oh, nice! Did you contribute anything to the magazine?
আমিনা: আহ, ভালো! তুমি কি ম্যাগাজিনে কিছু লিখেছো?
Maya: Actually, yes! I wrote a poem for it. It’s about how college life can be challenging but also rewarding. I’m really excited to see it in print!
মায়া: আসলে, হ্যাঁ! আমি একটা কবিতা লিখেছি। এটি কলেজ জীবনের চ্যালেঞ্জ ও এর পুরস্কারের বিষয় নিয়ে। আমি খুব উত্তেজিত যে এটি মুদ্রণে আসবে!
Amina: That’s awesome! I can’t wait to read it. But how do they decide what goes into the magazine?
আমিনা: এটা দারুণ! আমি পড়তে পারবো না! তবে তারা কিভাবে ঠিক করে ম্যাগাজিনে কী থাকবে?
Maya: Well, the Magazine Committee is in charge. They put out a notice inviting submissions from students, and then they go through everything to pick the best pieces. The committee is made up of teachers and some senior students, and there’s even a student secretary.
মায়া: আসলে, ম্যাগাজিন কমিটি এর জন্য দায়ী। তারা ছাত্রদের কাছ থেকে লেখা আহ্বান করার জন্য নোটিশ দেয়, তারপর তারা সবগুলো যাচাই করে সেরা লেখাগুলো নির্বাচন করে। কমিটিতে শিক্ষকরা এবং কিছু সিনিয়র ছাত্র থাকে, এবং একজন ছাত্র সেক্রেটারি থাকে।
Amina: That’s cool. So, how do they manage to fund the magazine?
আমিনা: এটা বেশ ভালো। তাহলে, তারা ম্যাগাজিনের জন্য তহবিল কীভাবে সংগ্রহ করে?
Maya: The magazine fee we pay every year is the main source of funding. They also sell some advertising space to local businesses. If there’s any shortfall, the college covers the rest with its funds.
মায়া: প্রতি বছর আমরা যে ম্যাগাজিন ফি দেই তা মূলত তহবিলের উৎস। তারা স্থানীয় ব্যবসায়ীদের কাছে কিছু বিজ্ঞাপন স্থানও বিক্রি করে। যদি কোনো ঘাটতি থাকে, তবে কলেজ তার তহবিল থেকে বাকি অংশ পূরণ করে।
Amina: That sounds like a good system. A college magazine really helps in showcasing the talents of students and encourages them to be creative.
আমিনা: এটা খুব ভালো একটি ব্যবস্থা মনে হচ্ছে। কলেজ ম্যাগাজিন আসলেই ছাত্রদের প্রতিভা প্রদর্শনে সাহায্য করে এবং তাদের সৃজনশীল হতে উৎসাহিত করে।
Maya: Exactly! It gives everyone a chance to express themselves. Our magazine has even helped us start a creative writing club, and they sometimes hold writing competitions for us. It’s pretty motivating!
মায়া: একদম! এটি সবাইকে নিজেদের প্রকাশ করার সুযোগ দেয়। আমাদের ম্যাগাজিন এমনকি আমাদের একটি সৃজনশীল লেখার ক্লাব শুরু করতে সাহায্য করেছে, এবং তারা মাঝে মাঝে আমাদের জন্য লেখার প্রতিযোগিতাও আয়োজন করে। এটা সত্যিই উৎসাহজনক!
Amina: Wow, that’s amazing! I’m really glad the magazine is so supportive of students. I’ll definitely take a look at your poem now!
আমিনা: বাহ, এটা সত্যিই অসাধারণ! আমি খুব খুশি যে ম্যাগাজিন ছাত্রদের জন্য এত সহায়ক। আমি এখনই তোমার কবিতাটা দেখবো!
Maya: I hope you like it! Let me know what you think once you’ve read it.
মায়া: আমি আশা করি তোমার ভালো লাগবে! তুমি পড়ে দেখলে আমাকে জানিও কেমন লাগল।
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