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A GOOD CITIZEN (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 8

Paragraph Writing


A citizen is the asset of a country. A good citizen has as many duties as he has rights. The basic rights of a citizen are his basic human rights. He has right to live, travel, work, and vote. He has the right to education, security and justice. He has also the right to die a normal death. He has many other rights which he can enjoy. Again a citizen has to perform many duties. First of all he has duties to himself, which is to make himself a worthy citizen of the country in every sense of the word. Then he has duties to his family, to his relatives and friends, to his community, to the locality, and finally, to the country. And, a student-citizen has the further duty to his studies. Political rights are different from individual rights. They are group rights and fought for as a group claim in the form of demand by a political party. A good citizen is a wealth when he is worthy to the nation.

Model Answer-2


A good citizen is someone who actively participates in their community, upholding values of responsibility, honesty, and respect for others. They understand the importance of contributing positively to society, whether it be through volunteering, obeying laws, or simply being considerate to those around them. Good citizens take an interest in the welfare of their community and strive to make it a better place for everyone. They recognize that their actions have an impact, not only on themselves but also on those around them, and they take responsibility for their choices. Good citizens also stay informed about current events and issues, understanding that an informed populace is essential for a functioning democracy. They engage in civil discourse, respecting differing opinions while also advocating for what they believe is right. Additionally, good citizens demonstrate empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to help those in need and promote equality and justice. They treat others with kindness and fairness, regardless of differences in background or beliefs. Furthermore, good citizens actively participate in the democratic process, exercising their right to vote and holding their elected officials accountable. They recognize that democracy requires active engagement from its citizens to thrive and that their voices matter in shaping the future of their society. In summary, a good citizen embodies qualities of responsibility, respect, empathy, and civic engagement, working towards the betterment of their community and society as a whole.

Model Answer-3


A good citizen is someone who fulfills their responsibilities to their country by obeying its laws and contributing positively to society. They lead a life guided by consciousness and knowledge, striving to work for the betterment of their nation. To embody the qualities of a good citizen, one must first acquire knowledge about various subjects, including modern sciences, technologies, and their country's history, culture, and traditions. This knowledge forms the foundation for understanding and engaging with the world around them. Additionally, having practical skills is essential for applying this knowledge effectively in real-life situations. Furthermore, a good citizen demonstrates positive behavior towards others, reflecting their attitudes and values. This behavioral change fosters a peaceful and harmonious society where mutual respect and understanding prevail. Being a good citizen is crucial for building a cohesive community where everyone is valued and respected. As individuals, we should all strive to be good citizens, contributing to the collective well-being of our society. The student years provide an excellent opportunity to cultivate the qualities of a good citizen, as it is a time for personal growth and development. Therefore, students should prioritize education and self-improvement to fulfill their role as responsible citizens. As a student myself, I am committed to being a good citizen and making positive contributions to society.


Composition / Essay Writing

A Good Citizen

A good citizen is a person who helps their community and follows the rules. They care about their home, their country, and the people around them. A good citizen is kind, helpful, and responsible. They do things that make life better for everyone.

One way to be a good citizen is to follow the laws. Laws are rules that keep people safe. A good citizen does not break the rules. For example, they do not steal, hurt others, or drive too fast. They also pay taxes, which helps the government provide services like schools, hospitals, and roads. By following the laws, a good citizen helps keep the community peaceful and safe.

A good citizen also helps their community. They might pick up trash, plant trees, or help clean public places like parks. Sometimes, they help people in need by giving food, money, or clothes to those who are poor or sick. Helping others makes the community a better place to live for everyone. Even small actions, like helping a neighbor or being polite to strangers, can make a big difference.

Another way to be a good citizen is by learning about the world. A good citizen reads the news or listens to what is happening in their country. They learn about important issues like education, health, and the environment. This helps them make good decisions when they vote. Voting is important because it helps choose leaders who will do good things for the country. A good citizen also listens to others and respects their opinions, even if they are different.

Finally, a good citizen is kind to everyone. They treat people with respect, no matter what race, religion, or culture they come from. They also believe in fairness and equality, making sure everyone gets the same chance to succeed.

In conclusion, a good citizen is someone who follows the rules, helps others, learns about important things, and is kind. These simple actions make the world a better place for everyone.

A Good Citizen

A good citizen is someone who actively contributes to the well-being of society while embodying values such as responsibility, honesty, and respect for others. Being a good citizen is more than just following the law; it involves taking a proactive role in improving the community, promoting social harmony, and engaging in democratic processes. In this essay, we will explore the essential qualities that define a good citizen and how these qualities contribute to the betterment of society.

First and foremost, a good citizen understands their responsibilities toward society. This means obeying laws, paying taxes, and respecting the rights and freedoms of others. They know that their actions have consequences, not only for themselves but also for those around them. By following the rules and regulations, a good citizen helps maintain order and peace in society. They also take responsibility for their actions and strive to make ethical choices in everyday life.

Moreover, good citizens actively participate in their community. This can be through volunteering, attending community events, or simply being considerate of others. They recognize that their contributions, no matter how small, can make a positive difference. For example, helping a neighbor, cleaning a public space, or donating to charitable causes are ways good citizens strengthen their communities. Their actions inspire others to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Another critical aspect of being a good citizen is staying informed about current events and social issues. A well-informed citizen can make thoughtful decisions, particularly when it comes to voting or participating in public discussions. Democracy thrives when citizens are knowledgeable and engaged. A good citizen understands the importance of voting and holds elected officials accountable. By exercising their right to vote and expressing their views through civil discourse, they help shape the future of their society.

Additionally, a good citizen embodies qualities of empathy and compassion. They treat others with kindness and fairness, regardless of differences in background, culture, or beliefs. This fosters an inclusive and respectful community where everyone feels valued. Good citizens are also advocates for justice and equality, standing up against discrimination and seeking to help those in need.

In conclusion, a good citizen is a pillar of society, playing an active role in making their community a better place. Through responsibility, community involvement, staying informed, and showing compassion, they contribute to the progress and well-being of society. A society with more good citizens will undoubtedly thrive, creating a peaceful, prosperous, and just environment for all.

Bangla Translation


A good citizen is someone who actively participates in their community, upholding values of responsibility, honesty, and respect for others. (একজন ভালো নাগরিক এমন একজন, যিনি সক্রিয়ভাবে তাদের সম্প্রদায়ে অংশগ্রহণ করেন, দায়িত্ব, সততা এবং অন্যদের প্রতি সম্মানের মূল্যবোধ বজায় রাখেন।) They understand the importance of contributing positively to society, whether it be through volunteering, obeying laws, or simply being considerate to those around them. (তারা সমাজে ইতিবাচক অবদান রাখার গুরুত্ব বুঝতে পারেন, হোক তা স্বেচ্ছাসেবী কার্যক্রমের মাধ্যমে, আইন মেনে চলা বা আশেপাশের মানুষদের প্রতি বিবেচনাশীল হওয়া।) Good citizens take an interest in the welfare of their community and strive to make it a better place for everyone. (ভালো নাগরিকরা তাদের সম্প্রদায়ের কল্যাণে আগ্রহী হন এবং সবার জন্য এটি একটি ভালো জায়গা করতে প্রচেষ্টা করেন।) They recognize that their actions have an impact, not only on themselves but also on those around them, and they take responsibility for their choices. (তারা স্বীকার করেন যে তাদের কর্মের প্রভাব শুধু তাদের ওপর নয়, বরং তাদের চারপাশের মানুষের ওপরও পড়ে এবং তারা তাদের সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য দায়িত্ব নেন।) Good citizens also stay informed about current events and issues, understanding that an informed populace is essential for a functioning democracy. (ভালো নাগরিকরা বর্তমান ঘটনা এবং সমস্যা সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকেন, কারণ একটি কার্যকরী গণতন্ত্রের জন্য একটি সচেতন জনগোষ্ঠী অপরিহার্য।) They engage in civil discourse, respecting differing opinions while also advocating for what they believe is right. (তারা নাগরিক আলোচনায় অংশ নেন, ভিন্ন মতামতকে সম্মান করেন এবং একই সাথে তারা যা সঠিক মনে করেন তা সমর্থন করেন।) Additionally, good citizens demonstrate empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to help those in need and promote equality and justice. (অতিরিক্তভাবে, ভালো নাগরিকরা অন্যদের প্রতি সহানুভূতি এবং করুণা প্রদর্শন করেন, প্রয়োজনে অন্যদের সাহায্য করতে এবং সমতা ও ন্যায়বিচারকে সমর্থন করতে সচেষ্ট হন।) They treat others with kindness and fairness, regardless of differences in background or beliefs. (তারা পটভূমি বা বিশ্বাসের পার্থক্য নির্বিশেষে অন্যদের সদয়তা এবং ন্যায্যতার সাথে আচরণ করেন।) Furthermore, good citizens actively participate in the democratic process, exercising their right to vote and holding their elected officials accountable. (তাছাড়া, ভালো নাগরিকরা সক্রিয়ভাবে গণতান্ত্রিক প্রক্রিয়ায় অংশ নেন, তাদের ভোটাধিকার প্রয়োগ করেন এবং নির্বাচিত কর্মকর্তাদের দায়বদ্ধ রাখেন।) They recognize that democracy requires active engagement from its citizens to thrive and that their voices matter in shaping the future of their society. (তারা স্বীকার করেন যে গণতন্ত্র বিকশিত হতে নাগরিকদের সক্রিয় অংশগ্রহণ প্রয়োজন এবং তাদের কণ্ঠ তাদের সমাজের ভবিষ্যৎ গঠনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।) In summary, a good citizen embodies qualities of responsibility, respect, empathy, and civic engagement, working towards the betterment of their community and society as a whole. (সারসংক্ষেপে, একজন ভালো নাগরিক দায়িত্ব, সম্মান, সহানুভূতি এবং নাগরিক অংশগ্রহণের গুণাবলীর প্রতীক, যিনি তার সম্প্রদায় এবং সমগ্র সমাজের কল্যাণের জন্য কাজ করেন।)


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