1. Read the passage below and answer the questions following it.
A most important truth, which we are apt to forget, is that a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge, but merely repeats his lessons to his students, can only load their minds; he cannot quicken them. Truth not only must inform but inspire. If the inspiration dies out, and the information only accumulates, then truth loses its infinity. The greater part of our learning in the schools has been waste because, for most of our teachers, their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things, with which they have a learned acquaintance, but no communication of life and love.
The educational institution, therefore, which I have in mind has primarily for its object the constant pursuit of truth, from which the imparting of truth naturally follows. It must not be an dead cage in which living minds are fed with food artificially prepared. It should be an open house, in which students and teachers are at one. They must live their complete life together, dominated by a common aspiration for truth and a need of sharing all the delights of culture. In former days the great master- craftsman had students in their workshops where their co-operated in shaping things to perfection. That was the place where knowledge could become living – that knowledge which not only has its substance and law, but its atmosphere subtly informed by a creative personality. For intellectual knowledge also has its aspect of creative art, in which the man who explores truth expresses something which is human in him – his enthusiasm, his courage, his sacrifice, his honesty, and his skill. In merely academical teaching we find subjects, but not the man who pursues the subjects, therefore the vital part of education remains incomplete.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 5
a) What does the word merely in the passage refer to?
i. fully ii. utterly iii. simply iv. entirely
b A teacher can’t teach the students if he himself—
i. learns ii. does not learn
iii. does not teach iv. is fond of imparting lessons
c) What does the teacher have to learn?
i. disperse ii. expend iii. jumble iv. Gather
d) What does a teacher have to learn?
i. The maxims ii. Education
iii. The latest update of learning iv. Nothing
e) Which of the following statement is true about truth? i Truth inspires one ii Truth is unnecessary
iii Truth is not important iv Truth should be ignored.
B. Answer the following questions. 10
a) How is a teacher compared to a lamp in the first paragraph of the passage? Explain.
b) What is the problem with the teacher who has stopped learning? Describe in two sentences.
c) ‘Truth not only must inform but inspire.’ Explain the statement in your own words.
d) Why do you think that the greater part of our learning in the school has been waster?
e) The subjects of the teachers are like dead specimens of once living things. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. to the ques.
1.A. Ans. (a) iii. simply (b) ii. does not learn (c) iv. gather (d) iii. The latest update of learning (e) i. Truth inspires one.
a) A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The same is with a teacher. He can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself.
b) The problem with the teacher who has stopped learning is that he merely repeats his lessons to his students. As a result, he can only load the minds of the students and he cannot quicken them.
c) Truth must have two functions. It must inform and inspire. Without the inspiration, the information only accumulates and truth losses its infinity.
d) The greater part of our learning in the schools has been waste because, for most of our teachers, their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things, with which they have a learned acquaintance, but no communication of life and love.
e) Yes, I agree with the statement that the subjects of the teachers are like dead specimens of once living things. It is because the teachers have gone through those subjects but have no communication of life and love.
Bangla Translation
একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সত্য, যা আমরা ভুলে যেতে বাধ্য, তা হল, একজন শিক্ষক কখনোই সত্যিকার অর্থে শিক্ষা দিতে পারেন না যতক্ষণ না তিনি নিজে শিখছেন। একটি প্রদীপ তার নিজস্ব শিখা জ্বালিয়ে চলতে থাকলে অন্য প্রদীপ জ্বালাতে পারে না। যে শিক্ষক তার বিষয়ের শেষ প্রান্তে পৌঁছেছেন, যার জ্ঞানের সাথে কোনও জীবন্ত যোগাযোগ নেই, কিন্তু কেবল তার পাঠগুলি তার শিক্ষার্থীদের কাছে পুনরাবৃত্তি করেন, তিনি কেবল তাদের মনকে বোঝাতে পারেন; তিনি তাদের সতেজ করতে পারেন না। সত্য কেবল তথ্যই দেয় না বরং অনুপ্রাণিতও করে। যদি অনুপ্রেরণা শেষ হয়ে যায় এবং তথ্য কেবল জমা হয়, তাহলে সত্য তার অসীমতা হারায়। স্কুলে আমাদের শিক্ষার বৃহত্তর অংশ অপচয় হয়ে গেছে কারণ, আমাদের বেশিরভাগ শিক্ষকের কাছে, তাদের বিষয়গুলি একসময়ের জীবিত জিনিসের মৃত নমুনার মতো, যার সাথে তাদের জ্ঞান আছে, কিন্তু জীবন এবং ভালোবাসার কোনও যোগাযোগ নেই।
অতএব, আমার মনে যে শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান রয়েছে তার মূল লক্ষ্য সত্যের অবিরাম সাধনা, যেখান থেকে সত্যের শিক্ষা স্বাভাবিকভাবেই অনুসরণ করে। এটি এমন একটি মৃত খাঁচা হওয়া উচিত নয় যেখানে জীবিত মনকে কৃত্রিমভাবে প্রস্তুত খাবার খাওয়ানো হয়। এটি একটি উন্মুক্ত ঘর হওয়া উচিত, যেখানে শিক্ষার্থী এবং শিক্ষকরা একসাথে থাকে। তাদের অবশ্যই তাদের সম্পূর্ণ জীবন একসাথে কাটাতে হবে, সত্যের জন্য একটি সাধারণ আকাঙ্ক্ষা এবং সংস্কৃতির সমস্ত আনন্দ ভাগ করে নেওয়ার প্রয়োজনীয়তার উপর আধিপত্য বিস্তার করে। পূর্ববর্তী সময়ে মহান কারিগরদের তাদের কর্মশালায় ছাত্র থাকতেন যেখানে তারা জিনিসগুলিকে পরিপূর্ণতায় রূপ দেওয়ার জন্য সহযোগিতা করতেন। এটি ছিল সেই জায়গা যেখানে জ্ঞান জীবন্ত হয়ে উঠতে পারে - সেই জ্ঞান যার কেবল তার সারবস্তু এবং আইনই নয়, বরং একজন সৃজনশীল ব্যক্তিত্বের দ্বারা সূক্ষ্মভাবে তার পরিবেশও রয়েছে। বৌদ্ধিক জ্ঞানেরও সৃজনশীল শিল্পের একটি দিক রয়েছে, যেখানে সত্য অন্বেষণকারী ব্যক্তি তার মধ্যে থাকা মানবিক কিছু প্রকাশ করে - তার উৎসাহ, তার সাহস, তার ত্যাগ, তার সততা এবং তার দক্ষতা। কেবল একাডেমিক শিক্ষায় আমরা বিষয় খুঁজে পাই, কিন্তু বিষয়গুলি অনুসরণকারী ব্যক্তিকে খুঁজে পাই না, তাই শিক্ষার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশটি অসম্পূর্ণ থেকে যায়।
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
...............A most important truth, which we are apt to forget, is that a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge, but merely repeats his lessons to his students, can only load their minds; he cannot quicken them. Truth not only must inform but inspire. If the inspiration dies out, and the information only accumulates, then truth loses its infinity. The greater part of our learning in the schools has been waste because, for most of our teachers, their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things, with which they have a learned acquaintance, but no communication of life and love.
The educational institution, therefore, which I have in mind has primarily for its object the constant pursuit of truth, from which the imparting of truth naturally follows. It must not be a dead cage in which living minds are fed with food artificially prepared. It should be an open house, in which students and teachers are at one. They must live their complete life together, dominated by a common aspiration for truth and a need of sharing all the delights of culture. In former days the great master-craftsmen had students in their workshops where they co-operated in shaping things to perfection. That was the place where knowledge could become living - that knowledge which not only has its substance and law, but its atmosphere subtly informed by a creative personality. For intellectual knowledge also has its aspect of creative art, in which the man who explores truth expresses something which is human in him - his enthusiasm, his courage, his sacrifice, his honesty, and his skill. In merely academical teaching we find subjects, but not the man who pursues the subjects; therefore the vital part of education remains incomplete.
[Unit-6; Lesson-1]
[Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah- '16]
বাংলা অনুবাদঃ
..........একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সত্য, যা আমাদের ভুলতে সক্ষম করে যে, একজন শিক্ষক নিজের পড়াশোনা চালু না রেখে কখনও পরিপূর্ণভাবে শিক্ষা দিতে পারেন না। একটি বাতি নিজের শিখা না জ্বালালে অন্য বাতিকে আলো দিতে পারে না। যে শিক্ষক তার বিষয়ে জানার অন্তিম পর্যায়ে এসেছেন, যার জ্ঞানের সাথে সংশ্লিষ্টতা নেই, কিন্তু বার বার একই বিষয় শিক্ষার্থীদের কাছে উপস্থাপন করেন তিনি শুধু তাদের মনের ওপর চাপ প্রয়োগ করতে পারেন, তাদেরকে প্রাণবন্ত করতে পারেন না। সত্য শুধু জানানো হয় না অনুপ্রেরণাও যোগায়। যদি অনুপ্রেরণা শেষ হয়ে যায়, তথ্য শুধু জমা হয়, তখন সত্য তার অসীমতা হারিয়ে ফেলে। আমাদের স্কুল শিক্ষার বেশির ভাগ অপচয় হয়েছে কারণ আমাদের অধিকাংশ শিক্ষকের নিকট তাদের বিষয়গুলো এক সময়ের জীবন্ত বিষয়ের মৃত নমুনার মতো যার সাথে তাদের শিক্ষা বিষয়ক পরিচিতি রয়েছে, কিন্তু জীবন ও ভালোবাসার সাথে কোনো যোগাযোগ নেই।
সুতরাং, আমার মনে যে শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের ছবি রয়েছে, তার মুখ্য উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে সত্যের সার্বক্ষণিক অনুসন্ধান যা সত্যকে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই অনুসরণ করে। এর মৃত খাঁচা হওয়া ঠিক না যেখানে প্রাণবন্ত মনগুলোকে কৃত্রিমভাবে তৈরি খাবার খেতে দেওয়া হয়। এর একটি খোলা বাড়ি হতে হবে যেখানে শিক্ষার্থী ও শিক্ষক এক হয়ে যাবে। সত্যের প্রতি সাধারণ আকাগুক্ষা এবং সংস্কৃতির সকল আনন্দ ভাগাভাগির আকুলতা নিয়ে তারা একত্রে বাস করবেন। আগের দিনে মহৎ কারিগরেরা নিখুঁতভাবে জিনিস তৈরি করতে শিক্ষার্থীদের কর্মক্ষেত্রে সাহায্য করতেন। যে স্থানেই জ্ঞান প্রাণবন্ত হয়ে উঠত- সেই জ্ঞান যেখানে শুধু উপাদান ও নিয়মই ছিল না। জ্ঞান আহরণের পরিবেশটিও একজন সৃজনশীল ব্যক্তিত্বের দ্বারা সুক্ষ্মভাবে নির্ধারণ করা হতো। বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক জ্ঞানের সৃজনশীল শিল্পের দিকটিও থাকে যেখানে লোকটি সত্যকে অনুসন্ধান করে এমন কিছু প্রকাশ করেন যা তার মধ্যে বিদ্যমান তার উদ্দীপনা, তার সাহস, তার ত্যাগ, তার সততা এবং তার দক্ষতা। প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষায় আমরা বিষয় খুঁজে পাই কিন্তু সে ব্যক্তিকে পাই না যে বিষয়টিকে অনুসরণ করে; কাজেই শিক্ষার এক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ অসম্পূর্ণ থেকে যায়।
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) What is the meaning of the word 'apt'?
(i) skilled (ii) accustomed (iii) reluctant (iv) willing
(b) What is the meaning of 'accumulate'?
(i) add (ii) split (iii) gather (iv) destroy
(c) The word 'infinity' means —.
(i) endlessness (ii) fixation (iii) eternity (iv) insanity
(d) The meaning of 'acquaintance' is —.
(i) unity (ii) familiarity (iii) identity (iv) introduction
(e) 'Constant' means —.
(i) continuous (ii) contrast (iii) conjecture (iv) conspicuous
❤ Extra Questions:
(f) The word 'impart' means —.
(i) lend (ii) give (iii) take (iv) divide
(g) The word 'artificially' means —.
(i) unnaturally (ii) technically (iii) falsely (iv) scientifically
(h) The word 'dominated' in the text means —.
(i) ruled (ii) repressed (iii) influenced (iv) imposed
(i) The meaning of 'aspiration' is —.
(i) dream (ii) hunger (iii) choice (iv) desire
(j) What does the word 'delight' mean?
(i) pleasure (ii) disgrace (iii) difficulty (iv) disturbance
(k) What is the meaning of 'perfection'?
(i) uniqueness (ii) flawless (iii) proportion (iv) crude
(l) 'Substance' means —.
(i) summary (ii) virtue (iii) soul (iv) materials
(m) The word 'aspect' means —.
(i) parts (ii) feature (iii) soul (iv) body
(n) What do you mean by 'explore'?
(i) search (ii) invent (iii) detect (iv) lose
(o) The word 'enthusiasm' means —.
(i) warmth (ii) desire (iii) curiosity (iv) passion
(p) According to Tagore, an Indian university does not have —.
(i) curriculum (ii) prospects (iii) human teacher (iv) cultural activities
(q) What does 'intellectual knowledge' have?
(i) traditional curriculum (ii) certificate
(iii) creative art (iv) assurance of a job
(r) What does the phrase 'dead specimen' refer to?
(i) something unusual (ii) a thing of less interest
(iii) something dead (iv) highly interesting
(s) Open house should be a characteristics of —.
(i) European University (ii) human teacher
(iii) educational institution (iv) German University
(t) What does the phrase 'the vital part of education' in the context express?
(i) the major portion of our education (ii) the minor portion of our education
(iii) the main aim of our education (iv) the vision of our education
(u) Which is the closest meaning of the word 'pursue' here, in the text?
(i) trace (ii) demand (iii) search (iv) follow
(v) What is the antonym of the word 'pursue'?
(i) follow (ii) demand (iii) trace (iv) diminution
Answer (A):
(a) (i) skilled (b) (iii) gather (c) (i) endlessness (d) (ii) familiarity (e) (i) continuous (f) (ii) give (g) (i) unnaturally (h) (iii) influenced (i) (iv) desire (j) (i) pleasure (k) (ii) flawless (l) (iv) materials (m) (ii) feature (n) (ii) search (o) (iii) curiosity (p) (iii) human teacher (q) (iii) creative art (r) (ii) a thing of less interest (s) (iii) educational institution (t) (i) the major portion of our education (u) (iv) follow (v) (iv) diminution
B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) What is the nature of truth?
(b) How are the educational institutions of our country?
(c) What do you mean by 'a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself'?
(d) 'Intellectual knowledge has also its aspect of creative art' — what does the sentence mean?
(e) Why the greater part of our learning in the schools has been wasted?
(f) How does the vital part of education remain incomplete?
(g) 'The teachers of our country only teach their students; they do not inspire'- do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer with limited words.
Answer (B):
(a) Truth not only informs people but also inspires them. Truth loses its infinity when inspiration dies out, and the informations only accumulate.
(b) The educational institutions of our country are like dead cages where living minds are fed with food artificially prepared.
(c) Knowledge has no limit. Man will continue to know new and newer things till the civilization survives. That's why, new knowledge comes to the light everyday. So if a teacher confines his/her knowledge and do not learn new things, he/she cannot give his/her pupils sufficient information.
(d) Intellectual knowledge is the perfect knowledge and it creates a sense of beauty and culture in the learner's mind. Thus such knowledge has an inherent feature of creative art.
(e) The greater part of our learning in the schools has been wasted because, for most of our teachers their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things, with which they have a learned acquaintance but no communication of life and love.
(f) In academic teaching we find subjects, but not the man who pursues the subjects. Thus the vital part of education remains incomplete.
(g) Yes, I do agree with the statement. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. In our country, in case of academic teaching we find subjects, but not the man who pursues the subjects. As a result, teachers in Bangladesh only teach their students; they do not inspire.
Or, No, I don't agree with the statement. We know that it is the duty of respected teachers to teach and inspire their students. And to do these two things together our teachers teach in the classes and also pursue the teachings to inspire their students. So, it can be said that the teachers of our country not only teach their students but also inspire them.
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions A and B.
A most important truth, which we are apt to forget, is that a teacher can never truly teach unless he; is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his! knowledge, but merely repeats his lessons to his students, can only load their minds; he cannot quicken them. Truth not only must inform but inspire. If the inspiration dies out, and the information only accumulates, then truth loses its infinity. The greater part of our learning in the schools has been waste because, for most of our teachers, their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things, with which they have a learned acquaintance, but no communication of life and love.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1×5 = 5
(a) The word ‘apt’ mentioned in the very first line means.
(i) encouraged (ii) ready
(iii) suitable (iv) courageous
(b) A teacher can’t teach the students if he himself ¾
(i) learns (ii) does not learn
(iii) does not teach (iv) is found in imparting lessons
(c) What does the word ‘accumulate’ in the passage refer to?
(i) disperse (ii) expend
(iii) jumble (iv) gather
(d) Which of the following statements is true about truth?
(i) Truth inspires one. (ii) Truth is unnecessary.
(iii) Truth is not important. (iv) Truth should be ignored.
(e) What does the word ‘inform’ in the passage refer to?
(i) introduce (ii) observe
(iii) convey (iv) uniform
B. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
(a) What are we apt to forget?
(b) ‘A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame’. Explain,
(c) Do you think that a teacher should have living traffic with his knowledge? Give reasons for your answer
(d) How does truth lose its infinity?
(e) Why has the greater part of our learning in the schools been waste?
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
(a) The word ‘apt’ mentioned in the very first line means:(ii) ready
(b) A teacher can’t teach the students if he himself —(ii) does not learn
(c) What does the word ‘accumulate’ in the passage refer to?(iv) gather
(d) Which of the following statements is true about truth?(i) Truth inspires one.
(e) What does the word ‘inform’ in the passage refer to?(iii) convey
B. Answer the following questions:
(a) What are we apt to forget?We are apt to forget that a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. Continuous learning is essential for a teacher to inspire and effectively educate students.
(b) ‘A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame.’ Explain.This statement means that just like a lamp cannot light another lamp without its own flame, a teacher cannot inspire or educate students unless he keeps his own knowledge alive and fresh. A teacher must continue learning and growing to effectively enlighten others.
(c) Do you think that a teacher should have living traffic with his knowledge? Give reasons for your answer.Yes, a teacher should have living traffic with his knowledge. This means that the teacher should actively engage with, update, and deepen their understanding of the subject. When a teacher is passionate and constantly learning, they can inspire students, make lessons interesting, and encourage critical thinking rather than just delivering memorized facts.
(d) How does truth lose its infinity?Truth loses its infinity when it stops inspiring and only serves as accumulated information. If knowledge is treated as something static and lifeless, without passion or deeper understanding, it loses its timeless value and becomes just a collection of facts without meaning or relevance.
(e) Why has the greater part of our learning in the schools been waste?The greater part of our learning in schools has been waste because many teachers treat their subjects as dead, lifeless facts rather than living knowledge. They lack passion and genuine engagement with their subjects, leading to uninspired teaching that fails to spark curiosity or deep understanding in students.