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AGRICULTURE IN BANGLADESH(Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 14

Composition / Essay Writing

Agriculture in Bangladesh

Agricultural country, the old method of cultivation, flood, flood control, cash crop and food grains, industries, economic depression, sufferings, rice, sugarcane, peasants’ dependence on rain, mass literacy, scientific implements for agriculture, co­operative farming, damage of crops due to natural calamities, plant protection.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. About ninety percent of her population depend wholly or partially on agriculture. The methods of agriculture of the country are mostly old and out-dated.

The farmer here depends on seasonal rains for cultivation but sometimes heavy rainfall causes flood. The problem of the Government is to control flood and regulate courses of water.

The agricultural produces of Bangladesh can chiefly be divided into two classes- cash crops and food crops. Jute earns a great amount of foreign exchange every year. Eighty percent of the world’s supply of jute comes from Bangladesh. Jute is, therefore, rightly called the golden fibre of Bangladesh.

Many important industries depend on agricultural products. Both men and animals depend on agriculture for foodstuff. Any shortage of agriculture products causes economic depression of the country. Failure of food crops brings sufferings to the entire population of the country.

The chief food crop of Bangladesh is rice. Though Bangladesh is an important rice producing country yet it cannot supply adequate food to her inhabitants throughout the whole year. Besides these, Bangladesh also produces tea which is exported to foreign countries and thus increases our foreign exchange. Sugarcane is also another cash crop of Bangladesh.


In Bangladesh the method of agriculture is primitive. Lack of scientific methods of agriculture cause very low yield of crops in our country. Our people do not know how to use manure and fertilizer for the fertility of their soil. They are helpless victims of natural calamities like flood and draught. For the cultivation of their land they depend on rain which may not give a timely visit for the benefit of their crops.

The first thing necessary for the improvement or our agriculture is the education of our peasants. Free primary schools should be set up for their children and night schools for the adults. Agricultural schools and colleges should be established in large numbers. Farmers should be taught the uses of implements for the cultivation of their land. They should no longer remain helpless at the mercy of nature. They should know how to irrigate and manure their land.

Most of our peasants have not the means to purchase scientific power pump, machine appliances like tractors etc. Again these implements cannot be used in small plots of land. So, land should be nationalised, fragmentation of land should be stopped. Agriculture should be started on co-operative basis.

Every year natural calamities like floods, cyclone, tidal waves cause a great havoc to our crops. Year after yare there is gradual low out put in the field of agriculture. To prevent this both the Government and the public should come forward. By proper embankment we can save our crops from flood and direct it into proper channels. Plant protection department should actively come forward against disease and insects of our plants.





Our Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. About 80% of her people live by agriculture. Agriculture is the heart of our economy. It provides food to her people and raw materials to her industries. Bangladesh has a very rich soil and a suitable climate for agricultural production.

But agriculture in our country is beset with multifarious problems. Our peasants can hardly make both ends meet. The soil of Bangladesh is fertile but the method of our agriculture is still very old and back-dated. Our farmers have no idea of the scientific method of cultivation and farming. They do not know how to use manure and fertiliser. They are helpless victims of flood and drought. For the irrigation of their land they depend mainly on rains.

The foremost measure necessary for the improvement of our agriculture is the education of our peasants. Their outlook must be changed and their superstitions should be removed. They should be taught the use of scientific methods for the cultivation of their land. As the method of our agriculture is very old and outdated the crying need of the hour is to modernise it. To achieve this end, we have to introduce suitable machinery and a number of agrarian measures in our agriculture. Government should come forward to help the cultivators to get all these things. Land should be nationalised and steps should be taken for collective farming. If agriculture in Bangladesh can be modernised, agriculture and industry must go hand in hand.

Every year natural calamities like flood and drought make havoc of our agriculture. To prevent these the people and the Government should work in co-operation with each other to extend irrigation facilities wherever necessary. Besides these, waste land should be brought under cultivation. Arrangements should be made for intensive cultivation by proper irrigation of land. Measures should be taken to check soil erosion. Distribution of better seeds among the farmers at low prices should be ensured. Arrangement should also be made for giving cheap credit to poor farmers. The system of marketing should be properly organised in order to ensure to the farmers a fair price of their produce.


It is heartening that the Governement of Bangladesh has undertaken various schemes to improve the condition of our culture. Our farmers have begun using modern methods of cultivation. Line-sowing has already been introduced for the cultivation of rice and jute. The Agricultural Banks are advancing loans to cultivators. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) are doing a lot to improve seeds and methods of cultivation in the country.

In fine it can be said that the problems cannot be solved by any single agency or organisation. They can be solved only by the concerted efforts of the whole nation.   


Our Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. About 80% of her people live by agriculture. Agriculture is the heart of our economy. It provides food to her people and raw materials to her industries. Bangladesh has a very rich soil and a suitable climate for agricultural production.

But agriculture in our country is no longer a very prosperous occupation. It is beset with multifarious problems. Our peasants can hardly make both ends meet. The soil of Bangladesh is fertile but the method of our agriculture is still very old and back­dated. Our farmers have no idea of the scientific method of cultivation and farming. They do not know how to use manure and fertiliser. They are helpless victims of flood and drought. For the irrigation of their land they depend mainly on rains.

The foremost measure necessary for the improvement of our agriculture is the education of our peasants. Their outlook must be changed and their superstitions should be removed. They should be taught the use of scientific methods for the cultivation of their land. They must not be left at the mercy of nature and they must not depend on rains for sowing their seeds. They must know how to irrigate and manure their land scientifically. In short, they should know all the methods by which the peasants of other countries get better crops.

As the method of our agriculture is very old and outdated the crying need of the hour is to modernise it. To achieve this end, we have to introduce suitable machinery and a number of agrarian measures in our agriculture. It is not within the means of our peasants to purchase scientific appliances like tractors, etc. Government should come forward to help the cultivators to get all these things. Land should be nationalised and steps should be taken for collective farming. If agriculture in Bangladesh can be modernised, agriculture and industry must go hand in hand. Agriculture produces the basic raw materials for our industry. Through various mechanical processes, we should make them fit for use in our day -to-day life.

Every year natural calamities like flood and drought make havoc of our agriculture. To prevent these the people and the Government should work in co-operation with each other to extend irrigation facilities wherever necessary. Besides these, waste land should be brought under cultivation. Arrangements should be made for intensive cultivation by proper irrigation of land. Measures should be taken to check soil erosion. Distribution of better seeds among the farmers at low prices should be ensured. Arrangement should also be made for giving cheap credit to poor farmers. The system of marketing should be properly organised in order to ensure to the farmers a fair price of their produce.

It is heartening that our farmers have begun using modern mehods of cultivation. The government is also trying hard for the improvement of agriculture. Line-sowing has already been introduced for the cultivation of rice and jute. The Agricultural Banks are advancing loans to cultivators. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) are doing a lot to improve seeds and methods of cultivation in the country.

The Government of Bangladesh has undertaken various schemes to improve the condition of agriculture. But the problems cannot be solved by any single agency or organisation, nor by a few in the administration. They can be solved only by the concerted efforts of the whole nation.


Bangladesh is an agricultural country. About ninety percent of her population depend on agriculture wholly or partially. This country is not sufficiently developed in the industrial sector. So we have to depend mostly on agricultural products for our living.


Though Bangladesh lives on agriculture yet it is not advanced in the system of agriculture. The methods of cultivation of the country are mostly old and outdated. Scientific methods of cultivation are not followed in our country. Our farmers do not know how to use manure and fertilizer for the fertility of the soil. They are also helpless victims of natural calamities like flood and draught. Many industries of our country depend on agricultural products. Both men and animals depend on agriculture for foodstuff. So failure of crops in any year brings untold sufferings to the entire population of the country.


The first thing necessary for the improvement of our agriculture is to educate our peasants. Our farmers should be taught the uses of modern instruments for the cultivation of their land. They should know how to irrigate and manure their soil. But the uses of scientific power pump, machines, tractors cannot be used in small plots of lands. So, co-operative farming should be encouraged.


Every year natural calamities like floods, cyclones, tidal waves cause great havoc to our crops. To prevent, this both the government and the public should come forward. By proper embankment, we can save our crops from flood. Plant protection department should actively come forward against diseases and insects of our plants.

Nowadays pesticides are already used by the farmers to protect their crops. Dams have been built in some areas of the country. People are now familiar with chemical fertilizers and manure. Now all-out efforts are being made for the development of agriculture in our country. So it can be expected that in the near future our country will be self-sufficient in agricultural products.

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