You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1.
Right and left handedness in humans
1 B | Broca | Paragraph 3; line 5 | Dr paul Broca made a remarkable ……………….half of their body. |
2 D | Charles Moore | Paragraph 7; line 8 | Subliminally he says ………………..or even sinister. “he= Charles Moore, people consider anything on the left to be sinister= prejudice, Prejudice= opinion without facts” |
3 C | Geschwind and Galaburda | Paragraph 6; line 16 | S0, if something happens to the brain……involved is the left. “male= boys, hemisphere more likely to be involved is the left= likely to be left-handed” |
4 B | Brinkman | Paragraph 4 line 1= Brinkman, line= 14 | She has observed that………….the recovery is better. “brain-damaged= stroke, often better= quick” |
5 A | Dr Broca | paragraphs 3; line 5 | Dr paul Broca, made the ……………..must have been in the brain left hemisphere. “lost power of speech is by stroke causes the right body part to paralise, right body is controlled is left brain which means “ |
6 C | Geschwind and Galaburda | Paragraph 6; line 1 | Two American Researchers, …………exists before birth. “asymmetry= not similar/ different” |
7 E | Professor Turner | Paragraph 1 line 9- Turner, line 13- answer | He noted that …………..itself systematic. “itself systematic= common feature” |
8 15-20% | One right and one left | Paragraph 2; line 11 | With one right and one ……….left handed. |
9 40% | parents left handed | Paragrapoh 2; line 9 | However, among …………….left handed |
10 6% | Parents right handed | Paragraph 2; line 6 | In fact about 6………………will be left handed. |
11 D | monkeys | Paragraph 5; line 11 | |
12 B | Left handed people | Paragraph 12; line 1 | The result of this survey…….right-handed people. “centuries lived= years, consolation= disappointment/ grief/ hardship” |
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15–26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 .
13 prepare | March | Paragraph 5; line 1 | By early March it is time to move the bees. It can take up to seven nights to pack the 4,000 or so hives … These are not moved in the middle of the day … But at night, the hives are stacked onto wooden pallets, back-to-back in sets of four, and lifted onto a truck… “The gist of the paragraph justifies the preparation phase for the migration of the hives”. |
14) full | night | paragraph 5; line 6 | But at night, ……….lifted into the truck. “stacked= pack, mass, pile up/ full” |
15) smoke | case | paragraph 5, line | Just in case some are still lively, bees can be pacified with a few puffs of smoke blown into each hive’s narrow entrance. |
16) charge | orange groves | paragraph 6; line 3 | In their new location, the beekeeper will pay the farmer to allow his bees to feed in such places as orange groves. (Beekeepers pay farmers. = Farmers charge beekeepers.) |
17) machines | warehouse | paragraph 7; line 8 | The supers are taken to a warehouse…the frames are lifted out and lowered into an ‘uncapper’ where rotating blades shave away the wax…The carousel is filled to capacity … A switch is flipped… centrifugal force ……. “warehouse + frames + rotating blades + switch= machine” |
18) combs | honey | paragraphs 7; line 18 | A switch is flipped and … centrifugal force throws the honey out of the combs. |
19) split | double hives | paragraph 5, line 6 | To create new colonies, a healthy double hive, teeming with bees, can be separated into two boxes.. “separate into two= split” |
20) (hexagonal) cells//comb | paragraphs 6, line 10 | … the beekeepers open the hives and stack extra boxes called supers on top. These temporary hive extensions contain frames of empty comb … | |
21) frames (of comb) | Paragraph 6; line 10 | … the beekeepers open the hives and stack extra boxes called supers on top. These temporary hive extensions contain frames of empty comb … | |
22) screen | paragraph 6; line 11 | In the brood chamber below … a screen can be inserted between the brood chamber and the supers. | |
23) brood chamber | paragraph 6; line 11 | In the brood chamber below, the bees will stash honey to eat later. To prevent the queen from crawling up to the top … a screen can be inserted between the brood chamber and the supers. | |
24) NOT GIVEN | paragraph 3; line 2 | The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo (The hives were transported down the Nile, which does not mean they were kept on the bank of the Nile. There is no information.) | |
25) YES | migratory bee keeping | paragraph 3; line 7 | In the 1880s North American beekeepers experimented with the same idea …but their lighter, wooden hives kept falling into the water. Other keepers tried the railroad and horse-drawn wagons, but that didn’t prove practical. Not until the 1920s … did migratory beekeeping begin to catch on. “they succeed only after road transport, migratory beekeeping= moving bees” |
26) YES | keep honey | paragraph 6; line 12 | In the brood chamber below, the bees will stash honey to eat later. “stash= store/ keep, below= bottom” |
27) NO | honey, spun | paragraph 7, last sentence | Finally the honey is poured into barrels for shipment. “honey is not spun but Poured into barrels” |
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27–40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 .
28 iii | Subject for a book………….., study of deviance…………, this involves………, assumptions= justification given for the study of tourism | ||
29 v | |||
30 iv | ………… order to cope with the mass character of the gazes………..opposed to the individual character of travel places…. “this paragraph is showing the difference between travel and tourism” | ||
31 vii | …..pseudoevents isolated from host environment……….., ……disregarding the real world “This para is all about the artificial environment and events to attract tourists” | ||
32 viii | The role of the professional, therefore……….., “This paragraph gives an insight on the professional in the service of tourism industry which means tour guides” | ||
33 NO | trivial subject | Paragraph 1 ; line 5 | on the face of it ……… |
34 YES | deviance | paragraph 1, line 18 | |
35 NOT GIVEN | Overseas | No such information is given. | |
36 YES | home | paragraph line 12 | People linger over these sights……………reproduced and recaptured. “not normally do in their home environment = than those at home” |
37 NOT GIVEN | tourist operators, cheat | No such information. | |
38 D | concept, tourism | paragraph 2; line 3 | It is one manifestation of how work and leisure are organised as separate spheres. “concept= manifestation, separate= distinction” |
39 B | media | paragraph 3; line 13 | such anticipation is constructed………………reinforce this daydreaming. “films, TV literature magazines= media, construct and reinforce daydreaming= meeting expectations” |
40 F | landscapes | paragraph 4; line 9 | The viewing of these tourist sights ………normally found in everyday life. “” |
41 H | group | paragraph 5; line 8 | ……………mass tourist travels in guided groups and finds pleasure in unauthentic contrived attractions gullibly enjoying the ……… “contrived attractions= created attractions/ designed attractions” |