Cambridge IELTS Book 19 Listening Test -2
Part-1 Guitar Group
Question No. | Answer in Bold Face | Keywords of the Question | What We Hear in the Audio Means Answer-Containing Sentence in Quotation Marks | Synonyms of the Keywords Used in the Question and Typescript | Explanation Why That Is the Correct Answer |
1 | Mathieson | Gary, surname | "He’s called a ‘coordinator’ – his name’s Gary Mathieson." | surname = family name, coordinator = organizer | The coordinator's name is given as Gary Mathieson. |
2 | beginners | level, students | "When I first spoke to Gary on the phone, he said it was a class for beginners." | beginners = novices, level = stage | The class is designed for beginners, not advanced players. |
3 | college | place, location | "Well, when I joined the group, they were meeting in Gary’s home, but as the group got bigger, he decided to book a room at the college in town." | location = place, college = educational institution | The group now meets at a college rather than at Gary’s home. |
4 | New | street, road | "It’s just beyond there at the bottom of New Street near the city roundabout." | street = road, New = name | The location is on New Street, near the roundabout. |
5 | 11 / eleven (am) | time, meeting | "We meet on Thursdays. It used to be 10.30 and that suited me well, but now we meet at 11." | time = hour, meeting = gathering | The class starts at 11 a.m. after the previous class asks for extra time. |
6 | instrument | recommended, website | "There’s a website called ‘The perfect instrument’ that sells all kinds of guitars, violins and so on." | instrument = tool, website = online store | The website is recommended for purchasing various instruments. |
7 | ear | tuning, method | "Some people have an app they use, but others do it by ear." | ear = sense of hearing, tuning = adjusting | Tuning by ear refers to using hearing rather than an app. |
8 | clapping | keeping time, teacher | "Sometimes we all just start laughing because we’re so bad at keeping time, so Gary starts clapping to help us." | clapping = applauding, time = rhythm | The teacher claps to help keep everyone in time during lessons. |
9 | recording | song, teacher | "He often brings a recording of the song and plays it to us first." | recording = audio, song = music | The teacher uses a recording of the song to help with learning. |
10 | alone | playing, individual | "The only trouble is that he sometimes gets us to play one at a time – you know, alone." | alone = individually, playing = performing | The instructor sometimes has students play individually during the lesson. |
Part-2 Working as a lifeboat volunteer
Question No. | Answer in Bold Face | Keywords of the Question | What We Hear in the Audio Means Answer-Containing Sentence in Quotation Marks | Synonyms of the Keywords Used in the Question and Typescript | Explanation Why That Is the Correct Answer |
11 | A | David, reason, move, Northsea | "I’d been working in London as a website designer, but although that was interesting, I didn’t like city life... I thought if I went to live by the sea, I might be able to pursue that interest a bit more in my free time." | reason = motive, move = relocate | David left London because he found city life unsatisfying and wanted to pursue a hobby by the sea. |
12 | B | Lifeboat Institution, funding, construction | "It was built 15 years ago with funds provided by a generous member of the public, who’d lived here all her life." | funding = financial support, construction = building | The Lifeboat Institution was built with money from a local resident, not an organization or council. |
13 | A | health assessment, vision, doctor | "They gave me tests for colour blindness and they thought I might have a problem there, but it turned out I was OK." | vision = eyesight, doctor = healthcare professional | The doctor was concerned about David's potential colour blindness, but he passed the test. |
14 | B | target, time, lifeboat station | "Our target’s to get there in five minutes, then we try to get the boat off the dock and out to sea in another six to eight minutes." | target = goal, time = duration | The goal is to launch the boat within six to eight minutes, not five or eight and a half minutes. |
15 | C | helmsman, responsibility, decision | "But it’s ultimately my decision whether it’s safe to launch the boat." | responsibility = duty, decision = judgment | As a helmsman, David has the final decision on whether the lifeboat should be launched. |
16 | A | other work, lifeboat, David | "I speak to youth groups and sailing clubs in the area about the sorts of problems that sailors and swimmers can have if the weather suddenly gets bad." | work = tasks, lifeboat = rescue boat | Besides being on the lifeboat, David gives talks on safety at sea to youth groups and clubs. |
17 & 18 | C, E | training, lifeboat, skills | "The residential course developed my leadership skills... The wave-tank activities provided practice in survival techniques." | training = preparation, skills = abilities | The residential course improved David’s leadership skills, and the wave tank helped with survival practice. |
19 & 20 | A, B | motivating, work, David | "We’re like a family really, which helps when you’re dragging yourself out of bed on a cold stormy night... But actually, it’s the colder months that can be the most rewarding time." | motivating = encouraging, work = task | David finds motivation in working as part of a team and in the rewarding experiences during winter. |
Part - 3
Question No. | Answer in Bold Face | Keywords of the Question | What We Hear in the Audio Means Answer (Containing Sentence in Quotation Mark) | Synonyms of the Keywords Used in Question & Typescript | Explanation (Why the Answer is Correct) |
21 | A | Recycling, footwear, topic | "Well, before I started reading it, I thought recycling footwear... perhaps there isn’t enough to say about it." | recycling: reprocessing, footwear: shoes, topic: subject, scope: extent | Don initially thought the topic might be too limited in scope, as he didn't expect there to be much to research. |
22 | B | Trainers, disagreement | "I guess they are very hard-wearing, but don’t they look a bit casual for school uniform?" | trainers: sneakers, disagree: differ, popular: liked | Don disagreed with Bella about the suitability of trainers for school, believing they were too casual. |
23 | B | Recycles, shoes, reason | "I must admit, I’ve recycled some perfectly good shoes... just because they don’t look great on me any more." | recycles: reuses, shoes: footwear, reason: cause, no longer: not anymore | Bella said she recycled shoes because they didn’t look good on her anymore, even though they were still functional. |
24 | B | Article, confusing, footwear | "The article did say that recent sales of footwear have increased enormously. But then it said that the amount of recycled footwear has fallen." | article: publication, confusing: unclear, footwear: shoes, fallen: decreased | Don was confused by the article’s claim that recycled footwear had decreased despite the increase in footwear sales. |
25 | E | High-heeled shoes, rejection | "One of the shoes was a much lighter shade than the other one – it had obviously been left in the sun." | high-heeled: stilettos, rejection: refusal, shoes: footwear, faded: discolored | The high-heeled shoes were rejected because one shoe had faded in color after being left in the sun. |
26 | B | Ankle boots, rejection | "One of the shoes was a much lighter shade than the other one – it had obviously been left in the sun." | ankle boots: boots, rejection: refusal, shade: tone, worn: faded | The ankle boots were rejected because one shoe was a lighter shade due to sun exposure. |
27 | A | Baby shoes, rejection | "You’d think it would have been easy to find the other, but it wasn’t. That was a shame because they were obviously new." | baby shoes: children’s footwear, rejection: refusal, missing: absent | The baby shoes were rejected because one shoe was missing, despite the shoes being new. |
28 | C | Trainers, rejection | "One of the soles was so worn under the foot that you could put your finger through it." | trainers: sneakers, rejection: refusal, worn: damaged | The trainers were rejected because one sole was severely worn down, making them unfit for recycling. |
29 | C | Project, failure, shoes | "It was because the pairs of shoes weren’t identical." | project: initiative, failure: collapse, shoes: footwear, identical: matching | The project failed because the shoes in the pairs were not identical, making them unsuitable for recycling. |
30 | A | Present, new angle | "It’s not as simple as you first think, and we can show that by taking a very different approach to it." | present: deliver, new angle: different perspective, approach: method | Bella and Don agree that they can present the topic from a new angle, offering a fresh perspective. |
Part 4 Tardigrades
Question No. | Answer in Bold Face | Keywords of the Question | What We Hear in the Audio Means Answer (Containing Sentence in Quotation Mark) | Synonyms of the Keywords Used in Question & Typescript | Explanation (Why the Answer is Correct) |
31 | move | tardigrades, move | "They are also sometimes called ‘water bears’: ‘water’ because that’s where they thrive best, and ‘bear’ because of the way they move." | movement: travel, 'bears': analogy | Tardigrades are called 'water bears' because of the way they move, similar to how bears move. |
32 | short | body, appearance | "They have a body which is short, and also rounded — a bit like a barrel." | small: tiny, short: compact | The body of tardigrades is short and rounded, which is a key characteristic of their appearance. |
33 | discs | claws, gripping | "What they have are discs, and these work by means of suction." | suction pads: suckers, discs: plates | Some species of tardigrades use discs instead of claws, which function by suction for gripping. |
34 | oxygen | body, blood, oxygen | "Oxygen and also blood are transported in a fluid that fills the cavity of the body." | air: oxygen, fluid: liquid | Tardigrades lack respiratory organs, so oxygen is transported through a fluid in their body. |
35 | tube | mouth, shape | "The tardigrade’s mouth is a kind of tube that can open outwards to reveal teeth-like structures." | tube: pipe, mouth: opening | The mouth of a tardigrade is shaped like a tube and reveals sharp teeth-like structures. |
36 | temperatures | resilience, extreme conditions | "They’re also able to withstand temperatures as low as minus –200 degrees centigrade, or highs of more than 148 degrees centigrade." | climate: weather, conditions: environment | Tardigrades can survive in extreme temperatures, both very high and low. |
37 | protein | cryptobiosis, DNA protection | "While in this state of cryptobiosis, tardigrades produce a protein that protects their DNA." | enzyme: catalyst, cryptobiosis: dormant state | Tardigrades produce a protective protein during cryptobiosis, which helps protect their DNA. |
38 | space | cryptobiosis, research | "There are currently several tests taking place in space, to determine how long tardigrades might be able to survive there." | outer space: universe, research: experiments | Research is being conducted to test how long tardigrades can survive in space, highlighting their resilience. |
39 | seaweed | feeding, diet | "They suck the juices from moss, or extract fluid from seaweed." | algae: moss, seaweed: marine plants | Tardigrades consume liquids from moss and seaweed, which are their primary sources of nutrition. |
40 | endangered | conservation, status | "Tardigrades have not been evaluated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and are not on any endangered list." | threatened: at risk, endangered: vuln |