Fun Quizzes / Riddles /Brain Teasers - 7
No head has he but he wears a hat. No feet has he but he stands up straight. On him perhaps a fairy sat, weaving a spell one evening late!
What has everything inside it? Everything you can imagine, even God, wind, world, sky, heaven, earth, and everything that comes to your mind?
Above the kingdom I reign, spotted, speckled, with a mane, I travel in packs, and if you're lucky, you'd ride me. What am I?
I am made from an animal, although you nickname me after a different one. You can't eat me; you can only hold me, and once a year, a festival is erected in my honor. What am I?
What grows in winter, dies in summer, and grows roots upward?
Downward grows the root. Outward grows the skin. Upward grows the shoot. What way blows the wind?
Shorter than my four siblings, but easily the strongest. Sometimes I wear a funny hat.
With head without hair. With mouth without tooth.
What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?
What's as small as a mouse but guards a house like a lion?
What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
On the wall, in the air, you just want me out of your hair. Try to catch me, but you cannot, for my vision is thousandfold. What am I?
I am born in fear, raised in truth, and I come to my own in deed. When comes a time that I'm called forth, I come to serve the cause of need.
I am slim and tall. Many find me desirable and appealing. They touch me, and I give a false good feeling. Once I shine in splendor, but only once and then no more. For many, I am to die for. What am I?
A little pool with two layers of wall around it. One white and soft and the other dark and hard, amidst a light brown grassy lawn with an outline of green grass. What am I?
Looks like water, but it's heat. Sits on sand, lays on concrete. People have been known to follow it everywhere, but it gets them no place, and all they can do is stare.
You use me for multiple reasons. I am many-colored and many-shaped. I may or may not also tell you your sexual preference. What am I?
My thunder comes before my lightning. My lightning comes before my rain. And my rain dries all the ground it touches. What am I?
I come when the weather is at its prime. Though, it might be wise to leave nothing on the street. But, in the wintertime, my name is obsolete. What am I?
Useful tool for who in darkness dwell. Within you, corrupting like a deadly spell.
A leathery snake, with a stinging bite. I'll stay coiled up, unless I must fight.
I'm a bearer of darkness. I'm feared and often hated. I'm a symbol of the unwanted, an omen that leaves you jaded. Some people can predict my coming, but then you'll forever see things lurking around corners... Are you sure that it was me?
Black we are and much admired. Men seek us if they are tired. We tire the horse, comfort man. Guess this riddle if you can.
My step is slow, the snow's my breath. I give the ground a grinding death. My marching makes an end of me, slain by sun or drowned in sea.
If your life is cut short, I am not the one to blame. You signed up, and your death was not my aim. Enter our doors; there is so much to see. We just happen to hold the key to adventure abound and fun to be found. Step in our door and see what is in store. What am I?
What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, yet it never grows?
A natural state, I'm sought by all. Go with me, and you shall fall. You do me when you spend, and you use me when you eat to no end. What am I?
At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep.
When set loose, I fly away, never so cursed as when I go astray.
Early ages the iron boot tread, with Europe at her command. Through time power slipped and fled, 'til the creation of a new holy land. Who am I?
Armless, legless, I crawl around when I'm young. Then the time of changing sleep will come. I will awake like a newborn, flying beast, 'til then on the remains of the dead I feast.
With my pair I should be, but I am usually alone, you see, for a monster always eats me. Do you know what I must be?
Shifting, shifting, drifting deep. Below me great and mighty cities sleep. Swirling, scurrying, all around. I'm only where no water will be found.
We are emeralds and diamonds, lost by the moon, found by the sun, and picked up soon.
What is red and nailed to a wall?
What has three feet but cannot walk?
What can an elephant and a shrimp both be?
What is given but kept by the giver?
The stack just might be sent all over. Full of what's new, yet it's nearly obsolete.
I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
Answers with Explanations
Toadstool - A type of mushroom that has no head or feet but appears to wear a cap. (এক ধরনের ছত্রাক যার মাথা নেই, পা নেই, তবে এটি টুপির মতো দেখায়।)
Alphabet - Contains all words and names, even abstract ideas like God, wind, and sky. (এতে সব শব্দ ও নাম থাকে, এমনকি ঈশ্বর, বাতাস ও আকাশের মতো বিমূর্ত ধারণাও থাকে।)
Giraffe - It has spots and a mane and is found in groups. (এটির গায়ে দাগ ও কেশর থাকে এবং এটি দলবদ্ধভাবে চলাফেরা করে।)
Football - Made of leather, called a pigskin, and honored in events like the Super Bowl. (এটি চামড়ার তৈরি, যাকে পিগস্কিন বলা হয় এবং সুপার বোলের মতো ইভেন্টে সম্মানিত হয়।)
Icicle - Forms in winter, melts in summer, and points downward. (এটি শীতকালে গঠিত হয়, গ্রীষ্মকালে গলে যায় এবং নিচের দিকে নির্দেশ করে।)
Wayward - Refers to unpredictability, like the wind. (এটি অনিশ্চয়তা বোঝায়, যেমন বাতাস।)
Thumb - Shortest finger, yet strongest, and sometimes has a nail or cover. (এটি সবচেয়ে ছোট আঙুল, তবে সবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী এবং কখনও কখনও নখ বা আবরণ থাকে।)
Bottle - Has an opening, like a mouth, but no teeth or hair. (এটির একটি মুখের মতো খোলা অংশ থাকে, তবে দাঁত বা চুল থাকে না।)
Flag - Moves all day with the wind but stays in one place. (এটি সারাদিন বাতাসে ওড়ে, তবে এক জায়গায় স্থির থাকে।)
Lock - Small but secures homes. (এটি ছোট হলেও ঘর সুরক্ষিত রাখে।)
Chalkboard - Becomes whiter as it's covered in chalk dust. (এটি চকের গুঁড়ো দিয়ে ঢেকে গেলে আরও সাদা হয়ে যায়।)
Fly - Annoying insect, hard to catch. (এটি বিরক্তিকর একটি পোকা, যাকে ধরা কঠিন।)
Courage - Develops over time and is used when needed. (এটি সময়ের সাথে বিকশিত হয় এবং প্রয়োজনের সময় ব্যবহৃত হয়।)
Cigarette - Tall and thin, pleasurable but deadly. (এটি লম্বা ও সরু, আনন্দদায়ক হলেও প্রাণঘাতী।)
Coconut - White flesh, brown shell, and green husk. (এটির সাদা শাঁস, বাদামি খোসা ও সবুজ আবরণ থাকে।)
Mirage - Appears as water but is heat reflection. (এটি পানির মতো দেখায়, তবে এটি তাপের প্রতিফলন।)
Scarf - Comes in many colors and forms. (এটি বিভিন্ন রঙ ও আকারে পাওয়া যায়।)
Volcano - Erupts violently. (এটি প্রচণ্ডভাবে অগ্ন্যুৎপাত ঘটায়।)
Hail - Common in summer storms but absent in winter. (এটি গ্রীষ্মের ঝড়ে সাধারণত দেখা যায়, তবে শীতে থাকে না।)
Candle - Melts as it burns, giving light. (এটি জ্বলার সাথে সাথে গলে যায় এবং আলো দেয়।)
Whip - A leather tool that stings when used. (এটি একটি চামড়ার তৈরি যন্ত্র, যা ব্যবহারের সময় দগ্ধ করে।)
Shadow - Always follows you but cannot be caught. (এটি সর্বদা আপনার সাথে থাকে, তবে ধরা যায় না।)
Coal - Black and valuable, provides energy. (এটি কালো এবং মূল্যবান, যা শক্তি সরবরাহ করে।)
Glacier - Moves slowly and carves landscapes. (এটি ধীরে ধীরে চলে এবং ভূমি গঠনে ভূমিকা রাখে।)
Movie Theater - Provides adventure and entertainment. (এটি রোমাঞ্চ ও বিনোদন সরবরাহ করে।)
Mountain - Has roots unseen and is taller than trees. (এটির শিকড় অদৃশ্য এবং এটি গাছের চেয়ে উঁচু।)
Balance - Sought by all but can lead to downfall. (এটি সবাই চায়, তবে ভারসাম্যহীনতা ধ্বংস ডেকে আনতে পারে।)
Music - Inspires emotions and movement. (এটি আবেগ ও নড়াচড়ার অনুপ্রেরণা দেয়।)
Word - Once spoken, it cannot be taken back. (একবার বলা হলে, এটি ফিরিয়ে নেওয়া যায় না।)
Roman Empire - Once powerful, but its influence faded. (এটি একসময় শক্তিশালী ছিল, তবে এর প্রভাব কমে গেছে।)
Butterfly - Starts as a caterpillar, then transforms. (এটি প্রথমে শুঁয়োপোকা থাকে, পরে রূপান্তরিত হয়।)
Sock - Usually found in pairs, but one often gets lost. (এটি সাধারণত জোড়ায় থাকে, তবে একটিকে হারিয়ে ফেলা হয়।)
Desert - Dry, shifting sands with no water. (এটি শুষ্ক, পরিবর্তনশীল বালুকাময় স্থান যেখানে পানি নেই।)
Dewdrops - Form overnight and disappear in sunlight. (এটি রাতে গঠিত হয় এবং সূর্যের আলোয় মিলিয়ে যায়।)
Bloodstain - Can be found on walls, often shocking. (এটি দেয়ালে পাওয়া যায়, যা প্রায়ই চমকে দেয়।)
Yardstick - A measuring tool with three feet. (এটি একটি পরিমাপক যন্ত্র যার দৈর্ঘ্য তিন ফুট।)
Animal - A classification that includes both. (এটি এমন একটি শ্রেণি, যেখানে হাতি ও চিংড়ি উভয়ই পড়ে।)
Advice - Given but still remains with the giver. (এটি প্রদান করা হয়, তবে প্রদানকারীর কাছেই থাকে।)
Newspaper - Once popular, now becoming obsolete. (এটি একসময় জনপ্রিয় ছিল, তবে এখন বিলুপ্তির পথে।)
Candle - Burns down over time. (এটি সময়ের সাথে সাথে গলে যায়।)