Crabbed Age and Youth
— William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
CRABBED Age and Youth
Cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasance,
Age is full of care:
Youth like summer morn.
Age like winter weather:
Youth like summer brave.
Age like winter bare.
Youth is full of sport.
Age's breath is short;
Youth is nimble. Age is lame:
Youth is hot and bold.
Age is weak and cold:
Youth is wild, and Age is tame.
Age, I do abhor thee:
Youth, I do adore thee;
0, my Love, my Love is young!
Age. I do defy thee:
0, sweet shepherd, hie thee!
For methinks thou stay'st too long.
Ans. In this poem the poet sings the song of the victory of the youth. According to him, youth is full of pleasure, bravery and sportiveness. On the contrary, old life is full of cares and anxieties. Old people are timid. They do not want to take risks. Old people oppose the change, but the youth struggle and wait for change. Change is the law of nature. So the opposition of the old against change is meaningless, and that's why, the youth are vectors as they strive for change in society.
"Crabbed Age and Youth" by William Shakespeare:
"Crabbed Age and Youth"Paraphrase: Old age and youth cannot exist together because they are so different in nature.
"Cannot live together:"Paraphrase: They are incompatible and cannot co-exist.
"Youth is full of pleasance,"Paraphrase: Youth is full of joy, pleasure, and excitement, often carefree and enthusiastic.
"Age is full of care:"Paraphrase: In contrast, old age is full of concerns, responsibilities, and burdens that come with time.
"Youth like summer morn."Paraphrase: Youth is compared to a beautiful, bright summer morning, symbolizing freshness, vitality, and new beginnings.
"Age like winter weather:"Paraphrase: Age, on the other hand, is like harsh, cold winter weather, which symbolizes the harshness, bitterness, and challenges of growing old.
"Youth like summer brave."Paraphrase: Youth is like a brave summer season, full of strength, warmth, and courage.
"Age like winter bare."Paraphrase: Age is like the bare, barren winter season, devoid of life and energy, reflecting the limitations of old age.
"Youth is full of sport."Paraphrase: Youth is playful, energetic, and filled with fun activities.
"Age's breath is short;"Paraphrase: The breath of old age is weak and shallow, implying that older people have less energy and vitality.
"Youth is nimble. Age is lame:"Paraphrase: Youth is quick and agile, while age is slow and less flexible, representing the decline in physical abilities over time.
"Youth is hot and bold."Paraphrase: Youth is passionate, energetic, and unafraid to take risks or face challenges.
"Age is weak and cold:"Paraphrase: Age, however, is frail, with less vitality and often accompanied by feelings of coldness or indifference.
"Youth is wild, and Age is tame."Paraphrase: Youth is untamed and full of free-spirited energy, while age is restrained, calm, and controlled.
"Age, I do abhor thee:"Paraphrase: The speaker expresses a strong dislike or hatred for old age, possibly because of its physical limitations and inevitable decline.
"Youth, I do adore thee;"Paraphrase: In contrast, the speaker loves and admires youth for its vigor, boldness, and endless possibilities.
"0, my Love, my Love is young!"Paraphrase: The speaker passionately declares that their love is young, vibrant, and full of life, embodying the energy and potential of youth.
"Age, I do defy thee:"Paraphrase: The speaker openly rejects old age, refusing to accept its limitations and challenges.
"0, sweet shepherd, hie thee!"Paraphrase: The speaker calls on their love or the shepherd to hurry, as if urging them to enjoy their youth and live fully.
"For methinks thou stay'st too long."Paraphrase: The speaker feels that their love is lingering too long in a stage of life (perhaps old age), and they urge them to embrace the youth and vitality of life.
Short Answer Questions
What is the central theme of the poem "Crabbed Age and Youth"?
Answer: The central theme is the contrast between the youthful vigor, energy, and freedom, and the limitations, weaknesses, and struggles of old age.
How does the speaker describe youth in the poem?
Answer: The speaker describes youth as full of joy, vitality, bravery, and quickness, likening it to a summer morning or brave summer weather.
What does the speaker say about age in the poem?
Answer: The speaker describes age as full of care, weakness, coldness, and slowness, comparing it to harsh winter weather.
Why does the speaker abhor age?
Answer: The speaker abhors age because it brings physical weakness, limitations, and the end of the vigor and passion that comes with youth.
What is the speaker’s attitude toward youth?
Answer: The speaker adores youth, appreciating its energy, boldness, and potential for adventure and freedom.
What does the phrase "Youth is nimble, Age is lame" mean?
Answer: It means that youth is quick, energetic, and active, while age is slow, less flexible, and more restricted in movement.
What is the significance of comparing youth to summer and age to winter?Answer: Comparing youth to summer symbolizes warmth, energy, and growth, while comparing age to winter symbolizes coldness, barrenness, and decay.
Why does the speaker call out to the shepherd in the final lines of the poem?
Answer: The speaker calls out to the shepherd, urging him to embrace his youth and not linger too long in the process of growing old.
What does the speaker mean by saying "Age, I do defy thee"?
Answer: The speaker is rejecting or defying old age, expressing a desire to remain young and to avoid the constraints that come with aging.
How does the speaker feel about the fleeting nature of youth?
Answer: The speaker seems to lament the brevity of youth and desires to hold on to it, even while acknowledging the inevitability of aging.
Multiple-choice questions based on the text:
What season is youth compared to in the poem?
a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Autumn
d) Winter
Answer: b) Summer
What does the speaker compare old age to in the poem?
a) Autumn
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Fall
Answer: b) Winter
What quality is NOT attributed to youth in the poem?
a) Boldness
b) Energy
c) Weakness
d) Nimbleness
Answer: c) Weakness
How does the speaker feel about old age?
a) Admires it
b) Abhors it
c) Accepts it
d) Prefers it over youth
Answer: b) Abhors it
What is youth described as being like in the poem?
a) A breeze
b) A summer morning
c) A sunset
d) A bird
Answer: b) A summer morning
What is old age described as being like in the poem?
a) A summer evening
b) A cold winter day
c) A rainy day
d) A sunset
Answer: b) A cold winter day
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of youth in the poem?
a) Wild
b) Bold
c) Tame
d) Nimble
Answer: c) Tame
Which is a key contrast made in the poem?
a) Youth’s vigor versus old age’s vitality
b) Youth’s strength versus old age’s frailty
c) Youth’s warmth versus old age’s coldness
d) Youth’s calmness versus old age’s recklessness
Answer: c) Youth’s warmth versus old age’s coldness
What does the speaker express a preference for in the poem?
a) Old age
b) Love
c) Youth
d) Wisdom
Answer: c) Youth
Which of the following best describes the tone of the poem?
a) Pessimistic
b) Joyful
c) Reflective
d) Humorous
Answer: c) Reflective
Detailed Summary:
In "Crabbed Age and Youth", William Shakespeare explores the contrast between the characteristics of youth and old age. The speaker reflects on how the two stages of life are opposites in nature. Youth is described as lively, full of joy, and carefree, akin to a summer morning—bright, full of energy, and with an adventurous spirit. It is bold, full of energy, and eager to take risks. On the other hand, old age is depicted as slow, full of worries, and lacking the vitality that youth possesses. It is compared to winter, a season that is cold, barren, and filled with limitations. The speaker acknowledges that youth and age cannot coexist harmoniously because they are so different in nature.
The poem also explores the speaker’s feelings about love, as they express a preference for the vigor and joy of youth over the limitations of age. The speaker wishes for their love to remain youthful and vibrant, resisting the inevitable passage of time. In the final lines, the speaker calls for the shepherd (likely a reference to a youthful lover) to act swiftly and not delay, implying that youth’s opportunity for love and joy should be seized before age takes over.
Short Theme:
The poem contrasts the qualities of youth and age, highlighting the vitality and boldness of youth against the frailty and limitations of old age. It reflects on the natural cycle of life, expressing a preference for the energy and carefree nature of youth over the inevitable decline of age. The theme touches on the fleeting nature of youth and the inevitability of aging.
Bangla Translation (Summary)
"ক্র্যাবড এজ অ্যান্ড ইয়ুথ"-এ উইলিয়াম শেক্সপিয়ার যৌবন এবং বার্ধক্যের বৈশিষ্ট্যের মধ্যে বৈপরীত্য অন্বেষণ করেছেন। বক্তা জীবনের দুটি স্তর প্রকৃতিতে কীভাবে বিপরীতমুখী তা প্রতিফলিত করেছেন। যৌবনকে প্রাণবন্ত, আনন্দে পূর্ণ এবং চিন্তামুক্ত হিসাবে বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে, গ্রীষ্মের সকালের মতো - উজ্জ্বল, শক্তিতে পূর্ণ এবং একটি দুঃসাহসিক মনোভাব সহ। এটি সাহসী, শক্তিতে পূর্ণ এবং ঝুঁকি নিতে আগ্রহী। অন্যদিকে, বার্ধক্যকে ধীর, উদ্বেগে পূর্ণ এবং যৌবনের মতো প্রাণশক্তির অভাব হিসাবে চিত্রিত করা হয়েছে। এটি শীতের সাথে তুলনা করা হয়েছে, একটি ঋতু যা ঠান্ডা, বন্ধ্যা এবং সীমাবদ্ধতায় ভরা। বক্তা স্বীকার করেছেন যে যৌবন এবং বয়স সুসংগতভাবে সহাবস্থান করতে পারে না কারণ তারা প্রকৃতিতে এত আলাদা।
কবিতাটি প্রেম সম্পর্কে বক্তার অনুভূতিও অন্বেষণ করে, কারণ তারা বয়সের সীমাবদ্ধতার চেয়ে যৌবনের প্রাণশক্তি এবং আনন্দকে পছন্দ করে। বক্তা চান যে তাদের প্রেম যৌবন এবং প্রাণবন্ত থাকুক, সময়ের অনিবার্য উত্তরণকে প্রতিরোধ করে। শেষের লাইনগুলিতে, বক্তা রাখালকে (সম্ভবত একজন তরুণ প্রেমিকের কথা উল্লেখ করে) দ্রুত পদক্ষেপ নেওয়ার এবং বিলম্ব না করার আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন, যার অর্থ হল বয়সের আগেই প্রেম এবং আনন্দের জন্য যৌবনের সুযোগটি কাজে লাগানো উচিত