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Cyclone / A Natural Disaster I have Experienced (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 17

Paragraph Writing

A Natural Disaster I have Experienced

Living in Bangladesh, I've experienced the devastating impact of natural disasters firsthand, particularly cyclones. These events, along with tidal bores and floods, are all too common in our country, largely attributed to global warming. One memorable experience was during a cyclone in 2009 when I was just a child. The cyclone wreaked havoc, causing significant damage to homes and trees. The violent winds rattled our house, instilling fear that it might collapse. Despite the fear, our home stood firm, but sleep eluded us that night. The next morning revealed the true extent of the devastation. Many homes were damaged, trees uprooted, and branches torn off. Floodwaters invaded our yard, carrying debris and even floating coconuts from nearby trees. Tragically, the cyclone claimed lives, including both people and livestock. Schools and other buildings suffered extensive damage. Natural disasters like cyclones leave communities reeling, with untold suffering and loss. While we cannot prevent these events, we can take steps to mitigate their impact. Providing more permanent shelters for those in vulnerable coastal areas is one such measure our government can take to lessen the suffering and minimize property damage. Despite our helplessness in the face of nature's fury, we can work together to support those affected and build resilience against future disasters. Through collective efforts and preparedness, we can strive to lessen the toll of these inevitable events on our communities.

Model Answer-2

A Cyclone

A cyclone is a powerful storm that causes a lot of damage. It happens when strong winds swirl around a center at very high speeds, moving in a circular motion. Cyclones are more common in tropical regions, like the Bay of Bengal, which affects countries like Bangladesh. The winds in a cyclone can reach speeds of 60 kilometers per hour or more, and they can change direction quickly. When a cyclone approaches, the sky gets cloudy, the air becomes warmer, and the wind starts blowing suddenly. It is usually followed by heavy rainfall, thunder, and lightning. Cyclones are dangerous because they can cause floods, damage buildings, trees, and crops, and even sweep away people and animals with powerful tidal waves. The coastal areas of Bangladesh are often hit by cyclones, and they cause huge loss of life and property. The cyclone of 1970, for example, killed nearly 1 million people. Cyclones also bring strong tidal surges that can drown ships and destroy everything in their path. Although scientists have found ways to predict cyclones and give warnings, we cannot stop them. People must be prepared and take safety measures, like moving to safe places when a cyclone is coming. Governments and communities need to work together to help protect people, especially in areas most affected by cyclones. The best way to minimize damage is to be alert, follow safety instructions, and stay away from dangerous areas during a cyclone.

Model Answer-3

Composition / Essay Writing



Cyclone, a destructive natural phenomenon, visits our country every year. I experienced one which left a deep impression on my mind. It was on ----------------. The first indication of the approach of a cyclone was that the sky was covered here and there with patches of dark clouds. As the storm came nearer, more patches of clouds were seen enveloping the sky. At first the wind began to blow with a hoarse moan that soon became as loud as the booming of canon. The current of the wind was never steady and regular but always fitful and violent. The whole sky looked like one dark sheet of cloud which announced the approach of the crisis. Each blast grew louder and louder, rain began to pour in torrents, sweeping gusts accompanied by thunder and lightning, and Nature assumed a fearful aspect. This continued for hours together and even for a whole day or more. Sometimes there was a lull; but that lull often preceded a phase of greater vehemence. The wind blew with incredible force and velocity, attended with heavy showers. It seemed to shake even solid buildings to their foundations and deafened the frightened inmates. This continued for four or five hours, after which the fury of the cyclone gradually abated and at last it subsided. The havoc done by the cyclone was indeed appalling. It uprooted even the biggest cables of ships and steamers snapped off, and many ships and steamers were lost at sea. Our whole village was somewhat destroyed, and large numbers of men were and cattle were killed. In short, after the cyclone, ruin and desolation met our eyes on every side. 



Introduction: Cyclones occur in Bangladesh almost every year. They come as a natural calamity and cause great havoc. They are a sort of rotatory storms rising from the Bay of Bengal. They are attended with lightning and thunder, and very often with heavy rainfall.

Meaning and characteristics: The word ‘cyclone’ is derived from the Greek word ‘cyclos’ which means a circle. A cyclone, therefore, is a strong wind blowing in a circular motion. it always changes its direction and blows at the rate of 60 miles or more per hour . In its nature, it is different from an ordinary storm. When very strong winds whirling round the centre of the storm move at a terrific speed with an anti-clock wise motion in the northern hemisphere and with a clockwise motion in the southern hemisphere, a cyclone occurs.


How it is caused and its fury: In Bangladesh the first indication of the approach of a cyclone is that the sky in the north- west is covered with patches of dark cloud. Then the wind begins to blow with a moaning sound . Soon the sound of the wind becomes as loud as the booming of the cannon. The current of the wind is never steady and regular, but is always fitful and violent. The whole sky now looks like one dark sheet of cloud . This is the sign of the imminent crisis. Blasts of winds grow stronger and stronger. There are heavy rains, peals of thunder and flashes of lightning. At one moment there is the lull but the next moment there is the blast of greater force. The force of wind grows so strong that it shakes even the solid building to their foundation. This terrific state continues for hours together and sometimes it lasts for a whole day.


Cyclones of recent years and their havoc: The cyclones that occurred in Bangladesh in recent years especially in 1960,’63,’66,’70,’85 and ’91 were indeed terrible . Almost every time the off -shore islands were the hardest hit areas. On a number of occasions during these years, cyclones were attended with tidal bore . The havoc caused by these cyclones is beyond description. Almost everything that came within their sweep was destroyed or carried away. The cyclone that occurred in May, 1985 was a devastating one in the post-liberation Bangladesh. It originated in the Bay of Bengal and blew over Hatia, Sandwip, Urirchar and other off -shore islands. Urirchar was the most hard -hit area. But in dimension and intensity the cyclone of the 29th April, 1991, was unprecedented in our known history. It swept over all the coastal districts and off-shore islands with a tremendous speed of 210 to 235 kilometres an hour. It had within its grip over 20 million people as victims and took a toll of no fewer than 5 lakh human beings. As the cyclone grew in intensity innumerable trees were uprooted and countless houses were razed to the ground. Hundreds of boats capsized and a good number of ships ran aground. Dozens of aircrafts of Bangladesh Air Force were damaged. A span of Karnaphuli Bridge and the wireless tower were also blown down. What was more dangerous was the tidal bore which followed in the wake of the cyclone. Thousands of people were swept away by the strong current of water and innumerable heads of cattle were killed. Saline water of the sea flooded the corn -fields and caused widespread destruction to the crops. Loss of property ran to thousands of crores of Taka. The loss was terrible and irreparable.


Conclusion: Cyclone is a natural phenomenon. It is impossible for human efforts to prevent cyclone. However, various long-term and short-term measures may be taken to mitigate the fearful effect of the cyclone. The Government and people all over the country time and again made heroic efforts for the relief and rehabilitation of the cyclone-afflicted people. Now-a-days meteorological department prepares forecast of the origin and direction of a cyclone and gives proper previous warning through the radio and the television. Many concrete houses have also been built in off -shore areas to give shelter to the people during a cyclone. Life and property can thus be saved from the suffering and destruction of cyclones.


Floods, droughts, cyclones etc. are the natural calamities of Bangladesh. The word 'Cyclone' is derived from the Greek word 'Cyclos' a circle which means whirl wind. Generally, cyclone means a kind of moving storm. It always changes its direction and blows at the rate of 60 kilometres or more per kilometre.

When very strong winds whirling round the centre of the storm move at a terrific speed with an anti-clockwise motion in the northern hemisphere and with a clock-wise motion in the southern hemisphere, a cyclone occurs.Low depression in the Bay of Bengal is the main cause of cyclones in Bangladesh. This depression prevails on the ocean first. Then it gradually proceeds with much speed towards the land. The region that it touches becomes dark. The sky becomes cloudy. The flow oP wind begins suddenly and the temperature rises. Such an environment forecasts that a cyclone is going to take place. Soon the sound of the wind becomes as loud as the roaring of a lion. Rains begin to pour in torrents with flashes of lightnings and thunder.

The cyclones that occurred in Bangladesh in recent years especially in 1960, 66, 77, 85, 88 and 91 were indeed terrible. We remember the cyclones of 1988 and 1991. The coastal areas are usually the prey to cyclones. Most hard hit areas are Hatia~ Sandwip, Urierchar, Chokoria, Cox's Bazar, Bhola etc. We know from our records that the cyclone of 1970 caused death of ten lakh people.

Cyclone moves at a terrible speed. Houses, trees, crops, building are levelled to the ground. A cyclone often brings with it dreadful tidal bores. These huge sea-tides wash away everything - men, women, household things and animals. Ships and steamers are sunk due to it. The tragedy caused by the cyclone can not hf) described exactly in words.

Man is a helpless puppet at the hands of the forces of nature, though science has conquered nature to some extent. As nature is still more powerful than science, we shall have to take precautionary steps to stop the destructive effects of cyclone. Advance warning of storms or cyclones will be needed and proper steps should be taken to ensure maximum safety of life and property.


বাংলাদেশে ঘূর্ণিঝড়, বন্যা, খরা ইত্যাদি প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ। "ঘূর্ণিঝড়" শব্দটি গ্রিক শব্দ "সাইক্লোস" থেকে এসেছে, যার মানে একটি বৃত্ত, যা বাতাসের সঞ্চালন বা ঘূর্ণনের প্রতি ইঙ্গিত করে। সাধারণভাবে, ঘূর্ণিঝড় হল এক ধরনের চলমান ঝড় যা এর দিক পরিবর্তন করে এবং প্রতি ঘণ্টায় ৬০ কিলোমিটার বা তার বেশি গতিতে বইতে পারে।

ঘূর্ণিঝড় ঘটে যখন শক্তিশালী বাতাস ঝড়ের কেন্দ্রের চারপাশে ঘুরতে থাকে, উত্তর গোলার্ধে ঘড়ির বিপরীত দিকে এবং দক্ষিণ গোলার্ধে ঘড়ির দিকে ঘুরে। বাংলাদেশের ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের প্রধান কারণ হলো বঙ্গোপসাগরে এক ধরনের নিম্নচাপ। এই নিম্নচাপ প্রথমে সমুদ্রে সৃষ্টি হয় এবং ধীরে ধীরে স্থলভাগের দিকে চলে আসে, বেশ দ্রুত। এটি যখন উপকূলের কাছে পৌঁছায়, আকাশ অন্ধকার হয়ে যায়, মেঘে পূর্ণ হয়ে যায় এবং বাতাস তীব্রভাবে বইতে শুরু করে। তাপমাত্রা বেড়ে যায়, যা ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের আগমনের সংকেত। কিছুক্ষণের মধ্যেই বাতাসের শব্দ বেড়ে যায়, যা সিংহের গর্জনের মতো শোনায়, এবং প্রবল বৃষ্টি, বজ্রপাত ও বিদ্যুতের ঝলক দেখা দেয়।

বাংলাদেশে ১৯৬০, ১৯৬৬, ১৯৭৭, ১৯৮৫, ১৯৮৮ এবং ১৯৯১ সালে যেসব ঘূর্ণিঝড় ঘটেছে, সেগুলি ছিল অত্যন্ত ভয়াবহ। ১৯৮৮ এবং ১৯৯১ সালের ঘূর্ণিঝড় বিশেষভাবে স্মরণীয়। উপকূলীয় এলাকা যেমন হাতিয়া, সন্দ্বীপ, উরিরচর, চকরিয়া, কক্সবাজার, ভোলা সাধারণত সবচেয়ে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। ১৯৭০ সালের ঘূর্ণিঝড়ে প্রায় ১০ লাখ মানুষের মৃত্যু হয়েছিল।

ঘূর্ণিঝড় খুব দ্রুত চলে এবং ঘরবাড়ি, গাছপালা, ফসল, ভবন ধ্বংস করে ফেলে। এটি প্রায়শই বিপজ্জনক জোয়ারের ঢেউ নিয়ে আসে, যা সমস্ত কিছু—মানুষ, পশু, ঘরবাড়ি ধ্বংস করে ফেলে। জাহাজ এবং স্টিমারও এর ফলে ডুবে যায়। ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের দ্বারা সৃষ্ট এই বিপর্যয়ের বর্ণনা ঠিকভাবে দেওয়া সম্ভব নয়।

মানুষ প্রকৃতির শক্তির কাছে অসহায় পুতুল, যদিও বিজ্ঞান প্রকৃতিকে কিছুটা জয় করতে সক্ষম হয়েছে। তবে প্রকৃতি এখনো বিজ্ঞানের চেয়ে শক্তিশালী, তাই ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের ধ্বংসাত্মক প্রভাব কমাতে আমাদের সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করতে হবে। ঝড় বা ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের আগাম সতর্কতা ব্যবস্থা চালু করতে হবে এবং জীবন ও সম্পদের সর্বোচ্চ নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য যথাযথ ব্যবস্থা নিতে হবে।


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