Paragraph Writing
Dengue is one of the commonest mosquito-borne viral diseases in human.It causes 50-100 million infections every year in tropical countries of Asia, South America and Africa. It is caused by dengue virus, which is transmitted by the daytime-biting of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue mosquito lives in cool, dark places and around homes, schools and other areas in towns and villages. The female mosquito lays her eggs in clean, stagnant, exposed collection of water like barrels, drums, pots, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles/ tins, tyres etc. and a lot more places where rainwater collects. The first symptoms of the disease occur about 5-7 days after the infected bite. Symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, severe backache, flushing of the face. If anyone suspects dengue, he should consult with a physician. In a fraction of people bleeding from nose, gum, skin occurs, they can also develop shock. Those patients need hospitalisation for intensive care. To prevent dengue, people should be advised to use mosquito coils, sprays and other mosquito repeliants during the daytime. Babies, old people and others who may rest during the day should use mosquito nets. Curtains can also be treated with a suitable insecticide and hung at windows or doorways to kill or repel mosquitoes. Since mosquitoes which spread dengue breed in stagnant water, all water containers should be kept covered at all times. Discarded containers in which water collects e.g. bottles, cans, bags, tyres etc. should be destroyed. Water from air coolers, tanks, drums, buckets etc. should be drained out. Control measures should be taken by the city corporation along with NGO's & citizen to eliminate adult mosquitoes and eradicate their breeding sites.
Dengue Fever: A disease due to unhygienic environment
Dengue fever has become the ‘talk of the country’ of Bangladesh at present. It has spread throughout whole Bangladesh in an epidemic form. It is a virus fever. There are four different antigenic varieties of dengue viruses and all are transmitted by the daytime biting of adies aegypty mosquito. They are DEN-1, 2, 3 & 4 serotypes. From these viruses, two forms of dengue are recognised. One of them is classical dengue fever and the other is dengue haemorrhagic fever. Classical dengue fever is characterised by the abrupt onset of fever, malaise, headache, facial flushing, troubles pain. This pain is worse on eye movements, conjunctival suffusion and some backache that is a prominent symptom. Lymphadenopathy, petichae on the soft palate and skin rashes may also occur. This classical dengue fever is recovered by seven days. The patient of classical dengue fever should drink adequate water, take complete rest, drink a lot of liquid food, wash whole body with wet-cloth and finally should take the tablets of paracitamol group to decrease the fever. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is very severe. It is believed to be the result of two or more sequential infections with different dengue serotypes. If the symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever of a patient are found, we should take him to the hospital and consult with a doctor immediately. We have to wash the patient’s body again and again with a wet-cloth to mitigate fever. At the extreme case, it may be bleeding. The patient may be given paracitamol but never should be given aspirin group. It is a disease of children and has been found in South Asia and Africa. Adies lays its eggs on standing or stagnant water in the holes of trees, plastic bottles, plastic cans, tin-pots, tyres, green coconut plates, polythene bags etc. All of us should be conscious about the eradication of adies mosquitoes and should take necessary steps for that. Besides, government should highlight it through different media and should take essential measures to protect dengue fever.
Dengue fever is a disease of Aedes mosquito-borne infection. Aedes mosquito bites during day and transmits dengue virus. It breeds in clean stagnant water both indoor and outdoor. If a person is infected, its symptoms become apparent in four to six days. Dengue virus originating from Africa, is now endemic in most tropical countries of Asia. According to the information of medical science at first dengue fever was experienced at Philadelphia in 1780. Death due to infection of dengue fever occurred in Australia in 1837. Dengue fever has broken out in Bangladesh in recent years. There are two types of dengue fever. They are classical dengue fever and Dengue Haemmorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with bleeding. There are four serotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious. Dengue mosquito is about 5 millimetres in size with stripe on the body and legs and can fly up to about 50 metres at a time. It breeds in small pots, jars, drums and discarded plastic containers and tyres. It lives on blood and it Aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. So we should take immediate action to prevent this disease.
Model Answer-2
Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is a mosquito-transmitted illness caused by the Aedes mosquito. Regions with tropical climates, such as the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Southern China, Taiwan, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, Mexico, Africa, Central, and South America, are particularly susceptible to Dengue Fever outbreaks. The onset of symptoms typically occurs four to six days post-infection and can persist for up to ten days. Symptoms commonly include sudden onset of high fever, intense headache, eye pain, severe joint and muscle pain, exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, and minor bleeding. In severe cases, symptoms may escalate to significant bleeding, shock, and even death. Individuals with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of developing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, which can result in damage to lymph and blood vessels, internal bleeding leading to black vomit and feces, reduced platelet count, gastric sensitivity, and weak pulse. Regrettably, there is currently no specific treatment for Dengue infection, and medical professionals typically advise infected individuals to rest and maintain hydration. Hospitalization may be necessary if symptoms worsen. Prevention primarily involves avoiding mosquito bites as there is no widely available vaccine for the general population. Effective measures to reduce the risk of Dengue infection include maintaining clean living environments and neighborhoods to limit Aedes mosquito breeding sites. Remarkably, Aedes mosquitoes only require a small amount of water, such as a teaspoon, for egg-laying and larval development, emphasizing the importance of eliminating standing water in any form to prevent breeding. Therefore, the removal of stagnant water sources is imperative in mosquito control efforts.
Model Answer-3
Write a paragraph on 'Dengue Fever' by answering the following questions.
(a) What is dengue fever? (b) How does the virus of this disease spread among people? (c) What are the symptoms of this disease? (d) What is the treatment of this disease? (e) How can we prevent dengue fever?
Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by Aedes female mosquitoes. It is prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Symptoms usually appear three to fourteen days after infection and include high fever, severe headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, and a distinctive skin rash. Most people recover in two to seven days, but a small number develop severe dengue, also known as hemorrhagic dengue fever. This severe form causes bleeding, low blood platelet levels, and plasma leakage, which can lead to dangerously low blood pressure. Treatment for dengue primarily involves supportive care. Paracetamol is recommended to reduce fever and relieve pain, and getting plenty of rest is important. In severe cases, blood transfusions may be necessary. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever, so prevention is crucial. The best way to prevent dengue is by controlling the mosquito population. Keeping our environment clean is essential. Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water found in containers like buckets, bowls, animal dishes, flower pots, and vases. To prevent mosquitoes from breeding, we should eliminate standing water in these containers. Additionally, limiting exposure to mosquito bites by using repellents and wearing protective clothing can help. Awareness is key to stopping the spread of dengue. Everyone needs to be informed about how dengue is transmitted and the steps they can take to prevent it. By working together to keep our surroundings clean and reduce mosquito habitats, we can significantly reduce the risk of dengue outbreaks.
গণতন্ত্র এবং একনায়কতন্ত্র
গণতন্ত্র এবং একনায়কতন্ত্র হলো দুই ভিন্ন ধরনের শাসন ব্যবস্থা, যা একটি দেশের শাসন ও জনগণের জীবনে বড় প্রভাব ফেলে। এই দুই ব্যবস্থার মধ্যে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ, ক্ষমতার ব্যবহার এবং জনগণের অধিকার নিয়ে বড় পার্থক্য রয়েছে।
গণতন্ত্র একটি ব্যবস্থা যেখানে ক্ষমতা জনগণের হাতে থাকে। নাগরিকরা ভোটের মাধ্যমে তাদের নেতা নির্বাচন করে, এবং সেই নেতারা জনগণের পক্ষে সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। এটি সমতা, মত প্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা এবং শাসনে অংশগ্রহণ নিশ্চিত করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, ভারত এবং যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মতো দেশে সবাই তাদের মতামত প্রকাশ করতে, নিজেদের বিশ্বাস অনুসরণ করতে এবং আইন অনুযায়ী স্বাধীনভাবে জীবনযাপন করতে পারে। গণতন্ত্রে সিদ্ধান্ত সাধারণত আলোচনার মাধ্যমে নেওয়া হয়, যা ন্যায্যতা নিশ্চিত করে তবে কখনও কখনও সময়সাপেক্ষ হয়।
অন্যদিকে, একনায়কতন্ত্র হলো এমন একটি ব্যবস্থা যেখানে সমস্ত ক্ষমতা একজন নেতা বা একটি ছোট দলের হাতে কেন্দ্রীভূত থাকে। এই ব্যবস্থায় সিদ্ধান্ত দ্রুত নেওয়া হয় কারণ কোনো আলোচনা বা ভোটের প্রয়োজন হয় না। তবে, জনগণের মতামত দেওয়ার বা সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে চ্যালেঞ্জ করার স্বাধীনতা নেই। একজন একনায়ক বা একনায়কতান্ত্রিক নেতা সম্পূর্ণ নিয়ন্ত্রণে থাকেন, এবং আইন প্রায়ই জনগণের চেয়ে তাদের স্বার্থ রক্ষায় তৈরি হয়। উত্তর কোরিয়া একনায়কতন্ত্রের উদাহরণ যেখানে নাগরিকদের অধিকার সীমিত এবং সরকার তাদের কঠোরভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।
যদিও গণতন্ত্র ন্যায্যতা, সমতা এবং মানবাধিকারের উপর জোর দেয়, এটি কখনও কখনও ধীরগতির হতে পারে। জনগণের মতামত এবং সম্মতি নিতে সময় লাগে। একনায়কতন্ত্র দ্রুত সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে সক্ষম হলেও, এটি প্রায়ই ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার, দুর্নীতি এবং জনগণের দুর্ভোগ ডেকে আনে।
সংক্ষেপে, গণতন্ত্র জনগণের অংশগ্রহণ এবং স্বাধীনতাকে গুরুত্ব দেয়, যা অনেক দেশের জন্য একটি পছন্দনীয় ব্যবস্থা। অন্যদিকে, একনায়কতন্ত্র নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিশ্চিত করলেও এটি প্রায়ই ব্যক্তিগত অধিকার দমন করে এবং অসন্তোষ তৈরি করে। গণতান্ত্রিক শাসনব্যবস্থা মানুষের মর্যাদা রক্ষা করে, মতামত প্রকাশের সুযোগ দেয় এবং সবাইকে উন্নতির সুযোগ দেয়।
Composition / Essay Writing