Paragraph Writing
Digital Bangladesh
Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on line. Here all the possible tasks of government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education etc. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be reduced radically. It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, socially, politically, academically and even culturally. It will improve our banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce – all these sections will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. To make our country digital first of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured and we have to develop computer network skill and ensure equitable access. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer. Some products like software and TV programmes are also amenable to digital transmission. We will be able to buy and sell goods through the electronic screen if we can make a Digital Bangladesh. Undoubtedly, encouraging development towards digitalization of Bangladesh by 2021 can be possible. The ambitious dream for a Digital Bangladesh will remain a dream if the government can not equip the people with the technology needed for establishing the digital era.
Model Answer-2
Write a paragraph on "Digital Bangladesh" on the basis of the answers to the following questions in about 200 words.
(a) What is Digital Bangladesh? (b) How can we achieve it? (c) What steps should be taken by the government to execute it? (d) How can students take part in it? (e) Is the idea too ambitious? SB'19
Digital Bangladesh
Digital Bangladesh is a forward-thinking vision introduced by the current government under the banner of 'Vision-2021'. It envisions a technologically advanced and prosperous nation where computers play a central role in daily life. In this digital landscape, all government services and activities will be conducted and monitored online, leveraging the power of the internet. From our everyday routines to business transactions, communication, education, and entertainment, every aspect of life will be seamlessly integrated into the digital realm. Achieving a digital Bangladesh necessitates widespread access to computers and the internet. Therefore, the government must prioritize the expansion of internet connectivity to every corner of the country, ensuring universal access. With the internet at their fingertips, individuals can easily access information and services from anywhere, reducing the need for physical presence. The widespread adoption of computers and the internet across various sectors, including healthcare, education, banking, administration, and transportation, will streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Furthermore, students can actively contribute to the realization of digital Bangladesh by engaging in online learning activities. Through computer-assisted teaching-learning software, students can participate in virtual classrooms, submit assignments electronically, take online tests, and access a wealth of information online. In today's age of rapid technological advancement, the concept of digital Bangladesh is not merely ambitious but essential for keeping pace with the modern world. Embracing digitalization is not just a lofty ambition; it is a pragmatic necessity for ensuring the nation's progress and prosperity in the digital age.
Model Answer-3
Composition / Essay Writing
Today the entire world is gradually becoming a Digital Planet. Almost every state is heading towards a knowledge-based society and Bangladesh cannot stay away from the advantages out of it. Though it is very easy to speak about such a dream, i.e. making a country digital, but at the same time it is very difficult to implement it. For implementation, it is basically the government who will take initiatives while the other political parties also need to play important role.
“Digital Bangladesh” does not only mean the broad use of computers,perhaps it means the modern philosophy of effective and useful use of technology in terms of implementing the promises in education, health, job placement, poverty reduction etc. Therefore, the government underscores a changing attitude, positive thinking and innovative ideas for the success of “Digital Bangladesh”
The use of information and communication technology has been playing a vital role in the 21st century due to globalization and the government is encouraged to adapting with the coming future. The democratic government has declared the “Vision 2021” in the election manifesto which targets establishment of a resourceful and modern country by 2021 through effective use of information and communication technology-a "Digital Bangladesh".
The philosophy of “Digital Bangladesh” comprises ensuring people’s democracy and rights, transparency, accountability, establishing justice and ensuring delivery of government services in each door through maximum use of technology-with the ultimate goal to improve the daily lifestyle of general people. Government’s “Digital Bangladesh” includes all classes of people and does not discriminate people in terms of technology. Hence,government have emphasized on the four elements of “Digital Bangladesh Vision” which are human resource development, people involvement, civil services and use of information technology in business.
The golden jubilee of the independence of Bangladeshwould be observed in 2021. The country has already fixed its target of achieving 'Digital Bangladesh' by that time. It is a timely expectation for proper positioning the country among other hi-tech countries globally. A country goes digital means it will be an e-state means all its activities of governance, commerce, education, agriculture etc., will be powered by computer and internet. Today information communication technology (ICT) drives the technological and economic advancement of the developed as well as emerging economies. The goal of establishing such digital country would bring success in the ICT sector, which cannot be ignored in this 21st century. Heading towards that target will link every device such as cell phone, internet, computer, e-learning, e-governance etc.
Bangladesh as a country with 150 million population has huge potential, despite having many problems. It is very important to create skilled manpower educated in science and technology. Due to poverty and illiteracy, use of ICT is beyond imagination and some of them consider it nothing but mere a fashion. Despite having a lot of interest, most of the population remains out of the access of ICT because of high price. In the era of globalization, ICT is a cross-cutting issue as well as an essential tool for economic development. It can play an important role in creating employment, raising work skills and production. It can contain corruption and attain social development. The life and livelihood of a large number of populations, especially those living in rural areas, cannot be developed without utilizing the ICT scope for them. In this matter government must train the rural people. And at the same time they must have access to information technology.
Digital Bangladesh
'Digital Bangladesh' means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on the line and where all possible activities of the government and other non-government or semi-government organizations will be performed using digital technology. Being digital Bangladesh will be an e-state. People will enjoy e-banking, e-governance and so on. People will no more have to stand in queue to collect tickets, results, be harassed while having services from various institutions. Telephone, Mobile, Website, Computer and all other tools of information technology will be available in every nook and corner of the country. People will no more have to stand queue to deposit or withdraw money to buy or sell things. They will be able to continue their respective activities without delay. Almost all the institutions both private and government will come under website system. The details of these institutions will be available on website.
The Computer Literacy Program is indeed a step towards a Digital Bangladesh. To spread web throughout the country, all the institutions need to have computer, so students, teachers, businessman and various types of service holders should learn operating computer, professional, students, teachers and businessman will have to have strong command over the use of computer and the internet.
The internet will be the strongest means of communication. The farmers will use all types of modern motorized tools instead of traditional equipment and their hand-driver tools to cultivate their lands. They will no more lag behind in producing more and more tool because of all scientific methods and ways will be at their disposal. The patients will be treated with the latest medical apparatus and facilities. The sellers or the buyers will no more be mugged or robbed because their transaction will be run through e-banking or online banking system. People will no longer waste hopes of paper for calculation or registration. Rather all the information and calculation will be saved in computer. To speak the truth, there will hardly be any difference between village and towns because almost all the corners of the lord will enjoy the equal facilities of modern technology. We can claim that Bangladesh has already been a digital state to a little extent. Some Steps have already taken for Building Digital Bangladesh. Such as; national ID card and voter list, the automation process of the Chittagong Customs House, machine readable passport, online tax payment system, infrastructural development of internet. The Internet has reached many areas of town. People are now enjoying online banking facilities. ATM booths are after seen beside roads in cities. Hundreds of cyber cafes are mushrooming in cities. Many educational institutions and business centers are using multimedia for presentation. Majority of the total population now use Mobile-phones to communicate. Moreover use of e-mails is also to the rise.
Hope our Government will be successful in their mission if their efforts are serious and sincere to gift us a fully Digital Bangladesh. We believe through being fully digital our beloved country can be an advanced, educated and secured state. The government should go ahead in planned way in this correction. We the general people are looking forward with keen interest to seeing a digital Bangladesh.
Digital Bangladesh
To cherish such a dream is easy, but it is too much difficult to materialize this dream. Land phone, mobile, computer, laptop, e-magazine and diary, e-book reader and many more tools of information technology will be available in every nook and corner of the country. People will no more have to stand in queue to collect tickets, results etc or to deposit and withdraw money or to buy and sell things. Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed using the modern technology. So, “Digital Bangladesh” must guarantee efficient and effective use of modem ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establishing good governance.
Why Digital Bangladesh: Due to globalization, Bangladesh has already been connected with the outside world. Yet In the field of ICT, our only grand success lies in Mobile telecommunication which has brought an abrupt change in telecommunication scenario of the country. However, in the other spheres of ICT, our achievement is very insignificant and we are still far away from transforming ourselves into a knowledge-based society. Building strong ICT infrastructure is the pre-requisite for making Bangladesh a digital one. For this, we need to focus on the following relevant issues:
(a) Power deficit: Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up to 2000 MW against a demand of 5000 MW daily. It may be noted that for proper ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a must.
(b) Network infrastructure: Outside Dhaka, at present a few computer network infrastructures have been developed so far. Apart from some educational institutes outside Dhaka, observation finds that most of the LAN setups are Dhaka centric. This observation reveals the reality of the digital gap even within the country.
(c) Use of internet: For the ICT development internet users of the country must be increased. In this case our position is the worst one among the South Asian countries. Latest statistics (2007) revealed that internet penetration in our country is only 0.3 whereas in Pakistan and India it is 7.3% and 5.3% respectively.
(d) Use of open source software: Many countries (e.g. France and Malaysia) have started to use open source software in ICT development projects for cost effectiveness. Unfortunately in our ICT development domain, the culture of using open source has not yet been introduced.
(e) English-literacy rate: From different sources, it has been learnt that, English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. In the arena of ICT English has become lingua-Franca. Unfortunately, in this case our position is the worst in the sub-continent. For making a digital Bangladesh by 2021, the government must address the above issues effectively and efficiently in transparent manners. Moreover, the journey towards a digital country needs the incorporation of the technologically solvent innovative young generation. If the leaders of our country objectively guide this generation, they can change the nation radically.
(f) Better agricultural production: The farmers will use all types of modern motorized tools instead of traditional equipments and their hand-driven tools to cultivate their lands. They will have to get ample online help about producing more and more crops.
(g) Modern treatment: Patients will have to get telemedicine and telesurgery facilities with the use of audio and video conferencing based net. Besides, 24-hour online help will radically change the traditional medical services.
(h) E-learning and e-commerce: All the educational and commercial institutions will come under a good network system and the details of these institutions and their activities will be available on websites. E-paper, digitised pen, e-book, pen drive and screen-touch tools will replace the traditional tools for many different reasons.
Conclusion: Time has come for Bangladesh to develop her information technology and to turn her “Digital Bangladesh”. We need to bear in mind that to be away from enriched information technology means to live like a frog living in a well. We should look at the advanced countries of the world so that we can get modern ways and strategies from them to bring about a revolution for our ICT based society. Like Mahathir Muhammad’s Malaysia, we have to have our all-out efforts to materialise our desired Vision-2021 for our betterment and own existence.
Digital Bangladesh
Introduction: “Digital Bangladesh” means an ICT based modern country where there will be adequate power supply, well-networked infrastructure, use of internet, use of open-source software, e-banking, e-commerce and e-governance. Of late the phrase “Digital Bangladesh” has been much talked about especially during the election campaign of the political parties targeting the ninth parliamentary election.
Origin of Digital Vision: On the eve of the election, Bangladesh Awami League, one of the major political parties, first declared vision 2021with the aim to turn Bangladesh into a digital country by the next decade. More than a month ago, the Bangladesh Computer Council also organized a computer fair with the theme “Digital Bangladesh”. It refers to an e-state where all its activities of governance, commerce, education, agriculture etc will be powered by computer and internet. Different analyses of the electoral results have revealed that the young generation who consist of more than one third of the voters had indeed brought this overwhelming victory for AL. With many other reasons, implicitly it can be inferred that voters of this generation while exercising their franchise considered party manifestos seriously. Presumably the visionary approach of AL’s manifesto, entitled ‘a charter for change’ might have allured the young voters much, especially it’s ‘Vision 2021′which envisions ‘Digital Bangladesh’.
Meaning of Digital Bangladesh: To cherish such a dream is easy, but it is too much difficult to materialize this dream. Land phone, mobile, computer, laptop, e-magazine and diary, e-book reader and many more tools of information technology will be available in every nook and corner of the country. People will no more have to stand in queue to collect tickets, results etc or to deposit and withdraw money or to buy and sell things. Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed using the modern technology. So, “Digital Bangladesh” must guarantee efficient and effective use of modem ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establishing good governance.
Why Digital Bangladesh: Due to globalization, Bangladesh has already been connected with the outside world. Yet In the field of ICT, our only grand success lies in Mobile telecommunication which has brought an abrupt change in telecommunication scenario of the country. However, in the other spheres of ICT, our achievement is very insignificant and we are still far away from transforming ourselves into a knowledge-based society. Building strong ICT infrastructure is the pre-requisite for making Bangladesh a digital one. For this, we need to focus on the following relevant issues:
(a) Power deficit: Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up to 2000 MW against a demand of 5000 MW daily. It may be noted that for proper ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a must.
(b) Network infrastructure: Outside Dhaka, at present a few computer network infrastructures have been developed so far. Apart from some educational institutes outside Dhaka, observation finds that most of the LAN setups are Dhaka centric. This observation reveals the reality of the digital gap even within the country.
(c) Use of internet: For the ICT development internet users of the country must be increased. In this case our position is the worst one among the South Asian countries. Latest statistics (2007) revealed that internet penetration in our country is only 0.3 whereas in Pakistan and India it is 7.3% and 5.3% respectively.
(d) Use of open source software: Many countries (e.g. France and Malaysia) have started to use open source software in ICT development projects for cost effectiveness. Unfortunately in our ICT development domain, the culture of using open source has not yet been introduced.
(e) English-literacy rate: From different sources, it has been learnt that, English literacy rate in Bangladesh is less than one percent. In the arena of ICT English has become lingua-Franca. Unfortunately, in this case our position is the worst in the sub-continent. For making a digital Bangladesh by 2021, the government must address the above issues effectively and efficiently in transparent manners. Moreover, the journey towards a digital country needs the incorporation of the technologically solvent innovative
young generation. If the leaders of our country objectively guide this generation, they can change the nation radically.
(f) Better agricultural production: The farmers will use all types of modern motorized tools instead of traditional equipments and their hand-driven tools to cultivate their lands. They will have to get ample online help about producing more and more crops.
(g) Modern treatment: Patients will have to get telemedicine and telesurgery facilities with the use of audio and video conferencing based net. Besides, 24-hour online help will radically change the traditional medical services.
(h) E-learning and e-commerce: All the educational and commercial institutions will come under a good network system and the details of these institutions and their activities will be available on websites. E-paper, digitised pen, e-book, pen drive and screen-touch tools will replace the traditional tools for many different reasons.
How to materialise the vision: The government of the Bangladesh Awami League is very firm to ensure 100% net students enrolment at primary level within 2021. Supply of pure drinking water for the entire population will be ensured within 2011. Bangladesh will gain self-sufficiency in food within 2012. Each and every house of Bangladesh will be brought under hygienic sanitation in 2013. Moreover, within this same year Bangladesh will generate 7000 megawatt of electricity which will be further increased to 8000 megawatt in 2015. And in 2021, 20000 megawatt of electricity will be generated. In 2013, degree level education will be made tuition-free especially for women. Unemployment rate will be reduced to l5% from 40% at present. Labour in agriculture will come down to 30% from 48% at present. Labour in industry will be increased to 25% from 16% at present; in service 45% from 36% at present. Poverty rate will be reduced to 15% from 45% at present. Bangladesh will be known as a country of educated people with skills in information technology. 85% of the population will have standard nutritional food. The poorer section of the people will have at least 2122 calories of food. All types of contagious diseases will be eliminated; longevity of life expectancy will increase up to 70 years. Infant mortality will come down to 15 from 54 per thousand at present. Maternal death rate will come down to 1.5% from 3.8%. Use of birth control methods will be increased to 80%.
Conclusion: Time has come for Bangladesh to develop her information technology and to turn her “Digital Bangladesh”. We need to bear in mind that to be away from enriched information technology means to live like a frog living in a well. We should look at the advanced countries of the world so that we can get modern ways and strategies from them to bring about a revolution for our ICT based society. Like Mahathir Muhammad’s Malaysia, we have to have our all-out efforts to materialise our desired Vision-2021 for our betterment and own existence.
Digital Bangladesh : Vision-2021
Digital Bangladesh means it will be an e-state; all of its activities like governance, commerce, education, agriculture etc. will be powered by computer and internet. Today the entire world is gradually becoming a digital planet. Almost every state is heading towards a knowledge-based society and Bangladesh cannot stay away from the advantages out of it.
Both the ruling and opposition parties in Bangladesh, Awami League (AL) and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) emphasized ICT development as a core issue. With the landslide victory of AL in the recent general election of December 29, 2008, the making of an ICT-driven society in Bangladesh is now a real possibility. The election manifesto of AL pledged with ICT commitment cuts across the whole range of social, economic and governance development issues. The AL assured to build a 'Digital Bangladesh' where people will get a developed life, corruption and misrule-free society, and face the challenges of the 21st Century. The main opposition party, BNP also mentioned a number of times that they started the programme in their tenure and would complete it earlier than 2021. Therefore, the destination for the generation is correctly pointed out towards a 'Digital Bangladesh' and there is no disagreement on the issue among the parties.
A very first step for 'Digital Bangladesh' would be to spread the ICT education throughout the country. Every primary and secondary student should have access to the computer and computer-based education. Midlevel education and short-term training should be readily available throughout the country and higher level education on computer science should be qualitative. Internet facilities should be made available to the remotest corner of the country at a cheaper rate.
VISION 2021 : Bangladesh Awami League placed before the nation the following set of election promises, work schedule and declaration in the light of its vision 2021.
2010 100 percent net student enrolment at primary level.
2011 Supply of pure drinking water for the entire population.
2012 : Self-sufficiency in food.
2013 : Each house brought under hygienic sanitation.
2013: Attain 8 percent annual growth rate, this will be increased to 10, percent in 2017 and sustained.
2013: Bangladesh generates 7000 Megawatt of electricity which will be further increased to 8000 Megawatt in 2015. Steps will be taken to increase power generation capacity assuming that the demand for power will reach the level of 20000 Megawatt in 2021.
2013 : Free tuition up to degree level.
2014 : Bangladesh attains full literacy.
2015 : Living accommodation for the entire population.
2021 : Contribution of agriculture, industry and service sector to GDP will stand at 15, 40 and 45 percent respectively in place of 22, 28 and 50 percent as at present. 2021 : Unemployment reduced to 15 percent from the present rate of 40 percent. 2021 : Labour in agriculture comes down to 30% from 48% at present.
2021 : Labour in industry is 25% from 16% and in service 45% from 36% at present. 2021 : Poverty rate comes down to 15% from 45% at present. 2021: Bangladesh known as a country of educated people with skills in information technology.
2021 :85% of the populaton have standard nutritional food.
2021 : Poor people ensured a minimum of 2122 kilo calories of food. 2021 : All kinds of contagious diseases eliminated.
2021 : Longevity increases to 70 years.
2021 : Infant mortality comes down to 15 from 54 per thousand at present. 2021 : Maternal death rate reduced to 1.5% from 3.8%. 2021 : Use of birth control methods increased to 80%.
Power and Energy : In the next three years or by 2011 power production will be increased to 5000 Megawatt and by 2013 it will be further increased to 7000 Megawatt.
Employment guidelines : The number of unemployed people in the country, estimated at 28 million, will be reduced to 24 million by 2013 and will be further reduced to 15 million by 2021.
ICT sector : IT education will be made compulsory at secondary level by 2013 and at primary level by 2021.
Communication and infrastructure : Appropriate measures will be taken to construct the Padma and Karnaphuh bridge/tunnel, Dhaka-Chittagong four-lane express way. Measures will also be taken for expansion and modernization of the railway. Rail and road connection with neighbouring countries under the Asian Rail Highway Schemes will be established.
Basic needs : With a view to providing food, clothing, shelter, education and health care to the citizens in accordance with Article 15 of the Constitution, gross domestic product will be raised to 8% by 2013 and 10% by 2017 which will be sustained thereafter.
Food and nutrition : Food deficit will be removed and self-reliance in food production will be achieved by 2012, which will enable us to meet the nutrition needs of 85% of the population.
Health care : By 2021 minimum daily intake of 2122 kilo calories of food, elimination of contagious disease, primary health care and sanitation for all will be ensured. Average longevity will be increased to seventy years, and efforts will be made for the reduction of child and maternal mortality.
Education : Enrolment at the primary level will be increased to 100 percent net by 2010, Elimination of illiteracy by 2014, Making degree level education free by 2013 and higher salary for teachers will be ensured.
Industry : A strong foundation for industrialization will be established by 2021. Contribution of the industrial sector to national GDP will be doubled.
Housing : By 2015 housing for all will be ensured.
Commodity price hike : Measures will be taken to reduce the unbearable burden of price hike and keep it within the limit of purchasing power of the people. After giving the highest priority to the production of domestic commodities, arrangements will be made for timely import to ensure food security.
Agriculture : Subsidy for agricultural inputs will be enhanced and availability of inputs will be made easier. The amount of agricultural loan will be increased.
Bangladesh as a country with 150 million people has huge potential, despite having many problems. It is very important to create skilled manpower educated in science and technology. Currently, the people of Bangladesh remain far away from using ICT, when the whole world is getting developed with the blessing of ICT. The people of the country face this discrimination only because of economic insolvency. Due to poverty and illiteracy, use of ICT is beyond imagination, and some of them consider it nothing but mere a fashion. Despite having a lot of interest, most of the people remain out of +he access of ICT because of high price. In the era of globalization, ICT is a crosscutting issue as well as an essential tool for economic development. It can play an important role in creating employment, raising work skill and production. The adoption of ICT can bring corruption free, citizen-centric and forward-looking governance in the country.
As in many other fields, in ICTs also Bangladesh was an early adopter (as early as 1963) but then it fell behind most countries in the region as evidenced by various indices of ICT readiness such as PC penetration rate, internet penetration rate and others. In fact in the latest network readiness index published by the World Economic Forum, Bangladesh ranked behind India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. So the clarion call of the AL led grand alliance for building a 'Digital Bangladesh.
It is the expectation of the mass people that government will take all possible steps to create a SMART (simple, measurable, accountable, responsive and transparent) 'Digital Bangladesh' and establish a knowledge-based society within 50 years of her independence in 2021.
Digital Bangladesh
'Digital Bangladesh' means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on the line and where all possible activities of the government and other non-government or semi-government organizations will be performed using digital technology.
Being digital Bangladesh will be an e-state. People will enjoy e-banking, e-governance and so on. People will no more have to stand in queue to collect tickets, results, be harassed while having services from various institutions. Telephone, Mobile, Website, Computer and all other tools of information technology will be available in every nook and corner of the country. People will no more have to stand queue to deposit or withdraw money to buy or sell things. They will be able to continue their respective activities without delay. Almost all the institutions both private and government will come under website system. The details of these institutions will be available on website.
The Computer Literacy Program is indeed a step towards a Digital Bangladesh. To spread web throughout the country, all the institutions need to have computer, so students, teachers, businessman and various types of service holders should learn operating computer, professional, students, teachers and businessman will have to have strong command over the use of computer and the internet.
The internet will be the strongest means of communication. The farmers will use all types of modern motorized tools instead of traditional equipment and their hand-driver tools to cultivate their lands. They will no more lag behind in producing more and more tool because of all scientific methods and ways will be at their disposal. The patients will be treated with the latest medical apparatus and facilities. The sellers or the buyers will no more be mugged or robbed because their transaction will be run through e-banking or online banking system. People will no longer waste hopes of paper for calculation or registration. Rather all the information and calculation will be saved in computer. To speak the truth, there will hardly be any difference between village and towns because almost all the corners of the lord will enjoy the equal facilities of modern technology.
We can claim that Bangladesh has already been a digital state to a little extent. Some Steps have already taken for Building Digital Bangladesh. Such as; national ID card and voter list, the automation process of the Chittagong Customs House, machine readable passport, online tax payment system, infrastructural development of internet. The Internet has reached many areas of town. People are now enjoying online banking facilities. ATM booths are after seen beside roads in cities. Hundreds of cyber cafes are mushrooming in cities. Many educational institutions and business centers are using multimedia for presentation. Majority of the total population now use Mobile-phones to communicate. Moreover use of e-mails is also to the rise.
Hope our Government will be successful in their mission if their efforts are serious and sincere to gift us a fully Digital Bangladesh. We believe through being fully digital our beloved country can be an advanced, educated and secured state. The government should go ahead in planned way in this correction. We the general people are looking forward with keen interest to seeing a digital Bangladesh.
The forces of globalization and technology are continuously reshaping our socio-economic structure. The impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are giving rise to a new type of society which is recognized as “Knowledge Based Society”. Over the decades technology has had a pivotal role in defining today's digitized global structure. The developed countries have already adopted this concept and made rapid progress in the global arena. In this context, Bangladesh has got into the threshold to match with the global concept of becoming digitized, by year 2021 through application of mass ICT and emerge as "Digital Bangladesh". This concept is not only ICT centric development rather it is the integration of ICT and non-ICT sectors of the country. The vision "Digital Bangladesh" encompasses the whole arena of a knowledge based digital socio-economic structure. The road to digitization focuses highest priority to science, technology, governance, health and education. Moreover, it is important to start digitized service delivery organs like Police, City corporation, Land Department, Tax Department, PDB, Water supply, Gas and other authorities also including sectors like Banking, Insurance, Customs, Tax Collection. Some Steps have already taken for Building Digital Bangladesh. Such as; national ID card and voter list, the automation process of the Chittagong Customs House, machine readable passport, online tax payment system, infrastructural development of internet. At present Bangladesh is in the process of preparing the platform to launch a nationwide digitization program. A significant improvement has been observed in different sectors like development of IT infrastructure, tele-based services. But each and every sector of the country specially agriculture, education, commerce, health etc have to be given due importance for the success of this campaign. Therefore government should formulate a comprehensive roadmap integrating long and short term planning.
'Digital Bangladesh' means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on the line and where all possible activities of the government and other non-government or semi-government organizations will be performed using digital technology. Bangladesh is an independent country. She achieved her freedom more than 39 years ago. But still she is burdened with many problems like poverty, over population, unemployment, corruption, food deficit, natural calamities, power crisis etc. Considering all these, the present government has aimed at making a Digital Bangladesh to overcome these problems. The motto of Digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education, etc. emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation. The benefits of Digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a Digital Bangladesh, corruption will drastically reduce. Besides, it will save people's time and money and will make people more enterprising and thus will reduce unemployment problem. It will connect people with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically and even culturally. It will open doors for the people to improve their conditions. It will also improve banking and financial activities. Money transfer and transaction of business could be made within seconds by clicking the mouse of a computer. Agriculture, health, education, commerce all these sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a Digital one.
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