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Discipline (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Model Answer-2

Model Answer-3

Composition / Essay Writing



The word ‘discipline’ is derived from the Latin word ‘discere’ and its meaning is to learn. From the same word comes ‘disciple’- one who learns from a teacher. Discipline is therefore, the way one learns to live, grow and mature as a decent human being. It is a moral quality. It implies strict obedience to any system of rules for orderly conduct.


Discipline is neither a value nor a goal. It is a working device by which the goal is achieved. The importance of discipline in every walk of life is undeniable. We can’t prosper in life without following it. Discipline is necessary in the first place for one’s moral life in order that it might not be swayed by passions, prejudices, temptations and other vices. The happiness of a family totally depends on the disciplined conduct of its members. A nation cannot flourish if the people don’t understand the value of discipline. We can’t learn our lesson well if there is no discipline in the schools. If the players in the playground don’t obey the rules of the game and the order of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. In fact discipline is the very basis of progress in every sphere, public or private.


In the family, peace and happiness reign when the youngers obey their elders and everybody observes the established rules. If the members submit to no authority and do what they like, the family becomes a den of discord and unhappiness.


Discipline in schools and colleges requires the regular preparation of lessons and learning correct behaviour in society etc. Without it, academic activities cannot run smoothly. It is also necessary for making promising students. We can develop our character and make progress in studies if we are disciplined. So, students should keep themselves away form creating disturbance in the educational institutions and obey and advice and instructions of their teachers whole-heartedly.


In the play-ground too, the pleasure that a game gives to players as well as to spectators depends a great deal upon the observance of discipline by them. By maintaining discipline we can develop the spirit of group-loyalty, fellow-feeling, tolerance and mutual understanding. Even the best player or athlete can let down his team by being indisciplined or suddenly emotional.


The importance of discipline among soldiers is known to all. Discipline is strictly followed in army. Every soldier has to carry out the orders of his commander without any argument. Only a disciplined army can bring victory in war. The affairs of a civil government as well cannot go on smoothly without discipline.


In any organisation social, political, religious, economic and educational discipline is essential. It is essential for the growth and development of the concern. No industry can work smoothly without discipline among the workers. It must be maintained at home as well as at schools, colleges, factories, offices. Discipline in necessary for a state, for a whole nation for its prosperity and development.


It is clear that discipline is the fundamental condition of success. It may be called the backbone of character. It is the key to prosperity of a man or a nation. Life, which is not consistent with discipline, is sure to ruin. As discipline is of the utmost importance for the stability of society we should try our best to practise it throughout our life.






Discipline, an etymological derivation from the Latin word 'discere', connotes the virtue of learning. It is a tool for shaping the conduct of an individual in society, and for instilling moral and ethical values. Discipline implies adherence to certain codes and regulations for maintaining order and stability in personal and communal life.


The essence of discipline permeates every facet of human existence, and its indispensability cannot be overstated. An individual's moral and ethical compass is calibrated by the level of discipline they exhibit in their personal lives, as self-restraint and adherence to established rules, ensure that impulses, biases, and temptations are kept in check. A family unit also thrives when all members adhere to established norms of conduct, which fosters a sense of peace, stability, and progress. Similarly, in academic institutions, discipline underpins the quality of education that is imparted, as students' preparedness and adherence to learning protocols is vital to effective academic activities.


Discipline in sports is necessary for ensuring that games are played within the rules and regulations governing them, as the success of the team hinges on adherence to the captain's orders, and the players' compliance with the rules of the game. Additionally, discipline helps to promote the values of teamwork, loyalty, tolerance, and mutual understanding, which are indispensable to successful sporting activities.


In the military, discipline is a necessary component of the command structure, as every soldier must obey the orders of their superiors without question. An indisciplined army cannot be successful in battle, and it is therefore vital for soldiers to adhere to the established codes and regulations that ensure the success of military operations.


The importance of discipline extends to all aspects of society, including politics, religion, economics, and education. It is an essential component of the success of any industry, as worker discipline is critical to the smooth functioning of factories and offices. In summary, discipline is a fundamental requirement for the growth and development of individuals and societies.


In conclusion, discipline is not merely a value or goal, but a working tool that is critical to achieving set objectives. It underpins the character, stability, and prosperity of individuals and nations. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals, organizations, and societies practice discipline in all their affairs to ensure a stable and prosperous world for future generations.


The word ‘discipline’ is derived from the Latin word ‘discere’ and its meaning is to learn. From the same word comes ‘disciple’- one who learns from a teacher. Discipline is therefore, the way one learns to live, grow and mature as a decent human being. It is a moral quality. It implies strict obedience to any system of rules for orderly conduct.

Discipline is the law of Nature. Nature shows the glaring example of discipline. All heavenly bodies like the sun, the earth, the moon etc. more in their fixed orbit in a disciplined manner. Even days and nights are caused and the seasons are being changed without any beak for a minute. If these things did not move in a disciplined way, there would have been chaos and collision in Nature.

Discipline is neither a value nor a goal. It is a working device by which the goal is achieved. The importance of discipline in every walk of life is undeniable. We can’t prosper in life without following it. Discipline is necessary in the first place for one’s moral life in order that it might not be swayed by passions, prejudices, temptations and other vices. The happiness of a family totally depends on the disciplined conduct of its members. A nation cannot flourish if the people don’t understand the value of discipline. We can’t learn our lesson well if there is no discipline in the schools. If the players in the playground don’t obey the rules of the game and the order of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. In fact discipline is the very basis of progress in every sphere, public or private.


In the family, peace and happiness reign when the youngers obey their elders and everybody observes the established rules. If the members submit to no authority and do what they like, the family becomes a den of discord and unhappiness.

Discipline in schools and colleges requires the regular preparation of lessons and learning correct behaviour in society etc. Without it, academic activities cannot run smoothly. It is also necessary for making promising students. We can develop our character and make progress in studies if we are disciplined. So, students should keep themselves away form creating disturbance in the educational institutions and obey and advice and instructions of their teachers whole-heartedly.

In the play-ground too, the pleasure that a game gives to players as well as to spectators depends a great deal upon the observance of discipline by them. By maintaining discipline we can develop the spirit of group-loyalty, fellow-feeling, tolerance and mutual understanding. Even the best player or athlete can let down his team by being indisciplined or suddenly emotional.

The importance of discipline among soldiers is known to all. Discipline is strictly followed in army. Every soldier has to carry out the orders of his commander without any argument. Only a disciplined army can bring victory in war. The affairs of a civil government as well cannot go on smoothly without discipline.


Discipline is found in human body. The various organs of the body are co-operative with one another and disciplined for the growth and development of the whole body.

Even the lower animals are disciplined. The life of the bees in a hive is much disciplined. All the bees obey the queen bees. The ant is also disciplined. They lead their life in a disciplined way.

In any organisation social, political, religious, economic and educational discipline is essential. It is essential for the growth and development of the concern. No industry can work smoothly without discipline among the workers. It must be maintained at home as well as at schools, colleges, factories, offices. Discipline in necessary for a state, for a whole nation for its prosperity and development.

Some take license for freedom. But they are quite different. Freedom means the right to do anything socially acceptable without causing any harm or inconvenience to others. Discipline means the decent way of exercising the right. Real freedom cannot be enjoyed in the absence of discipline. For example, a citizen has the right to vote for a deserving candidate in the election but if there is no discipline or law and order in the polling centre, he will fail to exercise his right or freedom to vote. So, we can say that there cannot be freedom or liberty without law or discipline. In fact, the freer a nation is, the greater is it s impact for rules and authority.


It is clear that discipline is the fundamental condition of success. It may be called the backbone of character. It is the key to prosperity of a man or a nation. Life, which is not consistent with discipline, is sure to ruin. As discipline is of the utmost importance for the stability of society we should try our best to practise it throughout our life.


The word ‘discipline’ is derived from the Latin word ‘discere’ and its meaning is to learn. From the same word comes ‘disciple’- one who learns from a teacher. Discipline is therefore, the way one learns to live, grow and mature as a decent human being. It is a moral quality. It implies strict obedience to any system of rules for orderly conduct.


Discipline is neither a value nor a goal. It is a working device by which the goal is achieved. The importance of discipline in every walk of life is undeniable. We can’t prosper in life without following it. Discipline is necessary in the first place for one’s moral life in order that it might not be swayed by passions, prejudices, temptations and other vices. The happiness of a family totally depends on the disciplined conduct of its members. A nation cannot flourish if the people don’t understand the value of discipline. We can’t learn our lesson well if there is no discipline in the schools. If the players in the playground don’t obey the rules of the game and the order of the captain, they are sure to lose the game. In fact discipline is the very basis of progress in every sphere, public or private.

In the family, peace and happiness reign when the youngers obey their elders and everybody observes the established rules. If the members submit to no authority and do what they like, the family becomes a den of discord and unhappiness.

Discipline in schools and colleges requires the regular preparation of lessons and learning correct behaviour in society etc. Without it, academic activities cannot run smoothly. It is also necessary for making promising students. We can develop our character and make progress in studies if we are disciplined. So, students should keep themselves away form creating disturbance in the educational institutions and obey and advice and instructions of their teachers whole-heartedly.


In the play-ground too, the pleasure that a game gives to players as well as to spectators depends a great deal upon the observance of discipline by them. By maintaining discipline we can develop the spirit of group-loyalty, fellow-feeling, tolerance and mutual understanding. Even the best player or athlete can let down his team by being indisciplined or suddenly emotional.

The importance of discipline among soldiers is known to all. Discipline is strictly followed in army. Every soldier has to carry out the orders of his commander without any argument. Only a disciplined army can bring victory in war. The affairs of a civil government as well cannot go on smoothly without discipline.

In any organisation social, political, religious, economic and educational discipline is essential. It is essential for the growth and development of the concern. No industry can work smoothly without discipline among the workers. It must be maintained at home as well as at schools, colleges, factories, offices. Discipline in necessary for a state, for a whole nation for its prosperity and development.

It is clear that discipline is the fundamental condition of success. It may be called the backbone of character. It is the key to prosperity of a man or a nation. Life, which is not consistent with discipline, is sure to ruin. As discipline is of the utmost importance for the stability of society we should try our best to practise it throughout our life.



Discipline means going by law and system. In order to do anything successfully, discipline is a must. Discipline is the precondition to success in life. The more a society is disciplined, the more developed they are in different fields of life. So we can easily say that the most disciplined nation is the most developed nation of his world. We should first realise the value of discipline and make our young generation feel its essentiality in life. But discipline should be practiced right from early in life. Habit of discipline cannot be formulated in a day.

Discipline should start from early in the morning. We should practice getting up early in the morning. Getting up from bed early we should wash our teeth, say our prayer and take breakfast. We have also to take some physical exercise for keeping fine. Without discipline, we cannot have a good start in the day’s work. If one student doesn’t prepare his lessons well and attend his school in time he will cut a sorry figure in the exam. Again if there is no discipline in the family, the family will not run well. The office will be a scene of chaos. Likewise, a society will not function without the practice of discipline. So each and every, society has got to follow the laws, rules and regulations.

Lack of discipline results in the complete chaos and confusion. Even the animals in the forest go by some natural laws for their existence. Lack of discipline reminds us of the situation where he animals fight with each other till death. Without discipline the society will cease to exist. Lack of discipline hinders our onward movement and makes us stagnant. Without discipline, a student cannot complete his education successfully. Discipline will save unnecessary wastage of money, man power and time. Being a poor country, we cannot afford the wastage of time, money and other resources.

Discipline is the root of civilization. Every civilization has come through a long way of discipline. Strict adherence to discipline takes one to the summit of success. Again a society falls down into the abyss of darkness by indulging in indiscipline. Indiscipline is, in other word, lawlessness. Society and progress are synonymous and go together.


We act according to certain rules and principles at all educational institutions, at home, in public life and everywhere. Discipline is the habit of action according to some rules an regulations. To abide by these rules and regulations perfectly everywhere may be called discipline. The word 'discipline' is derived from the Latin word 'DISCIPULUS' which means disciple. It has also another Latin origin 'DISCERE'which means to learn.

A society without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. The whole universe is governed by strict laws. The sun, the moon, the earth and the planets move according to certain laws. Had there been no discipline in nature, the world would have been destroyed.


Discipline is of great importance in every sphere of life. We can not prosper in this world without it. The peace or happiness of a family depends on the disciplined conduct of its members. In childhood, we do not know what is good for us. If we do as we like, there will be disorder and chaos in the society. Consequently, we shall be ruined, A nation can not rise if the people do not understand the value of discipline. If there is no discipline in the schools, colleges, universities, we can not learn our lessons well. Discipline is an essential condition for the progress of national life as well as human civilization.

We must first learn the lesson of discipline at home. The younger one should follow the elders. The educational institutions teach dis­cipline. The students must listen to the teachers in the classroom. In the battle field, every soldier must obey the commander. It can also be learnt in the play ground. All the players must obey the captain.

Discipline implies freedom but not licence. In the society, one can not do whatever one likes. If he does so, freedom becomes licence. Obedience to rules does not make a person slave, it makes it possible for him to enjoy freedom.

Thus, we find that discipline is necessary in every walk of life. Indeed, it is the backbone of character. Those who try to bring us under discipline are our friends. Those who allow us to do what we like are our enemies. So, we should follow (cultivate) the rules of discipline from the very beginning of our life.


Discipline or The Value of Discipline

Introduction : Man is the best creation (creature) of Allah/God. Only he possesses (has) wisdom and knowledge. He is a social being. So he has to live with others in society and he has to build up relation with different communities, societies or nations, Besides, he has to adjust his activities with the society or different situations for different' purposes. So roan has to abide by different rules or laws in any field of life. The rules which regulate human

Conduct and activities are known as discipline. So, discipline means obedience to the rules formed to regulate human conduct/manners.

Its necessity-: Discipline is the key to success of life. No success or prosperity in any field is possible without discipline. So the pre-condition of a man's success or development is discipline. A man do whatever he wishes. He has, to abide by the certain rules of a certain situation. Discipline is a must in all walks of life. If a man does what he wishes, there will be chaos, clashes and disorder in the society.Therefore, the value and the necessity of discipline is very great in every walk of life. - Discipline in the family : There is a good discipline in every family. All the members of the house must obey the head of the family. A disciplined family is a happy and successful one. There is no chaos or clashes or disturbance or any problem in a disciplined family. Again,, a family without discipline is bound to ruin today or tomorrow.


Discipline in nature , Discipline is a divine process. We can see or observe discipline in every object of the nature. The earth, the moon and the stars move around the sun according to certain rules. The night appears (comes) after the day. Again, the reason comes one after another according to certain rules. All the objects of the nature maintain (abide by) discipline. So the nature teaches us the value of discipline.

Discipline in lower animals : Even the lower animals are disciplined. The ant and the bee are the wonderful example of discipline. The life of the bee is well-disciplined. All the bees obey the queen bee. Therefore, some lower animals also can realise the value of discipline.

Discipline in human body : Discipline is also found in human body. All the organs o., the body co-operate with one another for the grown and the development of the -whole body'.

Discipline in academy : An educational institution is the best centre for teaching discipline. The student learn discipline there. The student have to carry out :he institution and obey their teachers. They can't do whatever they like r colleges.

Discipline in the play-ground : Discipline is strictly maintained in the play-ground. A player has to abide by the rules of Aarnes and sports. He has to obey his captain and abide by the decision of the referee in the playground. Without discipline no team can win the game. Again, a tearn without discipline will sure lose the game.

Discipline in the army : Discipline is also strictly maintained in the army. A soldier life is well-disciplined in any country. Discipline is a part and parcel in the army. Any danger or even death can't deter a soldier from carrying out the orders of his commanders in any situations. An army without discipline surely meet a defeat in the battlefield.

Conclusion : The pre-condition of a peaceful, decent, happy and prosperous society is discipline. A life without discipline means full of disorder, chaos and anarchy. A disciplined life means a prosperous, peaceful, happy. life. Indiscipline brings disorder, chaos and ruin in life. Therefore, we always maintain discipline anywhere in order to lead a decent and long life.


Discipline may be defined as strict obedience to certain rules and regulations. Discipline in life is something like a capital without which no progress and prosperity can be achieved.

Discipline is prevalent in Nature. The heavenly bodies move in order; the night follows day and vice versa. If there was no discipline, there would have been chaos in Nature.

Discipline is taught in schools and colleges. The students have to follow certain rules of conduct while reading or playing. Much of a man's success depends on his disciplined activities. A well-disciplined life is a successful life. Discipline should be maintained at all costs in the institutions. The students must be disciplined.

Strict discipline is imposed in the Armed Forces. Discipline is the essential condition of army life and without this the whole nation may be in danger. An ill-disciplined regiment may bring defeat while a disciplined group is sure to achieve victory. They are used to obeying the orders of their officers even at the cost of life.

Discipline is valued in games and sports and the win or defeat of a team depends on how the players are trained. The orders of the skipper must be obeyed. That is the lesson of true sportsmanship.

The importance of discipline cannot be overemphasized. In all organizations—religious, political, economic, social or educational—rules and regulations must be observed. Life without discipline is a ship without a rudder. It is the pre­condition for the growth of society and for the spread of civilization. Thus it is needless to underline how much important discipline is in public life. The people in politics who are at the helm of affairs are the guardians of the nation. The public leaders are the anchor-sheet of hopes and aspirations. If they do not abide by discipline, there will be chaos and confusion in all aspects of life and consequently, the state may come to a total collapse. So the imposition of strict discipline is a must for the uplift either for an individual or for a nation.


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