1. Read the following text and answer the questions A and B.
Folk music consists of songs and music of a community that are uninfluenced by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard music styles. Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music which includes both religious and secular songs.
Folk music may be described as that type of ancient music which springs from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by the rules of classical music and modern popular songs. Any mode or form created by the combination of tune, voice and dance may be described as music. Thus, the combination of folk song, folk dance and folk tune may be called folk music. For example, Baul songs are a combination of tune, music and dance.
Folk music has the following characteristics : (i) It is composed by rural folk on the basis of ancient rules transmitted orally; (ii) These ancient rules of music have not been influenced by classical or modern music; (iii) Folk songs may be sung in groups or individually; (iv) No regular practice is required for folk music; (v) It is composed and performed by illiterate or semi-literate people; (vi) It is a spontaneous expression in easy language, local dialect, and simple tune; (vii) Both words and tune are appealing; (viii) Despite its universal appeal it uses local dialect; (ix) It depends upon nature and the rural environment; (x) It is an explicit manifestation of the joys and sorrows of daily life; (xi) It uses simple and natural rhythms;
It contains a strong emotive expression of human love and separation.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
a. The word sophisticated mentioned in the passage means.
(i) uncultured (ii) rustic (iii) indigenous (iv) refined
b. The word community mentioned in the passage means.
(i) individual (ii) society (iii) singular (iv) singleton
c. The word characteristic mentioned in the passage means.
(i) untypical (ii) theme (iii) idea (iv) feature
d. The word influence mentioned in the passage means.
(i) impact (ii) limit (iii) restrain (iv) rule
e. Folk music is the combination of ——.
(i) folk song (ii) folk dance (iii) folk tune (iv) All of the above
B. Answer the following questions.
a. What does folk music consist of?
b. What kind of folk music does Bangladesh have?
c. How can folk music be described?
d. What may be described as music?
e. What may be called folk music? Describe with examples
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
a. The word sophisticated mentioned in the passage means:(iv) refined
b. The word community mentioned in the passage means:(ii) society
c. The word characteristic mentioned in the passage means:(iv) feature
d. The word influence mentioned in the passage means:(i) impact
e. Folk music is the combination of:(iv) All of the above
B. Answer the following questions:
a. What does folk music consist of?Folk music consists of songs and music created by a community, reflecting their natural style of expression, uninfluenced by sophisticated musical rules or modern popular songs.
b. What kind of folk music does Bangladesh have?Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music, which includes both religious and secular songs.
c. How can folk music be described?Folk music can be described as ancient music that springs from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression, and is uninfluenced by classical or modern music.
d. What may be described as music?Any mode or form created by the combination of tune, voice, and dance may be described as music.
e. What may be called folk music? Describe with examples.Folk music may be called the combination of folk song, folk dance, and folk tune. For example, Baul songs are a combination of tune, music, and dance, which is considered a form of folk music.
Bangla Translation
সৌন্দর্য উপলব্ধি করা সহজ কিন্তু সংজ্ঞায়িত করা কঠিন। আমরা যখন চারপাশে তাকাই, তখন আমরা আনন্দদায়ক বস্তু এবং দৃশ্যের মধ্যে সৌন্দর্য আবিষ্কার করি - প্রকৃতিতে, শিশুদের হাসিতে, অপরিচিতদের দয়ায়। কিন্তু সংজ্ঞায়িত করার জন্য জিজ্ঞাসা করলে আমরা সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হই। সৌন্দর্যের কি একটি স্বাধীন বস্তুনিষ্ঠ পরিচয় আছে? এটি কি সর্বজনীন, নাকি এটি আমাদের ইন্দ্রিয় উপলব্ধির উপর নির্ভরশীল? এটি কি দর্শকের চোখে পড়ে? - আমরা নিজেদেরকে জিজ্ঞাসা করি। আরও একটি অসুবিধা দেখা দেয় যখন সৌন্দর্য কেবল তার উপস্থিতি দ্বারাই নয়, বরং তার অনুপস্থিতিতেও নিজেকে প্রকাশ করে, যেমন যখন আমরা কদর্যতা দ্বারা বিতাড়িত হই এবং সৌন্দর্য কামনা করি। কিন্তু তারপর কদর্যতা আমাদের জীবনে সৌন্দর্যের মতোই স্থান পায়, অথবা আরও বেশি হতে পারে - যেমন যখন একটি সমাজে ব্যাপক ক্ষুধা এবং অবিচার থাকে। দার্শনিকরা আমাদের বলেছেন যে সৌন্দর্য জীবনের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ, কিন্তু কদর্যতা কি জীবনের একটি অংশ নয়? এবং যদি শিল্পের সৌন্দর্য একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান হিসাবে থাকে, তবে এটি কি কেবল সৌন্দর্যের অভিক্ষেপের মধ্যেই সীমাবদ্ধ থাকতে পারে? শিল্প কি যা সুন্দর নয় তা উপেক্ষা করতে পারে?
কবি এবং শিল্পীরা তাদের কাজে উভয়কেই অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে একটি উত্তর দিয়েছেন। এইভাবে, তারা প্রায়শই সৌন্দর্যকে সত্য এবং ন্যায়ের সাথে সংযুক্ত করেছেন, যাতে যা সুন্দর নয় তা সহনীয় অনুপাত ধরে নেয় যা জীবনের কিছু সত্যকে প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। রোমান্টিক কবি জন কিটস তার বিখ্যাত 'ওড অন আ গ্রীসিয়ান আর্ন'-এ লিখেছেন 'সৌন্দর্য সত্য, সত্য সৌন্দর্য', যার অর্থ তিনি সত্যকে, এমনকি যদি তা মনোরম নাও হয়, তবে উচ্চতর স্তরে সুন্দর হয়ে ওঠে। একইভাবে, যা সুন্দর তা চিরকাল সত্য থাকে। গ্রীসিয়ান আর্ন - একটি শিল্প বস্তু - এর প্রেক্ষাপটে আরেকটি অর্থ হল সত্য শিল্পের একটি শর্ত।
প্রতিটি ভাষার কবিতা সৌন্দর্য এবং সত্যকে উদযাপন করে। শিল্পও তাই করে। এখানে দুটি ভিন্ন সময়ের দুটি কবিতা রয়েছে যা সৌন্দর্য এবং সত্য সম্পর্কে কিছু স্থায়ী ধারণা উপস্থাপন করে। কবিতাগুলি রোমান্টিক ঐতিহ্যের একজন ইংরেজ কবি লর্ড বায়রন (১৭৮৮-১৮২৪) এবং আমেরিকান কবি এমিলি ডিকিনসন (১৮৩০-১৮৮৬) এর লেখা, যিনি মানব দৃশ্য, প্রেম এবং মৃত্যু সম্পর্কে লিখেছিলেন।
1. Read the passage below and answer the following questions
In Bangladesh folk music has great variety, with songs being composed on the culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life. These songs are also about social inequality and poverty, about the material world and the supernatural. Mystical songs have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats. Since the country is basically riverine, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music. Folk music is formed and developed according to the environment.
Differences in the natural environment are reflected in the people of the different regions. The dialects too vary across the different regions. Bangladeshi folk music therefore varies from region to region. Thus there are the northern Bhawaiya, the castern Bhatiyali and the southwestern Baul songs.
The culture and lifestyle of the different tribes have also influenced folk music. Tribes like the Santal, Garo, Hajong, Chakma, Manipuri, Tripuri, Marma etc. have interacted with ethnic Bengali culture and lifestyle over the years. The interaction has been clearly reflected in the richness of folk music. Folk songs may be sung individually or in chorus. Folk songs sung individually include Baul, Bhatiyali, Murshidi and Marfati, while songs sung in chorus include Kabigan, Leto, Alkab and Gambhira. Some songs are regional in character, but others are common to both Bangladesh and West Bengal. Similarly, some songs belong distinctively to one religious community. Hindu or Muslim: Others cross religious boundaries. Some songs belong exclusively to men, others to women while some are sung by both men and women. Thus only women compose and sing Bratagan and Meyeli Git, but both men and women participate in the roof-beating songs that are sung while beating down and firming rooftops.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1´5=5
(a) The word ‘ethnic’ refers to—
(i) tribe (ii) religious (iii) Muslim (iv) pagan
(b) The phrase roof-beating refers to—
(i) songs while cutting crops (ii) songs while riding boat
(iii) songs while recovering root (iv) songs while cooking food
(c) Bhawaiya is the folk music of—-part of Bangladesh.
(i) eastern (ii) southwestern (iii) northeastern (iv) northern
(d) The word ‘distinctive’ means—-
(i) characteristic (ii) embody (iii) company (iv) harmony
(e) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word ‘chorus’?
(i) chart of a country (ii) culture of a country
(iii) a band of singers (iv) a singer in a concert
B. Answer the following questions. 2´5=10
(a) What is folk music?
(b) What are these songs about?
(c) How does Bangladeshi folk music vary from region to region?
(d) Which folk songs do women only compose?
(e) What is the main theme of the passage?
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
(a) The word ‘ethnic’ refers to—(i) tribe
(b) The phrase roof-beating refers to—(iv) songs while cooking food
(c) Bhawaiya is the folk music of—-part of Bangladesh.(iv) northern
(d) The word ‘distinctive’ means—-(i) characteristic
(e) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word ‘chorus’?(iii) a band of singers
B. Answer the following questions.(a) What is folk music?Folk music is a genre of music that is deeply rooted in the culture, traditions, and lifestyles of a particular community or region. It is created by ordinary people and reflects their day-to-day experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The music is often passed down orally, without being influenced by sophisticated musical rules or formal training, and tends to capture the simplicity and natural rhythms of life.
(b) What are these songs about?Folk songs in Bangladesh are about various aspects of life, including culture, festivals, the beauty of nature, rivers, and rural life. They also address serious social issues such as poverty, inequality, and the material world. Additionally, these songs explore the supernatural and often include mystical themes, using symbols like rivers and boats to convey deeper meanings.
(c) How does Bangladeshi folk music vary from region to region?Bangladeshi folk music varies across regions due to differences in the natural environment, dialects, and cultural practices. For example, northern Bangladesh is known for Bhawaiya songs, while eastern Bangladesh is recognized for Bhatiyali songs. The southwest region features Baul music, each with its own distinct style influenced by local conditions and traditions.
(d) Which folk songs do women only compose?Women exclusively compose and sing Bratagan and Meyeli Git, which are folk songs that reflect female experiences and perspectives. These songs are typically centered around women's roles and emotions.
(e) What is the main theme of the passage?The main theme of the passage is the rich diversity and cultural significance of Bangladeshi folk music. The passage highlights how folk music is shaped by the environment, regional differences, and the influence of various tribes and religious communities, as well as the themes explored in these songs, such as social issues, nature, and spirituality.
1. Read the following text and answer the questions A and B:
Folk music consists of songs and music of a community that are uninfluenced by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard music styles. Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music which includes both religious and secular songs. Folk music may be described as that type of ancient music which springs from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by the rules of classical music and modern popular songs. Any mode or form created by the combination of tune, voice and dance may be described as music. Thus, the combination of folk song, folk dance and folk tune may be called folk music. For example, Baul songs are a combination of tune, music and dance.
In Bangladesh folk music has great variety, with songs being composed on the culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life. These songs are also about social inequality and poverty, about the material world and the supernatural. Mystical songs have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats. Since the country is basically riverine, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music. Folk music is formed and develops according to the environment. Differences in the natural environment are reflected in the people of the different regions. The dialects too vary across the different regions. Bangladeshi folk music therefore varies from region to region.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives: 1×5=5
(a) What could be the closest meaning of 'sophisticated'?
(i) Latest (ii) Old
(iii) Last (iv) Past
(b) The word 'heritage' refers to __
(i) heir (ii) tradition
(iii) legitimacy (iv) intimacy
(c) The word 'natural' could be replaced by __
(i) artificial (ii) spontaneous
(iii) deliberate (iv) wanton
(d) Folk music emanates from __ of a community.
(i) background (ii) heart
(iii) core (iv) inside
(e) The synonym of 'mystical' is __
(i) dull (ii) material
(iii) classical (iv) spiritual
Answer to the question No. 1.A
(a) i. Latest; (b) ii. tradition; (c) ii. spontaneous; (d) ii. heart; (e) iv. spiritual.
B. Answer the following questions: 2×5=10
(a) What do you mean by folk music according to the text?
(b) What does folk music reflect?
(c) How are mystical songs composed of ?
(d) What makes the Bhatiyali an important genre?
(e) What are the reasons of great variety in folk music?
Answer to the question No. 1.B
a. Folk music is a kind of ancient music that springs from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by the dogmas of classical rule and modern popular songs.
b. Folk music reflects the culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty and rivers and riverine life. It also reflects the social inequality and poverty of human life. Thus, folk music is the expression of joy and sorrows of common people.
c. Mystical songs are composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats.
d. Bangladesh is basically riverine. So, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music.
e. Bangladesh has a varied set of culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life based on which folk music is composed. For this reason, there is a great variety of folk music.