You do not have a children's park, so you want to establish a children's park for the mental refreshment of the children. Now, write an application to the Mayor of the Municipal Corporation drawing his attention to the need of a Children's Park in your area.
5th January, 2021
The Mayor,
Chittagong Municipal Corporation, Chittagong.
Sub. Prayer for a Children's Park.
We, the inhabitants of Lalkhan Bazar under Khulshi, most respectfully to approach you with the prayer and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our prayer with sympathy.
About fifteen thousand people live in our area. Unfortunately, there is no children's park in this area. As children are the Future hope of the nation, we should take care for their mental and physical growth. It is needless to say that they need recreational facilities for their mental refreshment. They do not find any place where they can play freely. A park in this area will surely open a new dimension for our children.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you will make necessary arrangements for the establishment of a children's park in a most suitable place of our locality for the interest of the children.
We have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most obediently,
Yasir Arafat
On behalf of the inhabitants of Lalkhan Bazar.
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