Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a computer course this year in your school.
The 29th May, 2021
The Headmaster,
SUBSTANTIAL High School, Chittagong.
Subject: Prayer for introducing computer course this year in our school.
Most respectfully and humbly, we, the students of class IX / X of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the following fact for your kind consideration and necessary action. Our school is one of the reputed ones in the district. We have all the modern facilities for learning. But unfortunately in our school we don’t have the scope of learning computer operation which is an indispensable part of modern education. It is an age of science. Computer is the greatest contribution of this age. Every aspect of human life is being influenced by computer. Education without knowledge of computer operation remains incomplete. In these circumstances we urgently feel the need of a computer course included in our projected curriculum. Hopefully it will increase our potentialities and reputation of our school outside.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realise the situation and regulate a computer course in school syllabus from this year and oblige thereby.
We remain Sir,
Your most obedient pupils
The students of Class IX / X
Model -2
Write an application to the headmaster of your school for more facilities of learning computer in your school.
The 29th May, 2021
The Headmaster,
PROGATI High School,
Subject: Prayer for more facilities of learning computer in our school.
Most respectfully and humbly, we, the students of class VIII / IX / X of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the following fact for your kind consideration and necessary action.
Our school is one of the reputed ones in the district. We have all the modern facilities for learning including a computer laboratory in our school. But the facilities regarding computer learning we have is not meeting the demand of all the students. The students of different classes cannot avail themselves of learning computer at a time in the class. Scarcity of computer sets are felt. Moreover, more equipments relating to computer learning are also needed. More computer instructors are also needed. All these problems make us feel to think the necessity of more facilities of learning computer in our school.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realise the situation and take the necessary steps so that the students of our school can get more facilities of learning computer in our school and oblige thereby.
We remain Sir,
Your most obedient pupils
The students of Class IX / X