Write an application for permission to the authority to visit the ADAMJI Jute Mill.
The 15th May, 2009
The Manager
ADAMJI Jute Mill
Narayangong, Dhaka
Subject: Prayer for the permission to visit the Jute Mill
I, on behalf of the students of Class X of PROGATI High School would like to state that we cherish a desire of paying a visit to your factory to see everything with our own eyes. As we know that Adamji Jute Mill is the biggest Jute mill in our country, we have been longing for paying for a visit. Such a visit will be of great benefit to us. We have a keen interest to have a practical knowledge of the manufacturing process of Jute. We may also have a look at the machinery to get an idea of what a modern industry is.
I, therefore, deem it a great favour if you kindly allow our class students to pay a visit to your factory. You may kindly fix up a date and time that will be convenient to you. For your kind information it is assured here that the students will enjoy the visit in discipline and abide by the rules imposed.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil,
Abidur Rahman
On behalf of the students of
PROGATI High School
Write an application for permission to the authority to visit the Karnaphully Paper Mill.
The Manager
Karnaphully Paper Mill
Chandraghona, Chittagong
Subject: Prayer for the permission to visit the paper mill.
I, on behalf of the students of Class VIII / IX / X of PROGATI High School would like to state that we cherish a desire of paying a visit to your factory to see everything with our own eyes. As we know that Karnaphully Paper Mill is the biggest paper mill in our country, we have been longing for paying for a visit. Such a visit will be of great benefit to us. We have a keen interest to have a practical knowledge of the manufacturing process of paper. We may also have a look at the machinery to get an idea of what a modern industry is.
We, therefore, deem it a great favour if you kindly allow our class students to pay a visit to your factory. You may kindly fix up a date and time that will be convenient to you. For your kind information it is assured here that the students will enjoy the visit in discipline and abide by the rules imposed.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil,
Abidur Rahman
On behalf of the students of
PROGATI High School