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Gazi Pir /According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was - Multiple Choice & Short Question for HSC English First Paper - English for Today for Class 11 and 12 / Seen Passage for HSC

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Feb 17

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:

According to some myths and legends, GaziPir was a Muslim saint who is said to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sundarbans.He was credited with many miracles. For example, he could supposedly calm dangerous and make them docile. He is usually depicted in paats or scroll paintings riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger, a snake in his hand, but in apparent danger. According to some stories, he also fought crocodiles who threatened the people of a region full of canals and creeks, indeed, a kind of watery jungle bordering the Bay of Bengal. Because of his alert and vigilant presence, all predatory animals were said to have been kept within bounds. It was also believed that he enabled villagers to live close to forests and jungles and cultivate their lands. Consequently, people of these regions would pray to him for protection. The story of GaziPir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in indigenous theatre. In fact, some Gazirpaat scrolls are part of the collection of the British Museum.

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1X5=5

a. Who was Gazi Pir according to myths and legends?

i) A Hindu deity ii) A Buddhist monk iii) A Muslim saint iv) A Christian missionary

b. Where did Gazi Pir spread Islam according to the legends?

i) Northern India ii) The Sundarbans region of Bengal iii) Western Pakistan iv) Southern Bangladesh

c. What was Gazi Pir credited with?

i) Building temples ii) Writing holy texts iii) Performing miracles iv) Leading armies

d. What ability was Gazi Pir said to possess regarding dangerous animals?

i) He could train them for hunting ii) He could calm and make them docile

iii) He could transform into them iv) He could communicate with them

e. How is Gazi Pir usually depicted in scroll paintings?

i) Meditating under a tree ii) Riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger

iii) Standing by a river iv) Sitting on a throne

f. What animal is often shown with Gazi Pir in his hand in the paintings?

i) A bird ii) A lizard iii) A snake iv) A fish

g. What kind of danger is Gazi Pir depicted in, according to the paintings?

i) Apparent danger ii) No danger iii) A flood iv) A fire

h. According to some stories, who did Gazi Pir fight?

i) Tigers ii) Elephants iii) Crocodiles iv) Wolves

i. Why did Gazi Pir fight crocodiles, according to the legends?

i) To protect his village ii) To gather food iii) To show his strength iv) To threaten the people

j. What type of region is described where Gazi Pir fought the crocodiles?

i) Mountainous ii) Dry desert iii) Full of canals and creeks iv) Urban city

B. Answer the following questions 2X5=10

(a) What was the specialty of Gazi Pir?

(b)How is usually Gazi Pir depicted? And why?

(c) How did Gazi Pir help the local people?

(d) How can you know about Gazi Pir more?

(e) “People of these regions would pray to him for protection” – what do you understand by this statement?

(f) What kind of extraordinary power did Gazi Pir have?

(g) What was Gazi Pir famous for?

(h) Why did people seek help from Gazi Pir?

(i) What was the belief of the people about Gazi Pir?

(j) What are the different art forms in which the myth of GaziPir is kept alive?













A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

a. Who was Gazi Pir according to myths and legends?iii) A Muslim saint

b. Where did Gazi Pir spread Islam according to the legends?ii) The Sundarbans region of Bengal

c. What was Gazi Pir credited with?iii) Performing miracles

d. What ability was Gazi Pir said to possess regarding dangerous animals?ii) He could calm and make them docile

e. How is Gazi Pir usually depicted in scroll paintings?ii) Riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger

f. What animal is often shown with Gazi Pir in his hand in the paintings?iii) A snake

g. What kind of danger is Gazi Pir depicted in, according to the paintings?i) Apparent danger

h. According to some stories, who did Gazi Pir fight?iii) Crocodiles

i. Why did Gazi Pir fight crocodiles, according to the legends?i) To protect his village

j. What type of region is described where Gazi Pir fought the crocodiles?iii) Full of canals and creeks

B. Answer the following questions

(a) What was the specialty of Gazi Pir?

Gazi Pir was believed to have supernatural powers. He could calm wild animals, protect people from danger, and perform miracles.

(b) How is Gazi Pir usually depicted? And why?

He is usually shown riding a fierce Bengal tiger and holding a snake in his hand. This symbolizes his power over dangerous animals and his ability to protect people.

(c) How did Gazi Pir help the local people?

Gazi Pir protected the people from wild animals like tigers and crocodiles. He also helped them live near forests and cultivate their lands safely.

(d) How can you know about Gazi Pir more?

We can learn more about Gazi Pir from folk literature, scroll paintings (paats), and indigenous theatre performances. Some of his stories are even preserved in the British Museum.

(e) “People of these regions would pray to him for protection” – what do you understand by this statement?

It means that people believed in his supernatural powers and asked for his help to protect them from wild animals and other dangers.

(f) What kind of extraordinary power did Gazi Pir have?

He had the power to tame wild animals, fight crocodiles, and keep dangerous creatures under control.

(g) What was Gazi Pir famous for?

He was famous for his miracles, bravery, and ability to protect people from wild animals.

(h) Why did people seek help from Gazi Pir?

People sought his help because they believed he could protect them from wild animals and make their lands safe for farming.

(i) What was the belief of the people about Gazi Pir?

People believed that he had supernatural abilities to control animals, fight dangers, and bring safety to their villages.

(j) What are the different art forms in which the myth of Gazi Pir is kept alive?

The myth of Gazi Pir is preserved through folk literature, scroll paintings (paats), and indigenous theatre performances. Some of his stories are also displayed in the British Museum.

Bangla Translation

বাংলা অনুবাদঃ 

কিছু পুরাণ এবং কিংবদন্তি অনুযায়ী, গাজী পীর ছিলেন একজন মুসলিম সাধক, যিনি সুন্দরবনের নিকটবর্তী বঙ্গ অঞ্চলে ইসলাম প্রচার করেছিলেন। তাকে অনেক অলৌকিক কাজের জন্য কৃতিত্ব দেওয়া হয়েছে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, তিনি বিপজ্জনক প্রাণীদের শান্ত করতে এবং তাদের অনুগত করতে পারতেন। সাধারণত, তাকে পাটবা স্ক্রোল চিত্রকলায় একটি ভয়ঙ্কর চেহারার বাঘের পিঠে চড়ে, হাতে সাপ নিয়ে, কিন্তু স্পষ্টতই বিপদের মধ্যে প্রদর্শিত করা হয়। কিছু গল্প অনুযায়ী, তিনি কুমিরদের সাথেও লড়াই করেছিলেন যারা খাল এবং খাড়িতে পূর্ণ একটি অঞ্চলের মানুষের জন্য হুমকি ছিল। প্রকৃতপক্ষে, এটি বঙ্গোপসাগরের সন্নিকটে একটি জলময় জঙ্গল।

তার সজাগ এবং সতর্ক উপস্থিতির কারণে, সকল শিকারি প্রাণীকে সীমার মধ্যে রাখা হতো। এছাড়াও, তিনি গ্রামবাসীদের বনের কাছাকাছি বসবাস করতে এবং তাদের জমি চাষ করতে সক্ষম করেছিলেন বলে বিশ্বাস করা হতো। ফলস্বরূপ, এই অঞ্চলের মানুষ তার কাছে সুরক্ষার জন্য প্রার্থনা করতো। গাজী পীরের গল্প লোকসাহিত্য এবং শিল্পে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে এবং এটি দেশীয় থিয়েটারে অভিনয় করা হয়েছে। প্রকৃতপক্ষে, কিছু গাজীর পাট স্ক্রোল ব্রিটিশ মিউজিয়ামের সংগ্রহের অংশ।


vocabulary words from the text along with their Bangla meanings:
  1. Myth - কল্পকাহিনি / পুরাণ

  2. Legend - গল্প / কিংবদন্তি

  3. Saint - সন্ত / পীর

  4. Spread - প্রচার করা / বিস্তার করা

  5. Miracle - অলৌকিক ঘটনা

  6. Supposedly - অনুমান করা হয় / কথিতভাবে

  7. Calm - শান্ত করা

  8. Docile - অনুগত / সহজে নিয়ন্ত্রণযোগ্য

  9. Depict - অঙ্কন করা / বর্ণনা করা

  10. Scroll painting - পটচিত্র

  11. Fierce-looking - ভয়ঙ্কর চেহারার

  12. Apparent - প্রকাশ্য / স্পষ্ট

  13. Threaten - ভয় দেখানো / হুমকি দেওয়া

  14. Vigilant - সতর্ক / সজাগ

  15. Predatory - শিকারি / লুটেরা

  16. Bounds - সীমা / নিয়ন্ত্রণ

  17. Enable - সক্ষম করা

  18. Cultivate - চাষ করা

  19. Protection - রক্ষা / নিরাপত্তা

  20. Preserve - সংরক্ষণ করা

  21. Indigenous - স্থানীয় / আদিবাসী

  22. Theatre - নাট্যশালা / মঞ্চনাটক

  23. Collection - সংগ্রহ / সংকলন

  24. Bay - উপসাগর

  25. Canal - খাল / নালা

  26. Creek - নদীর শাখা / ছোট জলধারা

  27. Extraordinary - অসাধারণ / ব্যতিক্রমী

  28. Supernatural - অতিপ্রাকৃত / অলৌকিক

  29. Bravery - সাহস / বীরত্ব

  30. Folk literature - লোকসাহিত্য


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