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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

HSC CUMILLA Board -2022 English 2nd Paper Question with Answer

Updated: Jun 5



Part A: Grammar (30 Marks)

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. .5×10=5

Books are really our best friends as we can rely (a) them when we are bored, upset, depressed, lonely or annoyed. They share (b) us information and knowledge any time we need. They enable us to have a a glimpse (c) cultures, traditions, arts, history, geography. us health, psychology and many other subjects and aspects of life. Good books always guide us (d) the right path (e) life. Reading good books helps us understand the world (f) better. While reading books, we build new and creative thoughts, images and opinions (g) our mind. This habit helps us explore life (h) different perspectives. In other words, it has several positive effects (i) our body, mind and soul. In fact, the habit of reading is one (j) the best qualities that a person can possess.

2. Complete the following sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box. .5×10-5

let alone would rather had better was born it

what’s….. like there as soon as have to what does….. look like

(a) It is such a nice weather. I — sit in the garden than watch TV.

(b) He worked hard. He was too tired to walk, — run.

(c) It is raining heavily now. I will go to the shop — it stops raining.

(d) We — stop the devastating loss of our forests; otherwise life on the earth will be endangered.

(e) — an alligator —? Have you ever seen it?

(f) — it — going to play? The weather is good now.

(g) — is no denying the fact that time is more valuable than money.

(h) It is five o’clock. I — go now before the traffic gets too bad.

(i) — appears to me that he is interested in the matter.

(j) I love this city. This is the city where I — in.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrases. 5

(a) Had he been a poet, —.

(b) Honesty is a great virtue. We should not like those —.

(c) A rainy day is the day when —.

(d) All of us should try our best —.

(e) It is very cold. They have to put on warm clothes so that —.

4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct forms of verbs as per subject and context. 5×10=5

(a) (acquire) knowledge is not limited to any age or time. It can (b) (gain) by any person all through the life. It (c) (be) like unlimited wealth which can never (d) (finish). However, the level of a person’s knowledge (e) (develop) with his dedication, patience and continuity. A person (f) (have) some new knowledge through regular observation and experimentation. The progress of human beings largely (g) (depend) on the growth of knowledge in various fields in 2-0 positive and constructive ways. For example, Newton (h) (discover) a theory of gravitation and there are many famous scientists who (i) (invent) amazing things (j)(make) life easy on the earth.

5. Change the narrative style by using indirect speech. 5

“Stop. Didn’t I tell you to stop? You cannot go there,” said the sergeant. “Oh! Very well, it is hard Two thing to be very poor. All the world is against the poor,” said the man.

6. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following text. .5×10=5

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. (a) mobile phones have made our life easy and convenient. (b) they are a blessing till we use them 8-0 judiciously. (c) – they are very beneficial, they have some disadvantages. (d) excessive use 7118 of the device acts as a barrier to quality communication. (e) mobile phones waste a lot of time. (f)- they are the causes of many ailments such as weak eyesight, strain on brain, headaches, dry eyes, sleeplessness and more (g) they have created a lack of privacy in people’s lives. (h)- we see how the device is both a boon and a bane. (i) we must not let mobile phones control our lives. (j) we must know when to draw the line.

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you are a student of Educare College, Khulna. The sound system in your classroom has become defective. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college asking for solving the problem. 10

8. Write a paragraph within 200 words on “City Life and Country Life”. 10


Cumilla Board- 22

English Second Paper

Part A

1. (a) on (b) with (c) of (d) to (e) of (fl around (g) in (h) with (i) on 0) of

2. (a) would rather (b) let alone (c) as soon as (d) have to (e) What does look like (fl

What's like (g) There (h) had better (i) It 0) was born

3. (a) Had he been a poet he would have written great poems.

(b) Honesty is a great virtue. We should not like those who are dishonest.

(c) A rainy day is the day when it rains all day long.

(d) All of us should try our best to work hard for success in life'

(e) It is very cold. They have to put on warm clothes so that they can keep themselves warm.

4. (a) Acquiring (b) be gained (c) is (d) be finished (e) develops ffl may have (g) depends (h) discovered (i) invented 0) making / to make

5. The sergeant told the man to stop. He asked the man if he had not told him to stop. He added that the man could not go there. The man exclaimed with sorrow and said that it was very well. He added that it was a hard thing, to be very poor. He also said that all the word was against the poor.

6, (a) in fact (b) so (c) Although/though (d) first (e) secondly ffl thirdly (g) finally (h) thus (i) hence/so/therefore 0) rather/ on the contrary

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