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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

HSC English 2nd DINAJPUR Board Questions-2016

Updated: Sep 23



English Second Paper

[According to the Syllabus of 2016]

Subject Code: 108

Time––3 hours; Full marks––100

[N. B. ––The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.]

Part−A : Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/ an/ the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross (×) in those blanks. 0⋅5×10 = 5

(a) — morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) — simple exercise and good for health and (c) — mentality. In the morning (d) — air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) — environment makes an effect on (f) — walker’s health and mind. When (g) — man enjoys (h) — beauties and solemnity of (i) — nature in (f) — morning.

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming (a) — the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped (b) — environment pollution. This is exemplified (c) — the destruction and burning (d) — of tropical rain forests. (e) — traffic that clogs (f) — city streets, (g) — the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). (h) — packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents like washing (i) — liquids and so (j) —.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0⋅5×10 = 5

had better


have to

would rather

let alone

as if


what’s it like

was born

as soon as

(a) Motin’s father is a low paid service holder. He has no ability to buy a bi-cycle for his son — a motor bike.

(b) I’ve never travelled by air, — in the sky?

(c) Let’s go to the cinema, — is not worth waiting any longer.

(d) I am tired. I — stay at home than go outside.

(e) You look very anxious. And you cannot continue your study any longer. You — take rest.

(f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks — he knew the ins and outs of the incident.

(g) Salam feels pain in his chest. He — go back to the hospital for a scan next week.

(h) Tagore — in 1861. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.

(i) — is no fish here. It is a swimming pool.

(j) I went there to meet with him. — I saw him, I rushed to talk to him.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases : 0⋅5×10 = 5

(a) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest—.

(b) I’ve missed the 8 O’clock train. Do you know when —?

(c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him —.

(d) Though he was late, —.

(e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if —.

(f) I usually avoid —. It is boring to drive now.

(g) As it is a difficult task, —. He is very skilled in doing such work.

(h) Whenever I go to visit the, factory, I —. He must account for his absence.

(i) The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film, —.

(j) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that —.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

0⋅5×10 = 5

Many events of great importance (a) — (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) — (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) — (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) — (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) — (break) out in this century. It also (f) — (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) — (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) — (become) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) — (bear). Now we (j) — (hold) our heads high in the community of nations.

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed : 1 × 5 = 5

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative)

(b) It is compared to flame. It begets only the worst. (Negative)

(c) So we should control it for our sake. (Passive)

(d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple)

(e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced. (Compound)

7. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. 5

“Have you saved something for future?” said the rich man. “No,” said the cobbler. “I am happy with the present and think little about tomorrow.” “No, that would not do,” said the rich man. “I like to see you above want. Have this money and keep it.”

8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear. 1 × 5 = 5

Travelling is a part of education. These means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Thus gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits his vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, my knowledge may be enriched.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Water is a (a) (pre modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b) (possessive to pre modify) own. The (c) (determiner to pre modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water, we can quench (d) (possessive to pre modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive on earth. But (e) (pre modify the noun) water is life killing. By drinking contaminated water, we suffer from disease like the diarrhoea, typhoid etc. We may (f) (pre modify the verb) face (g) (pre modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) (noun adjective to pre modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides in their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) (participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j) (pre modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) — possesses this rare quality is the happiest man on earth. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness (b) — nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c) — ultimately he goes to the dogs. (d) — we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy (e) — dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) — dishonest people are cursed. Childhood is the best time (g) — children should be taught honesty. It is seen that children follow their parents (h) — parents should be honest. (i) — children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest (j) — they can mould their characters.

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below :

0⋅5×10 = 5

Grass is a vegetation consisting of short plants with long narrow leaves. The grass family contains some 9000 species. including both terrestrial and acquatic species. No other plant family has been so successful in colonising a broad range of habitats across the globe. Most grasses have unconspicuous flowers that the wind pollinated. Certain species are cultivated as food crops. Others are employed in horticulture.

(a) consist (synonym); (b) narrow (antonym); (c) include (antonym); (d) acquatic (synonym); (e) successful (synonym) (f) broad (antonym); (g) habitat (synonym); (h) unconspicuous (synonym). (i) certain (antonym). (j) employed (synonym).

12. There are some errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors : 0⋅5×10 = 5

how is your father rana said mr karim he is very well thank you replied rana i am glad to hear that he is in good health said mr karim.

Part−B : Composition (Marks-40)English 2nd Paper Board Question

13. Write an application to the principal of your college for setting up a “Computer Lab” in your college. 8

14. Write a report on “The Miserable Conditions of the Slum Dwellers”. 8

15. Write a short paragraph on “Climate Change” following descriptive technique10

16. Write a composition on “Student and Social Service”. 14


Dinajpur Board

According to the Syllabus of 2016

Second Paper


1.            (a) x (b) a (c)x (d) x (e) x (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) x 0) the

I               (a) of (b) by (c) by (d) down (e) by (f) up (g) by (h) in (i) up 0) on

3.            (a) let alone (b) what's it like (c) it (d) would rather (e) had better (f) as if (g) has to (h) was born (i) There 0) As soon as

4.            (a) Be punctual lest you should fail in the examination.

(b) Do you know when the next train is scheduled?

(c) As soon as I saw him, I went after him.

(d) Though he was late, he worked seriously.

(e) He must work if he wants to change his lot.,

(f)           I usually avoid driving.

(g) As it is a difficult tnsk, the company relies on him for doing the task.

(h) Whenever I go to visit the factory, I find him absent.

(i) If you enjoyed the film, please write down a review. 0) We must work hard so that we can overcome them.

5.            (a) took (b) were made (c) gained (d) became (e) broke (f) has witnessed (g) destroyed (h) became (i) was born 0) can hold

(a) Is anger anything but a vice?

(b) It begets nothing but the worst.

(c) So it should be controlled for our sake.

(d) An angry man causes a lot of troubles.

(e) We should realise it and try to be emotionally balanced.

7. The rich man asked the cobbler if he (c) had saved something for future. The cobbler replied in the negative that he was happy with the present and thought little about the next day. The rich man said in the negative that it would not do. He (r) added that he (r) liked to see him (c) above want. He (r) also said to have that money and keep it.

8. Travelling is a part of education. It / Travelling means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Travelling gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This aversion limits their vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, one's /our knowledge may be enriched.

9. ' (a) liquid (b) its (c) other (d) our (e) polluted (f) even (g) unexpected (h) water (i) built / standing j) Mass / Public

10. (a) who (b) because (c) But (d) So (e) Whereas (f) Moreover (g) when (h) So (i) Besides (j) Thus

11. (a) constitute (b) large/wide/spacious (c) exclude (d) water born (e) prosperous / flourishing (f) narrow (g) accommodation (h) unclear (i) uncertain 0) appointed

12. "How is your father, Rana?" said Mr. Karim. "He is very well. Thank you", replied Rana. "I am glad to hear that he is in good health", said Mr. Karim.

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