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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

HSC English 2nd SYLHET BOARD Questions-2016



English Second Paper

[According to the Syllabus of 2016]

Subject Code: 108

Time––3 hours; Full marks––100

[N. B. ––The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.]


Part−A : Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/ an/ the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (×) in those blanks. 0⋅5×10 = 5

Kamal is (a) — HSC examinee this year. He is not (b) — attentive to his lessons. He is very weak in (c) — English. Moreover he is (d) — lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. (e) — month ago before his examination he managed (f) — short suggestion and learnt it. On (g) — day of examination he started for the examination hall (h) — bit earlier. He entered (i) — examination hall with (j) — trembling heart.

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions : 0⋅5×10 = 5

The science fair held (a) — our college paved a new way for us to gather practical knowledge. Many of our friends took part (b) — the fair (c) — their projects. We showed genuine interest (d) — them. Most of the projects were made (e) — consistent (f) — the prevailing world situation. They were intended (g) — acquaint us (h) — the solutions (i) — some common problems we are facing specially in regard to the environment we live in. We were sanguine (j) — achieving success and we really achieved it.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0⋅5×10 = 5

was born

what’s …. like


let alone


would rather

as soon as

had better

as if

what is

(a) — your family —? Our family is not so big. It’s comparatively small.

(b) Today is a raining day. You — not go to office today.

(c) I have a bad headache. I — go to doctor.

(d) — lived an old man in a village. He was very wise.

(e) My sister is acting — she were all in all. She always acts like this way.

(f) I’ll call you — I arrive. Then we will go to market.

(g) Prabha can’t afford to buy a cell phone, — a laptop. Actually she is very poor.

(h) Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time, — is of course, a good habit.

(i) Tajuddin Ahmed, the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh, — in 1925. He was a wise man.

(j) Rina : — we miss the bus? Mina : We will take a taxi then.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases : 0⋅5×10 = 5

(a) The students were sympathetic and patriotic. That’s why —.

(b) There were five boys. I took five books that —.

(c) When he came out, —. He was worthy of getting such greetings.

(d) Though the pen writes well, —. I can’t afford to use it.

(e) The poem is too difficult for the students —. They couldn’t but memorize it.

(f) If I had a camera, —. I like photography.

(g) He came to my room while —. He didn’t wake me up.

(h) Rina waited until —. She went after getting it.

(i) He went to London so that —. He was devoted to study.

(j) He confessed that —. So, I forgave him.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

0⋅5×10 = 5

One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother (a) — (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) — (feel) thirsty. (c) — (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d) — (fall) a sleep again. When Bayazid went to the pitcher, he (e) — (find) it empty. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) — (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) — (sleep). Then he waited (h) — (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) — (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with the glass of water. At once she (j) — (understand) what was the matter.

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed : 1 × 5 = 5

The Tajmahal, the unique tomb is the 7th wonder of the world. (a) It was three hundred years ago since emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj. (Make it simple). (b) As he loved his wife Mamtaj very much, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife. (Make it compound) (c) The building was made with fine white marbles. (Make it active) (d) It rests on platform of red stone, therefore it looks very nice. (Make it complex) (e) The Tajmahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. (Make it positive) Many tourists come here to enjoy the scenery of the Taj.

7. Change the narrative style by using direct speeches. 5

Once I asked a little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied that she could remember her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She added that she did not tell her mother’s name to anyone whom she did not know. I exclaimed with admiration that she was a very clever girl.

8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear. 1 × 5 = 5

A stormy night is fearful and horrible. They causes untold sufferings to the people. In a stormy night, the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it there is thundering and lightning. The frequent thundering and lighting causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people whom always think that this night may be the end of our lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. Storm causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees are uprooted. A large number of houses and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. That is thus a dreadful night to the people.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Othello, (a) — (Use an appositive to post modify the noun) had risen to become a general. He had shown his bravery in many (b) — (Use an adjective to pre modify the noun) battles against the Turks. Everyone praised him (c) — (Use an adverb to post modify the verb) and the senate trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich senator of Venice had a daughter named Desdemona (d) — (Use a relative clause to post modify the noun). Brabantio (e) — (Use an adverb to pre modify the verb) invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures. He told them of deserts, of caves and of mountains high (f) — (Use an intensifier to pre modify the adjective) to touch the sky. Desdemona had to weep (g) — (Use a present participle to post modify the verb phrase) and she never became tired of listening to it. She pitied Othello (h) — (Use an adverb to post modify the verb) for the misfortunes and hardships of his life. Her pity (i) — (Use an adverb to post-modify the verb) turned to love. She refused all the young men (j) — (Use an infinitive to post modify the verb) because she loved Othello, a noble Muslim Moor from North Africa.English 2nd Paper Board Question

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage : 0⋅5×10 = 5

The gifts of science are uncountable. (a) — we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. Satellite TV channels are the means through (b) — we can see and hear the events (c) — are happening all over the world. (d) —, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) —, people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) —, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores. (g) — satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) — satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) — doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) — still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels.

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonyms of the words as directed below :

0⋅5×10 = 5

A good writer may be a good reader. A good reader may be a good speaker or make good recitation. Nothing of this is impossible for a man if he is not lazy. The main thing is sincerity. Seriousness should also be taken under consideration. If a man is seriou, he can make impossible to be possible. If we become serious in our intention we can shine in life.

(a) good (antonym); (b) speaker (synonym); (c) recitation (synonym); (d) impossible (antonym); (e) lazy (antonym); (f) sincerity (synonym); (g) seriousness (synonym); (h) possible (antonym); (i) intention (synonym); (j) shine (synonym).

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Tourist : How old the edifice guide.

Guide : Madame its a 15th century edifice.

Tourist : What a wonderful edifice it is.

Guide : It was built by Akbar the emperor of India.

Tourist : Oh I see

Guide : Madame we should move now. The sun is about to set. It would be dark.

Tourist : Isnt the place safe?

Guide : It is. But the security does not allow anybody after the sunset.

Part−B : Composition (Marks-40)English 2nd Paper Board Question

13. Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Now read the following email sent by an internet service providing company and write a reply requesting the company manager to provide you with internet facilities for the upgradation of your library. 8

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are glad to inform you that our firm, “Bangladesh Internet Service Provider is ready to support and help for the upgradation of internet service of the internet library of the educational institutions with a good price. We have imported modern machineries from the foreign country for providing the best service. We here attach the price list for your further interest. Please mail us if you need any internet related service.

Sincerely yours

P.B. Choudhury


Bangladesh Internet Service Provider

14. Suppose you are a reporter of ‘The daily Sun’. You are asked by the authority to write a report on Jainta-Jafflong Tourist Spot in Sylhet. After your visit of the spot, write a news report of about 120 words for the proper maintenance of the tourist spot. Give a title to your report. 8

15. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on “Water Pollution” by using cause and effect method. 10

16. Is the participation of the student community of Bangladesh important in nation building task? Give reasons for your answer. Write at least 200 words but don’t exceed 250 words. Give a title to your composition. 14


Sylhet Board

[According to the Syllabus of 20161English Second Paper


L              (a) an (b) x (c) x (d) x (e) A (f) a (g) the (h) a (i) the 0) a

I               (a) in (b) in (c) with (d) in (e) in (f) with (g) to (h) with (i) to O about

3.            (a) What's            like (b) would rather (c) had better (d) There (e) as if (f) as soon as (g) let alone (h) It (1) was born 0) What if

4 (a) That's why they worked for the flood affected people.

(b) I took flue books that I gave to each one of them.

(c) When he came out, he was greeted with a great, cheer.

(d) Though the pen writes well, it is very costly.

(e) The poem is too difficult for the students to memorize.

(f) If I had a camera, I would take some photograph.

(g) He came to my room while I was sleeping.

(h) Rina waited until I gave the book to her.

(i) He went to London so that he could complete his higher study there. 0) He confessed that he was guilty.

(a) was sleeping (b) felt (c) Calling (d) fell (e) found (f) came (g) sleeping (h) standing (i) should wake 0) understood

6. (a) Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj three hundred years ago.

(b) He loved his wife Mamtaj very much, and so, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife.

(c) He made the building with fine white marbles.

(d) As it rests on a platform of red stone, it looks very nice.

(e) Very few buildings in the world are as beautiful as the Tajmahal.

7. Once I said to a little girl, "What is your mother's name?" She said, "I can remember my mother's name, but I will not tell you that. I do not tell my mother's name to anyone whom I do not know." I said, "What a clever girl you arel"

a A stormy night is fearful and horrible. It causes untold sufferings to the people. In a stormy night, the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it, there is thundering and lightning. The frequent thundering and lighting causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people who always think that this night may be the end of their  lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. It causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away, many trees are uprooted. A large number of houses and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. It is thus a dreadful night to the people.

9.            (a) a brave soldier (b) bloody/fierce (c) highly (d) who was very beautiful (e) often (f) enough (g) listening those stories (h) heavily/much (i) soon 0) to marry

10. (a) Wherever (b) which (c) that (d) Moreover (e) Asa result (f) So (g) Besides (h) Though (i) also 0) But / However

11. (a) bad (b) orator (c) narration (d) possible (e) energetic/active (f) honesty (g) sincerity (h) impossible (i) purpose / aim 0) sparkle/ prosper


Tourist  How old the edifice, guide?

Guide    Madame, it's a 15th century edifice.

Tourist  What a wonderful edifice it is!

Guide    It was built by Akbar, the emperor of India.'

Tourist  ON I see.

Guide    Madame, we should move now. The sun is about to set. It would be dark.

Tourist  Isn't the place safe?

Guide    It is. But the security does not allow anybody after the sunset.

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