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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

HSC Sylhet Board -2022 English 2nd Paper Question with Answer

Updated: Jun 5



Part A: Grammar (30 Marks)

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. .5×10=5

The moon is a very familiar figure (a) all of us. She awakens a feeling (b) tenderness (c) our hearts. Even infants in arms stretches (d) beautiful thing. Nor is her appeal confined only (e) love and their hands to grasp the children. Ever since the string of the poetic faculty in man, she has furnished a theme (f) poets and artists. The moon has no light (g) her own. The soft silvery brightness which forms her principal charms to us, is borrowed solely (h) the light of the sun. If we go out on a clear night, we can look (i) the magic of moon light. It is often difficult (j) us to realize that the moon is shining in borrowed feathers.

2.Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box. .5×10=5

had better what does……. look like there let alone was born

as soon as it as if would you mind would rather

(a) The room appears to be suffocating. — opening the windows?

(b) It is raining outside. You — take an umbrella.

(c) He cannot read newspaper — edit a newspaper.

(d) — lived a wise man but he was not well known to all.

(e) You look tired. — appears to me that you have worked hard.

(f) Ismail is a symbol of versatile genius. He — in a needy family.

(g) — a dinosaur —? Have you ever seen it?

(h) He proceeded — he had never seen me. His defiant behaviour offended me.

(i) Panic seized me — I heard his roaring voice.

(j) Though I am in dire need of money, I — die than seek any financial help from him.

3. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases. 1×5=5

(a) A good student must possess —.

(b) The student is a good student —.

(c) He must be honest in thought, active in habit and obedient to —.

(d) — health is another quality of an ideal student.

(e) He, who makes a glorious result in the examination, —.

4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of verbs as per subject and context. .5×10=5

COVID-19 (a) (transmit) when people (b)(breathe) in air contaminated by droplets and small airborne particles (c) (contain) the virus. The risk of breathing these in (d) highest when people (e) (be) in close proximity, but they (f) (inhale) over longer distances, particularly indoors. Transmission also (g) (occur) if splashed or (h) contaminated fluids in the eyes, nose or mouth, and rarely via contaminated surfaces. People remain contagious for up to 20 days, and (i) (spread) the virus even if they (j) (develop) symptoms.

5. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. 5

“Could I help you, Sir?” said the receptionist. The man replied, “Sure, I want to meet the Managing Director of the company.” The receptionist said, “Do you have an appointment?” “Yes, I have,” he said. “Wait for a while,” said the receptionist.

6. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. .5×10=5

Trees are a vital part of our environment. (a) they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) we are not kind and careful about them. (c) we destroy trees at random. (d) one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect. (e) ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends on agriculture. (f) trees play a vital role on our climate. (g) — trees keep the soil strong and protect it. (h) trees save us from flood and many other natural calamities. (i) trees provide us with timber which is of great use specially in construction works and for making furniture. (j), trees are our best friends.

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you are Motin, a second year college student of Dhaka College. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for starting an English Language Club. 10

8. Write a comparison and contrast paragraph on “Offline and Online Class.” (Within 200 words.) 10.


Sylhet Board

English Second Paper

Part A

1. (a) to (b) of (c) in (d) out (e) to (f) for (g) of (h) from (i) at j) for

2. (a) would you mind what does look like (b) had better (c) let alone (d) there (e) it

(f) was born (g) (h) as if (i) as soon as j) would rather

3. (a) A good student must possess some qualities.

(b) The student who maintains discipline in his activities is a good student.

(c) He must be honest in thought, active in habit and obedient to his parents, his teachers and his elders.

(d) We should know that health is another quality of an ideal student.

(e) He, who studies seriously makes a glorious result in the examination.

4. (a) is transmitted (b) breathe (c) containing (d) is (e) are (i) may be inhaled (g) occurs (h) sprayed (i) may spread 0) do ' not develop

5. The receptionist asked the man respectfully if he could help him. The man replied in the affirmative and said that he wanted to meet the Managing Director of the company. The receptionist asked the man if he had an appointment. The man replied in the affirmative that he had an appointment. The receptionist told the man to wait for a while.

6, (a) therefore (b) but (c) On the contrary (d) Asa result (e) Since Again (g). Moreover (h) Besides (I) Again j) So/Hence

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