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IELTS Topic Ideas on Money Happiness Success

Money and Society

  1. Society has become increasingly materialistic.

  • People place high value on wealth and possessions.

  1. People aspire to earn more money.

  • Financial success is a major goal for many.

  1. They want a bigger house or a better car.

  • Material possessions are often seen as symbols of success.

  1. We connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and success.

  • There is a common belief that having more means being happier.

  1. Brands like "Armani" or "Mercedes" are status symbols.

  • Luxury brands are associated with social status.

  1. Advertising creates new desires and needs.

  • Marketing encourages us to buy the latest products and trends.

Positives of Consumerism

  1. Consumerism creates employment.

  • The demand for goods and services generates jobs.

  1. It helps to reduce poverty.

  • Economic growth from consumerism can lift people out of poverty.

  1. It encourages innovation and creativity in business.

  • Companies strive to create new products and improve existing ones.

  1. We live in a global economy.

  • Consumerism promotes international trade and economic integration.

  1. We have a better quality of life.

  • Access to a wide range of goods and services can improve living standards.

Negatives of Consumerism

  1. Consumerist societies create more waste.

  • Increased consumption leads to more waste production.

  1. They use more natural resources.

  • Higher demand for goods depletes natural resources.

  1. They cause damage to the environment.

  • Production and disposal of goods contribute to environmental harm.

  1. Consumerism creates a "throwaway" culture.

  • There is a tendency to discard items rather than repair or reuse them.

  1. Advertisers tell us who we are and what we want.

  • Marketing can manipulate desires and influence consumer behavior.

  1. Wealth does not lead to happiness.

  • Financial success does not guarantee personal fulfillment.

  1. Materialism causes greed and crime.

  • The pursuit of material wealth can lead to unethical behavior.

  1. We should return to traditional values like sharing.

  • Emphasizing community and generosity over material wealth can be beneficial.


  1. Happiness means different things to different people.

  • Definitions of happiness vary widely.

  1. It can be described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment.

  • Happiness is often associated with enjoyable experiences.

  1. People enjoy spending time with family and friends.

  • Social connections are a key source of happiness.

  1. Hobbies, sports, and games can be a source of fun and enjoyment.

  • Engaging in leisure activities contributes to happiness.

  1. Some people see money as a source of happiness.

  • Financial security can contribute to a sense of well-being.

  1. Other people define happiness as something deeper.

  • Fulfillment may come from meaningful life experiences.

  1. In order to be truly happy, it is necessary to live a good life.

  • A sense of purpose and moral integrity are important for lasting happiness.

  1. We need to feel that we are doing something useful with our lives.

  • Contributing to society can enhance personal satisfaction.

  1. Some people get a sense of achievement from their work.

  • Career success can provide a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Others find happiness in bringing up their children.

  • Parenting can be a profound source of joy and fulfillment.

  1. Religion or a sense of purpose can also be a source of happiness.

  • Spiritual beliefs and goals can provide inner peace and contentment.


  1. People define success in different ways.

  • Success can mean different things to different individuals.

  1. Some people get a sense of achievement from raising a family.

  • Family life and parenting can be seen as a measure of success.

  1. For others, success is defined by wealth or status.

  • Financial success and social standing are often seen as indicators of achievement.

  1. We often think of rich and famous people as being successful in life.

  • Public figures are frequently viewed as successful due to their fame and wealth.

  1. Millionaires like Bill Gates are considered to be successful.

  • Wealth and influence are commonly associated with success.

  1. They have risen to the top in their chosen professions.

  • Professional success is often a key aspect of their achievement.

  1. They see success as the result of hard work.

  • Dedication and effort are seen as crucial to attaining success.

  1. Success in any field requires long-term planning and effort.

  • Achieving success typically involves strategic planning and sustained effort.

Nature vs. Nurture

  1. Some people believe that our personalities are determined mainly by genetics.

  • Genetic inheritance plays a significant role in shaping who we are.

  1. We inherit our abilities and talents from our parents.

  • Skills and traits can be passed down through generations.

  1. Others think that our education and upbringing are more important.

  • Environmental factors and upbringing influence personal development.

  1. We develop according to the influences around us.

  • Our surroundings and experiences shape our growth and behavior.

  1. Our personalities and achievements depend more on nurture than nature.

  • Personal development is heavily influenced by external factors.

  1. Many people argue that we control our own destinies.

  • Individuals have the power to shape their own futures.

  1. We can shape our own personalities.

  • Personal growth and change are possible through effort and self-awareness.

  1. By working hard, we can achieve any goal that we put our minds to.

  • Persistence and dedication can lead to the realization of our goals.

  1. Many successful people are "self-made."

  • Individuals often achieve success through their own efforts and determination.

  1. We are not limited by our genetic characteristics or upbringing.

  • Personal achievements are not solely determined by inherent traits or early experiences.

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