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Illiteracy (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 20

Paragraph Writing


Illiteracy is undoubtedly a curse for a nation. The progress of a nation cannot be thought by keeping its people illiterate. It hampers the smooth development of the country in several ways. We, the people of Bangladesh, are lagging behind in every respect as we still have a large number of illiterate people in the country. As most of the people of our country are illiterate, they do not know how to apply scientific methods in the field of agriculture to increase production. They have no knowledge of family planning, and as a result, the population has been on the rise. To eradicate illiteracy from the society, we have to take several steps. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people to make some heart-felt efforts to remove illiteracy from society. We should set up schools in different parts of the country and encourage the parents to send their children to schools. For adult education, night schools should be set up. Anti-illiteracy campaign should be launched to make the common people aware of the necessity of education. I, as a student, can take part in the anti-illiteracy campaign and also teach the illiterate people whenever I have free time. The mass media can play a vital role in making the people more conscious of the importance of literacy in the development of a nation.

Model Answer-2

Model Answer-3


Composition / Essay Writing


Illiteracy is a significant impediment to the progress of any nation, and its eradication is crucial for overall development. Unfortunately, in Bangladesh, a substantial portion of the population remains illiterate, hindering progress in various aspects of society.

The repercussions of widespread illiteracy are far-reaching. Illiterate individuals lack the knowledge and skills needed to implement scientific advancements in agriculture, resulting in reduced productivity. Moreover, ignorance about family planning contributes to unchecked population growth, further straining resources and opportunities.

To combat illiteracy, concerted efforts are essential. It is incumbent upon the literate members of society to take proactive measures to address this issue. Establishing schools across the country and promoting enrollment among parents is paramount. Additionally, night schools can cater to adult learners, providing them with opportunities for education and skill development.

An anti-illiteracy campaign can raise awareness about the importance of education and encourage participation in educational initiatives. As a student, active involvement in such campaigns and volunteering to teach illiterate individuals during free time can make a meaningful contribution to this cause.

Furthermore, mass media can serve as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and fostering a culture of literacy. By highlighting the benefits of education and showcasing success stories, the media can inspire individuals to pursue learning opportunities.

In conclusion, addressing illiteracy requires collective action and commitment from all segments of society. By investing in education, raising awareness, and leveraging resources effectively, we can overcome illiteracy and pave the way for a more prosperous and equitable future for Bangladesh.


Illiteracy is a curse for a nation. It is a serious problem for the overall development of the country. Mass illiteracy is a serious problem in our country. We are backward in every sphere of life because of its widespread prevalence in our society. So the necessity of mass education programme arises in Bangladesh.

Illiteracy continues or exists on a mass scale in our country. Among ten men, eight are illiterate. As the vast majority of our people are illiterate, they do not know the improved method of cultivation. They do not know even the simple rules of health and sanitation. They become ignorant of their duties and responsibilities for themselves and for the welfare of the state. Moreover, illiterate people become superstitious. It creates social vices. They are also ignorant of the methods of population control.

Illiteracy is to be removed at any cost. So the programme of mass education is necessary. Mass education can help people understand the right and wrong ways of life. It brings about a change in the society. It paves the way of national progress and prosperity. Steps should be taken so that none can avoid implementing the programme of mass education. Education must be made free and compulsory up to the S.S.C. level. In order to make the programme of Free Primary Education successful, parents must be assured of sufficiently remunerative work. This will free them from the need of looking to their children to add to the family income before they have acquired learning. Night schools for adults must be opened in every village of the country. Every educated man and woman should attend as teachers in those schools. Expenditure in this purpose is to be borne by the proper authority. During the vacation students should actively take part in teaching the illiterates in those schools. Village boys and girls are to be encouraged by reward for the best performances. In this way mass education is to be popularised and made fruitful in educating the people of the country.

The Government has taken an intensive programme for literacy movement. It aims at driving illiteracy the country within short time. In this respect Government officials have become vigilant and more active. Government has urged the education department to supervise the progress of this plan. The Government has also published thousands of books under literacy programme. These books are distributed among people free of cost. Different N.G.O’s have also come forward voluntarily to help this programme.

Programme taken by different institutions, if comes out successful, the greater part of our illiterate masses is likely to be free from the curse of illiteracy. When illiteracy will be uprooted, nation will march ahead with all round progress and prosperity. Maintenance of law and order will be easy. Agriculture and industry will flourish. Thus, mass education can bring about such a change in the field of illiteracy in Bangladesh.



Illiteracy is a curse for a nation. It is a serious problem for the overall development of the country. Mass illiteracy is a serious problem in our country. We are backward in every sphere of life because of its widespread prevalence in our society. So the necessity of mass education programme arises in Bangladesh.

Illiteracy continues or exists on a mass scale in our country. Among ten men, eight are illiterate. As the vast majority of our people are illiterate, they do not know the improved method of cultivation. They do not know even the simple rules of health and sanitation. They become ignorant of their duties and responsibilities for themselves and for the welfare of the state. Moreover, illiterate people become superstitious. It creates social vices. They are also ignorant of the methods of population control.

Though we vaguely wish we were not so illiterate, we cannot see our way to get rid of the curse. The result is that we tinker at the problem instead of tacking with it. We make experiments, we set up basic schools here and there, we organise night schools in some places and occasionally we call upon volunteers to do the job. We cannot make up our mind as to a really constructive programme. Thus the problem remains, on the whole, where it has been all these years.

In the present system of education, most of our children who give up education after the primary stage, soon forget what they have learnt and relapse into illiteracy. Secondly, their pressure of poverty keeps them busy to earn their livelihood. Children of workers and peasants have to think of earning before they can think of learning. Thirdly, children of our country are sent to work in mills and factories even at a very early age. They do not get time even to have their elementary education. They form a distinct notion of the world. They think that they have come to eat and drink only and to do nothing else. They cannot think the importance of education. Fourthly, it is very sad that encouraging response is not coming from the illiterate adults at large. As a result, illiteracy creates so many hurdles against all round progress and prosperity of the country.

Illiteracy is to be removed at any cost. So the programme of mass education is necessary. Mass education can help people understand the right and wrong ways of life. It brings about a change in the society. It paves the way of national progress and prosperity. Steps should be taken so that none can avoid implementing the programme of mass education. Education must be made free and compulsory up to the S.S.C. level. In order to make the programme of Free Primary Education successful, parents must be assured of sufficiently remunerative work. This will free them from the need of looking to their children to add to the family income before they have acquired learning. Night schools for adults must be opened in every village of the country. Every educated man and woman should attend as teachers in those schools. Expenditure in this purpose is to be borne by the proper authority. During the vacation students should actively take part in teaching the illiterates in those schools. Village boys and girls are to be encouraged by reward for the best performances. In this way mass education is to be popularised and made fruitful in educating the people of the country.

The Government has taken an intensive programme for literacy movement. It aims at driving illiteracy the country within short time. In this respect Government officials have become vigilant and more active. Government has urged the education department to supervise the progress of this plan. An A.D.C (Literacy) is appointed in every district to look into the progress of mass education. The Government has also published thousands of books under literacy programme. These books are distributed among people free of cost. Different organizations have also come forward voluntarily to help this programme.

Programme taken by different institutions, if comes out successful, the greater part of our illiterate masses is likely to be free from the curse of illiteracy. When illiteracy will be uprooted, nation will march ahead with all round progress and prosperity. Maintenance of law and order will be easy. Agriculture and industry will flourish. Thus, mass education can bring about such a change in the field of illiteracy in Bangladesh.


Illiteracy / Mass Education /

Education for All / Adult Education

Education is the reflection of our character. It beautifies and glorifies a nation. That is to say, education is the backbone of a nation. On the contrary, illiteracy is a curse. Inability to read or write is said to be illiteracy. Indeed, illiteracy is one of the most serious problems of our country. If the maximum people are educated, the country will be developed. So education for all is the crying need in our country.

Most of the people of our country are illiterate. That is, more than 60 percent of the people of Bangladesh are illiterate. The literacy rate is 40 percent. So, the present condition of literacy in Bangladesh is deplorable.

Actually a country can make no progress until its people become literate upto a satisfactory rate. A country may have many sky scrapers and monuments but it does not mean that the country is well established. That means illiteracy is a curse. It makes all development efforts impossible. A country can not develop if illiteracy prevails in it. It prevents the cultural growth of a country.

In our country, farmers and workers engage their children in economic activities in stead of sending them to school. They are sent to work in mills and factories even at a very early age. Thus these children remain ignorant of the A.B.C. of education. The farmers of our villages are very poor. So they want that their children should help them and work in the field. As the farmers of the villages can not understand the value of education, they think that this education does not help them earn their living. That's why they send their children to work rather than to school.


It is really a difficult task to eradicate illiteracy from a country like Bangladesh which has a vast population. The problem will not be solved only by the government. It is the social responsibility of every literate person to try heart and soul in order to remove illiteracy from the society. Large number of schools should be established. Special steps should be taken for adult education. Primary education should be made free and compulsory for all.

We shall have to take honest and sincere efforts to eradicate illiteracy from the society. Otherwise, no plans and programs will bg successful. As illiteracy is the root of all evils, we must try heart and soul to remove it. Eradication of illiteracy or 'Education for all' should be our today's slogan. Otherwise, our Bangladesh will find no hope for future prosperity.

Problems of Illiteracy in Bangladesh

Illiteracy poses a significant challenge in Bangladesh, where a large portion of the population lacks basic reading and writing skills, despite compulsory primary education. This widespread illiteracy contributes to ignorance, superstition, and overall backwardness in society.

A staggering 68% of the population remains illiterate, hindering national progress and leading to numerous social issues. Poverty often compels families to prioritize income over education for their children, perpetuating the cycle of illiteracy. Farmers, lacking education, struggle to adopt modern agricultural techniques, limiting productivity. Similarly, industries suffer from low output due to unskilled and illiterate workers. Illiteracy also contributes to poor health and inadequate sanitation conditions across the country.

Education is the antidote to illiteracy, providing the knowledge and skills necessary for societal advancement. Governments bear the responsibility to eradicate illiteracy from its roots. While primary education is compulsory, many children still miss out on schooling due to economic pressures, and dropout rates increase after completing free primary education.

To address these challenges, comprehensive measures are essential. Establishing night schools can accommodate those unable to attend during the day due to work commitments. Utilizing radio and television for educational broadcasts can reach a wider audience and promote literacy among adults. Volunteer efforts from students, teachers, and community leaders can also play a crucial role in educating illiterate individuals and emphasizing the importance of education.

In conclusion, illiteracy remains a fundamental issue in Bangladesh, impeding the country's development. To achieve sustainable progress and fulfill developmental goals, urgent and concerted efforts are needed to eliminate illiteracy through accessible education and widespread awareness campaigns.


নিরক্ষরতা নিঃসন্দেহে একটি জাতির জন্য অভিশাপ। দেশের মানুষকে নিরক্ষর রেখে জাতির উন্নতির কথা ভাবা যায় না। এটি বিভিন্নভাবে দেশের মসৃণ উন্নয়নকে বাধাগ্রস্ত করে। আমরা, বাংলাদেশের জনগণ, সব দিক দিয়েই পিছিয়ে আছি কারণ আমাদের দেশে এখনও বিপুল সংখ্যক নিরক্ষর মানুষ রয়েছে। আমাদের দেশের বেশির ভাগ মানুষ নিরক্ষর হওয়ায় তারা জানে না কিভাবে উৎপাদন বৃদ্ধির জন্য কৃষিক্ষেত্রে বৈজ্ঞানিক পদ্ধতি প্রয়োগ করতে হয়। পরিবার পরিকল্পনা সম্পর্কে তাদের কোন জ্ঞান নেই এবং এর ফলে জনসংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে। সমাজ থেকে নিরক্ষরতা দূর করতে আমাদের বেশ কিছু পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে। সমাজ থেকে নিরক্ষরতা দূর করার জন্য কিছু আন্তরিক প্রচেষ্টা করা সকল শিক্ষিত মানুষের সামাজিক দায়িত্ব। আমাদের উচিত দেশের বিভিন্ন স্থানে স্কুল স্থাপন করা এবং অভিভাবকদের তাদের সন্তানদের স্কুলে পাঠাতে উৎসাহিত করা। বয়স্ক শিক্ষার জন্য নৈশ বিদ্যালয় স্থাপন করতে হবে। শিক্ষার প্রয়োজনীয়তা সম্পর্কে সাধারণ মানুষকে সচেতন করার জন্য নিরক্ষরতা বিরোধী অভিযান চালাতে হবে। আমি একজন ছাত্র হিসাবে, নিরক্ষরতা বিরোধী অভিযানে অংশ নিতে পারি এবং যখনই আমার অবসর সময় থাকে তখনই নিরক্ষরদের শিক্ষা দিতে পারি। একটি জাতির উন্নয়নে সাক্ষরতার গুরুত্ব সম্পর্কে জনগণকে আরও সচেতন করতে গণমাধ্যম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করতে পারে।		



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