Paragraph Writing
Cultural Assault
Cultural assault means bad influence of foreign cultures on any native culture. Some cultures have profound impact on other cultures that might be harmful and then it will be a cultural assault. In the present global world it is quite tough to impede this cultural aggression. With the development of hi-tech media, it has been very easy for a society to be infiltrated by alien cultures. Many of the cultural elements may be influenced in this way. Our Bangladeshi culture is mostly affected because of cultural assault of other countries. Our dress pattern especially for teenagers and young generation has altered a lot. Now people like pop song and band music sung in the western style and with western musical instruments. Besides, our eating habits are also being changed. Today many of us like to take fast food outside home using chopstick, fork etc. Now our young generations prefer celebration of 31 December to that of Pahela Baishakh. They never mind celebrating the Valentine’s Day. However, to get rid of the invasion of alien culture, we should be very much strict to exercise our own culture and flourish our cultural elements. We can rightly boast of an affluent cultural heritage. We have our own cultural traits and its identity. In addition to that, we have to accept miscellaneous alien cultures selectively, which will make our traditional culture more affluent.
Bangla Translation:
সাংস্কৃতিক আক্রমণ
সংস্কৃতিক আক্রমণ বলতে কোনো দেশীয় সংস্কৃতির ওপর বিদেশী সংস্কৃতির খারাপ প্রভাবকে বোঝানো হয়। কিছু সংস্কৃতি অন্য সংস্কৃতিতে গভীর প্রভাব ফেলতে পারে, যা ক্ষতিকর হতে পারে এবং তখন এটি সাংস্কৃতিক আক্রমণ হয়ে ওঠে। বর্তমান বৈশ্বিক বিশ্বের মধ্যে এই সাংস্কৃতিক আগ্রাসন বাধা দেওয়া খুবই কঠিন। উন্নত প্রযুক্তির মাধ্যমে মিডিয়ার বিকাশের ফলে, একটি সমাজে বিদেশী সংস্কৃতি প্রবাহিত হওয়া এখন অনেক সহজ হয়ে গেছে। এর মাধ্যমে অনেক সাংস্কৃতিক উপাদান প্রভাবিত হতে পারে। আমাদের বাংলাদেশী সংস্কৃতি প্রধানত বিদেশী সংস্কৃতির আক্রমণের কারণে বেশ প্রভাবিত হয়েছে। বিশেষ করে আমাদের পোশাকের ধরন, বিশেষত কিশোর-কিশোরী এবং তরুণ প্রজন্মের জন্য অনেক পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে। এখন মানুষ পপ গান এবং পশ্চিমা সঙ্গীত যন্ত্র ব্যবহার করে গান শুনতে পছন্দ করে। এছাড়া, আমাদের খাদ্যাভ্যাসও পরিবর্তিত হচ্ছে। আজকাল অনেকেই চপস্টিক, ফর্ক ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করে বাড়ির বাইরে ফাস্ট ফুড খেতে পছন্দ করে। এখন আমাদের তরুণ প্রজন্ম পহেলা বৈশাখের চেয়ে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর উদযাপন করতে বেশি পছন্দ করে। তারা ভ্যালেন্টাইনস ডে উদযাপন করতেও কোনো আপত্তি নেই। তবে বিদেশী সংস্কৃতির আক্রমণ থেকে মুক্তি পেতে, আমাদের নিজেদের সংস্কৃতি কঠোরভাবে অনুসরণ করা এবং আমাদের সাংস্কৃতিক উপাদানগুলোকে বিকশিত করা উচিত। আমরা আমাদের ধনী সাংস্কৃতিক ঐতিহ্যের উপর গর্ব করতে পারি। আমাদের নিজস্ব সাংস্কৃতিক বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং তার পরিচিতি রয়েছে। অতিরিক্তভাবে, আমাদের বিদেশী সংস্কৃতিগুলোর মধ্যে কিছু নির্বাচনীভাবে গ্রহণ করতে হবে, যা আমাদের ঐতিহ্যবাহী সংস্কৃতিকে আরও সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
Cultural Assault
Cultural assault refers to the harmful influence of foreign cultures on a native culture, which can gradually change or even overshadow traditional practices. In today's world, it has become increasingly difficult to protect local cultures from these outside influences due to the rapid spread of technology and modern media. In Bangladesh, we have witnessed significant cultural changes as a result of foreign cultural invasion, particularly among the younger generation. Our traditional dress codes have been replaced by western styles, and young people are now more likely to follow global fashion trends. In music, western pop songs and bands are preferred over our own music, and the use of western instruments has become common in many performances. Eating habits have also been affected, with fast food chains and the use of utensils like chopsticks and forks becoming popular, especially among the youth. Additionally, many young Bangladeshis now look forward to celebrating 31st December, a western tradition, rather than Pahela Baishakh, our traditional Bengali New Year. Valentine's Day has also gained popularity, despite not being a part of our cultural heritage. To prevent our rich culture from being overshadowed, we must take active steps to preserve and promote our own traditions. It is important to celebrate our cultural identity and pass it on to future generations. At the same time, we can selectively adopt elements of other cultures that complement and enrich our own. By doing this, we can preserve the essence of our cultural heritage while embracing the best aspects of global influences.
Composition / Essay Writing
Culture involves the total way of living and is the result of progress. Our culture is our sense of life. In the deeper sense, culture is the refinement of taste and attitudes. Culture develops in the light of education and civilisation. But in the hours of satellite cultures we are facing two phases of cultures known as the eastern and the western cultures. The eastern culture is old, ancient, obsolete and outdated but the western culture is modern upto date and fashionable. So great differences remain or exist between the two cultures.
Western culture is in many ways different from Eastern culture. Eastern culture is based on religious beliefs like Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and the Buddhism. The followers of these religions are quite reluctant to do anything or to follow any other dictate, culture and instruction neglecting the dictates of the above religions. But western cultures is an individually oriented culture.
We can never deny the impact of western culture at the present time. We must adopt what is logical, rational, reasonable and truthful in western culture. Our sacred scriptures have emphasised on the values of truth and work. We must, therefore, adopt meticulous behaviour, technical aptitude and swiftness from the western culture. We should not accept decline of moral values. But, unfortunately our young generation are fond of western culture for they watch and enjoy violence, fighting, wrestling, boxing and naked/blue films on T. V. through the satellite channels. They neglect, hate and ignore our culture but welcome the western culture. They intend to live a western life avoiding eastern culture. People of eastern culture are not accustomed to western culture
but the influence of western culture cannot be denied. We should rather pick all the gems of western culture like a swan. Our young generation can thrive on our own culture if they assimilate the picked pearlsfrom western culture in our social and cultural environment for the sake of building up a better society and nation.
Present day culture is an open air culture that is also called dish culture. Dish culture grips our life span and we are surrounded with the environment of displays of satellite channels. This open air dish culture seeks to enliven our health and nourishment of mind. Again our minds are poisoned with unhealthy elements generating distortion. Having the merits and demerits of dish antenna we hardly detach ourselves from seeing it or its impact. In fact, dish culture is inseparably related to our life.
Introduction of dish antenna in Bangladesh was in force just more than a decade ago. Once this miraculous instrument was very costly in Bangladesh. Now it is within means of middle class people. And people of urban and rural areas are having the taste of satellite culture with the help of dish antenna.
In this age of mechanization recreation, studies are being availed along with the international world. Dish antenna has become the modern media of mobilising those facilities. Dish channels not only broadcast recreational programmes but also play the role of fostering merit and intellect. Dish channels also bear the stamp of progress in merit and intellect in the developed countries. Everything has its positive action and negative reaction. Naked films, dance shows and music shows are on the air and accessible to the soft hearted youths through dish antenna. Most of the times TV ads are displayed in distorted forms. Amoral displays are more eye-catching than instructive programmes to the teenagers. Young generations are misguided by these programmes. Alien cultures are intruding into our native cultures and native cultures may be endangered by them. Shamelessness, nakedness are noticed among the boys and girls nowadays and. needless to say, this is the result of prevailing infectious dish culture.
Our religious values are declining under the impact of open air culture. Drug addiction, terrorism, violence, family detachment, indifference to moral
education, sexual perversion, rape, killing, trafficking, dacoity are the results of thrilling. ludicrous and panicky displays of dish channels.
Dish antenna is the gift of ultra-modern technology. We should discard the demerits of dish culture and utilize its merits for our recreation and welfare in our individual and national life.
The Impact of Western Culture
Kipling once stated, “East is East and West is West and never shall the twin meet.” He was right. There are some fine points of difference between the Eastern and the Western cultures. Both have their shortcomings and advantages.
The Western Culture is individual oriented. The needs, rights and privileges of the individual are of utmost significance. Man has learned to master the forces of nature under Western cultural influence. Western culture is materialistic. It is not satisfied with whatever has been gained by the individual. There is always lust for more and more. The mind therefore, remains unstable and shaken. The Western influences make the person more logical, calculative and rational. He forgets the taboos and useless preconceived notions which are normally associated with Eastern culture. Let us take an example. In the Eastern societies, dating would mean that a boy and a girl would meet each other and would try to understand each other. They would remain friends without any physical interaction. They would meet most probably to plan their life together but that may not always be necessary. However, in Western parlance, dating would mean that a boy and a girl share physical intimacy. They would remain husband and wife without marriage. After some time, they could part company and could find a new friend for each other. This attitude towards love, sex and marriage is not acceptable in Eastern culture.
In the recent times there have been certain incidences which are scars on our cultural harmony and communal homogeneity. Our young generations are being influenced greatly by western cultures. From their haircut to dress, they are trying to follow the culture they notice in western films. Girls are being influenced by foreign films. Day by day we are losing our interest in our native songs and the ways of singing. Western pop music have taken their place replacing our indigenous cones. In the case of dress, we are being influenced by the culture of other countries. When the young generations watch the actors and actress in the films wearing short dresses, they take it as a fashion and want to follow it. And thus our culture is being influenced by exposure to other countries. Such incidences are the consequences of narrow minded and fascist forces. All of us have a responsibility to honour the socio-cultural and religious sentiments of various communities of the country.
It is the opinion of the great philosophers that a simple life without much ambition is worth living and enjoying. Eastern culture does not support the ambitious behaviour. In western culture, however, growth is the only sign of life. We should adopt a delicate balance between the two. Like a swan, we must pick all the pearls of the Western culture and should assimilate them in our social and cultural environments for the sake of a better society and nation.
The Impact of Western Culture
“Culture” is one of the most frequently used expressions in the though a very vaguely defined idea. Perhaps, it means a nation’s or an individual’s way of looking at things or general approach towards life as a whole. More concretely speaking, a nation’s culture is something that represents the spirit and the ideals of its time-honoured institutions and usages and all its achievements, both past and present, in different spheres of life.
Bangladesh culture, as it has developed through the ages, has always had its basis in a state of piety in man. It has ever insisted on the cultivation of qualities by individuals conducive towards the growth of such as state in them. Purity of character and devotion to truth has always been given priority among human virtues which the Bangladesh educational system from very ancient times has taken care to develop in young pupils. Love of mankind is another virtue, the cultivation of which has also ever been encouraged on the soil of this sacred land.
Again, love of beauty, or rather, worship of Beatitude, is one of the basic principles of Bangladeshi culture. Bangladeshi literature and Bangladeshi culture teach this principle and insist on the observance of it in actual life, in no vague terms. Bangladeshi architectural and sculptural works and Bangladeshi paintings of all periods in history embody this principle in a very remarkable degree. “Truth is Beauty and Beauty is truth” is a doctrine, which though universally accepted seems yet to represent the spirit of Bangladeshi culture more than that of any other. The significant message of Bangladesh culture enjoining the worship of Beauty and Truth which and also the source of all good in the world.
An outstanding characteristic of Bangladeshi culture is its gospel of Tolerance and Liberalism. In religion as also in social dealings, a Bangladeshi has ever been ideally tolerant and liberal. To him it has ever been a crime against his own God to ignore or disregard God as worshipped by another of a different faith. Again, with all his patriotism and sense of national glory, it has never been for him to prove uncharitable or inhospitable to people of a different nationality or culture.
But in the recent times there have been certain incidences which are scars on our cultural harmony and communal homogeneity. Our young generations are beings influenced greatly by western cultures. From their haircut to dress, they are trying to follow the culture they notice in western films. Girls are being influenced by foreign films. Day by day we are losing our interest in our native songs and the ways of singing. Western pop music have taken their place replacing our indigenous cones. In the case of dress, we are being influenced by the culture of other countries. When the young generations watch the actors and actress in the films wearing short dresses, they take it as a fashion and want to follow it. And thus our culture is being influenced by exposure to other countries. Such incidences are the consequences of narrow minded and fascist forces. All of us have a responsibility to honour the socio-cultural and religious sentiments of various communities of the country.
As time winds its way though the cosmic clock, cultures fall asleep, fade or die. But Bangladeshi culture shall never die. This makes our culture unique.
The Impact of Western Culture
The impact of Western culture on Bangladesh has been immense, shaping many aspects of daily life and societal norms. It's common to see Western influences all around us, from the way we dress and eat to the music we listen to and the language we speak.
One of the most noticeable changes is in our food habits. Traditional Bangladeshi cuisine is gradually being replaced by Western foods. Many young people prefer burgers, pizzas, and other Western dishes over local foods like rice and fish curry. This shift in eating habits reflects a broader trend of adopting Western lifestyles.
Similarly, our clothing styles have also changed. Western fashion trends, like jeans and T-shirts, are popular among both men and women. Traditional clothing like sarees and panjabis are worn less frequently, especially by the younger generation who prefer Western attire.
Music and entertainment have also seen a shift towards Western influences. Western music genres like pop, rock, and hip-hop dominate the airwaves and cultural preferences. Western movies, TV shows, and online content are widely consumed, often overshadowing local cultural productions.
Language plays a crucial role in this cultural transformation. English proficiency is highly valued, with fluent speakers often seen as more educated or sophisticated. This preference for English reflects a broader admiration for Western languages and communication styles.
Despite these changes, Bangladesh has a rich cultural heritage deeply rooted in history and tradition. Many worry that as Western influences grow stronger, there's a risk of losing our own unique cultural identity. Indigenous dances, music forms, festivals, and customs are integral parts of our cultural fabric, but they face challenges in maintaining relevance among younger generations.
It's important to strike a balance between embracing positive aspects of Western culture while preserving our own traditions. By valuing and promoting Bangladeshi cultural practices alongside the adoption of beneficial aspects from other cultures, we can maintain a sense of cultural pride and identity. This approach not only strengthens social cohesion but also ensures that Bangladesh continues to thrive as a diverse and culturally rich nation.
Key Points:
Key Points - Open Air Culture:
Dish culture (satellite TV) is widespread, influencing both urban and rural Bangladesh.
Initially expensive, now affordable for middle-class families.
Provides entertainment, education, and international connectivity.
Dish culture has both benefits (intellectual growth, progress) and harms (influence of foreign, immoral content).
Negative effects: declining religious values, violence, substance abuse, and moral decay.
Need to discard negative aspects and focus on positive uses for personal and national growth.
Key Points - Impact of Western Culture:
Western culture is individualistic, materialistic, and values personal rights and growth.
Western influences have affected youth behavior, dress, music, and relationships.
Young people are shifting towards Western fashion, music, and media, often neglecting traditional Bangladeshi culture.
Western values may conflict with Eastern traditions, especially regarding relationships and lifestyle.
Despite the influence, Bangladesh's culture emphasizes tolerance, beauty, and truth, which should be preserved.
There is a need for balance, adopting beneficial aspects of Western culture while maintaining local traditions to prevent loss of cultural identity.
Key Points - Western Influence on Bangladesh:
Western culture influences food (preference for fast food), clothing (jeans and T-shirts), and music (pop, rock).
English language proficiency is highly valued, influencing communication styles.
Traditional Bangladeshi customs (music, dance, festivals) face challenges as Western culture becomes dominant.
It's important to promote Bangladeshi culture while integrating positive elements from Western culture for a balanced cultural identity.
Bangla Translation
পশ্চিমা সংস্কৃতির প্রভাব
পশ্চিমা সংস্কৃতির প্রভাব বাংলাদেশে ব্যাপক এবং এটি দৈনন্দিন জীবন ও সামাজিক নিয়মকানুনের অনেক দিককে আকৃতি দিয়েছে। আমাদের চারপাশে পশ্চিমা প্রভাব সুস্পষ্ট, যেমন আমাদের পোশাক, খাদ্যাভ্যাস, শখ এবং ভাষায়।
সর্বাধিক লক্ষ্যযোগ্য পরিবর্তনটি আমাদের খাদ্যাভ্যাসে এসেছে। প্রচলিত বাংলাদেশী খাবার ধীরে ধীরে পশ্চিমা খাবারের দ্বারা প্রতিস্থাপিত হচ্ছে। অনেক তরুণ মানুষ বার্গার, পিৎজা এবং অন্যান্য পশ্চিমা খাবার স্থানীয় খাবারের চেয়ে পছন্দ করছে, যেমন ভাত এবং মাছের ঝোল। এই খাদ্যাভ্যাসের পরিবর্তন একটি বৃহত্তর প্রবণতার প্রতিফলন, যা পশ্চিমা জীবনধারা গ্রহণের দিকে ইঙ্গিত করে।
একইভাবে, আমাদের পোশাকের ধরনও পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে। পশ্চিমা ফ্যাশন ট্রেন্ড, যেমন জিন্স এবং টি-শার্ট, পুরুষ ও মহিলাদের মধ্যে জনপ্রিয়। ঐতিহ্যবাহী পোশাক যেমন শাড়ি এবং পাঞ্জাবি কম পরা হচ্ছে, বিশেষত তরুণ প্রজন্মের মধ্যে যারা পশ্চিমা পোশাক পরতে বেশি আগ্রহী।
সংগীত এবং বিনোদনেও পশ্চিমা প্রভাব লক্ষ্য করা গেছে। পশ্চিমা সংগীতের ঘরানা যেমন পপ, রক, এবং হিপ-হপ এখন বেতারে এবং সাংস্কৃতিক পছন্দে আধিপত্য বিস্তার করছে। পশ্চিমা সিনেমা, টিভি শো এবং অনলাইন কনটেন্ট ব্যাপকভাবে গ্রহণযোগ্য, যা প্রায়ই স্থানীয় সাংস্কৃতিক প্রোডাকশনের উপর ছায়া ফেলে।
ভাষা এই সাংস্কৃতিক পরিবর্তনের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে। ইংরেজি দক্ষতাকে খুবই মূল্যায়ন করা হয়, এবং যারা ইংরেজিতে সাবলীল তারা প্রায়ই বেশি শিক্ষিত বা সুশিক্ষিত হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। ইংরেজির প্রতি এই পক্ষপাতিত্ব একটি বৃহত্তর পশ্চিমা ভাষা এবং যোগাযোগ শৈলীর প্রতি প্রশংসা প্রদর্শন করে।
এমন পরিবর্তন সত্ত্বেও, বাংলাদেশের একটি সমৃদ্ধ সাংস্কৃতিক ঐতিহ্য রয়েছে, যা ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যে গভীরভাবে প্রোথিত। অনেকেই উদ্বিগ্ন যে পশ্চিমা প্রভাব যত বাড়বে, তত আমাদের নিজস্ব সাংস্কৃতিক পরিচিতি হারানোর ঝুঁকি বাড়বে। আদি নৃত্য, সঙ্গীতের ধরন, উৎসব এবং রীতিনীতি আমাদের সাংস্কৃতিক তন্তুর অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ, তবে সেগুলি তরুণ প্রজন্মের মধ্যে প্রাসঙ্গিকতা বজায় রাখতে চ্যালেঞ্জের সম্মুখীন হচ্ছে।
এটি একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়ে পরিণত হয়েছে যে আমরা পশ্চিমা সংস্কৃতির ইতিবাচক দিকগুলো গ্রহণের পাশাপাশি আমাদের ঐতিহ্য ও সংস্কৃতিকে রক্ষা করব। আমাদের নিজস্ব বাংলাদেশী সাংস্কৃতিক রীতিনীতি মূল্যায়ন ও প্রচার করে এবং অন্য সংস্কৃতির সুফলগুলো গ্রহণ করে আমরা সাংস্কৃতিক গর্ব এবং পরিচিতি বজায় রাখতে পারি। এই দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি কেবলমাত্র সামাজিক ঐক্য শক্তিশালী করবে না, বরং বাংলাদেশকে একটি বৈচিত্র্যময় এবং সাংস্কৃতিকভাবে সমৃদ্ধ জাতি হিসেবে আরও উন্নতি করতে সাহায্য করবে।
100 vocabulary words related to the content on "Influence of Western Culture," along with their meanings in English, Bangla, and Hindi:
English Word | Bangla Meaning | Hindi Meaning |
Culture | সংস্কৃতি (Sôngskrity) | संस्कृति (Sanskriti) |
Influence | প্রভাব (Probhav) | प्रभाव (Prabhav) |
Eastern | পূর্ব (Purbo) | पूर्व (Poorv) |
Western | পশ্চিম (Pôshchim) | पश्चिम (Pashchim) |
Tradition | ঐতিহ্য (Oitihyo) | परंपरा (Parampara) |
Modern | আধুনিক (Adhunik) | आधुनिक (Aadhunik) |
Civilization | সভ্যতা (Shôbbota) | सभ्यता (Sabhyata) |
Religious | ধর্মীয় (Dhormiyo) | धार्मिक (Dharmik) |
Belief | বিশ্বাস (Bishwās) | विश्वास (Vishwas) |
Identity | পরিচয় (Porichoy) | पहचान (Pehchaan) |
Ritual | আচার (Āchār) | अनुष्ठान (Anushthan) |
Values | মূল্যবোধ (Mūlyabodh) | मूल्य (Moolya) |
Morality | নৈতিকতা (Noitikota) | नैतिकता (Naitikata) |
Technology | প্রযুক্তি (Projukti) | प्रौद्योगिकी (Proudyogiki) |
Media | গণমাধ্যম (Gônmādhom) | मीडिया (Media) |
Society | সমাজ (Shomāj) | समाज (Samaj) |
Entertainment | বিনোদন (Binodon) | मनोरंजन (Manoranjan) |
Fashion | ফ্যাশন (Fyāshon) | फैशन (Fashion) |
Dress | পোষাক (Pôshāk) | वस्त्र (Vastra) |
Music | সঙ্গীত (Sôngīt) | संगीत (Sangeet) |
Language | ভাষা (Bhashā) | भाषा (Bhasha) |
Influence | প্রভাব (Prabhav) | प्रभाव (Prabhav) |
Philosophy | দার্শনিকতা (Darshanikota) | दर्शन (Darshan) |
Democracy | গণতন্ত্র (Gôntôntro) | लोकतंत्र (Loktantra) |
Independence | স্বাধীনতা (Swādhīnta) | स्वतंत्रता (Svatantrata) |
Individuality | ব্যক্তিত্ব (Byaktitwo) | व्यक्तित्व (Vyaktitva) |
Globalization | বিশ্বায়ন (Bishwāyon) | वैश्वीकरण (Vaishvikaran) |
Youth | যুব (Jubô) | युवा (Yuva) |
Change | পরিবর্তন (Pôrbôrtôn) | परिवर्तन (Parivartan) |
Education | শিক্ষা (Shikkhā) | शिक्षा (Shiksha) |
Social | সামাজিক (Shāmājik) | सामाजिक (Samajik) |
Values | মূল্যবোধ (Mūlyabodh) | मूल्य (Moolya) |
Custom | রীতিনীতি (Rītinīti) | परंपरा (Parampara) |
Dress | পোশাক (Pôshāk) | वस्त्र (Vastra) |
Ceremony | অনুষ্ঠান (Ônushthān) | समारोह (Samaroh) |
Ceremony | অনুষ্ঠান (Ônushthān) | समारोह (Samaroh) |
Family | পরিবার (Pôribār) | परिवार (Parivar) |
Freedom | স্বাধীনতা (Swādhīnta) | स्वतंत्रता (Svatantrata) |
Identity | পরিচয় (Porichoy) | पहचान (Pehchaan) |
Global | বৈশ্বিক (Boishwik) | वैश्विक (Vaishvik) |
Cultural | সাংস্কৃতিক (Sôngskrityk) | सांस्कृतिक (Sanskritik) |
Harmony | সঙ্গতি (Shôngoti) | सामंजस्य (Samajh) |
Influence | প্রভাব (Prabhav) | प्रभाव (Prabhav) |
Resistance | প্রতিরোধ (Prôtirôdh) | प्रतिरोध (Pratirodh) |
Decline | পতন (Pôton) | गिरावट (Girawat) |
Consumption | ভোগ (Bhog) | उपभोग (Upbhog) |
Art | শিল্প (Shilpô) | कला (Kala) |
Nature | প্রকৃতি (Prôkriti) | प्रकृति (Prakriti) |
Technology | প্রযুক্তি (Projukti) | प्रौद्योगिकी (Proudyogiki) |
Revolution | বিপ্লব (Biplob) | क्रांति (Kranti) |
Independence | স্বাধীনতা (Swādhīnta) | स्वतंत्रता (Svatantrata) |
Progress | অগ্রগতি (Ôgrôgôti) | प्रगति (Pragati) |
Logic | যুক্তি (Juktī) | तर्क (Tark) |
Rationality | যৌক্তিকতা (Jouktikota) | तर्कसंगतता (Tarkasangatata) |
Justice | ন্যায় (Nayāy) | न्याय (Nyay) |
Equality | সমতা (Shômôta) | समानता (Samaanata) |
Respect | সম্মান (Shômmān) | सम्मान (Samman) |
Success | সফলতা (Shôphôlôta) | सफलता (Safalta) |
Philosophy | দার্শনিকতা (Darshanikota) | दर्शन (Darshan) |
Progress | অগ্রগতি (Ôgrôgôti) | प्रगति (Pragati) |
Gender | লিঙ্গ (Liṅgô) | लिंग (Ling) |
Urban | শহুরে (Shôrê) | शहरी (Shahri) |
Violence | সহিংসতা (Shohingśôtā) | हिंसा (Hinsa) |
Social | সামাজিক (Shāmājik) | सामाजिक (Samajik) |
Degradation | অবনতি (Ôbônti) | गिरावट (Girawat) |
Desire | ইচ্ছা (Ichchhā) | इच्छा (Ichha) |
Morality | নৈতিকতা (Noitikota) | नैतिकता (Naitikata) |
Ignorance | অজ্ঞতা (Ôjñôta) | अज्ञानता (Ajñanata) |
Revolution | বিপ্লব (Biplob) | क्रांति (Kranti) |
Media | গণমাধ্যম (Gônmādhom) | मीडिया (Media) |
Racism | বর্ণবাদ (Bôṛnobād) | नस्लवाद (Naslwad) |
Tolerance | সহিষ্ণুতা (Shohiṣṇutā) | सहिष्णुता (Sahishnuta) |
Intellect | বুদ্ধি (Buddhi) | बुद्धि (Buddhi) |
Freedom | স্বাধীনতা (Swādhīnta) | स्वतंत्रता (Svatantrata) |
Health | স্বাস্থ্য (Swāsthya) | स्वास्थ्य (Swasthya) |
Peace | শান্তি (Shānti) | शांति (Shanti) |
Diversity | বৈচিত্র্য (Boichitro) | विविधता (Vividhata) |
Development | উন্নয়ন (Unnôẏôn) | विकास (Vikas) |
Security | নিরাপত্তা (Nirāpôttā) | सुरक्षा (Suraksha) |
Future | ভবিষ্যত (Bhôbisyôt) | भविष्य (Bhavishya) |
Respect | সম্মান (Shômmān) | सम्मान (Samman) |
Tension | চাপ (Chāp) | तनाव (Tanav) |
Generations | প্রজন্ম (Pôjônôm) | पीढ़ियां (Peediyaan) |
Sexuality | যৌনতা (Jounotā) | यौन (Youn) |
Education | শিক্ষা (Shikkhā) | शिक्षा (Shiksha) |
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