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Lake Baikal - Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and lakes of the world - Seen Comprehension - Multiple Choice & Short Question for SSC English First Paper - English for Today

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Feb 4

 Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the center of Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set at 445 meters above sea level. This grand. Enormous, unusual and charming miracle of nature is located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous (PTO) Republic and region of Irkutsk, Russia.

The lake covers 31.500 sq km. It is 636 km long and an average of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water basin occupies 5, 57,000 Sq. km. and contains 23,000 of water, which is about one fifth of the world's reserved fresh surface water. There are hot springs in the surround Lake Baikal "The quality of the water springs is excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio filter producing this water. Balkal 19 a stormy lake, Autumn is the most stormy time. The wind blows in various directions.

The weather depends on the wind. If it is blowing from the north, the weather le bright and sunny. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger. Baikal turns black, waves rising light with white crest. The beauty of Lake Baikal is exceptional.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives,

(a) The word 'brook' means --

(i) a small drain

(ii) a small canal

(iii) a small stream

(iv) a small river

Answer:  (a) (iv) a small river

(b) The passage highlights --,

(i) Lake Baikal

(ii) the length of Baikal

(iii), the enormities of Baikal

(iv) all the above

Answer: (b) (iv) all the above

(c) The altitude of 'Lake Balkan' is --,

(i) 456 m.

(ii) 445 m

.(iii) 730 m.

(iv) 636 km.

Answer: (c) (i) 456 m

(d) The weather becomes sunny and bright when the wind blows from the opposite of

(i) north

(ii) south

(iii) cast

(iv) west

Answer: (d) (ii) south

(e) 'Gigantic' could be best replaced by --,

(i) tiny

(ii) enormous

(iii) little

(iv) short

Answer: (e) (ii) enormous

(f) What is the synonym of 'exceptional"?

(i) usual

(ii) simple

(iii) normal

(iv) extra—ordinary

Answer: (f) (iv) extra-ordinary

(g) Lake Baikal is situated –

. (i) in the middle of Asia

(ii) in the exterior of Asia

(iii) nearly in the core of Asia

(iv) in the facial point of Asia

Answer: (g) (i) in the middle of Asia

Extra Questions:

(1) -- How long is the lake?

(i) 6,36,000 m

(ii) 636 m

(iii) 6.36 km

(iv) 456 km

Answer: (1) (i) 6,36,000 m

(2) What is the most significant Baikal?

(i) It has many springs

(ii) It is the world's deepest lake

(iii) It is situated at the center of a

(iv) It can reserve one fifth of the surface water.

Answer: (2) (iv) It can reserve one fifth of the world's fresh surface water

(3) Which of the following has the meaning of the word 'ancient used in

(i) Magnificent


(iii) Antique

(iv) Stormy

Answer: (3) (iii) Antique

(4) The word 'Autonomous' refers to ,

(i) subjugate

(ii) subservient

(iii) subjected

(iv) self-governing

Answer: (4) (iv) self-governing

(5) The lake is --

(i) calm and quiet

(ii) tranquil

(iii) sober

(iv) gusty

Answer: (5) (iv) gusty

(6) In the passage, the phrase "miracle nature" stands for –

(i) the scenario around lake Baikal

(ii) Lake Baikal itself

(iii) the hot springs around Lake Baikal

(iv) wonderful creation of nature

Answer: (6) (iv) wonderful creation of nature

(7) The color of the water changes depending. on


(ii) weather

(iii) climate

(iv) air

Answer: (7) (ii) (i) wind

(8) The weather looks sunny when wind blows from ,

(i) south

(ii) east

(iii) west

(iv) north

Answer: (8) (iv) north

(9) How can Lake Baikal be defined?

(i) deepest

(ii) one of the most antique

(iii) adorable

(iv) All the above

Answer: (9) (iv) All the above

(10) Which of the following statement

(i) Lake Baikal sometimes has green

 (ii) The water of the lake is drinks

(iii) The beauty of the lake depends o

(iv) The beauty of the lake is atypical

Answer: (10) (iv) The beauty of the lake is atypical

(11) What does the word 'occupy' means in

(i) hold

(ii) take up

(iii) beguile

(iv) none of the above

Answer: (11) (ii) take up

(12) The average width of the Lake Balkal is --

(i) 730 m

(ii) 48km

(iii) 79.4 km

(iv) 1620 m

Answer: (12) (ii) 48 km

(13) Which of the following statements is true about the energy source of Lake Baikal?

(i) It is a gigantic lake

(ii) The wind blows in various directions of the lake

(iii) Autumn is the stormiest time for the lake

(iv) The lake acts as a powerful generator

Answer: (13) (iv) The lake acts as a powerful generator

(14) What does the expression 'Lake Baikal gigantic bowl' mean?

(i) The lake is the smallest lake in shape

(ii) The lake is a very big bowl

(iii) It is a very big container of water

(iv) It is one of the most miniature lakes

Answer: (14) (iii) It is a very big container of water

(15) When the winds get stronger, the water of the lake turns,

(i) blue and green

(ii) green

iii) dark blue

(iv) black

Answer: (15) (iv) black

(16) What do you understand by the phrase 'fresh surface water'?

(i) Fresh sea--water

(ii) Unpolluted river water

(iii) Non--salty surface water

(iv) Fresh drinking water

Answer: (16) (iii) Non-salty surface water

(17) The weather of Lake Baikal depends on ----

(i) storm

(ii) sun

(iii) surrounding springs

(iv) air-current

Answer: (17) liv) air-current

(18) The water of hot springs  in the surrounding area of Lake Baikal is –

(i) extraordinary

(ii) common

(iii) fake

(iv) excellent

Answer: (18) (iv) excellent

(19) The water of the lake -- green and dark blue.

(i) assumes

(ii) discards

(iii) speculates

(iv) guesses

Answer: (19) (i) assumes

(20) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'cover' in the line 7?

(i) safeguard

(ii) area

(iii) envelop

(iv) skin

Answer: (20) (iii) envelop

Short Answer Question

2. Answer the following questions.

(a) How is Lake Baikal unique?

Answer: (a) Lake Baikal is unique because of the presence of hot springs in the surround area, The quality of these spring excellent and the lake acts as a power generator and bio filter producing this water.

(b)From your reading of paragraph 1 of the passage, give a description of Baikal.

Answer: (b) Lake Baikal, situated almost in the center of Asia is the deepest and most ancient lake of the world. It's like a gigantic bowl. It is located in the south Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous and region of Irkutsk, Russia.

( c) Why is the beauty of Baikal extra--ordinary?

Answer: (c) The beauty of Lake Baikal is entre ordinary because its beauty changes with the change of its weather.

(d)What is the lake famous for?

Answer: (d) The lake is famous for its grand, enormous, unusual and charming miracle of nature.

(e) Why is it a stormy lake?

Answer: (e) It is a stormy lake because in Autumn the wind blows from various directions.

Extra Questions:

(1)How much water can Lake Baikal contain?

Answer:  (1) Lake Baikal can contain 23.000 of water which is about one fifth of the world's reserves of fresh surface water.

(2)When does sunny and bright weather remain in the lake?

Answer: (2) When the wind blows from the north, sunny and bright weather remains in the lake.

(3) What has been mentioned in the passage about the depth and length of Lake Baikal?

Answer: (3) The average depth of Lake Bakal is 730 m. and its maximum depth is 1820 m The length of Lake Baikal is 636 km.

(4) Mention at least seven adjectives that are used to describe this magnanimous lake.

Answer: (4) Seven adjectives that are used to describe this magnanimous lake are and enormous, changing, excellent, exceptional gigantic and powerful.

(5) What type of Lake is Baikal? What is the maximum depth of the lake?

Answer: (5) Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lames of the world the maximum depth of the lake is 192.

(6) What are the effects of strong wind on the Lake Baikal?

Answer: (6) Baikal turns black, waves rising him white crest when the wind gets stronger.

(7) Mention the area position of Lake Baikal.

Answer: (7) The lake covers an area of 31.500 km. It is 636 km long and an average of 43 wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water basis occupies 557.000, and contains 23.000 km of water.

(8)How is the lake Baikal a source of excellent quality water?

Answer: (8) There are hot springs in the surrounding area of Lake Baikal, so the quality of water of these springs is excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio filter producing this water.

Bangla Translation

বৈকাল হ্রদ পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে গভীরতম এবং বৃহত্তম এবং প্রাচীন হ্রদগুলির মধ্যে একটি। এটি প্রায় এশিয়ার কেন্দ্রস্থলে অবস্থিত। বৈকাল হ্রদ সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠ থেকে ৪৪৫ মিটার উঁচুতে অবস্থিত একটি বিশাল পাত্র। প্রকৃতির এই বিশাল, অস্বাভাবিক এবং মনোমুগ্ধকর অলৌকিক ঘটনাটি পূর্ব সাইবেরিয়ার দক্ষিণে, বুরিয়াত স্বায়ত্তশাসিত (PTO) প্রজাতন্ত্র এবং রাশিয়ার ইরকুটস্ক অঞ্চলে অবস্থিত। হ্রদটি ৩১,৫০০ বর্গ কিলোমিটার জুড়ে বিস্তৃত। এটি ৬৩৬ কিমি দীর্ঘ এবং গড়ে ৪৮ কিমি প্রস্থ। হ্রদের প্রশস্ততম স্থান ৭৯.৪ কিমি। জলাধারটি ৫,৫৭,০০০ বর্গ কিলোমিটার জুড়ে বিস্তৃত এবং ২৩,০০০ বর্গ কিলোমিটার জল ধারণ করে, যা বিশ্বের সংরক্ষিত মিষ্টি ভূপৃষ্ঠের পানির প্রায় এক পঞ্চমাংশ। "বৈকাল হ্রদের চারপাশে উষ্ণ প্রস্রবণ রয়েছে" "জলের প্রস্রবণের মান চমৎকার। এই হ্রদটি একটি শক্তিশালী জেনারেটর এবং জৈব ফিল্টার হিসেবে কাজ করে যা এই জল উৎপাদন করে। বালকাল ১৯ একটি ঝড়ো হ্রদ, শরৎকাল হল সবচেয়ে ঝড়ো সময়। বাতাস বিভিন্ন দিকে প্রবাহিত হয়। আবহাওয়া বাতাসের উপর নির্ভর করে। যদি উত্তর দিক থেকে প্রবাহিত হয়, তাহলে আবহাওয়া উজ্জ্বল এবং রৌদ্রোজ্জ্বল থাকে। হ্রদের জল সবুজ এবং গাঢ় নীল দেখায়। কিন্তু যদি বাতাস আরও জোরে হয়। বৈকাল কালো হয়ে যায়, ঢেউ সাদা চূড়া দিয়ে হালকাভাবে উঠে। বৈকাল হ্রদের সৌন্দর্য ব্যতিক্রমী।"

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.       

Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the centre of Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set 445 meter above sea level.  This grand, enormous, unusual and charming miracle of nature is located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous Republic and region of Irkutsk, Russia.

The lake covers 31,500 It is 636 km long and an average of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water basin occupies 557,000 sq. km. and contains 23,000 kilometer) of  water, which is about one fifth of the world’s reserves fresh surface water.

The average water level in the lake is never higher than 456m. The average depth of Lake Baikal is 730 m., and its maximum depth in the middle is 1,620 m. It would take about one year for all the rivers of the world to fill Baikal’s basin, and would take four hundred years for all the rivers, streams and brooks now flowing into Siberian lake-sea to do the same.

There are hot springs in the surrounding area of Lake Baikal. The quality of the water of these springs is excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio filter producing this water. Baikal is a stormy lake. Autumn is the most stormy time. The wind blows  various directions.

The weather depends on the wind. If it is blowing from the north, the weather is bright and sunny. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger, Baikal turns black, waves rising high with white crest. The beauty of Lake Baikal is exceptional.

1.         Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

a) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about — for all the rivers of the world.

        (i) four hundred years ii) one month             iii) one year                 iv) two weeks

b) Lake Baikal turns —- when wind gets stronger.

i) black ii) blue                         iii) green                      iv) dark blue

c) This exceptional lake is a—-.

i) stormy sea ii) stormy lake              iii) pacific lake             iv) Siberian lake sea

d) The water of the lake looks —-.

i) green and blue ii) black                       iii) green                      iv) blue

e) Lake Baikal is situated in —-.

i) Asia ii) America                  iii) Africa                     iv) Arabia

f) The lake area is —-.

i) 31,500 sq. km ii) 31,500 km.              iii) 557,000 sq km        23,000 sq km

The length of the lake is —-.

i) 636 km ii) 630 km                    iii) 650 km                   iv) 536 km


Extra Practices

h) The look of Lake Baikal û —.

i) fine ii) wonderful               iii) excellent                 iv) exceptional

i) The maximum depth of the lake is —-.

1.         i) 1600 km ii) 1620 km                  iii) 1620m                    iv) 1550 m

j) Baikal is a ——.

(i)    stormy sea         (ii)    pacific lake          (iii) stormy lake            (iv) pacific sea

k) The water of the lake looks——.

(i)    green and blue   (ii)    green and dark blue

(iii)  green                 (iv)   blue

l) When wind gets stronger. Lake Baikal turns——.

(i)    green                 (ii)    blue                     (iii) dark blue                (iv) black

m) The average depth of the lake is ——.

(i)    703 m                (ii)    730 m                  (iii) 70.3 m                   (iv) 730 cm

n) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about one year for all the ——.

(i)    ponds of the world                                 (ii)  rivers of Bangladesh

(iii)  rivers of the world                                 (iv) ponds and rivers of Bangladesh

o) — is the deepest and must ancient lakes of the world.

(i) Lake Panama        (ii) Lake Baikal            (iii) Lake Sahara          (iv) Lake Shaikh

p) It is situated in the center of —

(i) Africa                   (ii) Asia                       (iii) Europe                  (iv) Sudan

2.         Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10

a)         What is lake Baikal?

b)         What is the average depth of the lake?

c)         What does the water of the lake look?

d)         Where is the lake situated?

e)         What is the quality of the water of the surrounding springs?


Extra Practices

1.         What’s the length of the lake?

2.         What’s the average depth of the lake?

3.         What type of lake is Baikal?

4.         What’s the maximum depth of the lake?

5.         What does the weather depend on?

6.         How does the water of the lake look like?


1.      a. iii) one year; b. i) black; c. ii) stormy lake; d. i) green and blue; e. i) Asia; f. i) 31,500sq. km; g. i) 636 km; h. iv) exceptional; i. iii) 1629 m; j. (iii) ; k. (ii) ; l. (iv) ; m. (ii); n. (iii) ; o. (ii) Lake Baikal; p. (ii) Asia.

2.      a. Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world.

The average depth of the lake is 730 m.

The water of the lake looks green and dark blue.

The lake is situated almost in the centre of Asia.

The quality is of the nature of the surrounding springs is excellent.


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