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Mainul Islam - Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon - Multiple Choice & Short Question for SSC English First Paper - English for Today

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Feb 4


Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon. Mr. Islam was very brilliant as a student. He took his higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. He then came back home and started advanced farming. He has two other brothers who are graduates in different disciplines. The specialty of the Islam family is that they all are living in their village and all are renowned in their own fields. Mr. Islam's younger brother, who is a Rajshahi University graduate, is a science teacher in a local high school. His youngest brother is a social science graduate likes to start a local NGO to work for this area. When asked "What makes you decide to stay here in this village?" Mr. Islam smiled and said, “Look, it's true that we could leave this village for city life. I could be banker or my brothers could be bureaucrats. But it didn't attract us. We are sons of this soil. Yes, we have education but does education prepare a person only to be an officer? Don't we have any obligation (pan to the soil that he what we are?" He also added that not any individual should be a job seeker, He since his discipline was Agriculture education he took the occupation of response to a question whether the frustration living in a village, he confirmed that they were indeed very please life. He said, "I work in my own farm, stay with my family members, pass time with my old for sleep at my own home. All these count a la Mr. Islam is right. Many people go to cities or loosen their roots knowingly or unknown Islam and his brothers are great the forgotten their roots. They not only stick roots, they have been torch bearers for others to be respectful roots. SSC Examination '18

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternative


(a) We are "sons of the soil"- What is implied by  this idiomatic phrase in the inverted commas?

(i) They belong to the land

(ii) Their root lies in the soil

(iii) They are closely attached to their soil

(iv) They don't want to be rootless

Answer: (a) (iii) they are closely attached to their  soil


(b) Mr. Islam and his brothers are —

(i) alike                         (ii) similar

(iii) likeminded          (iv) enthusiastic

Answer: (b) (iv) enthusiastic


(c) Who is a bureaucrat?

(i) An official working in a govt. assisted Organization

(ii) An official who is in a high position in a • govt. department

(iii) A govt. official who follows the commands of the high officials faithfully

(iv) A govt. official who follows the rules the department too strictly

Answer: (c) (ii) An official who is in a high position in a govt. department


(d) Which of the following suits best as a the above passage?

(i) Gratefulness to the soil

(ii) Respect to the soil

(iii) Pull of roots

(iv) Commitment to the native land

Answer: (d) (iii) pull of roots

(e)  Which of the following has the closest means of the word "Disciplines" used in line 57?

(i) a system of rules governing conduct or ac

(ii) a field of study

(iii) control gained by enforcing obedience

(iv) training that perfects the mental faculties

Answer: (e) (ii) a field of study


(f) Which of the following statement is not to?

(i) Mainul Islam felt an attraction at hear for city life.

(ii) All his siblings live in their village ort

(iii) He chose to avoid city life

(iv) He did not look for any official job,

Answer: (f) (i) Mainul Islam felt an attraction at heart for city life


(g) He then came back home and started advanced farming. What kind of word "advanced" is?

(i) noun                        (ii) present participle

(iii) verb                       (iv) past participle

Answer: (g) (iv) past participle

Extra Questions:

(1) They have earned much ----.

(i) defame           (ii) dishonor

(iii) fame             (iv) disrespect

Answer: (1) (iii) fame


(2) What is the main purpose of the writer of the passage?

(i) to create a job finder group

(ii) to focus on obligation to Ponte

(iii) to influence to become farmer

(iv) to scorch for city dwellers

Answer: (2) (ii) to focus on obligation to Ponte


(3) What do you mean by 'torchbearer as shown in the above text?

(i) forerunner                 (ii) who bears torch

(iii) who makes torch     (iv) who bring torch

Answer: (3) (i) forerunner


(4) Mr. Islam---- in the roots.

(i) works          (ii) believes

(iii) studies      (iv) trains

Answer: (4) (ii) believes


(5) Naogaon is under which division of Bangladesh?

(i)-Dhaka                        (ii) Mymensingh

(iii) Rajshahi                  (iv) Rangpur

Answer: (5) (iii) Rajshahi


(6) The word 'roots' is used so many times in the passage. Which of the following has the closest?

meaning of 'roots' in the passage?

(i) anchor of a plant »

(ii) cause of growing

(iii) cause of anything

(iv) essence of something

Answer: (6) (iv) essence of something



(7) Which statement is true about Mainul Islam?

(i) He was a job seeker

(ii) He was unhappy with village life

(iii) He had responsibility towards homeland

(iv) He wants to be an officer

Answer: (7) (iii) He had responsibility towards homeland

(8) According  to Mr. Islam, --- should not be the my motto of education,

(i)acquisition of knowledge

(ii) to be aware of responsibilities

(iii) job seeking

(iv) fellow feeling

Answer:    (8) (iii) job seeking

(9) Mainul along with his brothers---in a village.

(i) live            (ii) work

(iii) studies   (iv) lives

Answer: (9) (iv) lives


(10) soul and his brothers are ---- with their present life.

(i) frustrated                                (ii) dissatisfied

(iii) satisfied                                 (iv) annoyed

Answer: (10) (iii) satisfied


(11)Which quality of Mainul describes him best in the passage?

(i) He is a graduate

(ii)  He is an educated farmer

(iii) He does not like conventional jobs

(iv) He shows responsibility to his root

Answer: (11) (iv) He shows responsibility to his root


(12) Mainul's younger brother is graduated from –

(i) Agricultural University

(ii) Rajshahi University

(iii) Dhaka University

(iv) Rajshahi College

Answer: (12) (ii) Rajshahi University


(13)"People forget their roots" — What does 'root' mean here?

(i) country-side

(ii) lower portions of trees

(iii) place of birth and its surroundings

(iv) world heritage

Answer: (13) (iii) place of birth and its surroundings


(14) Mainul started — farming in his village.

(i) modern              (ii) traditional

(iii) outdated          (iv) conventional

Answer: (14) (i) modern


(15) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'qualified' used in line 1?

(i) learner                 (ii) studious

(iii) educated          (iv) knowledge

Answer: (15) (iii) educated


(16) Which of the following best describes Islam's family?

(i) Agricultural      (ii) Uneducated

(iii) Grateful           (iv) Qualified

Answer: (16) (iv) Qualified


(17) What is the meaning of the phrase "sons of soil"?

(i) attraction to the soil        (ii) made of soil

(iii) native village                 (iv) avoiding of soil

Answer: (17) (i) attraction to the soil


(18) How many brothers does Mainul have?

(i) one               (ii) two        (iii) three          (iv) four

Answer: (18) (ii) two


(19) All they have — in their own field.

(i) business           (ii) name

(iii) defame          (iv) merit

Answer: (19) (ii) name


(20) Mainul started his career in - --.

(i) Dhaka

(ii) Mymensingh

(iii) His own village

(iv) Khulna

Answer: (20) (iii) his own village


2. Answer the following questions.


(a) What is the specialty of the Islam frankly?

Answer: (a) The speciality of the Islam family is that they all are living in their village and all have fame in their own fields


(b) Why did Mainul become a farmer?

Answer(b). Mainul became a farmer because his discipline was Agriculture.


(c) What help Mr. Islam lead a pleasing life?

Answer: (c) It is self-satisfaction that helps Mr. Islam lead a pleasing life.


(d) What made Mainul Islam come back to his village?

Answer: (d) Mainul Islam's sense of responsibility to his root made him come back to his village.


(e) "Every educated individual should not be a job seeker."- Do you agree? Why?

Answer: (e) Yes, I agree. I agree because getting job is not the only aim of education. Education helps us to be self-reliant. Being educated we can establish our own business. We can make our future by our own selves.


Extra Questions:

(1) Describe the statement of Mainul for the educated individual.

Answer: (1) In his statement regarding educated individuals, Mainul suggests them not to be job seekers. He suggests them to go to their native village and work there.


(2) What is the main theme of the passage?

Answer: (2) Patriotism or love for the soil is the mam theme of the passage.


(3) Do you think that they are right in there. choosing professions? Explain in 2/3 sentences

Answer: (3) Yes, I think they are right in their choosing professions. The Islam brothers choose their professions according to their graduation and liking and their decision is right because they have expertise in their respective fields.


(4) They are suffering in village... do you agree? Why/Why not?

Answer: (4) No, they are not suffering in village rather they are very pleased to live in village as they stay with their family members, pass time with their old friends and sleep in their own home.


(5) Why are the three brothers great?

Answer: (5) The three brothers are great because they never forget their roots. They not only stick 'to their own roots but also have been the torch bearers for others to be respectful to their own roots.


(6) In the passage Mainul asked the listeners, "Don't we have any obligation to     the soil      that has made us what we are?" What does he want to mean by this question?

Answer: (6) By the statement Mainul suggests that we have some obligations to our soil. We have to do something for the betterment of the soil.


(7) In spite of taking higher education why does Mr. Mainul want to live in his village?

Answer: (7) In spite of taking higher education, Mr. Mainul wants to live in his village because of his love for his native village.

Bangla Translation

মইনুল ইসলাম নওগাঁর একজন দক্ষ কৃষক। মি. ইসলাম ছাত্রজীবনে খুবই মেধাবী ছিলেন। তিনি ময়মনসিংহের বাংলাদেশ কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে উচ্চশিক্ষা গ্রহণ করেন। এরপর তিনি দেশে ফিরে উন্নত কৃষিকাজ শুরু করেন। তার আরও দুই ভাই আছে যারা বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে স্নাতক। ইসলাম পরিবারের বিশেষত্ব হলো তারা সকলেই তাদের গ্রামে থাকেন এবং সকলেই নিজ নিজ ক্ষেত্রে সুনাম অর্জন করেন। মি. ইসলামের ছোট ভাই, যিনি রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের স্নাতক, তিনি স্থানীয় একটি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষক। তার ছোট ভাই সমাজবিজ্ঞানের স্নাতক, তিনি এই এলাকার জন্য কাজ করার জন্য একটি স্থানীয় এনজিও শুরু করতে পছন্দ করেন। "আপনি এই গ্রামে থাকার সিদ্ধান্ত কেন নিয়েছেন?" জিজ্ঞাসা করা হলে মি. ইসলাম হেসে বললেন, "দেখুন, এটা সত্য যে আমরা এই গ্রাম ছেড়ে নগর জীবনের জন্য যেতে পারি। আমি ব্যাংকার হতে পারি অথবা আমার ভাইয়েরা আমলা হতে পারে। কিন্তু এটা আমাদের আকর্ষণ করেনি। আমরা এই মাটির সন্তান। হ্যাঁ, আমাদের শিক্ষা আছে কিন্তু শিক্ষা কি একজন ব্যক্তিকে কেবল একজন কর্মকর্তা হওয়ার জন্য প্রস্তুত করে? আমাদের কি কোন বাধ্যবাধকতা নেই (মাটির প্রতি আমাদের কি বিশ্বাস আছে?) তিনি আরও যোগ করেন যে কোনও ব্যক্তির চাকরিপ্রার্থী হওয়া উচিত নয়। যেহেতু তাঁর পেশা ছিল কৃষি শিক্ষা, তাই তিনি গ্রামে বসবাসের হতাশা সম্পর্কে এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে এই পেশা গ্রহণ করেন। তিনি নিশ্চিত করেন যে তারা সত্যিই খুব সুখী জীবন। তিনি বলেন, "আমি আমার নিজের খামারে কাজ করি, আমার পরিবারের সদস্যদের সাথে থাকি, আমার নিজের বাড়িতে ঘুমানোর জন্য আমার বৃদ্ধদের সাথে সময় কাটাই। এই সবই মিস্টার ইসলামের কথা ঠিক বলে মনে হয়। অনেকেই শহরে যান বা জেনে বা অজানাভাবে তাদের শিকড় ছিঁড়ে ফেলেন। তার ভাইয়েরা মহান, যারা তাদের শিকড় ভুলে গেছেন। তারা কেবল শিকড়ই আটকে রাখেন না, তারা অন্যদের জন্য সম্মানজনক শিকড় হওয়ার জন্য মশাল বহনকারী।


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-12: Lesson-2(D)

Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon. Mr Islam was very brilliant as a student. He took his higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. After completing his higher education Mainul came back home and started advanced farming. He has two other brothers who are graduates in different areas. The specialty of Islam family is that they all are living in their village and all have fame in their own fields. His younger brother, who is a Rajshahi University graduate, is a science teacher in a local school. His youngest brother is a social science graduate and he too would like to start a local NGO to work for this area. When asked “What makes you decide to stay here in this village?”, Mr Islam smiled. He said, “Look, it’s true that we could leave this village for a city life. I could be an officer or my brother could be a bureaucrat. But it didn’t attract us. We are sons of this soil. Yes, we have education but does education prepare a person only to be an officer?  Don’t we have any obligation to the soil that has made us what we are?” He also added that every educated individual shouldn’t be a job seeker. He continued that since his discipline was Agriculture, after his education he took the occupation of a farmer. In response to the question whether they have any frustrations to live in a village, he confirmed that they were very pleased with their life. He said, “I work in my own farm, stay with my family members, pass time with my old friends, and sleep at my own home. All these count a lot.”

Mr Islam is right. Many people go to cities and forget or loosen their roots knowingly or unknowingly. Mr Islam and his brothers are great – they never forgot their roots. They not only stuck to their own roots, they have been torch bearers for others to be respectful of their own roots.

1.         Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

Who is Mainul Islam?

i) Teacher                ii) Farmer                     iii) Doctor                    iv) Agricultural officer

How was Mr Islam?

i) Brilliant student  ii) Middle student        iii) Bad student            iv) Normal student

Where did he take his higher education?

i) BAUM                ii)   DU                        RU                          iv)   BAUD

What did he start?

i) Gardening           ii) Fishing                    iii) Farming                    Swimming

Who is a science teacher?

Mainul’s younger brother                       ii) Mainum’s elder brother

iii.  Rahim’s elder brother                             iv. Mainum’s younger brother

Who are great?

Mainum & his brothers                          ii) Mainul’s & brothers

iii) Rahim & his brothers                             iv) only Mainul

What do Mainul & his brothers like?

service ii. village                      iii) roots                       iv) city life

Mainul Islam took the occupation of a —.

i) physician            ii) science teacher        iii) farmer                    iv) officer

Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

Who is Mainul Islam?

i) Teacher                ii) Farmer                     iii) Doctor                    iv) Agricultural officer

How was Mr Islam?

i) Brilliant student  ii) Middle student        iii) Bad student            iv) Normal student

Where did he take his higher education?

i) BAUM                ii)   DU                        RU                          iv)   BAUD

What did he start?

i) Gardening           ii) Fishing                    iii) Farming                    Swimming

Who is a science teacher?

Mainul’s younger brother                       ii) Mainum’s elder brother

iii.  Rahim’s elder brother                             iv. Mainum’s younger brother

Who are great?

Mainum & his brothers                          ii) Mainul’s & brothers

iii) Rahim & his brothers                             iv) only Mainul

What do Mainul & his brothers like?

service ii. village                      iii) roots                       iv) city life

Mainul Islam took the occupation of a —.

i) physician            ii) science teacher        iii) farmer                    iv) officer

Extra Practices

1.         What is Mr Mainuls occupation?

2.         What did Mainul Islam want?

3.         Who never forgot their roots?

4.         Who was brilliant?

5.         Who have been torch bearers?

1.      a. ii) Farmer; b. i) Brilliant student; c. i) BAUM; d. iii) Fanning; e. i) Mainuls younger brother; f. ii) Mainul & his brothers; g. iii) roots; h. farmer.

2.      a. Mr Islam and his two brothers live in Noagaon.

Mr Mainul Islam took higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh.

After completing his higher education Mainul came back home and started advanced farming.

He has two brothers.

First one is science teacher in a local school, who is a Rajshahi University graduate. Second one is a local NGO worker, who is social science graduate.

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