Paragraph Writing
May Day is a red-letter day. May 1st, the International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. This day is recognised in most countries. All the privileges today workers enjoy including a minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour workday, came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. In the 1880s a new movement calling for an eight hour day inspired both Labour Unions and unorganised workers. On May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six hers and injuring an undetermined number. The events of May Day 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. May Day is the day when the workers asked only for bread and a shortening of the long hours of toil. The agitators gave them visions; the police gave them clubs. But it could not resist the revolt of the demonstrators. And finally the long cherished dream of the workers all over the world came true.
Model Answer-2
May Day
May Day is one of the most important and significant days of the year. Every year May 1 is observed as the International Workers' Day throughout/ across the world. May Day is observed as a public holiday all over the world. It is a glorious day to the working section of people across the world. May Day is observed demanding the due rights of the working classes of people. May Day reminds us the great dedication of -some heroic workers who dedicated their lives for the greater interest of the working classes of people in Chicago in the year of 1886. The background bf May Day is very painful Before May 1, 1886 the working people had to work for long hours but could not get their due wages and facilities. At first, workers in the city of Chicago demanded for 8 hours working period and other facilities. The then capitalist government wanted to stop their movement . On May 1, 1886 police fired upon the procession of the workers . One. worker was killed and some were wounded. After raising the flame of protest on May 1 in 1886, today all classes of working people enjoy 8 hour working period, job security and other facilities. On this day workers hold meetings and take out processions demanding their rights. On May Day workers get inspiration from the great sacrifice of the Martyrs of 1886 to be united and fight for their demand in order to lead a decent and successful life.
Model Answer-3
The fact that workers had it tough in the early years of the American Industrial revolution is widely taught in schools. Sixteen-hour workdays in dangerous conditions, child labour, exploitation and accidents were common. Then magically everything became better in a civilised, twentieth century. May Day is the force to bring about this change all over the world. May Day is a red-letter day. May 1st, the International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. This day is recognised in most countries. All the privileges today workers enjoy including a minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour workday, came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. In the 1880s a new movement calling for an eight hour day inspired both Labour Unions and unorganised workers. It is 1880s workers demanding humane treatment; it is men and women around the world marching in solidarity against the factory owners who would have them work all day, every day but Sunday. On May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number. The events of May Day 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. May Day is the day when the workers asked only for bread and a shortening of the long hours of toil. The agitators gave them visions; the police gave them clubs. But it could not resist the revolt of the demonstrators. And finally the long cherished dream of the workers all over the world gradually came true.
Bangla Translation:
মে দিবস
আমেরিকান শিল্প বিপ্লবের প্রথম দিকের বছরগুলিতে শ্রমিকদের যে কঠিন পরিস্থিতির মুখোমুখি হতে হয়েছিল, এই সত্যটি স্কুলগুলিতে ব্যাপকভাবে শেখানো হয়। বিপজ্জনক পরিস্থিতিতে ষোল ঘন্টা কর্মদিবস, শিশুশ্রম, শোষণ এবং দুর্ঘটনা সাধারণ ছিল। তারপর জাদুকরীভাবে বিংশ শতাব্দীর সভ্য দেশে সবকিছুই উন্নত হয়ে ওঠে। মে দিবস হল সারা বিশ্বে এই পরিবর্তন আনার শক্তি। মে দিবস একটি লাল অক্ষরের দিন। ১লা মে, আন্তর্জাতিক শ্রমিক দিবস, সারা বিশ্বের শ্রমজীবী মানুষের ঐতিহাসিক সংগ্রামকে স্মরণ করে। এই দিনটি বেশিরভাগ দেশেই স্বীকৃত। আজ শ্রমিকরা ন্যূনতম মজুরি, নিরাপত্তা আইন এবং আট ঘন্টা কর্মদিবস সহ যে সমস্ত সুযোগ-সুবিধা ভোগ করে, তা ১৮৮৬ সালে শ্রমিকদের আত্মত্যাগের ফলেই এসেছে। শিল্প বিপ্লবের শুরু থেকেই কারখানায় লোকেরা দীর্ঘ শিফটে কাজ করেছে, যা দিনে চৌদ্দ ঘন্টা বা তারও বেশি সময় ধরে স্থায়ী হয়েছিল। ১৮৮০-এর দশকে আট ঘন্টা কর্মদিবসের আহ্বানে একটি নতুন আন্দোলন শ্রমিক ইউনিয়ন এবং অসংগঠিত শ্রমিক উভয়কেই অনুপ্রাণিত করেছিল। ১৮৮০-এর দশকের শ্রমিকরা মানবিক আচরণের দাবি জানিয়েছিল; সারা বিশ্বের পুরুষ ও মহিলারা কারখানা মালিকদের বিরুদ্ধে সংহতি প্রকাশ করে মিছিল করছে, যারা রবিবার ছাড়া প্রতিদিন কাজ করতে চায়। ১৮৮৬ সালের ৩রা মে, শিকাগোর ম্যাককমিক হারভেস্ট মেশিন কোম্পানিতে পুলিশ ধর্মঘটকারীদের ভিড়ের উপর গুলি চালায়, যার ফলে কমপক্ষে একজন ধর্মঘটী নিহত হয়, আরও পাঁচ-ছয়জন গুরুতর আহত হয় এবং অনির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যক আহত হয়। ১৮৮৬ সালের মে দিবসের ঘটনাগুলি আমাদের মনে করিয়ে দেয় যে শ্রমিকরা যতক্ষণ না উঠে দাঁড়ায় এবং উন্নত কর্মপরিবেশ, উন্নত বেতন এবং উন্নত জীবন লাভের জন্য কথা না বলে, ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত তাদের উপর শোষণ অব্যাহত থাকবে। মে দিবস হল সেই দিন যখন শ্রমিকরা কেবল রুটি এবং দীর্ঘ পরিশ্রমের সময় কমানোর জন্য অনুরোধ করেছিল। আন্দোলনকারীরা তাদের স্বপ্ন দেখিয়েছিল; পুলিশ তাদের লাঠি দিয়েছিল। কিন্তু এটি বিক্ষোভকারীদের বিদ্রোহকে প্রতিহত করতে পারেনি। এবং অবশেষে সারা বিশ্বের শ্রমিকদের দীর্ঘ লালিত স্বপ্ন ধীরে ধীরে বাস্তবায়িত হয়েছিল।
Composition / Essay Writing
May Day
There are some commemorative days in the life of every man and nation. For instance, the 21st February is a red-letter day for remembering the uncomparable sacrifice of our Language Martyrs. But May day is not commemorative for the people of a particular nation. It is equally important for the hard working people of all the nations in the world.
The 1" May is recognized by the countries of the world as the International Worker's Day. It commemorates the historic struggle of the toiling people. It was the first May of 1886 that the workers in the city of Chicago revolted against the suppression, oppression and exploitation of the capitalists, factory-owners. In 1886 many wo '-ers called for strike and staged demonstration to fulfil their demand for minimum wage, safety laws and eight hour working day in Chicago, America.
Police fired to a crowd of strikers at McComiek Harvest Machine Company, Chicago on May 3, 1886. Consequently, one striker was at least killed, five or six of other were seriously wounded and an undetermined number of strikers were injured.
Today the workers are enjoying all the privileges and facilities like a minimum wage, safety laws and eight – hour work day which are due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. Since then this day is observed as worker's day in the United States. Then it is declared as the International Worker's Day by the United Nations.
Now the Day is observed by the countries of the world. People in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Both Labour Unions and unorganized workers were inspired by a new movement calling for an eight hour day in the 1886s.
The event of May Day 1886 is a milestone in the history of working class people. They learn from this day that they will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. Let May Day and its glory survive all over the world.
The fact that workers had it tough in the early years of the American Industrial revolution is widely taught in schools. Sixteen-hour workdays in dangerous conditions, child labour, exploitation and accidents were common. Then magically everything became better in a civilised, twentieth century. May Day is the force to bring about this change all over the world.
May Day is a red-letter day. May 1st, the International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. This day is recognised in most countries. All the privileges today workers enjoy including a minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour workday, came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. In the 1880s a new movement calling for an eight hour day inspired both Labour Unions and unorganised workers. It is 1880s workers demanding humane treatment; it is men and women around the world marching in solidarity against the factory owners who would have them work all day, every day but Sunday.
On May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number. The events of May Day 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. May Day is the day when the workers asked only for bread and a shortening of the long hours of toil. The agitators gave them visions; the police gave them clubs. But it could not resist the revolt of the demonstrators. And finally the long cherished dream of the workers all over the world gradually came true.
Very often, many of us are extremely sympathetic towards the aged and the old when we hear of their desperate situation and condition. But would it not be better if we show sensitivity and courtesy towards the old in our household first. Let’s take the first step forward in the right direction and we will surely make a headway.
In every locality there are lots of older persons. By this fund we can establish an older persons’ inn. All the helpless older people of the locality will be able to stay there free of living cost, medical treatment cost etc. With the help of the wealthy section of people we can provide them all kinds of human rights for their recreation and reminiscence. We can arrange gathering for them. As we are our young generation, we are the greatest power of the society. So,
Human beings are born as babies on this beautiful world and after a certain period of time they become older in the society.
The fact that workers had it tough in the early years of the American Industrial revolution is widely taught in schools. Sixteen-hour workdays in dangerous conditions, child labour, exploitation and accidents were common. Then magically everything became better in a civilised, twentieth century. May Day is the force to bring about this change all over the world.
May Day is a red-letter day. May 1st, the International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. This day is recognised in most countries. All the privileges today workers enjoy including a minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour workday, came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. In the 1880s a new movement calling for an eight hour day inspired both Labour Unions and unorganised workers. It is 1880s workers demanding humane treatment; it is men and women around the world marching in solidarity against the factory owners who would have them work all day, every day but Sunday.
On May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number. The events of May Day 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. May Day is the day when the workers asked only for bread and a shortening of the long hours of toil. The agitators gave them visions; the police gave them clubs. But it could not resist the revolt of the demonstrators. And finally the long cherished dream of the workers all over the world gradually came true.
May Day is a red-letter day. May 1st, the International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. This day is recognised in most countries. All the privileges today workers enjoy including a minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour workday, came about due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution people in factories have worked very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. In the 1880s a new movement calling for an eight hour day inspired both Labour Unions and unorganised workers. It is 1880s workers demanding humane treatment; it is men and women around the world marching in solidarity against the factory owners who would have them work all day, every day but Sunday.
May Day is an international holiday of working people. In the year 1886 in the month of May, the workers, in the American city of Chicago, who were groaning under the pangs of exploitation, raised slogans for their recognition as men. Initially, that movement was to voice the time limit for work and other basic facilities for the workers, so that they could live as human beings. This was no doubt a mortal blow to the wealthy class. In consequence, the streets of Chicago city were smeared with the warm blood of the workers. The capitalist government and its agents adopted every possible means to choke the voice of the workers. The leaders of the workers were hanged. But the undaunted workers came out successful sacrificing their life. The demand to fix eight hours’ working time instead of that of twelve or thirteen was accepted and they were provided with some amenities of life.
The sacrifice made by the workers of the city of Chicago is remembered every year all over the world. But it is not only the day of commemoration of the martyred workers who fought for human rights. It is day of inspiration of being united for the realization of the demand of the workers.
May Day has been a symbol for the workers all over the world. Pledged to peace and socialism, and unity of the workers of the world, on this day they renew their vow to fight against oppression and for human rights. On the whole, May Day is the day of international unity of the working class.
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