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A Moonlit Night (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 12

Paragraph Writing

A Moonlit Night

The night in which the moon shines brightly in the cloudless clear sky is generally known as moonlit night. In Autumn the sky remains quite clear and the silvery light over floods everything. The full moon looks like a silvery plate. It looks beautiful in the blue autumnal sky. Here and there a few patches of white clouds float swiftly. The moon plays hide-and-seek with these bulging pieces of clouds. It is very pleasant to look at the sky at the time and to hear the night-birds play their sweet notes in the moonlit sky. The moon reflects on the ponds and tanks. The lilies bloom in them. In a moonlit night, city dwellers go to the roof of their building. They enjoy the night gossiping. It is also very pleasant to the village people. They come out of their houses and go to open places. Sitting on mats, they enjoy the night by singing song, listening radio and seeing the natural scenery. Little children sit round their grandma to hear the fairy tales or the tales about the wizards. Sometimes they play hide and seek together and have fun themselves. A moon light night is very romantic to the newly married couple and who are in love. The poets of all language praise highly. A moonlit night is nature’s sweetest offer to mankind. It has a lasting effect the human minds. Even the grand old ladies remember their green youth when they sit alone in the moonlit night. A moonlit night is really recreational and enjoyable.

Advanced Level: 

Model Answer-2

A Moonlit Night

A moonlit night is a picturesque phenomenon wherein the radiance of the moon illuminates the cloudless, unblemished expanse of the night sky. During autumn, the sky often remains unobstructed and the silver gleam permeates the landscape. The full moon appears akin to a luminescent platter, casting a dazzling aura upon the blue autumnal canvas. Occasionally, billowy clusters of white clouds drift rapidly across the sky, creating a whimsical effect as the moon engages in a playful game of hide-and-seek with these bulging formations. The idyllic sight of the night sky, accompanied by the mellifluous melodies of nocturnal birds, is truly a feast for the senses. The moon's effulgence reflects upon ponds and tanks, their rippling surfaces embellished by the resplendent glow. The aquatic flora, such as lilies, bask in the lunar luminescence, adding to the natural beauty of the setting.Urban denizens, too, savor this delightful spectacle, flocking to the rooftops of their buildings to engage in amiable banter while beholding the captivating scenery. Village folk, too, relish the occasion, gathering in open spaces and sitting upon mats to sing songs, listen to the radio, and bask in the tranquil ambiance of the night. The younger members of the community, enraptured by the enchanting setting, often huddle together around their elders to hear captivating stories and indulge in games of hide-and-seek. A moonlit night holds particular allure for newlywed couples and lovers, a sentiment that poets of all languages have fervently expressed in their writings. Indeed, the splendor of a moonlit night is nature's most alluring gift to humanity, leaving a lasting impression upon the human psyche. Even the most seasoned individuals reminisce about their youthful exploits under the bewitching influence of the moon's luminosity. A moonlit night is undoubtedly an exquisite, therapeutic experience that rejuvenates the spirit and refreshes the mind.

Model Answer-3

A Moonlit Night: An eternal resource of Beauty

A moonlit night really comes to us as a dream of enchanting beauty and eternal source of joy that stimulate our mind spontaneously. It offers a very charming view. If anybody enthusiastically wants to enjoy a moonlit night, he will see that it is just a thing of beauty and joy that he has never enjoyed. In the daylight some scenes are beautiful and others may not be so, but the same scene in the soft light of the moon looks beautiful as a poet’s dream of fairyland. As forests, houses, rivers and buildings all such manmade or natural objects are beautiful by day, all these things are more beautiful at night. They look something extraordinary and something more in a moonlight night than our rigid reality. The scenic beauty of a river or an ocean in a moonlit night can better be enjoyed than described. It has a magical power of transporting us to a land of beauty and imagination and to arouse in us a centre feeling to sing in tune with the poet. With the fragrance of different flowers, the moonlight can overwhelm the poets’ mind even the mind of the general. When the moon winks in the sky and gradually spreads her soft and alluring light, we cannot but lose ourselves in the tide of mind’s stimulation. Poets write their poems with the enthusiasm of atmospheric setting and lovers and couples gossip forgetting their time-pass. Patients and fragile people can get new life in the new atmosphere of the moonlit night. So, a moonlit night is indeed a great achievement for us all deliberating her influence on human mind.

A Moon-lit Night

A night of full moon in a bright sky is called a moon-lit night. At night, the moon appears on the eastern horizon. The whole world seems to smile. That is, it produces an unspeakable magic spell on all objects, rivers, trees, buildings, large corn-fields and mountains. When the silvery light of the moon falls on the steady water of a river, it looks like rippling silver lace. Trees, hedges etc. seem to wear a bright green garment. It is really impossible to draw an open picture of the beauty of a moonlit night. Men move about from here to there. Even the birds come out of their nests and fly from hither to thither. In the village, children play different amusing games in the open fields. The moon allures the mind. The magic spell of the moon affects all young and old. The moonlit night is dear to the lovers of beauty. In fact, the charming scene of a moon-lit night beggars description.


A moonlit night is really charming and enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight. It dazzles our eyes and soothes our heart. In a moonlit night the moon looks like a disc of silver. The moon bathes the whole world with her silvery light. The watery places mean canals; rivers and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night. The grand spectacles that the canals, rivers and tanks present cannot be described in words. The whole nature looks bright and appears in celestial light. People of all age enjoy a moonlit night. Young boys play and little boys and girls make merriments and amuse themselves. A moonlit night is really enjoyable to a newly married couple. Men and women of middle ages cannot come out of doors. They pass some hours in gossiping and story telling and enjoy the night. Poets of all languages sing highly of a moonlit night. Even lower animals come out at night and little insects also fly here and there. A moonlit night is pleasant and fine indeed.


A night enlightened by moonbeam is called a moonlight night. This is a thing of beauty and joy. So it is pleasing to all. During this time the moon gives soft silvery rays on every object of nature like rivers, trees, buildings, mountains, fields and what not. This beauty is surely unspeakable. Shelly himself has described it as a “white fire”. The beauty of it reaches its peak when it is in full moon. During this time every creature gets cheerful. It is worth enjoying in the villages. Here children feel like playing in the open fields or courtyard. Most of the birds come out of the nests. Housewives sing folk songs in chorus. Tired mother and grandmother lie on the mat in the green yard in a moonlit night. Poets of all countries get the subject matter to write poetry during this time. Even the beasts come out of their folds and run to and fro. Since all the creatures enjoy themselves on a moonlit might, it loses its dullness and becomes as glorious as a day

A Moon-lit Night

A moon-lit night is a wonderful blessing among the gifts of nature. A moon-lit night is a night when the full moon appears in the sky at night. The night is really enjoyable and impressive to all sections of people, high and low. It assumes a matchless sight in a moon-lit night. The moon looks like a bright dish of silver in a moon-lit night. The moon shines brightly on every object of tile nature. Every object of the nature such as rivers, canals, seas, oceans, ponds, fields, trees, houses, buildings, hills, mountains etc. seem to smile on a moon-lit night. People of all ages and classes enjoy the moon-lit night very much. Young boys and girls play out-door games and children run about in the open field. A newly married couple (lip) also comes out of the doors with a view to enjoying the matchless beauty of the moon-lit night. Even grown up people do no to to bed without enjoying the charming sight of the night. Both men and women of all ages pass hours and hours in gossiping, telling stories and playing out door games on the joyful night. Poets enjoy the night very much. Birds and animals come out of their sheds and nests to enjoy the beauty of the night. Little insects fly here and there on the night. The moon-lit night removes the monotony of the day's hard works. It reminds us the wonderful creative power of the Creator. A life can not be happy and decent without enjoying a moon-lit night.

Composition / Essay Writing

A Moon-lit Night

A moon-lit night is one of the most beautiful blessings of nature. It occurs when the full moon rises in the sky, spreading its silver light across the earth. Such nights are enchanting and bring joy to people of all ages and backgrounds. The moon appears like a shining silver disc, and its soft light illuminates the world, creating a magical atmosphere.

On a moon-lit night, every part of nature seems alive with beauty. Rivers, ponds, trees, hills, and fields shimmer under the moonlight, as if they are smiling. Houses, buildings, and even mountains appear calm and serene. People find great pleasure in spending time outside during a moon-lit night. Children run and play in open fields, while young boys and girls enjoy outdoor games. Newly married couples often step outside to cherish the unmatched beauty of such a night.

Adults, too, find the night captivating. Many people spend hours chatting, telling stories, or simply enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Poets and writers feel especially inspired by the charm of a moon-lit night, often drawing creativity from its beauty. Birds and animals leave their nests and shelters, moving around as if to enjoy the night’s splendor. Even tiny insects flutter here and there, adding to the liveliness of the scene.

A moon-lit night also brings relief from the day’s hard work. Its calm and soothing light refreshes the mind and soul, helping people feel relaxed and happy. It reminds us of the Creator’s wonderful power and the harmony in nature’s design.

Life feels incomplete without the joy of experiencing a moon-lit night. It offers moments of peace, beauty, and inspiration, breaking the monotony of daily life. Truly, a moon-lit night is a magical gift that everyone should take the time to appreciate.

Bangla Translation

একটি চাঁদনী রাত

একটি চাঁদনী রাত প্রকৃতির অন্যতম সুন্দর আশীর্বাদ। এটি ঘটে যখন পূর্ণ চাঁদ আকাশে ওঠে এবং পৃথিবীজুড়ে রূপালি আলো ছড়িয়ে দেয়। এমন রাতগুলি মুগ্ধকর এবং সব বয়স ও শ্রেণির মানুষের জন্য আনন্দ নিয়ে আসে। চাঁদটি একটি উজ্জ্বল রূপালী থালার মতো দেখায়, আর এর কোমল আলো পৃথিবীকে আলোকিত করে, যা এক অনন্য পরিবেশ তৈরি করে।

চাঁদনী রাতে প্রকৃতির প্রতিটি অংশ যেন জীবন্ত হয়ে ওঠে। নদী, পুকুর, গাছ, পাহাড় এবং মাঠ চাঁদের আলোয় ঝলমল করে, যেন তারা হাসছে। ঘরবাড়ি, ভবন এবং এমনকি পাহাড়ও শান্ত ও সৌন্দর্যময় দেখায়। মানুষ চাঁদনী রাতে বাইরে সময় কাটাতে খুবই আনন্দ পায়। শিশুরা খোলা মাঠে দৌড়াদৌড়ি করে আর ছোটরা বাইরে গেমস খেলে। নবদম্পতিরাও প্রায়ই এই রাতের অপূর্ব সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করতে বাইরে আসে।

বয়স্করাও এই রাতকে খুব আকর্ষণীয় মনে করেন। অনেকেই ঘণ্টার পর ঘণ্টা গল্প করেন, আড্ডা দেন বা শান্তিপূর্ণ পরিবেশ উপভোগ করেন। কবি এবং লেখকরা বিশেষভাবে চাঁদনী রাতের সৌন্দর্যে অনুপ্রাণিত হন এবং প্রায়ই এর সৌন্দর্য থেকে সৃজনশীলতা পান। পাখি এবং প্রাণীরাও তাদের বাসা ও আশ্রয় ছেড়ে বের হয়, যেন রাতের সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করছে। এমনকি ছোট পোকামাকড়ও এখানে-সেখানে উড়ে বেড়ায়, যা দৃশ্যটিকে আরও জীবন্ত করে তোলে।

চাঁদনী রাত দিনের কঠোর পরিশ্রম থেকে মুক্তি দেয়। এর শান্ত ও কোমল আলো মন ও আত্মাকে সতেজ করে এবং মানুষকে শান্তি ও সুখ অনুভব করায়। এটি আমাদের সৃষ্টিকর্তার অসাধারণ ক্ষমতা এবং প্রকৃতির সৌন্দর্যের সমন্বয় মনে করিয়ে দেয়।

একটি চাঁদনী রাতের আনন্দ উপভোগ না করলে জীবন অসম্পূর্ণ মনে হয়। এটি শান্তি, সৌন্দর্য এবং অনুপ্রেরণার মুহূর্ত দেয়, যা দৈনন্দিন জীবনের একঘেয়েমি দূর করে। সত্যিই, একটি চাঁদনী রাত একটি জাদুকরী উপহার, যা সবাইকে সময় নিয়ে উপভোগ করা উচিত।

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