Paragraph Writing
A Railway Station
A railway station is such a place where different kinds of rails come, stand and start from to facilitate the passengers to get in and to get down from them. It is one of the cheapest and most comfortable of all the transport systems. In every station there is at least a building that usually made of red bricks which is called station house. The building has several rooms which are used as a booking office, ticket counters, and waiting rooms for passengers. Besides, there are rooms for stationmaster rooms for officer on duty and so on. The stationmaster is all in all in a station. He is assisted by number of other staffs, railway police and guards. The passengers willing to travel by train collect their tickets from the ticket counter. The ticket counter generally opens half an hour before the arrival of the train. A railway station is a crowded and noisy place, both passengers and coolies remain busy to push one after another to get into it. There may be waiting room for the passengers. When a rail comes up, the passengers fall in a long line to get into it. After some time, the guard blows the whistle and waves the green flag, the train moves. As soon as the train leaves, the station sinks into silence and turns into a deserted place. Hawkers are seen to sell bettle leaf, cigarettes, newspapers, fancy items etc. Book stalls, fruit shops and tea-stall are also found here, Some evil doers often flock in the railway station and try to harm the passengers. A railway station however, plays an important role in communication sector of the country.
Model Answer-2
A Railway Station
A railway station serves as a pivotal hub where various locomotives converge and diverge, providing a means of conveyance that is both economical and comfortable for passengers. Typically, a railway station is comprised of a station house, constructed using red brick, which encompasses multiple chambers utilized for booking tickets, ticket counters, waiting areas, and additional areas for the stationmaster, the officer on duty, as well as other staff members, including railway police and guards. The stationmaster, in particular, serves as the primary authority in the station, and works alongside other personnel to ensure that operations run smoothly. To obtain train tickets, passengers can approach the ticket counter, which is usually accessible half an hour before the train arrives. Given the crowded and boisterous atmosphere that is characteristic of most railway stations, both passengers and coolies alike are often in a hurry, pushing and shoving their way through the throngs of people to board their respective trains. However, waiting rooms may be available for passengers seeking respite from the bustle of the station. Once the train arrives, passengers form a queue, hoping to board as soon as possible. Following the guard's whistle and green flag signal, the train sets off, leaving behind a momentarily deserted station. Hawkers selling various items such as betel leaf, cigarettes, newspapers, and other trinkets may be spotted along with bookstalls, fruit vendors, and tea stalls. Unfortunately, malevolent individuals may also frequent railway stations, posing a threat to unwary passengers. Despite these challenges, railway stations are vital to the communication sector of any country.
Model Answer-3
A Railway Station: A terminal for passengers
A railway platform/station is the place where trains stop at and depart from. The passengers get on and get off a train from a railway station/platform. It usually occupies a large area. A railway station has a platform. However a big railway station has a number of platforms. Platforms are often covered with huge tin-shed. If there are more than one platform, an over-bridge connects them. In a railway station/platform there are some rooms too, namely station master’s room, waiting room, restaurant, go-down, booking office, ticket counter. There are some benches in the railway station/platform for the convenience of the travelling passengers. One can also see some stalls in a row selling cheaper kinds of books, newspapers, magazines etc. snacks and tea and even stationary goods. Besides, a large number of hawkers can be seen busily moving from passengers to passengers with cigarettes, betel leaf, bread, chanachur etc. We find some beggars, thieves, swindlers and pickpockets in that place too. A railway platform/ station becomes very busy when a train arrives. Whistles of the train, rustling sound of the engine, movements of the passengers in a hurry, shouts of the hawkers and porters make the railway station/platform full of din and bustle. When the train whistles away, the station becomes calm and quiet. All these pictures taken together remind us of the famous line of the poet, “Man may come and man may go, I go on forever”. This coming and going sustain the flow of life. Of course, a railway station/platform is a very busy and important place.
One can be certain to find a porter visiting a railway station. One can easily spot him in a crowd as he wears his uniform and is seen carrying luggage from one platform to another. A railway porter is a familiar figure in a railway station. He is in his uniform. He always bears his registration number. He generally moves around and looks for passengers who might need his help. When the train arrives he becomes very busy, moves from this compartment to that one in search of luggage of the passengers. Generally a porter is a healthy person and expert in carrying goods and luggage. He has always a piece of cloth with him for putting the goods on his head. A railway porter knows very well about the railway timing and helps the passengers. He most of the time wants to get more from the passengers beyond the fixed rate. A porter generally obeys the command of the leader, ‘the sardar’. A railway porter works very hard to make a living. He is not rich and, at times, he and his family have to face many hardships. Sometimes, in spite of working for many days, they still find it difficult to make ends meet. We should realise how hard his job really is. So, everyone of us should be kind and thoughtful towards him.
One can be certain to find a porter visiting a railway station. One can easily spot him in a crowd as he wears his uniform and is seen carrying luggage from one platform to another. A railway porter is a familiar figure in a railway station. He is in his uniform. He always bears his registration number. He generally moves around and looks for passengers who might need his help. When the train arrives he becomes very busy, moves from this compartment to that one in search of luggage of the passengers. Generally a porter is a healthy person and expert in carrying goods and luggage. He has always a piece of cloth with him for putting the goods on his head. A railway porter knows very well about the railway timing and helps the passengers. He most of the time wants to get more from the passengers beyond the fixed rate. A porter generally obeys the command of the leader, ‘the sardar’. A railway porter works very hard to make a living. He is not rich and, at times, he and his family have to face many hardships. Sometimes, in spite of working for many days, they still find it difficult to make ends meet. We should realise how hard his job really is. So, everyone of us should be kind and thoughtful towards him.
A railway station is a halting place for trains. There are normally a station building, a big shed and a platform in a railway station. The station-building is used for booking office, ticket counter, station master’s office, waiting rooms etc. There are tea-stalls, book-stalls and moving shops in a railway station. A few wooden or concrete benches are a common sight in a railway station. Coloured posters, advertisement etc are displayed on the walls of a railway station. The rail-lines run by the one side of a railway station and on the other, there is a bus or rickshaw stop for the passenger of different places to start from. A railway station is a place for people to start or end journey. It looks busy when the trains arrive. Passengers remain busy to catch trains or get down from trains. Railway porters become busy to find a job. The rail police, ticket checkers, station master --- all become busy with their specific responsibilities. It becomes a place of great din and bustle with the rush of passengers, the whistle of the trains, the roar of engine, the conversations of people and what not.
A Railway Station
A railway station is a halting and starting place for the trains. In the railway station, there are booking room, station master's room, ticket counters and waiting rooms both for men and women. Some permanent shops and restaurants are also found in a railway station. It has a platform for passengers to get down and to get into the trains. When a train is scheduled to come in a railway station, it becomes a busy and noisy place. A few minutes before the arrival of the train, the station bell rings. Passengers stand in a line to collect tickets. The booking clerk becomes busy in selling tickets. The hawkers try to entertain the passengers by selling bread, banana, betel-leaf, cigarettes, magazines and papers. The porters are busy taking out luggage. In almost every station there is a book stall where one can buy a magazine or a newspaper or any other book. When the train comes into the station, it becomes noisier. Train doors become crowded. Passengers jostle and wrestle with one another to get into the train and to get off it. The station bell rings once more, the green flag of the guard is hoisted and waved, the train leaves the station. After departure of the train, the station becomes calm, quiet and lifeless again.
Composition / Essay Writing
A Railway Station: A Terminal for Passengers
A railway station is a crucial hub where trains stop to pick up and drop off passengers. It serves as an important terminal for travelers moving from one place to another. Typically, a railway station occupies a vast area and consists of one or multiple platforms. Larger stations often have several platforms connected by over-bridges to ensure smooth movement of passengers. Platforms are usually covered with large tin sheds to protect travelers from the sun and rain.
Inside the station, various facilities are available to make the passengers’ journey comfortable. There are rooms for the station master, waiting rooms for passengers, a booking office, a ticket counter, restaurants, and storage spaces. Benches are placed on the platforms for travelers to sit while waiting for their trains. Additionally, small stalls line the station, selling affordable books, newspapers, magazines, snacks, tea, and other essential items. Hawkers are a common sight, moving around the station selling products like cigarettes, betel leaves, bread, and chanachur.
A railway station also has its challenges. Beggars, pickpockets, and swindlers often lurk around, posing a threat to unsuspecting passengers. The station becomes particularly lively and noisy when a train arrives. The whistles of the train, the engine’s rustling sound, the hurried movements of passengers, and the shouts of hawkers and porters create a bustling atmosphere. Once the train departs, the station becomes calm and quiet again.
A railway station reflects the rhythm of life with its constant activity. It is indeed a vital and busy place that connects people and places, sustaining the flow of life.
রেলস্টেশন: যাত্রীদের জন্য এক টার্মিনাল
রেলস্টেশন একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কেন্দ্র যেখানে ট্রেন থামে এবং যাত্রীদের উঠানো-নামানোর কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়। এটি এক স্থান থেকে আরেক স্থানে যাত্রীদের চলাচলের জন্য অপরিহার্য টার্মিনাল হিসেবে কাজ করে। সাধারণত রেলস্টেশন বিশাল এলাকা জুড়ে বিস্তৃত থাকে এবং এতে একটি বা একাধিক প্ল্যাটফর্ম থাকে। বড় স্টেশনগুলিতে অনেক প্ল্যাটফর্ম থাকে যা ওভার-ব্রিজ দিয়ে সংযুক্ত থাকে। প্ল্যাটফর্মগুলো প্রায়ই বড় টিনের ছাউনি দিয়ে ঢাকা থাকে, যাতে যাত্রীরা রোদ ও বৃষ্টি থেকে সুরক্ষিত থাকে।
স্টেশনের ভেতরে যাত্রীদের জন্য বিভিন্ন সুবিধা থাকে। এখানে স্টেশন মাস্টারের ঘর, যাত্রীদের জন্য অপেক্ষার ঘর, বুকিং অফিস, টিকিট কাউন্টার, রেস্টুরেন্ট এবং মালামাল রাখার জায়গা রয়েছে। প্ল্যাটফর্মে যাত্রীদের বসার জন্য বেঞ্চ রাখা হয়। এছাড়াও স্টেশনের ভেতরে ছোট ছোট দোকান রয়েছে যেখানে সস্তা বই, পত্রিকা, ম্যাগাজিন, খাবার, চা এবং অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস পাওয়া যায়। হকাররা সাধারণ দৃশ্য, যারা প্ল্যাটফর্মে ঘুরে ঘুরে সিগারেট, পান, রুটি এবং চানাচুর বিক্রি করে।
তবে রেলস্টেশনে কিছু সমস্যাও থাকে। এখানে প্রায়ই ভিক্ষুক, পকেটমার এবং প্রতারকদের দেখা যায়, যারা অসতর্ক যাত্রীদের লক্ষ্য করে। যখন একটি ট্রেন আসে, তখন স্টেশনটি বিশেষভাবে প্রাণবন্ত এবং কোলাহলপূর্ণ হয়ে ওঠে। ট্রেনের বাঁশি, ইঞ্জিনের শব্দ, যাত্রীদের ব্যস্ত চলাচল এবং হকার ও কুলিদের চিৎকার স্টেশনকে একটি ব্যস্ত পরিবেশে পরিণত করে। তবে ট্রেন চলে গেলে স্টেশনটি আবার শান্ত হয়ে যায়।
রেলস্টেশন জীবনের গতিকে প্রতিফলিত করে, যেখানে মানুষের ক্রমাগত আসা-যাওয়া একটি অবিচ্ছিন্ন প্রবাহ তৈরি করে। এটি অবশ্যই একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ এবং ব্যস্ত স্থান।