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A Winter Morning ( Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 14

Paragraph Writing

A Winter Morning

Of the six seasons, winter is undoubtedly the coldest season of the year in Bangladesh. A morning in winter is misty and cold because of dense fog everywhere. Sometimes it is so dense that the sun rays can’t be seen.Things even at a little distance can hardly be seen. It causes disruption to the communication system. Few drops fall on leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning run falls on it. Sometimes shivering cold causes serious sufferings to people and animals. The poor have hardly warm clothes. They gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm them. The old and the children bask in the sun. Usually people get up late. In a winter morning people in Bangladesh enjoy different kinds of ‘pithas’. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. But a winter morning is a curse for the poor. They suffer much for want of warm clothes. The scene of a winter morning disappears as the day advances. The best time to visit Bangladesh is in winter when the weather is dry and fresh. It’s possible to observe and photograph a large number of migratory bird species. The Bengali month of Kartik, that is early winter, is celebrated by Jibanananda Das as a period that reveals the inner beauty and soul of Bengal. A winter morning has both advantage and disadvantage. My personal feeling about a winter morning is that it is a bane for the poor but a boon for the rich.

Advanced Level: 

A Winter Morning

Among the six seasons that inhabit Bangladesh, winter reigns as the most frigid and chilling season of the year. In the early hours of a winter morning, the environment is enveloped by an opaque and frosty mist, inducing an intense sensation of coldness throughout the landscape. The pervasive fog is sometimes so dense that even the sun's rays are obstructed from view. Visibility of objects, even those within close proximity, becomes greatly reduced, leading to disruptions in communication systems. During the night, dewdrops descend upon the leaves and blades of grass, transforming them into glittering pearls that glisten upon the arrival of the morning sun's rays. The harsh and bitter coldness often subjects individuals and animals to agonizing suffering, particularly those who are impoverished and lack adequate warm clothing. In order to stave off the bitter cold, the destitute collect and burn dry leaves and straw, while the elderly and children seek respite in the sunlight. It is customary for people to delay waking up until later in the day. However, for those who are more fortunate, a winter morning provides an opportunity to indulge in a variety of sweet delicacies such as "pithas" and desserts prepared with date juice. Despite the various pleasures of a winter morning, it remains a source of misery for the impoverished, who lack the necessary resources to endure the biting cold. As the day progresses, the wintry scene slowly fades away. The optimal period to visit Bangladesh is during winter when the weather is mild and pleasant. This time of year also presents an ideal opportunity to observe and photograph numerous migratory bird species. According to Jibanananda Das, a renowned poet, early winter or the Bengali month of Kartik is a time that reveals the profound beauty and essence of Bengal. In my personal view, a winter morning is a double-edged sword, representing a curse for the poor, yet a boon for the affluent.


A winter morning is cold and dismal and is covered with mist. Everything seems hazy. The grasses below are wet with dew and sparkle like pearls in the sunbeams. One can hardly see and identify things at a distance. People in warm clothes to keep themselves warm look strange. The old people shiver in cold. People gather straw and make fires at different places to bask in the heat of the sun. Bird’s chirping is not heard. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Then the sun peeps over the eastern horizon and starts rising. Nature takes on a charming aspect. The touch of the sunrays makes the birds and beasts quite happy. Farmers go to the fields and begin their day’s work. With the advancing sun, people shirk off the feeling of cold and set about their usual course of work. Then the scene of mist and fog disappears and the sunny morning paves the way for man’s daily activities. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, ‘piash’ of date juice and many other things. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects

A Winter Morning

A winter morning in Bangladesh is characterized by its cold and misty nature, making it a dreamlike experience. Winter is one of the six seasons observed in Bangladesh, rendering its residents intimately familiar with this particular phase of the year. During a winter morning, a thick blanket of fog envelops the surroundings, often so dense that visibility is severely limited, casting an ethereal and hazy veil over everything. The usual melodious chirping of birds falls silent, as lower animals and birds refrain from venturing out due to the harsh cold.Throughout the night, dewdrops gracefully descend onto the leaves of trees and the blades of grass, resembling glistening pearls when touched by the morning sun's gentle rays. In the rural areas, village children revel in the joyous spectacle of a winter morning. They gather straws and dry leaves to fuel their fires, which serve to warm their shivering bodies. Meanwhile, the less fortunate and elderly individuals seek solace in the sun's warmth, while those residing in slums endure the bitter cold with shivers. Due to the frigid conditions, people often find it challenging to rise early from their slumber. However, hardworking individuals and dedicated farmers persevere through the discomfort, undeterred by the biting cold. Despite the hardships, a winter morning possesses a unique charm and allure. It provides an opportunity to savor delicious cakes and date juice, making it a memorable experience.As an early riser, I cherish the enchanting beauty of a winter morning. The sight of the rising sun during this season serves as a respite from the monotony of everyday life. Therefore, it is incumbent upon everyone to relish the unparalleled beauty that a winter morning has to offer.

Winter Moring

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Winter is one of them. This season consists of two months called Poush and Magh. Actually it is the season of fog and chill. In this season everything seems to be dull and dry. The sum is not often seen all day long. Rainfalls is not available in this season. Some trees become bare in this season. Men shiver with cold. People wear warm clothes. The rich enjoy a winter morning much sitting idly, eating various types of pithas, paycs and tastey foods. They wear different types of warm clothes those are colourful and extravagant. But the poor suffer much from cold for want of warm clothes. They wait eagerly fora shining day. Sometimes they make fire in the morning to get escaped from bitting cold. In this season vegetables of all kinds are found ever where. Date juice is also found. Despite some difficulties, people like this season very much.

Winter Morning

Bangladesh experiences six distinct seasons, with winter being one of them. This season encompasses two months, Poush and Magh, characterized by its foggy and chilly weather. During this period, everything takes on a dull and desiccated appearance. The sun is often hidden behind thick clouds, and rainfall is scarce. Some trees shed their leaves, further contributing to the barren landscape. The biting cold compels people to don warm clothing, seeking refuge from the frigid temperatures.For the affluent, a winter morning is a delightful experience, often spent leisurely, indulging in various delectable treats such as pithas, payesh, and other tasty foods. They adorn themselves in vibrant and extravagant warm attire, adding a touch of color to the season's otherwise muted landscape. However, the less fortunate endure hardships during winter, lacking adequate warm clothing to shield them from the cold. They eagerly anticipate sunny days and may even resort to making fires in the morning to stave off the bitter cold.Despite the challenges, winter has its unique attractions. The season boasts an abundance of vegetables and offers the sweet taste of date juice. It is a time cherished by many, despite its difficulties, for its distinctive character and the opportunity it provides to savor nature's bounty.

Winter Morning

A winter morning is characterized by its chilly and misty atmosphere. The air feels cold, and a thick fog obscures visibility, making everything appear blurry and undefined. Dewdrops cling to the grass, glistening like tiny pearls when touched by the rising sun. During this time, both elderly people and children shiver in the cold, seeking warmth wherever they can find it. Poor individuals often gather straw and start fires to bask in the heat, while animals seek shelter in corners to escape the biting cold. Due to the cold weather, many people, especially the elderly and children, prefer to stay in bed longer, avoiding the discomfort of the early morning chill. Workers wait until the fog dissipates and the sun shines brighter before venturing out for the day. Some families take advantage of the pleasant warmth provided by the early morning sun by enjoying homemade cakes with 'date juice' while sitting outside their homes. For Bangalees living abroad, returning to Bangladesh during the winter is a common practice. Compared to the extremely cold winters experienced in European countries, the winter in Bangladesh is relatively mild and enjoyable for them. In summary, while a winter morning may be challenging for the poor, it can be a source of comfort and pleasure for the wealthy. The contrast in experiences highlights the socioeconomic disparities that exist during this time of the year.

Composition / Essay Writing

A Winter Morning

A winter morning in Bangladesh is cold and foggy, creating a calm and beautiful scene. Winter is one of the six seasons in the country, and people are used to it. In the morning, thick fog covers the surroundings, making it hard to see. Everything looks dreamy and quiet. Birds and animals usually stay silent because of the cold weather.

At night, dewdrops form on leaves and grass. When sunlight falls on them, they shine like tiny pearls. In villages, children enjoy winter mornings by collecting dry leaves and straw to make fires. These fires help them stay warm. Poor and elderly people often sit in the sun to get some heat, while people in slums struggle with the cold. Many find it difficult to wake up early because of the chill, but farmers and hardworking people still start their day early.

Winter mornings also bring special foods that people enjoy. Cakes made from rice flour and fresh date juice are popular during this season. These treats make winter mornings even more enjoyable.

As an early riser, I love the beauty of a winter morning. Watching the sun rise during winter feels refreshing and gives a break from the daily routine. The bright sun and the calm atmosphere create a peaceful and happy feeling.

In conclusion, a winter morning in Bangladesh is both cold and lovely. Although the cold can be hard to bear, the beauty and small joys of this season make it special. Everyone should take a moment to enjoy the peaceful and unique charm of a winter morning. It is a wonderful time to relax and connect with nature.

একটি শীতের সকাল

বাংলাদেশের একটি শীতের সকাল এর ঠাণ্ডা এবং কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন প্রকৃতির দ্বারা চিহ্নিত করা হয়, যা এটিকে একটি স্বপ্নের মতো অভিজ্ঞতা করে তোলে। শীতকাল বাংলাদেশে পালন করা ছয়টি ঋতুর মধ্যে একটি, যা এর বাসিন্দাদের বছরের এই বিশেষ পর্বের সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে পরিচিত করে। শীতের সকালে, কুয়াশার ঘন কম্বল চারপাশকে ঢেকে ফেলে, প্রায়শই এত ঘন যে দৃশ্যমানতা মারাত্মকভাবে সীমিত হয়, সবকিছুর উপর একটি ইথারিয়াল এবং আবছা আবরণ ঢেকে দেয়। পাখিদের স্বাভাবিক কিচিরমিচির শব্দ নিঃশব্দে পড়ে যায়, কারণ নীচের প্রাণী এবং পাখিরা প্রচণ্ড ঠান্ডার কারণে বাইরে বের হওয়া থেকে বিরত থাকে৷ সারা রাত, শিশিরবিন্দুগুলি সুন্দরভাবে গাছের পাতায় এবং ঘাসের ব্লেডে নেমে আসে, সকালে স্পর্শ করলে চকচকে মুক্তোর মতো। সূর্যের মৃদু রশ্মি। গ্রামাঞ্চলে, গ্রামের শিশুরা শীতের সকালের আনন্দময় দৃশ্যে আনন্দিত হয়। তারা তাদের আগুন জ্বালানোর জন্য খড় এবং শুকনো পাতা সংগ্রহ করে, যা তাদের কাঁপুনি শরীরকে গরম করে। এদিকে, কম সৌভাগ্যবান এবং বয়স্ক ব্যক্তিরা সূর্যের উষ্ণতায় সান্ত্বনা খোঁজেন, যখন বস্তিতে বসবাসকারীরা কাঁপুনি সহ তিক্ত ঠান্ডা সহ্য করে। হিমশীতল অবস্থার কারণে, লোকেরা প্রায়শই তাদের ঘুম থেকে তাড়াতাড়ি ওঠা কঠিন বলে মনে করে। যাইহোক, কঠোর পরিশ্রমী ব্যক্তি এবং নিবেদিতপ্রাণ কৃষকরা অস্বস্তি সহ্য করে, কামড়ের ঠাণ্ডায় অস্থির। কষ্ট সত্ত্বেও, একটি শীতের সকাল একটি অনন্য কবজ এবং লোভ ধারণ করে। এটি সুস্বাদু কেক এবং খেজুরের রস খাওয়ার সুযোগ দেয়, এটিকে একটি স্মরণীয় অভিজ্ঞতা করে তোলে। প্রথম দিকে রাইজার হিসাবে, আমি শীতের সকালের মনোমুগ্ধকর সৌন্দর্যকে লালন করি। এই ঋতুতে উদীয়মান সূর্যের দেখা দৈনন্দিন জীবনের একঘেয়েমি থেকে মুক্তি দেয়। অতএব, শীতের সকালের অতুলনীয় সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করা প্রত্যেকের কর্তব্য।

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