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Environment Pollution / The Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Updated: Apr 23

Paragraph Writing



Environment Pollution

Environmental pollution is a significant problem that affects our world today, causing harm to the air, water, and soil due to various human activities. This issue brings many troubles and worries into our daily lives, with air, water, and soil pollution being the most common and damaging types. Pollution is caused by emissions from factories and vehicles, which release harmful smoke and gases, worsening air quality. Waste disposal by industries, like textiles and garments, into ponds and rivers also contributes to water pollution. Moreover, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by farmers leads to soil pollution. Environmental pollution has serious consequences for plants, animals, and humans, causing problems like global warming and respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Vulnerable communities, especially those with lower incomes, suffer the most from pollution-related health issues. To address this problem, we must take urgent action. Raising awareness and educating people about pollution is crucial, as is implementing government policies and regulations to control it. Media outlets like newspapers and television can help spread awareness about pollution's harmful effects. Additionally, planting more trees through afforestation and reforestation efforts can help mitigate pollution's impact. By taking these steps, we can protect our planet and create a healthier environment for everyone.



Model Answer-2

Environment Pollution

Environmental pollution is undoubtedly one of the most pressing and hazardous issues that confront our world today. It pertains to the degradation of air, water, and soil due to various harmful human activities. This multifaceted problem poses numerous troubles and anxieties for us in our daily lives. Among the different types of environmental pollution, air, water, and soil pollution are the most widespread and destructive. Numerous factors contribute to environmental pollution, including the emissions from mills, factories, and vehicles that produce harmful smoke and gases, thereby degrading air quality. Additionally, the disposal of waste materials by industries, including the textile and garment sectors, in ponds and rivers causes water pollution. Farmers' use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is another significant factor leading to soil pollution. Environmental pollution has grave implications for plant and animal life, resulting in numerous negative effects, including global warming and greenhouse effects. People exposed to environmental pollution can suffer from a wide range of respiratory problems, such as asthma and coughing. Our poorer communities are especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of environmental pollution and often fall sick due to their prolonged exposure. Therefore, we must urgently address environmental pollution to prevent further damage to our planet. To tackle this issue, there are several measures that we can undertake. Firstly, we need to raise awareness and educate people about environmental pollution and its detrimental effects. Secondly, our governments should adopt necessary policies and regulations to control environmental pollution. Thirdly, the media, such as newspapers and television, should increase public awareness of environmental pollution's negative effects. Fourthly, we should engage in afforestation and reforestation efforts to mitigate the impact of environmental pollution. By taking these steps, we can protect our planet and create a healthy and happy environment for all.

Model Answer-3

Environmental Pollution: A cause of health-hazard

Nature, air, water, land and all other things around us in which we live are called environment. Any unexpected and abnormal change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called the environmental pollution. Now our environment is getting polluted every moment in many ways. In major cities and towns motor vehicles, mills and factories are creating fume and smoke and they pollute air. Man makes fires to cook food, to make bricks, to melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil and this smoke pollutes the air. Water, another vital element of the environment like air, is also polluted in many ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. Chemicals, fertilisers and insecticides get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds, and thus pollute water. Mills and factories also throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers, canals and seas and water is polluted. Moreover, water vehicles, unsafe drains and unsanitary latrines are also responsible for water pollution. These days many rivers and lakes are getting filthy. Forests and trees are being cut down on a large scale. So, the ecosystem of the environment is now in great danger. The noise of motor vehicles, mills and factories, aeroplanes, domestic appliances, radios, cassette players, CDs, televisions etc pollutes sound and this polluted sound affects our hearing. The government must take effective steps to prevent the pollution. People of all classes should come forward to control this environmental pollution because it is necessary for our own existence.


Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. The main elements of human environment are men, animals, plants, soil, air, and water. There are relationships among these elements. These relationships are disturbed because of pollution and then life becomes difficult or impossible. Every year millions of people all over the world die unnecessarily as a result of pollution. These unfortunate and avoidable deaths are brought about by four specific factors. Firstly, air pollution from factories, burning trash and vehicle fumes cause pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Then, water pollution from industrial charge, the indiscriminate disposal of toxic chemicals and the dumping of human waste into rivers and canals causes poisoning and water-borne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea. The next factor is the noise pollution from vehicle horns and microphones that might cause aggression and damage hearing. And finally, odour pollution from dumped or untreated human waste cause serious discomfort to our sense of smell, and attracts disease-bearing creatures such as rats and flies. We should take determined action to control these problems and clean up the environment to avert these unnecessary diseases.

Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution denotes wonderful alteration among the different elements of the environment which is a great threat to human beings, animals, wildlife and plants on earth. All the elements of the environment are closely related to one another. Pollution occurs in the environment if any element is changed or affected. There are various kinds of pollution like-air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and odour pollution. All these pollutions are together called environmental, pollution. Smoke and fume are the main culprits for air pollution. Mills, factories, industries, motor vehicles, power-houses, brick-fields and rail engines emit huge black smoke and fume which pollute the air seriously. Deforestation is another root cause of air pollution. Toxic chemical waste industrial products and garbage are the main culprits of water pollution. Water vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste, human waste and burnt oil into rivers and canals. The widespread use of in the fields seriously pollutes chemical fertilizers and insecticides water. Hydraulic horns of motor vehicles and the loud speakers of cassette players and mikes are the main culprits of sound pollution. Illiteracy, mass unawareness, population explosion and extreme poverty create environmental pollution. Environmental pollution causes various fatal diseases and brings about various natural disasters . It harms food production and causes the extinction of wild animals. It also causes ecological imbalance which endangers (fa9m our life on earth. In order to keep our environment danger free, environmental pollution must be controlled by raising public awareness, by removing illiteracy and poverty and by controlling population explosion. If we fail to check environmental pollution, our existence on earth will become difficult and impossible.


Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. The main elements of human environment are man, animals, plants, soil, air, and water. There are relationships among these elements. These relationships are disturbed because of pollution. Air pollution and water pollution are the main factors which contribute to the pollution of our environment. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air; man makes fire to cook food, to make bricks, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway engines, mills and factories and power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel. This air pollution causes pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Again water is polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilisers and insecticide in their lands to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with canal water and river water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing the waste materials into the rivers and canals. Steamers, launches and even sail boats pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the big canals and rivers. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. This water pollution causes poisoning and water-borne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea. Thus air and water polluted and as a result life becomes difficult or impossible.


Pollution means contamination or adulteration of one substance by another inferior one. It is a process by which the ecological balance of our environment is disturbed. There are various kinds of pollution, for example, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, etc. Water can be polluted in many ways. We throw waste into water. Oil seeps out from the vessels like launches, steamers, etc. Various insecticides used by the farmers get mixed with water and pollute it. Mills and factories also release their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers. Latrines and unsafe drains standing on the river and canal banks are also responsible for further pollution. Air is polluted mainly by smoke. Man makes fires to cook food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires create smoke by burning coal and oil Mills and factories create a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars emit smoke too. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air. There is a serious impact of air pollution on us. It causes many diseases like cancer, bronchitis, etc. Again the increase of temperature caused by air pollution is a menace to our environment. Sound is polluted by microphones, loudspeakers and vehicles horns, specially the hydraulic horns. Sound pollution causes hearing problem and damages brain and nerves. So we, in association with the government, should take necessary steps to check air, water and sound pollution.

Environment Pollution

All the ingredients that we have around us are jointly known as environment. Environment pollution implies the contamination of the surroundings. Any abnormal change of environment in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called environment pollution. Environment is the whole system of our existence. Our environment is becoming polluted everyday for several reasons. Human beings mainly pollute environment. Massive industrialization is an important cause of environment. Smoke from motor vehicles also pollutes environment. Serious environment pollution occurs in big cities because buses, trucks and cars play in the streets everyday and emit smoke. Mills and factories also pollute water. They throw their waste products into rivers and canals. By burning wood and melting pitch for road construction people make more smoke and pollute air. We use pesticide in our crop fields. It also pollutes our environment. Indiscriminate cutting of trees has also turned unbalanced environment. The ecological balance is being lost as a result of environment pollution. If we all desire to live a healthy and tranquillized life, we should make our environment clean and free from pollution. We should be all whole-heartedly in keeping our environment fit for habitation.

Environment Pollution

The environment includes the air, water, and land where people, animals, and plants live. These parts of nature should be clean and safe for everyone's health. But when they become dirty or unbalanced, it's called environmental pollution. Unfortunately, pollution is a big problem almost everywhere today, even in many parts of Bangladesh. We humans are mostly to blame for this. Factories and industries release a lot of smoke, gases, and fumes into the air, making it dirty. Cars and trucks also add to the problem by emitting smoke and gases. This is what we call air pollution. Water gets polluted when factories dump their waste into rivers and lakes, and when farmers use too many chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. Even noise can be a form of pollution, like when people use loudspeakers or honk their horns too much. Soil can also get polluted when farmers use too many chemicals on their crops. Trees are really important for the environment. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, which we need to breathe. But trees are being cut down too much, especially for things like building materials and paper. This is bad for the environment and needs to be stopped if we want to keep our planet healthy. Environmental pollution is a big threat to all of us. It can change the climate and cause natural disasters like floods and droughts. If we don't do something about it, our world might become a hard place to live in. To keep ourselves healthy and happy, we need to make sure the environment stays clean and free from pollution.



Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. The main elements of human environment are man, animals, plants, soil, air, and water. There are relationships among these elements. These relationships are disturbed because of pollution. Air pollution and water pollution are the main factors which contribute to the pollution of our environment. All things that produce heavy smoke pollute air. Railway engines, mills and factories and power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel. This air pollution causes pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Again water is polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilisers and insecticide in their lands to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with canal water and river water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing the waste materials into the rivers and canals. Steamers, launches and even sail boats pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the big canals and rivers. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. This water pollution causes poisoning and water-borne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea. To prevent this pollution we must take some steps. The government must be active as well as the common people should come forward to resolve this problem. Mills and factories must be set in particular places. Industrial wastes cannot be thrown here and there. Dumping of oil in the water must be stopped. Unsanitary latrines cannot be set beside river or canal. Overuse of chemical fertilizer must be stopped. Last but not the least, we must plant more and more trees to prevent environment pollution.

Composition / Essay Writing

Environment Pollution

Environmental pollution is undeniably one of the most urgent and dangerous challenges facing our world today. It encompasses the deterioration of air, water, and soil caused by harmful human activities. This complex issue brings numerous difficulties and concerns into our daily lives. Air, water, and soil pollution are among the most widespread and harmful forms of environmental degradation. Many factors contribute to this problem, including emissions from factories and vehicles that release harmful smoke and gases, leading to poor air quality. Additionally, industries, such as textiles and garments, often dispose of waste materials in rivers and ponds, causing water pollution. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by farmers is another significant contributor to soil pollution.

Environmental pollution has serious consequences for both plant and animal life, leading to harmful effects such as global warming and the greenhouse effect. People exposed to environmental pollution are at risk of developing various respiratory problems, including asthma and coughing. Communities with lower socioeconomic status are particularly vulnerable to these adverse effects and often suffer from prolonged exposure to pollution-related illnesses.

To address environmental pollution, we must take immediate action. Firstly, raising awareness and educating the public about the harmful effects of pollution is crucial. Secondly, governments must implement policies and regulations to control pollution effectively. Thirdly, the media, including newspapers and television, should play a role in informing the public about the negative impacts of pollution. Additionally, efforts such as afforestation and reforestation can help mitigate the effects of pollution on our environment.

By taking these steps, we can protect our planet and create a healthier and happier environment for everyone. It is essential that we work together to combat environmental pollution and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.


Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. The main elements of human environment are men, animals, plants, soil, air, and water. There are relationships among these elements. These relationships are disturbed because of pollution and then life becomes difficult or impossible. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics of environment is called pollution. The bio­sphere and the ecosystem are self-sustaining. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and all the living organisms in this world. Any imbalance therein causes a chain reaction leading to environment pollution. Today our environment is polluted in many ways. Among them, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution are awfully threatening to the mankind. Environment problem is a direct consequence of industrial progress. It is, therefore, more pronounced in large industrial belts. In these areas, the air gets polluted by the exhausts from automobiles and furnace, industrial soot, emission of smoke from factories etc. Decomposition of garbage and other refuse make the atmosphere heavy. Large scale accumulation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide thus takes place in the air we breathe. Green forests purify air, but with random felling of trees, the percentage of these highly poisonous gases in the air increases. With development of industries, large amount of industrial and municipal wastes are discharged into rivers or lakes. Thus water gets polluted with toxic chemicals resulting in the death of marine lives. Emissions from refineries float on seas destroying marine lives and coastal vegetation wherever it strikes. Sound pollution, a part of our daily life affects our hearing, our nerves, our ability to work efficiently and our general health. Soil pollution is also another important aspect. Factory waste, nuclear explosion, oil etc pollute the soil and soil can’t grow crops. All these cause great damage to the health of living creatures. Steps must be taken to prevent environment pollution for the greater welfare of mankind.


The thing which makes the world most worried is environment pollution. Our environment comprises the elements that surround us. Air, water, the sun, the moon. weather, climate and everything fall under the category of environment. Environment makes us survive. We get everything from nature to meet the need of our life.


The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse. We know that air is an important element of our environment and our air is polluted by smoke. Man makes fire to cook food, make bricks. melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil. Mills and factories also belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. These too emit smoke. All these kinds of smoke pollute the air.


Water, another vital element of the environment, is also polluted in different ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and thus pollute the water.


Sound pollution is another hindrance to a calm and serene life. There are so many disturbing sounds made by man and machines. Making loud sounds without caring for human disturbance is a cognizable offence. People suffering from hypertension or heart disease may have heart attack or stroke if they hear loud sounds. Even loud sound may affect the mental upbringing of a baby.

Greenhouse effect is a recent concept which means the adverse effects caused by the rise in the temperature in the climate of the world. Indiscriminate deforestation throughout the world also is one of the causes to create imbalance in the climate and it, in turn, helps Greenhouse effect to intensify.


Environment is the basis of our existence. To ensure our existence we should remain free from all sorts of pollution. Government, semi-government, non-government organisations should come forward with the programmes of saving environment. All of us should remember the importance of the slogan, "Save the environment, ensure the healthier life.



Environment Pollution

Pollution means spoiling the purity of a thing. So environment pollution means the destruction of the purity of our environment. In our Bangladesh, the problem is growing more and more acute. So, it affects our health and causes loss to us in different ways..

Air, water, plants, animals etc. form our environment. Pure air is essential for our health. On the contrary, impure air is injurious to our health. In cities and towns most people live in congested areas. The most common factor that pollutes air is smoke. All types of smoke pollute air. Men makes fire to cook food, to make bricks, to burn refuse and to melt pitch etc. All these create smoke and pollute air. Railway engines, buses, trucks and other vehicles emit smoke and thus pollute the air. The serious air pollution occurs in big industrial areas and big cities. Air pollution causes pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory disease.

Water can be polluted in many ways. Chemical fertilizers and insecticides used by the farmers in their fields pollute water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing waste products of many poisonous chemicals into rivers and canals.Human waste and filth that fall into rivers and canals from unsanitary latrines pollute water.


Another kind of pollution is sound pollution. Sound pollution is caused by the use of different kinds of horns of vehicles and the indiscriminate use of microphones, loud speakers, slogans, film songs, crackers during the religious festivals etc.


Plants are our great friends. Trees take carbon dioxide from the air and give us life giving oxygen. But people recklessly cut down trees. Consequently a fertile land turns into a desert. Some animals and birds are of great use to us. Their proper maintenance is essential for our good.


Therefore, we should be conscious to keep our environment free from pollution. Otherwise, it will create a great dangerous situation for oul, life, property and above all future generation.

The Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh

Introduction :


In our day-to-day life, xe are facing newer serious problems environmental pollution has become a major problem in our country. It is regarded as a global problem too. Our environment is getting polluted day by day. Our life is closely related to environment. As a result of environmental pollution. our life is now in great. threat.


Different pollutions : Now we are facing different environmental pollutions such as water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, odour pollution and arsenic pollution. Wherever we cast our eyes or move, we feel various pollutions in the environment.- Water is one of the vital element of' the environment. But now it is seriously polluted. Air is another principal element. But this life saving element is also severely polluted.


Causes of pollution : Our environment is polluted in many ways. Air is polluted by smoke. Mills, factories, industries, power houses, rail engines, motor- vehicles and brick-fields emit huge black smoke and fume. They get mixed with   air and pollute it. Water is another principal element of an environment. It is also polluted in many ways. Our farmers use chemical fertilizers to grow better crops. They also use insecticides to kill the harmful insects that harm crops, vegetables and fruits. They get mixed with water and pollute it seriously. Besides, our mills and factories pollute/contaminate water by dumping/ throwing toxic chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Insanitary latrines also cause water pollution. Loud-speakers: mike, the radio, television, aeroplanes, jet engines, rail engines. power-houses, motor cars etc. creates dangerous sound pollution. Improper management of rubbish and wastes create bad smell which creates odour pollution.


Bad effects : The bad effect of environmental pollution is very panic and alarming. Air pollution causes various respiratory diseases, water pollution causes fatal waterborne diseases, odour pollution causes also respiratory diseases, sound pollution harms our brain, hearing and hampers our concentration on works and studies. All these environmental pollutions affect the wildlife, crops, trees and creates imbalance in the environment. They harm our agriculture as well as our economy.


How to solve/Remedies : In order to solve/control environmental pollution. illiteracy and poverty must be eradicated/ removed. Civic consciousness should be raised about the danger of environmental pollution. Lead free fuel must be used in cars and mills and factories. Environment protection law must be made effective properly. The dumping of toxic chemicals and waste products from mills, factories and industries into water must be stopped. The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides should be controlled. The dumping food waste, human waste and the burnt oil from the water vehicles must be stopped. Public awareness should be created about the danger of environmental pollution. Illiteracy must be wiped out. Population explosion must .be stopped. Early marriage must be banned. Environment protection laws must be imposed effectively in order to check environmental pollution.



The world we live in is full of things and beings. There are many objects around us. Some objects are natural like stones , trees, air and water. Some are man-made like houses, cars, cloth and chemicals. There are some forces. Besides, life exists under some conditions. All these three things namely objects, forces and conditions, together make our environment.


Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. So, we are the people who are totally responsible to save our environment which makes direct effect on our life free from all sorts of pollution. Environment pollution affects our life very seriously. This is why, I agree to the statement that to save the environment is the responsibility of each and every individual and not only of the government. There are some arguments for this statement. These are as follows : We know that the main elements of human environment are animals, plants, soil, air and water. Life on earth can't exist until and unless these are kept clean and pure. There are relationships between these elements. When these relationships are disturbed life becomes difficult or impossible.


We must keep the environment balanced and fit for all kinds of life—human, animal and plant. By keeping the environment clean, man can ensure a healthier and happier life.

It is man who can turn a good, clean environment into a bad polluted one. He can do this without even knowing that he is doing it. By many unwise acts he pollutes his environment and kills a lot of valuable lives. So, we should try our best to save the environment. If we think that the government is the only agent that saves the environment, we are totally wrong. All individuals coming and working together can save it and save a lot of lives. If it is to be done, common people should be made aware of saving the environment.


The government can play a vital role to save the environment. But the role played by media and individuals is equally important.


Our total environment influences our life and our way of living. The main elements of human environment are men, animals, plants, soil, air, and water. There are relationships among these elements. These relationships are disturbed because of pollution and then life becomes difficult or impossible. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics of environment is called pollution. The bio-sphere and the ecosystem are self-sustaining. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and all the living organisms in this world. Any imbalance therein causes a chain reaction leading to environment pollution.

Today our environment is polluted in many ways. Among them air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution are awfully threatening to the mankind. Environment pollution is much more pronounced in large industrial belts. Steps must be taken to control the haphazard growth of industries. As the exhaust of automobiles is one of the major reasons of environment pollution, we must take effective steps to control it. The best way to prevent pollution is to plant trees and to take care of them. The wild life must be preserved and the mass massacre of trees must be prevented. To fight the pollution of water sewage treatment plants must be built. We have to pass strict laws to take effective steps against the misuse of microphones to cease sound pollution. People must be made aware of the dangers of sound pollution and everyone must cultivate the virtues of quietness in domestic as well as public life. Above all we must make peace with nature.




Environmental pollution poses a significant threat to our total environment, encompassing all living organisms and natural elements. The delicate balance among men, animals, plants, soil, air, and water is disrupted by pollution, making life difficult or even unsustainable. Pollution refers to any abnormal change in the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the environment.

Today, our environment faces various forms of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, and sound pollution, which pose serious risks to humanity. Industrial areas are particularly prone to environmental pollution due to the unchecked growth of industries. The exhaust emissions from vehicles also contribute significantly to air pollution, necessitating effective measures to control them.

Planting trees and nurturing them is one of the most effective ways to prevent pollution, as trees help to purify the air and maintain ecological balance. Preserving wildlife and preventing deforestation are also crucial in combating environmental degradation. Additionally, the establishment of sewage treatment plants is essential to address water pollution and ensure the cleanliness of water bodies.

To tackle sound pollution, strict regulations must be enacted to prevent the misuse of microphones and loudspeakers. It is imperative to raise awareness among the public about the detrimental effects of sound pollution and promote the cultivation of quietness in both domestic and public settings.

Ultimately, achieving harmony with nature is paramount in preventing environmental pollution. This entails adopting sustainable practices and respecting the delicate balance of ecosystems. By taking proactive measures to mitigate pollution and safeguard the environment, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come.


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