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Patriotism (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 23

Paragraph Writing


Patriotism is a feeling of love and loyalty towards one's country. It inspires people to work for the betterment of their nation, even if it means making sacrifices. A patriotic person feels a sense of duty towards their country and is eager to contribute positively. They obey laws, pay taxes, and care about the well-being of their fellow citizens. Patriotism encourages people to help each other and work together for the common good. For instance, a patriotic individual may volunteer their time to assist those in need or participate in community projects to improve the quality of life for everyone. On the other hand, someone lacking patriotism may prioritize their own interests above those of their country. They may engage in activities that harm the nation or even plot against it. These individuals can pose a threat to the country's freedom and stability. In contrast, patriotic citizens strive to protect and promote the values and ideals of their country. They take pride in their nation's culture, heritage, and achievements, and are willing to defend it against any challenges. Ultimately, patriotism is a powerful force that unites people and strengthens the bond between them and their homeland. It encourages individuals to work together towards a brighter future for their country and its citizens.

Model Answer-2

Composition / Essay Writing



Patriotism means love of one’s own country. It is a noble virtue. It is a sterling quality of a man. It elevates his moral character and inspires him to lay down his life on the altar of his country. He is the most unfortunate man who has no sense of love for his motherland.


Patriotism inflames a spirit of sacrifice in a man. It inspires him to live for his country and die for his country. The progress and prosperity of a nation depend on the deep love of the individual members of the country. National prestige and glory should be a living reality to a true patriot. He should not live for his own interest being blind to the interest of his country and countrymen. He should bear in mind that motherland is superior to heaven.


False patriotism is very dangerous. Love of one’s own country is good but one should not look down upon other countries. Many crimes have been committed in the name of patriotism. It has been so much misused to fulfill the most selfish aims and narrow passions that dr. Johnson said in disgust, “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”


A true patriot always longs for the good of his country and countrymen. It is a noble sentiment that inspires him to place. The good of his motherland above his personal interest. He devotes himself to the service of his country. So his countrymen always hold him in great respect and follow in his footsteps. He has no conflict with internationalism. A true patriot has a broad and liberal outlook.


In this world, there is no man who is not proud of his country. It is the purest of all his passions. There is no man whose heart is not filled with joy when he walks homeward after traveling in a foreign country.






Patriotism, the fervent love for one’s own country, is a sublime virtue that exalts a man’s character and instills in him a deep-seated sense of duty towards his motherland. It is an emblem of nobility that elevates an individual above the mundane and inspires him to make the ultimate sacrifice for his nation. To be devoid of patriotic fervor is to be the most unfortunate of men, for it robs one of the opportunity to experience the sheer joy and exultation of serving one’s country.


The essence of patriotism lies in the spirit of self-sacrifice that it engenders in a person. It spurs one to devote oneself to the welfare of one’s country and its citizens, even at the cost of one’s own life. The growth and prosperity of a nation hinge on the deep-seated love of its people, and the true patriot embodies this love in his actions and words. For him, the glory and prestige of his nation are not mere abstractions, but living realities that demand his unwavering loyalty and allegiance.


However, the dangers of false patriotism must not be overlooked. While love for one’s country is a laudable trait, it must never degenerate into chauvinism or intolerance towards other nations. History is replete with examples of heinous crimes committed in the name of patriotism, and it is therefore imperative that we exercise caution in our expressions of national pride. As the renowned literary figure, dr. Samuel johnson, acerbically noted, patriotism has been so frequently exploited for selfish ends that it has become the last refuge of scoundrels.


A true patriot, on the other hand, is one who ardently desires the well-being of his country and its people. His noble sentiments inspire him to place the good of his motherland above his personal interests, and he dedicates himself wholeheartedly to the service of his nation. Such an individual commands the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens, who view him as a role model to emulate. He recognizes that internationalism and patriotism need not be mutually exclusive, and his vision extends far beyond the narrow confines of national boundaries.


In conclusion, the love for one’s country is an innate passion that pervades the hearts of people from all walks of life. Patriotism is the most sublime expression of this passion, for it inspires individuals to transcend their narrow self-interests and dedicate themselves to the welfare of their nation. While the dangers of false patriotism must be acknowledged, the true patriot remains steadfast in his commitment to the welfare of his country and its people, and his actions serve as a beacon of hope for future generations.


Patriotism means love of one’s own country. It is a noble virtue. It is a sterling quality of a man. It elevates his moral character and inspires him to lay down his life on the altar of his country. He is the most unfortunate man who has no sense of love for his motherland.

Patriotism inflames a spirit of sacrifice in a man. It inspires him to live for his country and die for his country. The progress and prosperity of a nation depend on the deep love of the individual members of the country. National prestige and glory should be a living reality to a true patriot. He should not live for his own interest being blind to the interest of his country and countrymen. He should bear in mind that motherland is superior to heaven.

False patriotism is very dangerous. Love of one’s own country is good but one should not look down upon other countries. Many crimes have been committed in the name of patriotism. It has been so much misused to fulfill the most selfish aims and narrow passions that Dr. Johnson said in disgust, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

A true patriot always longs for the good of his country and countrymen. It is a noble sentiment that inspires him to place. The good of his motherland above his personal interest. He devotes himself to the service of his Country. So his countrymen always hold him in great respect and follow in his footsteps. He has no conflict with internationalism. A true patriot has a broad and liberal outlook.

In this world, there is no man who is not proud of his country. It is the purest of all his passions. There is no man whose heart is not filled with joy when he walks homeward after traveling in a foreign country.



Patriotism is one of the virtues of men. It means the love of one's motherland. It is a noble sentiment and a national virtue. The man who lacks it has indeed a dead soul. As Sir Walter Scott says:- BREATHES there the man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said, "This is my own, my native land": Patriotism.

A true patriot loves his country and countrymen from the core of his heart. He is always ready to sacrifice his life for the welfare of his country. Everybody likes a patriot, but hates a selfish man. A selfish man can not love his native country. He may be rich, but no body respects him. He may have vast wealth, many titles but he is forgotten by all. No body laments for him, and sings his praise. He Is sometimes condemned as an enemy to the country. He seeks his own interest. But every body praises a patriot. 'He places his country above everything. He is respected by his countrymen. He will be remembered from generation to generation. He is ever honoured all over the world.

Patriotism inflames a spirit of perfect sacrifice in a man. So, we should practise the value of patriotism. If the national leaders, the teachers, the lawyers, the doctors and the common people of the country are patriotic and understand the value of patriotism, it will be easy to develop a country. Patriotism makes a man great, grateful and unselfish.

False patriotism is very dangerous. Many crimes have been committed in the name of patriotism. The word patriotism has been so much misused to fulfil the most selfish aims and narrow passions that Dr. Johnson said in disgust, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".

Everyone of us should do something for the good and welfare of the country. We should bear in mind that mother and motherland are superior to heaven. So, we should love and respect our country as well as those of others on the basic principles of co-existence.



Patriotism is a noble virtue. Patriotism is love of and devotion to one's country. The word is derived from the Latin Word for 'father' and it literally means love of the fatherland, or the land of one's fathers. A true patriot is an unselfish lover of his country. His sincere desire is to serve its best interests in all ways possible to him.

Love for one's own country purifies mind, removes the narrowness of heart and helps one to be selflessly inspired. Man becomes immortal by loving his country, and his patriotism prepares him to-face any odd challenge as fleeting and trivial. In 1971 the people of our motherland got spirited with patriotism and participated in the Liberation War without caring for their own lives. Our patriotic heroes fought with robust patriotism and thwarted the organised assault of the stronger Pakistani forces. Titumir and Tipu Sultan were defeated by the British but their love for motherland is unparalleled. After the defeat, Titumir's dead body was saluted by the English General. The valiant tale of patriotic Khudiram of the then Indian sub-continent was an example for the contemporary juvenile heroes and till today Khudiram's hanging by the British is reviewed with applause through singing. Value of an individual's life is duly assessed with the magnitude of his. patriotism. The creed of politics is patriotism, but the selfish and ambitious role of today's politicians is disappointing.

Patriotism begets humanity. A sign of patriotism is implied in the sword of Isa Khan. Rabindranath and Nazrul Islam kept patriotism high in their writings and songs. Actually everybody should perform his assigned duty and endeavour to contribute to the state welfare.

Homeland is a great asset to men. At the time of our country's distress or danger we should be ready to stand by her, to work for her, to lay down our lives for her, if -need be. We should love our country because she is bred into our bones everyday of our life. The English poet Sir Walter Scott sang

"Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, "This is my own, my native land?"


Patriotism means having love and respect for one’s country. It is a feeling of pride and devotion that inspires people to work for the welfare and progress of their nation. A patriotic person always thinks about the good of their country and is ready to sacrifice personal interests for its benefit. Patriotism unites people and helps build a strong and prosperous nation.

True patriotism is not just about showing respect for national symbols like the flag or singing the national anthem. It also means following the laws, helping fellow citizens, and protecting the country’s resources and heritage. A patriotic person works hard to make their country better in every way—whether it is by educating others, keeping the environment clean, or contributing to the economy.

Patriotism becomes especially important during difficult times, such as war or natural disasters. During such moments, patriotic citizens come forward to protect their country and support their fellow people. History is full of examples of brave individuals who have fought and sacrificed their lives for their country’s freedom and safety.

However, patriotism does not mean hating other nations or thinking they are less important. True patriotism promotes peace, understanding, and cooperation among all countries. A patriotic person respects other nations while being proud of their own.

In conclusion, patriotism is a noble quality that motivates people to work for their country’s progress and unity. It is a feeling that inspires us to be responsible, loyal, and hardworking citizens. A nation can grow strong and prosperous only when its people are united by the spirit of patriotism.             





দেশপ্রেম মানে নিজের দেশের প্রতি ভালোবাসা। এটি একটি মহৎ গুণ। এটি একজন মানুষের একটি উৎকৃষ্ট গুণ। এটি তার নৈতিক চরিত্রকে উন্নত করে এবং তাকে তার দেশের বেদিতে জীবন উৎসর্গ করতে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। যে ব্যক্তি তার মাতৃভূমির প্রতি ভালোবাসার অনুভূতি রাখে না, সে সবচেয়ে দুর্ভাগ্যবান ব্যক্তি।

দেশপ্রেম একজন মানুষের মধ্যে ত্যাগের চেতনা জাগিয়ে তোলে। এটি তাকে তার দেশের জন্য বাঁচতে এবং তার দেশের জন্য মরতে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। একটি জাতির অগ্রগতি ও সমৃদ্ধি দেশের প্রতিটি সদস্যের গভীর ভালোবাসার উপর নির্ভর করে। জাতীয় মর্যাদা ও গৌরব একজন প্রকৃত দেশপ্রেমের কাছে একটি জীবন্ত বাস্তবতা হওয়া উচিত। তার নিজের দেশ এবং দেশবাসীর স্বার্থের প্রতি অন্ধ হয়ে নিজের স্বার্থের জন্য বেঁচে থাকা উচিত নয়। তার মনে রাখা উচিত যে মাতৃভূমি স্বর্গের চেয়েও শ্রেষ্ঠ।

মিথ্যা দেশপ্রেম খুবই বিপজ্জনক। নিজের দেশের প্রতি ভালোবাসা ভালো, কিন্তু অন্য দেশকে অবজ্ঞা করা উচিত নয়। দেশপ্রেমের নামে অনেক অপরাধ সংঘটিত হয়েছে। সবচেয়ে স্বার্থপর লক্ষ্য এবং সংকীর্ণ আবেগ পূরণের জন্য এটি এতটাই অপব্যবহার করা হয়েছে যে ড. জনসন ঘৃণার সুরে বলেছিলেন, “দেশপ্রেম হলো একজন বদমাশের শেষ আশ্রয়।”

একজন সত্যিকারের দেশপ্রেমিক সর্বদা তার দেশ এবং দেশবাসীর মঙ্গলের জন্য আকাঙ্ক্ষা করে। এটি একটি মহৎ অনুভূতি যা তাকে তার ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থের ঊর্ধ্বে তার মাতৃভূমির মঙ্গলকে স্থান দিতে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। তিনি তার দেশের সেবায় নিজেকে নিবেদিত করেন। তাই তার দেশবাসী সর্বদা তাকে অত্যন্ত শ্রদ্ধা করে এবং তার পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ করে। আন্তর্জাতিকতার সাথে তার কোনও বিরোধ নেই। একজন সত্যিকারের দেশপ্রেমের একটি বিস্তৃত এবং উদার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি থাকে।

এই পৃথিবীতে, এমন কোনও মানুষ নেই যে তার দেশ নিয়ে গর্বিত নয়। এটি তার সমস্ত আবেগের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বিশুদ্ধ। এমন কোনও মানুষ নেই যার হৃদয় বিদেশে ভ্রমণের পরে যখন সে বাড়ির দিকে হেঁটে যায় তখন আনন্দে পূর্ণ হয় না।


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