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Phrase and Idioms for Examination-2 (K-Z)

Phrase and Idioms for Speaking Test


  1. Kick the bucket - To die (মারা যাওয়া) - Sadly, the old man kicked the bucket last night.

  2. Keep your chin up - To remain positive in a difficult situation (কঠিন পরিস্থিতিতে ইতিবাচক থাকা) - Keep your chin up; things will get better soon.

  3. Knock on wood - To avoid bad luck (অমঙ্গলের এড়াতে) - The weather has been great, knock on wood.

  4. Keep an eye on - To watch or monitor carefully (সতর্কভাবে নজর রাখা) - Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?

  5. Kick off - To start something (কিছু শুরু করা) - The meeting will kick off at 10 AM.

  6. Know the ropes - To be familiar with how something works (কিভাবে কিছু কাজ করে তা পরিচিত হওয়া) - She knows the ropes after working here for five years.

  7. Knee-jerk reaction - An automatic or quick response (স্বয়ংক্রিয় বা দ্রুত প্রতিক্রিয়া) - His decision was a knee-jerk reaction to the criticism.

  8. Keep your fingers crossed - To hope for a good outcome (ভাল ফলাফলের আশা করা) - Keep your fingers crossed that we win the game.

  9. Knock it out of the park - To do something exceptionally well (অসাধারণভাবে কিছু করা) - Her presentation really knocked it out of the park.

  10. Keep a low profile - To avoid attracting attention (দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ এড়াতে) - He prefers to keep a low profile and stay out of the spotlight.


  1. Last straw - The final annoyance that causes someone to lose patience (শেষ স্ত্রাব) - His lateness was the last straw for his boss.

  2. Let the cat out of the bag - To reveal a secret (রহস্য ফাঁস করা) - She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

  3. Lost cause - A hopeless situation or case (অকৃত্রিম) - Trying to fix that old car is a lost cause.

  4. Like a fish out of water - Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings (অপরিচিত অবস্থায় অস্বাভাবিক অনুভব) - He was like a fish out of water at the fancy dinner party.

  5. Live and learn - To gain knowledge from experience (অভিজ্ঞান থেকে জ্ঞান প্রাপ্ত করা) - I didn't know that before; live and learn!

  6. Laughing stock - Someone or something that is ridiculed or laughed at (হাস্যকর বা নির্লজ্জতা) - After his clumsy fall, he became the laughing stock of the office.

  7. Let sleeping dogs lie - To avoid restarting a conflict (সমস্যা নিতে না নিতে যাওয়া) - It's better to let sleeping dogs lie than to bring up old arguments.

  8. Light at the end of the tunnel - Hope or relief after a long period of difficulty (কাঠামোর শেষে আলো) - Finally, there's light at the end of the tunnel in this project.

  9. Leave no stone unturned - To make every possible effort (সম্ভব প্রচেষ্টা করা) - They left no stone unturned in their search for the missing child.

  10. Learn the ropes - To learn how to do a job or task (একটি কাজ বা কাজ করা শেখা) - He's new here; he'll need some time to learn the ropes.

  11. Look before you leap - To think carefully about the possible results before doing something (কোন কাজের পূর্বে চিন্তা করা) - Look before you leap; don't make a hasty decision.

  12. Long shot - A very unlikely possibility (অত্যন্ত অসম্ভব সম্ভাবনা) - Winning the lottery is a long shot.

  13. Love at first sight - Falling in love immediately upon meeting someone (প্রথম দর্শনে ভালোবাসা) - It was love at first sight when they met.

  14. Live and let live - To accept others' differences and choices (অন্যের পরিবর্তন এবং পছন্দ গ্রহণ করা) - His motto is live and let live.

  15. Lower your voice - To speak more quietly (আরামদায়ক ভাষায় কথা বলা) - Lower your voice; we're in a library.

  16. Lend a hand - To help someone (কাউকে সাহায্য করা) - Can you lend a hand with these boxes?

  17. Let bygones be bygones - To forget about past conflicts or mistakes (অতীতের সমস্যা বা ভুল ভুল ভুল মিটিয়ে দেওয়া) - It's time to let bygones be bygones and move forward.

  18. Lost in translation - Misunderstood or not accurately conveyed (অনুবাদে হারিয়ে গেছে) - Some jokes are lost in translation.

  19. Learn the hard way - To learn from experience, often through making mistakes (অভিজ্ঞান থেকে শিখা) - He learned the hard way that procrastination leads to trouble.

  20. Lock horns - To argue or fight (আলোচনা বা লড়াইয়ে পরিণত হওয়া) - The two politicians locked horns over the new policy.


  1. Make a long story short - To summarize briefly (সংক্ষেপে বলা) - Make a long story short, we decided to go with the blue paint.

  2. Make ends meet - To manage financially (অর্থমুক্ত থাকা) - It's hard to make ends meet on minimum wage.

  3. Mind your own business - To not interfere in someone else's affairs (নিজের কাজে মনোযোগ দিতে) - She told him to mind his own business.

  4. More than meets the eye - Hidden details or complexities (চেহারার পরের বিস্তারিত বা জটিলতা) - The situation is more than meets the eye.

  5. March to the beat of your own drum - To do things your own way (নিজের মতে কাজ করা) - She always marches to the beat of her own drum.

  6. Miss the boat - To miss an opportunity (সুযোগ হারানো) - I missed the boat on buying those concert tickets; they sold out.

  7. Make hay while the sun shines - To take advantage of an opportunity (সূর্য প্রকাশ পাওয়া সময় উপযুক্ত কাজ করা) - Let's make hay while the sun shines and finish this project.

  8. Mum's the word - To keep something secret (গোপন রাখা) - Mum's the word about the surprise party, okay?

  9. Make a mountain out of a molehill - To exaggerate a small problem (একটি ছোট সমস্যার উচ্চাকাঙ্খা করা) - Don't make a mountain out of a molehill; it's just a minor issue.

  10. Make waves - To cause trouble or controversy (সমস্যা বা বিতর্ক সৃষ্টি করা) - Her comments made waves at the meeting.

  11. Middle of nowhere - A remote or isolated location (কোনও একত্র জায়গা) - Their house is in the middle of nowhere.

  12. Money talks - Wealth has influence and power (টাকা কথা বলে) - Unfortunately, in politics, money talks.

  13. My hands are tied - I am unable to help or act (আমার হাত বেঁধে গেছে) - Sorry, my hands are tied regarding this decision.

  14. Make the grade - To meet the required standards (প্রয়োজনীয় মান অনুযায়ী পরিশোধ করা) - She studied hard to make the grade on her exams.

  15. Make peace - To reconcile or resolve conflicts (মধুশান বা সমস্যা বাতিল করা) - It's time to make peace with your brother.

  16. Monkey business - Mischievous or deceitful behavior (ছাগল পাচা) - There's been some monkey business going on in the office lately.

  17. Move the goalposts - To change the rules or requirements during a process (প্রয়োজনীয় নির্দেশ করা) - They keep moving the goalposts on this project.

  18. Moot point - A point that is debatable or irrelevant (বিতর্কযোগ্য বা অপ্রয়োজনীয় পয়েন্ট) - Whether to paint the walls blue or green is a moot point now that we're moving.

  19. Mouth-watering - Very appealing or attractive (খুব আকর্ষণীয়) - The menu had some mouth-watering options.

  20. Make a killing - To earn a large amount of money (একটি বড় পরিমাণ টাকা উপার্জন করা) - He made a killing in the stock market last month.

  21. Miles away - Daydreaming or lost in thought (দূরে) - During class, he was miles away.

  22. Murphy's Law - Anything that can go wrong will go wrong (কোনোটা কিছু ভুলে চলে যাবে যা সম্ভব) - According to Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong, it will.

  23. Make up your mind - To make a decision (নির্ণয় করা) - Please make up your mind about which movie you want to see.

  24. Muddy the waters - To make a situation more confusing (সংকট বা বিশদতা বৃদ্ধি করা) - His unclear explanation only muddied the waters further.

  25. Make a breakthrough - To achieve a significant advance or discovery (প্রবর্তন অর্জন করা) - Scientists made a breakthrough in cancer research.

  26. Make up for lost time - To use time productively after a period of inactivity (হারানো সময় পুনরুদ্ধার করা) - After the delay, they worked hard to make up for lost time.

  27. Make the most of - To take full advantage of something (এর সর্বশেষ প্রয়োজন) - Let's make the most of this beautiful day.

  28. Make a scene - To create a disturbance or spectacle (একটি দৃশ্য সৃষ্টি করা) - Please don't make a scene in public.

  29. Make a fuss - To complain or become upset about something minor (একটি ছোট বিষয়ে অশান্তি করা) - She made a fuss about the missing pen.

  30. Money for old rope - Easy money for little work (সরল অর্থ জন্য কাজ) - Selling those old books was money for old rope.


  1. No pain, no gain - You need to work hard to achieve something (কোন ব্যথা, কোন প্রাপ্তি) - No pain, no gain; if you want to get fit, you have to exercise.

  2. Never say never - Don't dismiss something outright (কখনো না বলো না) - Never say never; you might change your mind.

  3. Not my cup of tea - Something you don't like or enjoy (আমার চাবি নয়) - Jazz music is not my cup of tea; I prefer rock.

  4. Nip something in the bud - To stop a problem before it becomes worse (কোন সমস্যার সামনেই তা বার করা) - It's best to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

  5. Nest egg - Savings or investments for the future (ভবিষ্যতের জন্য সঞ্চয়) - She's been building her nest egg for retirement.

  6. Not hold water - To be illogical or invalid (অযুক্তিক) - His argument does not hold water upon closer inspection.

  7. Needle in a haystack - Something extremely difficult to find (খুব বা কিছু খুঁজতে) - Finding a reliable mechanic is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  8. Nose to the grindstone - Working hard and diligently (শ্রমিক) - She's got her nose to the grindstone to finish the project on time.

  9. Naked eye - Without the aid of a telescope or microscope (বিনা টেলিস্কোপ বা মাইক্রোস্কোপের সাহায্যে) - You can see the stars with the naked eye on a clear night.

  10. Nine-to-five - A regular and typical work schedule (৫ মিনিট) - She works a nine-to-five job in the office.

  11. Not the sharpest tool in the shed - Not very intelligent (খুব মেজাজে হোলে তাদের) - He's nice, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  12. No stone unturned - To make every effort (প্রয়োজনীয় প্রচেষ্টা করা) - They turned over every stone to find the missing keys.

  13. Nosebleed seats - Seats far from the stage or action (দূরের অধিনায়ক) - We got nosebleed seats for the concert, but at least we're in!

  14. Near and dear - Close and important (নিকট এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ) - Family and friends are near and dear to me.

  15. Nitty-gritty - The essential details or practical aspects (প্রাথমিক মুখসুমু) - Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of the contract.

  16. Not in the least - Not at all (একটুও না) - He was not in the least interested in attending the meeting.

  17. No hard feelings - No resentment or ill will (অস্বস্তিত্ব বা কষ্ট হত্যা নাই) - I hope there are no hard feelings about what happened.

  18. Nail in the coffin - Something that leads to failure or the end of something (হাতাহাতি) - The bad review was the nail in the coffin for the restaurant.

  19. Name of the game - The essential point or objective (মুখ্য বা উদ্দেশ্য) - Efficiency is the name of the game in this industry.

  20. Narrow escape - A close call or barely avoiding danger (কোনো বিপদ বা যান্ত্রিক) - It was a narrow escape from the burning building.

  21. Not one's cup of tea - Something that one doesn't enjoy or prefer (তার একটি চাবি নয়) - Action movies are not his cup of tea; he prefers comedies.

  22. No-brainer - Something that requires little thought or effort (কোনো চিন্তা অথবা প্রয়াসের প্রয়োজন নেই) - Choosing the healthier option was a no-brainer.

  23. Not up to par - Not meeting the expected standard (প্রত্যাশিত মান না পূর্ণ হওয়া) - His performance was not up to par with the rest of the team.

  24. Neck and neck - Very close or even in a competition (খুব প্রায়) - The two runners are neck and neck as they approach the finish line.

  25. New lease on life - A fresh start or opportunity (একটি নতুন সাথে) - Starting this new job feels like a new lease on life.

  26. Nothing to sneeze at - Something significant or noteworthy (অনুমানিত দাম) - A raise in salary is nothing to sneeze at.

  27. Night owl - A person who stays up late (রাত্রি পাখি) - He's a night owl; he works best in the late hours.

  28. No-go - Something that is not possible or allowed (নকল বা সম্ভব না) - The plan to travel was a no-go due to the storm.

  29. Not all there - Not mentally or emotionally stable (মানসিক কর্কশ) - After the accident, he wasn't all there.

  30. Nothing ventured, nothing gained - You have to take risks to achieve something (কোন ঝুঁকি, কোন লাভ) - Nothing ventured, nothing gained; you should apply for the job.




1.      On cloud nine - Extremely happy (অত্যন্ত খুশি) - She was on cloud nine after hearing the good news.

2.      Out of the blue - Unexpectedly (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে) - The news came out of the blue.

3.      Once in a blue moon - Very rarely (খুব কম ঘটে এমন) - He only goes to the cinema once in a blue moon.

4.      On the ball - Alert and knowledgeable (সতর্ক এবং জ্ঞানী) - You need to be on the ball to succeed in this job.

5.      Off the hook - Free from blame or responsibility (দায়িত্ব বা দোষ থেকে মুক্ত) - The teacher let him off the hook for being late.

6.      On thin ice - In a risky or uncertain situation (ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ বা অনিশ্চিত অবস্থায়) - He's on thin ice after missing another deadline.

7.      Over the moon - Extremely happy (অত্যন্ত খুশি) - She was over the moon about her promotion.

8.      Out of the frying pan into the fire - From a bad situation to a worse one (একটি খারাপ অবস্থা থেকে আরও খারাপ অবস্থায়) - Quitting his job without another lined up was like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

9.      On the fence - Undecided (অনির্ধারিত) - She's still on the fence about which college to attend.

10. Out of order - Not functioning properly (সঠিকভাবে কাজ করছে না) - The vending machine is out of order.

11. Once in a lifetime - Very rare or unique (খুব বিরল বা অনন্য) - The trip to Antarctica was a once in a lifetime experience.

12. Off the record - Not for official publication or disclosure (অফিশিয়াল প্রকাশ বা প্রকাশের জন্য নয়) - He told me something off the record.

13. On the same page - In agreement (একই মতামতে) - We're finally on the same page about the project.

14. Out of sight, out of mind - Forgotten when not seen (চোখের আড়াল, মনের বাইরে) - Once he moved away, he was out of sight, out of mind.

15. On pins and needles - Anxious or nervous (উদ্বিগ্ন বা নার্ভাস) - She was on pins and needles waiting for the test results.

16. Over the top - Excessive or exaggerated (অত্যধিক বা অতিরঞ্জিত) - His reaction was over the top.

17. Out of pocket - Expenses paid personally (ব্যক্তিগতভাবে প্রদেয় খরচ) - She was out of pocket after buying all the supplies.

18. On the tip of my tongue - Almost remembered (মুখের টিপে) - Her name is on the tip of my tongue.

19. Off the cuff - Without preparation (প্রস্তুতি ছাড়া) - He gave an off the cuff speech at the event.

20. Out of the loop - Not informed (জানানো নয়) - I was out of the loop on the latest updates.

21. On the mend - Recovering (পুনরুদ্ধার) - He's been ill, but he's on the mend now.

22. Out of the question - Impossible (অসম্ভব) - Skipping the meeting is out of the question.

23. On the brink - On the verge of something (কিছুর প্রান্তে) - They were on the brink of disaster.

24. Out of breath - Breathing heavily (শ্বাস নেওয়ার ক্লান্তি) - She was out of breath after running up the stairs.

25. On a roll - Experiencing success (সফলতা পাচ্ছে) - He's on a roll with his recent achievements.

26. Out of sorts - Feeling unwell (অসুস্থ বোধ) - She's been out of sorts since the morning.

27. On the dot - Exactly on time (ঠিক সময়ে) - The meeting started at 9 AM on the dot.

28. Out of the woods - Free from difficulties (কঠিনতা থেকে মুক্ত) - She's recovering well and is finally out of the woods.

29. Over one's head - Too difficult to understand (অনুধাবনের জন্য অত্যধিক কঠিন) - The lecture was over my head.

30. On the horizon - Likely to happen soon (শীঘ্রই ঘটবে) - There's a big change on the horizon for the company.



1.      Piece of cake - Something very easy (খুব সহজ কিছু) - The exam was a piece of cake for her.

2.      Put your best foot forward - To make a great effort (সর্বোচ্চ চেষ্টা করা) - When starting a new job, it's important to put your best foot forward.

3.      Pull someone's leg - To tease or joke with someone (কাউকে মজা করা) - Are you serious or just pulling my leg?

4.      Paint the town red - To go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly (উল্লাস করে বাইরে বের হওয়া) - Let's paint the town red to celebrate your birthday!

5.      Penny for your thoughts - Asking someone what they are thinking (তোমার চিন্তাগুলো কেমন?) - You've been quiet for a while; penny for your thoughts?

6.      Play it by ear - To decide how to deal with a situation as it develops (পরিস্থিতির উপর ভিত্তি করে সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া) - We don't have a plan yet; let's just play it by ear.

7.      Put the cart before the horse - To do things in the wrong order (ভুল ক্রমে কাজ করা) - Planning the celebration before getting the promotion is like putting the cart before the horse.

8.      Pull out all the stops - To make every effort to achieve something (সর্বোচ্চ চেষ্টা করা) - They pulled out all the stops to make the event successful.

9.      Put two and two together - To figure something out (কিছু বের করা) - When he saw the empty house and the packed suitcases, he put two and two together.

10. Pass the buck - To shift responsibility to someone else (দায়িত্ব অন্যের কাছে স্থানান্তর করা) - Stop trying to pass the buck and take responsibility for your actions.

11. Pot calling the kettle black - Accusing someone of a fault that you yourself have (নিজের দোষ অন্যের ওপর চাপানো) - It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black when he criticizes her punctuality.

12. Pull the wool over someone's eyes - To deceive someone (কাউকে ধোঁকা দেওয়া) - He tried to pull the wool over my eyes, but I wasn't fooled.

13. Put your money where your mouth is - To back up words with action or investment (কথার সাথে কাজ মেলানো) - If you think it's a good idea, put your money where your mouth is.

14. Pass the hat around - To collect money from a group of people (অর্থ সংগ্রহ করা) - We passed the hat around to buy a gift for the teacher.

15. Push the envelope - To go beyond the limits of what is normally done (সীমা অতিক্রম করা) - The artist pushed the envelope with her latest installation.

16. Pull the plug - To stop something from continuing (কিছু বন্ধ করা) - The company pulled the plug on the project due to budget cuts.

17. Put your foot in your mouth - To say something embarrassing (বিব্রতকর কিছু বলা) - He put his foot in his mouth when he asked about her ex-husband.

18. Play second fiddle - To be in a subordinate position (অধীনস্থ অবস্থানে থাকা) - She was tired of playing second fiddle to her older sister.

19. Put the brakes on - To slow down or stop an activity (কোনো কাজ ধীর করা বা বন্ধ করা) - The government decided to put the brakes on the new policy implementation.

20. Pull strings - To use influence to get something done (প্রভাব ব্যবহার করা) - He managed to get the tickets by pulling a few strings.

21. Put up or shut up - To take action or stop talking about it (কাজ করো বা চুপ করো) - It's time to put up or shut up about your plans for the business.

22. Paddle one's own canoe - To be independent and self-sufficient (স্বাধীন এবং স্বনির্ভর হওয়া) - She's been paddling her own canoe since she moved out.

23. Pay through the nose - To pay a very high price (খুব বেশি দাম পরিশোধ করা) - We had to pay through the nose for the last-minute flight tickets.

24. Pass the baton - To transfer responsibility (দায়িত্ব হস্তান্তর করা) - The CEO passed the baton to his successor.

25. Pull no punches - To speak frankly and directly (স্পষ্টভাবে এবং সরাসরি কথা বলা) - She pulled no punches in her critique of the movie.

26. Put on airs - To act superior or pretentious (উচ্চ বা আড়ম্বরপূর্ণ অভিনয় করা) - He started putting on airs after his promotion.

27. Put out feelers - To make preliminary inquiries (প্রাথমিক অনুসন্ধান করা) - We put out feelers to see if there was any interest in our new product.

28. Play hard to get - To pretend to be uninterested (অনাগ্রহী ভান করা) - She decided to play hard to get to see if he was really interested.

29. Pull the rug out from under someone - To suddenly withdraw support (সমর্থন হঠাৎ প্রত্যাহার করা) - The funding was cut, pulling the rug out from under us.

30. Put a damper on - To lessen enthusiasm or enjoyment (উত্সাহ বা আনন্দ হ্রাস করা) - The rainy weather put a damper on our picnic plans.



1.      Quick on the draw - Quick to react or respond (দ্রুত প্রতিক্রিয়া বা প্রতিউত্তর দিতে সক্ষম) - He was quick on the draw with his witty comeback.

2.      Queer the pitch - To ruin or spoil a plan (একটি পরিকল্পনা নষ্ট বা ব্যর্থ করা) - Her unexpected arrival queered the pitch for their surprise party.

3.      Quick fix - An easy and temporary solution (সহজ এবং সাময়িক সমাধান) - Using tape to mend the pipe is just a quick fix.

4.      Quitting time - The end of the workday (কাজের দিনের শেষ সময়) - As soon as it hit quitting time, everyone rushed out of the office.

5.      Quality time - Time spent giving someone one's full attention (গুণমান সময়, সম্পূর্ণ মনোযোগ দেওয়া) - He spent some quality time with his family over the weekend.

6.      Quid pro quo - Something given in return for something else (কিছু বিনিময়ে কিছু দেওয়া) - The agreement was a simple quid pro quo.

7.      Question mark - Something that is uncertain or doubtful (অনিশ্চিত বা সন্দেহজনক কিছু) - The future of the project remains a question mark.

8.      Quiet as a mouse - Very quiet (খুব শান্ত) - The children were quiet as a mouse during the movie.

9.      Quick and dirty - Done hastily and without attention to detail (দ্রুত এবং খুঁটিনাটি বিবেচনা না করে করা) - It was a quick and dirty solution, but it worked.

10. Quarrel with bread and butter - To argue about something vital to one's livelihood (জীবিকার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু নিয়ে তর্ক করা) - Don't quarrel with your bread and butter; you need this job.



1.      Rain check - A promise to do something later (পরে করার প্রতিশ্রুতি) - I'll take a rain check on dinner; I have to work late tonight.

2.      Right off the bat - Immediately (তাৎক্ষণিক) - She knew the answer right off the bat.

3.      Raise the bar - To set a higher standard (উচ্চ মান স্থাপন করা) - His outstanding performance has raised the bar for everyone.

4.      Rock the boat - To cause trouble or disrupt a situation (ঝামেলা বা বিশৃঙ্খলা সৃষ্টি করা) - Don't rock the boat; we need everything to run smoothly.

5.      Red tape - Excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules (অতিরিক্ত আমলাতান্ত্রিকতা বা নিয়মের প্রতি অতিরিক্ত আনুগত্য) - We had to go through a lot of red tape to get the permits.

6.      Read between the lines - To understand the hidden meaning (গোপন অর্থ বোঝা) - You need to read between the lines to understand his message.

7.      Raining cats and dogs - Raining very heavily (মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি হওয়া) - It's raining cats and dogs outside.

8.      Run out of steam - To lose energy or enthusiasm (শক্তি বা উৎসাহ হারানো) - Halfway through the project, we ran out of steam.

9.      Ring a bell - To sound familiar (পরিচিত শোনানো) - That name rings a bell; I think I've heard it before.

10. Roll up one's sleeves - To prepare to work hard (কঠোর পরিশ্রমের জন্য প্রস্তুতি নেওয়া) - It's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

11. Rule of thumb - A general principle derived from practice (অনুশীলন থেকে প্রাপ্ত সাধারণ নীতি) - As a rule of thumb, we start meetings on time.

12. Run-of-the-mill - Ordinary, not special (সাধারণ, বিশেষ কিছু নয়) - The restaurant was just run-of-the-mill; nothing impressive.

13. Rough around the edges - Not perfect, but still acceptable (অপূর্ণ, কিন্তু এখনও গ্রহণযোগ্য) - The plan is still rough around the edges, but it's workable.

14. Rub someone the wrong way - To irritate or annoy someone (কাউকে বিরক্ত বা উত্তেজিত করা) - His comments really rubbed me the wrong way.

15. Round the clock - All day and night without stopping (দিন-রাত নিরবচ্ছিন্নভাবে) - The team worked round the clock to meet the deadline.

16. Rise and shine - Wake up and get out of bed (জাগো এবং ওঠো) - Rise and shine; it's a beautiful day outside.

17. Run the risk - To take the chance of something negative happening (কোনো নেতিবাচক ঘটনার সম্ভাবনা গ্রহণ করা) - If you don't prepare, you run the risk of failing.

18. Read someone like a book - To understand someone very well (কারোকে খুব ভালোভাবে বোঝা) - I can read you like a book; I know when you're upset.

19. Rock-bottom - The lowest possible level (সর্বনিম্ন পর্যায়) - The company's stocks hit rock-bottom after the scandal.

20. Rack one's brain - To try very hard to remember or think of something (কিছু মনে করার বা চিন্তা করার জন্য খুব চেষ্টা করা) - I've been racking my brain trying to remember his name.

21. Red herring - Something that distracts from the main issue (প্রধান বিষয় থেকে মনোযোগ সরানোর কিছু) - The mystery novel was full of red herrings to mislead the reader.

22. Rise to the occasion - To perform well in response to a special situation (বিশেষ পরিস্থিতিতে ভালোভাবে কাজ করা) - She really rose to the occasion during the crisis.

23. Run in the family - To be a common trait in a family (পরিবারে সাধারণ বৈশিষ্ট্য হওয়া) - Artistic talent seems to run in the family.

24. Rest on one's laurels - To be satisfied with past achievements (পূর্ববর্তী সাফল্যে সন্তুষ্ট থাকা) - You can't rest on your laurels; there's always more to achieve.

25. Rule the roost - To be in charge or dominate (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা বা প্রভাবিত করা) - In our house, it's my mother who rules the roost.

26. Rub elbows with - To associate or mix with (সহযোগিতা বা মিশ্রিত হওয়া) - At the conference, you'll rub elbows with industry leaders.

27. Raining on someone's parade - To spoil someone's plans (কারো পরিকল্পনা নষ্ট করা) - I hate to rain on your parade, but the event has been canceled.

28. Read the riot act - To reprimand someone severely (কারোকে কঠোরভাবে ভর্ত্সনা করা) - The boss read the riot act to the employees who were late.

29. Raise eyebrows - To cause surprise or shock (আশ্চর্য বা ধাক্কা সৃষ্টি করা) - His unusual outfit raised a few eyebrows at the party.

30. Rags to riches - From poverty to wealth (দারিদ্র্য থেকে সম্পদে যাত্রা) - His story is a classic rags to riches tale.




1.      Spill the beans - Reveal a secret (গোপন কথা ফাঁস করা) - Don't spill the beans about the surprise party!

2.      Sit on the fence - Remain neutral (নিরপেক্ষ থাকা) - He's sitting on the fence about which candidate to support.

3.      Straight from the horse's mouth - From a reliable source (বিশ্বস্ত সূত্র থেকে) - I heard it straight from the horse's mouth.

4.      See eye to eye - Agree completely (সম্পূর্ণ একমত হওয়া) - They finally see eye to eye on the issue.

5.      Shoot for the stars - Aim high (উচ্চ লক্ষ্য স্থাপন করা) - Always shoot for the stars in your career.

6.      Stab in the back - Betrayal (বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা) - I felt like she stabbed me in the back when she took credit for my idea.

7.      Shake a leg - Hurry up (তাড়াতাড়ি কর) - Shake a leg, or we'll be late!

8.      Step up to the plate - Take responsibility (দায়িত্ব নেওয়া) - It's time to step up to the plate and lead the team.

9.      Sleep on it - Think about something overnight (একটি বিষয় নিয়ে রাতভর চিন্তা করা) - I need to sleep on it before making a decision.

10. Skeleton in the closet - A hidden secret (গোপন কিছু) - Everyone has a skeleton in the closet.

11. See the light - Understand something clearly (কিছু স্পষ্টভাবে বোঝা) - After the explanation, he finally saw the light.

12. Speak of the devil - When someone appears while being talked about (কাউকে নিয়ে কথা বলার সময় হঠাৎ তার আগমন) - Speak of the devil, here he comes!

13. Sit tight - Wait patiently (অপেক্ষা কর) - Just sit tight until we hear more news.

14. Swim against the tide - Go against prevailing opinion (প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধে যাওয়া) - She's always swimming against the tide with her unconventional ideas.

15. Stuck in a rut - Trapped in a monotonous routine (একঘেয়েমির মধ্যে আটকে যাওয়া) - He feels stuck in a rut with his current job.

16. Strike while the iron is hot - Take advantage of an opportunity immediately (তৎক্ষণাৎ সুযোগের সদ্ব্যবহার করা) - You should strike while the iron is hot and apply for the job now.

17. Sell like hot cakes - Sell very quickly (খুব দ্রুত বিক্রি হওয়া) - The new game is selling like hot cakes.

18. Steal the show - Attract the most attention (সর্বাধিক মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করা) - Her performance stole the show at the concert.

19. Stay on your toes - Be alert (সতর্ক থাকা) - You need to stay on your toes in this fast-paced job.

20. Skeleton staff - The minimum number of people needed (নূন্যতম কর্মী সংখ্যা) - Only a skeleton staff is working during the holidays.

21. Sow the seeds - Initiate a process (প্রক্রিয়া শুরু করা) - She sowed the seeds of change in the organization.

22. Smell a rat - Suspect something is wrong (কিছু ভুল সন্দেহ করা) - I smell a rat; something is not right here.

23. Split hairs - Argue about small details (ছোটখাট বিষয় নিয়ে তর্ক করা) - Stop splitting hairs and get to the point.

24. Saved by the bell - Rescued from a difficult situation at the last moment (শেষ মুহূর্তে কঠিন পরিস্থিতি থেকে উদ্ধার পাওয়া) - He was saved by the bell when the meeting ended early.

25. Storm in a teacup - A lot of fuss over a small matter (ছোট বিষয়ে অনেক বাড়াবাড়ি) - It's just a storm in a teacup; don't worry about it.

26. Safe and sound - Free from danger or injury (সুস্থ এবং নিরাপদ) - They returned from their trip safe and sound.

27. Set the ball rolling - Start an activity (কোনো কার্যক্রম শুরু করা) - Let's set the ball rolling on this project.

28. Sink or swim - Succeed or fail without help (সাহায্য ছাড়া সফল বা ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - When he started his business, it was sink or swim.

29. See eye to eye - Agree completely (সম্পূর্ণ একমত হওয়া) - We don't always see eye to eye, but we respect each other.

30. Spick and span - Very clean and tidy (খুব পরিষ্কার এবং পরিচ্ছন্ন) - The house was spick and span for the guests.




1.      Take the bull by the horns - Face a difficult situation bravely (কঠিন পরিস্থিতির সাহসিকতার সাথে মুখোমুখি হওয়া) - She decided to take the bull by the horns and confront her boss.

2.      Turn a blind eye - Ignore something intentionally (ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে কিছু উপেক্ষা করা) - The teacher turned a blind eye to the minor misbehavior.

3.      Throw in the towel - Give up; surrender (হার মেনে নেওয়া) - After months of struggling, he finally threw in the towel.

4.      Tip of the iceberg - A small part of a larger problem (বড় সমস্যার একটি ছোট অংশ) - The complaints are just the tip of the iceberg.

5.      Time flies - Time passes quickly (সময় দ্রুত চলে যায়) - Time flies when you're having fun.

6.      Touch base - Briefly make contact (সংক্ষেপে যোগাযোগ করা) - Let's touch base next week to finalize the plans.

7.      Throw caution to the wind - Take a risk (ঝুঁকি নেওয়া) - They decided to throw caution to the wind and invest in the startup.

8.      Take it easy - Relax (আরাম করা) - After a long week, he just wanted to take it easy.

9.      The ball is in your court - It's your decision (এখন আপনার সিদ্ধান্ত) - I've done my part; now the ball is in your court.

10. Turn the tables - Reverse the situation (পরিস্থিতি পাল্টানো) - She managed to turn the tables and win the game.

11. Take with a grain of salt - View with skepticism (সন্দেহের সাথে দেখা) - You should take his advice with a grain of salt.

12. Throw in the towel - Give up (হার মেনে নেওয়া) - After failing the test twice, he decided to throw in the towel.

13. The tip of the iceberg - A small part of a larger problem (বড় সমস্যার একটি ছোট অংশ) - These issues are just the tip of the iceberg.

14. Turn a deaf ear - Ignore (উপেক্ষা করা) - He turned a deaf ear to their complaints.

15. Take the plunge - Commit to a risky action (ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ কাজের জন্য প্রতিজ্ঞাবদ্ধ হওয়া) - They decided to take the plunge and get married.

16. Throw your hat in the ring - Declare candidacy or interest (প্রার্থীতা বা আগ্রহ ঘোষণা করা) - She decided to throw her hat in the ring for the election.

17. Take someone to task - Criticize or scold (সমালোচনা বা তিরস্কার করা) - The manager took him to task for his poor performance.

18. Through thick and thin - In good times and bad (ভাল এবং খারাপ সময়ে) - They've been friends through thick and thin.

19. Take it with a grain of salt - View skeptically (সন্দেহের সাথে দেখা) - You should take his promises with a grain of salt.

20. Throw the baby out with the bathwater - Discard something valuable along with something undesirable (অপ্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসের সাথে প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস ফেলে দেওয়া) - Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater; we can fix the problem without changing everything.

21. The last straw - The final problem in a series (চূড়ান্ত সমস্যা) - His rude comment was the last straw.

22. Take a rain check - Postpone an invitation (নিমন্ত্রণ স্থগিত করা) - I'll have to take a rain check on dinner tonight.

23. Turn over a new leaf - Make a fresh start (নতুন করে শুরু করা) - He promised to turn over a new leaf and work harder.

24. The early bird catches the worm - Success comes to those who prepare well (প্রস্তুতি যারা ভালভাবে করে, তারা সফল হয়) - Remember, the early bird catches the worm.

25. Take to heart - Take seriously (গুরুত্বের সাথে নেওয়া) - She took his advice to heart and changed her habits.

26. Throw cold water on - Discourage (হতাশ করা) - He threw cold water on her plans to start a business.

27. Take the wind out of someone's sails - Make someone feel less confident (কারো আত্মবিশ্বাস হ্রাস করা) - His harsh critique took the wind out of her sails.

28. Think outside the box - Be creative (সৃজনশীল হওয়া) - We need to think outside the box to solve this problem.

29. Turn a new page - Begin again (পুনরায় শুরু করা) - After the apology, they decided to turn a new page in their relationship.

30. The whole nine yards - Everything possible (সবকিছু) - They went the whole nine yards for their wedding celebration.



1.      Under the weather - Feeling ill (অসুস্থ অনুভব করা) - She's under the weather and won't be coming to work today.

2.      Up in the air - Uncertain (অনিশ্চিত) - Our vacation plans are still up in the air.

3.      Use your head - Think sensibly (বুদ্ধি খাটানো) - Use your head and make a wise decision.

4.      Under one's nose - Clearly visible but unnoticed (সামনেই কিন্তু নজরে না পড়া) - The solution was right under your nose all along.

5.      Up to par - Meeting the expected standard (প্রত্যাশিত মানের) - Her performance was not up to par this time.

6.      Under the gun - Under pressure (চাপে থাকা) - He's really under the gun to finish the project by Friday.

7.      Up to speed - Fully informed or up to date (সম্পূর্ণভাবে অবগত বা হালনাগাদ) - Before the meeting, make sure you're up to speed with the latest developments.

8.      Under the radar - Not detected or noticed (গোপনে থাকা) - He managed to stay under the radar and avoid trouble.

9.      Up in arms - Very angry or upset (খুব রাগান্বিত বা উত্তেজিত) - The community is up in arms over the proposed new highway.

10. Under the microscope - Being examined very closely (খুব কাছ থেকে পরীক্ষা করা হচ্ছে) - The company's finances are under the microscope after the audit.

11. Up for grabs - Available for anyone to take (যে কেউ নিতে পারে) - The last piece of cake is up for grabs.

12. Under wraps - Secret; not to be disclosed (গোপন; প্রকাশ না করার জন্য) - The details of the project are still under wraps.

13. Up to the mark - Meeting the required standard (প্রয়োজনীয় মান পূরণ করা) - Her work is always up to the mark.

14. Under one's belt - Achieved or experienced (অর্জিত বা অভিজ্ঞ) - With three successful projects under his belt, he was ready for the new challenge.

15. Up the ante - Increase the stakes or demands (দাবি বা পণ বাড়ানো) - To win the contract, they decided to up the ante and offer more services.



  1. Vanish into thin air - Disappear completely (সম্পূর্ণভাবে অদৃশ্য হওয়া) - The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air.

  2. Variety is the spice of life - Diversity makes life interesting (বৈচিত্র্য জীবনকে আকর্ষণীয় করে তোলে) - Traveling to different countries shows that variety is the spice of life.

  3. Voice of reason - Someone who provides sensible advice (যিনি যুক্তিসঙ্গত পরামর্শ দেন) - In the heated discussion, she was the voice of reason.

  4. Vent one's spleen - Express anger (রাগ প্রকাশ করা) - After the argument, he needed to vent his spleen to calm down.

  5. Vote of confidence - Show of approval or support (সমর্থনের প্রদর্শন) - The team's win was a vote of confidence in their new coach.

  6. Vested interest - Personal stake or involvement (ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থ বা সম্পৃক্ততা) - He has a vested interest in the success of the project.

  7. Viable option - A feasible or practical choice (বাস্তবসম্মত বা ব্যবহারিক পছন্দ) - We need to find a viable option to solve this problem.

  8. Vicious circle - A situation in which the solution to one problem creates another problem (একটি সমস্যার সমাধান করতে গিয়ে অন্য সমস্যা তৈরি হওয়া) - Debt and poverty often create a vicious circle.

  9. Varied experience - Having diverse experiences (বৈচিত্র্যময় অভিজ্ঞতা) - Her varied experience makes her a great candidate for the job.

  10. Vanishing point - The point at which something disappears or ceases to exist (যে বিন্দুতে কিছু অদৃশ্য বা অস্তিত্বহীন হয়ে যায়) - The hikers disappeared into the vanishing point of the horizon.

  11. Vouch for - To confirm or guarantee (নিশ্চিত করা বা গ্যারান্টি দেওয়া) - I can vouch for his honesty.

  12. Vital signs - Essential indications of life (জীবনের মৌলিক লক্ষণ) - The doctor checked her vital signs.

  13. Virtue is its own reward - Doing good is rewarding in itself (ভাল কাজ করাই নিজে নিজেই পুরস্কৃত) - Helping others makes me feel good because virtue is its own reward.

  14. Value for money - Worth the price paid (দাম অনুযায়ী মূল্যবান) - This car offers great value for money.

  15. Volte-face - A complete change of opinion or position (মতামত বা অবস্থানের সম্পূর্ণ পরিবর্তন) - The politician made a surprising volte-face on the issue.




  1. Water under the bridge - Past events that are no longer important (অতীত ঘটনা যা আর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয়) - Let's forget about our old arguments; it's all water under the bridge now.

  2. Walking on air - Very happy (খুব খুশি) - She was walking on air after hearing the good news.

  3. Wild goose chase - A futile or hopeless pursuit (অলীক বা নিরর্থক অনুসন্ধান) - Trying to find him in that big city was like a wild goose chase.

  4. Wear one's heart on one's sleeve - To show one's emotions openly (খোলাখুলি অনুভূতি প্রকাশ করা) - He's the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve.

  5. With flying colors - With great success (বড় সফলতার সাথে) - She passed her exams with flying colors.

  6. Wolf in sheep's clothing - Someone who hides malicious intent under a facade of kindness (যে ব্যক্তি মনের খারাপ উদ্দেশ্য লুকিয়ে রাখে) - Be careful of him; he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  7. Weather the storm - Survive a difficult situation (কঠিন পরিস্থিতি থেকে বেঁচে থাকা) - The company managed to weather the storm of the economic downturn.

  8. Wild card - An unpredictable factor (অপ্রত্যাশিত উপাদান) - He is the wild card in this competition; you never know what he will do next.

  9. Wake-up call - An event that alerts people to a problem (কোনো সমস্যার বিষয়ে সচেতন করার ঘটনা) - The accident was a wake-up call for safer driving practices.

  10. Word of mouth - Information spread by people talking (কথার মাধ্যমে ছড়ানো তথ্য) - The restaurant became popular by word of mouth.

  11. Watch your back - Be careful of potential danger (সম্ভাব্য বিপদ সম্পর্কে সতর্ক থাকা) - In this business, you always have to watch your back.

  12. Wear and tear - Damage resulting from normal use (স্বাভাবিক ব্যবহারে ক্ষতি) - The car is in good condition except for some minor wear and tear.

  13. Win-win situation - A scenario where all parties benefit (যেখানে সবাই উপকৃত হয়) - The agreement is a win-win situation for both companies.

  14. Water off a duck's back - An insult or criticism that has no effect (কোনো প্রভাব ফেলছে না এমন অপমান বা সমালোচনা) - His comments were like water off a duck's back to her.

  15. Whole nine yards - Everything; all the way (সবকিছু; পুরোপুরি) - They went the whole nine yards for their daughter's wedding.


  1. You can’t judge a book by its cover - Don’t judge someone or something by appearances alone (বাহ্যিক চেহারা দেখে বিচার করা উচিত নয়) - You can't judge a book by its cover; he might look rough, but he's very kind.

  2. You bet - Certainly; of course (অবশ্যই) - Are you coming to the party? You bet!

  3. You can say that again - I completely agree (পুরোপুরি একমত) - This heat is unbearable. You can say that again.

  4. Your guess is as good as mine - I have no idea either (আমিও কিছু জানি না) - When will they arrive? Your guess is as good as mine.

  5. You reap what you sow - Your actions determine what happens to you (তোমার কাজের ফল তুমি ভোগ করবে) - If you work hard, you'll succeed. You reap what you sow.

  6. You’re barking up the wrong tree - You’re looking in the wrong place (ভুল জায়গায় খোঁজা) - If you think he's lying, you're barking up the wrong tree.

  7. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink - You can give someone an opportunity, but you can’t force them to take it (তুমি কাউকে সুযোগ দিতে পারো, কিন্তু তাকে তা গ্রহণ করতে বাধ্য করতে পারবে না) - I gave him the job offer, but he didn't accept. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

  8. You win some, you lose some - You can't always succeed (তুমি সবসময় সফল হতে পারবে না) - Don't worry about the failed project. You win some, you lose some.

  9. Your heart goes out to someone - Feel sympathy for someone (কাউকে সহানুভূতি অনুভব করা) - My heart goes out to those affected by the earthquake.

  10. You’ve hit the nail on the head - You’re exactly right (তুমি ঠিক বলেছো) - That's exactly what I was thinking. You've hit the nail on the head.

  11. You’re pulling my leg - You’re joking or teasing me (তুমি আমার সাথে মজা করছো) - You won the lottery? You're pulling my leg!

  12. You’re in hot water - You’re in trouble (তুমি সমস্যায় পড়েছো) - If your boss finds out, you're in hot water.

  13. You’re in the same boat - You’re in the same situation (তুমি একই পরিস্থিতিতে আছো) - We're both struggling with the new system. You're in the same boat.

  14. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours - If you help me, I’ll help you (তুমি আমাকে সাহায্য করলে, আমিও তোমাকে সাহায্য করবো) - I'll help you with your project, and you help me with mine. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

  15. You’ve got to be kidding - Expressing disbelief or surprise (অবিশ্বাস বা বিস্ময় প্রকাশ করা) - They canceled the concert? You've got to be kidding!


  1. Zero in on - Focus closely on (মনে মনোযোগ দেওয়া) - We need to zero in on the most pressing issues.

  2. Zip your lip - Keep quiet (চুপ করে থাকা) - Zip your lip about the surprise party.

  3. Zigzag - Move in sharp turns (উল্টো পাল্টা চলা) - The car had to zigzag to avoid the obstacles on the road.

  4. Zero tolerance - No allowance for mistakes or violations (ভুল বা লঙ্ঘনের জন্য কোনো ছাড় নেই) - The company has a zero tolerance policy for harassment.

  5. Zeal and enthusiasm - Great energy and excitement (বিশাল উদ্যম এবং উৎসাহ) - She approached the new project with zeal and enthusiasm.

  6. Zone out - Become inattentive or daydream (অমনোযোগী বা স্বপ্ন দেখা) - He tends to zone out during long meetings.

  7. Zest for life - Enjoyment of life (জীবনের প্রতি আনন্দ) - Her zest for life is truly infectious.

  8. Zenith - The highest point (সর্বোচ্চ স্থান) - The company's profits reached their zenith last year.

  9. Zero-sum game - A situation where one party's gain is another party's loss (একটি পরিস্থিতি যেখানে একজনের লাভ অন্যের ক্ষতি) - In a zero-sum game, any gain is offset by a corresponding loss.

  10. Zip along - Move quickly (দ্রুত চলা) - The sports car zipped along the highway.

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