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Price-Hike / Causes of Price Hike / Cause and effects of Price Hike of Daily Commodities in Bangladesh / Price Spiral (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: 6 days ago

Paragraph Writing


A price increase, often seen as an unexpected rise in the cost of everyday necessities, has become a common issue in Bangladesh, steadily worsening over time. This problem can be attributed primarily to market syndicates that manipulate prices. Additionally, some unscrupulous traders deliberately create shortages in essential goods to maximize profits. Other factors contributing to price hikes include natural disasters leading to lower agricultural production, shortages of raw materials, the need for rapid communication, political instability, nationwide inflation, and various other elements.The consequences of rising prices are profound, causing social unrest and putting the lives of ordinary citizens in jeopardy. The cost of essential goods has surged to levels beyond the reach of low-income and fixed-income individuals, affecting the majority of the population. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be resolved overnight.To address this issue effectively, the government should implement both short-term and long-term strategies. Swift action is needed to curb the activities of business syndicates, and measures to control monetary inflation rates must be put in place. Prioritizing the agricultural sector in the annual budget can boost domestic production and stabilize prices. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns should be launched to educate people about the causes and consequences of price hikes. In doing so, steps can be taken to alleviate the burden of rising prices on the people of Bangladesh.


A price hike refers to an increase in the cost of goods or services, driven by factors like rising production costs, supply shortages, or shifts in market demand. It can have far-reaching consequences, affecting consumers and businesses alike by potentially causing inflation and reducing purchasing power. Nonetheless, it can also signal a robust economy and be necessary for companies to stay profitable. Price hikes can trigger a chain reaction in the economy, leading to higher prices across various sectors. This cycle of inflation can result in an increased cost of living and decreased consumer buying power. For businesses, managing price increases is a delicate balancing act. Overpricing may lead to customer loss and reduced revenue, while underpricing can erode profitability. Moreover, it can invite competition from other firms seeking to undercut prices, making pricing decisions critical. In Bangladesh, the issue of price hikes has become a pressing concern, particularly affecting essential commodities such as rice, oil, and vegetables. The rising cost of living is placing significant strain on ordinary citizens. Several factors contribute to this problem, including surges in fuel and energy prices, leading to higher transportation costs and increased overall expenses. Growing demand for essential goods due to population growth and supply chain disruptions caused by the ongoing pandemic have also played a substantial role in escalating prices. The government has implemented measures to address this issue, such as importing essential items and price controls on specific goods. However, these efforts have had limited success in curbing inflation. Effectively addressing price hikes is crucial to ensure that basic necessities remain affordable for the general populace, representing a significant challenge for both the government and the people of Bangladesh.


A price hike means that the cost of things and services goes up over time. This happens often in most economies and can occur for many reasons. Usually, a price hike is caused by things like inflation, higher costs to make things, or more people wanting to buy those things or services. The effects of a price hike are felt by many people, including individuals, businesses, and governments. When prices go up, people notice it right away. They have to pay more for things or services they used to get for less money. This can make it harder for them to buy things and might make their lives not as comfortable. Price hikes affect many areas of life, like housing, food, transportation, and education. These are important parts of life, and if their prices go up, it affects a lot of people. Price hikes also affect businesses, especially if they rely on things from other countries or raw materials. For example, if the cost of oil goes up, it costs more to move things around, so the prices of things and services go up. Sometimes, businesses have to pass these extra costs to their customers, and this can mean they sell fewer things. Governments also feel the impact of price hikes. They have to keep the economy stable, and when prices go up, they might need to raise taxes or print more money. This can lead to inflation, where money is worth less, and it can hurt the economy in the long run. Price hikes are a big problem for people, businesses, and governments. It's a complicated issue, and we need to find solutions. Governments need to make policies to control inflation, and businesses need to find ways to make things cheaper. As consumers, we should understand what causes price hikes and be ready for changes in the economy.

Model Answer-2

 Causes of Price Hike

Several factors contribute to the rise in prices, commonly known as price hikes, in Bangladesh. Firstly, the country's overpopulation strains its ability to produce enough food and other goods to meet the needs of its growing population. This leads to insufficient agricultural and industrial output, which in turn drives prices up. Additionally, natural disasters often disrupt agricultural production, further exacerbating the problem of limited supply. Secondly, collusion among suppliers, sellers, and extortionists, aiming to create artificial shortages, can drive prices higher. When goods are deliberately withheld from the market, their prices naturally increase due to increased demand and limited supply. Furthermore, smuggling and black market activities also contribute to price hikes, as they disrupt the normal flow of goods and inflate prices. Unfortunately, corruption within these networks often goes unpunished, allowing these practices to persist. Thirdly, man-made crises, such as hoarding by unscrupulous individuals seeking to profit from scarcity, can significantly reduce the availability of essential goods in the market, causing prices to soar. Moreover, fluctuations in international markets can impact domestic prices, especially when imports become more expensive due to factors such as currency devaluation or increased demand abroad. Lastly, a lack of governance and awareness also plays a significant role in driving up prices. When there is disorder and a lack of understanding among consumers and policymakers, market inefficiencies and speculative behavior can further fuel price increases. In summary, a combination of overpopulation, natural disasters, collusion, smuggling, international market dynamics, and governance issues contribute to the persistent challenge of price hikes in Bangladesh.

Model Answer-3

Causes and Effects of Price Increases

Bangladesh, a small country facing numerous issues, is currently grappling with a significant problem: the rise in prices. This price increase refers to the uptick in the cost of everyday items. Prices of essential goods are soaring rapidly, becoming a common occurrence in our economy. This issue has affected the entire nation, causing distress among those with fixed or limited incomes. The escalating prices have sparked widespread concern. There are various reasons behind this surge in prices. Firstly, overpopulation contributes significantly to the problem. Additionally, artificial shortages created by unscrupulous businessmen seeking higher profits exacerbate the situation. Factors such as business collusion, smuggling, and corruption further fuel the price hike. Furthermore, fluctuations in the international market also play a role. Moreover, disorder and lack of awareness contribute to the problem. The consequences of the price increase are profound. A large portion of Bangladesh's population lives below the poverty line, and their situation is deteriorating. Many struggle with hunger on a daily basis, and impoverished children are forced to abandon their education. As prices continue to rise, the gap between the rich and the poor widens, impeding the country's overall development. To address this issue, immediate action is necessary. Firstly, efforts should focus on boosting food production. Additionally, measures must be taken to punish dishonest traders and prevent hoarding by profit-driven groups. Political stability is essential for controlling prices. The government should also maintain reserves of essential goods to address any natural disasters and provide subsidies for the poor. Efforts to combat smuggling and black market activities must be intensified. Furthermore, ensuring an ample supply of essential goods is crucial. Ultimately, collective efforts from conscientious citizens are needed to tackle the problem of rising prices.

Cause and effects of Price Hike of Daily Commodities in Bangladesh

Price hike, also known as inflation, happens when the prices of everyday things like food, clothing, and household items go up. In Bangladesh, several factors contribute to this issue, and it has significant causes and effects. One of the primary reasons for a price hike is the law of supply and demand. When many people want something, but there isn't enough of it, the price goes up. This can occur when natural disasters harm crops or when more people want a specific product. Inflation is another cause. When the prices of everything go up, it affects the prices of daily items too. Factors like increased production costs or changes in the value of money can lead to inflation. Additionally, the cost of transportation plays a role. If it's expensive to move things from one place to another, the prices of goods can increase. Sometimes, people manipulate the market by hoarding products or changing prices dishonestly, which can make things more expensive. Price hikes put a strain on people's finances. Everyday things become more expensive, and this can make it tough for families to afford what they need. It also worsens the gap between rich and poor, with lower-income individuals suffering the most. Rising food prices can even lead to hunger and malnutrition. On a broader scale, a continuous increase in prices can disrupt the economy by affecting how much people spend and slowing down economic activity. If prices keep going up, it can cause protests and social unrest as people get frustrated about the rising cost of living.To tackle price hikes in Bangladesh, it's crucial to address the supply chain, control inflation, and prevent market manipulation. The government needs to create policies and support systems for people with lower incomes to help them cope with the increasing cost of living and ensure everyone can afford daily essentials.

 Price Spiral/ Price Hike

Write a paragraph of about 200 words based on the following questions. Your answers to the questions should give as much detail as possible.

(a) What is price spiral? (b) Why do prices of things increase? (c) How do we suffer for it? (d) How can the govt. control it? (e) What should we do when there is price hike?

Price Spiral / Price Hike

Price hike refers to the escalation of prices for daily goods and commodities. This phenomenon has become commonplace in our country. Basic necessities, such as food products, have experienced significant increases in price. The populace is increasingly feeling the strain of these rising costs. Essential utilities, including oil, electricity, gas, and vehicle rentals, are becoming increasingly unaffordable for ordinary citizens. The perpetual surge in prices creates an atmosphere akin to an enduring conflagration within the market, exacerbating the financial burdens faced by individuals and households. The governmental response to this issue has been inadequate. Instances of hoarding by unscrupulous actors, coupled with instances of corruption among influential figures, contribute to further inflationary pressures. Consequently, the escalation in prices continues unabated, adversely affecting the purchasing power of the populace. The situation is exacerbated by the presence of dishonest businessmen who engage in practices such as disseminating unfounded rumors regarding impending governmental budgetary measures to justify unjustified price increases. The discrepancy between income levels and the escalating cost of living is widening, leaving many individuals struggling to meet their basic needs. Addressing this predicament necessitates concerted efforts to curtail price hikes and ensure equitable access to essential goods and services. Governmental intervention is imperative, including measures to combat hoarding and corruption. Additionally, stringent regulatory frameworks must be implemented to prevent market manipulation by unscrupulous actors. By implementing comprehensive measures to mitigate price hikes, policymakers can alleviate the financial burdens faced by ordinary citizens and foster a more equitable and stable economic environment. Such initiatives are crucial to promoting social cohesion and ensuring the well-being of the populace.

Price Spiral / Price Hike

(মূল্যবৃদ্ধি / মূল্যস্ফীতি)

Price hike refers to the escalation of prices for daily goods and commodities. (মূল্যবৃদ্ধি বলতে দৈনন্দিন পণ্য ও ভোগ্যপণ্যের দামের ঊর্ধ্বগতি বোঝায়।) This phenomenon has become commonplace in our country. (এই ঘটনা আমাদের দেশে সাধারণ হয়ে উঠেছে।) Basic necessities, such as food products, have experienced significant increases in price. (প্রয়োজনীয় খাদ্যপণ্যের দাম ব্যাপকভাবে বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে।) The populace is increasingly feeling the strain of these rising costs. (সাধারণ মানুষ ক্রমাগত এই মূল্যবৃদ্ধির চাপে ভুগছে।) Essential utilities, including oil, electricity, gas, and vehicle rentals, are becoming increasingly unaffordable for ordinary citizens. (তেল, বিদ্যুৎ, গ্যাস এবং যানবাহন ভাড়ার মতো জরুরি পরিষেবাগুলোর খরচ সাধারণ নাগরিকদের নাগালের বাইরে চলে যাচ্ছে।)

The perpetual surge in prices creates an atmosphere akin to an enduring conflagration within the market, exacerbating the financial burdens faced by individuals and households. (অবিরাম মূল্যবৃদ্ধি বাজারে একটি স্থায়ী সংকটের পরিস্থিতি তৈরি করে, যা ব্যক্তি ও পরিবারগুলোর আর্থিক চাপকে আরও বাড়িয়ে তোলে।) The governmental response to this issue has been inadequate. (এই সমস্যার প্রতি সরকারের প্রতিক্রিয়া যথেষ্ট কার্যকর নয়।) Instances of hoarding by unscrupulous actors, coupled with instances of corruption among influential figures, contribute to further inflationary pressures. (লাভের আশায় মজুদদারি এবং প্রভাবশালী ব্যক্তিদের দুর্নীতির কারণে মূল্যস্ফীতি আরও বেড়ে যায়।) Consequently, the escalation in prices continues unabated, adversely affecting the purchasing power of the populace. (ফলে, দামের ঊর্ধ্বগতি থামছে না এবং এটি সাধারণ মানুষের ক্রয়ক্ষমতাকে হ্রাস করছে।)

The situation is exacerbated by the presence of dishonest businessmen who engage in practices such as disseminating unfounded rumors regarding impending governmental budgetary measures to justify unjustified price increases. (অসাধু ব্যবসায়ীরা সরকারের বাজেট সংক্রান্ত গুজব ছড়িয়ে অযৌক্তিকভাবে দাম বাড়ানোর সুযোগ গ্রহণ করে, যা পরিস্থিতিকে আরও খারাপ করে তোলে।) The discrepancy between income levels and the escalating cost of living is widening, leaving many individuals struggling to meet their basic needs. (আয় ও জীবনযাত্রার ব্যয়ের মধ্যে ব্যবধান ক্রমশ বাড়ছে, যার ফলে অনেক মানুষ মৌলিক চাহিদা মেটাতে হিমশিম খাচ্ছে।)

Addressing this predicament necessitates concerted efforts to curtail price hikes and ensure equitable access to essential goods and services. (এই সংকট মোকাবেলায় দরকার মূল্যবৃদ্ধি নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং প্রয়োজনীয় পণ্য ও পরিষেবার ন্যায্য বিতরণ নিশ্চিত করা।) Governmental intervention is imperative, including measures to combat hoarding and corruption. (সরকারি হস্তক্ষেপ অত্যন্ত জরুরি, যাতে মজুদদারি ও দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে কার্যকর ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া যায়।) Additionally, stringent regulatory frameworks must be implemented to prevent market manipulation by unscrupulous actors. (এছাড়াও, অসাধু ব্যবসায়ীদের বাজার নিয়ন্ত্রণের প্রচেষ্টা ঠেকাতে কঠোর নিয়মনীতি প্রয়োগ করা দরকার।)

By implementing comprehensive measures to mitigate price hikes, policymakers can alleviate the financial burdens faced by ordinary citizens and foster a more equitable and stable economic environment. (যদি সরকার মূল্যবৃদ্ধি রোধে কার্যকর পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করে, তবে সাধারণ মানুষের অর্থনৈতিক চাপ কমবে এবং একটি ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ ও স্থিতিশীল অর্থনৈতিক পরিবেশ সৃষ্টি হবে।) Such initiatives are crucial to promoting social cohesion and ensuring the well-being of the populace. (এই ধরনের উদ্যোগ সমাজে সংহতি বাড়াবে এবং জনগণের কল্যাণ নিশ্চিত করবে।)

Composition / Essay Writing

Price Hike of Essential Commodities in Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is a small and developing country. But she is beset with/troubled with various acute problems. Nowadays price hike is one  of the most common, and frightful problems in our small country. It has become a great panic here. Price hike means the sky-touching price of essential commodities (goods). In. other words, the price which is the beyond of the common people is called price hike or price spiral.


Present condition: Now in Bangladesh price hike has become very tremendous/severe/acute, Even the price of every essential daily goods/articles is Increasing by leaps and bounds. Now one kg soyabean oil is sold taka 190, one kg rice is sold taka 70, one kg mutton is sold taka 750 or one kg beef is sold taka 700.

Price is really a great panic and alarming. On the other hand, it is well-known to all that most of the people of Bangladesh live low extreme poverty line. So price hike has increased their poverty tremendously. As a result, the condition of the poor section is very miserable and sorrowful. Hundreds of people especially in the rural area have been passing their days within starvation. The study of their children has already been disturbed. The future of the children is dark. Because of price hike the poor, the landless, the shelter less the helpless cannot afford medicine when they fall ill. Their sorrows and sufferings cannot be described in words. Now the condition of their life is not better than that of a shelterless beast. They are now like dead soul. The condition middle class people is more painful. As a result of price hike, the poor section are becoming poorer and the rich section is becoming richer. So, the gap between the poor and the rich is increasing day by day.

The bad effect (the adverse effect) of price-spiral is really dangerous. National life has already been paralyzed owing to extreme price-hike. It severely hampers our social and national development programmes, plans and efforts. It slows down our education as well as the dignity of our nation. It honesty and the sincerity of the businessmen and the traders.

  Causes Corruption, smuggling and black marketing are the main causes of price-hike in our country. Dishonesty and unpatriotic are also the root causes of this problem. Inflammation is another root cause. of this problem. Illiteracy and public unawareness also cause price hike.

Conclusion : In order to stamp out/root out price-hike from our country, corruption, smuggling and black-marketing must be driven away with an iron hand. The businessmen and e traders should be taught the value of morality. Our government should enforce law and order in order to control this alarming problem. Public awareness must be created to solve price hike, otherwise our all hopes and inspiration will be fruitless and hopeless.




Price Rise

Price rise is the bane of the modern world. Prices of essential commodities go on rising every day despite the professed and genuine efforts of the government.

The main reason for sky-rocketing of prices is the unabated rise in population at an alarming rate. As compared to China, India has failed miserably in controlling her population. Another reason for price-rise is the huge loss of man-days as a result of frequent strikes and lock-outs in the industrial units. This leads to short fall in production. Then India is still a developing country. A huge capital expenditure is still going on in the form of construction activities and in the form of establishment of new units. An average Indian has considerably awakened to the reality of raising his living standard in the matter of eating, housing, medical aid and providing education to his children. He is also fond of recreation through T.V., V.C.R cinema, transistor etc. All this expenditure pushes up the rate of living. Those who can afford, also purchase luxurious items like the refrigerator, air conditioner, desert cooler, geyser and other such gadgets. There is also a lot of wastage on parties, dinners, inauguration and other functions and on canvassing, publicity and propaganda during elections. The hoarders, stockiest and black marketers also push up prices by causing artificial scarcity in the market. Wars and arms race also lead to shortage and price rise.

It is a pity that even more than forty-five years after independence, most of the Indians are still leading a dog’s life. Only some lucky ones roll in luxury. The government should take some drastic steps to keep prices under control.


Causes and Effects of Price Hike of Daily Commodities in Bangladesh

Price hikes of daily commodities, such as rice, vegetables, oil, and fuel, are a significant issue in Bangladesh, affecting the lives of millions. Let’s explore the causes and effects of this problem.

Causes of Price Hike

  1. Global Market Instability:

    • Rising prices of essential goods in the international market, such as oil and wheat, directly impact local prices in Bangladesh.

  2. Supply Chain Disruptions:

    • Natural disasters (e.g., floods, cyclones) and the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted the production and distribution of goods, leading to shortages and higher prices.

  3. Currency Depreciation:

    • The devaluation of the Bangladeshi Taka against the US dollar increases the cost of importing goods, which raises prices locally.

  4. Hoarding and Black Markets:

    • Unethical traders and middlemen often hoard essential goods to create artificial shortages and sell them at higher prices.

  5. Transportation Costs:

    • Rising fuel prices increase transportation costs, which are passed on to consumers through higher prices of goods.

  6. Government Policies:

    • Taxes, tariffs, and insufficient subsidies on essential commodities can contribute to price hikes.

  7. Population Growth:

    • Bangladesh’s large and growing population increases demand for daily commodities, putting pressure on supply and driving up prices.

  8. Climate Change:

    • Erratic weather patterns, such as excessive rainfall or droughts, affect agricultural production, leading to lower supply and higher prices.

Effects of Price Hike

  1. Increased Cost of Living:

    • Rising prices make it harder for people to afford basic necessities, reducing their standard of living.

  2. Poverty and Inequality:

    • Low-income families are hit the hardest, as they spend a large portion of their income on food and daily essentials.

  3. Malnutrition and Health Issues:

    • When people cannot afford nutritious food, malnutrition and related health problems increase, especially among children and the elderly.

  4. Social Unrest:

    • Price hikes can lead to protests, strikes, and dissatisfaction among the public, creating social and political instability.

  5. Economic Strain:

    • Businesses face higher costs for raw materials and transportation, which can lead to reduced profits, layoffs, or even closures.

  6. Reduced Savings:

    • Families are forced to spend more on daily necessities, leaving little to no money for savings or investments.

  7. Impact on Education:

    • Families may pull children out of school to save money or put them to work, affecting their future opportunities.

  8. Inflation:

    • Persistent price hikes contribute to inflation, reducing the purchasing power of money and harming the overall economy.

How to Address Price Hikes

  1. Improve Supply Chain Management:

    • Strengthen infrastructure and logistics to ensure smooth production and distribution of goods.

  2. Crack Down on Hoarding:

    • Strict enforcement of laws against hoarding and black market activities.

  3. Subsidies and Price Controls:

    • The government can provide subsidies or implement price controls on essential commodities to make them affordable.

  4. Increase Agricultural Production:

    • Invest in modern farming techniques, irrigation, and climate-resilient crops to boost food production.

  5. Reduce Dependency on Imports:

    • Promote local industries and self-sufficiency to reduce reliance on imported goods.

  6. Monitor Market Prices:

    • Regular monitoring and regulation of market prices to prevent unethical practices.

  7. Public Awareness:

    • Educate consumers about their rights and encourage them to report price manipulation.


Price hikes of daily commodities in Bangladesh are caused by a combination of global, local, and environmental factors. Their effects are far-reaching, impacting the economy, health, and social stability. By addressing the root causes and implementing effective policies, the government and society can work together to stabilize prices and ensure that essential goods remain affordable for everyone. This is crucial for improving the quality of life and reducing poverty in Bangladesh.


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