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Rearranging for SSC Examination - 4.0 Board Questions 2018-2017 with Answers

 Rearranging for SSC English 1st Paper-4.0

Rearranging All Board Questions 2018

15.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. [SSC Examination-2018]

(a)      He made his first appearance in literature by writing "Liza of Lambeth", a realistic study on the life of low neighbourhood in London.

(b)      Some of his well-known plays are Mrs. Cardilac, Lady Frederick and so on.

(c)       He was born in Paris in 1874.

(d)      This brought for him a good name.

(e)       He wrote a few other novels too.

(f)        William Somerset Maugham was one of the greatest short story writers of modern time.

(g)       Despite being a doctor, he gave up medicine for literature because of having no charm.

(h)      Then he took to writing plays.

Rearranging All Board Questions 2017

16.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.     [R. B. 2017]

(a)       The king followed the advice of the physician and became slim and fully cured.

(b)      He, advised the king to move a heavy club in the air till he got tired.

(c)       He did not undergo physical labour.

(d)      The doctor was very wise.

(e)       He became bulky and could not move or do anything.

(f)        Once there was an idle king.

(g)       He did not prescribe any medicine.

(h)      He called in a doctor.

17.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.[Din. B. 2017].

(a)       He showed extraordinary credit in every examination of the school.

(b)      In 1953, he was appointed Chairman of Secondary Education Board.

(c)       He has a great contribution to the scientific research of Bangladesh.

(d)      At the age of six, he was admitted in a Furkania Madrasa and then in an. English school.

(e)       Dr. Qudrat-i-Khuda was born in Birbhum district of West Bengal in 1900.

(f)        In 1925, he passed MSc in Chemistry from Kolkata University and in 1929, he passed DSc from Imperial College in England.

(g)       He died on 3 November 1977.'

(h)      His father Hazrat Shah Abdul Mukit was a pious man and his mother Fashiha Khatun was also a pious woman.

18.       Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. [J. B. 2017]

(a)    On the completion of his house educations, he was sent to school, but did not like institutional education.

(b)    In 1911, he translated his poems 'Gitanjali' into English.

(c)    He was given a Knight by the British Government in 1914 but he rejected it as a protest against the atrocities of the British Government.

(d)    Rabindranath Tagore, one of the most leading poets in the history of world literature, was born into the renowned Tagore family in March 186 1.

(e)    He was sent to London to study Law but he studied literature with Professor Henry Morley for a few months and then returned home.

(f)     It brought him the highest honour in the form of Nobel Prize in 1913.

(g). At the age of eighty, he breathed his last.

(h) In his twentieth year, Rabindranath along with his. father went to the Himalayas.

19.     Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.         [B. B. 2017]

(a)       He had no much education.

(b)      He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of thirteen.

(c)       His full name was Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar.

(d)      He was skilled in warfare.

(e)       Akbar was born in 1542 at Amarkot in Sind.

(f)        The battle of Second Panipath took place in 1556 and he won the battle.

(g)       When he was born, his father Humayun lost the throne of Delhi.

(h)      He was the grandson of Babar.


15.(f) → (c) → (g) → (a) → (d) → (h) → (b) → (e)

English:William Somerset Maugham was one of the greatest short story writers of modern times. He was born in Paris in 1874. Despite being a doctor, he gave up medicine for literature because he found no charm in it. He made his first appearance in literature by writing Liza of Lambeth, a realistic study of life in a low neighborhood in London. This brought him a good reputation. Then, he took to writing plays. Some of his well-known plays are Mrs. Cardillac, Lady Frederick, and others. He also wrote a few other novels.

Bangla Translation:উইলিয়াম সোমারসেট মম আধুনিক সময়ের অন্যতম শ্রেষ্ঠ ছোট গল্পকার ছিলেন। তিনি ১৮৭৪ সালে প্যারিসে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। যদিও তিনি একজন ডাক্তার ছিলেন, তবু তিনি সাহিত্যে আগ্রহ পেয়ে চিকিৎসা ছেড়ে দেন। তিনি সাহিত্য জগতে প্রথম আবির্ভাব করেন লাইজা অফ ল্যামবেথ লিখে, যা লন্ডনের নিম্নবর্গের জীবনের একটি বাস্তবসম্মত অধ্যয়ন। এটি তার জন্য সুনাম বয়ে আনে। এরপর তিনি নাটক লেখার দিকে মনোনিবেশ করেন। তার কিছু বিখ্যাত নাটক হলো মিসেস কার্ডিলাক, লেডি ফ্রেডরিক ইত্যাদি। তিনি আরও কয়েকটি উপন্যাসও লিখেছেন।

16.(f) → (c) → (e) → (h) → (d) → (g) → (b) → (a)

English:Once there was an idle king. He did not undergo any physical labor. As a result, he became bulky and could not move or do anything. He called in a doctor. The doctor was very wise. Instead of prescribing any medicine, he advised the king to move a heavy club in the air until he got tired. The king followed the doctor’s advice and eventually became slim and fully cured.

Bangla Translation:একসময় একটি অলস রাজা ছিলেন। তিনি কোনো শারীরিক পরিশ্রম করতেন না। এর ফলে তিনি স্থূল হয়ে পড়লেন এবং চলাফেরা বা কিছু করা তার পক্ষে সম্ভব ছিল না। তিনি একজন ডাক্তারকে ডাকলেন। ডাক্তার খুবই জ্ঞানী ছিলেন। তিনি কোনো ওষুধ না দিয়ে রাজাকে বাতাসে একটি ভারী লাঠি নাড়ানোর পরামর্শ দিলেন যতক্ষণ না তিনি ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়েন। রাজা চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুসরণ করলেন এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত তিনি স্লিম এবং সম্পূর্ণ সুস্থ হয়ে উঠলেন।

17.(e) → (h) → (d) → (a) → (f) → (b) → (g) → (c)

English:Dr. Qudrat-i-Khuda was born in Birbhum district of West Bengal in 1900. His father, Hazrat Shah Abdul Mukit, was a pious man, and his mother, Fashia Khatun, was also a devout woman. At the age of six, he was admitted to a Furkania Madrasa and later to an English school. He showed extraordinary merit in every examination. In 1925, he passed MSc in Chemistry from Kolkata University and in 1929, he obtained DSc from Imperial College in England. In 1953, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Secondary Education Board. He passed away on November 3, 1977. He made significant contributions to scientific research in Bangladesh.

Bangla Translation:ড. কুদরাত-ই-খুদা ১৯০০ সালে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বীরভূম জেলায় জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তার বাবা হযরত শাহ আব্দুল মুকিত ছিলেন একজন ধর্মপ্রাণ ব্যক্তি এবং তার মা ফাসিয়া খাতুনও ছিলেন একজন ধর্মপ্রাণা নারী। ছয় বছর বয়সে তাকে একটি ফুরকানিয়া মাদ্রাসায় ভর্তি করা হয় এবং পরে একটি ইংরেজি স্কুলে। তিনি প্রতিটি পরীক্ষায় অসাধারণ মেধা প্রদর্শন করেন। ১৯২৫ সালে তিনি কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে রসায়নে এমএসসি পাস করেন এবং ১৯২৯ সালে ইংল্যান্ডের ইম্পেরিয়াল কলেজ থেকে ডিএসসি ডিগ্রি অর্জন করেন। ১৯৫৩ সালে তাকে মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা বোর্ডের চেয়ারম্যান নিযুক্ত করা হয়। তিনি ১৯৭৭ সালের ৩ নভেম্বর মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। বাংলাদেশের বৈজ্ঞানিক গবেষণায় তার বড় অবদান রয়েছে।

18.(d) → (a) → (h) → (e) → (b) → (f) → (c) → (g)

English:Rabindranath Tagore, one of the most prominent poets in world literature, was born into the renowned Tagore family in March 1861. After completing his home education, he was sent to school but did not like formal education. In his twentieth year, he accompanied his father to the Himalayas. Later, he was sent to London to study law, but he studied literature with Professor Henry Morley for a few months and then returned home. In 1911, he translated his poems Gitanjali into English, which brought him the Nobel Prize in 1913. He was awarded a knighthood by the British government in 1914, but he renounced it in protest of British atrocities. At the age of eighty, he breathed his last.

Bangla Translation:বিশ্বসাহিত্যের অন্যতম প্রধান কবি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ১৮৬১ সালের মার্চ মাসে বিখ্যাত ঠাকুর পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। গৃহশিক্ষা শেষ করার পর তাকে স্কুলে পাঠানো হয়েছিল, তবে তিনি আনুষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষাকে পছন্দ করতেন না। বিশ বছর বয়সে, তিনি তার বাবার সঙ্গে হিমালয়ে গিয়েছিলেন। পরে তাকে আইন পড়তে লন্ডনে পাঠানো হয়, তবে তিনি কয়েক মাস প্রফেসর হেনরি মরলির সঙ্গে সাহিত্য অধ্যয়ন করেন এবং তারপর দেশে ফিরে আসেন। ১৯১১ সালে, তিনি তার কবিতা গীতাঞ্জলি ইংরেজিতে অনুবাদ করেন, যা তাকে ১৯১৩ সালে নোবেল পুরস্কার এনে দেয়। ১৯১৪ সালে, ব্রিটিশ সরকার তাকে নাইট উপাধি প্রদান করে, কিন্তু তিনি ব্রিটিশ সরকারের অত্যাচারের প্রতিবাদস্বরূপ এটি প্রত্যাখ্যান করেন। আশি বছর বয়সে, তিনি শেষ নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করেন।

19.(e) → (c) → (h) → (g) → (a) → (b) → (d) → (f)

English:Akbar was born in 1542 in Amarkot, Sind. His full name was Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar. He was the grandson of Babar. At the time of his birth, his father Humayun had lost the throne of Delhi. Akbar did not receive much education. He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of thirteen. He was highly skilled in warfare. The Second Battle of Panipat took place in 1556, and Akbar won the battle.

Bangla Translation:আকবর ১৫৪২ সালে সিন্ধুর আমরকোটে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তার পুরো নাম ছিল জলালউদ্দিন মুহাম্মদ আকবর। তিনি বাবরের নাতি ছিলেন। যখন তিনি জন্মগ্রহণ করেন, তখন তার বাবা হুমায়ুন দিল্লির সিংহাসন হারিয়েছিলেন। আকবর খুব বেশি শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করেননি। তিনি তেরো বছর বয়সে দিল্লির সিংহাসনে আরোহণ করেন। তিনি যুদ্ধকৌশলে অত্যন্ত দক্ষ ছিলেন। ১৫৫৬ সালে পানিপথের দ্বিতীয় যুদ্ধ সংঘটিত হয়েছিল এবং আকবর এই যুদ্ধে বিজয় লাভ করেছিলেন।

Rearranging All Board Questions 2016

20.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.                    [D. B. 2016

(a)       When asked, the youngest daughter said, "Nothing.''

(b)      But first, he wanted to know how much they loved him.

(c)       Being pleased, Lear gave each of them a third of his kingdom.

(d)      His eldest daughter declared, "Sir, I love you more than I can say."

(e)       Long ago, there was a mighty old king of England named Lear who wanted to divide his kingdom among his three daughters.

(f)        At first, Lear asked his eldest daughter, "How much do you love me?"

(g)       When asked, his second daughter said, "My love for you shall never change."

(h)      Lear was shocked and said, "Nothing will come of nothing."

21.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.                   [R. B. 2016]

a)        But water was at the bottom and out of its reach.

b)        It flew from one place to another in search of water.

c)        As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.

d)        A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.

e)        It took some pebbles and then it dropped them into the jar.

f)         Then it hit upon a plan.

(g)       At last, it found a jar in a garden.

(h)      When the water came to the mouth of the jar, the crow drank and quenched its thirst.

22.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.                   [C. B. 2016]

(a)       She saw a box marked half a crown and considered that the box would be the most

(b)      appropriate gift for him.

(b The princess had a fixed allowance for pocket money and she was not permitted to exceed it.

(c)       But her governess said, "No, you see the princess has not the money and so, of course, she cannot buy the box."

(d)      Queen Victoria was taught economical habits by her governess when she was a little girl.

(e)       Once at a market at Wales, she spent all her money in buying a number of presents for relatives and friends.

(f)        The people in shop wanted to enclose the box with the other articles.

(g)     But alas! She had no money.

(h)     As she was leaving, she remembered another.cousin for whom she did not buy any present.

23.     Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Ctg. B. 16

(a)      He told her that if she could bring a handful of mustard seed from a house where nobody had died, her son would be alive again.

(b)      She requested Buddha to bring her dead son back to life again.

(c)       Buddha told her that death is inevitable to everybody and it was not possible to bring back her dead son's life.

d)        One day, a woman came to Buddha with her dead son.

e)        She returned to Buddha with a broken heart and told him everything.

f)         The sorrowful mother went from door to door but failed to collect the mustard seed.

g)        Buddha realized the emotion and sorrow of the mother.

h)       In every house, she saw that death had shown its cruel face.

24.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.        Syl. B. 2016

(a)         The guests praised the king.

(b)        People praised him more than their king.

(c)         The name of that man was Hatem Tai.

(d)        But the guests praised Hatem Tai also.

(e)         Long long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man in Yemen.

(f)         One day, the king gave a dinner.

(g)        He was not rich but very hospitable.

(h)        So,the king felt happy and proud.

25.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.B. B. 16

(a)         Hazrat Omar (R) became shocked and assured the woman of providing her with food.

(b)        She also explained that she was boiling water in a pot only to console her children.

(c)         He instantly went to the godown and carried a sack of food himself for that woman and her children to that cottage.

(d). Hazrat Omar (R) used to go out to see the condition of his subjects with his own eves at dead of night.

(e)         He asked the woman of that cottage about the cause of crying of her children.

(f)         One night, he was passing by a cottage:

(g)        The woman explained that the children were crying for food as they were starving for two days.

(h)        He heard that children were crying.

Rearranging All Board Questions 2015

26.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.                   [D. B. 2015]

(a)         She asked Bayazid to give her a glass of water, but he could not find any water in the pitcher.

(b)        Once Hazrat Bayazid.Bustami came home to see his ailing mother.

(c)         But she again fell asleep.

(d)        So, he went to the well quite far from their house.

(e)         She woke up some hours later.

(f)         fie filled the pitcher, came back and went to his mother with a glass of water.

(g)        As he was still standing by her bed, his mother drank the glass of water and blessed him from the core of heart.

(h)              He, instead of waking her up, stood by her bed with the glass of water in his hand. 

27.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.                   [R. B. 2015]

(a)          HE graduated from the Govt. School of Art in Kolkata.

(b)        He is recognized as the most valuable painter of Bangladesh.

(c)         He died of lungs cancer.

(d)        Zainul Abedin was born in 1914 in Kishoreganj.

(e)         Still now, he is referred with great respect as Shilpacharya in Bangladesh.

(f)         He is also the pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art.

(g)        He was also appointed as a teacher there.

(h)        He is highly admired for his 'Bengal Famine Sketches'.

28.      Put the following . parts of the story in  correct order to make the whole story.                       B. 2015]

(a)          He took part in the revolt against King Edward I of England for the independence of his country.

(b)        But his army was defeated again and again.

(c)         Robert Bruce was the king d Scotland.

(d)        He led an expedition against England, overthrew the English army and secured the independence of Scotland.

(e)         It fell down time and again but it did not give up its attempts. At 'its seventh attempt, it was successful in reaching the top.

(f)         He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave.

(g)        Being defeated for six times, he lost all hopes and fled away to save his life. One day he was lying in a cave in the forest.

(h)        Bruce got back his hope at that incident, took courage and gathered his soldiers together.

29.  Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.  J. B. 2015

(a) He fell fast asleep there but a great noise woke him up.

(b)        It was crying for pain in his leg.

(c)         Androcles was very much afraid and he felt sure that the beast would kill him.

(d)        A lion had entered the cave roaring loudly.

(e)         He went to the lion.

(f)         Then he removed a thorn from the lion's paws.

(g)        Soon, he realised that the lion was not angry.

(h)        Once Androcles fled away from his masters house and hid himself in a forest.

30.     Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.  [C. B. 2015]

(a)     The first friend climbed a tree but the later could not climb.

(b)     Suddenly, a bear came there.

(c)      Once upon a time, two friends were passing by a forest.

(d)     They were talking about their love for each other.

(e)     Finding no other way, the later one laid down on the ground and feigned death.

(f)       The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.

(g)     Then the bear went away.

(h)     He thought him to be dead.

Rearranging All Board Questions 2014

31.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story                       Ctg. B. 14

(a)     He had only one son named Sindbad.

(b)     Soon, he fell in economic difficulty.

(c)      At last, one of his father's friends helped him start a business and being successful in it, he became rich again.

(d)     He went to his friends and relatives for help but none helped him.

(e)     Sindbad's father died when he was only sixteen.

(f)       Sindbad, having inherited all his father's vast wealth, many of his relatives and friends gathered round Sindbad to look after him.

(g)     Sindbad, a young and inexperienced boy, spent money extravagantly for his relatives and friends.

(h)     Long long ago, there lived a rich man.


32.      Put the following parts of the story 'in correct order to make the whole story.  [B. B.'2015]

(a)     He was alone in this world.

(b)     One day, this old man became ill and tried to go to a doctor.

(c)      So, he was unable to maintain his livelihood happily.

(d)     Once there lived a poor arid old, man in a certain village.

(e)     To see him in this .condition, a school-going boy came forward and took him to the nearest hospital.

(f)       But he never begged to support himself in the midst of much hardship.

(g)     He could not move easily and fell down on the ground.

(h)     He had no land of his own.

33.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to.make the whole story.

(a)     She wanted freedom for the nation.

(b)     She extended her co-operative hands towards Surja Sen.

(c)      Unfortunately, she killed herself to avoid arrest.

(d)     She was a true patriot.

(e)     She was a meritorious student.

(f)       She proved that women can work like men.

(g)     Pritilata was born iii Chattogram on 5 May 1911.

(h)     She  graduated in philosophy from Bathune College in Kolkata.

34.      Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.

(a)     He was fond of adventures, music and jatra party.

(b)     He lost his father in his childhood.

(c)      He spent his early life in great hardship.

(d)     Nazrul Islam was born on 20 May 1899 in Burdwan.

(e)     As a boy being restless and absent-minded, he did not like the hard and fast rules of the school.

[f) One day, this Dukhu Mia became a great poet. g) You win have heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. (h) So, he was called Dukhu Mia.



20.         (e) --> (b). --> (f) -->(d) --> (g)-->(c) --> (a) --> (h)

Long ago, there was a mighty old king of England named Lear who wanted to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. But first,-he wanted to know how much they loved him. At first, Lear asked-his eldest daughter, "How much do you love me?" His eldest daughter declared, "Sir, I love you more than I can say." When asked, his second daughter said, "My love for you shall never change." Being pleased, Lear gave each of them a third of his kingdom. When asked, the youngest daughter said, 'Nothing." Lear was shocked and said "Nothing will- come of nothing."

21.         (d)-->(b)-->(g)(a)(1)-->(e)--->(c)-3(h) 

A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water. It flew from one place to another in search of water. At last, it found a jar in a garden-. But water was at the bottom and out of its reach. Then it hit upon a plan. It took some pebbles and then it dropped them into the jar. As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little. When the water Came to the mouth of the jar, the crow drank and quenched its thirst.

22.         (d) --> (b)--->(e) --> (h)-->(a)--->(g)->(f)--)(c)

Queen Victoria was taught economical habits by her governess when she was a little girl. The princess had a fixed allowance for pocket money and she was not permitted to exceed it. Once at a market at Wales, she spent all her money in buying. a number of presents for relatives and friends. As she was leaving, she remembered another cousin for whom she did not buy any present. She saw a box marked-half a crown and considered that the box would be the most appropriate gift for him. But alas! She had no money. The people in shop wanted to enclose the box with the other articles. But her governess said, No, you see the princess has not the money and so, of course, she cannot buy the box.

23.         (d) --> (b)-->(g)--->(a) --> (f)--->(h)---(e)--->(c)

One day, a woman came to Buddha with her dead son. She requested Buddha to bring her dead son back to life again. Buddha realized the emotion and sorrow of the mother. He told her that if she could bring a handful of mustard seed from a house where nobody had died, her son would be alive again. The sorrowful mother went from door to door but failed to collect the mustard seed. In every house, she saw that death had shown its cruel face. She returned to Buddha with a broken heart and told him everything. Buddha told her that death is inevitable to everybody and it was not possible to bring back her dead son's life.

24.         (e)->(c) --> (g) --> (f) --> (a)->(h)-->(d) -->(b)

Long long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man in Yemen. The name of that man was Hatem' Tai. He was not rich but very hospitable. One day, the king gave a dinner. The guests praised the king. So, the king felt happy and proud. But the guests praised Hatem Tai also. People praised him more than their king.

25.         (d)- --> (f)-->(h)--->(e) -->g) --> (b)-->(a)--->(c)

Hazrat Omar (R) used to go out to see the condition of his subjects with his own eyes at dead of night. One night, he was passing by a cottage. He heard that children were crying. He asked the woman of that cottage about the cause of crying of her children. The woman explained that the children were crying-for food as they were starving for two days. She also explained that she was boiling water in a pot only to console her children. Hazrat Omar (R) became shocked and assured the woman of providing her with food. He instantly went to the godown and carried a sack of food hilnself for that woman and her children to that cottage.

26.         (b)--(a)- --> (d)-->(f) --> (c)->(h) -->(e)->(g)

Once Hazrat Bayazid Bustarni came home to see his ailing mother. She asked Bayazid to give her a glass of water, but he could not find any water in the pitcher. So,, he went to the well quite far from ,their house. He filled the pitcher, came back and went to his mother with a glass of water. But she again fell asleep. He, instead of waking her up, stood by her bed with the glass of water in his hand. She woke up some hours later. As he was still standing by her bed, his mother drank the glass of water and blessed him from the core of heart

27.         (d) --> (a) --> (g)-->(b)-- --> (f)-->(h)-->(c) --> (e)

Zainul Abediri was born in .1914 in Kishoreganj. He graduated from the Govt. School of Art in Kolkata. He was also appointed as a teacher there. He is recognized as the most valuable painter of Bangladesh. He is also the pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art. He is highly admired for his 'Bengal Famine Sketches'. He died of lungs cancer. Still now, he is referred with great respect as Shilpacharya in Bangladesh.

28.         (c)--->(a)-->(b) --> (g) --> (f)-->(e)-->(h)->(d)

Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. He took part in the revolt against King Edward I of England for the independence of his country. But his army was defeated again and again. Being defeated for six times, he lost all hopes and fled away to save his life. One day, he was lying in a cave in the forest. He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave. It fell down time and again but it did not give up its attempts. At its seventh attempt, it was successful in reaching the top. Bruce got back his hope at that incident, took courage and gathered his soldiers together. He led an expedition against England, overthrew the English army and secured the independence of Scotland.

29.         (h)->(a) --> (d)-->(c)-->(g)--->(b) --> (e)-->(f)

Once Androcles fled away from his master's house and hid himself in a forest. He fell fast asleep there but a great noise woke him up. A lion had entered the cave roaring loudly. Androcles was very much afraid and he felt sure that the beast would kill him. Soon he realized that the lion was not angry. It was crying for pain in his leg. He went to the lion. Then he removed a thorn from the lion's paws.

30.         (c)-->(d)-->(b)-->(a)-->(e)->(f)--->(h)-->(g)

Once upon a time, two friends were passing by a forest. They were talking about their love for each other. Suddenly, a bear came there. The first friend climbed a tree but The later could not climb. Finding no other way, the later one laid down on the ground and feigned death. The bear smelt his ears, nose and face. He thought him to be dead. Then the bear went away.

31.         (h) --> (a) --> (e)-->(f)->(g)-->(b) --> (d)-->(c)

Long long ago, there lived a rich man. He had only one son named Sindbad. Sindbad's father died when he was only sixteen. Sindbad, having inherited all his father's vast wealth, many of his relatives and friends gathered round Sindbad to look after him. Sindbad, a young and inexperienced boys pent money extravagantly for his relatives and friends. Soon, he fell in economic difficulty. He went to his friends and relatives for help but none helped him. At last, one of his father's friends helped him start a business and being successful in it, he became rich again.

32.         (d)-->(a)-->(h)->(c)->(f)->(b)->(g)-->(e)

Once there lived a poor and old man M a certain village. He was alone in this world. He had no land of his own. So, he was unable to maintain his livelihood happily. But he never begged to support himself in the midst of much hardship. One day, this old man became ill and tried to go to a doctor. He could not move easily and fell down on the ground. To see him in this condition, a school-going boy came forward and took him to the nearest -hospital.

33.         (g)-->(e).-->(h)--(d)->(a)-->(b)--->(c) --> (f)

Pritilata was born in Chattogram on 5 May 1911. She was a meritorious student. She graduated in philosophy from Bathune Cbllege in Kolkata. She was a true patriot. She wanted freedom for the nation. She extended her co-operative hands towards Surja Sen. Unfortunately, she killed herself to avoid arrest. She proved that women can work like men.

34.         (g)->(d)->(b)-->(c)->(h)-->(e)-->(a)(f)

You will have heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. Nazrul Islam was born on 20 May 1899 in Burdwan. He lost his father in his childhood. He spent his early life in great hardship. So, he was called Dukhu Mia. As a boy being restless and absent-minded, he did not like the hard and fast rules of the school. He was fond of adventures, music and jatra party. One day, this Dukhu Mia became a great poet.




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