Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Now, read the following email sent by an internet service providing company and write a reply requesting the company manager to provide you with internet facilities for the up-gradation of your library,
Dear Sir,
We are glad to inform you that our firm, ‘Bangladesh Internet Service Provider’ is ready to support and help in the up-gradation of internet service for the internet library of the educational institutions at a good price.So We have imported modern types of machinery from a foreign country for providing the best service. We here attach the price list for your further interest. Please, mail us if you need any internet-related service.
Sincerely yours,
P.B. Choudhury
ManagerBangladesh Internet Service Provider
Reply to the email-
To: service@bisp.comSubject: Upgradation of internet service
Esteemed Sir,
I have recently received your electronic correspondence in which you expressed a keen interest in providing internet support to our esteemed college. Our institution boasts a reputation of providing exceptional education to our students, and as our enrollment continues to expand at a rapid pace, it has become imperative to upgrade our internet infrastructure, particularly our library club.
As per your email, you have demonstrated access to state-of-the-art modem machinery sourced from foreign nations, and have provided a price list accordingly. With such cutting-edge technology at your disposal, I am confident that you would be able to effectively administer the most outstanding internet service possible for our club.
Thus, I would earnestly request that you contact me at your earliest convenience to deliberate upon potential initiatives that could be undertaken to bolster our internet infrastructure.
Thank you for your consideration.
Shaheen Khan
Secretary, Internet Library Club,
Firojpur Govt. College