She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Theme: The theme of the poem is about the exceptional beauty of a woman. This beauty is both internal as well as external. The poet here expresses his feeling when he saw the striking beauty and grace of the extraordinary beautiful woman. The poet describes her as so innocent, pure and heavenly. She is also compared to the beauty of the night and cloudless starry skies. To the poet, she is a simple and perfect woman whose mind is at peace and full of love.
Summary: The theme of the poem is poet Byron’s concept of exquisite beauty-beauty in perfection without blemish. He is highlighting and trying to elaborate this concept of perfect beauty with his romantic imagery and comparisons drawn from nature. Beauty is Personified into a female human whose aura has been likened to cloudless climate and starry sky where the best of darkness and brightness give a combined effect of perfection. Her eyes are likened to tender light. Her face is likened to pureness itself with serene sweet expression. Smiles on that face are eloquent and ever winning while the inner self of this beauty is also calm, peaceful with innocent love. This is Byron’s romantic construct of what beauty should be like.
Of cloudless climes and starry skies:
She possesses the beauty of clear, bright regions where there are no clouds, and her charm resembles the brilliance of skies filled with sparkling stars.
And all that’s best of dark and bright:
The finest qualities of both darkness and light come together perfectly within her, creating a balanced and enchanting beauty.
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
These contrasting yet harmonious features are reflected in her appearance and shine through her expressive eyes.
Thus mellowed to that tender light:
This blend of darkness and brightness softens into a gentle, delicate glow that surrounds her presence.
Which heaven to gaudy day denies:
It’s a special kind of radiance that even the bright, flashy daylight cannot provide—something subtle and heavenly.
One shade the more, one ray the less:
If there were even a little more darkness or slightly less light, it would disturb the perfect harmony of her beauty.
Had half impaired the nameless grace:
Such a slight change would have diminished the indescribable charm that makes her so uniquely graceful.
Which waves in every raven tress:
This mysterious grace is evident in the way her dark, flowing hair moves elegantly.
Or softly lightens o’er her face:
It also gently brightens her face, giving her an ethereal, tender glow.
Where thoughts serenely sweet express:
Her peaceful and sweet thoughts are clearly visible through her calm and gentle expressions.
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place:
These thoughts reveal the purity and preciousness of her heart and mind, where such beauty truly lives.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow:
Her flawless beauty is highlighted on her soft, glowing cheeks and smooth, serene forehead.
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent:
Her features are gentle and peaceful, yet they express deep emotions without the need for words.
The smiles that win, the tints that glow:
Her captivating smile and the natural glow of her complexion reflect warmth and kindness.
But tell of days in goodness spent:
These signs of beauty hint at a life filled with goodness, virtue, and inner peace.
A mind at peace with all below:
They reveal a mind that is calm, content, and in harmony with the world around her.
A heart whose love is innocent!
And a heart that loves purely and sincerely, untouched by any form of deceit or malice.
Short Answer Questions
What kind of skies are mentioned in the poem?
The poem mentions "cloudless climes and starry skies," referring to a clear, open sky without clouds, filled with bright, shining stars. This imagery symbolizes purity, calmness, and beauty, reflecting the woman's serene and radiant appearance.
Where do the best qualities of dark and bright meet?
The best qualities of both darkness and brightness meet in her aspect (appearance) and her eyes. This suggests a perfect balance of contrasting elements, creating a unique charm that enhances her beauty and depth of character.
What kind of light is described in the poem?
The poem describes a "tender light" that is soft, gentle, and soothing. It’s not the harsh brightness of daylight but a more delicate glow, symbolizing the subtlety and grace of the woman's beauty, which is both radiant and calm.
What would happen if there were one shade more or one ray less?
If there were even a slight change—one extra shadow or one less ray of light—it would disturb the perfect balance of her beauty. This tiny shift would lessen the mysterious and indescribable grace that makes her appearance so special and harmonious.
Where does the grace appear in her appearance?
The grace appears in the flowing waves of her dark, raven-colored hair and the gentle light that softly brightens her face. This shows that her beauty is not just in her features but also in the natural elegance that shines through her expressions and presence.
What do her sweet, serene thoughts express?
Her serene and sweet thoughts are reflected in her facial expressions, showing the purity and kindness of her inner self. These thoughts express how pure, gentle, and precious her heart and mind are, adding depth to her outer beauty.
Which parts of her face are highlighted in the poem?
The poem highlights her cheek and brow. The soft glow on her cheek and the calm expression on her forehead symbolize her gentle, peaceful nature. These features, though subtle, are eloquent, meaning they speak volumes about her inner character without the need for words.
How are her smiles and complexion described?
Her smiles are described as captivating, capable of winning hearts, while the natural glow or tint of her complexion radiates warmth and goodness. This suggests that her beauty comes from both her physical appearance and the goodness within her heart.
What do her smiles and expressions reveal about her life?
Her smiles and expressions reveal that she has lived a life filled with kindness, goodness, and virtue. The warmth in her smile and the gentle glow on her face reflect inner peace and a heart that has experienced joy, love, and moral goodness.
What does the poem say about her mind and heart?
The poem describes her mind as being at peace with everything around her, suggesting tranquility and wisdom. Her heart is described as innocent, meaning her love is pure, sincere, and free from any malice or deceit. Together, these qualities highlight her as both beautiful and virtuous.
Multiple-choice questions based on the text:
10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem:
What type of skies are described in the poem?
A) Cloudy and dark
B) Cloudless and starry
C) Rainy and stormy
D) Foggy and gloomy
Answer: B) Cloudless and starry
Where do the best of dark and bright meet?
A) In her smile
B) In her hair
C) In her aspect and her eyes
D) In the sky and the stars
Answer: C) In her aspect and her eyes
What kind of light is mentioned in the poem?
A) A bright, blinding light
B) A tender, soft light
C) A flickering candlelight
D) A golden sunrise light
Answer: B) A tender, soft light
What would happen if there were one shade more or one ray less?
A) It would improve her beauty
B) It would create more contrast
C) It would damage her graceful charm
D) It would make her brighter
Answer: C) It would damage her graceful charm
Where does the "nameless grace" appear?
A) In her voice and laughter
B) In her jewelry and dress
C) In her hair and face
D) In the clouds and skies
Answer: C) In her hair and face
What do her serene thoughts express?
A) Sadness and grief
B) Anger and frustration
C) Purity and sweetness
D) Confusion and doubt
Answer: C) Purity and sweetness
Which features of her face are highlighted in the poem?
A) Her nose and lips
B) Her cheek and brow
C) Her ears and chin
D) Her teeth and dimples
Answer: B) Her cheek and brow
How are her smiles described?
A) Fake and forced
B) Rare and dull
C) Captivating and winning
D) Shy and hidden
Answer: C) Captivating and winning
What do her smiles and glow reveal about her life?
A) A life filled with sadness
B) A life spent in darkness
C) A life of goodness and virtue
D) A life of luxury and wealth
Answer: C) A life of goodness and virtue
How is her heart described in the poem?
A) Cold and distant
B) Proud and arrogant
C) Innocent and pure
D) Weak and fragile
Answer: C) Innocent and pure
The poem describes a woman whose beauty is compared to the serene and breathtaking qualities of nature, specifically a clear, starry night. The poet admires how the best aspects of both darkness and brightness blend perfectly in her appearance, especially in her eyes and facial expressions. This harmony creates a gentle, soft glow that is more delicate than the harsh light of day.
The poet explains that even the slightest change in her features—like one extra shadow or one missing ray of light—would reduce the mysterious, nameless grace she carries. This grace is visible in the flowing waves of her dark hair and the soft radiance on her face. Her expressions reveal inner peace, purity, and sweetness, reflecting the goodness of her heart and mind.
Her cheek and brow are highlighted for their calmness and quiet elegance, which speak volumes without words. Her captivating smile and the soft glow of her complexion suggest a life filled with kindness and virtue. Ultimately, the poet emphasizes that her outer beauty mirrors her inner purity—a peaceful mind and an innocent, loving heart.
The poem explores the theme of ideal beauty—a perfect balance of outer charm and inner goodness. It highlights how true beauty comes from harmony, purity, and the peaceful connection between one’s appearance and soul.
Bangla Translation (Summary)
কবিতাটিতে এমন এক নারীর বর্ণনা দেওয়া হয়েছে যার সৌন্দর্যকে প্রকৃতির শান্ত ও মনোমুগ্ধকর গুণাবলীর সাথে তুলনা করা হয়েছে, বিশেষ করে একটি পরিষ্কার, তারাভরা রাত্রির সাথে। কবি তার চেহারায়, বিশেষ করে তার চোখ এবং মুখের অভিব্যক্তিতে, অন্ধকার এবং উজ্জ্বলতার সেরা দিকগুলি কীভাবে নিখুঁতভাবে মিশে যায় তার প্রশংসা করেছেন। এই সামঞ্জস্যতা একটি মৃদু, নরম আভা তৈরি করে যা দিনের কঠোর আলোর চেয়েও বেশি সূক্ষ্ম।
কবি ব্যাখ্যা করেছেন যে তার বৈশিষ্ট্যের সামান্যতম পরিবর্তন - যেমন একটি অতিরিক্ত ছায়া বা একটি অনুপস্থিত আলোর রশ্মি - তার বহনকারী রহস্যময়, নামহীন করুণাকে হ্রাস করবে। এই করুণা তার কালো চুলের প্রবাহমান তরঙ্গ এবং তার মুখের নরম দীপ্তিতে দৃশ্যমান। তার অভিব্যক্তি অভ্যন্তরীণ শান্তি, পবিত্রতা এবং মাধুর্য প্রকাশ করে, যা তার হৃদয় ও মনের মঙ্গলকে প্রতিফলিত করে।
তার গাল এবং ভ্রু তাদের প্রশান্তি এবং শান্ত সৌন্দর্যের জন্য উজ্জ্বল, যা শব্দ ছাড়াই অনেক কিছু বলে। তার মনোমুগ্ধকর হাসি এবং তার বর্ণের নরম আভা দয়া এবং সদ্গুণে ভরা একটি জীবনের ইঙ্গিত দেয়। পরিশেষে, কবি জোর দিয়ে বলেছেন যে তার বাহ্যিক সৌন্দর্য তার অভ্যন্তরীণ পবিত্রতাকে প্রতিফলিত করে - একটি শান্তিপূর্ণ মন এবং একটি নির্দোষ, প্রেমময় হৃদয়।
30 vocabulary words from the poem with their Bangla meanings:
Cloudless – Without clouds; clear → মেঘহীন; পরিষ্কার
Climes – Regions or climates → অঞ্চল; জলবায়ু
Starry – Filled with or shining like stars → তারাময়; তারা ঝলমল
Aspect – Appearance or look → দেখা; চেহারা
Tender – Gentle, soft, or delicate → নরম; কোমল
Light – Brightness that makes things visible → আলো; উজ্জ্বলতা
Heaven – The sky or a divine place → আকাশ; স্বর্গ
Gaudy – Bright or showy in a tasteless way → চটকদার; অতিরিক্ত সাজানো
Shade – A slight darkness caused by something blocking light → ছায়া; অন্ধকারের আভা
Ray – A narrow beam of light → রশ্মি; আলোর রেখা
Impaired – Weakened or damaged → দুর্বল; ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত
Nameless – Hard to describe or beyond words → নামবিহীন; বর্ণনাতীত
Grace – Elegance, beauty, or charm → মাধুর্য; সৌন্দর্য
Waves – Flows or moves with a rising and falling motion → ঢেউ; ওঠা-নামা করা
Raven – Glossy black, like a raven bird → কাকের মতো কালো; চকচকে কালো
Tress – A lock or strand of hair → চুলের গুচ্ছ; চুলের বাহার
Softly – Gently, with a light touch → নরমভাবে; কোমলতায়
Lightens – Brightens or becomes lighter → আলো ছড়ানো; উজ্জ্বল হওয়া
Face – The front part of the head, including the eyes, nose, and mouth → মুখমণ্ডল; মুখ
Thoughts – Ideas, feelings, or reflections → ভাবনা; চিন্তা
Serenely – Calmly, peacefully → শান্তভাবে; স্থিরভাবে
Sweet – Pleasant, kind, or gentle → মধুর; স্নিগ্ধ
Express – To show feelings or thoughts → প্রকাশ করা; জানান
Pure – Clean, innocent, or free from evil → পবিত্র; নির্মল
Dear – Precious, valued, or beloved → প্রিয়; অমূল্য
Dwelling-place – A place where someone lives → বাসস্থান; থাকার জায়গা
Cheek – The soft part of the face below the eyes → গাল; মুখের পাশের অংশ
Brow – The forehead or the area above the eyes → কপাল; ভ্রুর উপরের অংশ
Eloquent – Expressive, powerful in speech or expression → বক্তৃতাশক্তিসম্পন্ন; প্রাঞ্জল
Innocent – Pure, free from guilt or wrongdoing → নির্দোষ; পবিত্র