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Simile, Metaphor, Imagery (for class 9 and other classes and Exams)

Simile, Metaphor, Imagery


Language is a powerful tool that allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Among the many techniques writers and speakers use to create vivid and engaging descriptions, similes, metaphors, and imagery stand out as particularly effective. These literary devices help us convey complex ideas in simple terms, enabling us to connect with our audience on a deeper level.

Similes draw comparisons between two unlike things using words like "like" or "as," making descriptions relatable and easy to visualize. For instance, saying someone is "as brave as a lion" helps us quickly understand their courage.

On the other hand, metaphors take a more direct approach by stating that one thing is another. This bold technique can create powerful images and evoke strong emotions. When we say, "Life is a rollercoaster," we capture the unpredictable nature of life’s ups and downs in just a few words.

Imagery, meanwhile, brings our senses into play. It uses descriptive language that paints a picture in our minds, appealing to sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. When we read about the "scent of fresh rain mingling with blooming flowers," we can almost experience the freshness and beauty being described.

Together, these devices enrich our language, making it more expressive and engaging. By exploring similes, metaphors, and imagery, we can better appreciate the artistry of language and enhance our own communication skills.

1. Simile


A simile is a comparison between two different things using the words "like" or "as". It helps show how two things that are not alike share a similar quality.


A simile connects two ideas or objects to show how they are similar. It’s like saying, "This thing is similar to that thing." The words "like" and "as" are used to make this connection clear.


  • "Her eyes are as bright as stars."(Her eyes are being compared to stars, showing that her eyes are very bright.)

  • "He was running like the wind."(This means he was running very fast, like the wind that moves quickly.)

  • "The cake is as sweet as sugar."(The cake is very sweet, just like sugar.)

  • "The baby is sleeping like a log."(The baby is sleeping very deeply and peacefully, like a log that doesn’t move.)

Additional Notes:

  • Similes make descriptions more vivid and easier to imagine. When you say someone is "as brave as a lion," you immediately think of someone very courageous.

  • Similes are often used in everyday language because they are easy to understand. For example, we might say, "She is as busy as a bee" to describe someone who is working very hard.

2. Metaphor


A metaphor is a comparison between two things without using "like" or "as." Instead, it directly says that one thing is another thing, even though it’s not literally true.


A metaphor states that one thing is something else to show they share similar qualities. Unlike similes, metaphors don’t use "like" or "as." They make the connection stronger by saying that the two things are the same in some way, even if they aren’t.


  • "Life is a rollercoaster."(Life is compared to a rollercoaster, meaning it has ups and downs, just like a rollercoaster ride.)

  • "His heart is a stone."(This means he has no feelings or emotions, just like a stone is hard and cold.)

  • "The world is a stage."(The world is compared to a stage, meaning everyone is playing a part in life like actors on a stage.)

  • "Time is a thief."(This means time takes things away from us, like how a thief steals.)

Additional Notes:

  • Metaphors are used to make descriptions more powerful. They create strong images in the reader’s mind. For example, saying "She is a shining star" gives the idea that someone is bright, successful, or outstanding.

  • Metaphors are more indirect than similes, so they can be harder to recognize. But once you understand the meaning, they make the description more imaginative.

3. Imagery


Imagery is the use of descriptive language that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell). It helps you imagine or "see" what is happening in your mind.


Imagery uses words to paint a picture in your mind or to help you experience something with your senses. Writers use imagery to make their descriptions more vivid and real. It can help you imagine what something looks like, sounds like, tastes like, feels like, or smells like.


  • Sight (visual imagery):"The golden sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange."(This helps you see the beautiful colors of the sunset.)

  • Sound (auditory imagery):"The leaves rustled softly in the wind, and birds chirped in the distance."(This helps you hear the peaceful sounds of nature.)

  • Smell (olfactory imagery):"The scent of fresh rain mixed with the sweet fragrance of flowers filled the air."(This helps you smell the rain and flowers.)

  • Taste (gustatory imagery):"The warm apple pie tasted sweet and tangy, with a hint of cinnamon."(This helps you taste the flavors of the pie.)

  • Touch (tactile imagery):"The rough bark of the tree scratched against her skin as she climbed."(This helps you feel the texture of the tree’s bark.)

Additional Notes:

  • Imagery is a very common tool used by writers to make scenes and experiences more relatable and interesting for the reader. When you read good imagery, it feels like you are there, seeing, hearing, or feeling everything that is described.

  • Imagery can be found in all types of writing, from poems and stories to everyday conversations. For example, if someone says, "The soup was hot and spicy, burning my tongue," they are using imagery to help you imagine the taste and feeling of the soup.

Detailed Examples of Each:

  1. Simile Example:

    • "The kitten’s fur is as soft as cotton."

      (You can imagine how soft the kitten’s fur feels because it is compared to cotton, which is also very soft.)

  2. Metaphor Example:

    • "He has a heart of gold."

      (This means the person is very kind and generous. His heart is not literally made of gold, but it shows that he has good qualities like gold is valuable.)

  3. Imagery Example:

    • "The fresh bread, warm from the oven, filled the kitchen with a rich, buttery smell."

      (This sentence uses imagery to make you imagine the smell and warmth of the fresh bread.)


  • Simile: Compares two things using "like" or "as."

    Example: "Her voice is as sweet as honey."

  • Metaphor: Compares two things without using "like" or "as." It says one thing is another.

    Example: "The classroom was a zoo."

  • Imagery: Descriptive language that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell).

    Example: "The flowers in the garden were bright red and yellow, swaying gently in the breeze."




For each sentence, determine if it contains a:

  • Simile (comparison using "as" or "like")

  • Metaphor (direct comparison without "as" or "like")

  • Imagery (language that appeals to the senses)


  1. The sky was as blue as the ocean.

  2. His hands were ice after playing outside in the snow.

  3. The flowers smelled sweet, like candy.

  4. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds.

  5. The wind was a wild beast, howling through the trees.

  6. The blanket was as soft as a cloud.

  7. His stomach growled like a hungry bear.

  8. The sun shone brightly, warming the entire beach.

  9. Time is money.

  10. The kitten was as fluffy as cotton.

  11. The rain tapped gently on the window, soothing and peaceful.

  12. She sings like an angel.

  13. The night sky was a blanket of stars.

  14. His smile was as wide as the ocean.

  15. The chocolate melted in her mouth, rich and creamy.

  16. Her heart is a locked door, guarded and protected.

  17. The fire crackled and popped, sending warmth throughout the room.

  18. The car roared down the road like a lion.

  19. The baby’s skin was as smooth as silk.

  20. His eyes were the deep sea, filled with mystery.

Answer Key:

  1. Simile: "The sky was as blue as the ocean."

  2. Metaphor: "His hands were ice after playing outside in the snow."

  3. Simile: "The flowers smelled sweet, like candy."

  4. Simile: "Her eyes sparkled like diamonds."

  5. Metaphor: "The wind was a wild beast, howling through the trees."

  6. Simile: "The blanket was as soft as a cloud."

  7. Simile: "His stomach growled like a hungry bear."

  8. Imagery: "The sun shone brightly, warming the entire beach."

  9. Metaphor: "Time is money."

  10. Simile: "The kitten was as fluffy as cotton."

  11. Imagery: "The rain tapped gently on the window, soothing and peaceful."

  12. Simile: "She sings like an angel."

  13. Metaphor: "The night sky was a blanket of stars."

  14. Simile: "His smile was as wide as the ocean."

  15. Imagery: "The chocolate melted in her mouth, rich and creamy."

  16. Metaphor: "Her heart is a locked door, guarded and protected."

  17. Imagery: "The fire crackled and popped, sending warmth throughout the room."

  18. Simile: "The car roared down the road like a lion."

  19. Simile: "The baby’s skin was as smooth as silk."

  20. Metaphor: "His eyes were the deep sea, filled with mystery."


Identify whether each sentence contains a simile, metaphor, or imagery.


For each sentence, decide if it is a:

  • Simile (comparison using "as" or "like")

  • Metaphor (direct comparison without "as" or "like")

  • Imagery (language that appeals to the senses)


  1. The car is as fast as a cheetah.

  2. The flowers smell sweet in the morning breeze.

  3. His smile was as bright as the sun.

  4. The sky was a deep blue ocean.

  5. The cake tasted as good as chocolate.

  6. Her hair is silk, smooth and soft.

  7. The baby’s cry was as loud as a siren.

  8. The air was filled with the scent of fresh bread.

  9. The pillow is as soft as a feather.

  10. The clouds were cotton balls in the sky.

  11. The music was as soothing as a lullaby.

  12. The water in the lake was crystal clear.

  13. His voice was like thunder, loud and booming.

  14. The sand felt warm between her toes.

  15. The snow was as white as sugar.

  16. Her eyes sparkled like stars in the night.

  17. The dog barked like a small alarm clock.

  18. The soup was hot, warming me from the inside.

  19. The moon was a silver coin in the dark sky.

  20. His hands were as cold as ice.

  21. The rain fell softly on the roof, tapping gently.

  22. The chocolate bar melted in her mouth like butter.

  23. The wind was as strong as a giant.

  24. The leaves crunched under her shoes as she walked.

  25. The room was as quiet as a library.

  26. His feet were bricks after the long run.

  27. The waves crashed like lions on the shore.

  28. The roses smelled as fresh as the morning dew.

  29. The kitten’s fur was as soft as cotton.

  30. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves.

Answer Key:

  1. Simile: "The car is as fast as a cheetah."

  2. Imagery: "The flowers smell sweet in the morning breeze."

  3. Simile: "His smile was as bright as the sun."

  4. Metaphor: "The sky was a deep blue ocean."

  5. Simile: "The cake tasted as good as chocolate."

  6. Metaphor: "Her hair is silk, smooth and soft."

  7. Simile: "The baby’s cry was as loud as a siren."

  8. Imagery: "The air was filled with the scent of fresh bread."

  9. Simile: "The pillow is as soft as a feather."

  10. Metaphor: "The clouds were cotton balls in the sky."

  11. Simile: "The music was as soothing as a lullaby."

  12. Imagery: "The water in the lake was crystal clear."

  13. Simile: "His voice was like thunder, loud and booming."

  14. Imagery: "The sand felt warm between her toes."

  15. Simile: "The snow was as white as sugar."

  16. Simile: "Her eyes sparkled like stars in the night."

  17. Simile: "The dog barked like a small alarm clock."

  18. Imagery: "The soup was hot, warming me from the inside."

  19. Metaphor: "The moon was a silver coin in the dark sky."

  20. Simile: "His hands were as cold as ice."

  21. Imagery: "The rain fell softly on the roof, tapping gently."

  22. Simile: "The chocolate bar melted in her mouth like butter."

  23. Simile: "The wind was as strong as a giant."

  24. Imagery: "The leaves crunched under her shoes as she walked."

  25. Simile: "The room was as quiet as a library."

  26. Metaphor: "His feet were bricks after the long run."

  27. Simile: "The waves crashed like lions on the shore."

  28. Simile: "The roses smelled as fresh as the morning dew."

  29. Simile: "The kitten’s fur was as soft as cotton."

  30. Imagery: "The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves."


Read each sentence and determine whether it contains a simile, metaphor, or imagery.


For each sentence, identify if it contains a:

  • Simile (comparison using "as" or "like")

  • Metaphor (direct comparison without "as" or "like")

  • Imagery (language that appeals to the senses)


  1. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of pine.

  2. Her smile was as bright as the morning sun.

  3. His words were a sharp knife, cutting through the silence.

  4. The moon hung like a lantern in the dark sky.

  5. The classroom buzzed like a hive of bees.

  6. Her laughter echoed in the room, warm and inviting.

  7. The city was a jungle, with danger lurking around every corner.

  8. The perfume smelled like fresh roses in the spring.

  9. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, spinning faster and faster.

  10. The waves crashed against the rocks, their white foam spraying in the air.

  11. She was as graceful as a swan gliding across the water.

  12. The stars were diamonds scattered across the night sky.

  13. The cake tasted like a burst of sunshine.

  14. His heart was a locked door, impossible to open.

  15. The forest floor was soft beneath her feet, moss cushioning every step.

  16. The mountain stood like a silent giant, watching over the valley.

  17. His face was as red as a tomato.

  18. The smell of fresh bread filled the bakery, warm and comforting.

  19. The clouds were cotton balls floating lazily across the sky.

  20. Her eyes sparkled like stars in the night.

  21. The river flowed like a ribbon, winding through the valley.

  22. His voice was thunderous, booming through the hall.

  23. The snow crunched beneath their boots as they walked through the forest.

  24. Life is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs.

  25. Her skin was as smooth as silk.

  26. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink.

  27. The night was a blanket, covering the world in darkness.

  28. The coffee was as bitter as medicine.

  29. The leaves rustled in the breeze, their dry edges crackling.

  30. His determination was iron, unbreakable and steadfast.

Answer Key:

  1. Imagery: "The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of pine."

  2. Simile: "Her smile was as bright as the morning sun."

  3. Metaphor: "His words were a sharp knife, cutting through the silence."

  4. Simile: "The moon hung like a lantern in the dark sky."

  5. Simile: "The classroom buzzed like a hive of bees."

  6. Imagery: "Her laughter echoed in the room, warm and inviting."

  7. Metaphor: "The city was a jungle, with danger lurking around every corner."

  8. Simile: "The perfume smelled like fresh roses in the spring."

  9. Metaphor: "His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, spinning faster and faster."

  10. Imagery: "The waves crashed against the rocks, their white foam spraying in the air."

  11. Simile: "She was as graceful as a swan gliding across the water."

  12. Metaphor: "The stars were diamonds scattered across the night sky."

  13. Simile: "The cake tasted like a burst of sunshine."

  14. Metaphor: "His heart was a locked door, impossible to open."

  15. Imagery: "The forest floor was soft beneath her feet, moss cushioning every step."

  16. Simile: "The mountain stood like a silent giant, watching over the valley."

  17. Simile: "His face was as red as a tomato."

  18. Imagery: "The smell of fresh bread filled the bakery, warm and comforting."

  19. Metaphor: "The clouds were cotton balls floating lazily across the sky."

  20. Simile: "Her eyes sparkled like stars in the night."

  21. Simile: "The river flowed like a ribbon, winding through the valley."

  22. Metaphor: "His voice was thunderous, booming through the hall."

  23. Imagery: "The snow crunched beneath their boots as they walked through the forest."

  24. Metaphor: "Life is a roller coaster, full of ups and downs."

  25. Simile: "Her skin was as smooth as silk."

  26. Imagery: "The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink."

  27. Metaphor: "The night was a blanket, covering the world in darkness."

  28. Simile: "The coffee was as bitter as medicine."

  29. Imagery: "The leaves rustled in the breeze, their dry edges crackling."

  30. Metaphor: "His determination was iron, unbreakable and steadfast."


Identify whether each sentence contains a simile, metaphor, or imagery.


For each sentence, decide whether it is:

  • Simile (comparison using "as" or "like")

  • Metaphor (direct comparison without "as" or "like")

  • Imagery (language that appeals to the senses)


  1. Her hair was as black as coal.

  2. The cake tasted like heaven.

  3. The sun was a golden coin hanging in the sky.

  4. The wind was as cold as ice.

  5. The cat’s fur felt like velvet.

  6. The classroom was a circus, filled with noise.

  7. The flowers smelled like fresh spring air.

  8. His heart was a rock, unmoved by emotion.

  9. The river sparkled in the sunlight, clear and refreshing.

  10. Her skin was as soft as silk.

  11. The storm roared like a lion.

  12. The moon was a giant pearl in the night sky.

  13. The air was thick with the scent of rain and earth.

  14. The snow was as white as a sheet.

  15. Her eyes shone like stars.

  16. The house was a castle, towering over the trees.

  17. The coffee tasted bitter, like burnt toast.

  18. His voice was a deep rumble, vibrating through the room.

  19. The grass was as green as emeralds.

  20. The children’s laughter was like the sound of bells.

  21. Her hands were ice, freezing to the touch.

  22. The ocean waves crashed like thunder.

  23. The bread smelled fresh and warm, straight from the oven.

  24. The stars were tiny diamonds scattered across the sky.

  25. His legs were as weak as jelly after the long run.

  26. The dog barked like an alarm clock, loud and constant.

  27. The blanket wrapped around her like a warm hug.

  28. The rain fell in sheets, drenching everything in sight.

  29. The butterfly’s wings were as delicate as tissue paper.

  30. His mind was a maze, filled with confusion.

Answer Key:

  1. Simile: "Her hair was as black as coal."

  2. Simile: "The cake tasted like heaven."

  3. Metaphor: "The sun was a golden coin hanging in the sky."

  4. Simile: "The wind was as cold as ice."

  5. Simile: "The cat’s fur felt like velvet."

  6. Metaphor: "The classroom was a circus, filled with noise."

  7. Simile: "The flowers smelled like fresh spring air."

  8. Metaphor: "His heart was a rock, unmoved by emotion."

  9. Imagery: "The river sparkled in the sunlight, clear and refreshing."

  10. Simile: "Her skin was as soft as silk."

  11. Simile: "The storm roared like a lion."

  12. Metaphor: "The moon was a giant pearl in the night sky."

  13. Imagery: "The air was thick with the scent of rain and earth."

  14. Simile: "The snow was as white as a sheet."

  15. Simile: "Her eyes shone like stars."

  16. Metaphor: "The house was a castle, towering over the trees."

  17. Simile: "The coffee tasted bitter, like burnt toast."

  18. Metaphor: "His voice was a deep rumble, vibrating through the room."

  19. Simile: "The grass was as green as emeralds."

  20. Simile: "The children’s laughter was like the sound of bells."

  21. Metaphor: "Her hands were ice, freezing to the touch."

  22. Simile: "The ocean waves crashed like thunder."

  23. Imagery: "The bread smelled fresh and warm, straight from the oven."

  24. Metaphor: "The stars were tiny diamonds scattered across the sky."

  25. Simile: "His legs were as weak as jelly after the long run."

  26. Simile: "The dog barked like an alarm clock, loud and constant."

  27. Simile: "The blanket wrapped around her like a warm hug."

  28. Imagery: "The rain fell in sheets, drenching everything in sight."

  29. Simile: "The butterfly’s wings were as delicate as tissue paper."

  30. Metaphor: "His mind was a maze, filled with confusion."


Identify whether each sentence contains a simile, metaphor, or imagery.


For each sentence, decide if it is a:

  • Simile (comparison using "as" or "like")

  • Metaphor (direct comparison without "as" or "like")

  • Imagery (language that appeals to the senses)


  1. The fog wrapped around the city like a thick blanket of secrets.

  2. His temper flared, a volcano waiting to erupt.

  3. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves.

  4. Her voice was as smooth as honey, calming everyone who listened.

  5. The fireflies flickered in the dusk, like tiny stars in the night air.

  6. His mind was a prison, trapping him in his own thoughts.

  7. The distant thunder growled like an angry beast, ready to strike.

  8. The smell of fresh rain on dry earth filled the air.

  9. The city was a labyrinth of streets, winding endlessly without direction.

  10. Her words cut deeper than a blade, sharp and precise.

  11. The waterfall cascaded down the rocks, its sound like music to the soul.

  12. His laughter rang out, loud and contagious, filling the room with joy.

  13. The night sky stretched above like a vast ocean of darkness.

  14. His ambition was a fire, burning brighter every day.

  15. The snow crunched beneath her feet, leaving a trail behind.

  16. The stars blinked in the distance, as if whispering ancient secrets.

  17. Her heart was a fragile glass vase, ready to shatter with the slightest touch.

  18. The air was thick and heavy, like a damp towel pressed against the skin.

  19. His words were arrows, aimed at her insecurities.

  20. The trees swayed in the wind, their branches dancing to nature’s song.

  21. The sun burned through the haze, a molten disc in the sky.

  22. The path ahead twisted like a serpent, leading them into the unknown.

  23. His thoughts were a tangled web, impossible to escape.

  24. The scent of lavender filled the room, soft and comforting.

  25. Her expression was stone-cold, unreadable and distant.

  26. The clouds gathered like an army preparing for battle.

  27. His movements were as quick and graceful as a panther stalking its prey.

  28. The silence in the room was as thick as fog, heavy and suffocating.

  29. The waves roared like lions, crashing against the cliffs with fury.

  30. Her emotions swirled inside her like a storm, uncontrollable and fierce.

Answer Key:

  1. Simile: "The fog wrapped around the city like a thick blanket of secrets."

  2. Metaphor: "His temper flared, a volcano waiting to erupt."

  3. Imagery: "The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves."

  4. Simile: "Her voice was as smooth as honey, calming everyone who listened."

  5. Simile: "The fireflies flickered in the dusk, like tiny stars in the night air."

  6. Metaphor: "His mind was a prison, trapping him in his own thoughts."

  7. Simile: "The distant thunder growled like an angry beast, ready to strike."

  8. Imagery: "The smell of fresh rain on dry earth filled the air."

  9. Metaphor: "The city was a labyrinth of streets, winding endlessly without direction."

  10. Metaphor: "Her words cut deeper than a blade, sharp and precise."

  11. Simile: "The waterfall cascaded down the rocks, its sound like music to the soul."

  12. Imagery: "His laughter rang out, loud and contagious, filling the room with joy."

  13. Simile: "The night sky stretched above like a vast ocean of darkness."

  14. Metaphor: "His ambition was a fire, burning brighter every day."

  15. Imagery: "The snow crunched beneath her feet, leaving a trail behind."

  16. Imagery: "The stars blinked in the distance, as if whispering ancient secrets."

  17. Metaphor: "Her heart was a fragile glass vase, ready to shatter with the slightest touch."

  18. Simile: "The air was thick and heavy, like a damp towel pressed against the skin."

  19. Metaphor: "His words were arrows, aimed at her insecurities."

  20. Imagery: "The trees swayed in the wind, their branches dancing to nature’s song."

  21. Metaphor: "The sun burned through the haze, a molten disc in the sky."

  22. Simile: "The path ahead twisted like a serpent, leading them into the unknown."

  23. Metaphor: "His thoughts were a tangled web, impossible to escape."

  24. Imagery: "The scent of lavender filled the room, soft and comforting."

  25. Metaphor: "Her expression was stone-cold, unreadable and distant."

  26. Simile: "The clouds gathered like an army preparing for battle."

  27. Simile: "His movements were as quick and graceful as a panther stalking its prey."

  28. Simile: "The silence in the room was as thick as fog, heavy and suffocating."

  29. Simile: "The waves roared like lions, crashing against the cliffs with fury."

  30. Simile: "Her emotions swirled inside her like a storm, uncontrollable and fierce."

In Bangla

উপমা, রূপক এবং চিত্রকলার ভূমিকা ভাষা একটি শক্তিশালী হাতিয়ার যা আমাদের চিন্তাভাবনা, অনুভূতি এবং অভিজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করতে দেয়। লেখক এবং বক্তারা প্রাণবন্ত এবং আকর্ষক বর্ণনা তৈরি করতে যে অনেক কৌশল ব্যবহার করেন, তার মধ্যে উপমা, রূপক এবং চিত্রকল্প বিশেষভাবে কার্যকরী। এই সাহিত্যিক ডিভাইসগুলি আমাদেরকে সহজ ভাষায় জটিল ধারণাগুলি প্রকাশ করতে সাহায্য করে, আমাদের শ্রোতাদের সাথে গভীর স্তরে সংযোগ করতে সক্ষম করে। উপমাগুলি "লাইক" বা "যেমন" শব্দগুলি ব্যবহার করে দুটি অসদৃশ জিনিসের মধ্যে তুলনা করে, বর্ণনাগুলিকে সম্পর্কযুক্ত এবং সহজে কল্পনা করা যায়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, কাউকে "সিংহের মতো সাহসী" বলা আমাদের দ্রুত তাদের সাহস বুঝতে সাহায্য করে। অন্যদিকে, রূপকগুলি এক জিনিস অন্য জিনিস বলে আরও সরাসরি পদ্ধতি গ্রহণ করে। এই সাহসী কৌশলটি শক্তিশালী ছবি তৈরি করতে পারে এবং শক্তিশালী আবেগ জাগিয়ে তুলতে পারে। যখন আমরা বলি, "জীবন একটি রোলারকোস্টার," আমরা জীবনের উত্থান-পতনের অপ্রত্যাশিত প্রকৃতিকে মাত্র কয়েকটি শব্দে ক্যাপচার করি। চিত্রকল্প, এদিকে, আমাদের ইন্দ্রিয়গুলিকে খেলার মধ্যে নিয়ে আসে। এটি বর্ণনামূলক ভাষা ব্যবহার করে যা আমাদের মনের মধ্যে একটি ছবি আঁকে, যা দৃষ্টি, শব্দ, স্বাদ, স্পর্শ এবং গন্ধে আবেদন করে। যখন আমরা "ফুল ফুলের সাথে মিশে থাকা তাজা বৃষ্টির ঘ্রাণ" সম্পর্কে পড়ি, তখন আমরা প্রায় তাজাতা এবং সৌন্দর্য বর্ণনা করা অনুভব করতে পারি। একসাথে, এই ডিভাইসগুলি আমাদের ভাষাকে সমৃদ্ধ করে, এটিকে আরও অভিব্যক্তিপূর্ণ এবং আকর্ষক করে তোলে৷ উপমা, রূপক এবং চিত্রাবলী অন্বেষণ করে, আমরা ভাষার শৈল্পিকতার আরও ভালভাবে প্রশংসা করতে পারি এবং আমাদের নিজস্ব যোগাযোগ দক্ষতা উন্নত করতে পারি।

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