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SSC Chattogram Board -2019 English 2nd Paper Question with Answer

Chattogram Board 2019

1.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5x1 0 = 5


The world is (a) — of uncountable natural and man (b) — objects. Natural (c) — are stones, trees, air and (d) —. Man-made objects are houses, cars, (e) — and chemicals. Natural (f) — are cyclones. earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and ocean (g) Life exists (h) — different conditions. It is very (i) — to keep (j) —environment clean.



2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: - 0.5x10 = 5

Road accident is (a) — regular phenomenon in Bangladesh. Many people die (b) — road accidents every year. So, it is considered a (c)—. Road accidents occur for (d)— reasons. Many factors are (e)—for road accidents. The most common cause is (f) — driving. Sometimes they drive night coach (g) — on the same day. The drivers do not check the engines (h) — before they start driving. The roads are two-lane roads (i) — any dividers. These are some of the (j) — reasons of road accidents in Bangladesh.



3. Make five meaningful sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: - 1x5 = 5                                                                                                                                    


Answer: 3.      (a) the national flag is the symbol of Independence and sovereignty of a nation.

(b) Every independent country of the world has its wore flag.

(c) Hence, to every nation its flag is dearer than any other thing.

(d) We need to safeguard its prestige.

(e) For that we need to have patriotic feelings.


4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once 0.5 x 10 =5

One day Mina and her parrot, Mithu (a) — a tall tree to pick a mango. She (b) — mango and (c) — it to her mother. Although Mina had picked the mango, her mother (d)—the largest share of the fruit to Raju. Mina (e) — very disappointed. At dinner Mina (0 —that Raju as usual (g)—an egg but she (h) — not. Mithu was not pleased to see that. Mother (i)—to see if the children (j)— their hands before they started eating.



5. Change the narrative style of the following text: - 5

Rina said to Karim, "How are you? I went to your house yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?" "I went to the book fair." said Karim. "I had to maintain our school's stall."



6. Change the sentences according to the directions: - 1 x 10 = 10

(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative)

(b) He did not marry. (Affirmative)

(c) He loved the people cordially. (Passive)

(d) He never thought of his own happiness. (Interrogative)

(e) He led a very simple life. (Exclamatory)

(f) He always helped the needy. (Complex)

(g) He contributed much money for education to educate the poor students. (Complex)

(h) Though he had a vast wealth, he didn't spend for his own. (Compound)

(i) Who does not know his kindness? (Assertive)

(j) He was one of the greatest kind men of the world. (Positive)




7. Complete the sentences: - 1x5 = 5

(a) Walk fast lest —.

(b) It is high time—.

(c) The man was so weak —.

(d) A stitch in time—.

(e) As he was meritorious, —.



8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: - 0.5x10 =5

Load shedding is not (a) — (desire). It is harmful to the (b) — (civil). It makes our life (c) — (tolerable) and boring. Because of (d) — (deficient) of electricity load-shedding. Our country is densely (e) — (people). The storage of electricity is (0— (sufficient) to provide electricity with all. As a result, Load shedding is seen (g)—(repeat). But this problem must be removed (h) — (immediate). So, the (i) — (govern) must be conscious of it. Only pragmatic steps can (j) — (move) this serious problem from the country.

Answer: 8. (a) desirable (b) civilization (c) intolerable (d) Deficiency (e) populated (f)  insufficient (g) repeatedly (h) immediately (i) government (j) remove



9. Make tag questions of the following statements: - - 1x5=5

(a) There is little water in this pond, —?

(b) Nobody respects a dishonest man, —?

(c) Let's enjoy a picnic, —?

(d) What a pity, —?

(e) Don't disturb me, —?



10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: - 1x5 = 5

Many schools have a uniform (a) — there are arguments for and against. One argument is what to put on. (b) —pupils were allowed to wear clothes according to their own choice. (c) — some clothes may not be suitable for schools. (d) — some of the students cannot afford to buy it. (e) — wearing a school dress does not allow in every school.



11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: - 5

do you know me yes i know you from my childhood whets your name my name is sumon thank you a lot said mr jamal.



Part B: Composition (Marks-40)


12. Suppose, you are Rana/Rina and you have a degree from Dhaka University. You have seen a vacancy ad for the post of an English Teacher in a famous school. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8


13. Suppose, you are a student of Khulna Zilla School, Khulna. You need a computer club. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a computer club.


14. Write a paragraph on Your Visit to a Book Fair’. 10


15. Write a composition on “Your Aim in Life”. 12


Chattogram Board 2019

1.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5x1 0 = 5


The world is (a) — of uncountable natural and man (b) — objects. Natural (c) — are stones, trees, air and (d) —. Man-made objects are houses, cars, (e) — and chemicals. Natural (f) — are cyclones. earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and ocean (g) Life exists (h) — different conditions. It is very (i) — to keep (j) —environment clean.

Answer: 1. (a) full (b) made (c) objects (d) water (e) clothes (f) Forces (g) currents (h) on (i) important (j) the



2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: - 0.5x10 = 5

Road accident is (a) — regular phenomenon in Bangladesh. Many people die (b) — road accidents every year. So, it is considered a (c)—. Road accidents occur for (d)— reasons. Many factors are (e)—for road accidents. The most common cause is (f) — driving. Sometimes they drive night coach (g) — on the same day. The drivers do not check the engines (h) — before they start driving. The roads are two-lane roads (i) — any dividers. These are some of the (j) — reasons of road accidents in Bangladesh.

Answer: 2. (a) a (b) by (c) disaster (d) many (e) responsible (f) Reckless (g) even (h) carefully (i) without (j) Major/ main



3. Make five meaningful sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: - 1x5 = 5                                                                                                                                    


Answer: 3.      (a) the national flag is the symbol of Independence and sovereignty of a nation.

(b) Every independent country of the world has its wore flag.

(c) Hence, to every nation its flag is dearer than any other thing.

(d) We need to safeguard its prestige.

(e) For that we need to have patriotic feelings.


4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once 0.5 x 10 =5

One day Mina and her parrot, Mithu (a) — a tall tree to pick a mango. She (b) — mango and (c) — it to her mother. Although Mina had picked the mango, her mother (d)—the largest share of the fruit to Raju. Mina (e) — very disappointed. At dinner Mina (0 —that Raju as usual (g)—an egg but she (h) — not. Mithu was not pleased to see that. Mother (i)—to see if the children (j)— their hands before they started eating.

Answer: 4. (a) climbed (b) picked (c) took (d) gave (e) felt (f) Noticed (g) got (h) did (i) wanted (j) had washed



5. Change the narrative style of the following text: - 5

Rina said to Karim, "How are you? I went to your house yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?" "I went to the book fair." said Karim. "I had to maintain our school's stall."

Answer: 5. Rima asked Karim how he was. She then said to Him that she had gone to his house the previous day, but had not found him. She again asked him where he had gone. Karim replied that he had gone to the book fair and added that he had to maintain their school's stall.



6. Change the sentences according to the directions: - 1 x 10 = 10

(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative)

(b) He did not marry. (Affirmative)

(c) He loved the people cordially. (Passive)

(d) He never thought of his own happiness. (Interrogative)

(e) He led a very simple life. (Exclamatory)

(f) He always helped the needy. (Complex)

(g) He contributed much money for education to educate the poor students. (Complex)

(h) Though he had a vast wealth, he didn't spend for his own. (Compound)

(i) Who does not know his kindness? (Assertive)

(j) He was one of the greatest kind men of the world. (Positive)

Answer: 6.      (a) Haji Mohammad Mohsen was not an Unkind/ a cruel man.

(b) He was unmarried.

(c) The people were loved cordially by him.

(d) Did he ever think of his own happiness?

(e) What a simple life he led!

(f) He always helped those who were needy. / It Is he who always helped the needy?

(g) He contributed much money for education So that he could educate the poor students.

(h) He had a vast wealth but he didn't spend for His own.

(i) everybody knows his kindness.

(j) Very few kind men in the world were so Great as he. .



7. Complete the sentences: - 1x5 = 5

(a) Walk fast lest —.

(b) It is high time—.

(c) The man was so weak —.

(d) A stitch in time—.

(e) As he was meritorious, —.

Answer: 7.     (a) Walk fast lest you should miss the class.

(b) It is high time you practiced speaking English.

(c) The man was so weak that he could not even Move.

(d) A stitch in time saves nine.

(e) As he was meritorious, he did well in the Quiz programmer.



8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: - 0.5x10 =5

Load shedding is not (a) — (desire). It is harmful to the (b) — (civil). It makes our life (c) — (tolerable) and boring. Because of (d) — (deficient) of electricity load-shedding. Our country is densely (e) — (people). The storage of electricity is (0— (sufficient) to provide electricity with all. As a result, Load shedding is seen (g)—(repeat). But this problem must be removed (h) — (immediate). So, the (i) — (govern) must be conscious of it. Only pragmatic steps can (j) — (move) this serious problem from the country.

Answer: 8. (a) desirable (b) civilization (c) intolerable (d) Deficiency (e) populated (f)  insufficient (g) repeatedly (h) immediately (i) government (j) remove



9. Make tag questions of the following statements: - - 1x5=5

(a) There is little water in this pond, —?

(b) Nobody respects a dishonest man, —?

(c) Let's enjoy a picnic, —?

(d) What a pity, —?

(e) Don't disturb me, —?Answer: 9.     (a) there is little water in this pond, is there?

(b) Nobody respects a dishonest man, do they?

(c) Let's enjoy a picnic, shall we?

(d) What a pity, isn't it?

(e) Don't disturb me, will you?



10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: - 1x5 = 5

Many schools have a uniform (a) — there are arguments for and against. One argument is what to put on. (b) —pupils were allowed to wear clothes according to their own choice. (c) — some clothes may not be suitable for schools. (d) — some of the students cannot afford to buy it. (e) — wearing a school dress does not allow in every school.

Answer: 10. (a) but/ though (b) Earlier (c) Besides (d) Even(c) However



11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: - 5

do you know me yes i know you from my childhood whets your name my name is sumon thank you a lot said mr jamal.

Answer: 11. "Do you know me?" "Yes, I know you from my Childhood." What's your name?" "My name is Summon." "Thank you a lot," said Mr. Jamal.



Part B: Composition (Marks-40)


12. Suppose, you are Rana/Rina and you have a degree from Dhaka University. You have seen a vacancy ad for the post of an English Teacher in a famous school. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8


13. Suppose, you are a student of Khulna Zilla School, Khulna. You need a computer club. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a computer club.


14. Write a paragraph on Your Visit to a Book Fair’. 10


15. Write a composition on “Your Aim in Life”. 12

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