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SSC English 1st Board Questions 2023

Key to SSC English First Paper Board Questions-2023

SSC English 1st Paper

Dhaka Board-2023

1. a. iii) nationally; b. ii) President; c. iii) Martyred heroes; d. iii) Eagerness; e. i) independence was announced; f. ii) socio-cultural organization; g. iii) commence; h. ii) reverence; i. iv) national; j. iii) To highlight the celebration of 26 March.

2. (a) 26 March reminds us of the heroic struggle and sacrifice of the freedom fighters in 1971.

(b) The nation observes 26 March to commemorate the heroic struggle and sacrifice of the martyrs and. freedom fighters in our War of Liberation as well as to celebrate our independence and victory.

(c) 31 gunshots signify the tribute to the martyrs and freedom fighters of the Liberation War on behalf of the nation. It also indicates the beginning of the celebration of Independence Day.

(d) The cultural programmes highlight the heroic struggle and sacrifice of our national heroes in 1971.

(e) We pay homage to the martyrs by placing floral wreaths at the National Mausoleum located at Savar.

From this passage, we become inspired to sacrifice our lives for the cause of the country. We are encouraged to defend the honour and dignity of our motherland at any cost.

3. (a) four; (b) off; (c) works; (d) difficult; (e) run/ maintain.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) 'Paradise Lost'; (ii) 1625-32; (iii) Cambridge University; (iv) passed MA; (v) his second wife died; (vi) in 1674.

6. The passage is about John Milton (1608 – 1674) who was one of the famous poets in English Literature. He was born in London. After completing MA from Cambridge University, he continued an unprofessional study at Horton. He married twice, but both of them died early. Though Milton completed his famous work `Paradise Lost' in 1664, it was published in 1667. By that time, he had already become blind.

Mymensingh Board-2023

.1. a. iii) share; b. i) minds; C. ii) for our strong invisible

bond; d. i) vagabond; e. ii) origin; f. ii) kith and kin; g.

iii) a wild hurry to go somewhere; h. iii) To highlight the

'return to entity; i. i) bondage; j. ii) The pull of the roots.

2. (a) People rush for homes during the Eid vacation to meet their family relatives, in-laws or friends. This is nothing but desire to return to the roots.

(b) Yes, human beings have roots but the), are not like trees. They are invisible. They lie in human minds. Their families, land of birth, relatives, culture, traditions and surroundings are their roots.

(c) During Eid vacation, there is a mad rush to board different transports as many people go to different places almost at the same time. As a result, the transports are overcrowded during Eid vacations, and they sometimes meet. serious accidents.

(d) Family and society play a vital role in human life. Without a family and society, a man becomes a non-entity and rootless. So, the role of the family and society is very significant in human life.

E) The people who do not have roots are non-entity. They are rootless with no context. As they do not have their own identity, they become devoid of values, humanity, and social responsibilities. They have no destination and feel empty and void.

(f) The power of roots refers to the invisible strength of the bond between us and. our family members, in-laws, friends, neighbours or even between us and the land where we were born and grew up. That's why, the invisible power of the bond pulls us to our roots wherever we stay and we always feel that.

3. (a) survive; (b) being; (c) daily; (d) reduction; (e) promote/encourage.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) 76; (ii) "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to the Present Times"; (iii) 1968; (iv) Cambridge University; (v) became a victim of Gehrig's disease; (vi) the prestigious Albert Einstein award.

6. The passage is about Stephen Hawking king (1942 – 2018), the greatest Physicist after Einstein, who was born in England. In hisfamous book, he explained cosmology, and thus, established his reputation as a great scientist. In 1968, he received PhD in Cosmology from Cambridge University. Unfortunately, he was confined to a wheelchair due to Gehrig's disease, but it couldn't stop him from continuing his research till his death. In 1974, Hawking won the prestigious Albert Einstein Award. He was also a Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in Cambridge University since 1979.

Cumilla Board-2023

1. a. iv) modern; b. iii) Proficient; c. ii) BAUM; d. i) Place of birth and its surroundings; e. iv) debt; f. iv) they are closely attached to their soil; g. ii) Commitment to the native land; h. iv) believes; i. ii) every; j. iv) should be self-employed.

I (a) Obligation to the soil, that isi responsibility to the root made Mainul Islam come back to his village.

(b) The specialty of the Islam family is that all of its members are living in their own village and they all have fame in their own fields. .

(c) Mr. Mainul Islam and his brothers showed us that they have deep connection to their own roots. Thus, they may be model for us in showing how to be respectful of our own roots.

(d) Yes, I do agree that every educated individual should not be a job seeker. It is because education does not prepare a person only to be an officer. An educated person should not only think of his or her own interests but also work for the betterment of his root.

(e) Working in his own farm and living with family and friends help Mr Islam lead a pleasing life.

(f) By this, Mainul Islam wants to mean that the

educational qualifications he and his other family

members have could easily help them settle in a city.

3. (a) regarded; b) observe; c) mourning; d) pay/show; e) barefooted.

4. Not included in the syllabus.           1

5. (i) passed his Entrance examination; (ii) the University of Dhaka; (iii) obtained his MA degree; (iv) "Bangla Shahitter Katha"; (v) Sorbonne University, Paris; (vi) on 13 July 1969.

6. The passage is about Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah (1885 – 1969), who was born in West Bengal, India. After completing graduation and post-graduation, he joined Dhaka University as a Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali. He received Doctorate Degree from Sorbonne University, Paris. He is the author of 'Bangla Shahitter Katha', the first well-arranged history of Bengali Literature. After suffering for a long time, this great contributor to Bangla language and literature passed away in Dhaka.,

Raishahi Board-2023

1. a. iii) some great people laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a State Language; b. iii) Jinnah; c. ii) strong protest; d. iii) 4 years; e. i) status of Bangla as a State Language of Pakistan; f iv) erstwhile Pakistan; g. i) compelled to do that; h, iii) in the eastern part'of Pakistan;

i. ii) establish Bangla as a State Language; j. i) final stage.

2. (a) The martyrs sacrificed their lives in 1952 to establish Bangla as a State Language in undivided Pakistan. They believed that language is an essential part of our identity and culture and that no one should be forced to give up their mother tongue.

(b) Undivided Pakistan 'refers to the country of Pakistan comprised of the East Pakistan and the West Pakistan.

(c) Pakistan government outlawed meetings and rallies in 1952 with a view to, stopping the Language Movement of 1952.

(d) As the students brought out a peaceful protest procession defying the government decision, police opened fire and killed Salam, Rafiq, Barkat and Jabbar to stop the protest and the Language Movement as well.

(e) The Language Movement of 1952 kindled the sparks of independence among the citizens of the East Pakistan by making them aware of their rights. Thus, the Language Movement is related to the independence of Bangladesh.

(f) 21 February is observed annually worldwide as International Mother Language Day to promote linguistic            and      cultural            diversity . and multilingualism. It also commemorates the sacrifices made by the language martyrs in 195' . for their mother language.

3. (a) means/indicates; (b) element; (c) moment; (d) us: (e) polluted.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) An American Shipping Company; (ii) sailed from: (iii) on 10 April 1912; (iv) on 15 April 1912; (v) Titanic; (vi) the Atlantic Ocean.

6. In 1912, an American Shipping Company launched the Titanic. It sailed on its . maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York, the USA. Though the ship was thought to be unsinkable, it sank colliding with a huge iceberg while crossing the Atlantic. At the time of sinking, the passengers got panicked and rushed to the lifeboats. However, the lifeboats could take only the women and the childrep as the number of the boats was limited.


Dinaipur Board-2023

1. a. ii) sonnet; b. iii) wish; c. iv) to accept something new;

d. ii) Literary; e. iii) formal anger-, f, iv) hardship; g. ii) Since his teenage; h. i) showing strong feelings; i. iii) Meghnad Badh Kabya; j. ii) He lived in Europe fora short period.

2. (a) Madhusudan wanted to grow himself as an Englishman in form and manner from his early age.

(b) Madhusudan practiced Christianity in lieu of Hinduism in his middle age.

(c) His college inspired him to imitate the English in taste, manners and intellect, because as a precious child with a gift of literary talent, his manifestation to English was excellent and appreciable.

Poems and plays written in English reflected his intellectual ability.

(e) After coming back to Bengal, Madhusudan realised that his true identity lay in Bengal and his fascination for England and Europe was totally wrong.

(f) Madhusudan was a talented writer. He composed poems and plays in English as he wanted- to be an English writer but his works were not appreciated by the Europeans. So, he was frustrated as a writer of English literature.

3. (a) industrialization; (b) generating/producing; (c) increase; (d) dependence/reliance; (e) forests.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) 18,386 hectares; (ii) in April 1999; (iii) Maulvibazar and Sylhet; (iv) Barheaded Goose; (v) is known; (vi) a period of 4 to 5 months.

6. The passage is about Hakaluki haor, a significant wetland of Bangladesh, with an area of 18,386 hectares. It supports a rich biodiversity and provides a living for approximately 190,000 people. The government of Bangladesh declared it an Ecologically Critical Area in 1999. Hakaluki haor consists of interconnected beels and jalmahals, forming a complex ecosystem. It is home to various species of migratory waterfowls, . including the endangered Barheaded Goose. Unfortunately, illegal poaching poses a threat to these birds. Furthermore, parts of the haor dry up, providing grazing land for cattle. However, deforestation and lack of conservation efforts have severely impacted the once-thriving swamp forests in the area.

Jashore Board-2023

1. a. iv) alone; b. ii) wealthy; c. iii) Destroy; d. ii) River erosion; e. i) cruel impact on people; f. i) the erosion of the Jamuna; g. iii) To describe the effect of river erosion; h. iv) to make loud deep harsh sound; i. iii) climate change; j. ii) exterminated.

2. (a) Meherjan lives in a polythene-roofed shelter in a slum on. the SiraJgorj. Town Protection Embankment.

(b) The people who live along the river banks are the worst sufferers of climate change. It is because climate change has increased river erosion.

(c) The greedy Jamuna crushed Meherjan's dream and happiness by eating up her landed property, house, trees, vegetable garden and, the bamboo bush.

(d) Meherjan lost her home, cultivable land, trees, vegetable garden, and the bamboo bush due to river erosion.            I

(e) If we cannot control river erosion, many more people like Meherjan will become homeless every year in Bangladesh. River erosion is a major threat caused by climate change and affects the lives of thousands of people every year.

(f) Yes, I agree with the view. It is because climate change is the main reason of river erosion. So, we have to stop polluting the environment first. Then, we have to dredge our rivers and make embankment to adapt to the change.

3. (a) four; (b) off; (c) works; (d) difficult; (e) run/maintain.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) Kentucky, the USA; (ii) Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln; (iii) 1861; (iv) America; (v) Ford's Theatre in Washington; (vi) April 14, 1865.

6. The passage is about Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), the 16' president of the USA, who is famous for his Gettysburg Address during the Civil War and for declaring a ban on slavery in America in 1863. He was born in Kentucky, but his family moved to Indiana after his mother's death. He was a captain in the Black Hawk War. He became President in 1861, and then again in 1864. He was killed at Ford's Theatre in Washington on Good Friday.

Chattogram Board-2023

1. a. ii) She taught us humanity; b. iv) 1979; c. i) Nirmal Hriday;; d. i) sari; e. iii) peace; f. i) great love; g. iv) both i and ii; h. i) The donating preachers; i, ii) throughout the world; j. i) an environment of peaceful death.

2. (a) I think Mother Teresa won so many awards because of her humanitarian works and commitment to helping the impoverished.

(b) Mother Teresa had great love and compassion for humanity. So, she won the Nobel Prize for her humanitarian work. *  I

(c) 'Nirmal Hridoy' stands for 'Pure Heart'. Actually, it is a charity home founded by Mother Teresa to shelter the dying destitute of Kolkata. I think, the home is named 'Nirmal Hriday' so that the dying people living in the streets of Kolkata can get an opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love.

(d) Mother Teresa wanted the dying people to feel that they too deserve care and love because they are also the children of God. She believed that everyone is entitled to love, care and shelter regardless of their creed, caste and religion.

(e) The things that we have learnt from Mother Teresa are that we should spread the love of God, take care of the poor and the destitute, and work for the,humanity.

(f) The world salutes her for her love and compassion for humanity.

3. (a) history; (b) realize/remember; (c) against; (d) revolted/ struggled/ protested; (e) consequence/ result/ outcome.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) 1941; (ii) in 1874; (iii) in 1878; (iv) Law; (v) The Gitanjali; (vi) in 1921.

6. The passage is about Rabindranath Tagore (1861 –1941), a poet, a novelist, a dramatist, a philosopher and a musician. He was born in the renowned Tagore family. School life did not attract him much, and so, he was educated at home. However, at 17, he was sent to London to study Law. But he started to study Literature there. Rabindranath started to show his poetic talent very early in his life. In * 1911, he translated his poems of 'The Gitanjali' into English for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1913. In 1914, he was made a knight by the British Government, but he rejected it as a protest against the British atrocities. Rabindranath was also honoured with D.Litt. bN Oxford University. He founded Viswa Bharati in 1921.

Svlhet Board-2023

1. a. ii) gun salute; b. iii) at Savar; c. iv) in Bangabandhu Stadium; d. iv) All categories of people; e. ii) light on; f. iii) respect; g. iv) amuse; h. i) represents his/her own country; i. iii) show due respect and gratitude to the martyrs; j. i) To' highlight the celebration of Independence Day.

,2. (a) 26 March reminds us of the heroic struggle andsacrifice of the freedom fighters in 1971.

(b) The President, the Prime Minister, diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organizations, freedom fighters and general people pay homage to the martyred freedom fighters.

(c) The nation observes 26 March to commemorate the heroic struggle and sacrifice of the martyrs and freedom fighters in our War of Liberation as well as to celebrate our independence and victory.

(d) The Independence Day, the biggest state festival, is observed every year in our country with great enthusiasm and fervour.

(e) Early in the morning, the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar.

(f) A 31 gun salute signifies the tribute to the martyrs and freedom fighters of the Liberation War on behalf of the nation. It also indicates the beginning of the celebration of Independence Day.

3. (a) delivered; (b) put; (c) use/utilization; (d) According; (e) concern.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) Princeton; (ii) the Swiss patent, office; (iii) the University of Zurich; (iv) moved to; (v) to work at the institute for advanced study; (vi) in divorce.

6. The passage is about Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955). the greatest scientist of the 20th century, was born in Germany. He obtained Swiss citizenship and worked at the patent office before publishing groundbreaking works in theoretical physics, including the theory cf relativity. Despite his theories being highly controversial, he became a professor at the.Universit% of Berlin and a member of the Prussian Academy of Science. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. With ;the rise of Hitler, Einstein moved to the United States, where he became a citizen and worked at the institute for advanced Study. Einstein married twice, with the first one ending in divorce.

Barishal Board-2023

1. a. iii) joy; b. i) without missing a year; c. ii) Bangalee culture and tradition; d. iv) traditional dish;.e. ii) people; E iii) the Fine Arts students of Dhaka University; g. iv) jubilant; h. iii) Joys  and sorrows of contemporary life;. i. iii) Beautify; j. iii) all categories of people.

2. (a) On Pahela Boishakh, people wake up early in the - morning to take part in the festivities.

(b) The cultural programme begins with'the sunrise. The programme features renowned artists of the country performing traditional folk songs, classical dances, and -the famous Tagore-song 'Esho-he-Boishakh, Esho Esho', all accompanied by musical instruments.

(c) In observance of Pahela Boishakh, newspapers bring out special supplements on this day.

(d) The celebration of Pahela Boishakh marks a day of cultural unity for the whole nation irrespective of caste and creed.

(e) The traditional attire for women on Pahela Boishakh includes a white saree with red borders and colourful churls and flowers, while men typically wear pajamas and punjabis.

(f) Celebration of Pahela Boishakh is an occasion for individuals to reflect on the past and embrace the future with renewed hope and aspiration. It serves as a symbol of cultural harmony and national unity, bringing together people from all walks of life to celebrate the beginning of a new year in traditional style.

3. (a) assigned; (b) successful; (c) took; (d) who; (e) remember.

4. Not included in the syllabus.

5. (i) was born; (ii) on .1 January 190, ; (iii) from the University of Kolkata; (iv) in 1938; (v) received President Award for Pride Performance, Pakistan; (vi) on 13 March 1976.

6. The passage is about Jasimuddin (1903 – 1976), widely known as pollikobi, was born in Faridpur. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Bangla from the University of Kolkata. He joined the University of Dhaka in 1938 as a Lecturer. In 1944, he resigned and then joined the Department of Information and Broadcasting. He wrote many poems, dramas, novels, memoirs, music, etc. and collected more than 10,000 folk songs. He also received many honours and awards for his literary works.

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