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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

SSC English 2nd Board Questions-2020

Updated: Aug 19


Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)English (compulsory) second paper 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.











An ideal teacher is (a) — compared with (b) — architect. He is called (c) — architect of a nation. He is the light of (d) — and makes the illiterate people (e) — citizens of our country. But it is a matter of regret (f) — the teachers are not held (g) — due respect in our society. They lead a humble life in the (h) — of want. Still they keep the light of education burning in order to remove the (i) — of illiteracy and superstitions (j) — the society.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Modern civilization is the (a) — of science. Science has worked (b) — a magician in the world. We can’t do even a (c) — day without the help of science. Many quick means (d) — communication like telephone, telex, fax, telegram, satellite, etc. are (e) — greatest wonders of science. Nowadays, a message can be sent from one corner of the world to another in the twinkle of (f) — eye. Science has brought a revolutionary (g) — in all fields. In the field of medical science, (h) — has got eyes, lame has got legs, deaf has got hearing power. (i) — diseases which were incurable in the past are now easily (j) —.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.



the war

No nation

took place

to the battlefield to save the country

Our War of Liberation


it without struggle

People from all walks of life

can achieve

in 1971



the birthright of a nation

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities of our country. Increasing number of vehicles (a) — traffic jam. Mainly it (b) — in the congested areas. Overtaking tendency also (c) — traffic jam. Some drivers (d) — the traffic rules and (e) — carelessly. It (f) — a lot of pains to the people. Ambulances (g) — patients cannot (h) — hospital timely. Students and office-going people also (i) — due to traffic jam. This problem should be (j) — immediately.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

Rina said to Sima, “Why don’t you get up early from sleep?” Sima said, “It is tough for me to leave bed early.” “Alas! It is a bad habit,” said Rina, “If you leave bed early, you can enjoy sound health. Follow my advice.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tarin. (Compound)

(b) Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)

(c) She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative)

(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)

(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive)

(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)

(g) She also helped her mother in her free time. (Complex)

(h) She never told a lie. (Interrogative)

(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)

(j) She worked hard to shine in life. (Complex)

7. Complete the sentences.

(a) No sooner had we reached the school —.

(b) Unless you study attentively —.

(c) Scarcely had the party begun —.

(d) If I had known his mobile number, —.

(e) Work hard provided that —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the underlined root words given in the text.

Bangladesh is an (a) — (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b) — (population), (c) — (employ), corruption, food (d) — (deficient), natural calamities, power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e) — (govern) has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to (f) — (come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g) — (digit) Bangladesh is to establish technology-based government which will emphasize the overall (h) — (develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i) — (ready) fixed its target for the (j) — (achieve) of Digital Bangladesh by 2021.

9. Make tag questions of these following statements.

(a) Let’s have a walk outside the farm, —?

(b) I am in the habit of walking every morning, —?  

(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, —?

(d) No one should miss the opportunity, —?

(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a) — all sorts of attempts to solve food problems will fail. (b) — we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly solve our food problem by changing our habit. (c) — we can take potato instead of rice. (d) — it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) — knowledge of nutritive value of food can help to solve our food problem to a great extent.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

why are you going to barishal said father i want to buy some important books said saad do you need money yes father dont go alone as time is not going well.

Part B : Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you have seen a vacancy advertisement for the position of an Assistant Teacher of English in “Simal Model School, Pabna”. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, your village is badly affected by the recent flood. The people have been suffering severely due to lack of food and shelter. Now, write an application to the UNO for relief goods for the affected people.

14. Write a paragraph on ‘A Road Accident’.

15. Write a composition in 250 words on ‘Importance of Reading Newspaper’.


Mymensingh Board-2020

English (compulsory) second paper Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.











Festivals have always been integral parts of our tradition and culture. We have a (a) — of festivals which we celebrate (b) — the year. Some of our (c) — festivals are related to our (d) — of Independence and Language Movement. (e) — are related to our religions and the (f) — are related to our art and (g) —. Whatever may be (h) — occasion, people from all (i) — of the society take part in these festivals spontaneously. We should continue the (f) — of our festivals.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word for each gap.

Nowadays, a good number of farmers are getting benefits (a) — the organic cultivation of vegetables. Vermicompost, (b) — organic fertilizer made mainly (c) — cowdung and earthworm is used by the farmers. As the farmers did not use (d) — chemical fertilizer or pesticides on their vegetable beds, the (e) — cost has come down. It takes (f) — fifty thousand taka to prepare an acre of (g) — and the harvest starts within forty-five days (h) — planting. Due to good yield of the crop, some temporary warehouses have been made in (i) — area. So, proper (j) — of organic fertilizer can change the scenario of our agricultural sector.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.


should form

one of the most important qualities of a man



the habit of doing a thing in exact time

In a wider sense, it


the habit of being punctual from one’s childhood

To maintain punctuality


necessary for all human beings

So, one


the process for proper utilization of time

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











You must have (a) — the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He (b) — our national poet. He (c) — as a rebel poet as well. He (d) — into a poor family. But dire needs could not (e) — his potentiality. When the First World War broke out, he (f) — the army. After the war, he (g) — to write poems. At that time, his poems and songs (h) — people against oppression. He (i) — the Shelley of Bangla literature. We should (j) — him for his great deeds.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“May I come in, sir?” Ripon said to his class teacher. The teacher replied, “Yes, why are you so late today?” “My grandfather suddenly felt severe pain in his chest. So, I rushed to hospital with him.” “May Allah grant his quick recovery,” said the teacher.

6. Change the sentences according to directions

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory sentence)

(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive voice)

(c) It is played all over the world. (Active voice)

(d) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative Degree)

(e) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Simple sentence)

(f)The game is played between two teams each consisting of eleven players. (Complex sentence)

(g) There are two umpires who conduct the game. (Simple sentence)

(h) It is full of thrill and excitement for the spectators. (Interrogative sentence)

(i) Bangladesh is a test-playing country developing its standard day by day. (Compound sentence)

(j) We must try our best to improve its present position. (Negative sentence without changing meaning)

7. Complete the sentences,

(a) It matters little to me whether —.

(b) He pretended as if —.

(c) If I had the wings of a bird, —.

(d) Take your umbrella lest —.

(e) Hardly had he started for school —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

Education is essential for any kind of (a) — (develop). The poor socio-economic condition of our country can be (b) — (large) attributed to many people’s (c) — (accessibility) to education. Many (d) — (literate) people do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and (e) — (populate) control. It (f) — (able) us to perform our duties (g) — (proper). Education helps us to adopt a (h) — (ration) attitude. It provides us with an (i) — (lightened) awareness about things and this awareness is a (j) —- (requisite) for social development.

9. Make tag questions of these statements.

(a) Nothing is more pleasant than the memories of childhood, —?

(b) We hardly forget the golden past, —?

(c) The memories of my childhood still attract me. —?

(d) Simple things are at the centre of attraction for a child, —?

(e) When a man grows up, he may laugh at those things, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Women are nowadays as important as men in the society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) — there can be no denying the fact (b) — auties (c) — men do. They have noble mission to fulfil as men. (d) — they get opportunity, their genius, powers will bloom fully (e) — they too possess equal rights and capacities .

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

will you please tell me one reason of air pollution yes the smoke from our household activities vehicles factories etc is mainly causing air pollution

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Ramisa/Rahim. After graduation, you have completed a diploma course on Wism. You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the post of a Public Relation Officer in a wucd travel company named “ABC Travels Limited”. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for The post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are Mita/Mithu, a student of Class X reading in Nurpur High School, Kushtia. There is a lack of quality books in your school library. Now, write an application to the Headmaster on behalf of the students of your school to increase the number of quality books in the library.

14 Tress are the most important gift of nature. But cutting down trees affects our environment greatly. Now, write a paragraph in 250 words on “The Bad Impacts of Deforestation.”

15. Students are the future leaders of society. They can contribute to the society not only with education but also with other services. Write a composition on “Students and Social Services”,


Rajshahi Board-2020

English (compulsory) second paper  Part-A: Grammar (60 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in the box below. You may need to change the form of words and you can use one word more than once.









Nowadays, parents are very (a) — of the harmful effect of (b) — on children. Child Psychologists think that (c) — physical and mental punishment can be disastrous (d) — a child’s growth and (e) —. It may lead to (f) — and hatred of the person who (g) — the child. Again, if a child (h) — punished, he may lack initiative. He may also feel hostile (i) — others. So, rude behaviour gradually (j) — in him.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Diligence means an (a) — to perform a work successfully. God has given us two hands to (b) —. From the (c) — of the world, human beings have been (d) — with nature to keep hold of their (e) —. If they did not struggle, they might have (f) — long ago. Thus, we see that diligence is (g) — in our personal, social and national life. The student who is (h) — diligent, makes a better result (i) — those who are not. So, to be (f) — everybody should be diligent.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.



in both public and private sectors.

Our government

may be

to remove it, we will not be able to build ‘Sonar Bangla

If we


a curse not only to our nation but also all over the world


is trying

defined as the abuse of entrusted power for the private gain.



to control it with iron hand.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box below.











We (a) — to our nature for (b) — us with her gifts lavishly. We (c) — a large area of land but the negligible area of land that (d) — to us, is very fertile. We (e) — ungrateful to our soil. But our activities (f) — that we have (g) — ungrateful to our soil. We are constantly (h) — soil pollution by our unwise activities. As a result, our fertile land is (i) — its fertility which has (j) — us to grow crops easily.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Where do you like to go?” said the ticket officer. “To Rajshahi,” said the lady. “How many tickets do you need to buy and of which class?” “Three first class tickets.” “Here are the tickets and they will cost you three thousands taka.”

6. Change the following sentences according to the directions.

(a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)

(b) At present, it is called a challenge to fight against it. (Active)

(c) Who is not now in the threat of violence? (Assertive)

(d) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything. (Positive)

(e)It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Comparative)

(f) Nobody wants his children to be terrorist in future. (Interrogative)

(g)Though there is law to punish the terrorists, it is not properly applied. (Simple)

(h) By applying the law properly, we can get rid of it. (Complex)

(i)We have to create social awareness to fight against corruption. (Compound)

(j)We all should avoid the killers of mankind. (Negative)

7. Complete the following sentences.

(a) But for your timely intervention –

(b) Many days passed —.

(c) A child — is afraid of fire.

(d) Work hard provided that —.

(e) Blessing is not valued —.

8. Complete the following text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

(a) — (persevere) is needed to be (b) — (success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c) — (success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d) — (fortune). (Persevere) people always become successful. (f) — (sincere) is another important virtue which (g) — (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) — (fruit). Student life is the (i) — (form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j) — (use) this period of life.

9. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Everybody respects freedom fighters, — ?

(b) They fought for the independence of our country, —?

(c)Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, —?

(d) Their names are written in golden letters, —?

(e) We should never forget them, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Teaching is such a profession (a) — helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b) — a guide (c) — a pioneer. He has to dedicate to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d) — he is called an architect of a new society. (e) — he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

my dear mother your letter is just to hand it seems to me that you are anxious for me but you need not think about me

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Toma/Tomal. You have completed BSc and are looking for a job. You have seen a vacancy advertisement in ‘The Daily Star’ for the post of an ‘Office Assistant of a company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are Bakul, a student of Khulna Zilla School. You are interested to go on a study tour. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking permission to go on a study tour.

14. All the beings depend on trees for their existence. So, we should plant trees more and more every year. Now, write a paragraph on ‘Tree Plantation’,

15. Write a composition on ‘Your Favourite Hobby’.

Cumilla Board-2020

English (compulsory) second paper Part A: Grammar (60 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.











Without effort, there can be no (a) — in life. Life loses its interest (b) — there is no struggle. Games become (c) —, if there is no competition in (d) — and if the result can be (e) — foreseen. No matter we win (f) — game or lose it. The (g) — the contest, the greater the interest. A (h) — is not a real triumph unless (i) — the sides are equally strong. Whether (j) — like it or not, life is a continuous competitive examination.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Education is one of the basic (a) — of a human being and is (b) — for every kind of development. It (c) — us to make right choices in (d) —. It enhances our ability to raise (e) —, store food, protect the environment and (f) — out our social responsibilities. It provides (g) — with an enlightened awareness about things. (h) — education has to be defined. It (i) — not merely getting degrees from schools, (j) — and universities. It is something more lasting, more humane.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

Drug addiction


taking heroin, opium, etc.

The drugs


a man to death

Young boys and girls

have grasped

strong attraction for any harmful thing

The frequent taking of these drugs


the young generation of our country



not only a national but also a global problem

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











According to the history, women in the past were (a) — within the four walls. But at present, they (b) — no longer captive to their parents’ or husbands’ house. With the passage of time, the outlook and attitude have been (c) — as men and women are (d) — themselves to the changing society. By (e) — education, they are (f) — pilots, doctors, engineers, high officials, etc. They are (g) — hand in hand with men in all worthy programmes. They are now able to (h) — their worth. They (i) — much to the economy of the country. Now, it has come to the realization of men that no development is possible by (j) — half of our population idle at home.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

The new teacher entered the classroom and said, “Can you tell me what I should do now?” “No, Sir,” one of the students said. The teacher smiled and said, “Try to guess.” “You should introduce yourself to us,” another student said. “Thank you,” said the teacher, “You are really brilliant.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Health is wealth. (Make complex sentence)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Use positive degree)

(c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Make compound sentence)

(d) He can succeed in life. (Make interrogative sentence)

(e) So, everybody cannot but be conscious of his health. (Make affirmative sentence)

(f) Everybody must take care of his health all the time. (Make negative sentence)

(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Use active voice)

(h) People who are poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet. (Make simple sentences)

(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Make exclamatory)

(j) Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Use passive voices)

7. Complete the sentences.

(a) Unless you study attentively —.

(b) It is a long time since —.

(c) If I had seen you, —.

(d) 1971 is the year when —.

(e) Danger comes where —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

Most of the books of famous (a) — (write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) — (visit) buy different (c) — (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d) — (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) — (crowd). As (f) — (vary) books are (g) — (play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy (h) — (choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) — (available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) — (come) to the students.

9. Make tag questions of these statements.

(a) The freedom fighters are the real heroes, —?

(b) Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, —?

(c) Their contribution for our country will always be remembered, —?

(d) We should never neglect them, —?

(e) Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) — our lives on earth inevitably depend on it. (b) — it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c) — tress are planted, soon our country, will turn into a desert. (d) — there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) —, we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by boat i have teacher i clearly remember what happened in that journey said jamal

Part B : Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Taskia/Toukir and you have passed HSC and got a diploma on computer course. You looked in an advertisement in “The Daily Star” that Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is going to appoint some computer operators. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post of a computer operator in the company. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are the SSC candidate of Modern School and College, Rangpur. You are interested to go on a study tour in a historical place. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission and monetary assistance regarding the tour.

14. Suppose, on the last vacation you were going to Rajshahi by bus. Unfortunately your bus met an accident but luckily there was no casualty of death. Now, write a paragraph on ‘Causes of Road Accidents in Bangladesh’.

15. Nowadays, people are suffering from various diseases. If they take physical exercise everyday, they can enjoy a sound health. Now, write a composition on ‘The Importance of Physical Exercise’.

Chattogram Board-2020

English (compulsory) second paperPart A: Grammar (60 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.











Student politics (a) — the normal progress of a student. It brings (b) — to a few but (c) — harm to many. Because of student politics (d) — administration of a college or university is (e) —. As a result, there (f) — session jam. For this problem of the campus, student politics is (g) — responsible. So, we should (h) — about the necessity of student politics. Either we should (i) — student politics or we should brings about a (j) — change in this sector.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Patriotism is an (a) — quality of human being. It creates in a man a feeling of love for his motherland. It is older than (b) —. The man who loves his own country, does his first and (c) — duties and works for the (d) — and (e) — of his country, is a patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a great love for the land where they were born and sacrificed their lives to (f) — it. If he does and (g) — his duties honestly and sincerely in his own fields, he can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be a (h) —. We must not have bitterness towards anyone. But (i) — patriotism is very bad. All should (j) — off it from their hearts.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.






us news of home and abroad



useful to all section of people



great educative value too



really part and parcel of our life



us the outside world like a mirror

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once.











Self-control (a) — a great power. It (b) — all other virtues. Man generally (c) — on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desires (d) — the purity of heart and mind (e) — the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man (f) — up a pure character which is very essential (g) — above the level of inhumanity. Nothing can (h) — to self-control to (i) — inhumanity. So, everybody (j) — for being self-controlled.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Why are you laughing in the class?” the teacher said to the girl. “I have remembered interesting incident after you have given the example.” “What is that?” said the teacher. “It is about one of my cousins who came to our house yesterday.” “Forget it and be attentive to your lesson.”

6. Change the following sentences according to directions.

(a) Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievement of science. (Make it simple)

(b) The electricity lights both the streets and the houses. (Make it negative)

(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Make it passive)

(d) There is cinema to delight in the evening. (Make it complex)

(e) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Make it positive)

(f) Who can go without it? (Make it assertive)

(g) Internet is as important as computer. (Make it comparative)

(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Make it compound)

(i) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science. (Make it superlative)

(j) The invention of computer is a great miraculous event. (Make it exclamatory)

7. Complete the following sentences to make them meaningful.

(a) He asked me whether —.

(b) Had I the wings of a dove —.

(c) He could help you provided that —.

(d) Hardly had the bell rung —.

(e) We must look before we leap lest —.

8. Complete the following passage adding suffixes, prefixes or the both to the root words given in the parenthesis.

Life without (a) — (sure) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) — (charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) — (beauty) objects of nature. (d) — (monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) — (averse) to work. It gives freshness and (j) — (create) to our mind.

9. Add tag questions to the statements below.

(a) None of us can solve this problem, —?

(b) There is little water in the glass, —?

(c) One cannot deny this proposal, —?

(d) You need to see a doctor, —?

(e) Nothing was said, —?

10. Complete the following passage using suitable connectors.

Bangladesh is a small country (a) — it has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b) — illiterate. (c) — we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) — we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e) — our government is trying to solve the problem.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

how is your father bilkis said mr rahman he is very well thank you bilkis replied i am glad to hear that he is in good health said mr rahman

Part B: Composition (40 Marks).

12. Suppose, you are Samir/Samirah. You got your BA Exam result last month. Recently you have seen a vacancy advertisement in “The Prothom Alo” for the post of a junior officer in ABC Bank. Now, write a CV with a letter to the HR Manager for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Imagine, you are Sadik/Sadika. You are a student of Sonapur High School, Rangpur. You are in section ‘A’ in Class Ten. Recently your father has been transferred to Dhaka. You want to continue your study in this school. Now, write an application to the Head Teacher of your school for a seat in the school hostel.

14. Write a paragraph on ‘A Tea Stall’ in your own words.

15. Write a composition about ‘The Importance of Reading Newspaper’.

Sylhet Board 2020

English (compulsory) second paper Part A: Grammar (60 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.











Education removes our ignorance and gives us the (a) — of knowledge in respect (b) — imparting education. There should be (c) — discrimination (d) — man and woman. Education is one of the (e) — human rights. If we deprive woman of the (f) — of education (g) — half of our population (h) — remain in darkness. No development can be brought (i) — without the partícipation of woman. So, the government is doing everything to (j) — the womanfolk.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Adopting unfair means in the examination is (a) — offence. It degrades (b) — standard of education. If the students of (c) — country do not acquire (d) — education, there will be no development for (e) — country. (f) — examinee should study seriously so that he can cut (g) — good figure in the examination. To acquire true education should be (h) — only aim in the lives of all students. (i) — educated man cannot support adopting (j) — unfair means in the  examination at all.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.



the war

No nation

took place

to the battlefield to save the country

Our War of Liberation


it without struggle

People from all walks of life


in 1971


can achieve

the birthright of a nation

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities of our country. Increasing number of vehicles (a) — traffic jam. Mainly it (b) — in the congested areas. Overtaking tendency also (c) — traffic jam. Some drivers (d) — the traffic rules and (e) — carelessly. It (f) — a lot of pains to the people. Ambulances (g) — patients cannot (h) — hospital timely. Students and office-going people also (i) — due to traffic jam. This problem should be (j) — immediately.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

Rina said to Sima, “Why don’t you get up early from sleep?” Sima said, “It is tough for me to leave bed early.” “Alas! It is a bad habit,” said Rina, “If you leave bed early, you can enjoy sound health. Follow my advice.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was more gracious than any other man in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b) He was born in Hoogli. (Complex)

(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative without changing meaning)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)

(e) He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f)He did not marry. (Affirmative)

(g) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor: (Negative without changing meaning)

(i)One day when a thief entered his room, he caught him. (Simple)

(j)He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)

7. Complete the sentences.

(a) There are many stars in the sky —.

(b) Rakib will swim after —.

(c) A graveyard is the place —.

(d) — cannot be blotted.

(e) The answer that he —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

King Solomon was (a) — (fame) for his (b) —- (wise). He was blessed with (c) — (ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) — (imagine). One day, the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) — (nature) and the other was (f) —(artifice). As he had a close (g) — (associate) with nature, he had been (h) — (success) to differentiate them.  In this way, his (i) — (repute) of (j) — (multidimension) knowledge spread all over the world.

9. Make tag questions of these following statements.

(a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, —?

(b) We hardly forget the golden past, —?

(c) The memories of childhood are always haunting us, —?

(d) The sweetest memory of childhood is colourful, —?

(e) Who forgets these memories, —?

10. Complete the following passage using suitable connectors in the blanks.

Summer noon is very painful and disgusting. (a) — the sun shines hotly over head, life becomes miserable. The sufferings of the people know no bounds (b) — the electricity goes off. (c) — the people use hand-fans to fan themselves. Children can neither sleep (d) — read. They feel out of sorts. (e) — the poor suffer most. They work outside in the burning sun.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

the teacher said to the girl do you think that honesty is the best policy yes sir i think so said the girl then learn to be honest from your childhood thank you sir said the girl may allah bless you said the teacher

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, some junior officers will be appointed in Dhaka Bank Ltd. You, Sumon/Sumona, are interested to be a junior officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.

13. Suppose, you are Munawar Salam, a student of Rajshahi Collegiate School. You don’t have a computer club in your school. Now, write an application to your Head Teacher to set up a computer club.

14. Write a paragraph on ‘A Street Hawker’ within 150 words.

15. Write a composition on ‘Duties of a Student’ within 250 words.

Barishal Board-2020

English (compulsory) second paperPart A: Grammar (60 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once :











Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. It is (a) — that this has become very accepted (b) — our society. Only poverty is responsible for (c) —. In a family of five or six children, the parents (d) — to send their kids to work so that they can fill their empty (e) —. These poor and helpless children are rewarded (f) — all kinds of abuse (g) — they work hard all day long. No other thing is as (h) — as child abuse for a nation. (i) — government has taken necessary measures (j) — check it.

2. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. Use one word for each gap:

Terrorism is a (a) — threat and major concern (b) — almost all the countries. Terrorists damage (c) — human lives and properties (d) — panic and terror. The cause of terrorism mainly (e) — to the deprivation of genuine rights and also greed and exploitation (f) — groups and nations. To get rid of terrorism is very difficult (g) — not impossible (h) — different intellectuals and peace (i) — nations work (j) —.

3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

Friction between teenagers and parents


certainly occur in all times



common features of the teenagers

One obvious reason


the transaction from dependence to independence

Another source of friction


very common

Moreover, moody and sulky behaviours


the difficult behaviours of the adolescents

4.  Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











Gender inequality is a barrier to the overall development of a country. Gender equality (a) — to the condition in which both men and women (b) — equally and fairly in all circumstances. Without (c) — the participation of the both, the social and economic development (d) —. Elimination of gender disparity is a demand of the day with a view to (e) — human rights. Our government, already (f) — some initiatives in different sectors so that women can (g) — pace with men. But our social set up is (h) — a barrier in different ways. We should (i) — our outlook and come forward to (j) — gender inequality from the society.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Good morning, Kiron,” said Harun. “How much preparation have you taken for the SSC Examination?” “A great preparation,” Kiron replied. “Wow! What an intelligent boy!” said Harun. “May you be distinguished with your result.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Man is the maker of his own fortune. (Interrogative)

(b) If he makes a proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Simple)

(c) The person doing otherwise is sure to repent later. (Complex)

(d) The lazy suffer miserably in the long run. (Exclamatory)

(e)To kill time is to commit suicide. (Interrogative)

(f) Our life is nothing but a sum total of hours, days and years. (Assertive)

(g)Youth is the most valuable season of life. (Positive)

(h) In youth mind is soft and it can be shaped easily. (Simple)

(i) Unless you use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards. (Compound)

(j) It is called the seedtime of life. (Active)

7. Complete the sentences.

I am looking for Raihan. If I had seen him, —.

(b) Shila seemed upset. She talked as if —.

(c) Yesterday we were at our office. Scarcely had we finished our duty —.

(d) We are not free from danger. Danger often comes where —.

(e) Restless life is risky. We have to take rest —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

Mobile phone is a great (a) — (invent) of modern science. The (b) — (consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) — (fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) — (comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the (e) — (child) are affected much, According to the (f) — (science) mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other (g) — (cure) diseases. They believe that (h) — (visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) — (repairable) damage to human body. They say that the (j) — (govern) should control radioactive sources.

9. Make tag questions of these statements.

(a) Optimism is a great quality, —?

(b) Everybody believes this truth, —?

(c) But all can’t be optimistic, —?

(d) None but the optimists are accepted by all, —?

(e) So, we all should be optimistic about life, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues. (a) — we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. A lie never lies hidden. (b) —, it will come out today or tomorrow. (c) —, all despise him without considering his social status. The habit of speaking the truth, (d) —, must be formed from the very childhood. We should know (e) — speaking the truth is the most rewarding thing in life.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text:

do not worry about a few mistakes said the teacher you can learn a lot through your mistakes do we learn from our mistakes asked the boy

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Rahim/Rahima of 10/12, Murad Nagar, Cumilla and you have passed MBA from Dhaka University. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post of Senior Officer to the Head of the HR, Sonali Bank, Dhaka. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are Labib/. You read in Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur. Your school has a beautiful common room but it lacks modern facilities. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for increasing common room facilities.

14. Village fair is a source of entertainment for the villagers. Suppose, you have an experience of visiting a village fair in your village. Now, write a paragraph in 250 words on ‘A Village Fair You Experienced.

15. Newspaper is the mirror of the whole world. It provides us with all sorts of news and views. Write a composition on ‘The Importance of Reading Newspaper’.

Key to Board Questions 2022

Dhaka Board-2020

1. (a) often; (b) an; (c) the;(d) learning; (e) worthy; (f) that; (g) in; (h) midst; (i) darkness; j) from.

2. (a) gift/outcome/blessing; (b) like; (c) single; (d) of; (e) the; (f) an; (g) change/variation; (h) blind; (i) Fatal/' Some/The/Many/Certain; 0) curable/cured.

3. i.      Independence is the birthright of a nation..

ii. No nation can achieve it without struggle.

iii. Our War of Liberation took place in 1971.

iv. People of all walks of life joined the war.

v. They went to the battlefield to save the country.

4. (a) creates/causes; (b) occurs; (c) causes/creates; (d) violate; (e) drive; (f) gives; (g) carrying; (h) reach; (i) suffer; j) solved.

5. Rina asked Sima why she (S) did not get up early from sleep. Sima replied that it was tough for her to leave ,bed early. At this, Rina exclaimed with grief that it was a bad habit. She added that if she (S) left bed early, she (S) could enjoy sound health. She also told her (S) to follow her (R) advice. '

6. (a) Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Tarin.

(b), In spite of/Despite being a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child.

(c) Didn't she pass her time in reading and writing?

(d) Her parents did not dislike her at all.She was praised by everyone.

(e) How attentive she was to her study!

(f) She also helped her mother when she had free time.

(g) Did she ever tell a lie?

(h) Very few girls in the school were as intelligent as she.

She worked hard so that she could shine in life.

7. (a) No sooner had we reached the school than the bell rang.

(b). Unless you study attentively, you will not be able to make a good result.

(c) Scarcely had the party begun when the fire broke out in the ballroom.

(d) If I had known his mobile number, I would have called him.

(e) Work hard provided that you want to shine in life.

8. (a) independent; (b) overpopulation; (c) unemployment; (d) deficiency; (e) government; (f) overcome; (g) digital; (h) development; (i) already; 0) achievement.

9. (a) Let's have a walk outside the farm, shall we?

(b) I am in the habit of walking every morning, aren't I?

(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, doesn't it? (d)'No one should miss the opportunity, should they? (e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, will

you/won't you?

10. (a) Otherwise; (b) In addition/Again/Besides; (c) For example/For instance/To illustrate; (d) In fact/Now/So; (e) Besides/Moreover/Also.

11. "Why are you going to Barishal?" said father. "I want to buy some important books," said Saad. "Do you need money?" "Yes, father." "Don't go alone as time is not going well,"

Mymensingh Board-2020

1. (a) number; (b) throughout; (c) national; (d) history;

(e) Some; (f) rest; (g) culture; (h) the; (i) walks; tradition.

2. (a) from; (b) an; (c) of-, (d) any/costly; (e) production;

(f) only; (g) land; (h) after; (i) harvesting/rural/ adjacent/ surrounding, 0) use.

3. a. Punctuality is one of the most important qualities of a man.

b. It is the process for proper utilization of time.

c. Ina wider sense it denotes the habit of doing a thing in exact time.

d. To maintain punctuality is necessary for all human beings.

e. So, one should form the. habit of being punctual from one's childhood.,

4. (a) heard; (b) is; (c) is known; (d) was born; (e) hinder, (f) joined; (g) began; (h) inspired; (i) is called; 0) remember.

5. Ripon politely asked his class teacher if he (R) might go in. The teacher replied that he might go in and asked him (R) why he (R) was late that day. Ripon replied that his grandfather had suddenly felt severe pain in his. (G) chest and so, he (R) had rushed to hospital with him (G). Then the teacher prayed that Allah might grant him (G) quick recovery.

6. (a) What an exciting game cricket is!

(b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

(c) People all over the world play it.

(d) At present, it is more popular than any other game/country.

(e) In spite of its being a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing cricket.

(f) The game is played between two teams each of Which consists of eleven players.

(g) Two umpires conduct the game./There are two umpires conducting the game.

(h) Isn't it full of thrill and excitement for the spectators?

(i)' Bangladesh is a test playing country and it is developing its standard day by day.

We cannot but try our best to improve its present position.

7. (a) It matters little to me whether I win the competition or not.

(b) He pretended as if he had been my friend.

(c) If I had the wings of a bird, I could fly in the sky.

(d) Take your umbrella lest you should get wet in the rain;

(e) Hardly had he started for school when the rain started.

8. (a) development; (b) largely; (c) inaccessibility; (d) illiterate; (e) population; (f) enables; (g) properly; (h) rational; (i) enlightened; 0) prerequisite.

9. (a) Nothing is more pleasant than the memories of childhood, is it?

(b) We hardly forget the golden past, do we?

(c) The memories of my childhood still attract me, don't they?

(d) Simple things are at the centre of attraction for a child, aren't they?

(e) When a man grows up, he may laugh at those things, mayn't he?

10. (a) So/Therefore; (b) that; (c) as; (d) If, (e) and.

11. "Would you please tell me one reason of air pollution?" "Yes, the smoke from our household activities, vehicles, factories, etc. is mainly causing air pollution."

Cumilla Board-2020

1. (a) success; (b) if, (c) dull; (d) them; (e) easily; (f) the;

(g) keener; (h) victory; (i) both; j) we.

2. (a) rights/needs; (b) necessary/essential/important; (c) helps/enables; (d) life; (e) crops; (f) carry; (g) us; (h) However/But; (i) is; j) colleges.

3. i. Drug addiction means strong attraction for any harmful thing.

u. The drugs have grasped the young generation of . our country.

iii. Young boys and girls are taking heroin, opium, etc.

iv. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to death.

v. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem.

4. (a) confined; (b) are; (c) developed; (d) adapting; (e) receiving; (f) becoming; (g) working; (h) prove; (i) are contributing; 0) keeping.

5. The new teacher entered the classroom and asked the students if they could tell him what he should do then. One of the students respectfully replied in the negative. The teacher smiled and told them to try to guess. Then another student said that he (T) should introduce himself (T) to them. At this, the teacher thanked him and commented that he (S) was really brilliant.

6. (a) It is health which is wealth.

(b). A sick moneyed man is not so happy as a healthy poor man.

(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is a liability.

(d) Can't he succeed in life?

(e) So, everybody must be conscious of his health.

(f) Everybody cannot but take care of his health all the time.

Regular physical exercise-and a balanced diet can improve health./We can improve health by regular physical exercise and a balance diet.    I I

(h) Poor people/The poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet.

(i) How concerned they are with the quantity of food! 0) It should be known to everybody that weakness is

caused by malnutrition./That weakness is caused

by malnutrition should be known to everybody.

(a) Unless you study attentively, you will not be able to make a good result.

(b) It is a long time since I visited my friend in Dhaka.

(c) If I have seen you, I can remember your face/you have seen me too.

(d) 1971 is the year when we got our independence.

(e) Danger comes where danger is feared.

(a) writers; (b) visitors; (c) publishers; (d) buyers; (e) crowded; (f) various; (g) displayed; (h) chosen; (i) unavailable; 61 welcoming.

9. (a) The freedom fighters are the real heroes, aren't they?

(b) Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, is it?

(c) Their contribution for our country will always be remembered, won't it?

(d) We should never neglect them, should we?

(e) Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, mustn't they?

10. (a) because/as; (b) But/However; (c) Unless; (d) and; (e) So/That is why.

11. "Is there anybody here who-has ever crossed a river by a boat?" "I have, teacher. I clearly remember what happened in that journey," said Jamal.

Rajshahi Board-2020

1. (a) conscious; (b) punishment; (c) both; (d) for; (e) development; (f) fear; (g) punishes; (h) is; (i) to; j) develops.

2. (a) act/effort; (b) work; (c) beginning; (d) fighting/struggling;       (e)        existence/survival;       (f)

exhausted/disappeared/ vanished/perished; (g) required/important; (h) habitually/truly/really; (i) than; j) prosperous/successful.

3. i. Corruption is a curse not only to our nation but also all over the world.

ii. It maybe defined as the abuse of entrusted power for the private gain.

iii. It occurs in both public and private sectors.

iv. Our government'is trying to control it with iron hand.

v. If we fail to remove it, we will not be able to build `Sonar Bangla'.

4. (a) owe; (b) bestowing; (c) do not have; (d) belongs; (e) are not/should not be; (f) show; (g) been; (h) causing; (i) losing; 0) enabled.

5. The ticket officer asked the lady where she liked to go. The lady replied that she liked to go to Rajshahi. The ticket officer again asked her how many tickets she needed to buy and of which class. She replied that she needed to buy three first class tickets. Then he offered her the tickets and said that they (the tickets) would cost her three thousand,taka.

6. (a) What a devastating phenomenon of the modern world terrorism is!

(b) At present, people/we call it a challenge to fight against it.

(c) Everyone is now in the threat of violence.

(d) Nothing is so disastrous as terrorism.

(e) It is more corrosive than most other problems of the modern world.

(f) Who wants his children to be terrorist in future?

(g) The law to punish the terrorists is not properly applied.

(h) If the govt. applies the law properly, we can get rid of it.

(i) We have to create social awareness so, that we can fight against corruption.

None of us should mix with the killers of mankind.

7. (a) But, for your timely intervention I would have been in a great trouble.

(b) Many days passed since he had left his home.

(c) A child that is burnt is afraid of fire.

(d) Work hard provided that you want to shine in life.

(e) Blessing is not valued until it is gone.

8. (a) western; (b) question; (e) networks; (d) Internet; (e) affirmatively; (f) smartphones; (g) companions; (h) virtual; (i) hardly; 0) interaction.

9. (a) You surely fail if you fail to plan, don't you?

(b) A good plan scarcely lets you fail, does it?

(c) Great people could do nothing without a plan of action, could they?

(d) -Future also dare not fail a well-planned effort, dare it?

(e) So, plan before proceed, will you?/won't you?

10. (a) entirely/mainly/largely; (b) So/Thus/Consequently; (c) When/If; (d) UsuallyNery often; (e) But/ Contrarily.

11. "Aren't you going to have any?" "No, I never eat asparagus." "I know there are people who don't like them. The fact is that you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat," she said.

Dinajpur Board-2020

1. (a) influence; (b) for; (c) a; (d) of; (e) contact; (0 with; (g).about; (h) which; (i) most; 0) completely.

2. (a) glorious/memorable/remarkable/significant; (b) joy/inspiration; (c) the; (d) for; (e) inspires; (f) warning/indication; (g) suppressed/denied; (h) defeated; (i) powerful; 0) oppressed/destroyed.

3. i.      A teacher is a nation builder.

ii. He holds the noblest profession.

iii. He is a window opener of his students.

iv. He opens new vistas of knowledge for them.

v. He nurses the young minds carefully.

4. (a) enlightens; (b) is compared; (c) removes; (d) limit. (e) has started; (f) can get; (g) encouraging; (h) ensure; educate; 0) can have.

5. Samir told me that he had got GPA-5 in the SSC Examination. Addressing him as brother, I congratulated him. I also asked him what he intended to do then. Samir replied that he wished to study in Science Group in a reputed college and added that he had a mind to get admission in BUT after his HSC.

6. (a) We should read books and thus we can acquire knowledge./We want to acquire knowledge, so we should read books.

(b) We are introduced to the domain of knowledge by books.

(c) The books which are written by great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas.

(d) No other friend is as great as books.

(e) Reading books is nobler than any other habit.

(f) Books give us both knowledge and pleasure.

(g) Some people do not read books and keep themselves aloof from the realm of knowledge.

(h) Is there any alternative to reading books to make a civilized society?

(i) We should motivate people to read more and more books.

(j)We cannot but create social movement about reading books.

7. (a) As flower is a symbol of beauty, everybody loves it. (b) There is hardly any person who dislikes flower.

(c). We can turn enemies into friends by offering them flowers.

(d) It is said that those who do not love flowers are devoid of human compassion.

(e) Many people cultivate flowers because flower cultivation is profitable.

8. (a) recently; (b) untimely; (c) violation; (d) unskilled; (e) unconscious; (f) unlicensed; (g) faulty; (h) endanger; (i) safety; 0) unaware.

9. (a) The freedom fighters are the real heroes, aren't they?

(b) Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, is it?

(c) Their contribution to our country will always be remembered, won't it?

(d) We should never neglect them, should we?

(e) Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, mustn't they?

10. (a) which; (b) that/which; (c) but/yet/whereas; (d) than; (e) So/Therefore.

11. "Hello, old lady! What are you doing?" said the princess. "I am spinning a yarn around the spindle," replied the old woman.

Jashore Board-2020

1. (a) often; (b) an; (c) the; (d) learning; (e).worthy; (f) that; (g) in; (h) our; (i) darkness; 0) from.

2. (a) time; (b) unseen; (c) of; (d) mother/own; (e) travel/visit; (f) with; (g) of, (h) work; (i) the; 0) living/birth.

3. i.      Blood donation is a very noble deed.

ii. By donating,blood we save the life of a dying patient.

iii. Many of us have misconception about blood donation.

iv. Donating blood will cause no harm:

v. Every man in sound health can donate blood after every three months

 4. (a) knows; (b) is; (c) causes; (d) eating; (e) fall; (f) run; (g) do; (h) thrive; (i) deserve; 0) taken.

5. Abrar wished good morning to Farzana. Next, he asked her how much preparation she had taken for the examination. She replied that her preparation was not bad at all. She added that she hoped she would get GPA-5. Then Abrar exclaimed with wonder that she was a very bright girl. He also said that his preparation was not so good.

6. (a) People in general are fond of things that glitter.

(b) Aren't they the lovers (if surface?

(c) The outer show of things and beings concerns them.

(d) They bother about extrinsic value.

(e) Very few metals are as precious as gold.But there are some other metals and they look like gold.

(f) Fading soon, they lose their beauty.

(g) Similarly, there are some people who act like the wise.

(h) No sooner has their real identity got revealed than people leave them.

0) How foolish we are believing in them!

7. (a) This is Bangladesh which is our motherland.

(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though they are poor.

(c) When anyone falls in danger, others come forward to assist/help him/her.

(d) We love and help one another as if  we were. family members.

(e) We work seriously lest the progress of our •        country might slow down.

8. (a) Perseverance; (b) successful; (c) unsuccessful; (d) misfortune; (e) Perseverant/Persevering; (f) Sincerity; (g) enables; (h) - fruitfully; (i) formative; (j) misuse/abuse.

9. (a) Everybody . respects freedom fighters, don't they?

(b) They fought for the independence of our country, didn't they?

(c) Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, hasn't it?

(d) Their names are written in golden letters, aren't they?

(e) We should never forget them, should we?

10. (a) that/which; (b) not only/both; (c) but also/and; (d) So/For this reason/Therefore; (e) If.

11. My dear mother! Your letter is just to hand. It seems to me that you are anxious for me; but you need not think about me.

Chattogram Board-2020

1. fa) hinders/hampers; (b) prosperity; (c) causes; (d) normal; (e) hampered/hindered; (f) arises; (g) mainly;

(h) think; (i) avoid; 0) positive.

2. (a) important/essential/inherent; (b) civilisation; (c) foremost; (d) development/progress; (e) betterment/ welfare; (f) defend/save/protect; (g) performs; (h) traitor; (i) false/blind/ extereme/ fake/narrow; 0) shake.

3. i.They are useful to all sections of people.

ii. It has great educative value too.

iii. It gives us news of home and abroad.

iv. They present us the outside world like a mirror.

v. They are really part and parcel of our life.

4. (a) is considered; (b) breeds; (c) acts; (d) damage; (e) resulting; (f) build, (g) rise; (h) be compared; (i) overcome; j) should endeavor.           

5. The teacher asked the girl why she was laughing in the class. The girl replied that she had remembered an interesting incident after he had given the example. The teacher then asked her what that was. She answered that it was about one of her cousins who had come to their house the previous day. The teacher advised her to forget it and be attentive to her class.

6. (a) We notice the achievement . of science everywhere./Casting our eyes everywhere/all around, we notice the achievement of science.

(b) The electricity lights not only the streets but also . the houses.

_,(c) News, songs and lectures are broadcast on the radio.

(d) When it is evening, there is cinema to delight us.

(e) Very few inventions of modem science are as important as computer.

(f) . None can go without it.

(g) Internet is not less important than computer./Internet; is not more important than commuter.

(h) We want to know about the world and it helps us regarding that.

(i) It is the greatest of all inventions of modern. science. What a miraculous event the invention of computer is!

7. (a) He asked me whether I went to Ekushey Book Fair or not/1 liked tea or coffee.

(b) Had I the wings of a dove, I could fly in the sky. (e) He could help you provided that you requested him.

(d) Hardly had the bell rung when the students came out of their classrooms.

(e) We must look before we leap lest we should fall in danger.

8. (a) leisure; (b) charmless; (c) beautiful; (d) Monotonous; (e) smoothness; (f) renews; (g) overwork; (h) harmful; (i) aversion; 0) recreation.

9. (a) None of us can solve this problem, can we?~

(b) There is little water in the glass, is there?

(c) One cannot deny this proposal, can one?

(d) You need to see a doctor, don't you?

(e) Nothing was said, was it?

10. (a) but; (b) and; (c) If-, (d) Otherwise; (e) that.

11. "How is your father, Bilkis?" said Mr. Rahman. "He is very well. Thank you," Bilkis replied. "I am glad to hear that he is in good health," said Mr. Rahman.

Sylhet Board-2020

1. (a) light; (b) of, (c) no; (d) between; (e) basic; (f) right;

(g) almost; (h) will; (i) about; 0) educate.

2. (a) an; (b) the; (c) a; (d) true/quality/proper/standard;

(e) that; (f) An; (g) a; (fi) the; (i) An; 0) any.

3. i.      Independence is the birthright of a nation.

ii. No nation can achieve it without struggle.

iii. Our War of Liberation took place in 1971.

iv. People of all walks of life joined the war.

V. They went to the battlefield to save the country.

4. (a) creates; (b) occurs; (c) causes; (d) violate; (e) drive;

(f) gives; (g) carrying; (h) reach; (i) suffer; 0) solved.

5. Rina asked Sima why she (S) did not get up early from sleep. Sima replied that it was tough for her to leave bed early. Then Rina exclaimed with regretgrief that it was a bad habit. She (R) added that if she (S) left bed early, she (S) could enjoy sound health. She (R) also told her (S) to follow her (R) advice.

6. (a) No other man in this subcontinent was as gracious as Haji Mohammad Mohsin.

(b) It is Hoogli where he was born./Hoogli is the place where he was born.

(c) Didn't he inherit a vast property from his father and sister?

(d) This wealth Was not misused by him.

(e) People call him a friend of humanity.

(f) He remained unmarried./He was unmarried./He was a bachelor.

(g) During his lifetime he spent money lavishly and so he could help the poor./During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly and helped the poor.

(h) He was not at all unkind to the poor.

(i) One day, at the time of a thief entering his room, he caught him.

Though he caught the thief, he did not punish him.

7. (a) There are many stars in the sky and they twinkle at night.

(b) Rukab will swim after completing his homework

(c) A graveyard is the place where dead bodies are-buried.

(d) What is lotted cannot be blotted.

(e) The answer that he wrote was wrong.

8. (a) famous; (b) wisdom; (c) extraordinary; (d) imagination; (e) natural; (f) artificial; (g) association; (h) successful; (i) reputation; 0) multidimensional.

9. (a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, aren't they?

(b) We hardly forget the golden past, do we?

(c) The memories of childhood are always haunting . . us, aren't they?

(d) The sweetest memory of childhood is colorful, isn't it?

(e) Who forgets these memories, do they?

10.(a) When/Since/As; (b) when; (c) Then/So; (d) nor; (e) But/Unfortunately/Specially/Above all.

11. The teacher said to the girl, "Do you think that honesty is the best policy?" "Yes, sir. I think so," said the girl. "Then learn to be honest from your childhood." "Thank you, sir," said the girl. "'May Allah bless you," said the teacher.

Barishal Board-2020

1. (a) unfortunate; (b) in; (c) this; (d) have; (e) stomachs; (f) with; (g) though; (h) disgraceful; (i) The; 0) to.

2. (a) big/serious; (b) for; (c) to; (d) creating; (e) due; (f) of/among/towards; (g) but; (h) if; (i) loving; 0) unitedly/together.

3. i. Friction between teenagers and parents is very common.

ii. It can certainly occur in all times.

iii. One obvious reason is the transition from dependence to independence.

iv. Another source of friction is the difficult behaviour of the adolescents.

v. Moreover, moody and sulky behaviours are common features of the teenagers.

4: (a) refers; (b) are treated; (c) ensuring; (d) cannot be imagined; (e) establishing; (f) has taken; (g) keep; (h) creating; (i),broaden; 0) eliminate.

5. Harun bade good morning to Kiron. Next, he asked him (K) how much preparation he (K) had taken for SSC Examination. Kiron replied that he had taken a great preparation. Then Harun exclaimed with wonder that he (K) 'Was a very intelligent boy. He also prayed that he (K) might be distinguished with his (K) result.

6. (a) Isn't man the maker of his own fortune?

(b) By making proper use of his time, he is sure--to prosper in life.

(c) The person who does otherwise is sure to repent later.

(d) Now miserably the lazy suffer in the long run!

(e) Isn't to kill time to commit suicide?

(f) Our life is only the sum total of hours, days and years.

No other season of life is as valuable as youth.

(h) In youth, soft mind can be shaped easily./In youth, , . mind being soft can be shaped easily.

(i) Use the morning hours of life or you have to pay a heavy price afterwards.

People call it the seed time of life.

7. (a) I am. looking for Raihan. If I had seen him, I could have delivered him the letter.

(b) Shila seemed upset. She talked as if she had lost the zeal for life.

(c) Yesterday we were at our office. Scarcely had we finished our duty when our boss called an urgent meeting.

(d) We are not free from danger. Danger often comes where danger is feared.

(e) Restless life is risky. We have to take rest so that we can renew our energy to lessen the risk.

8. (a) invention; (b) consumers; (c) unfortunate; (d) becomes; (e) children; (f) scientists; (g) incurable; (h) invisible; (i) irreparable; 6) government.

9. (a) Optimism is a great quality, isn't it?

(b) Everybody believes this truth, don't they?

(c) But all can't be optimistic, can they?

(d) None but the optimists are accepted by all, are they?

(e) So, we all should be optimistic about life, shouldn't we?

10. (a) If; (b) Ultimately/Undoubtedly; (c) Then/At that time; (d) hence/ therefore; (e) that.

11. "Do not worry about a few mistakes," said the teacher. "You can learn a lot through your mistakes." "Do we learn from our mistakes?" asked the boy.

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