Paragraph Writing
Society is a co-operative body. So long as human beings are no less or more than human beings, they must live in society. Students are social beings. Isolated from the society, the existence of students cannot be thought of. They enjoy the social benefits and rights. Enjoyment of social rights imposes upon them some duties to the society in which they live. Apart from building up themselves, the students have a responsibility to build up the nation. So they should play an important role to mould an ideal society for an ideal nation. Our country is beset with problems like poverty, ill-health, illiteracy and superstition. The students can do away with these and do many things for the welfare of the country. Students can help the spread of knowledge. They can teach the illiterate people the basic rules of health and sanitation. They can make the people aware of the necessity of the family planning. In case of natural calamities students can come forward to mitigate the sufferings of the distressed. It is, therefore, safely be said that social service of the students serves not only an individual society but also the cause of humanity.
Model Answer-2
The primary responsibility of a student is to focus on their studies. However, as members of society, students cannot ignore the pressing issues that affect their communities. Illiteracy remains a significant challenge in our country, with many individuals unable to read or write. Students have the opportunity to contribute to tackling this issue by volunteering in literacy programs organized by the government and NGOs. Additionally, students can play a role in promoting planned family life. By raising awareness about the importance of family planning, they can help encourage people to keep their families small, thus contributing to population control efforts. Another important area where students can make a difference is in combating drug addiction. They can establish libraries, science clubs, and gymnasiums in rural areas, providing positive outlets for young people and helping them avoid involvement in harmful activities. Furthermore, students can be actively involved in disaster management activities. During natural calamities, they can assist affected individuals and support government and NGO efforts to provide aid to those in need. By engaging in social service activities during their student years, students not only contribute to the betterment of society but also develop into responsible citizens. Their involvement in such initiatives lays the foundation for them to become conscientious and compassionate members of society in the future.
Model Answer-3
Society functions as a cooperative entity, and human beings inherently live within this social framework. Students, too, are inherently social beings, and their existence is intertwined with society. They benefit from the advantages and rights that society offers. However, these social rights also come with responsibilities towards the society they are a part of. Beyond self-development, students bear a duty to contribute to the development of the nation.In this context, students can play a vital role in shaping an ideal society for a thriving nation. Our country faces numerous challenges, including poverty, poor health, illiteracy, and superstition. Students have the potential to address these issues and contribute significantly to the country's well-being. They can promote knowledge dissemination, educate the illiterate about basic health and sanitation practices, and raise awareness about the importance of family planning. In times of natural disasters, students can step up to alleviate the suffering of affected individuals. Therefore, it is safe to say that students' engagement in social service benefits not only the local community but also humanity as a whole. Their contributions extend beyond personal growth, making a positive impact on society and working towards the greater good of the nation.
A student has manifold duties towards himself and society. A student is in the process of becoming aware of his duties. A student has to set himself as an example to others. The primary duties of a student are to read to know more and to play to keep himself fit. Only reading or only playing is not desired by a student. Life is a combination of various things. A student has to learn how many things he can pursue well for a balanced development. At the earlier stage, he must allow for all kinds of knowledge to attract him. But at the later stage he must choose one definite area to pursue knowledge. He must understand the difference between rights and duties. The school, college, or university acknowledge his rights to learning and knowing, while he must be responsible enough as to pay his tuition fees, return the library books in time, and preserve the discipline. Obligations and duties to parents are part of the things students should learn to perform. They are the future of their parents. They are to realise their dreams. Students’ duties to teachers are infinite. It begins from preparing the lessons to following the teachers’ teaching style. It may happen that what advice a teacher may have given will be remembered by a student life-long. It need not be mentioned that a student has boundless duties to his country. A student has to bear it deep in mind that whatever education he receives, he must dedicate it to the services of his country. All education will be rightly valued, if the country is rightly served. Thus, a student’s future depends much on the skills he acquires by performing all his duties.
Duties of a Student / Students and Social Services
Students are the greatest force as well as the future leaders of a Country. They can build or destroy a nation. The primary duty of students is to acquire knowledge and to make themselves worthy citizens. It is needless to say that they get much time for merry making, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine life of study. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society. Students have no worries about earning their livelihood. They have strength and capacity. Students should go to the villages and serve the villagers during vacation. They can make the illiterate masses aware of their rights and duties. Hence the students can guide the people of digging canals or constructing educational institutions. Sympathy and fellow feeling should be imparted the students to do some noble works for the people. Students can co-operate with people on matters of public interest such as education, sanitation, trade and commerce. Students can participate in cleaning drains, ponds during the leisure hours. They can help people during natural calamities such as earth quake, flood, drought, cyclone by collecting funds from different sources. Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and, teacher should guide them in the right way. Student must be the servants of humanity. The aim of all true education is to teach a man how to live and let others live. A student can learn this though social service. He gains experience, courage and confidence. Thus social service makes him fit for the greater world.
Composition / Essay Writing
Introduction: Society is a co-operative body. So long as human beings are no less or more than human beings, they must live in society. Students are social beings. Isolated from the society, the existence of students cannot be thought of. They enjoy the social benefits and rights. Enjoyment of social rights imposes upon them some duties to the social in which they live.
First and foremost duty of students: Admittedly the first and foremost duty of students is to acquire knowledge. They are to study with zeal and devotion. This must not be neglected by any means. As students are the future leaders they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the ordinary people. Students must take part in the extra curricular activities to cultivate his knowledge. They must utilize every moment in a fruitful way.
Students in Bangladesh: The students have youthful vigour and energy, warmth and inspiration. Apart from building up themselves, the students have a responsibility to build up the nation. So they should play an important role to mould an ideal society for an ideal nation. For this purpose the students of Bangladesh have another duty. And it is the social service. Our country is beset with problems like poverty, ill-health, illiteracy and superstition. The students can do many things to do away with these and do many things for the welfare of the country.
In the spread of knowledge: Students can help the spread of knowledge. They can go a long way in eradicating illiteracy by setting up night schools in their respective localities. If this curse like illiteracy is uprooted, the nation will definitely have a golden age of progress and prosperity. Students can make the people conscious of the national progress and keep them in touch with the current movements of the world by making group discussions.
In the field of national health: Students' service in the field of national health is of no mean importance. Female students can teach the illiterate women-folk how to keep their houses neat and clean, how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Students can teach them the basic rules of health and sanitation.
In the field of population check: Alarming growth of population is a threat to our nation. Our population is growing in geometrical progress. If this growth remains unchecked and unrestricted, it will very soon surpass the maximum number of population. This means the economic security of the country will be jeopardised. The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and superstitions. They do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these evil conceptions of the people. They may talk to the people individually and illustrate its uses and abuses so that people may feel the utility of family planning.
In the field of agriculture: The Village people are ignorant of many basic knowledge of life. The farmers have no idea about the modern method of agriculture. The students can tell the farmers about the importance of the scientific method of cultivation and manuring. They can motivate people to grow more food. They can help them actively to procure improved seeds Self-sufficiency in food is undoubtedly a long leap toward the progress of the country.
During national disaster/calamities: Bangladesh faces with natural calamities every year. Floods, cyclones, droughts, etc have become familiar to the people of Bangladesh. During these calamities, students can help the distressed people. They can raise funds collectively from the public and distribute it among the needy and the distressed. Through the Red Cross Society they can help the distressed of the world.
During National emergency: The students in Bangladesh should also share the responsibility of making the country safe from foreign aggression. For this purpose they should join the training corps and receive military training. All students, even while preparing for other professions, should be ready to join the army in the event of emergency.
Conclusion: Service keeps the 'milk of human kindness' flowing. It brings peace of mind, and every man who has peace of mind pursues his business with undivided attention and devotion. It can, therefore, safely be said that social service of the students serves not only an individual society but also the cause of humanity. It makes the students well equipped for the struggle of existence and uplifts the moral character of the students.
The societal framework is founded upon cooperation, and as human beings, we must coexist in a communal setting. Students, as social beings, are inextricably linked to society, and their existence cannot be conceptualized without it. They are privileged to enjoy the social rights and benefits, and therefore, must fulfill their corresponding duties towards the society they inhabit.
The paramount responsibility of students is to acquire knowledge with zeal and devotion, as they are the future leaders, and a sound education is essential to enable them to contribute positively to society. Additionally, students must actively participate in extracurricular activities to cultivate their knowledge and utilize every moment in a fruitful manner.
In Bangladesh, students possess youthful vigor, energy, warmth, and inspiration, and alongside building themselves, they hold the responsibility to build their nation. They must play a vital role in shaping an ideal society for an ideal nation, and for this purpose, they have another obligation - social service. Bangladesh, like many countries, is confronted with problems such as poverty, ill-health, illiteracy, and superstition, and students can play a crucial role in alleviating these issues and contribute to the welfare of the country.
Students can help spread knowledge and eradicate illiteracy by establishing night schools in their respective localities. Eradicating illiteracy is critical, and it will lead to a golden age of progress and prosperity for the nation. Students can also make people conscious of national progress and keep them abreast of current global movements through group discussions.
The service of students in the field of national health is of no mean importance. Female students can teach illiterate women how to maintain a clean household, bring up their children, and take care of their health. Students can teach them basic health and sanitation rules.
The alarming growth of population is a significant threat to the nation, and if unchecked, it can surpass the maximum sustainable population. The illiterate people of Bangladesh are full of prejudices and superstitions, and they do not perceive the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these misconceptions and illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of family planning to individuals.
The villagers and farmers in Bangladesh are often uninformed about basic aspects of life, and the farmers have no knowledge of modern agricultural techniques. Students can educate farmers about the importance of scientific cultivation and manuring, motivate them to grow more food, and actively assist them in procuring improved seeds. Self-sufficiency in food is a significant leap towards the progress of the country.
Bangladesh faces natural calamities every year, such as floods, cyclones, and droughts. Students can aid the distressed people by raising funds collectively from the public and distributing them among the needy. They can also assist the distressed worldwide through the Red Cross Society.
During national emergencies, students must shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the country from foreign aggression. They should join the training corps and receive military training to prepare themselves to join the army in the event of an emergency, even while pursuing other professions.
In conclusion, service instills the "milk of human kindness," brings peace of mind, and contributes to the progress of both the individual and society. The social service of students serves not only their society but also the cause of humanity, equipping them to face the struggle of existence and uplifting their moral character.
Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. He cannot pass a reckless life. He has to build his life and for that he has to go to school first of all. So, the period which man passes in schools, colleges or universities for gaining education is called the student life. Student life is very important. It is the time when a student should acquire all good qualities. His future is built at this stage. This life is free from all anxieties.
A student has manifold duties towards himself and society. A student is in the process of becoming aware of his duties. A student has to set himself as an example to others. A students first and for most duty is to acquire knowledge by study. The primary duties of a student are to read to know more and to play to keep himself fit. Only reading or only playing is not desired by a student.
Life is a combination of various things. A student has to learn how many things he can pursue well for a balanced development. At the earlier stage, he must allow for all kinds of knowledge to attract him. But at the later stage he must choose one definite area to pursue knowledge. He must understand the difference between rights and duties. The school, college, or university acknowledge his rights to learning and knowing, while he must be responsible enough as to pay his tuition fees, return the library books in time, and preserve the discipline.
The student must attend school regularly and read good books. He should not neglect studies. He should not take part in politics. He should be simple in his eating and clothing, modest and polite in his behaviour and conduct, simple in his habit and obedient to his superiors. The student must always maintain discipline because discipline is the key to success in life. He should also be dilligent and punctual. This virtues if practised from student life, will lead to a happy and prosperous life in the later years. The truth is that a good student of today will become a good citizen tomorrow. A good citizen is a great wealth of a country. He should gain the habit of doing every work in its proper time.
Obligations and duties to parents are part of the things students should learn to perform. They are the future of their parents. They are to realise their dreams. Students’ duties to teachers are infinite. It begins from preparing the lessons to following the teachers’ teaching style. It may happen that what advice a teacher may have given will be remembered by a student life-long. It need not be mentioned that a student has boundless duties to his country.
A student should remember that he has certain duties to himself to his parents, society and country. He should learn how to discharge these duties properly and make the best use of this most valuable part of life. Good students must not play into the hands of politicians. They must remain busy in shaping their life and character before they leave educational institutions. So, the most important duty of a student is that he should acquire knowledge and to his duties. He should prepare himself to be a good citizen in future.
A student has to bear it deep in mind that whatever education he receives, he must dedicate it to the services of his country. All education will be rightly valued, if the country is rightly served. Thus, a student’s future depends much on the skills he acquires by performing all his duties.
The opening quote by Rousseau - “Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” - perfectly encapsulates the notion that an individual's path in life is not one of recklessness, but rather, one of building a meaningful life. This is particularly true in the context of a student's life, where the primary goal is to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for success in future endeavours.
The student's life is a critical phase in a person's journey, as it is a time when they are free from the anxieties and pressures of adult life. During this period, a student must acquire all the necessary qualities to build a successful future, both for themselves and society at large. To do this, a student must set an example for others to follow and fulfill various duties.
The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge through diligent study. However, acquiring knowledge is not limited to reading books alone, as it also involves maintaining physical fitness by playing sports. A well-rounded student must pursue a balanced development by learning how to pursue various interests. However, at some point, they must choose a specific area of knowledge to pursue in depth.
Furthermore, a student must understand the difference between their rights and duties. The school, college, or university grants the right to education, but a student must fulfil their duties by paying tuition fees, returning library books on time, and upholding discipline. A student must attend school regularly, read good books, and avoid getting involved in politics. They should also exhibit simplicity in their eating and clothing, modesty, politeness, discipline, and obedience to their superiors. Diligence and punctuality are essential virtues that, if practiced in student life, will lead to a happy and prosperous future.
A good student today will undoubtedly become a good citizen tomorrow. As such, a student must gain the habit of performing every task in its proper time. Students also have obligations and duties to their parents, teachers, society, and country. They are the future of their parents, and they must strive to fulfill their dreams. The duties to teachers are limitless, beginning with preparing for lessons and following the teaching style. Students should never forget their duties to their country and learn to discharge them appropriately.
The most critical duty of a student is to acquire knowledge and fulfill their responsibilities. They should avoid getting caught up in politics and instead focus on shaping their life and character before leaving educational institutions. All education is valuable if dedicated to the service of the country. Therefore, a student's future largely depends on their ability to perform all their duties and acquire the necessary skills.
In conclusion, the student's life is an essential phase in an individual's journey, and it is incumbent upon students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to build a successful future. They must understand and fulfill their various duties towards themselves, their parents, teachers, society, and their country. A well-rounded student who values education and discharges their obligations adequately is an invaluable asset to any nation.
Introduction: Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. He cannot pass a reckless life. He has to build his life and for that he has to go to school first of all. So, the period which man passes in schools, colleges or universities for gaining education is called the student life. Student life is very important. It is the time when a student should acquire all good qualities. His future is built at this stage. This life is free from all anxieties.
Preparation period: Student life is the proper time to build one’s future. Life is not a bed of roses. Life in this world is struggle. To win this struggle one has to acquire necessary knowledge and wisdom during this period of life. Student life is the sowing season of life. What is sown now is reaped in future years. Student life generally extends from boyhood up to twenty five years, the period we spend in studies in schools, colleges and universities.
Duties of student: A students first and for most duty is to acquire knowledge by study. The student must attend school regularly and read good books. He should not neglect studies. He should not take part in politics. He should be simple in his eating and clothing, modest and polite in his behaviour and conduct, simple in his habit and obedient to his superiors. The student must always maintain discipline because discipline is the key to success in life. He should also be dilligent and punctual. This virtues if practised from student life, will lead to a happy and prosperous life in the later years. The truth is that a good student of today will become a good citizen tomorrow. A good citizen is a great wealth of a country. He should gain the habit of doing every work in its proper time.
Care of health: Another thing is that the students should take care of along with his studies is to observe the laws of health, because health is wealth. If the health is not good, learning education will be of no avail. So the student should take regular physical exercise to keep the body fit. He should take part of all sorts of outdoor games. Games and sports help in building to body strong as well as making us cheerful. The student should always rise early in the morning and should not go to bed late at night.
Formation of character: The chief aim of the student life is to build a good character and an ideal citizen, because character is the crown and glory of life. So, the student must try his best to be a good character. For this purpose he should always keep good company and read good books. One becomes good or bad because of keep good or bad company. That is why it is said that a man is known by the company of good friends. So the student should be very careful about selecting his friends and should mix with only honest and truthful boys.
Other duties: A student should not be a book-worm. We should not neglect his health. We should render social service. He should help his neighbours.
Conclusion: A student should remember that he has certain duties to himself to his parents, society and country. He should learn how to discharge these duties properly and make the best use of this most valuable part of life. Good students must not play into the hands of politicians. They must remain busy in shaping their life and character before they leave educational institutions. So, the most important duty of a student is that he should acquire knowledge and to his duties. He should prepare himself to be a good citizen in future.
Introduction: Man is endowed with freedom, yet society imposes chains that restrict him from living a reckless life. As such, man is obliged to build his life, and the foundation for this is laid during the period he spends in educational institutions. This phase, which is called student life, is of utmost importance because it is a time when a student should acquire all the qualities necessary for a successful future. Student life is a period of freedom, free from the anxieties of adult life.
Preparation period: The student life is a time to build one’s future. Life is not a bed of roses; it is a constant struggle. To emerge victorious, one must acquire the requisite knowledge and wisdom during this period. Student life is like the sowing season of life, and what is sown during this period will be reaped in future years. The period of student life generally spans from boyhood up to twenty-five years, which is the time spent in schools, colleges, and universities.
Duties of a student: The primary duty of a student is to acquire knowledge through studying. A student must attend school regularly and read good books, not neglecting their studies or taking part in politics. A student should exhibit simplicity in their eating and clothing, modest and polite behavior and conduct, simplicity in their habits, and obedience to their superiors. Discipline is key to success in life, and it should be maintained at all times. A student must also be diligent and punctual, virtues that if practiced during student life, will lead to a happy and prosperous life in the later years. It is a fact that a good student of today will become a good citizen tomorrow. A good citizen is a great asset to a country. The student should cultivate the habit of doing every work at the appropriate time.
Care of health: Another essential aspect a student must attend to along with their studies is observing the laws of health. Good health is wealth, and without it, education is of little value. Therefore, a student should engage in regular physical exercise to keep their body fit and take part in outdoor games. Games and sports not only help in building a strong body but also in making us cheerful. A student should always rise early in the morning and retire to bed early at night.
Formation of character: The primary objective of student life is to build a good character and become an ideal citizen because character is the crown and glory of life. The student must strive to be of good character, for which they should always keep good company and read good books. One becomes good or bad depending on the company they keep. It is often said that a man is known by the company of good friends. Therefore, the student should be cautious about selecting their friends and should only mingle with honest and truthful boys.
Other duties: A student should not be a bookworm and should not neglect their health. They should render social service and help their neighbors.
Conclusion: A student should remember that they have certain duties to themselves, their parents, society, and country. They should learn how to discharge these duties properly and make the best use of this valuable part of life. Good students must not fall prey to the manipulations of politicians. Instead, they must be preoccupied with shaping their life and character before leaving educational institutions. Therefore, the most important duty of a student is to acquire knowledge and fulfill their duties to prepare themselves to become good citizens in the future.
Introduction: new life and new responsibilities – After long years of struggle and suffering, Bangladesh has come into being as an independent state. The students did a lot of sacrifice in achieving independence. Bangladesh has come and it has now to be maintained. The future of the state lies largely with the students who will grow up as useful citizens.
Students and progress: other duties: The primary duty of a student is to learn. A student must acquire learning and qualify himself for a particular profession and for progress in life. Education will make him a good citizen. But in these days study alone is not enough for a student. Other duties await him. He has his duty towards his country and people. He should do that duty without sacrificing his study.
Great tasks to perform: A student in Bangladesh has great tasks to perform. He must aim at making it an ideal state. But first of all, he must make himself a good and useful citizen of the state. During his vacation, he should try to do certain duties. For example, a student in Bangladesh should help to create among the people a sense of national unity.
Social and humanitarian services in vacation: he should also render some social service during his leisure. He can thus indirectly help the Government which has many hard tasks to do. They should organize social service squads in their respective institutions to work in different areas. They should set up adult education centres to wipe out illiteracy and organize welfare centres to do various humanitarian services among the poor and the needy. They should also organize libraries, study centres, clubs, so that they may learn many things and may be well-versed in multifarious activities of life.
Responsibility in emergency: A student in Bangladesh should also share the responsibility of making the country safe from foreiogn aggression. For this purpose he should join the training crops and receive military training. All students, even while preparing for other professions, should be ready to join the army in the event of emergency.
Country’s need foremost consideration: A Bangladeshi student in choosing a profession, should not think of his personal interest only. He should consider his country’s need first. Bangladesh requires doctors, engineers, economists and technicians for her all-round development. A student must qualify himself in such a manner that he may meet these needs of his country. He must remember that he and his countrymen have great responsibilities, and that the youths of today are the country’s future leaders.
Conclusion: With the creation of Bangladesh, the duties of a student have not ended, but have just begun. By hard work and voluntary sacrifice he has to make the country happy and prosperous. He must, therefore, build up his body and mind accordingly.
Student life is the most important time of a man’s life. It is the part of a student’s boyhood and youth, which is spent, in preparatory training for the practical duties of manhood.
A student has manifold duties towards himself and society. It is his duty to pay importance in acquisition of knowledge which is the secret of success. A student should make a routine of his daily duties and act according to it. He should prepare his daily lessons attentively.
A student should have a sound health as well as a sound mind. Eating balanced diet, doing physical exercise, playing regularly, taking enough rest, maintaining cleanliness etc are very essential to live a healthy life. Man is the bundle of habits. A student should cultivate good habits, such as, obedience, diligence, honesty etc that will guide him through the right path. He is also to be particularly careful not to form bad habits.
Every student should strive to build up a character worthy of a really educated man. To build it up students should live a strictly disciplined life and never indulge in wicked thoughts. A student should be obedient to his superiors.
Students are selfless sections of the society. The duty of a student is not only to learn but also to take part in social services. He has to serve his society and country also. He should fight against ignorance, superstition, social backwardness etc. He should help others by imparting the light of his knowledge. He can help the illiterate people to learn to read and write. He can help a student understand the importance of family planning, malnutrition, sanitation, population explosion etc. During the natural calamity he can take part in the programmes of removing the miseries of the distressed people. These activities enable a student to gain practical training in humanitarian work. Then he must be prepared to undertake social responsibilities.
It need not be mentioned that a student has boundless duties to his country. A student has to bear it deep in mind that whatever education he receives, he must dedicate it to the services of his country. All education will be rightly valued, if the country is rightly served. Thus, a student’s future depends much on the skills he acquires by performing all his duties.
Duties of a Student in Bangladesh
Every man or woman has his/her own duties. A student is a part of our community. The primary duty of a student is to study and thereby to acquire knowledge. If he can not equip himself with sufficient knowledge at the formative period of his life, he will not be able to play his role as a responsible citizen in later life. He should also form good habits like early rising and cultivate such noble qualities as punctuality, honesty and perseverance. He should, above all, learn to discipline himself at home and abroad. He has duties to his parents. He should love and obey them. He ought io do nothing that will displease them.
A student should love his nation. He should have decision to sacrifice his life for the cause of his nation. In village mosque students can set up adult education centre at night. To the villagers they can explain the modern methods of agriculture. They can teach them the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to read and write. They can teach people how to do co-operative farming and get better harvest. They can teach people to cultivate fishes in ponds, ditches and canals. They can launch campaigns of planting trees. They can teach the villagers to change this food habits and the utility of different food items for the nutrition of the body.
Thousands of people live in slums. Students should visit the slums and teach the illiterate people. They can establish night-schools and help eradicate illiteracy from the country. They can organize welfare centres for the needy. They can also set up libraries and cultural clubs for recreational facilities. They must, however, keep themselves aloof from active politics.
Students are the future citizens of a country. They should shape their life in such a way as to prove the pride and glory to their country.
Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. He cannot pass a reckless life. He has to build his life and for that he has to go to school first of all. So, the period which man passes in schools, colleges or universities for gaining education is called the student life. Student life is very important. It is the time when a student should acquire all good qualities. His future is built at this stage. This life is free from all anxieties.
A student has manifold duties towards himself and society. A student is in the process of becoming aware of his duties. A student has to set himself as an example to others. A students first and for most duty is to acquire knowledge by study. The primary duties of a student are to read to know more and to play to keep himself fit. Only reading or only playing is not desired by a student.
Life is a combination of various things. A student has to learn how many things he can pursue well for a balanced development. At the earlier stage, he must allow for all kinds of knowledge to attract him. But at the later stage he must choose one definite area to pursue knowledge. He must understand the difference between rights and duties. The school, college, or university acknowledge his rights to learning and knowing, while he must be responsible enough as to pay his tuition fees, return the library books in time, and preserve the discipline.
The student must attend school regularly and read good books. He should not neglect studies. He should not take part in politics. He should be simple in his eating and clothing, modest and polite in his behaviour and conduct, simple in his habit and obedient to his superiors. The student must always maintain discipline because discipline is the key to success in life. He should also be dilligent and punctual. This virtues if practised from student life, will lead to a happy and prosperous life in the later years. The truth is that a good student of today will become a good citizen tomorrow. A good citizen is a great wealth of a country. He should gain the habit of doing every work in its proper time.
Obligations and duties to parents are part of the things students should learn to perform. They are the future of their parents. They are to realise their dreams. Students’ duties to teachers are infinite. It begins from preparing the lessons to following the teachers’ teaching style. It may happen that what advice a teacher may have given will be remembered by a student life-long. It need not be mentioned that a student has boundless duties to his country.
A student should remember that he has certain duties to himself to his parents, society and country. He should learn how to discharge these duties properly and make the best use of this most valuable part of life. Good students must not play into the hands of politicians. They must remain busy in shaping their life and character before they leave educational institutions. So, the most important duty of a student is that he should acquire knowledge and to his duties. He should prepare himself to be a good citizen in future.
A student has to bear it deep in mind that whatever education he receives, he must dedicate it to the services of his country. All education will be rightly valued, if the country is rightly served. Thus, a student’s future depends much on the skills he acquires by performing all his duties.
The Duties of Students
Introduction Student life is the most prime, valuable and important period of a man's life. It is called the sowing season in our life. During this important period z, student has to perform certain things to be successful in his life. A student is one of the greatest assets of a nation. He/She is one of the greatest forces of a nation too. He/She is the future hope as well as the future leader of a nation/country. SO a student can play a vital role in building up a nation well as a society.
Studying regularly: The prime duty of a student is to study regularly and gaining knowledge on various aspects. He should also -reads newspapers, magazines, literature, history, novels etc. Because a man can't reach his desired goal only by reading textbooks. So the duties of a student are not confined to books. He has a lot of duties to his family, to his society, to his country and' to the countrymen. Without proper knowledge and experience a student cannot do anything for him or-for his family or for his society or for his countrymen. So, the prime duty of a student is to gain true and proper knowledge and experience of real life. He must not kill his invaluable time and energy in vain.
Building health : A student must take physical exercise regularly and properly in order to build up and maintain his sound health ` He should bear in mind that health is wealth." It is the root of all happiness. A.healthy student can study hard and make a good result.
Forming character: He must also forma good moral character which is the best ornament of a life. Without a good moral character. a student can't do anything in his life. He also should bear in mind that a man having no moral character is not better than a beast.
Forming moral qualities : Student life is the period of learning good lessons and forming good habits. He must cultivate the habit of speaking the truth. He must acquire all moral qualities such as honesty, sincerity, punctuality, truthfulness, modesty, curtsey, perseverance, discipline dmd so on to be happy and successful in his future life.
Rendering social service A student should take part in removing illiteracy from the societ,vx. lie should make the letteriloss farmers literate. He can do this duty during his bolvdays. He can make the villagers aware of the necessity of education, the value of sanitation, the ,aluc of physical exercise, the value of planned family. the danger of early m.-ii,riage. the danger of over population, the curse of deforestation, the bad effect of drinking arsenic polluted water, the danger of gender discrimination (Pitt and the adverse effect of smoking.
Helping the farmers : A student can help the farmers by telling the utility and usefulness of the scientific method of cultivation. the benefits of good seeds, the benefits of using fertilizers and the uses of insecticides in the fields-.
Helping the illiterate women : A student can help the village women bv telling about caring their health anti children and the bad effect of malnutrition and early marriage.
He should also look after the helpless or orphan children and the destitute and inspires them to be self-reliant.
Helping to maintain sound environment : He also can help them how to keep the environment neat and clean and how to keep environment free froth kinds of pollution and the bad effect of environmental pollution.
Nursing the victim: A student can serve the affected people during any natural calamities and disasters by taking part in relief operations. In times of national crisis, a student can render his valuable service by joining with the organization, By working helping people. a student can develop and enrich his himself to reach his desired goal in life.
Duty to parents is a sacred duty. Duty to parents means to act according to the advice and order of parents. Indeed parents are second to none in this world except God. They are the only source of our lives on earth. We have seen the light of the day through our parents.
Parents are our best friends and well-wishers on earth. When we were born first, we were quite helpless. We could not have lived if our parents had not taken care of us during our infancy. They tenderly brought us up and looked after us all the time. They gave us food, clothing, shelter and education at the cost of great sacrifice. When we were ill, they nursed us without caring for their own joy and happiness. If necessary, they gladly sacrificed their precious lives for us. For instance Babur, the great Mughal Emperor sacrificed his invaluable life for his son Humayun. So to speak, there is none to love us more like them.
We have many duties to do for parents. As parents sacrifice everything for our happiness, it is our bounden duty to serve them and look after them in all possible ways. Particularly we should look after them when they become old, helpless as we were in our childhood. We should supply their needs properly. When they become weak, sick and infirm in old age, we should look after and nurse them with tenderness and care. We should fulfill all their wishes. As for example, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar swam across the great Damodar river to see his mother.
We should not do anything that may hurt their feelings. A son who is not obedient to his parents can never prosper in life. Disobedience, disregard and negligence are serious crimes and punishments are sure to follow in the latter chapter of life. On the contrary, obedience to parents brings happiness, pleasure and satisfaction in life. The love and affection of the parents is blessing to the children. So it is our only duty to look after them in their old age.
A person who is not kind to his parents is an ungrateful creature. In short, every son and daughter should serve parents by obeying their orders, their advice and by looking after them with due care and heartfelt love. In fact, duty to parents is endless. So, all of us should be dutiful and obedient to our parents during their lifetime and even pray for their salvation when they are no more.
Student life is that part of life which is spent in receiving education and acquiring knowledge from primary school to college or university. It is the time when the seed of future success is to be sown. As he sows at this period, so will he reap in the future years.
The first abd foremost duty in student life is to acquire knowledge. A student should remember that knowledge is power. He should read not only his prescribed books, but also the books of famous writers in different branches of study. He has also to read newspapers, journals and magazines and widen his outlook. He has to fix his aim of life and equip himself for that profession. He should keep in mind that the students of today are the leaders of the nation in future. Therefore, a student should not waste his time, energies and faculties in matters other than education and learning.
Character is a very important factor in life. It is only the men of character who can earn laurels. Student life is the proper time to build up character. He should acquire the virtues of honesty, truthfulness, diligence, self-help and perseverance. He should develop a sense of discipline, punctuality and dignity of labour. He should be obedient to parents, teachers, and superiors in society. He should have polite behaviour and pleasing manners. He should rise early and take physical exercise to build up his body and maintain his health.
Students should never forget the importance of this period. As the future of the nation depends on them, they should equip themselves with proper knowledge and capabilities to bear the responsibilities of the nation in the years to come.
Introduction: Society is a co-operative body. So long as human beings are no less or more than human beings, they must live in society. Students are social beings. Isolated from the society, the existence of students cannot be thought of. They enjoy the social benefits and rights. Enjoyment of social rights imposes upon them some duties to the social in which they live.
First and foremost duty of students: Admittedly the first and foremost duty of students is to acquire knowledge. They are to study with zeal and devotion. This must not be neglected by any means. As students are the future leaders they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the ordinary people. Students must take part in the extra curricular activities to cultivate his knowledge. They must utilize every moment in a fruitful way.
Students in Bangladesh: The students have youthful vigour and energy, warmth and inspiration. Apart from building up themselves, the students have a responsibility to build up the nation. So they should play an important role to mould an ideal society for an ideal nation. For this purpose the students of Bangladesh have another duty. And it is the social service. Our country is beset with problems like poverty, ill-health, illiteracy and superstition. The students can do many things to do away with these and do many things for the welfare of the country.
In the spread of knowledge: Students can help the spread of knowledge. They can go a long way in eradicating illiteracy by setting up night schools in their respective localities. If this curse like illiteracy is uprooted, the nation will definitely have a golden age of progress and prosperity. Students can make the people conscious of the national progress and keep them in touch with the current movements of the world by making group discussions.
In the field of national health: Students' service in the field of national health is of no mean importance. Female students can teach the illiterate women-folk how to keep their houses neat and clean, how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Students can teach them the basic rules of health and sanitation.
In the field of population check: Alarming growth of population is a threat to our nation. Our population is growing in geometrical progress. If this growth remains unchecked and unrestricted, it will very soon surpass the maximum number of population. This means the economic security of the country will be jeopardised. The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and superstitions. They do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these evil conceptions of the people. They may talk to the people individually and illustrate its uses and abuses so that people may feel the utility of family planning.
In the field of agriculture: The Village people are ignorant of many basic knowledge of life. The farmers have no idea about the modern method of agriculture. The students can tell the farmers about the importance of the scientific method of cultivation and manuring. They can motivate people to grow more food. They can help them actively to procure improved seeds Self-sufficiency in food is undoubtedly a long leap toward the progress of the country.
During national disaster/calamities: Bangladesh faces with natural calamities every year. Floods, cyclones, droughts, etc have become familiar to the people of Bangladesh. During these calamities, students can help the distressed people. They can raise funds collectively from the public and distribute it among the needy and the distressed. Through the Red Cross Society they can help the distressed of the world.
During National emergency: The students in Bangladesh should also share the responsibility of making the country safe from foreign aggression. For this purpose they should join the training corps and receive military training. All students, even while preparing for other professions, should be ready to join the army in the event of emergency.
Conclusion: Service keeps the 'milk of human kindness' flowing. It brings peace of mind, and every man who has peace of mind pursues his business with undivided attention and devotion. It can, therefore, safely be said that social service of the students serves not only an individual society but also the cause of humanity. It makes the students well equipped for the struggle of existence and uplifts the moral character of the students.
Society is an association of all classes of people with common interest, aim and principle. Students are not isolated from society. As members of the society they are subject to perform certain duties to society. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector. Students' service is especially important in poor countries like ours.
Student life is the period for education and training. But living in a developing country like ours students have to render certain services for the development and progress of the nation. They may run night schools and teach the poor and working children as well as the uneducated adult people. If that is not possible, they can at least teach servants at their own house. Besides teaching the three R's—Reading, Writing and Arithmatic, students can also teach the people about modern methods of cultivation, the use of fertilizers and proper caring of crops. They can also provide advice on earning methods, for example, whether to dig pond for fish cultivation or to make a farm. Students have duties towards society no doubt, but they should not always remain preoccupied with these. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.
Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. Our students can teach people the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by staying neat and clean. Most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. The food they take have very little vitality. So a large number of people suffer from various diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.
Students can prove to be worthy during natural calamities. In times of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic they can come forward to help the people in distress. They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute them amongst the people in need.
There are many other duties that students can perform as conscious citizens of a country. But not all students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a helping hand. But in doing so, they should not forget that proper attention should be given to their education.
Students and Social Service
Society is an association of all classes of people with common interest, aim and principle. Students are not isolated from society. So, as members of society, they are obliged to perform certain duties to society. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector.
Student life is the period for education and training. It is not desirable that students should waste their time and energies in affairs other than education. But living in a developing country like ours students have to render certain services for the development and progress of the nation. Students are in the process of learning and they can share their acquired knowledge with the illiterate and deprived citizens of our country. They may run night schools and teach the poor and working children as well as the uneducated adult people. If that is not possible, they can at least teach servants in their own house. Besides teaching the tree R’s-Reading. The use of fertilizers and proper caring of crops. They can also provide advice on earning methods, for example, whether to dig a pond for fish cultivation or to make a farm. Students have duties towards society no doubt, but they should not remain always preoccupied with these. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.
Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. Population is growing in geometrical progression. If this growth remains unchecked the economic security of the country will be at a stake. The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these evil conceptions of the people. They can teach people the problems of over population and should encourage them to adopt the measures of family planning.
Students can teach people the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by staying neat and clean. A large number of people suffer from various diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.
Students can prove to be worthy during natural calamities. In times of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic they can come forward to help the people in distress. They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute them amongst the people in need.
There are many other duties that students can perform as conscious citizens of a country. But not all students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a helping hand. But in doing so, they should not forget that proper attention should be given to their education.