Paragraph Writing
Science and Religion
Throughout history, humans have turned to religious beliefs to understand the world. However, as knowledge advanced, so did the need for scientific exploration. Some people, lacking deep understanding of religion, believe there are conflicts between science and faith. Yet, upon closer examination, we find significant connections between these two aspects of human life. Science provides practical solutions while religion offers theories. The foundation of science can often be traced back to religious teachings. Both science and religion share the common goal of seeking truth, albeit through different means. While science deals with tangible realities, religion explores abstract concepts. Misinterpretations of religious teachings can lead to conflicts with science. However, when viewed accurately, science and religion complement each other. They work together for the betterment of humanity. Resolving conflicts between them is essential for progress. In essence, science and religion are not opposing forces but rather complementary aspects of human understanding. They both aim to uncover truths about the universe and our existence. By recognizing their interconnectedness, we can foster harmony and progress in both realms.
Composition / Essay Writing
The Blessings/wonders of science
Introduction: Life to-day is governed by science. No aspect of our life is now free from the influence of science. The greater is the control of a people over nature, the more civilized it is. Hence the progress of civilization is dependent on the progress of science. Modern civilization with its amenities of life may be called the product of modern science. So, we cannot think of new life without it.
Blessings of science: The blessings of science are clearly seen everywhere around us. It has brought a thorough change over the surface of this world. Electricity, Telephone, Television, Radio, Cinema, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket, Telegraph, X-ray, Nuclear energy etc. are the highest blessings and wonders of modern science. How ever the blessings of modern science are described below.
Electricity: This wonderful invention has radically changed human life, society and culture. It turns the night into the day. Man can now remove the darkness of his room by turning a small switch. With the help of electricity he can now control the hot weather by moving fans and he can also run the transport service, radio and many after things.
Computer: Computer is the miracle invention of science. It serves man in ways that cannot be counted. All sorts of typing, calculation, cheap communications, data processing and various office works can be executed by a computer easily and efficiently.
Medical Science: Science has done great wonders in the field of medicine and treatment of patients. It has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights with diseases by the power of drugs which are invented for the benefit of mankind. The X-ray, the pathological diagnostic devices, the penicillin have come as real blessings to humanity.
The wireless: One can read a message from any part of the world to another part in the twinkling of an eye by means of wireless. The radio operates through wireless and the television is an improvement upon the radio. It pleases our senses of sight and hearing at the same time.
Communication: It is the excitable system of the modern world. It contains Transportation, Radio, T.V., Cinema, Telephone, Telegraph, Fax, and Wireless etc. Aeroplanes, Buses, Trucks, Trains, Launches and steamers carry passengers and goods. Wireless, Telephone, Fax have brought the world nearer. In fact, science has won distance successfully.
Agriculture: Science has worked wonders in the field of agriculture. The invention of tractor, Power-Pump, fertilizer, insecticide-all make agriculture to have maximum out put.
Conclusion: So, the blessings of science are innumerable. From morning till late night science fills our life with all sorts of comforts. Its blessings is really unimaginable and its uses cannot be expressed in words.
The Blessings/wonders of science
In this modern age, science has become the driving force behind human progress and development. Its pervasive influence extends to every aspect of our existence, shaping our societies, cultures and economies. In fact, the advancement of science and technology is inextricably linked to the growth and evolution of human civilization, such that our present-day lifestyle, replete with modern amenities, is the product of scientific inquiry and discovery. The centrality of science to our lives is such that imagining existence without it is unthinkable.
Blessings of Science:
The blessings of science are manifold and evident all around us. The transformative impact of modern science is most visible in the proliferation of technological marvels that have revolutionized human life. Electricity, Telephone, Television, Radio, Cinema, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket, Telegraph, X-ray, Nuclear energy etc. are some of the greatest blessings and wonders of modern science. The following are some of the ways in which science has blessed mankind:
The discovery of electricity has transformed the way we live, work, and play. It has enabled us to light up our homes, power our appliances, and keep our cities humming round the clock. With the flick of a switch, we can now banish darkness and create light where once there was none. We can cool our homes in the heat of summer, and warm them in the chill of winter. We can run our transport services, power our radios, and do a million other things, all thanks to the marvel of electricity.
The advent of computers has revolutionized the way we work and communicate. Computers have made it possible to perform a wide variety of tasks with ease and efficiency, from data processing to cheap communication. They have transformed the way we do business, and have made it possible to carry out office work with greater speed and accuracy than ever before.
Medical Science:
Science has made great strides in the field of medicine, bringing relief to countless individuals suffering from various ailments. Modern medicine has given us a wide range of drugs and treatments, making it possible to fight diseases and illnesses with greater effectiveness. The X-ray and other diagnostic devices have made it possible to identify and treat medical conditions with greater accuracy, while the discovery of penicillin has saved countless lives.
The Wireless:
The development of wireless technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and stay connected. With the help of wireless technology, we can now send messages and information from one part of the world to another in an instant. Radio and television are just two of the many ways in which wireless technology has changed the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.
The communication revolution has shrunk the world, making it easier than ever before to connect with people and places that were once beyond our reach. Transportation, radio, television, cinema, telephone, telegraph, fax, and wireless technology have all contributed to this revolution. Trains, buses, airplanes, ships, and other forms of transport have made it possible to move people and goods with greater speed and efficiency than ever before, while radio, television, and cinema have brought the world to our doorstep.
Science has also revolutionized agriculture, making it possible to maximize crop yields and improve the quality of agricultural produce. The invention of the tractor, power-pump, fertilizer, and insecticide have all contributed to making agriculture more productive and efficient.
In conclusion, the blessings of science are too numerous to count, and they touch every aspect of our lives. From the moment we wake up in the morning till we retire to bed at night, science fills our lives with comfort, convenience, and wonder. Its transformative power is evident all around us, and it is difficult to imagine a world without the marvels of modern science. The blessings of science are truly unimaginable and its uses cannot be expressed in words.
We live in an age of science. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. The blessings of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science.
The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. Take the case of a modern city or a town which enjoys mostly the gifts of science. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are maintained by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot grow without science.
Science has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Doctors examine patients scientifically. He uses scientific instruments and drugs to cure diseases. A modern hospital cannot be run without the help of science. X-ray, ultra-violet ray and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science.
Science has spread education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. All these spread knowledge among people. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematized our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions.
Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highways. During dark nights they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors.
Science is not, however, an unmixed blessing. It has brought misery to many. It has given rise to capitalism making the massage poor and enriching only a few. The workers of mills and factories live in unhealthy slums. They are the victims of science. During war science becomes a curse. Deadly scientific weapons kill thousands of people and ruin cities. The large scale loss suffered during a war affects widely the lives of people. Thus the bed effects of science are also felt by the common man in his daily life.
But science itself is not responsible for these evils. It is the devil in man which puts it to wrong use. Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely.
Our current era is undoubtedly one characterized by science. In fact, it is difficult to conceive of modern life without the immeasurable contributions of science. Its benefits can be observed in all spheres of contemporary existence, and it is a fundamental cornerstone upon which our present-day civilization is built.
To attempt to enumerate the numerous advantages of science would be a futile endeavor, but let us consider a few examples. A modern city or town, which is primarily the recipient of the benefits of science, is meticulously designed in a scientific manner. Communication and sanitation are maintained by the tools of science. Streets and houses are illuminated by scientific means. Cinemas, radios, and electric fans are all manifestations of scientific innovation. Motor vehicles, telephones, televisions, and the like, are all products of scientific creation. Additionally, scientific machinery filters and provides drinking water, and mills and factories operate with the aid of science. Without a doubt, modern industry cannot flourish without the foundation of science.
Furthermore, science has reduced human suffering by leaps and bounds. The modern man can combat diseases scientifically, and physicians can examine patients using scientific instruments and drugs. A modern hospital can barely function without the aid of science. Treatments such as X-rays, ultra-violet rays, and penicillin are amongst the manifold benefits of science.
Science has also facilitated the spread of education amongst people. The printing press has made books affordable and easily accessible to the masses. Countless books and magazines are published and widely distributed via scientific channels, thereby imparting knowledge amongst the populace. Moreover, science has even influenced the process of our thought, systematizing our ideas, altering our perspective, and ridding us of superstitious beliefs.
Even rural populations have benefited from scientific advancements in their daily lives. They once traversed the countryside in bullock carts, wore handloom fabric, and used traditional medicines. But now, their journeys cannot be accomplished without railways and steamers. Buses are utilized when they travel along highways, torch lights are employed during dark nights, and stereo-cassettes and transistors provide entertainment during leisure time.
Nevertheless, science is not an unalloyed blessing. It has inflicted misery upon numerous individuals. Capitalism, for instance, is an outgrowth of scientific progress that has impoverished the masses and enriched a privileged few. Mill and factory workers dwell in unhygienic slums, and they are often the victims of science. In times of war, science can become a curse, as lethal scientific weaponry claims the lives of multitudes and lays waste to entire cities. The massive losses incurred during a war can severely impact the lives of people across the board. Consequently, the negative effects of science are also palpable in the everyday lives of ordinary people.
However, it would be misguided to hold science itself accountable for these evils. It is human malevolence that uses science in pernicious ways. Science is an immensely powerful tool in the hands of humankind, and it is our responsibility to utilize it judiciously.
Since the dawn of civilizations, science or systematic study is behind the step-by-step progress to the present position. From a pin to a rocket we can see the marvels of science. Today science is the part and parcel of our existence. The more developed a society is, the greater access it has to modern amenities. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science.
The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are made by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot go without science. Thus, if we have a closer look on life, we will see that it is full of contributions of science.
When we get up from bed and cast our glance at the clock we realise how important time is. Science has measured time with precision. The first thing we take early in the morning is tea, it is science that has given us this exhilarating drink. The daily newspaper that we take up then to satisfy our hunger for information is also a product of science. The items of news are not only gathered daily from all over the world, but also printed on a mass scale through different scientific process.
The fast moving vehicles save our time while going to work to distant places. Different people use different vehicles --- buses or cars or times or cycles -- all of which are the blessings of science. From the invention of aeroplane to the present, science has created wonders like supersonic jets faster than sound. Even we can take a journey to the moon and other planets with the help of science.
Communication is the nervous system of the modern world. Now the telephones have connected the whole world through man-made satellite. Air-cooler, refrigerator, cassette-recorder, video, fax and so on are striving towards perfection and add to our comfort.
There is no construction with calculation. For quick result, calculators, computers, quick print photography, printing machine, photostat all have amazed us. In heavy duty the cranes, the rollers, the tractors, the bulldozers are giants of science.
Science has relieved human suffering. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Science has helped to restore eye-sight by transplanting cornea, heart beat by open heart surgery. And many such things are miracles of science which has mitigated the suffering of the millions.
Science has contributed much to facilitate and expedite the spreading of education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. The paper on which these are printed is produced from pulps by science. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematised our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions.
Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highway. During dark night they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors. But great has been the achievements of science, it has its dark side too. By making too much of machines we are becoming machines ourselves, and run the risk of losing our souls. To save ourselves from that evil fact, we should not allow science to get mastery over us but should use it only as a servant.
Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely. Let us hope that science will be utilised to feed the hungry, rehabilitate the shelterless, mitigate the sufferings of the ailing ones and be the saviours of mankind.
Science in Everyday Life / Wonders of
Science / Blessings of Science
Nowadays scientific inventions are performing miracles. Modern civilization is the blessing of science. Today man has conquered the nature with the help of scienc: That is, wherever we cast our eyes, we see the influence of uncommon achievement of science.
Scientific inventions are very startling. They add innovative things to our knowleds and bring comfort to human life. Indeed, we can not think of our life even for a d;, without science. The fruits of science are mostly enjoyed in a city or in a town. It a part and parcel of human civilization.
Science has conquered time, distance and space. Indeed science has brought about a radical change in our life. Scientific planning of city and its sewerage a sanitation system, supply of electricity and pure water have made our life comf table. Modern machineries at factories, use of power tiller, power pumps a fertilizers in agriculture all have contributed to the economic development of country. Rural electrification is really significant to the villagers. At home, we ha fan, light, radio, television, tape-recorder, refrigerator, telephone etc. with ha made our life comfortable. Bus, train, alarm-clock, paste, brush, newspaper, boo oven, lift are all products of science. The cinema, computer, telex, fax, e-mail internet and medicine are among the wonderful gifts of science. Scientific inventions and discoveries have enabled men to conquer floods, drought, famine a epidemics.
Tractors, power-pumps, fertilizers etc. have developed our agriculture. Cultivate use scientific implements. Irrigation facilities are widened. Unlimited mills, factor and industries have been created with the influence of science. In a word, t agricultural and industrial fields are absolutely revolutionized by modern science.
Indeed, science has removed our manifold sufferings. X-ray, Ultraviolet ray, Ultra sonography, E.C.G. and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science. Hospitals, private clinics and doctors can not go even for a day without these.
Science has also analysed and classified things of our food according to the vitamins, calorific value and mineral basis. It has explained to us about a balanc diet. Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life.
Science is not only a blessing but also a curse. It is the source of power in t world politics. Scientists make innumerable inventions and the politicians use th for their own advantage. For instance, Nagashaki and Hiroshima in Japan w destroyed by Atom Bomb. But science is not responsible for destruction of people and civilization.
Progress of mankind is reflected in the scientific development. Science has ma possible today what was impossible yesterday. In fact, the wonders of science undeniable. If the power of science is used for the welfare and prosperity mankind, the world will turn into a heavenly place.
Since the dawn of civilizations, science or systematic study is behind the step by step progress to the present position. From a pin to a rocket we can see the marvels to science. Today science is the part and parcel of our existence. The more developed a society is, the greater access it has to modern amenities. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science.
The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are made by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot go without science. Thus, if we have a closer look on life, we will see that it is full of contributions of science.
When we get up from bed and cast our glance at the clock we realise how important time is. Science has measured time with precision. The first thing we take early in the morning is tea, it is science that has given us this exhilarating drink. The daily newspaper that we take up then to satisfy our hunger for information is also a product of science. The items of news are not only gathered daily from all over the world, but also printed on a mass scale through different scientific process.
The fast moving vehicles save our time while going to work to distant places. Different people use different vehicles --- buses or cars or times or cycles -- all of which are the blessings of science. From the invention of aeroplane to the present, science has created wonders like supersonic jets faster than sound. Even we can take a journey to the moon and other planets with the help of science.
Communication is the nervous system of the modern world. Now the telephones have connected the whole world through man-made satellite. Air-cooler, refrigerator, cassette-recorder, video, fax and so on are striving towards perfection and add to our comfort.
There is no construction with calculation. For quick result, calculators, computers, quick print photography, printing machine, photostat all have amazed us. In heavy duty the cranes, the rollers, the tractors, the bulldozers are giants of science.
Science has relieved human suffering. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Science has helped to restore eye-sight by transplanting cornea, heart beat by open heart surgery. And many such things are miracles of science which has mitigated the suffering of the millions.
Science has contributed much to facilitate and expedite the spreading of education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. The paper on which these are printed is produced from pulps by science. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematised our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions.
Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highway. During dark night they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors. But great has been the achievements of science, it has its dark side too. By making too much of machines we are becoming machines ourselves, and run the risk of losing our souls. To save ourselves from that evil fact, we should not allow science to get mastery over us but should use it only as a servant.
Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely. Let us hope that science will be utilised to feed the hungry, rehabilitate the shelterless, mitigate the sufferings of the ailing ones and be the saviours of mankind.
Science in Everyday Life
Or, Blessing of Scieuj:e An. Our Daily Life
Or, The Value of ,Science in Our Everyday Life
Introduction : Now we live in the age of science. Wherever we cast our eves, we can see 'the blessings of science. It has made our life very easy, comfortable and enjoyable. We cannot think of our life without the blessings of science. From dawn ! o mid-night we feel the importance and the value of science in our everyday life.
Science in house : Science plays an important role in our house-hold activities. Everything used in the house is the blessing of science. Tooth brushes, toothpastes, mirrors.- combs. pens, clothes, papers. shoes, utensils etc. of daily use are the blessings of science. Electric fans and air-conditioners have made us happy and comfortable at home.
In recreation : Science has invented many wonderful things for our enjoyment. We lase the radio, television, tape recorder, V.C.R, gramophone. etc. for recreation /enjoyment at home. They help us to forget our sorrows and pains of life And remove monotony of day's hard labour..
In communication : Science also plays an important :role in communication-Telephone, telegram, telex, fax, wireless, mobile, etc. are the most useful blessings of science. We can send or receive news and. messages from any, .part of the worldwithin A second by using the useful inventions /wonders of modern science. Science leas conquered distance and time wonderfully.
In medical science : Science has lessened human sufferings and save human fife. Penicillin, X-ray, Ultrasonography, E.C.G, radio-therapy etc. are the blessings of science in the field of medical science. Science has given eyes to the, blind and" hearing to the deaf, voice to the dumb and legs to the lame. It has also lessened the death rate of population.
In transport: Science is also a great blessing in transport. We call travel hundreds of miles within a short time by cars, buses, trains, steamers, aeroplanes and rocket. Man has already landed on the moon by rocket. So science has made our journey. very easy, coniforfable and quick. It has wonderfully conquered distance and time.
In agriculture: Science has brought about a radical change in our agriculture. Tractors, power-pump, power tillers, deep tube wells, chemical fertilizers and insect powders are the great blessings of science. By using them, our farmers can grow better and bumper crops.
In education : Science is another great blessing in education. Paper mills and printing presses have made civilization richer. Thousands of books, newspapers, magazines etc. are being printed everyday which help education reading rapidly. By reading them, we can enrich our kingdom of knowledge. Now computer, an electric brain works in spreading education too.
In sports and games : Many important devices like camera, electric bulbs. computer etc. are widely used in sports and games. Cricket, an international game is quite impossible without computer. So science is a great blessing in the field of games and sports too.
In rural area/life : The rural life is also impossible without the blessings of science. Bicycle, rickshaws, motorcycles etc. carry village people to their working places. Torches give them light at night. Electricity and motor vehicles have made rural life very easy, comfortable, happy, cheerful, playful. decent and enjoyable.
Bad effect/ curse/ demerits/havocs/ evil effects : Sometimes the inventions of science bring us great curse instead of blessing. The smoke from cars, buses, mills and factories pollutes air seriously which is very harmful to health. In war time, deadly weapons kill thousands of valuable lives and destroy cities and villages.
Conclusion : Though the inventions of science have some demerits, it has a lot of merits and importance in our life. The value of science is very great in our everyday life. In order to make 'our life more enjoyable, the gifts of science should be, utilized properly and carefully.
Ours is art age of modern science. And life in this age cannot be thought of without science. In the present century, science seems to reach its maturity. Every invention of modern science is a wonderful phenomenon.
The television is a wonderful modern invention. It brings the whole world closer. In the television we do not hear news only but we see about it. It is the most popular instrument for recreation to the modern people. On a television we enjoy, music, dances, theatres, sports and games.
Of all the wonders of modern science the computer is the most striking to me. It works just like Aladin's magic lamp. The computer is a phenomenal invention of modern science. It can solve a great problem in the twinkling of an eye. After the invention of the computer, unprecedented progress is found in every sphere of human needs, such as industry, research, trade and commerce, medicine etc. The usage of the computer in millitary science helps the superpowers to dominate the whole world. It has been proved very fruitful in space research.
The artificial satellite is another wonder of modern science. It is used for a variety of purposes. The first artificial satellite named Sputnik-I was sent by USSR on 4th October, 1957. Satellites are of different types such as weather satellites, earth satellites, communication satellites and navigation satellites.
Whatever modern science has invented, are all wonderful. One is not less wonderful than the other.
In the field of diagnoses and the treatment of diseases the contribution of science is astronomical.
We live in an age of science. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. The blessings of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science.
The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. Take the case of a modern city or a town which enjoys mostly the gifts of science. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are maintained by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot grow without science.
Science has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Doctors examine patients scientifically. He uses scientific instruments and drugs to cure diseases. A modern hospital cannot be run without the help of science. X-ray, ultra-violet ray and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science.
Science has spread education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. All these spread knowledge among people. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematized our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions.
Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highways. During dark nights they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors.
Science is not, however, an unmixed blessing. It has brought misery to many. It has given rise to capitalism making the massage poor and enriching only a few. The workers of mills and factories live in unhealthy slums. They are the victims of science. During war science becomes a curse. Deadly scientific weapons kill thousands of people and ruin cities. The large scale loss suffered during a war affects widely the lives of people. Thus the bed effects of science are also felt by the common man in his daily life.
But science itself is not responsible for these evils. It is the devil in man which puts it to wrong use. Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely.
We live in an age of science. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. The blessings of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science.
The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. Take the case of a modern city or a town which enjoys mostly the gifts of science. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are maintained by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot grow without science.
Science has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Doctors examine patients scientifically. He uses scientific instruments and drugs to cure diseases. A modern hospital cannot be run without the help of science. X-ray, ultra-violet ray and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science.
Science has spread education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. All these spread knowledge among people. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematized our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions.
Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highways. During dark nights they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors.
Science is not, however, an unmixed blessing. It has brought misery to many. It has given rise to capitalism making the massage poor and enriching only a few. The workers of mills and factories live in unhealthy slums. They are the victims of science. During war science becomes a curse. Deadly scientific weapons kill thousands of people and ruin cities. The large scale loss suffered during a war affects widely the lives of people. Thus the bed effects of science are also felt by the common man in his daily life.
But science itself is not responsible for these evils. It is the devil in man which puts it to wrong use. Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely.
Science is the driving force of modern civilisation. The domain of science is vast, so it has many fields. Each of these fields is again quite large and in each of these momentous discoveries and inventions has been made in modern times. Therefore, the wonders of modern science are too many to be enumerated. Some of the wonders which science has provided to the human being are decidedly remarkable.
Science, in its rapid progress, goes on creating inventions after inventions. These are clearly seen everywhere around us. It has made human life easy and comfortable. In olden times man had to depend chiefly on the mercy of Nature. The forces of Nature were often cruel and unfavourable. They stood on the way of human happiness. Man has conquered Nature with the help of science. He is no longer subordinate to Nature. Rather he is now her master. He is now employing her force for his own good.
Important and remarkable wonders:
The discovery of the power called electricity may be mentioned as the first gift of modern science. It has brought about a massive change in human society. It works like magic. Modern civilization itself is indeed the creation of electricity.
Science has linked up the distant parts of the world. Telephone, wireless or radio is great wonders. Perhaps the greatest stride forward has been made in media technology. Fax, ISD, Internet etc have been organs of supplying information.
Telephone is another wonderful invention of modern science. It is such an amazing device that it sends out or rather carries first hand messages from one place to another and makes quick communication possible.
Another wonderful creation of modern science is wireless of radio. It is an instrument through which we can transmit information within very short time from one corner of the world to another.
Fax is a machine by which we can send the copy of a document, an illustration etc by an electronic system using telephone lines. It is really a very wonderful machine, which can transmit any document to another fax machine, located within home or abroad in less than a
minute’s time. It is practically a time saving device. It is playing a vital
part in International Communication System.
Internet is a new device for speedy transmission of nation, news, feelings etc. In the process of computer network, Internet is now regarded as a milestone in the modern world of computers. A student sitting in his reading room can use the London library and can collect his necessary information. A businessman can see the condition of the world market just by sitting on his bed. Internet communication is now the fastest communication in the world.
C.D Rom is another device by which films and songs and be played on the computer. ISD telephone, cellular telephone (mobile) are other kinds of quick communication. The E-mail system makes mailing very quick and cheap.
Modern transportation system is the gift of science. By ships, steamers, launches on the water, we can travel from one place to the other with our cargos to any part of the world in the shortest possible time. Again, train, bus, truck, car carry us on land from place to place. In a word, science has shortened our long distance.
Another wonder creation of modern science is television. It serves the function of both hearing and watching and thus entertains us doubly. It combines both the functions of hearing and seeing. It is really a great wonder how the image of a person or an object turns into electricity and is received by the television set. It is one of the most exquisite and modern media of communicating messages, thoughts and ideas.
Computer can be termed as the greatest invention of modern science. It has brought a revolutionary change in the global civilization. It is expected to render the greatest service to humanity by substituting human brain and by scientific secrets and message. It has become a part of every walk of life.
Science has done miracles in the field of medicine. In the fields of medicine, therapy and treatment of diseases, life-saving drugs, X-ray, Ultra-violet ray are also a few wonderful discoveries of modern science. E.C.G, CT scan and others are invented for medical procedure. They help us to come round easily. Apart from this, medicines for different diseases are greatly helpful for us.
Science has developed our agriculture. It has turned a desert into fertile lands. The use of scientific elements like tractors and power-pumps and application of fertilizer has increased production of crops tremendously. We are no longer dependent on Nature for our agriculture.
The discovery and release of nuclear power is also one of the most wonderful gifts of modern science. It has made possible the manufacture of the Atom Bomb, the Hydrogen Bomb and the missiles. This energy has unlimited potentialities for being utilized for peaceful and constructive purposes which will be great benefits to the humanity.
In very recent times, space is another fascinating and great advancement of modern science. It is already know that man has successfully landed on the moon and has safely returned. After the conquest of the moon, the scientists have turned their eyes to the Mars, which is our next-door neighbor in the kingdom of the plants. The scientists have launched the most massive research programmes in the history of space exploration with their mission to Mars. Recently, the Path Finder of this mission, very successfully landed on the Mars. Mankind is hoping to land on the Mars within the next 15 years. These all are possible by the blessing of science.
The value of Science: The value of science is very great. Modern civilization entirely depends on it. Time and distance has been curtailed by science. Science has given food to the hungers, clothes to the naked, eyes to the blind, hearing to the dead. In advanced countries like America, China, Japan, Russia and England all sorts of words are done by scientific method
Demerits / Drawbacks / Abuses: Science is not free from defects. It is the root of modern war. It has invented weapons of death and destruction. Men use them to kill people in the battlefield. In has thus increased the horrors of war and sufferings of mankind.
Conclusion: There are so many other invention, which have made our life easy and comfortable. Science has made the impossible of yesterday possible today. For the betterment, advancement and welfare of mankind, we hope that modern science will go on adding more marvels and achievements.
Wonder of Modern Science
Man always wants to live a better life. He wants better food, clothing and dwelling. He also likes comfort and entertainment. Science helps man to attain these. As a result, science has developed greatly. Today we are living is an age of science. Day and night, we make use of innumerable discoveries and inventions of science.
Electricity is the great power behind many scientific inventions. The electric lamp lights up our houses. Radio, television, telegraph, telephone, cinema, tape-recorder, photocopier, VCR, computers and most of the mills and factories are run by electricity. There are also electric trains, printing presses, cookers, irons, fans, sewing machines etc. run by electricity.
Science has conquered space and time. We can go from one place to another in a very short time by train, steamer, plane or rocket. Previously people took years to go from one continent to another. But nowadays we take only hours. We have reached the moon. We can now send messages at a great distance in the fraction of a second. We can talk to anybody in any part of the world by telephone, Radio broadcasts songs music, news, discussion etc. Television telecasts a wide range of programmes of varies subjects. By FAX, any writing of picture can be sent over great distances very easily. We can do today in hours what was done in days or months before. E-mail has made the world communication quickest, easiest and cheapest.
Science has found out the causes of most of the diseases and has discovered many remedies. A deadly disease like TB has been conquered. Cholera has also been brought under control. Small pox has been eradicated. The X-Ray and the antibiotic have been very helpful to man. Cornea transplant, by-pass surgery etc. are marvels of medical science.
Science has increased food production greatly. If we can apply the scientific methods properly there will be no hunger in the world. Tractors, power-pumps, fertilizers, high yielding varieties of corps and irrigation techniques have revolutionized agriculture.
But science is not an unmixed blessing. Science has also invented guns, bombs, and missiles, battleships and war planes, chemical weapons and nuclear war heads. It has brought in environmental pollution. We should stop the misuse of science to get its real benefits.
Introduction: Life to-day is governed by science. No aspect of our life is now free from the influence of science. The greater is the control of a people over nature, the more civilized it is. Hence the progress of civilization is dependent on the progress of science. Modern civilization with its amenities of life may be called the product of modern science. So, we cannot think of new life without it.
Blessings of science: The blessings of science are clearly seen everywhere around us. It has brought a thorough change over the surface of this world. Electricity, Telephone, Television, Radio, Cinema, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket, Telegraph, X-ray, Nuclear energy etc. are the highest blessings and wonders of modern science. How ever the blessings of modern science are described below.
Electricity: This wonderful invention has radically changed human life, society and culture. It turns the night into the day. Man can now remove the darkness of his room by turning a small switch. With the help of electricity he can now control the hot weather by moving fans and he can also run the transport service, radio and many after things.
Computer: Computer is the miracle invention of science. It serves man in ways that cannot be counted. All sorts of typing, calculation, cheap communications, data processing and various office works can be executed by a computer easily and efficiently.
Medical Science: Science has done great wonders in the field of medicine and treatment of patients. It has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights with diseases by the power of drugs which are invented for the benefit of mankind. The X-ray, the pathological diagnostic devices, the penicillin have come as real blessings to humanity.
The wireless: One can read a message from any part of the world to another part in the twinkling of an eye by means of wireless. The radio operates through wireless and the television is an improvement upon the radio. It pleases our senses of sight and hearing at the same time.
Communication: It is the excitable system of the modern world. It contains Transportation, Radio, T.V., Cinema, Telephone, Telegraph, Fax, and Wireless etc. Aeroplanes, Buses, Trucks, Trains, Launches and steamers carry passengers and goods. Wireless, Telephone, Fax have brought the world nearer. In fact, science has won distance successfully.
Agriculture: Science has worked wonders in the field of agriculture. The invention of tractor, Power-Pump, fertilizer, insecticide-all make agriculture to have maximum out put.
Conclusion: So, the blessings of science are innumerable. From morning till late night science fills our life with all sorts of comforts. Its blessings is really unimaginable and its uses cannot be expressed in words.
Modern civilization is the gift of modern science. Today we are living in an age of science. Day and night, we make use of innumerable discoveries and inventions of science.
Electricity is the great power behind many scientific inventions. The electric lamp lights up our houses. Radio, television, telegraph, telephone, cinema, tape-recorder, photo-copier, VCR, computers and most of the mills and factories are run by electricity. There are also electric trains, printing presses, cookers, irons, fans, sewing machines etc. run by electricity.
Science has conquered space and time. We can go from one place to another in a very short time by train, steamer, plane or rocket. We have reached the moon. We can now send messages to a great distance in a second. We can talk to anybody in any part of the world by mobile phone. Radio brings songs, music, news, discussions etc. Television brings pictures also even in colour. By FAX, any writing or picture can be sent over great distances very easily. Internet is yet another wonder of modern science.
Spinning of yarn, weaving of cloth and sewing of clothes can be done at a great speed. Food processing, house-building, constructing roads and bridges can be done very quickly. Millions of pages can be printed or reproduced in a short time. A calculator can solve a complicated sum in no time.
Science has discoved the causes of most of the diseases and their remedies. A deadly disease like TB has been conquered. Cholera has also been brought under control.
Small pox has been eliminated. The X-Ray and the anti-biotic have been very helpful to man. Cornea transplant, by-pass surgery etc. are marvels of' medical science.
Science has increased food production greatly. If we can apply the scientific methods properly, there will be no hunger in the world. Tractors. power-pumps, fertilizers, high-yielding varieties of crops and irrigation techniques have revolutionized agriculture.
But science is not an unmixed blessing. Science has also invented guns, bombs, and missiles, battleships and war planes, chemical weapons and nuclear war heads. To speak the truth science has both blessing and curse.
The Wonders of Science
Or, The Inventions of Science
Introduction : Today is the age of science. Modern science has invented a lot of wonderful and useful things. It has made impossible possible
Wherever we turn our eyes, we can see the blessings of science. The inventions of science have conquered diseases, natural disasters, space distance and time. The wonders of modern science are too many to describe in a short composition. The most common wonders are stated below in a few words :-
(a) Electricity : Electricity is the first wonder of modern science. It is a great source of power and energy. It is the driving force of modern
civilization . The advancement of modern science is impossible without electricity. Almost all machines and tools run through this driving force. It has made our life comfortable, happy. easy and enjoyable.
(b) Communication : Telephone, telegram, telex, fax and wireless are the other great blessings of modern science. They have brought
the whole world to our door. They have conquered distance and saved time. We can exchange thoughts, views and ideas through the wonderful inventions within a very short time. We can talk to any person at any comer of the world by sitting at -home through these wonderful inventions.
(c) Radio : Radio is also another great wonder of modern science. It helps to hear human voice from any remote part of the world. It is a great source of recreation and amusement It also plays vital role in spreading education. we enjoy song, music and many valuable discussions by sitting before a radio set,
(d) Television : Television is one of the, greatest wonders of modern science. It is 1 the most popular source of recreation and amusement. It is also the most popular source of spreading education and knowledge. It is one of the greatest mass media of communication. At the same time, it gives both the picture and the voice of the speaker. It helps to remove the monotony of hard works. By sitting at home, we can watch the current incidents and any international sports and games
on the TV screen. It can be said that television is the mirror of the whole world.
(e) In transportation : The rail-engines, steamers, motor cars and aeroplane are the wonder of modern science. These blessings have brought in our life. They have brought the about a radical change world to our grip.
We can travel one place to another within a very short time by these inventions. We can fly from one part to another faster than a bird by aeroplane. These inventions conquered time and distance wonderfully.
(f) In medical Science .: The inventions of penicillin, X-ray, ECG and Biopsy are also great wonders of modern science 'in the field of medical science. They help to fight against any fatal disease. They have wonderfully lessened death rate of population.
(g) Computer : The computer is also one of the most wonderful and useful blessings/inventions of modern science. It works like human brain. So it is called an electric brain. It can solve hundreds of problems within a second. This wonderful device has changed our life wonderfully. It is expected that man" will become a doll and computer will do almost every human brain works in future.
(h) Mobile phone : The mobile phone is the recent wonder of modern science. It is the latest invention in the field of communication. It is superior to telephone, telex, telegraph. fax, Email and wireless. It is very cheap and common. By sitting at home, we can talk to any person at any remote corner of the globe within a second by using a mobile phone. It has saved time and lessened distance wonderfully. So the mobile phone works like a magic box.
Conclusion: In order to make human life more comfortable, joyful and enjoyable modern science continues its inventions. It works like Aladin's magic lamp. But the blessings of science should be utilized carefully only for the benefit and interest of mankind.
The Advancement of Science in Modern Age
Modern age is the contribution of science, needless to say. We cannot imagine our modern age without science.
Information technology has added a new speed in our communication. Internet, e-mail, telex, fax etc. have made our communication easier.
Computer is the latest invention of science. All kinds of official activities cannot be imagined without it.
Mobile phone is another very important invention of modern science. Besides communicating with others, it can be used in watching movies, enjoying audio songs, making calculation, knowing time and date, seeing ways in the dark etc. By fax one can send any writing, picture, or document over great distance very easily.
Satellite channel has added a new dimension to our entertainment. It has introduced us with different countries, the culture of different nations, international affairs and sports.
The advancement of science in medical sector is really admirable. Due to the blessing of science the rate of death has decreased and man can lead a sound life.
The invention of bus, truck and all other vehicles has developed communication sectors and also spread our trade and commerce.
We can notice the advancement of science in food processing, house-building, constructing roads, bridges etc. We can solve a complicated sum with the help of a calculator. Sewing clothes, printing of million of pages is now a matter of short time.
Like everything it has also some demerits. The invention of deadly weapons and their use in battle and war causes innumerable destruction of life and property. The misuse of internet and mobile/phone causes many unlawful and immoral activities.
In spite of having some demerits, we cannot contradict the helpful contribution of science in this modern age. Its immoral and evil side should be restricted and it should be used only for the moral and useful purpose of human being. (Words : 304)
The Advancement of Science in Modern Age
Science has significantly shaped the modern age, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives in profound ways.
Information technology has dramatically enhanced communication. Technologies like the internet, email, telex, and fax have made communication faster and more accessible globally. The computer, a recent scientific innovation, has become indispensable for all official activities.
Mobile phones are another critical invention, enabling not only communication but also entertainment, multimedia enjoyment, calculations, timekeeping, navigation, and more. Fax machines facilitate easy transmission of written documents and images over long distances.
Satellite channels have transformed entertainment by exposing us to diverse cultures, international events, and sports from around the world. In the medical field, scientific advancements have significantly reduced mortality rates and improved overall quality of life.
The invention of vehicles such as buses and trucks has revolutionized transportation and expanded trade and commerce. Science has also advanced food processing, construction, road and bridge building, and manufacturing processes, making tasks like complex calculations, clothing production, and large-scale printing much quicker and efficient.
However, alongside these benefits, science has also introduced challenges. The development of weapons of mass destruction has led to widespread destruction in wars and conflicts. Furthermore, the misuse of the internet and mobile phones has facilitated unlawful and immoral activities.
Despite these drawbacks, the positive contributions of science cannot be denied in the modern age. It is crucial to regulate its negative impacts and ensure that scientific advancements are used ethically and for the betterment of humanity.
In conclusion, while science has both merits and demerits, its overall impact on the modern world is undeniable. It is essential to harness its potential responsibly, promoting its beneficial applications while mitigating its negative consequences for a more prosperous and ethical society.
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