The Burning Issue of Bullying
In a study conducted in June 2021. it was found that 44.4 percent of school students hi Bangladesh suffered from bullying.
Bullying typically refers to deliberate actions or repeated behaviour that can be verbal, physical, psychological, or social, which cause a serious extent of intimidation or offence to someone else. Such actions undermine, humiliate, and cause both physical and emotional harm to the subjects. Young students especially tend to be extremely vulnerable to bullying, mainly because many of them are not entirely aware of the concept - that is, victims do not realise that they are being bullied, and bullies do not realise that they are causing harm.
In a report by Unesco published in October 2019, it was shown that 23 percent of school students in Bangladesh are victims of bullying. In another study conducted in June 2021, it was found that 44.4 percent of school students in Bangladesh suffered from bullying. These data give us an idea of the prevalence of bullying in our country and how it is becoming a pressing issue by the day.
Existing data suggest that 44.4 percent of school students had experienced bullying victimisation. This is comparable to another study, according to a survey report by Unicef, which included a sample from 122 countries, where 35 percent of children aged between 13 and 15 years in Bangladesh said they experienced bullying at school.
Many children start bullying others without the knowledge of the consequences, not realising that their actions may be hurtful, as die actions often leave diem with a feeling of authority over others. On die other hand, many children suffer from external trauma within their personal lives and tend to normalise crude behaviour within themselves, exerting their pent-up frustration on other children. Flipping the coin towards another perspective, many bullies have often been victims themselves.
Mostly, bullies go on to suffer negative impacts further down the line. Issues in relationships with friends and family, difficulty coping with varying work environments, anxiety disorders, and many more problems may arise as they transition into adulthood. The victims of bullying, on the other hand, grow up with serious mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, inferiority complex, eating disorders, and loneliness. Moreover, bullied children may also resort to becoming bullies themselves, keeping the cycle going.
Moreover, the counselling department of the school could also take initiatives such as organising workshops, conducting one-on-one sessions, and assigning a monitor among the students who would proactively address uncalled-for situations and inform teachers of them. Schools could also install complaint boxes which students can write to the authorities about any incidents that made them feel uncomfortable. To deal with such situations, students might also adopt a few strategies, such as standing up for each other, facing the bully in a group, and uniting against the bully to tackle him/her. As part of the development measure, they should be trained in groups from an early age to deal with such behaviour in a group.
a) According to the study conducted in 2021, what percentage of students are victims of bullying?
b) What are the causes of bullying mentioned in the report above?
c) What are some of the probable effects of bullying on students?
d) Make a list of initiatives that can be done to prevent bullying in school.
a) According to the study conducted in 2021, what percentage of students are victims of bullying?
The study conducted in 2021 found that 44.4 percent of school students in Bangladesh suffered from bullying.
b) What are the causes of bullying mentioned in the report above?
The causes of bullying mentioned in the report include:
Lack of awareness: Many victims are unaware that they are being bullied, and many bullies don't realize that they are causing harm.
Lack of knowledge about consequences: Children often start bullying others without understanding the consequences of their actions.
Personal trauma: Some bullies may suffer from personal issues or external trauma in their lives and express their frustration by bullying others.
Previous victimisation: Many bullies have often been victims themselves, which leads them to engage in bullying behavior.
c) What are some of the probable effects of bullying on students?
The probable effects of bullying on students include:
Mental health issues: Victims of bullying often develop depression, anxiety, inferiority complex, eating disorders, and loneliness.
Difficulty in relationships: Bullies may face issues in their relationships with friends and family, and experience difficulties in adjusting to work environments in the future.
Long-term psychological trauma: Both bullies and victims may suffer from long-term effects, including anxiety disorders and other emotional issues as they grow older.
Cycle of bullying: Bullying victims may become bullies themselves, perpetuating the cycle of bullying.
d) Make a list of initiatives that can be done to prevent bullying in school.
Organise workshops: Schools can organise workshops on bullying awareness and prevention.
Conduct one-on-one sessions: The counselling department can conduct individual sessions to address specific cases of bullying.
Appoint a monitor: A student monitor can be assigned to proactively address bullying situations and inform teachers.
Install complaint boxes: Schools can set up complaint boxes where students can report bullying incidents anonymously.
Encourage peer support: Students can be encouraged to stand up for each other and face bullies together in a group.
Promote group unity: Schools can teach students to unite against bullying and address it collectively.
Early training: Students should be trained from an early age on how to deal with bullying and how to handle such behavior in a group.
MCQs with Answers
What percentage of school students in Bangladesh suffered from bullying according to the study in June 2021?
a) 35.6%
b) 44.4%
c) 50%
d) 23%
Answer: b) 44.4%
What type of actions does bullying usually involve?
a) Only verbal abuse
b) Physical and psychological harm
c) Only social media posts
d) Only physical actions
Answer: b) Physical and psychological harm
Why are young students especially vulnerable to bullying?
a) They are stronger than older students
b) They don’t fully understand the concept of bullying
c) They have a lot of friends
d) They are very confident
Answer: b) They don’t fully understand the concept of bullying
How many children aged between 13 and 15 years in Bangladesh experience bullying according to Unicef’s survey?
a) 50%
b) 44.4%
c) 35%
d) 23%
Answer: c) 35%
What could happen to bullies later in life?
a) They become successful leaders
b) They face issues in relationships and work environments
c) They become well-liked by everyone
d) They have no problems later in life
Answer: b) They face issues in relationships and work environments
What mental health issues might victims of bullying face?
a) Confidence and happiness
b) Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders
c) Only sadness
d) They grow out of it quickly
Answer: b) Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders
What is one of the initiatives schools could take to prevent bullying?
a) Ignore the issue
b) Organize workshops and sessions
c) Make bullying acceptable
d) Encourage bullying among students
Answer: b) Organize workshops and sessions
What role can a student monitor play in preventing bullying?
a) He/she can encourage bullying
b) He/she can inform teachers about uncomfortable situations
c) He/she can bully others
d) He/she can ignore the bullying
Answer: b) He/she can inform teachers about uncomfortable situations
How can students protect each other from bullying?
a) By bullying the bully
b) By standing up for each other and facing the bully in a group
c) By ignoring the situation
d) By avoiding each other
Answer: b) By standing up for each other and facing the bully in a group
What is one possible result of children who are bullied?
a) They become happy and successful
b) They might start bullying others
c) They forget about the bullying quickly
d) They become famous
Answer: b) They might start bullying others
Short Questions with Answers
What is bullying, and how does it affect the victims?Bullying refers to repeated actions, either physical, verbal, or psychological, meant to hurt or intimidate someone. It can cause both emotional and physical harm to the victims. Victims often feel humiliated, fearful, and isolated, and may develop serious mental health problems like anxiety or depression.
Why is bullying more common in young students, especially in Bangladesh?Young students are vulnerable to bullying because they may not fully understand the concept. They may not realize when they are being bullied, and bullies may not be aware that their actions are harmful. Additionally, the concept of bullying is sometimes normalized in their environment.
How can bullying affect a child's future?Bullying can leave lasting emotional scars on children. Victims may face mental health issues like depression and anxiety that can continue into adulthood. Bullies, on the other hand, may struggle with relationships, work environments, and may also develop mental health issues later in life.
What is the role of schools in preventing bullying?Schools can play a significant role by educating students about bullying and creating a safe environment. This can be achieved through workshops, counseling, and involving students in monitoring and reporting bullying. Schools can also encourage peer support to help those affected by bullying.
How can students help each other in a bullying situation?Students can help by standing up for each other when they witness bullying. They can confront the bully as a group, support the victim, and inform a teacher or counselor. Encouraging kindness and respect among peers can prevent bullying from occurring in the first place.
What strategies could be adopted to deal with bullying at school?Some strategies include organizing workshops to raise awareness, creating safe spaces for students to report bullying, involving students in peer support roles, and ensuring teachers and school staff are trained to handle bullying cases effectively. Establishing clear rules and consequences for bullying is also essential.
What is the impact of bullying on the bullies themselves?Bullies may experience negative consequences as well. They may have difficulties building healthy relationships and may develop issues such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, if bullying becomes a habitual behavior, it can lead to more serious consequences in adulthood, such as trouble at work or in social settings.
Why is it important for society to listen to bullying victims?Listening to victims is crucial because it helps address the problem effectively. Victims often feel isolated and unheard, and providing a platform for them to speak out can help in identifying the root causes of bullying. It also empowers victims to seek help and reduces the stigma associated with being bullied.
What is the relationship between bullying and mental health?Bullying can have a severe impact on mental health. Victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, which can affect their overall well-being. It is essential to address both the immediate effects of bullying and the long-term mental health issues that may arise as a result.
What are the long-term effects of bullying on the victims?The long-term effects of bullying can include ongoing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and low self-worth. Victims may also struggle with forming healthy relationships in adulthood. In some cases, bullying victims may even become bullies themselves, continuing the cycle of harm.
Bangla Translation
বাংলা অনুবাদঃ
২০২১ সালের জুনে পরিচালিত এক গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে যে বাংলাদেশের স্কুল ছাত্রছাত্রীদের ৪৪.৪ শতাংশই বুলিংয়ের শিকার।
বুলিংয়ের অর্থ সাধারণত ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে করা বা বারবার করা এমন আচরণ যা মৌখিক, শারীরিক, মানসিক বা সামাজিক হতে পারে, যা অন্যদের জন্য মারাত্মক ভয় দেখানো বা অপরাধের কারণ হয়। এই ধরনের কাজগুলি বিষয়গুলিকে দুর্বল করে, অপমান করে এবং শারীরিক ও মানসিক উভয় ক্ষতি করে। বিশেষ করে তরুণ শিক্ষার্থীরা বুলিংয়ের জন্য অত্যন্ত ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ, কারণ তাদের অনেকেই ধারণাটি সম্পর্কে সম্পূর্ণরূপে সচেতন নয় - অর্থাৎ, ভুক্তভোগীরা বুঝতে পারে না যে তাদের বুলিংয়ের শিকার করা হচ্ছে, এবং বুলিংয়ের শিকাররা বুঝতে পারে না যে তারা ক্ষতি করছে।
২০১৯ সালের অক্টোবরে প্রকাশিত ইউনেস্কোর একটি প্রতিবেদনে দেখা গেছে যে বাংলাদেশের ২৩ শতাংশ স্কুল ছাত্রছাত্রী বুলিংয়ের শিকার। ২০২১ সালের জুনে পরিচালিত আরেকটি গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে যে বাংলাদেশের স্কুল ছাত্রছাত্রীদের ৪৪.৪ শতাংশ বুলিংয়ের শিকার হয়েছে। এই তথ্যগুলি আমাদের দেশে বুলিংয়ের ব্যাপকতা এবং এটি কীভাবে দিন দিন একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সমস্যা হয়ে উঠছে তার একটি ধারণা দেয়।
বিদ্যমান তথ্য থেকে জানা যায় যে ৪৪.৪ শতাংশ স্কুল শিক্ষার্থী বুলিং-এর শিকার হয়েছে। ইউনিসেফের একটি জরিপ প্রতিবেদন অনুসারে, এটি অন্য একটি গবেষণার সাথে তুলনীয়, যেখানে ১২২টি দেশের একটি নমুনা অন্তর্ভুক্ত ছিল, যেখানে বাংলাদেশের ১৩ থেকে ১৫ বছর বয়সী ৩৫ শতাংশ শিশু বলেছে যে তারা স্কুলে বুলিং-এর শিকার হয়েছে।
অনেক শিশু পরিণতি সম্পর্কে অজ্ঞতা ছাড়াই অন্যদের বুলিং শুরু করে, বুঝতে পারে না যে তাদের কাজগুলি ক্ষতিকারক হতে পারে, কারণ তাদের কাজগুলি প্রায়শই অন্যদের উপর কর্তৃত্বের অনুভূতি তৈরি করে। অন্যদিকে, অনেক শিশু তাদের ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে বাহ্যিক আঘাতের শিকার হয় এবং নিজেদের মধ্যে অভদ্র আচরণকে স্বাভাবিক করার প্রবণতা রাখে, তাদের চাপা হতাশা অন্য শিশুদের উপর চাপিয়ে দেয়। অন্য দৃষ্টিকোণের দিকে মুদ্রা উল্টে দেখলে, অনেক বুলিং-এর শিকার প্রায়শই নিজেরাই হয়েছে।
বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে, বুলিং-এর পরে আরও নেতিবাচক প্রভাব পড়ে। বন্ধুবান্ধব এবং পরিবারের সাথে সম্পর্কের সমস্যা, বিভিন্ন কর্মপরিবেশের সাথে মানিয়ে নিতে অসুবিধা, উদ্বেগজনিত ব্যাধি এবং প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক হওয়ার সাথে সাথে আরও অনেক সমস্যা দেখা দিতে পারে। অন্যদিকে, বুলিংয়ের শিকাররা হতাশা, উদ্বেগ, হীনমন্যতা, খাদ্যাভ্যাসের ব্যাধি এবং একাকীত্বের মতো গুরুতর মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা নিয়ে বেড়ে ওঠে। তাছাড়া, বুলিংয়ের শিকার শিশুরা নিজেরাই বুলিংয়ের শিকার হতে পারে, যা চক্রটি চালিয়ে যেতে পারে।
তাছাড়া, স্কুলের কাউন্সেলিং বিভাগ কর্মশালা আয়োজন, ব্যক্তিগত সেশন পরিচালনা এবং শিক্ষার্থীদের মধ্যে একজন মনিটর নিয়োগের মতো উদ্যোগ নিতে পারে যারা সক্রিয়ভাবে অপ্রয়োজনীয় পরিস্থিতি মোকাবেলা করবে এবং শিক্ষকদের সেগুলি সম্পর্কে অবহিত করবে। স্কুলগুলি অভিযোগ বাক্সও স্থাপন করতে পারে যা শিক্ষার্থীরা কর্তৃপক্ষের কাছে লিখতে পারে যে কোনও ঘটনা যা তাদের অস্বস্তিকর বোধ করে। এই ধরনের পরিস্থিতি মোকাবেলা করার জন্য, শিক্ষার্থীরা কয়েকটি কৌশলও গ্রহণ করতে পারে, যেমন একে অপরের পক্ষে দাঁড়ানো, একটি দলে বুলিংয়ের মুখোমুখি হওয়া এবং তাকে মোকাবেলা করার জন্য বুলিংয়ের বিরুদ্ধে একত্রিত হওয়া। উন্নয়নমূলক ব্যবস্থার অংশ হিসাবে, তাদের ছোটবেলা থেকেই দলে দলে প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া উচিত যাতে তারা একটি দলে এই ধরনের আচরণ মোকাবেলা করতে পারে।
vocabulary words with their English and Bangla meanings:
English Word | Bangla Meaning |
Bullying | হয়রানি |
Victim | শিকার |
Vulnerable | দুর্বল |
Harassment | নির্যাতন |
Psychological | মানসিক |
Physical | শারীরিক |
Trauma | আঘাত |
Frustration | হতাশা |
Depression | বিষণ্ণতা |
Anxiety | উদ্বেগ |
Relationship | সম্পর্ক |
Consequences | পরিণতি |
Intimidation | ভয় দেখানো |
Humiliation | লজ্জা |
Isolation | একাকীত্ব |
Empathy | সহানুভূতি |
Counseling | পরামর্শ |
Workshop | কর্মশালা |
Strategy | কৌশল |
Support | সমর্থন |
Monitor | নজরদারি |
Peer | সহপাঠী |
Initiative | উদ্যোগ |
Report | প্রতিবেদন |
Complaint | অভিযোগ |
School | বিদ্যালয় |
Awareness | সচেতনতা |
Environment | পরিবেশ |
Mental health | মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য |
Responsibility | দায়িত্ব |
Impact | প্রভাব |
Behavior | আচরণ |
Authority | কর্তৃত্ব |
Feedback | প্রতিক্রিয়া |
Intervention | হস্তক্ষেপ |
Bully | হয়রানিকারী |
Consequence | ফলাফল |
Abuse | অত্যাচার |
Reinforce | দৃঢ় করা |
Communication | যোগাযোগ |
Equality | সমতা |
Safety | নিরাপত্তা |