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THE RAINY SEASON (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )  

Writer: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 23

Paragraph Writing

Composition / Essay Writing


Bangladesh is the land of six seasons among which the rainy season is the most prominent one. It is the rains which have made our land with luscious green and our soil fertile. Asharh and Sravana are usually said to constitute the rainy season. We experience heavy rainfall during this season.

The period of the rainy season corresponds to the time from the middle of June to the middle of August. But the hot and wet weather that characterises this season lasts for a longer period. This weather begins and ends with the wet monsoon. The wet or summer monsoon begins in the second half of summer and ends in September. There is heavy rain during the whole period, but the heaviest rainfall occurs in the period from the middle of June to the middle of August. [This paragraph may be excluded.]


The rains are caused by the monsoon wind that blows in from the south west of the Bay of Bengal over Bangladesh from April to October. The heat of summer turns a large quantity of water in the sea into vapour which mixes with the air above. When the monsoon breaks out in the months of May and June, this rain bearing wind is cooled by contact with the cooler currents of air and the vapour is condensed into cloud and this causes rain. [This paragraph may be excluded.]


During this season the sky looks threatening. Heavy black clouds, charged with rain, roll across the sky close to the earth’s surface. Violent blasts of wind blow. This sun remains hidden behind the clouds and rains fall in torrents. Sometimes it continues for days together. Tanks and ponds that dry up in summer are all filled up again. Rivers become full and overflow their banks. Some places remain under water for the greater part of the season and appear to be vast sheets of paper. Everywhere roads are covered with mud. In many villages one has to go about in boats. The landscape appears green. Dry leaves fall from the trees. When they finish gathering in their ‘Aus’ paddy their jute gets ready for separation from the stick. After a few days’ rest, they set about harvesting, washing and drying the ‘golden fibre’. They are about to plant their ‘Aman’ paddy.


The cool showers of the rain save the Nature from the scorching heat of shimmering summer. The rains wash away the filth that accumulates on the surface of the earth and purify the whole atmosphere. They stimulate the growth of vegetation and crops. Silt is scattered over the land when the rivers are in spate and makes the soil fertile. The joys of the tillers know no bounds, if there is sufficient rain in this season. In the first half of this season, ‘Rajshahi’ mangoes, jackfruits and pineapples are plentiful. In the second half we get more fish. Lotus and water lilies add colour to this season. For all its heat and wet weather, the rainy season is charming in many ways.


The rainy season, no doubt, does us immense good. But it brings in some inconvenience. The country roads get covered with mud. Some of them become impassable. Outdoor games and activities are rendered difficult. Sometimes heavy rain causes floods too. Huge volumes of water come rushing down the rivers. Water rises incessantly and menacingly and flows down over fields and human habitations. It carries away crops and cattle and washes away homesteads. Floods thus work great havoc and bring untold suffering and misery. Boats of various types are the only means of communication in many parts of the country. Men have to sit idle and pass much of their time in doors. So they lose their appetite. Moreover, many diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea and dysentery break out in most places during this season.

The rainy season is the most important and useful season in this country, because this is an agricultural country and it depends mainly on rain for agricultural operations. So the discomforts and inconveniences of this season sink into insignificance when they are compared with the immense benefit it confers. This is the most useful season in an agricultural country like ours.




Introduction: Bangladesh is the land of six seasons among which the rainy season in the most prominent one. It is the rains which have made our land with luscious green and our soil fertile. Asharh and Sravana are usually said to constitute the rainy season. We experience heavy rainfall during this season.


Its duration: The period of the rainy season corresponds to the time from the middle of June to the middle of August. But the hot and wet weather that characterises this season lasts for a longer period. This weather begins and ends with the wet monsoon. The wet or summer monsoon begins in the second half of summer and ends in September. There is heavy rain during the whole period, but the heaviest rainfall occurs in the period from the middle of June to the middle of August.


How caused: The rains are caused by the monsoon wind that blows in from the south west of the Bay of Bengal over Bangladesh from April to October. The heat of summer turns a large quantity of water in the sea into vapour which mixes with the air above. When the monsoon breaks out in the months of May and June, this rain bearing wind is cooled by contact with the cooler currents of air and the vapour is condensed into cloud and this causes rain.


Description: During this season the sky looks threatening. Heavy black clouds, charged with rain, roll across the sky close to the earth’s surface. Violent blasts of wind blow. This sun remains hidden behind the clouds and rains fall in torrents. Sometimes it continues for days together. Tanks and ponds that dry up in summer are all filled up again. Rivers become full and overflow their banks. Some places remain under water for the greater part of the season and appear to be vast sheets of paper. Everywhere roads are covered with mud. In many villages one has to go about in boats. The landscape appears green. Dry leaves fall from the trees and ‘Aus’ paddy and reap their jute fields. When they finish gathering in their ‘Aus’ paddy their jute gets ready for separation from the stick. After a few days’ rest, they set about harvesting, washing and drying the ‘golden fibre’,. They were about to plant their ‘Aman’ paddy.


Usefulness /Blessing: The cool showers of the rain save the Nature from the scorching heat of shimmering summer. The rains wash away the filth that accumulates on the surface of the earth and purify the whole atmosphere. They stimulate the growth of vegetation and crops. Silt is scattered over the land when the rivers are in spate and makes the soil fertile. The joys of the tillers know no bounds, if there is sufficient rain in this season. In the first half of this season ‘Rajshahi mangoes, jackfruits and pineapples are plentiful. In the second half we get more fish. Lotus and water lilies add colour to this season. For all its heat and wet weather, the rainy season is charming in many ways.


Disadvantages /Curse: The rainy season, no doubt, does us immense good. But it brings in some inconvenience. The country roads get covered with mud. Some of them become impassable. Outdoor games and activities are rendered difficult. Sometimes heavy rain causes floods too. Huge volumes of water come rushing down the rivers. Water rises incessantly and menacingly and flows down over fields and human habitations. It carries away crops and cattle and washes away homesteads. Floods thus works great havoc and bring untold suffering and misery. Boats of various types are the only means of communication in many parts of the country. Men have to sit idle and pass much of their time in doors. So they lose their appetite. Moreover, many diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea and dysentery break out in most places during this season.


Conclusion: The rainy season is the most important and useful season in this country, because this is an agricultural country and it depends mainly on rain for agricultural operations. So the discomforts and inconveniences of this season sink into insignificance when they are compared with the immense benefit it confers. This is the most useful season in an agricultural country like ours.




Introduction: There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The rainy season is one of them. Asharh and shravana are the months of the rainy season. But sometimes the season lasts from the middle of June to the middle of September.

How caused: The south-west monsoon, a periodical wind, that blows over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal, brings in the rains. The heat of summer turns a large quantity of the sea water into vapour which mixes with the air above. When the monsoon breaks out in the months of May and June, this rain bearing wind is cooled by contact with the cooler currents of air and the vapour is condensed into cloud and this causes rain.

Description: During this season the sky often remains clouded. Violent blasts of wind blow. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents. Sometimes rain countries for days together. Tanks and pools that dry up in winter and summer are all filled up again. Rivers gradually rise till they overflow their banks. Some places remain under water for the greater part of the season and appear to be vast sheets of water. Everywhere roads are covered with mud. In many villages one has to go about in boats. The land scope appears green. Dry leaves fall from the trees and new ones sprout forth in their place.


Usefulness: The rains wash away the filth that accumulates on the surface on the earth and purify the whole atmosphere. They lessen the intense heat of summer and stimulate the growth of vegetation and crops. It is the time for gathering Aush crops and planting Aman paddy. The joy of the tillers knows no bounds if there is sufficient rain in this season. They merrily proceed towards the fields with their bullocks and ploughs, and till them.


Disadvantages: The rainy season undoubtedly does us immense good. But it brings in some inconveniences too. The country roads get covered with mud and many of them turn impassable. Outdoor games and activities become difficult. Floods in rivers cause serious damage by washing away houses and destroying crops. Boats are the only means of communication in many parts of the country. Men have to sit idle and pass much of their time indoors. Moreover, many diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea and dysentery break out during this season.


Conclusion: The rainy season is the most important and useful season in our country, because ours is an agricultural country and it depends mainly on rain for agricultural operations. If there is no

periodic rain there will be scarcity of food and that will result in famine. So the discomforts and inconveniences of this season sink into insignificance, when they are compared with the immense benefit it confers. This is the most useful season in an agricultural country like ours.



Bangladesh is a tropical country. It is the land of six seasons, and each season has its own marks and charms. A part of June, July and a part of August constitute the rainy season in Bangladesh. It is the season of profuse rainfall, the season of monsoon and the season of vegetation all around.


Summer is the first season in Bangladesh. During summer time the day becomes very hot. The scorching heat of summer evaporates the sea water, and the vapour being cooled and transformed into clouds brings in rain. The south-west monsoon, a periodical wind blowing over Bangladesh after the summer, causes heave rainfall and the rainy season.


Rainy season is both a blessing and a curse to the people in Bangladesh. The first few days of the season come as a relief to the people after the hot summer. Not only men. but nature also feel relieved. The dried up lands becomes lively again. The cultivators become busy in preparing their lands or sowing the seeds.

But it has its other side also. When the rainy days become continuous, the miseries of the people know no bound. The sky remains overcast with thick clouds. It rains and rains continually for days together. The sun remains covered for several days. Violent blasts of wind blow. Asa result many of the houses fall down, and many boats sink. In the country side, heavy rainfall causes great inconveniences to people. The whole field goes under water. The transport and communication system become disrupted. The works become stopped, throwing many persons out of work. Many diseases break out in epidemic form. Snakes and other insects swarm the areas. If rainfall becomes excessive, crops are destroyed. This season causes much hardship to the livestock and other domestic animals.


Despite all these inconveniences, the rainy season becomes very much helpful to agriculture. Jute and paddy, which are the two principal crops of Bangladesh, grow during this season. Heavy rainfall also cleanses the country and enriches soil. This season, however, is very much liked by the poets and writers. A large number of songs have been composed by the poets on rain and rainy season. The clouds, rains, the lush green nature and the landscapes are their favourite themes


The Rainy Season

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. They visit Bangladesh periodically. Each of this periodical change is called a season. The rainy season is one of them. It comes after summer. In Bangladesh, it begins from mid June and lasts up to mid August. Ashar and Shraban are the months of the rainy season.

During the rainy season, the sky remains clouded. The earth becomes cool and fresh. Sometimes it drizzles. The sun is seldom seen. Again it rains heavily for days together. Dry ponds, rivers and canals are filled with water upto the brim. The joy of fishes and frogs know no bounds. But the roads and streets remain muddy. In the town, roads and streets are flooded because of heavy showers of rain. Motor car, Jeep, Taxi etc. are seen to run through pools of water. It is, indeed, a beautiful sight to me.

In summer, the heat is unbearable. Nature seems to be lifeless. But with the rainy season, Nature seems to get a new life. Then we see green trees, green grass and green corn fields. Different kinds of flowers bloom and their sweet smell spreads in the air. The beauty of Nature in rainy season charms all, particularly the poets. 


In this season, Jute and Paddy grow in plenty. Many sweet and juicy fruits are found in plenty. The flood washes away refuse things and dirt. It makes the country free from malaria and other diseases. In the rainy season, many people can go from one place to another by boat. They can carry heavy things by boat. This saves expenses.


In the rainy season, people can not feel at ease to go out. Poor people suffer much. Their cottages become damp and wet. Sometimes, the flood washes away their cottages. Many people then become homeless and helpless. Cattle and crops are also destroyed. Diseases like cholera, malaria and dysentery break out.

It is doubtlessly true that the rainy season is very useful to us. Paddy and Jute grow welt. If there is not much rainfall then, these crops will not grow well. Its economic value is great. Considering all these, we welcome the rainy season. Indeed, it is a blessing to us.



The Rainy Season of Bangladesh

During the rainy season the sky often remains cloudy with patches of black clouds that hover across the sky close to the earth surface.Violent blasts of wind blow. Lighting, flashes and thunder roars. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents.


Sometimes there is continuous downpour for days together. This season is of paramount importance in an agricultural country like Bangladesh. It influences on our life and culture to a great extent. The rainy season is caused by monsoon. The south west monsoon that blows in over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal brings much vapor with it. As a result, she receives a heavy rainfall during the monsoon.


The rainy season undoubtedly does us immense good. The nature assumes a new appearance at the advent of rainy season. New leaves come out in the plants and trees. They begin flowering. The landscape appears green. The rain water washes away the filth and purifies the surface of the earth. It lessens the intense heat of summer and simulates the growing of vegetation and crops. It makes our land alluvial, fertile and suitable for growing better crops. Hilsha and other fishes are available in this season. The rainy season facilitates the navigation system in the country and thereby fosters our trade and commerce. When the peacock dances to see the cloudy sky, it presents a beautiful sight. The appearance of the rainbow in the clear sky looks very beautiful. Children especially enjoy seeing the rainbow.

During the rainy season, there is croaking of frogs at night. The cluttering of the cricket destroys the silence of night. Insects of different kinds come out in the silence of night. Besides these, the rainy season is very useful. It brings respite from the heat. It helps in the production of foodstuff and fodder for the animal. This season is a gift of God. We should welcome this season. The rainy season does not an unmixed blessing all the times. It has disadvantages too. It sometimes presents a horrible picture. Sometimes heavy rainfall overflows the banks on the rivers and causes floods. They cause heavy loss to life and property. Standing crops are washed away in floods. Houses collapse taking away many lives of the inmates. Communication network is disrupted. Roads are washed away. Traffic is disrupted. One part of the country is cut off from the other. The roads at the country side become muddy and slippery and as such we cannot go from one place to another on foot easily. Students cannot go to school, madrasha, and colleges. Due to damage to crops, there is the problem of food crisis. In the aftermath of floods, there is the outbreak of diseases of different kinds. The poor cannot earn their living. All these present a grim situation.


The rainy season is the most important and useful of all the seasons in our country. This season is closely related to the economy of the country and prosperity of our people. It makes earth cool after the heat of summer. The nature looks very beautiful. So whatever may be the disadvantages of the rainy season, this season is hailed by the people of Bangladesh. We always welcome this season and enjoy its beauty. I like this season very much.

Translation in Bangla


বাংলাদেশে ছয়টি ঋতু আছে। এগুলো নিয়মিতভাবে বাংলাদেশে আসে। প্রতিটি এই নিয়মিত পরিবর্তনকে ঋতু বলা হয়। বর্ষাকাল এর মধ্যে একটি। এটি গরমের পর আসে। বাংলাদেশে এটি জুন মাসের মাঝামাঝি থেকে শুরু হয়ে আগস্ট মাসের মাঝামাঝি পর্যন্ত স্থায়ী থাকে। আষাঢ় ও শ্রাবণ হল বর্ষাকালের মাস।

বর্ষাকালে আকাশ মেঘলা থাকে। পৃথিবী ঠান্ডা ও সতেজ হয়ে ওঠে। কখনো কখনো একটুখানি মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি হয়। সূর্য খুব কম দেখা যায়। আবার কখনো দিনের পর দিন ভারী বৃষ্টি হয়। শুকনো পুকুর, নদী এবং খালগুলো পানি দিয়ে ভরে যায়। মাছ ও ব্যাঙদের আনন্দের সীমা থাকে না। তবে রাস্তাঘাট এবং সড়কগুলো কাদামাটিতে ভরে যায়। শহরে, রাস্তা ও সড়কগুলো বন্যায় তলিয়ে যায়। গাড়ি, জিপ, ট্যাক্সি ইত্যাদি জলাধার দিয়ে চলতে দেখা যায়। এটা সত্যিই একটি সুন্দর দৃশ্য।

গরমে তাপমাত্রা সহ্য করা যায় না। প্রকৃতি যেন জীবনহীন হয়ে পড়ে। কিন্তু বর্ষাকাল আসলে প্রকৃতি যেন নতুন করে জীবন পায়। তখন আমরা সবুজ গাছ, সবুজ ঘাস ও সবুজ শস্য ক্ষেত দেখতে পাই। বিভিন্ন প্রকার ফুল ফোটে এবং তাদের মিষ্টি গন্ধ বাতাসে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। বর্ষাকালে প্রকৃতির সৌন্দর্য সবকিছুকে মুগ্ধ করে, বিশেষত কবিদের।

এই ঋতুতে পাট ও ধান ভালোভাবে জন্মে। প্রচুর মিষ্টি ও রসালো ফল পাওয়া যায়। বন্যা অশুদ্ধ বস্তু ও ময়লা ধুয়ে ফেলে। এটি দেশকে ম্যালেরিয়া ও অন্যান্য রোগ থেকে মুক্ত রাখে। বর্ষাকালে অনেক মানুষ এক স্থান থেকে অন্য স্থানে নৌকায় যেতে পারে। তারা নৌকায় ভারী জিনিসপত্রও বহন করতে পারে। এটি খরচ বাঁচায়।

বর্ষাকালে মানুষ বাইরে যাওয়ার জন্য খুব সহজে অনুভব করতে পারে না। গরিব মানুষ অনেক কষ্ট ভোগ করে। তাদের কুটির ভিজে ও স্যাঁতসেঁতে হয়ে পড়ে। কখনো কখনো বন্যা তাদের কুটিরগুলোকে ভাসিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। অনেক মানুষ তখন গৃহহীন ও অসহায় হয়ে পড়ে। গবাদি পশু ও শস্যও ধ্বংস হয়ে যায়। কলেরা, ম্যালেরিয়া এবং ডায়রিয়ার মতো রোগ ছড়িয়ে পড়ে।

এটা নিঃসন্দেহে সত্য যে বর্ষাকাল আমাদের জন্য খুব উপকারী। ধান ও পাট ভালোভাবে জন্মে। যদি তেমন বেশি বৃষ্টি না হয়, তবে এই ফসলগুলো ভালোভাবে জন্মাবে না। এর অর্থনৈতিক মূল্য অনেক বেশি। সবকিছু বিবেচনা করে, আমরা বর্ষাকালকে স্বাগত জানাই। সত্যি, এটি আমাদের জন্য একটি আশীর্বাদ।

Key points in short:

  • Rainy Season: Occurs from mid-June to mid-August (Asharh and Sravana).

  • Cause: Monsoon winds from the Bay of Bengal bring moisture, causing rain.

  • Weather: Cloudy skies, heavy rain, strong winds, and floods.

  • Benefits: Cools the air, replenishes water sources, aids crop growth (paddy, jute), and fertilizes soil.

  • Disadvantages: Muddy roads, flooding, damage to crops and homes, spread of diseases (malaria, dysentery).



100 vocabulary words related to the rainy season, formatted as you requested:


Meaning in Bangla

Part of Speech

Example Sentence




The rainy season brings cooler temperatures to the region.




The rainy season is crucial for agricultural growth in Bangladesh.




The monsoon winds bring heavy rains to the country.




Dark clouds filled with rain covered the sky.


প্রবল বৃষ্টিপাত


Torrential rain flooded the fields in the village.




The fertile land produces abundant crops during the rainy season.




The flood caused extensive damage to the crops and homes.




Violent winds blew across the fields during the storm.

Monsoon Wind

বর্ষার হাওয়া


The monsoon wind carries moisture from the sea.




The humidity during the rainy season makes the air feel heavy.


কাদা পুকুর


Children love to jump into puddles after the rain.


প্রবল বৃষ্টি


The downpour lasted for several hours, soaking everything.




Paddy and jute are the main crops grown during the rainy season.




Bangladesh's economy depends heavily on agriculture.




Silt from the riverbed fertilizes the land when the floodwaters recede.


ফসল তোলা


The farmers eagerly await the harvest after the rains.




The soil is enriched with nutrients after the rainy season.




The moisture in the soil helps crops grow quickly during the rainy season.




The ground is wet from the continuous rain.


প্রবাহিত হওয়া


The river overflowed, causing widespread flooding.




The fertility of the soil improves due to the seasonal rains.




The farmers plough their fields after the first rainfall of the season.




The fields are ready for planting paddy during the rainy season.




Jute is harvested after the rainy season in Bangladesh.


চাষ করা


Farmers cultivate the land with great care to prepare for the rainy season.




Vegetation flourishes in the wet conditions of the rainy season.




The air feels fresh after the rain washes away the dust.




The swamp was full of water after the heavy rains.


প্লাবিত হওয়া


The water from the river was overflowing onto the streets.




Dew covered the leaves early in the morning after the night rain.




A powerful storm swept through the region, bringing strong winds and rain.


ভিজে যাওয়া


I was drenched after walking through the heavy rain.




The weather is humid and sticky during the rainy season.


জলমগ্ন এলাকা


Wetlands become crucial for the ecosystem during the rainy season.




People took shelter in their homes to avoid the storm.




The canals overflowed after the continuous rain.


বৃষ্টি ফোঁটা


A raindrop fell on the window, signaling the beginning of the storm.




The pond was filled with water after the rainfall.




The ground remained damp after the rain.




Thunder rumbled in the distance as the storm approached.


বিদ্যুৎ চমক


Lightning illuminated the dark sky during the storm.




The heavy rains caused a disaster in many rural areas.




The rains started in June and continued until August.




The temperature dropped significantly after the rain started.

Overflowing Banks

তীর ছাড়ানো


The river's overflowing banks caused flooding in the nearby areas.




Boats were the only means of transportation in some areas during the floods.


কাদা মাখানো


The roads were muddy after the heavy rainfall.


প্রবল বৃষ্টি


A downpour washed away the dirt from the streets.


ফোঁটা ফোঁটা বৃষ্টি


It began to drizzle lightly in the afternoon.




The river was in spate, bringing water to the fields.


মুক্তি পাওয়া


The farmers felt relieved when the rains came after the dry season.


সম্পূর্ণ সিক্ত


The soil became saturated with water after days of continuous rain.

Flash Flood

হঠাৎ বন্যা


Flash floods damaged homes and crops in many villages.

Crop Failure

ফসল নষ্ট হওয়া


Crop failure occurred due to excessive rainfall.




The heavy rainfall led to a disaster in several low-lying areas.




Evaporation from the sea caused the clouds to form during the monsoon.


কাদার স্লাইড


Mudslides occurred in the hilly regions after continuous rain.

Torrential Rain

প্রবল বৃষ্টিপাত


Torrential rain flooded the streets and homes in the city.

Overflowing Rivers

উপচে পড়া নদী


Overflowing rivers caused major flooding in rural Bangladesh.


সিক্ত করা


The ground was saturated after the heavy downpour.




The roads were submerged in water after the heavy rain.




Proper drainage systems are essential to prevent flooding.




Wetlands become crucial habitats during the rainy season.




Bubbling water could be seen in the swollen rivers.

Harvest Time

ফসল তোলার সময়


The harvest time is eagerly awaited after the rains.


বন্যাপ্লাবিত এলাকা


Floodplains are often inundated during the rainy season.


কৃষিকাজ সম্পর্কিত


Agricultural activities are closely linked to the rainy season.




Despite the floods, the resilient farmers began replanting the crops.

Storm Surge

ঝড়ের ঢেউ


The storm surge caused the water levels to rise dangerously.


সিক্ত করা


The clothes soaked in the rain became heavy to carry.




The sky became calm after the storm passed.




Relief came when the rains stopped and the water level began to recede.

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