Write an application to the Editor to publish a report on street children.
9 May 2024
The Editor
The Rising Sun
13/D Shahbag, Dhaka
Dear Sir
I shall be very happy and grateful to you if you publish the following report in your popular daily.
Yours faithfully
A Reza
All of us know about the street children of Bangladesh more or less. The real condition of these street children is very miserable. They have no fixed living or sleeping place. They sleep on streets. They sometimes move or walk on the street aimlessly. Some are found pushing push-cart or vehicles. Sometimes, they beg on the street. They may have parents but they are not cared for or fed well by them. They do not go to school. They can neither read nor write. Sometimes, they are being oppressed physically. Thus, the street children are deprived of all kinds of child rights. It is very sorrowful indeed. Today's child is tomorrow's future. So the government should take some steps so that the street children can enjoy their rights.
All of us should also pay our proper attention to the street children and think of doing something for their welfare.