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Tortoise and Clever Eagle / A long while ago a tortoise sat on the dusty land (Story Writing / Completing Story)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar
The Fool Tortoise and Clever Eagle
A long while ago a tortoise sat on the dusty land and watched the birds wheeling and circling in the air over his head. He grew dissatisfied with his lowly life when he saw so many of them enjoying themselves in the clear blue sky; he longed to join them and share their freedom.
'If only I could get myself tip into the air I'm sure I could soar and swoop with the best of them,' he thought. He pondered on this problem for a long time: the sun burned down and he got hotter and hotter and more discontented as he enviously watched the birds.
Suddenly an eagle came to rest on a rock close beside him. The tortoise saw the eagle. He made a plan. When the eagle will flying away, he would hold the legs of the eagle so that he could soar
But he could not get to him because the eagle was sitting at so high a place. As he could not find any means, he expressed his great desire of flying in the sky to the eagle. The eagle agree with his urge. He came down and assured the tortoise that he would make his great desire come true at least for a while. He took the tortoise in his claws and began to fly in the air. The tortoise never soared up in the air so, he felt it very awkward. But the eagle flew higher andhigher more swiftly. The tortoise became very afraid. At last he could not hold the legs of eagle any more. As a result he fell down. But he was lucky because he fell on the soft grass and his shell was very hard. At last he saved himself from death.
The evil accident happened to the tortoise left a great lesson for him since then he never became envious of other's happiness and he satisfied with the condition he had.

Complete the following story following the clue.
A long while ago a tortoise sat on the dusty land and watched the birds wheeling and circling in the air over his head. He grew dissatisfied with his lowly life when he saw so many of them enjoying themselves in the clear blue sky-, he longed to join them and share their freedom.
'If only I could get myself up into the air I'm sure I could soar and swoop with the best of them,' He thought.
He pondered on this problem fora long time : the sun burned down and he got hotter and hotter and more discontented as he enviously watched the birds.
Suddenly an eagle came to rest on a rock close beside him ....
Ans. The Realization of the Tortoise
A long while ago a tortoise sat on the dusty land and watched the birds wheeling and circling in the air over his head. He grew dissatisfied with his lowly life when he saw so many of them enjoying themselves in the clear blue sky; he longed to join them and share their freedom.
"If only I could get myself into the air, I'm sure I could soar and swoop with the best of them," thought the tortoise. He pondered this problem for a long time, growing hotter and more discontented as the sun burned down. Enviously, he watched the birds glide effortlessly through the sky.
Suddenly, an eagle landed on a rock close by. The tortoise noticed the eagle and came up with a plan: he would hold onto the eagle's legs when it flew away, allowing him to soar up into the air. He approached the eagle, but it was perched too high for him to reach. With no other options, he expressed his deep desire to fly to the eagle.
The eagle, intrigued by the tortoise's request, responded kindly. "I can help you experience flight," said the eagle. He flew down and instructed the tortoise to hold onto his legs. The tortoise eagerly grabbed the eagle's legs, and they took off into the sky.
As they soared higher and higher, the tortoise felt a mix of excitement and fear. He had never been so high before, and the sensation was overwhelming. The eagle flew swiftly, and the tortoise struggled to hold on. Eventually, he couldn't maintain his grip and fell, plummeting down toward the ground.
Luckily, the tortoise landed on soft grass in the woods, cushioned by his hard shell. Though he was shaken, he was not seriously hurt. This experience taught the tortoise a valuable lesson. From that day on, he accepted his limitations and stopped longing for things beyond his reach. He no longer envied the birds and their ability to fly. Instead, he embraced his own strengths and was content with the life he had.

An Intelligent Tortoise

One day, a thirsty tiger was drinking water from a river when he noticed a slow-moving tortoise nearby. The tiger was feeling hungry, so with a quick jump, he caught the tortoise in his strong paws.

The tiger tried to crush the tortoise’s hard shell with his sharp teeth, but no matter how hard he bit, the shell did not break. He tried again and again, but the result was the same—the shell remained unbreakable. Frustrated, the tiger growled, "Your shell is too strong! But I know how to get rid of you! I will throw you into the fire!" The tortoise felt afraid, but he was also clever. Without showing his fear, he calmly said, "Oh, that's no problem, Sir! Fire is my friend. It keeps me warm and safe."

The foolish tiger did not realize that the tortoise was tricking him. He asked again, "So, you are not afraid of fire?" The tortoise replied, "Not at all! Fire loves me, and I love fire." Hearing this, the tiger became angry. He wanted to punish the tortoise in a way that would make him suffer. He thought for a moment and then said, "Then I will throw you into the river instead!"

Hearing this, the tortoise felt very happy, but he did not show it. Instead, he pretended to be terrified and cried out, "Oh no! Please don’t throw me into the water! I will surely drown and die!" The foolish tiger laughed loudly, thinking he had finally found a way to get rid of the tortoise. Without another thought, he threw the tortoise into the river.

As soon as the tortoise hit the water, he happily swam away. The tiger watched in shock, realizing too late that he had been tricked. This story teaches us that intelligence is more powerful than strength. A clever mind can overcome any danger, no matter how powerful the enemy is.


অকৃতজ্ঞদের জন্য একটি শিক্ষা

একদিন একটি বাঘ একটি গর্তে আটকা পড়ে। সে পথচারী রুবেনের নাম ধরে তাকে উদ্ধার করতে বলল। রুবেন বাঘের প্রতি করুণা বোধ করল। সে গর্তে একটি লম্বা ডাল ঠেলে দিল এবং বাঘটি হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে বেরিয়ে এল। বিপদমুক্ত হয়ে বাঘটি রুবেনের উপর আক্রমণ করল এবং তাকে খেতে উদাসীন হল। পাথরের নীচে থাকা একটি ব্যাঙ সবকিছু দেখতে পেল। রুবেন রেগে গেল। সে প্রতিবাদ করল এবং বাঘকে ধমক দিল। সে বাঘকে বলল, "তুমি তোমার দানকারীর প্রতি এত অকৃতজ্ঞ কিভাবে হতে পারো? তোমাকে মৃত্যুফাঁদ থেকে বাঁচাতে আমি কী অন্যায় করেছি? তুমি যা করতে চাও তা করতে পারো না?" রুবেন তার ত্রাণকর্তা হিসেবে যে সমস্ত স্পর্শকাতর যুক্তি তুলে ধরেছিল তাতে বাঘটি অটল এবং উদাসীন দেখাচ্ছিল। সে ঠান্ডা গলায় বাঘকে অনুরোধ করল, "কিছু মনে করো না আমার প্রিয় বন্ধু! তুমি জানো আমাকে মানুষের মাংস খেয়ে বা অন্য কোন প্রাণীর মাংস খেয়ে বেঁচে থাকতে হবে। এটাই আমার নিয়তি। তাই, আমি তোমার সাথে যা করতে চাই তাতে কোন ভুল খুঁজে পাচ্ছি না। তাই, আমার ক্ষুধা মেটানোর জন্য আমাকে তোমাকে খেতে হবে। আমি দুঃখিত, বর্তমানে আমার আর কোন বিকল্প নেই।"

"আচ্ছা, এই বিষয়ে অন্য কারো রায় নেওয়া যাক, নাহলে এটি কেবল একপেশে খেলা হবে যেখানে তুমিই সবচেয়ে বেশি ভূমিকা পালন করবে।"

এদিকে একটি ব্যাঙ যে ​​পুরো ঘটনাটি দেখেছিল, ঘটনাস্থলে উপস্থিত হল। রুবেন ব্যাঙকে বাঘের অকৃতজ্ঞতার কথা বলল, কিন্তু বাঘ জোর দিয়ে বলল যে সে ক্ষুধার্ত এবং রুবেনকে খেতে চেয়েছিল।

"আমাকে আরও ভালোভাবে ঘটনাটি দেখতে হবে," ব্যাঙটি বলল। "তুমি কি আমাকে সেই জায়গাটি দেখাবে যেখানে এটি ঘটেছে?" তাই তারা ব্যাঙটিকে গর্তে নিয়ে গেল। সেখানে পৌঁছে ব্যাঙটি বাঘকে বলল, "এটা কীভাবে ঘটেছে? আমাকে দেখতে দাও তুমি কোথায় ছিলে।"

বাঘটি প্রশ্ন করে ঘটনাটি দেখানোর জন্য গর্তে লাফিয়ে পড়ে বলল, "আমি এখানে নীচে ছিলাম, দেখুন।" রুবেন তৎক্ষণাৎ গর্তে ডালটি তুলে নিয়ে বলল, "অবশ্যই, এই ডালটি তখন সেখানে ছিল না।" বাঘটি অবশেষে বুঝতে পারল যে তাকে গর্তে নীচে একটি ভয়াবহ শিক্ষা দেওয়া হয়েছে যে তাকে একা ফেলে রাখা হয়েছিল! কে জানে, হয়তো তার মৃত্যুর আগ পর্যন্ত থাকবে।

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