1. Read the passage below and answer the questions following it.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single University established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers…. Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured.
A.Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 5
a) What does the word hospitality in the passage refer to?
i. parsimony ii. Miserly
iii. niggardly iv. Friendliness
b) How should be the universities according to Rabindranath Tagore?
i. It should be mechanical
ii. It should be for collecting education
iii. It should be for distributing education
iv. It should be for acquiring true knowledge
c) What does the word acquaint in the passage refer to?
i. inform ii. convey iii. familiarize iv. Attach
d) Why do the Indians go the France and Germany?
i. They go there to get the best knowledge
ii. They go there for sightseeing
iii. They go there for learning their educational system
iv. They go there to live permanently
e) What does the word aristocracy in the passage refer to?
i. royalty ii. nobility iii. fashion iv. yield
B. Answer the following questions. 10
a) ‘Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge.’ Why? Explain with your opinion.
b) What, according to Rabindranath Tagore, should be the aim of our universities? Describe in your own words.
c) What is the shortcoming of the universities established in India in the modern time?
d) Why are the educational institutions in our country termed as ‘India’s alms-bowl of knowledge?’
e) ‘They lower our intellectual self-respect.’ What does the statement refer to? Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. to the ques.
Ans. a) iv. Friendliness
b) iv. It should be for acquiring true knowledge
c) iii. Familiarize
d) i. They go there to get the best knowledge
e) ii. nobility.
a) Universities should never be made into mechanical organization for collecting and distributing knowledge because this process does not develop creativity and does not reflect the intellectual richness of the land.
b) According to Rabindranath Tagore, the aim of our universities should enable people offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world.
c) The shortcoming of the universities established in India in the modern time is that they do not allow a foreign or an India student to be properly acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind.
d) The educational institutions in our country are termed as ‘India’s alms-bowl of knowledge’ because they encourage us to make a foolish display of our learning not related to our country but borrowed from others.
e) The statement refers to the educational system of our universities. Yes, I agree with the statement because without reflecting the richness of its own people and land, a university is bound to lower the self-respect of the people.
Bangla Translation
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলিকে কখনই জ্ঞান সংগ্রহ ও বিতরণের জন্য যান্ত্রিক প্রতিষ্ঠানে পরিণত করা উচিত নয়। তাদের মাধ্যমে জনগণকে তাদের বৌদ্ধিক আতিথেয়তা, তাদের মনের সম্পদ অন্যদের কাছে উৎসর্গ করতে হবে এবং বিশ্বের অন্যান্য অংশ থেকে উপহার গ্রহণের বিনিময়ে তাদের গর্বিত অধিকার অর্জন করতে হবে। কিন্তু সমগ্র ভারতবর্ষে এমন একটিও বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়নি যেখানে একজন বিদেশী বা ভারতীয় ছাত্র ভারতীয় মনের সেরা পণ্যগুলির সাথে সঠিকভাবে পরিচিত হতে পারে। এর জন্য আমাদের সমুদ্র পার হতে হবে এবং ফ্রান্স এবং জার্মানির দরজায় কড়া নাড়তে হবে। আমাদের দেশের শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি ভারতের জ্ঞানের ভিক্ষার পাত্র; তারা আমাদের বৌদ্ধিক আত্মসম্মানকে নীচু করে; তারা আমাদের ধার করা পালক দিয়ে তৈরি অলঙ্কারের বোকামি প্রদর্শন করতে উৎসাহিত করে... মানুষের বুদ্ধির নিজস্ব অভিজাততন্ত্রের উপর স্বাভাবিক গর্ব থাকে, যা তার সংস্কৃতির গর্ব। সংস্কৃতি কেবল সেই শ্রেষ্ঠত্বকে স্বীকৃতি দেয় যার সমালোচনা তার অভ্যন্তরীণ পরিপূর্ণতায়, কোনও বাহ্যিক সাফল্যে নয়। যখন এই গর্ব কোনও প্রয়োজনের বাধ্যবাধকতা বা বস্তুগত সুবিধার প্রলোভনে নতি স্বীকার করে, তখন এটি বুদ্ধিজীবী মানুষের জন্য অপমান বয়ে আনে। আধুনিক ভারত, তার নিজস্ব শিক্ষার মাধ্যমে, এই অপমান ভোগ করতে বাধ্য হয়েছে। একসময় তিনি নিজেই তার সন্তানদের এমন একটি সংস্কৃতি উপহার দিয়েছিলেন যা ছিল তার নিজস্ব চিন্তাভাবনা এবং সৃষ্টির ফসল। কিন্তু তা উপেক্ষা করা হয়েছে, এবং আমাদের পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হওয়ার জন্য বাধ্য করা হচ্ছে, কিছু শেখার জন্য নয়, বরং ইংরেজিতে পরিচালিত প্রতিষ্ঠানের অধীনে চাকরির জন্য আমরা যোগ্য তা জানানোর জন্য। আমাদের শিক্ষিত সম্প্রদায় কোনও সংস্কৃতিবান সম্প্রদায় নয়, বরং যোগ্য প্রার্থীদের একটি সম্প্রদায়। ইতিমধ্যে সম্ভাব্য চাকরির অনুপাত দাবিদারদের সংখ্যার সাথে ক্রমশ সংকুচিত হচ্ছে, এবং ফলস্বরূপ অসন্তোষ ব্যাপক আকার ধারণ করছে। অবশেষে এর জন্য দায়ী কর্তৃপক্ষই তাদের ভুক্তভোগীদের দোষারোপ করছে। মানব প্রকৃতির এটাই বিকৃতি। এটি যাদের ক্ষতি করেছে তাদের বিরুদ্ধে সবচেয়ে খারাপ ক্ষোভ পোষণ করে।
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single University established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India's alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers....
Man's intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured....
বাংলা অনুবাদঃ
জ্ঞান সংগ্রহ ও বিতরণের উদ্দেশ্যে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলোকে যান্ত্রিক প্রতিষ্ঠানে রূপান্তরিত করা উচিত নয়। তাদের মাধ্যমে মানুষের উচিত তাদের বুদ্ধিভিত্তিক অতিথিপরায়ণতা, অন্যের প্রতি তাদের মানসিক সম্পদ এবং অবশিষ্ট বিশ্বের প্রতি তাদের রাখা অবদানের প্রতিদান হিসেবে তাদের গর্বিত অধিকার আদায় করা। কিন্তু ভারতের সমগ্র পরিসরে বর্তমান সময়ে কোনো একটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়নি যেখানে একজন বিদেশী অথবা একজন ভারতীয় ছাত্র ভারতীয় চেতনার সাথে সুপরিচিত হতে পারে। সেজন্য আমাদের সমুদ্র পার হয়ে ফ্রান্স ও জার্মানীতে কড়া নাড়তে হয়। আমাদের দেশের শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলো ভারতবর্ষের জ্ঞানের দান-পত্র; তারা আমাদের বুদ্ধিভিত্তিক আত্ম-সম্মানকে খাটো করে; তারা আমাদেরকে ধার করা পালক নিয়ে সুসজ্জিত হয়ে বোকার মতো নিজেদের উপস্থাপন করতে উৎসাহিত করে।.............
মানুষের বুদ্ধিজগতের নিজস্ব আভিজাত্যের এক প্রাকৃতিক মহিমা রয়েছে যা এর সংস্কৃতির প্রকাশক। সংস্কৃতি শুধু সেই শ্রেষ্ঠতা প্রকাশ করে যার সমালোচনা অভ্যন্তরীণ যথার্থতায় নিহিত এবং যার কোনো বাহ্যিক সফলতা নেই। যখন এই গর্ব কিছু প্রয়োজনীয়তার অথবা বস্তুগত সুবিধার প্রলোভনে পড়ে যায়, এটা বুদ্ধিজীবীদের জন্য অপমান বয়ে নিয়ে আসে। আধুনিক ভারতবর্ষ তার শিক্ষার মাধ্যমে অপমানিত হয়েছে। এক সময় সে তার সন্তানদের একটি সংস্কৃতি উপহার দিয়েছিল যা নিজস্ব চিন্তা ও মহিমায় মহিমান্বিত। কিন্তু তা থেকে সরিয়ে নেওয়া হয়েছে এবং আমাদেরকে পরীক্ষা পাসের ঘানি টানতে হয়েছে, কোনো কিছু জানার জন্য নয়, কিন্তু এটা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য যে, আমরা ইংরেজি দ্বারা পরিচালিত প্রতিষ্ঠানে চাকরির জন্য যোগ্য। আমাদের শিক্ষিত সম্প্রদায় কোনো সংস্কৃতিবান সম্প্রদায় নয় বরং যোগ্য প্রার্থীর সম্প্রদায়। ইতোমধ্যে দাবিদারদের সংখ্যার চেয়ে সম্ভাব্য চাকরির পরিমাণ দিনে দিনে কমে যাচ্ছে এবং অনানুগত্য বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে। অবশেষে, যেসব কর্তৃপক্ষ এসব কিছুর জন্য দায়ী তারা তাদের ভুক্তভোগীদের দোষারোপ করছে। মানুষের স্বভাব এতটাই বিকৃত। এটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্তদের বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্বেষী মনোভাব বহন করে.............
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1☓5 = 5
(a) What is the meaning of the word 'outstanding'?
(i) ordinary (ii) normal (iii) common (iv) excellent
(b) What does the word 'extensively' refer to?
(i) widely (ii) briefly (iii) rarely (iv) sadly
(c) Most of our students read —.
(i) to gain knowledge (ii) to pass examination
(iii) to get a job (iv) to earn money
(d) What does the word 'offer' refer to?
(i) apply (ii) change (iii) support (iv) propose
(e) "Educational institutions in our country are India's alms-bowl of knowledge" – what does it mean?
(i) The purpose of education is to gain knowledge
(ii) The purpose of education is to earn money
(iii) The purpose of education is to borrow only, not to be self dependent
(iv) The purpose of education is to be fit for job.
(f) What does the word 'mechanical' mean?
(i) mental (ii) machine-like (iii) creative (iv) traditional
(g) The word 'collect' means —.
(i) earn (ii) win (iii) take (iv) occupy
(h) What do you mean by 'distribute'?
(i) disown (ii) give (iii) take (iv) donate
(i) Here the word 'intellectual' means —.
(i) psychological (ii) ideological (iii) thoughtful (iv) philosophical
(j) What do you mean by the phrase 'wealth of mind'?
(i) good general knowledge (ii) intellectual richness
(iii) high marks in exam (iv) high degrees from a university
(k) What is a synonym of 'proud'?
(i) arrogant (ii) angry (iii) cruel (iv) shrewd
(l) The best synonym of 'right' is —.
(i) facility (ii) privilege (iii) income (iv) award
(m) What is the meaning of 'gift'?
(i) award (ii) donation (iii) present (iv) income
(n) The word 'breadth' means —.
(i) the parametre of how broad something is (ii) the condition of being very broad
(iii) the depth of something (iv) the broadness of one's mind
(o) The word 'acquainted' best means —.
(i) informed (ii) introduced (iii) reported (iv) taught
(p) Educational institutions lower the intellectual — of the Indians.
(i) depth (ii) brightness (iii) richness (iv) self-respect
(q) What does the word 'decoration' mean?
(i) lighting (ii) wash (iii) beautification (iv) rearrangement
(r) What does the word 'acknowledge' mean?
(i) admit (ii) accept (iii) deny (iv) forsake
(s) The meaning of the word 'external' is —.
(i) outer (ii) inner (iii) inward (iv) spiritual
(t) The word 'creation' best means —.
(i) innovation (ii) discovery (iii) composition (iv) art
(u) 'Notify' best means —.
(i) submit (ii) depict (iii) report (iv) notice
(v) According to Tagore, our educated community are not —.
(i) qualified (ii) certified (iii) taught (iv) cultured
Answer (A):
(a) (iv) excellent (b) (i) widely (c) (ii) to pass examination (d) (iv) propose (e) (iii) The purpose of education is borrow only, not to be self dependent (f) (ii) machine-like (g) (iii) take (h) (ii) give (i) (iii) thoughtful (j) (ii) intellectual richness (k) (i) arrogant (l) (ii) privilege (m) (iii) present (n) (i) the parametre of how broad something is (o) (ii) introduced (p) (iv) self-respect (q) (iii) beautification (r) (i) admit (s) (i) outer (t) (i) innovation (u) (iii) report (v) (iv) cultured
B. Answer the following questions. 2☓5 = 10
(a) What is a university? What a university should not be?
(b) What should people get through universities?
(c) Why did Rabindranath Tagore say that educational institutions in our country are alms bowl of knowledge?
(d) What is the pride of human culture?
(e) With what has Tagore compared Indian education?
(f) Why did Rabindranath criticize Indian university?
(g) What does man's intellect have?
(h) What does culture acknowledge?
(i) What do the students of our universities study for?
(j) 'Man's intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy' — what does it mean?
(k) "Such is the perversity of human nature' — What is the human nature according to the text?
Answer (B):
(a) A university is an institution where students get admission to earn graduation and post graduation degree. It should never be made into mechanical organization for collecting and distributing knowledge.
(b) The people should get their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world.
(c) The educational institutions in our country teach the students with the borrowed thoughts and philosophy of Europe. They lower our intellectual self respect, they encourage us to make a foolish display of decoration composed of borrowed feathers.
(d) The pride of human culture is man's intellect which has natural pride in its own aristocracy.
(e) Tagore compares the poor educational system of India to some trampled plants and its outcome to a harvest received from the neighbouring wheat fields.
(f) Rabindranath criticized Indian university because they lack their own philosophy.
(g) Man's intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy which is the pride of its culture.
(h) Culture acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success.
(i) The students of our universities study to pass the examination, not to earn knowledge.
(j) 'Man's intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy'-it means that everyman lives within his our culture and every culture is different from each other in case of characteristics. Man should expose his intellect reflecting his own culture which will be a natural pride for him and his nation at the same time.
(k) The proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured and such is the perversity of human nature.
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single university established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers .......
Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile, the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured ................
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
(a) What does the word 'humiliation' mean in the passage?
(i) Ignominy (ii) Opulence (iii) Outgiving from God (iv) Awe
(b) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'return' in this context?
(i) Payout (ii) Redirection (iii) Indemnification (iv) Rejoinder
(c) Which of the following should be function of a university?
(i) Collecting knowledge (ii) Distributing knowledge
(iii) Making people ambitious (iv) Augmenting discursive self-valorization
(d) Man's intellect has —— pride in its own aristocracy.
(i) ecumenical (ii) artificial (iii) sharp (iv) supernatural
(e) Which of the following statements is true?
(i) Indian traditional culture was brought from overseas.
(ii) Indian banal culture is now no more.
(iii) Passing examination should be the unaccompanied motto of education.
(iv) To be compatible for ploy should be the only purpose of education.
B. Answer the following questions.
a. From your reading of the 1st paragraph, mention how the universities should be made?
b. Why do the Indians go abroad for higher education?
c. What, according to the author, do the India's educational institutions do now?
d. What is the function of culture?
e. What brings humiliation to the intellectual man?
2. Read the passage below and answer the following questions 1 and 2.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single University established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers . . .
Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured . . . .
1. A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1´5=5
(a) The word ‘perversity’ can be replaced by-
(i) Normal behavior (ii) distortion
(iii) satisfaction (iv) Pleasure
(b) The best synonym of the world ‘acquainted’ is –
(i) unknown (ii) familiar
(iii) acquired (iv) attained
(c) ‘Humiliation’ in line 13 can be replaced by-
(i) honour (ii) humidity
(iii) degradation (iv) attraction
(d) Man has a natural pride in its own-
(i) respect (ii) aristocracy
(iii) criticism (iv) aspect
(e) The word ‘aristocracy’ stands for–
(i) lower class (ii) stupidity
(iii) ugliness (iv) upper class
B. Answer the following questions. 2´5=10
(a) What do educational institutions do?
(b) What does man’s intellect have?
(c) “Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a
community of qualified candidates.” Explain the statement in 2/3 sentence.
(d) What does culture acknowledge?
(e) Whom do the authorities blame?
3. Read the passage below and answer the questions following it.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single University established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers…. Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 5
a) What does the word hospitality in the passage refer to?
i. parsimony ii. Miserly
iii. niggardly iv. Friendliness
b) How should be the universities according to Rabindranath Tagore?
i. It should be mechanical
ii. It should be for collecting education
iii. It should be for distributing education
iv. It should be for acquiring true knowledge
c) What does the word acquaint in the passage refer to?
i. inform ii. convey iii. familiarize iv. Attach
d) Why do the Indians go the France and Germany?
i. They go there to get the best knowledge
ii. They go there for sightseeing
iii. They go there for learning their educational system
iv. They go there to live permanently
e) What does the word aristocracy in the passage refer to?
i. royalty ii. nobility iii. fashion iv. Yield
B. Answer the following questions. 10
a) ‘Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge.’ Why? Explain with your opinion.
b) What, according to Rabindranath Tagore, should be the aim of our universities? Describe in your own words.
c) What is the shortcoming of the universities established in India in the modern time?
d) Why are the educational institutions in our country termed as ‘India’s alms-bowl of knowledge?’
e) ‘They lower our intellectual self-respect.’ What does the statement refer to? Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.
Ans. to the ques. no.
1.A. Ans. a) iv. Friendliness
b) iv. It should be for acquiring true knowledge
c) iii. Familiarize
d) i. They go there to get the best knowledge
e) ii. nobility.
1.B. Ans.
a) Universities should never be made into mechanical organization for collecting and distributing knowledge because this process does not develop creativity and does not reflect the intellectual richness of the land.
b) According to Rabindranath Tagore, the aim of our universities should enable people offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world.
c) The shortcoming of the universities established in India in the modern time is that they do not allow a foreign or an India student to be properly acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind.
d) The educational institutions in our country are termed as ‘India’s alms-bowl of knowledge’ because they encourage us to make a foolish display of our learning not related to our country but borrowed from others.
e) The statement refers to the educational system of our universities. Yes, I agree with the statement because without reflecting the richness of its own people and land, a university is bound to lower the self-respect of the people.
4. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single university established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers .......
Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile, the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured ................
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.
(a) What does the word 'humiliation' mean in the passage?
(i) Ignominy (ii) Opulence (iii) Outgiving from God (iv) Awe
(b) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'return' in this context?
(i) Payout (ii) Redirection (iii) Indemnification (iv) Rejoinder
(c) Which of the following should be function of a university?
(i) Collecting knowledge (ii) Distributing knowledge
(iii) Making people ambitious (iv) Augmenting discursive self-valorization
(d) Man's intellect has —— pride in its own aristocracy.
(i) ecumenical (ii) artificial (iii) sharp (iv) supernatural
(e) Which of the following statements is true?
(i) Indian traditional culture was brought from overseas.
(ii) Indian banal culture is now no more.
(iii) Passing examination should be the unaccompanied motto of education.
(iv) To be compatible for ploy should be the only purpose of education.
B. Answer the following questions.
a. From your reading of the 1st paragraph, mention how the universities should be made?
b. Why do the Indians go abroad for higher education?
c. What, according to the author, do the India's educational institutions do now?
d. What is the function of culture?
e. What brings humiliation to the intellectual man?
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
(a) What does the word 'humiliation' mean in the passage?(i) Ignominy
(b) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'return' in this context?(iv) Rejoinder
(c) Which of the following should be the function of a university?(iv) Augmenting discursive self-valorization
(d) Man's intellect has —— pride in its own aristocracy.(iii) sharp
(e) Which of the following statements is true?(ii) Indian banal culture is now no more.
B. Answer the following questions:
(a) From your reading of the 1st paragraph, mention how the universities should be made?Universities should not be mechanical organizations merely for collecting and distributing knowledge. Instead, they should offer intellectual hospitality and a wealth of knowledge to others and earn the right to receive gifts from the rest of the world.
(b) Why do the Indians go abroad for higher education?
Indians go abroad for higher education because, according to the author, there are no modern universities in India where students can properly acquaint themselves with the best products of the Indian mind. For such knowledge, they have to go to countries like France and Germany.
(c) What, according to the author, do India's educational institutions do now?
According to the author, India's educational institutions serve as an "alms-bowl of knowledge," lowering the intellectual self-respect of the people. They encourage a display of borrowed knowledge rather than fostering original thought and creativity.
(d) What is the function of culture?
The function of culture is to acknowledge excellence, which is judged not by external success but by the inner perfection of criticism and intellectual achievement.
(e) What brings humiliation to the intellectual man?
Humiliation comes to the intellectual man when his natural pride in his intellect succumbs to the compulsion of necessity or the lure of material advantages, thus diminishing his intellectual integrity and self-respect.
5. Read the passage below and answer the following questions 1 and 2.
Universities should never be made into mechanical organizations for collecting and distributing knowledge. Through them the people should offer their intellectual hospitality, their wealth of mind to others, and earn their proud right in return to receive gifts from the rest of the world. But in the whole length and breadth of India there is not a single University established in the modern time where a foreign or an Indian student can properly be acquainted with the best products of the Indian mind. For that we have to cross the sea, and knock at the doors of France and Germany. Educational institutions in our country are India’s alms-bowl of knowledge; they lower our intellectual self-respect; they encourage us to make a foolish display of decorations composed of borrowed feathers . . .
Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture. Culture only acknowledges the excellence whose criticism is in its inner perfection, not in any external success. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantage, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. Modern India, through her very education, has been made to suffer this humiliation. Once she herself provided her children with a culture which was the product of her own ages of thought and creation. But it has been thrust aside, and we are made to tread the mill of passing examinations, not for learning anything, but for notifying that we are qualified for employments under organizations conducted in English. Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates. Meanwhile the proportion of possible employments to the number of claimants has gradually been growing narrower, and the consequent disaffection has been widespread. At last the very authorities who are responsible for this are blaming their victims. Such is the perversity of human nature. It bears its worst grudge against those it has injured . . . .
1. A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1´5=5
(a) The word ‘perversity’ can be replaced by-
(i) Normal behavior (ii) distortion
(iii) satisfaction (iv) Pleasure
(b) The best synonym of the world ‘acquainted’ is –
(i) unknown (ii) familiar
(iii) acquired (iv) attained
(c) ‘Humiliation’ in line 13 can be replaced by-
(i) honour (ii) humidity
(iii) degradation (iv) attraction
(d) Man has a natural pride in its own-
(i) respect (ii) aristocracy
(iii) criticism (iv) aspect
(e) The word ‘aristocracy’ stands for–
(i) lower class (ii) stupidity
(iii) ugliness (iv) upper class
B. Answer the following questions. 2´5=10
(a) What do educational institutions do?
(b) What does man’s intellect have?
(c) “Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a
community of qualified candidates.” Explain the statement in 2/3 sentence.
(d) What does culture acknowledge?
(e) Whom do the authorities blame?
1. A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
(a) The word ‘perversity’ can be replaced by:(ii) distortion
(b) The best synonym of the word ‘acquainted’ is:(ii) familiar
(c) ‘Humiliation’ in line 13 can be replaced by:(iii) degradation
(d) Man has a natural pride in its own:(ii) aristocracy
(e) The word ‘aristocracy’ stands for:(iv) upper class
B. Answer the following questions:
(a) What do educational institutions do?Educational institutions should not be mechanical organizations for just collecting and distributing knowledge. They should offer intellectual hospitality and a wealth of knowledge, earning the right to receive knowledge from the rest of the world.
(b) What does man’s intellect have?Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy, which is the pride of its culture.
(c) “Our educated community is not a cultured community, but a community of qualified candidates.” Explain the statement in 2/3 sentences.The statement means that the educated community in India does not possess true culture but is merely a group of people who have passed examinations and gained qualifications for employment. The focus is on achieving certifications rather than fostering intellectual or cultural growth.
(d) What does culture acknowledge?Culture acknowledges excellence, whose criticism lies in its inner perfection, not in any external success.
(e) Whom do the authorities blame?The authorities blame the victims of the educational system, the educated individuals, for the disaffection caused by the narrowing employment opportunities and the lack of a meaningful cultural education.